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訴訟條件之研究--以刑事訴訟為範圍鄭華合 Unknown Date (has links)
「訴訟條件(Prozesvoraussetzung)」,乃德國民事訴訟法學者Oskar Bulow於一八六八年,在所謂「訴訟法律關係說」之相關論題下所提倡之訴訟法概念,嗣經德國Von Kries於一八八五年將其引入刑事訴訟法理論中,如今已然被廣泛地承認為民、刑事訴訟法學之共通財產。
本篇論文主要係以刑事訴訟上「訴訟條件」之相關課題作為研究對象與範圍。因此,方法上在確定相關問題點之後,即先嘗試回顧「訴訟條件」之理論構成與沿革,藉以重現訴訟條件之原始意涵與變革脈絡,期能有效掌握訴訟條件之理論基礎,以作為訴訟條件概念之思考基準;隨後則分析學者對訴訟條件之定義、分類以及類似概念之比較,並就訴訟條件之本質、機能及範圍加以檢討,以便界定訴訟條件之概念與地位,俾供往後相關課題討論之所本。此即【第二章 訴訟條件理論之歷史沿革】與【第三章 訴訟條件概念之掌握與界定】。至於【第四章 法定的訴訟條件】、【第五章 超法規的訴訟條件】,則透過分析訴訟條件與「判決」、「起訴」之關係,藉以釐清實定法上免訴、不受理、管轄錯誤以及絕對不起訴處分之事由與訴訟條件之關連,並進而明瞭超法規的訴訟條件事由之生成、內涵及發展動向。【第六章 訴訟條件在訴訟上之處理】則依據第二章、第三章之基準與前提,針對訴訟條件事由在刑事訴訟適用上所面臨之種種問題作個別之討論;至於【第七章 結論】,則為本論文報告之研究所得整理。
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隨機波動模型(stochastic volatility model)--台幣匯率短期波動之研究 / Stochastic volatility model - the study of the volatility of NT exchange rate in the short run王偉濤, Wang, Wei-Tao Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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行政管理資訊系統使用者參與效果之研究-技術接受性模式檢證 / Research of User Participatin in Public Management Information System -Testing of Technology Acceptance Model陳焜元, Chen, Kuen Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
Osborne & Gaebler在所著的「新政府運動」(Reinventing Government)一書中,曾引述戴明(W. D. Deming)博士所倡導的「全面品質管理」(Total Quality Management)概念指出:員工的參與才能有效的解決問題,因為員工最了解制度,而且最清楚癥結所在。這樣的提示,雖早被管理者重視且廣泛地運用在組織活動的設計範疇中,不過,就參與效能的評估與改善,仍有不少值得再予強調的課題。本研究既係依此觀點,藉由檢視使用者參與行政管理資訊系統發展過程之現象,提供一個思索的空間。
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都市服務設施鄰避效果之研究 / A Study of the NIMBY Effect of the Urban Service Facilities何紀芳, Ho, Chi Fang Unknown Date (has links)
四、策略建議方面:建議從法規面、規劃者角色定位、土地使用規劃、及都市服務設施管理方面考慮改善鄰避效果之策略。 / Urban service facilities are those that provide "social, cultural, economic, political, and religious functions." Due to different types and functions, these facilities will have varied impacts on environment. Some are positive, and hence "YIMBY" (Yes-ln-My-Back-Yard) facilities; some are negative, and hence "NIMBY" (Not-ln-My-Back-Yard) facilities; some have both effects.
Previous studies dealing with NIMBY effects were mostly case studies or studies that focused on certain types of facilities. In addition, most previous studies were based on subjective concepts to define NIMBY effects. Therefore, this thesis adopts Environment-Behavior research method to study NIMBY effects of urban service facilities in Taipei area. Using the "willingness-to-accept" concept and the "NIMBY indicator," this thesis defines NIMBY effects of urban service facilities. This thesis also seeks to explore why citizens demonstrate NIMBY syndrome, and what factors affect NIMBY syndrome. The conceptual model of NIMBY effects is verified as well.
The conclusion and suggests are as follows:
1. The conceptual model of "NIMBY effects urban service facilities" consists of information, motivation, environmental attitudes, experience, personal attributes, and urban hierarchy. The intervening factor is the willingness to accept.
2. According to the willingness to accept, urban service facilities can be categorized as "not-willing-to-accept," "mixed attitudes," and "willing-to-accept." Using the NIMBY indicator concept to measure NIMBY effects, NIMBY effects can be classified as "no NIMBY effects," "small NIMBY effects," "moderate NIMBY effects," and "serious NIMBY effects."
3. Most environmental attitudes will not vary in different urban hierarchies. The results of factor structures of environmental attitudes are varied in different urban hierarchies. After adjustment, four factors influencing the willingness to accept urban service facilities can be extracted: information, environmental attitudes, motivation, and experience. In addition, in examining the relationships between the conceptual model and the willingness to accept, only experience and hierarchies are consistent with our hypotheses.
4. This thesis suggests four possible directions to mitigate NIMBY effects and the NIMBY syndrome: regulations, planners' roles, land use planning, and urban facility management.
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國民教育階段中的宗教自由─多元文化主義的觀點 / Religious freedom in mandated education context─a multiculturalism perspective林榮光 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文係從多元文化主義之觀點來探討國民教育階段中的宗教自由。我國憲法第159條規定:「國民受教育之機會一律平等」。然而學生在教育過程中實質的平等受教育機會卻與其文化認同有密切的關係。如果學生的獨特文化認同不能在主流教育體制中受到尊重與接納,連帶的也會影響其學習上的成功機會。而透過對於法律「兼顧容納宗教自由」之案例的反省與分析,本論文引出了「宗教也是一深刻文化認同」之看法。筆者根據此一看法來重新思索宗教與國民教育之關係,並認為在憲法基本權利的層次,為了兼顧容納信徒基於宗教認同所產生之需求,我們必須承認「宗教學生平等受教育的權利」與「父母宗教教育之自由」。然而國家在國民教育階段中兼顧容納宗教自由,除了不應違背「政教分離」原則之外,也應以「民主教育」作為兼顧容納之重要界限。以上述想法為基礎,本論文也於最後具體探討我國的教育規範與教育實踐應如何作出調整,以建構一個兼顧信仰與學習的教育環境。 / This dissertation discussed religious freedom in mandated education context from a multiculturalism perspective. Article 159 of ROC Constitution provides, “The educational opportunities of citizens are equal.” Understood in a subjective sense, equal educational opportunities of students have much to do with their cultural identities. If a student’s unique cultural identity cannot be respected and accommodated in mainstream education system, his or her opportunities to success in the education process will be limited seriously. Through the discussion of cases of “accommodation of religious freedom”, this dissertation tried to propose the view that religion is also a profound cultural identity. Accordingly, the author indicated that in order to accommodate believers religious identity, “the equal educational rights of religious students” and “the freedom of religious education of parents” should be recognized in mandated education context. However, the efforts to accommodate religious freedom should also be balanced by the principles of democratic education, in addition to the requirements of secularism in public schools. Based on the ideas mentioned above, this dissertation reviewed educational regulations and practices in Taiwan in the final section, and proposed the ways to construct a education environment in which both the believers’ needs to learn and to develop religious identity can be respected and attended properly.
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論生物醫學人體研究受試者之保護:以告知後同意及相關行政管制為核心 / On the protection of human subjects in biomedical researches:the informed consent and the related administrative regulations林綠紅 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以當代生物醫學上告知後同意法則發展,以及人體研究受試者保護之相關行政管制為取徑,首先,考察人體研究所涉及的法律、倫理的爭議,以及相關倫理規範發展。進而探討告知後同意在當代生命倫理與醫療法律之意義、內涵,以及如何實踐於生物醫學人體研究上作為確保受試者自主權之手段及所遭遇之限制。其次,分析並比較美國、荷蘭以及我國受試者保護之法規體系,並進一步討論其特色與優、劣。最後,探討我國人體研究受試者保護法規範之現況與不足,並提出法律修正上的建議。 / Since Nuremberg Code, the biomedical researches involving human subjects, based upon the informed consent and human autonomy, has drawn the increasing public attention. The related normative restrictions as well as legal regulations have been regarded as a significant way to abuse-avoidance and interest-protection on the part of human subjects involved. Thus, it becomes a confirmed tendency that the constitution of normative and legal foundation with a consideration of informed consent and ethico-medical review can ensure the human autonomy and strike a balance between the researchers and human subjects.
In this thesis, we focus on the development of informed consent and the related normative/legal regulations. Several issues which we will deal with can list as follows: firstly, the trajectory and its legal/ethical controversies, with which the biomedical researches involving human subjects develop and revolve, will be clarified, so as to investigate the ethical/legal implications of informed consent and human autonomy. Secondly, by making a comparison of legal regulations among the United States, Holland and Taiwan, we will illustrate the advantages and drawbacks that different legal systems have on the biomedical researches involving human subjects. At the last part of this thesis, several possible suggestions will be provided to the future legislation on the biomedical researches involving human subjects.
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Koha圖書館自動化系統在台灣之應用 / Application for koha integrated library systems in Taiwan張琇婷, Chang, Hsiu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果可提供台灣未來發展開放程式圖書館自動化系統的參考方案,觀察使用Koha系統圖書館失敗的原因以及與Koha系統相關單位兩方的觀點與困難,發現其中產生的問題,給予Koha系統、使用者與在地團隊建議。 / As the wheel of time turns, librarians and users of the integrated library system(ILS) become to be unsatisfied the features of ILS. Because of the developing process is closed and the unavailability of the source code, libraries have to try other ILS products for further development. Open source ILS is one of options, it gives users the freedom to copy, distribute, research, rewrite and reuse.
The purpose of this research is to study the current developing situation of open source ILS in Taiwan. We use Koha system as research case. By studying related papers, we captured the current situation of ILS, the development of open source, and the application of open source ILS. Using the questionnaires based on technology acceptance model (TAM) and interviews, we enhance our understanding of the current use and question about the Koha system in Taiwan.
The findings are as follows: 1.Current view of open source ILS in Taiwan: Prof. Mao has been distributing the developing of Koha in traditional Chinese since 2005. Users who used Koha system are mainly libraries in junior-high schools and elementary schools and those who are interested in Koha system. Due to the policy of Ministry of Education, the usage of Koha system in libraries in senior-high schools and elementary schools will be significantly less after 2010. 2. Reasons why libraries use open source ILS were categorized as follows :(1)Libraries was not automated; (2)Libraries were not automated successfully; (3)Libraries adopted Koha from promotion; (4)Libraries had insufficient budget; (5)Libraries had good technical supports; (6)Schools used Koha for education training purpose; (7)Schools were interested in the usage of open source. 3.The reasons of low acceptance of the Koha system: (1)Lack of technical supports; (2)Koha system was hard to use for average users; (3)Ministry of Education command the elementary and secondary schools to adopt new ILS. 4.Factors of the success adoption of the open source ILS: (1)Complete education training for users; (2)Other human resource support; (3)Technical support; (4)Friendly user interface; (5)Ease of use; (6)Positive attitude. 5.Reasons of the failure of library automation system and its difficulties: (1)Lack of training; (2)Lack of human support; (3)Lack of technical supports; (4)Incomplete features; (5)Incomplete system manual; (6)Unfriendly user interface; (7)Higher technology requirement.
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關係人交易下董事及控制股東之義務 / The obligation of directors and controlling shareholders in the related party transactions鍾維翰, Chung, Wei Han Unknown Date (has links)
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探討心理興奮性藥物之環境相依行為致敏化之神經行為機制 / Investigation of the neurobehavioral mechanisms underlying context-dependent behavioral sensitization to psychostimulants林懷瑠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以心理興奮性藥物(psychosimulants)引發之行為致敏化作為探討環境與藥物的配對學習如何影響個體長期使用藥物後對藥物的反應。首先於實驗一建立安非他命引發自發活動致敏化基本模式,以及不同的重複注射情境下致敏化的表現,結果顯示經由本實驗操弄注射情境的程序可有效引發在測試箱、飼養籠,和第三處的安非他命致敏化表現,並且致敏化自發活動表現量在測試箱組顯著高於飼養籠組和第三處組。實驗二對致敏化形成歷程中可能與安非他命配對的刺激進行消除,以釐清致敏化形成歷程中連結學習的要素,結果顯示消除程序沒有降低致敏化活動量的效果。實驗三使用中樞注射麩胺酸受體拮抗劑NBQX於依核以影響致敏化的連結學習歷程,結果顯示該操弄可阻斷在飼養籠重複注射安非他命引發的行為致敏化。測試箱組經過該操弄後其致敏化活動量顯著降低但仍有顯著的致敏化活動量表現。實驗四分別破壞前額葉皮質兩處次級區塊以瞭解其在致敏化連結學習歷程中扮演的角色,結果顯示破壞背側前額葉皮質只阻斷在飼養籠注射安非他命所引起的行為致敏化,破壞腹側前額葉皮質只阻斷測試箱組行為致敏化。綜合上述研究結果顯示安非他命引發致敏化的形成深受藥物配對的環境影響而可區分環境相依與環境獨立之行為致敏化,環境相依行為致敏化的行為機制可由場合建立的觀點加以解釋。在依核內之麩胺酸傳導和前額葉皮質次級區塊之功能在兩種行為致敏化上的差異可以反應環境相依和環境獨立行為致敏化的潛在神經機制可能有所不同。 / The present study investigated the neurobehavioral mechanisms of d-amphetamine (AMP) induced behavioral sensitization, with the aim to elucidate the role of associative learning between the context and drug. Experiment 1 compared the sensitization effects of repeated (AMP) conducted in three different contexts by the measurement of locomotion activity. The results showed that behavioral sensitization of locomotion was significantly induced AMP repeatedly injected in each of the contexts. However, the magnitudes of behavioral sensitization were different among those three conditions. The highest degree of sensitized locomotion was observed in the group with repeated AMP conducted in the test box in comparing to the other two groups with drug administration in the home cage and a third place, Experiment 2 was designed to examine the effects of extinction on the injection procedure and the contextual cue on the behavioral sensitization of AMP induced in the test box, the home cage, and a third place. The resu lts clearly indicate all three types of locomotion sensitization were resistant to the manipulation of extinction. Experiment 3 tested the effects of NBQX, a glutamatergic AMPA receptor antagonist, infused into the nucleus accumbens on the establishment of behavioral sensitization of AMP induced in the test box and the home cage. This intra-accumbens NBQX treatment significantly suppressed the formation of behavioral sensitization of AMP induced in the home cage, but not in the test box. Experiment 4 investigated the lesion effects of medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) on the establishment of behavioral sensitization of AMP induced in the test box and the home cage. Two subareas of the mPFC, dorsal and ventral parts, were lesioned by ibotenic acid. The findings indicated a double dissociation existing in the mPFC subareas for the behavioral sensitization of AMP induced in different contexts. The lesion of ventral mPFC inhibited the formation of behavioral sensitization of AMP induced in the test box, whereas the lesion of dorsal mPFC attenuated the AMP sensitization induced at the home cage. Together, these data suggest that the association of the repeated drug effects pairing to the context is critical for the development of behavioral sensitization. Such sensitization can further be differentiated into the context-depentdent and context-independent forms based on the uniqueness of contextual cue in the environment where drug is administered. Different neural substrates are involved in the establishment of behavioral sensitization of AMP.
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從科技接受整合模型探討民眾對電子化政府入口網的使用意圖 / To explore people’s intentions to use e-government portal from integrated technology acceptance models林衍儒 Unknown Date (has links)
透過線上問卷系統*蒐集1459位民眾的意見後,本文的研究結果顯示對認知易用性影響最大者為網站服務品質,認知有用性則受到認知易用性最大影響。對使用意圖有最大影響者為使用者的態度。三種品質的形成性指標對品質構面皆可達到顯著,在解釋上較為符合品質構面應為形成性指標的建構形式。文後並提供了對政府建置政府網站的實務建議,希冀能夠對未來政府網站建置提供參考。 / Based on technology acceptance model(TAM), this study develops a reaserach model that integrate information quality, system quality and website service quality as antecedents of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. The purpose of study is to explore how the three quality might influence technology acceptance model, and what might strengthen user intention on e-government portal website. In addition, this study develops quality constructs as “formative-indicators”rather than reflective ones to correct the misuse of some literatures.
The model is then tested using a sample of 1459 users from online survey and analyzed the data using structural equation modeling. The results show that(1) website service quality(WSQ) have the most effects on ease of use(EOU), and that (2)ease of use have the most effects on usefulness(PU). They also demonstrate that (3)attitude predit user intention the most. The significance illustrate logically the relation between formative-indicators of three quality and the constructs. Implications of this study for research and practice are presented.
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