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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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數位遊戲之行動載具使用者行為與開發分析─以智慧型手機為例 / Mobile device game player behaviors and games development analysis - using smartphone as an example

林姿旻, Tzu-Min Lin Unknown Date (has links)
數位遊戲已成為探討現代生活科技中一項重要的領域。智慧型手機,為近兩年興起的行動平台載具,根據資策會資料顯示,在手機進行娛樂活動應用程式的排行,第一為聽音樂,第二即為進行遊戲。觀察智慧型手機上的應用程式市集(如:android market、app store),使用者可以快速方便的利用網路下載遊戲,在眾多遊戲中,使用者選擇何種類型遊戲下載並進行遊戲,對遊戲開發商非常重要。在智慧型手機上結合許多科技技術(如:無線網路、各式感測器......等),皆有可能影響使用者進行遊戲和選擇遊戲的動機。因此,了解並且針對使用者需求與使用者行為設計遊戲,在數位內容領域進行數位遊戲研究與開發是重要的議題。 為了解使用者在智慧型手機上進行遊戲的動機,本研究使用科技接受模型和動機理論探討使用者的內在動機和外在動機,透過問卷分析初步了解使用者在智慧型手機上進行遊戲的原因,以及在智慧型手機上擷取使用者在手機上進行遊戲的行為和訪談使用者進行遊戲的因子,將兩資料進行比對驗證,找出使用者在智慧型手機上進行遊戲的模型,以及外在和內在動機之相互影響,作為未來規劃與策略發展方向的參考依據。 根據資料分析發現,使用者進行遊戲的動機會受到遊戲的操作性和在遊戲中得到的樂趣影響。並且使用者會因為他人推薦或看到他人進行遊戲,影響到使用者進行遊戲的意願,而使用者在進行遊戲時,遊戲中提供與他人互動的功能也能激發使用者進行遊戲。此外,在智慧型手機遊戲情境中,使用者會受到外在動機影響,改變本身對遊戲的觀點,影響到使用者的內在動機,進而改變使用者對遊戲的意願。 / Digital games have become an important domain of exploration the technology of modern life. The smartphone which is a mobile device rises due two years. Follow the MIC data of entertainment applications on mobile phone rank, the first is listening music and the second is playing games. User can easy download games quickly by wireless from application market like Android market or app store. It is important for game developers to know which game user chooses and downloads in large games. The smartphone combine different technology and sensors that may influence user’s motivations to choose games and play games. Therefore, to understand user’s need and user’s behavior for game design which is important discuss for digital game study and developer of digital content domain. To understand the motivations of user playing games on the smartphone, so this study uses technology acceptance model (TAM) to explore intrinsic motivations and extrinsic motivations of playing game. Through questionnaire to find the factors that user plays games on smartphone, and we also collect users’ behavior from smartphone and interview users. The study combines these data to find the model of user playing game on the smartphone, and the relationship between intrinsic motivations and extrinsic motivations. The study finds that perceived ease of use and the fun in games effect user’s motivation. The user intention influenced by people who around user and also affected in the game which provide user to interact with others. By the way, user’s extrinsic motivations affect intrinsic motivations on smartphone context, and change the mind of playing games.


闕銘富 Unknown Date (has links)
日本與臺灣現今同屬歐陸公法之繼受法國家;在二次大戰前,臺灣即受日本公法支配,戰後由國民政府攜來者亦本是同根之學說與制度,故日本為了實現實效性保障人民權利與法律上利益之課題,所為之討論、改革及於行政事件訴訟法中之落實,均值得臺灣司法審判及立法修法借鏡參考。本文主要採日本修法之認識論、價值論之研究體會後,歸納而成,而日本之行政法理論主要來自德國理論的引入,取其法制為範所作的對應,自有溯源德國法制學說的必要。 本文研究架構如下: 首先以「日本行政訴訟權之保障」為題,說明緣起及研究方法與基本架構。繼以檢討訴權理論的承繼及演變、與日本憲法第32條接受裁判之權利的結合;進而論述日本自由權理論的形成以及日本行政法理論上自由權之定位;繼而論述日本接受裁判之權利的傳統意義及界限;學界對接受裁判之權利新涵意的闡述、重新建構的主張,最後解析接受裁判之權利的實效性保障應有的內涵。 其次,以「2004年修正前日本行政訴訟之問題」為題,剖析日本行政法理論上的問題點,分列(一)對訴訟基本權之定位、(二)行政訴訟權憲法上根據之不同、(三)行政訴訟之訴權成立要件、(四)實體基本權認知之差異及(五)行政法信念之拘束五個項目加以論述。繼而探討促成2004年日本行訴法修正之原因,就行政事件訴訟法之基本構造、制度上基本缺失尋其根源,並對行政訴訟實務的問題點,分析其一般實際運用狀況,並專就訴訟要件的問題點做重點探討。 再以「2004年日本行政事件訴訟法之修正」為題,介紹2004年日本行政事件訴訟法修正的基本旨趣;除技術性之修正項目外,擷取與實效救濟國民權利利益直接關係之修正點,大別為行政訴訟救濟範圍的擴大以及暫時救濟制度的整備兩項,分項論述(一)撤銷訴訟原告適格的擴大、(二)新增課予義務訴訟、禁止訴訟;明示公法上當事人訴訟之確認訴訟修正前的問題點,修正的意義及如何活用的論點、(三)緩和停止執行之要件、新增暫時課予義務及暫時禁止制度的意義及活用論點。 承續前章之修正項目,以「修正法之運作實態」為題,分項論述(一)撤銷訴訟原告適格之擴大、(二)新增課予義務訴訟、禁止訴訟;明示公法上當事人訴訟之確認訴訟(三)緩和停止執行之要件、新增暫時課予義務及暫時禁止制度等修法後,實務界之回應,以及各該修正點所殘留之課題。 接續以「修正法之再修正」為題,分列修正法產生之新問題、修正法下學者之新構想及再次修法之課題三大項目,論述2004年修正法理論尚未整理部分的探討、新滋生的運用上及解釋上的難題,以及今後應再檢討之大課題。進而,論述學者活用修正法的解釋空間,意欲達成實效保障國民權利利益的最直接、最有效的途徑所作的新構想,為行政訴訟權實效保障之現代意義提供素材。 末以「行政訴訟權保障之現代意義」為題,論述基於前面章節的檢討,所顯現的行政訴訟權實效保障之現代意義,並以展望作為代結論,展望台灣行政法學界及實務界朝實效保障人民權利利益的有效救濟之借鏡,並提出建議。


黃文彥 Unknown Date (has links)
由於我國公辦市地重劃實行之相關程序規範散見於土地法、平均地權條例等法律及其授權訂定之法規命令與行政規則中。因此,公辦市地重劃之實行,長久以來衍生出諸如:民眾參與機制之設計是否足以保障權利人之程序參與權、重劃地價查估方式是否能客觀反映重劃前後土地之價格、差額地價請求權於何時得以行使、公共設施用地負擔之界線如何判定以及重劃救濟途徑規範不明確等問題。而此等問題均與人民之權利保障息息相關。 於是,本文於第二章中,援引日本學說之相關文獻,探討由參與重劃之土地所有權人負擔公共設施用地之合憲性基礎,以期清楚地勾勒出市地重劃制度之本質。本文認為市地重劃是透過受益者負擔之機制,由參與市地重劃之土地權利人,依受益比例負擔事業範圍內「鄰里性設施」之興建。因此,就應列為重劃負擔之公共設施之範圍,應有其界線,主管機關不應將市地重劃事業單純地視為政府取得公共設施用地之手法而浮濫地施行。 於第三章中,則由行政正當法律程序之內涵作為基礎,並且以日本土地區劃整理制度中民眾參與機制為鑑,檢討當主管機關決定採取市地重劃措施乃至於擬訂重劃計畫、土地分配之設計程序中,土地權利關係人是否有足夠之參與空間,並提供相關改進建議。 第四章中則歸納實務上常見之紛爭中,有關重劃地價查估與負擔計算及土地分配之相關爭議問題,如:實務上重劃前地價查估之方式適當與否、公共設施保留地重劃前價值之評定是否應另訂評定標準、應列入重劃負擔之公共設施項目之界線、是否有規定負擔比例上限之必要、差額地價給付請求權之得行使時點與差額地價給付請求權之消滅時效等問題,並分析之。 於第五章則探討公辦市地重劃計畫決定行為之法律性質,以釐清土地所有權人可否於計畫確定後,就計畫內容提起行政救濟。並討論重劃分配公告後,土地所有權人可否不經平均地權條第六十條之二規定之異議程序,直接依訴願法之規定提起訴願。最後,於第六章總結前述各章節之論述,對於我國市地重劃制度之改革提供建議,期能作為制度改進之參考。


廖宜彥 Unknown Date (has links)
根據環保署統計得知92年平均每人每日垃圾產生量為0.901公斤,該年垃圾總產量約為736萬公噸,清除處理廢棄物的方法,除了過去在各鄉鎮設置垃圾掩埋場,將廢棄物當地掩埋外,還有就是興建垃圾焚化廠來替代垃圾掩埋場,以減少取得垃圾掩埋場用地的困難。雖然傳統的公營、民營的一般掩埋場與衛生掩埋場則逐年減少,但仍高達了千座以上,全台各鄉鎮幾乎皆可看見。 因為垃圾處理設施的存在,令人覺得居家週遭的生活環境不寧適。廢棄物與其他環境介質之聯結有很大的相關性,單純針對廢棄物本身所造成的污染損害進行質損估算,是困難度較高的工作。但是垃圾處理設施本身所造成不寧適感受的損害並不包含在這些相關帳表中,而可以使用損害評估法的方式加以估算表示,因此本研究之目的在於調查垃圾處理設施帶給人們不寧適感受的質損。 此種不寧適的污染損害與賠償並不存在市場交易,無法藉由市場上的供給與需求來反應民眾所遭受的質損,因此本研究採用假設市場價值評估法(contingent valuation method)之問卷的方式,調查民眾願意改善環境品質的願付價值(willingness to pay)與願意接受環境惡化的情況下,願意接受的補償價值(willingness to accept),民眾的WTP/WTA可視為受損害的環境價值,即為廢棄物處理設施所可能產生的質損。 / The producing amount of the one’s rubbish was 0.901 kilograms every day in 2003 according to the statistics in the Environmental Protection Administration. Total output of rubbish is about 7,360,000 metric tons that year. The method of cleaning the rubbish is building landfills and incinerators in every county. But now it is hard to get the specific land to build landfill, and the government policy is that an incinerator substitute for the all landfills in a county. Though the public and private landfills decrease gradually every year, it still had several thousand landfills in Taiwan. Because of the existence of the rubbish treatment facilities, it always makes the living environment of the surrounding area at home not feel peaceful and lose amenity. The purpose of this research lies in investigating the damage that the rubbish treatment facilities cause non-amenity to people. These kinds of pollution damage and compensation do not exist the market. We can’t use the supply, demand and price in the market to response the non-amenity damage of the feeling of Residents. So our research takes the survey to investigate how much resident would be willing to pay for improving the environment amenity and willing to accept for worsening the environment amenity. The people's WTP/WTA can be regarded as the value of the environmental damage from the rubbish treatment facilities.


李蘊真 Unknown Date (has links)
面對全球化競爭,世界各國莫不積極運用人力資源,以追求競爭力。公務人力資源為政府最寶貴資源,而常任高階文官尤其甚然。目前我國公務人員晉升簡任官等,除透過升官等考試及格取得任用資格外,亦可透過薦升簡訓練及格取得任用資格。公務人員保障暨培訓委員會及所屬國家文官培訓所爰依薦升簡訓練辦法辦理薦升簡訓練,以培訓未來晉升簡任官等職務公務人員所需知識、技能和態度。 國家文官培訓所自2003年起,辦理薦升簡訓練,迄2006年止已有4,756人通過訓練,並在各領域擔任重要職務。唯查現行薦升簡訓練之相關法令及實務運作,就受訓者從薦升簡訓練中所獲得訓練成效之探究,並無相關配套措施與計畫。是以,本研究嘗試: 一、歸納檢閱訓練移轉文獻,個案實證調查,從中瞭解影響本研究訓練移轉因 素; 二、研究結果提供薦升簡訓練相關法令修正和實務運作參考。 案經本研究個案實證發現: 一、受測者對未來生涯發展產生不確定感和無力感; 二、訓練課程之規劃未能因人制宜; 三、機關管理者、監督者之支持和同僚互助,是增加訓練移轉成效之關鍵因 素; 四、在訓練過程中,男性受訓者比女性受訓者更同意訓練課程設計和內容; 五、40歲(含)以下之受訓者最不認同訓練期望; 六、同僚互助之認同,因受訓者之學歷高低而有所不同; 七、受訓者服務年之不同,最認同之訓練移轉因素也有所不同; 八、受訓者官職等級之不同,對訓練移轉因素無顯著差異情形存在。 本研究發現影響訓練移轉因素不一,除受訓者特質、訓練課程設計和工作特質等因素外,現行人事法令、管理制度,不無影響受訓者之移轉成效。基此,本研究分別就現行薦升簡訓練實施制度和現行人事法令和管理制度提出具體建議如下: 一、現行薦升簡訓練實施制度 (一)培訓所訓練型態宜適度調整,與民間企業訓練機構建立夥伴關係; (二)訓練課程多樣性,講師多元化: 1.訓練課程規劃應配合受訓者特質和所屬機關屬性之不同,而有不同之課 程內容; 2.延聘講師應具專業專才,延聘管道多元化; 3.訓練科目、時數宜修改,人性化考量; (三)訓練評量標準客觀化,評量方式彈性化: 1.專題研討; 2.案例書面寫作; 3.受訓者實務經驗分享; 4.個案分析; (四)及格率未達七成時,建立補考制度,減少訓練資源浪費。 二、現行人事法令、管理制度 (一)活絡高階文官彈性調任制度 (二)給與訓練成績特優者適當獎勵並得優先陞任,以激勵受訓者 1.培訓所應主動作為 2.公務人員陞遷法宜配合修正 (三)受訓成績應確實與考核結合,以發揮訓練效能 薦升簡訓練自2003年開辦迄今僅為4年,已有4,756人通過訓練,在各領域擔任重要職務。高階文官肩負各機關實際政策規劃、制定、開創及推動等重要任務,對於機關組織發展與行政品質之提昇以及整個國家文官體制之健全發展,實有舉足輕重之影響。如何透過訓練以提昇簡任官等人員之素質,乃是保訓會和培訓所責無旁貸應面對之嚴肅課題。

勞退新制下企業年金保險法制之研究---兼論美國ERISA制度 / A Study of Annuity Insurance Scheme under Taiwan Labor Pension Act---with Special Reference to ERISA

高安淇 Unknown Date (has links)
本文係在我國勞退新制改以個人帳戶制及年金保險制中併行下,針對其中年金保險制度之爭議、規範缺失做一整理研究,並參酌美國ERISA對於企業退休計畫之相關法制提出相關建議。 自立法機關確定勞退新制將揚棄過去確定給付制之設計,改以確定提撥制作為企業退休制度之主軸起,勞動法學者即針對確定提撥制對勞工之保障不足,新舊制轉換等爭議提出諸多質疑與討論,但對於其中年金保險制之規劃多僅止於條列介紹而未多加著墨。本研究以敘述性、回顧性之方式將我國與美國之退休金制度作歸納探討,針對目前年金保險制中較有疑義之部分,以比較法之方式進一步檢討,最後提出若干建議。 本研究共分為四個部分,第一部份為我國勞工退休制度之變革。針對我國由確定給付制發展為確定提撥制之風險轉換作一分析,次介紹新制之規範內容。第二部分以美國ERISA法案為中心,對美國企業退休計畫之發展及基本實質規範進一步整理探討,以為後續我國年金保險規範分析之參考。第三部份探討我國企業年金保險之法制爭議,以現行之勞工退休金條例年金保險實施辦法及企業年金保險保單示範條款為基礎,剖析其與保險法及相關子法間之互動。並針對其中有關最低保證收益、非退休給付及退休金運用管理人之忠誠義務等議題,參酌美國之規定進行深入探討。第四部份為結論及相關立法建議。 / This thesis analyzes and examines various issues regarding the anuuity insurance scheme under the modified Taiwan Labor Pension Act (hereinafter the “Act”), which together with the individual account scheme forms the keynote of the retirement scheme under the Act. Moreover, this thesis also provides several suggestions on the Act and relevant regulations with special reference to the Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. Beginning with the announcement that the prevailing defined benefit retirement program previously in effect under the Act would be discarded and replaced by a new retirement program adopting the spirit of the defined contribution program, scholars specializing in labor law ceaselessly questioned and discussed the inherent deficiency of the proposed defined contribution program as well as various issues regarding transitional measures. Most articles pertaining to the newly presented annuity insurance scheme, however, merely introduced its operation mechanism and provided little commentary. This thesis descriptively and retrospectively studies the pension system of Taiwan and the United States and reviews the discrepancy and other issues in a comparative way. Finally, this thesis will provide several suggestions for relevant issues. This thesis is organized into four parts. First is the reformation of the labor retirement scheme in Taiwan. This section begins with a risk analysis between a defined benefit and defined contribution program and further elaborates on the related content of the Act. The second part introduces the development of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) in the U.S. and discusses the fundamental regulations of the plan. The third portion of this thesis probes into the legal issues arising from the current annuity insurance scheme, mainly the Enforcement Rules of the Annuity Insurance Scheme under the Labor Pension Act and the Example of the Annuity Insurance Clauses, both being promulgated by the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan, and how those regulations coordinate with the Insurance Law and its ancillary regulations. Issues arising from guaranteed minimum returns, non-retirement benefits and fiduciary duty were analyzed through comparative research with special reference to the similar provisions under ERISA. The final portion of this thesis contains concluding statements on the above analyses and offers several suggestions with respect to the current regulations of the annuity insurance scheme.

控制公司之非常規交易法律責任 / The Legal Liability of Controlling Company for Non-arm’s Length Transactions

邱姮瑜, Chiu, Heng Yu Unknown Date (has links)
控制公司與從屬公司在法律面各具有獨立法人格,但在經濟面共同為聯盟經濟體。法律上允許控制公司與從屬公司不對等的控制支配關係存在,控制公司對從屬公司之財務、經營或人事具有控制支配力,可使從屬公司為或不為一定行為,當該行為不合於一般營業常規(本研究簡稱非常規交易)時,從經濟學角度,非常規交易或因集團整體運作需要,或因風險彼此瞭解或共同承擔等,致交易條件與一般常規不同,並非絕對無效率或涉有不法目的,完全禁止反有礙市場效率,故先進國家如美國、德國及我國等,對於非常規交易行為立法採不禁止,只是管制方式不同。我國公司法重視從屬公司權益之保障,制約控制公司適當補償或損害賠償責任;證券交易法則就行為致公司遭受重大損害,以刑責相繩;所得稅法基於租稅公平,按營業常規予以調整納稅,所謂不同法律立法目的所欲保護的法益不同,對於非常交易行為課以的法律效果也不同。   本研究以公司法第369條之4規定作為探討主軸,除認識、剖析我國公司法、證券交易法及所得稅法對非常規交易的規範目的及構成要件外,釐清控制關係、非常規交易等意涵也是很重要的,概實務案例上,非常規交易的確是不法利益輸送或掏空公司資產行為最常藉用的手法,主要原因除了控制與從屬關係外,非常規交易複雜難辨亦是原因之一。又控制公司支使從屬公司為非常規交易行為可能產生三種法律後果,一為直接損害從屬公司的權益;二為直接損害控制公司少數股東或債權人權益;三為同時損害從屬公司少數股東及其債權人權利。我國公司法、證交法及所得稅法基於不同立法目的而律定規範制約控制者責任,引進控制股東之受託義務、公司法人格否認、揭穿公司面紗原則、深石原則及代位訴訟等法理基礎與實務判例來作制約,保障受害者權益,立法意義值得肯定。但沒有一種責任機制能夠在所有情況下都發揮作用,水能載舟,亦能覆舟,加強控制公司責任,並賦予從屬公司或少數股東相對應的防衛工具,某種程度也影響了企業集團整體利益之運作,又法律正義權益平衡的設計,恐因舉證責任的關係,而難以落實。國內非常規交易規範行之有年,但商業交易行為推陳出新,以及跨境交易查證困難等,法制上及實務上面臨一些問題,本研究試著歸納並提出建議意見,希望法律正義得以伸張,經濟發展與利益保護得以衡平。 / The controlling company and the subsidiary company is independent in law, but in the economic side together for the Union economy. The law allows them to non-arm’s length transactions. From an economic perspective, it is not absolute inefficiency, so the advanced countries does not prohibit, but different control mode. Different legal legislative purpose is seeking to protect legal interests of different, so legal effect is different.   In this study, First, introducing and analyzing the legislative purposes and constituent elements of non-arm’s length transactions in the Company Act, the Securities and Exchange Act and the Income Tax Act. Second, understanding and clarifying the meaning of control relationship, non-arm’s length transactions, etc. Third, jurisprudencing fiduciary duty, disregard of the corporate fiction, piercing the corporate veil, doctrine of deep stone and derivative suit. Finally, summarizing cases from the substantive issues, concludes with recommendations observations.

全球電視、科技與觀眾接收:年輕世代的多國電視劇收視初探 / Global TV, technology and audience reception: The preliminary study of younger generations' multinational drama viewing

林韋葳 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著數位匯流與市場全球化,閱聽人的電視劇收視行為逐漸改變,各種新媒體影音平台搭配不同的裝置,逐漸形成跨媒介、跨平台的觀看。同時,多國電視劇內容並存於網路平台,閱聽人觀看多元內容成為必然趨勢。然而,透過網路觀看多國電視劇是過去研究顯少觸及的新觀看行為,此觀看行為比過去更個人化,且富有多樣性。因此,本研究透過深度訪談與日記法,針對年輕族群透過網路觀看多國電視劇的行為進行討論,面向包含科技媒體的使用、多國電視劇內容的選擇,以及個人觀看與互動模式。 本研究發現,這些年輕觀眾的收視脈絡改變,個人化的收視打破時空限制,使用過程是雙向互動的,已然形成新舊媒體的跨平台觀看,其觀看平台多元分散且沒有忠誠度,本研究以整合性科技接受模型理論(UTAUT)解釋此現象。同時,觀眾擁有自主選擇多國電視劇內容的能力,如此其選擇的方式及動機,敘事吸引力、來源國印象及使用與滿足等理論皆能提供部分解釋,並以第三代接收分析解釋多元浸泡的媒介文化及社會連結意義。 整體而言,受訪觀眾的科技使用行為與過去不同,在不同情境下,可能會選擇不同的觀看媒體,養成跨平台觀看的能力和習慣。同時,這些平台承載的多元內容具有互文性,增加了多國觀看的必然性。同時,觀看行為走向個人化,受訪觀眾擁有選擇內容與觀看方式的自主能力,且過程皆與生活緊密相關。

社群網站行為與線上社會資本對社群商務之影響- 以社群網站臉書為例 / How Behaviors on Social Network Sites and Online Social Capital Influence Social Commerce: The Case of Facebook

吳至倫, Wu, Chih Lun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著社群網路不斷快發展而使得上社群網站成為使用者每日生活的一部分,而社群商務也因此蓬勃發展。社群商務是社群網站使用者因社交活動而彼此交換分享產品或服務資訊的行為。根據Forrester Research在2011年的報告,預測至2015年時社群商務的產值將達300億美金。因此社群商務將隨社群網站不斷的發展,將越來越重要。 因此,本研究文獻回顧及焦點訪談藉由社群網站行為-參與及瀏覽二種行為、社會資本-結合型社會資本(親密朋友)及橋接型社會資本(普通朋友)來預測社群網站使用者採用社群商務-給予及接受二種意願。 本研究以社群網站臉書的使用者為研究對象,研究以紙本及線上二種方式來搜集使用者問卷。紙本問卷主要以北部某大學生為主要搜集對象,線上問卷則以在電腦教室的大學生、社群網站臉書的線上使用者及BBS-批踢踢實業坊的使用者同時也是社群網站臉書上的使用者為主。有效問卷970份。經由信度分析、效度分析及共同方法變異分析,確認本研究之信效度,並採用偏最小平方法(Partial Least Square,PLS),來進行結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)研究模型分析。 總體研究一開始先進行分析社群網站行為、線上社會資本及採用社群商務三者主構面皆為二階構面之間的關係。結果發現社群網站行為對線上社會資本及線上社會資本對採用社群商務三個主構面皆是顯著正向的關係。接著本研究模型整體分析社群網站行為-參與及瀏覽、線上社會資本-結合型(親密朋友)及橋接型(普通朋友)對使用者採用社群商務的意願-給予及接受皆有正向顯著的影響。因此本研究並繼續在就個別研究子構面進行探討。 參與行為和瀏覽行為皆對結合型(親密朋友)社會資本有顯著的正向影響,但瀏覽行為對於結合型(親密朋友)社會資本的正向影響程度大於參與行為對於結合型(親密朋友)社會資本的正向影響程度。參與行為和瀏覽行為皆對橋接型(普通朋友)社會資本有顯著的正向影響,但瀏覽行為對於橋接型(普通朋友)社會資本的正向影響程度大於參與行為對於橋接型(普通朋友)社會資本的正向影響程度。 參與行為對採用社群商務意願(給予)有顯著的正向影響,但瀏覽行為對採用社群商務意願(給予)沒有影響。參與行為和瀏覽行為皆對採用社群商務意願(接受)皆有顯著的正向影響,但參與行為與瀏覽行為二種行為對於採用社群商務意願(接受)沒有顯著的不同。 結合型(親密朋友)及橋接型(普通朋友)社會資本對採用社群商務意願(給予)皆有顯著的正向影響,且橋接型(普通朋友)社會資本對於採用社群商務意願(給予)的正向影響程度大於結合型(親密朋友)社會資本對於採用社群商務意願(給予)的正向影響程度。結合型(親密朋友)及橋接型(普通朋友)社會資本對採用社群商務意願(接受)皆有顯著的正向影響,但結合型(親密朋友)及橋接型(普通朋友)二種社會資本對於採用社群商務意願(接受)沒有顯著的不同。 綜上所述,總體而言,瀏覽行為對於社會資本優於參與行為對於社會資本的影響。參與行為對於採用社群商務意願優於瀏覽行為對於採用社群商務意願。橋接型(普通朋友)社會資本對於採用社群商務意願優於結合型(親密朋友)社會資本對於採用社群商務意願。 此外,在經由量化分析研究,本研究獲得全部研究假設分析的結果,接著本研究並採用事後質性分析(Post Hoc Qualitative Analysis),利用半結構式深度訪談,對象包括大學部1-4年級的學生及上班族來做事後質性分析。事後質化分析的結果是將量化分析的所支持的假設加以驗証及探究更深一層的說明,並提供解釋量化分析所不支持假設的可能原因。 本研究理論貢獻在於採用社群網站行為-參與及瀏覽及線上社會資本-結合型(親密朋友)及橋接型(普通朋友)來預測採用社群商務-給予及接受之意願。較少研究採用社群網站行為及社會資料理論來解釋社群商務。管理意涵在於社群網站的營運者,應思考如何藉由社群網站來增加對使用者的〞黏性〞及提昇使用者瀏覽網站的流量,並依據使用者之前瀏覽的記錄,來推測並提供使用者所喜好的内容。更進一步來說,為增加使用者的參與行為可依照使用者彼此間的互動來分析使用者社群網站上的行為以推薦使用者加入其有興趣的粉絲團及社團,以增加親密朋友及普通朋友之使用者彼此的互動,同時增加線上結合型及橋接型社會資及使用者採用社群商務的意願。此外,本研究建議社群網站經營者應努力發展線上朋友介紹功能,並藉由大數據的資料分析擴大使用者的交友範圍。對於使用者線下的朋友,希望將其成為本身結合型(親密朋友)或橋接型(普通朋友)的社會資本。對於使用者線上不認識的朋友,希望能其成為橋接型(普通朋友)的社會資本,因為他們可能加入同一粉絲團或社團,以促進社群網站的使用者採用社群商務的意願。 / Following the fast growing of social network sites (SNS) such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook in the cyber world recently, the social commerce has become an important emerging issue in these SNS. According to the Forrester Research (2011) predicted the total value of output for social commerce will reach US$30 billion in 2015. Because the development of social commerce will follow the continueous growing of SNS, the social commerce will play a pivotal role in the e-commerce. According to the literature review and focus group discussions, the study explored and applied SNS behavior including participating and browsing, social capital theory including bonding (close friends) and bridging (ordinary friends) to predict SNS users to adopt giving and receiving social commerce intention (SCI). The study applied an empirical research on SNS users i.e. FB users to be research target samples. The data collection were applied by paper_based and online_based as two way to collect sample data. With regard to sample data from paper_based survey, the study adopted undergraduate students of a university located in northen Taiwan was the research main collection samples for paper_based survey. As to online_based survey, the study utilized undergraduate students, who are the same as paper_ based survey in the same university with computer lab classes, FB users of researchers’ friends and Taiwan largest Bulletin Board System-PTT who are also FB users to collect online users’ data. The total valid samples are 970 from online_based and paper_based survey. After reliability analysis, validity analysis and common method variance testing, the study confirmed that reliability and validity of study samples met the requirement of each statistical testing and were qualified for testing the study whole research model. Then, the study adopted partial least square (PLS) to proceed with structural equation modeling (SEM) research model testing. As to whole model research testing, in the beginning the study was testing the relationship among SNS behavior, online social capital and SCI. The three constructs are second order constructs. The testing results show the effects of SNS behavior on online social capital and the effects of online social capital on SCI are significantly positive. Hence, the research continues to proceed with the research model testing. The research findings of whole research model testing have shown SNS behavior as a second order construct of participating and browsing, online social capital-bonding and bridging are both significantly positive influence to adopt social commerce intention as a second order construct as SCI (giving and receiving). Hence, the study will continue to explore the relationships between each sub-construct in the research. Participating and browsing behavior are both significantly positive on bonding social capital. Moreover, browsing behavior is more significantly positive associated with bonding social capital than participating behavior is associated with bonding social capital. Participating and browsing behavior are both significantly positive on bridging social capital. Browsing behavior is more significantly positive associated with bridging social capital than participating behavior is associated with bridging social capital. Participating behavior is significantly positive on adopting SCI (giving). However, browsing behioavr is no significant influence on adopting SCI (giving). Participaiting behavior and browsing behavior both have significantly positive influences on SCI (receiving). However, there are no significant differences between participating behavior and browsing behavior on adopting SCI (receiving). Bonding and bridging social capital are both significantly positive on SCI (giving). Moreover, bridging social capital is more significantly positive associated with SCI (giving) than bonding social capital is associated with SCI (giving). Bonding and bridging social capital are both significantly positive on SCI (receiving). However, there are no significant differences between bonding and bridging social capital on adopting SCI (receiving). To Sum up, generally speaking, browsing behavior is better on social capital than participating behavior is on social capital. Participating behavior is more suitable on adopting SCI than browsing behavior is on social capital. Bridging social capital is more appropriate on adopting SCI than bonding social capital is on adopting SCI. Besides, after quantitative data analysis, the study proceeds with the post hoc qualitative analysis. Utilizing semi-structured in-depth interviews with undergraduate students and working persons to continue post hoc qualitative analysis. The aim of post hoc qualitative analysis is to validitate and provide insight for the hypotheses which are supported by quantitative analysis. Moreover, it provides the explainations for the hypotheses which ae not supported by the quantitative analysis. The theory contributions of the study are applying SNS behavior including participating and browsing, social capital theory including bonding and bridging to predict SNS users to adopt SCI (giving and receiving). Seldom researches SNS behavior and social capital theory to explain social commerce individually. With regard to managerial implications are for SNS operators to think how to utilize SNS to increase users stickiness and raise users’ browsing quantities - following the users’ accumulated browsing behaivors history to predict and provide the contents which users may have interest. Moreover, regarding the interacting behavior for SNS users of participating behavior is to analyze the behaviors of SNS users and to recommend uers to join the fan pages or clubs that they may be interested in. Doing so is to increase the interactions with close friends and ordinary friends to enhance online bonding and bridging social capital and the users’ intentions to adopt SCI simotenously. In addition, the study recommends SNS operators to adopt friends introducing functions thoroughly and apply big data statistical analysis to enlarge the users’ friends rang to make more SNS friends. For the SNS offline friends, the study wish to let SNS users’ offline friends to become their online bonding or bridging social capital. For the SNS online unknown friends, the study wish to let SNS users’ online unkown friends to become their online bridging social capital because they may join the same fan pages or clubs to enlarge and accelerate SNS users to adopt SCI.

我國情事變更原則之比較法分析與實務見解探究 / Change of Circumstances:The Comparative Law Research and Empirical Study

盧致行, Lu, Jyh Shyng Unknown Date (has links)
「天有不測風雲,人有旦夕禍福」,生活中往往有不可預測的變故發生,而使社經環境波動、人之資力與其他履約相關能力受到影響。另一方面,貿易全球化、工商業分工專業化,以及電子商務的崛起等,均使交易型態日趨複雜;在契約當事人的有限理性下,欲以契約窮盡規範工商業上所有可能事態,實屬不易。履約環境若如契約締結時當事人之預想,且兩造亦依契約規定確實履行,自是最佳;惟契約之締結與履約行為若非同時發生,在時間上存在間隔而使履約環境暴露於變動風險中,而當事人締約時未加以規範,或有規範但程度超乎預期之變故發生,將可能導致一方當事人難依原契約履行,或依原契約履行已無意義。   在傳統私法自治、契約嚴守的概念下,即便遭遇前揭無法預測或預測不完全之變故,仍應依契約履行,而無法律介入之餘地。但毫無彈性的強制履行契約,不論就公平角度,抑或經濟效率而言,對當事人與社會或非妥適;因此,多數國家均將處理情事變更之制度納入法律體系中,以期獲致一較理想之結果。   本文首就我國情事變更原則之演進暨學說見解作一整理,並以現行情事變更原則(民法第二百二十七條之二)與我國民法中近似之概念(如不可抗力、動機錯誤),以及同樣處理「法律行為成立後之情事變更」相關民法法條(如不動產租金因價值升降之增減請求權)互為比較。第三章比較法部分,則以德國「法律行為基礎理論」、美國「履行不能、履行艱難、目的受挫」等規定為標的,敘述其演進及要件,並就其要件及效果與我國情事變更原則比較。第四章以我國近五年最高法院判決為本,依民法二百二十七條之二諸要件,分點探討最高法院與我國學說間見解之異同,並特就「非當時所得預料」及「顯失公平」兩點,觀察最高法院就此之評價方式。第五章則以對我國學說與實務之建議,作為本文之結論。 / Accidents happen from time to time and may seriously change the social and economic environment and affect people’s condition, including their ability to fulfill the contractual duties. At the same time, globalization, professionalization of services and eCommerce all make trades much more complicated than ever. As a result, under bounded rationality as well as finite contract clauses, using contracts to govern almost unlimited possibilities seems like asking for the impossible. The best case for the contractual parties is no unpredictable event happens after the constitution of the contracts; however, if a time gap exists between the entering into and the performing in full of a contract, there can be accidents which lead to the impossibility / impracticability for a party to fulfill the contractual duty, or the performance of a contract becomes meaningless (frustration of purpose). Under the principles of autonomy of private law and strict performance of a contract, there shall be no relief for a party which encounters the foregoing situations of impossibility, impracticability and the frustration of purpose. However, from a fair point of view, asking one party to bear all the disadvantage resulting from an unforeseen event and perform all its duties disregarding the cost may not be the best answer; therefore, in order to introduce more flexibility for the jurisdiction and the contractual parties, countries all over the world gradually adopt the principle of change of circumstances (and similar regulations) which may help to achieve an acceptable result. In this thesis, the principle of change of circumstances in our civil law will firstly be discussed, including its development as well as the elements and effects set forth in Article 227-2; then, two comparisons “(1) between Article 227-2 and similar concepts (force majeure, mistake...)” and “(2) between Article 227-2 and other Articles in our civil law dealing with the events occurring after the establishment of legal relations” will be conducted. In chapter three, the analysis of the regulation in Germany and the United States regarding change of circumstances is carried out. A historical German law review precedes the discussion of current BGB §313 “Störung der Geschäftsgrundlage”, and a comparison between Taiwanese and German regulation is given. After that, the United States’ regulations regarding the doctrine of impossibility, impracticability, and frustration of purpose are discussed in the same manner. At last, a summary comparison among the three countries is served as the conclusion of this chapter. In Chapter four, our Supreme Court’s 162 verdicts from year 2009 to 2013 are analyzed by the elements of Article 227-2, which are: (1)after the constitution of the contract; (2)changing of circumstances happens; (3) such change of circumstances is not predictable; (4)the performance of the original obligation will become obviously unfair; (5) by the party’s application, the court may increase or reduce his payment, or alter the original obligation.At the end, few suggestions for future legislation and Supreme Court’s application of Article 227-2 are given as the conclusion of this thesis.

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