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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林浩懿, Lin, Hao-i Unknown Date (has links)
本論文試圖從霍布斯在形上學的立場,關聯至他政治思想中的相關討論。霍布斯同時兼有決定論以及懷疑論的哲學思維,他藉此劃出理性與啟示之間的界線。本論文認為霍布斯藉由「事實存在」(de facto)主權的論證方式,消解了代表論的弔詭以及第一履約者的弔詭。再者,霍布斯藉由獨特的末世歷史觀,使人對於啟示領域的焦慮與盼望,轉為支持塵世和平的重要助力。

西谷啟治論虛無主義與空 / Nihilism and Emptiness in Philosophy of Nishitani Keiji

謝宛汝, Shie, Wan Zu Unknown Date (has links)
日本京都學派的西谷啟治曾表示,對他而言其哲學的根本課題就是「通過虛無主義的虛無主義之超克」。然而,「虛無主義」一詞並非單純只表示某種失去生命中最重要的價值時所產生的「虛無感」;在哲學上它還指向在特定時期,即產生於19世紀歐洲地區的精神危機,以及試圖解答此危機的各種哲學思想。但更重要的問題是:既然虛無主義是歐洲所產生的思想產物,為何會成為身為日本人的西谷啟治的哲學起點?虛無主義與西谷啟治的思想彼此之間的關係是什麼? 若從外在的動機而論,雖然歐洲虛無主義並非產生於東亞,然而對西谷啟治而言,在日本明治維新之後,盲目追求西化的結果,導致自身的精神與文化的傳統被忽視,逐漸地失去生命力。同時對於西化的嚮往也反過來導致了自我厭惡。如何在這西化的潮流中,回顧自身的傳統,找到自身的定位,同時得到內在的安心,從而迎向未來,就成了西谷對歐洲虛無主義的關注動機。此外,西谷啟治選擇了禪佛教作為他的解答:從禪佛教的立場,重新檢視歐洲虛無主義產生的原因,並且對西方的種種哲學思想提出批判。

殖民地臺灣的戀愛論傳入與接受 —以《臺灣民報》和新文學為中心——(1920~1937) / The Adaptation and the Acceptance of Love Discourse in Colonial Taiwan —Along the Taiwan Minpao and Taiwanese New Literature— (1920-1937)

吳婉萍, Wu, Wan Ping Unknown Date (has links)


陳俊龍, Chen,Chun Lung Unknown Date (has links)
In this research, we study flexible flow line scheduling problems with unrelated parallel machines and with a bottleneck stage. The measures of performances are to minimize makespan, to minimize the number of tardy jobs, and to minimize total tardiness, considered respectively. Several bottleneck-based heuristics are developed to solve these scheduling problems. A bottleneck-driven multiple insertion heuristic (BDMIH) is proposed to solve problems with makespan as the objective. The essential idea of BDMIH is that we think the scheduling of jobs at the bottleneck stage may affect the performance of a heuristic for scheduling jobs in all stages. Therefore, in this heuristic we let jobs entering the sequence at the first stage be driven by their sequence entering at the bottleneck stage. Given an FFL problem with a bottleneck stage, this heuristic first identifies the bottleneck stage, then generates an initial sequence of jobs by a variant of Johnson’s rule (SPT-LPT rule), and finally applies a multiple insertion heuristic to find the best schedule. Another heuristic, a bottleneck-based due-date decision heuristic (BBDDDH), is developed to solve problems with the number of tardy jobs as the objective. The heuristic consists of three steps: (1) Identifying the bottleneck stage, (2) Scheduling jobs at the bottleneck stage and the upstream stages ahead of the bottleneck stage, and (3) Using dispatching rules to schedule jobs at the downstream stages behind the bottleneck stage. A new approach is developed to find the arrival times of the jobs at the bottleneck stage, and two decision rules are developed to schedule jobs at bottleneck stage. This new approach neatly overcomes the difficulty of determining feasible arrival times of jobs at bottleneck stage. The last bottleneck-based heuristic, a bottleneck-driven adaptable multiple insertion heuristic (BDAMIH), is constructed to solve problems with total tardiness as the objective. The main idea of BDAMIH is combined with the ideas of BDMIH and BBDDDH. The main difference between BDAMIH and BDMIH is that BDMIH generates an initial sequence of jobs before performing the insertion heuristic; however, BDAMIH is adaptable to select a job within the process of the insertion heuristic. To evaluate the performance of the proposed heuristics, several well-known dispatching rules and heuristics are investigated for comparison purposes and computational experiments are performed on randomly generated test problems. Computational results show that the proposed heuristics significantly outperform all well-known dispatching rules or heuristics. Also, an analysis of the experimental factors is performed, and several interesting insights of the proposed heuristics are discovered.


張嘉娟, Chang, Chia-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


王超然, Wang, Chao-Ran Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

敦煌寫本書儀中應用文書研究 / An Analaysis of the Practial writing in the Written Shu-i in Tun-huan

葉淑珍, Yeh, Shu Chen Unknown Date (has links)


江妏倫 Unknown Date (has links)
高科技產業之特性,會導致產業內廠商之行銷溝通訊息策略與所選擇之品牌概念,本研究將高科技產業行銷溝通訊息策略分為「理性(Rational)」、「感性(Emotional)」與「啟發式(Heuristic)」訊息;品牌概念則分為「功能性(Utilitarian)」與「象徵性(Symbolic)」品牌。並根據國內高科技廠商所回覆之問卷分析的結果,找出較適合高科技產業所採用的行銷溝通訊息與品牌概念策略,另外,在產業特性方面,則探討「市場不確定性」與「技術不確定性」的調節影響,故本研究同時探究高科技產業最佳之溝通訊息與品牌概念策略,以及在高科技產業特性的影響下,溝通訊息與品牌概念之溝通績效會如何變化,而實證結果如下: 1. 高科技廠商使用理性訊息比使用感性性訊息有較高的溝通績效。 2. 高科技廠商使用啟發式訊息比使用感性性訊息有較高的溝通績效。 3. 高科技廠商採取功能性品牌概念比採取象徵性品牌概念有較高的溝通績效。 4. 技術不確定性顯著增強理性訊息與啟發式訊息對溝通績效的影響,並且減弱   感性訊息對溝通績效的影響。 5. 技術不確定性對功能性品牌概念的溝通績效之調節影響不顯著。 6. 市場不確定性顯著增強功能性品牌概念對溝通績效的影響,但對理性與感性   訊息的溝通績效之調節影響並不顯著。


張維仁 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟的高度成長及電廠興建的日益困難,電力的需求問題是愈來愈嚴重。如何有效率地安排核能機組進行例行性的停機大修及燃料再裝填工作是重要的課題。本論文中考慮核能發電機組五年時程的大修排程問題,我們將這個大修排程問題描繪成一個大型混合型整數線性規劃模型。由於問題的龐大與複雜,此問題的最佳解難以求出。因此,我們發展數個邏輯條件式有效地縮小解集合空間;另外並發展出一個啟發性演算法,採用合併變數法將0/1決策變數合併,使原問題轉成較小的合併模型。先解合併後的合併模型,利用合併模型答案的資訊來固定原始模型的部分變數值之後,再解原始問題。幾個實例計算顯示此演算法的可行性。 / Since the growth of economics and the difficulty to build a new power plant, the supply of electric power has become very tight. It is important to ensure the efficient operation of nuclear power plants, including timely shutdown, refueling and maintenance schedule. In this thesis, we deal with the scheduling shutdown and maintenance of nuclear power plants for a five-year time period. This problem can be formulated as a large-scale mixed integer linear problem. The difficulty of solving this problem is due to the large number of binary variables. We then develop several valid logical constraints to reduce the complexity in processing using the branch and bound technique. Also, a heuristic based on the aggregation and dis-aggregation techniques has been developed to yield a good solution. Several examples are given to show the applicability of the algorithm.

可快速與Eclipse環境整合的軟體之架構與開發 / The Design and Construction of Pluggable Software Architecture for the Eclipse Platform

吳昆澤, WU, KUN-TSE Unknown Date (has links)
Eclipse是目前最被普遍使用的開發環境與工具整合平台。已經有很多的軟體工具被建置或整合至其中;並且有越來越多的工具開發者嘗試將他們的工具以所謂外掛程式的方式整合至此平台。但是,由於Eclipse是一套新式且複雜的平台,大多數工具開發者並不知如何將其工具封裝為Eclipse外掛程式,而且學習Eclipse外掛程式開發也需冗長過程。基於此種因素,我們構想出一套可外掛軟體(Pluggable Software)的規範,對一般命令列工具的輸入、執行和輸出等部份提出限制條件。只要工具開發者建構的工具程式符合可外掛軟體的規範,就能利用我們提供的輔助工具,幫助工具開發者迅速將其工具整合到Eclipse平台。 / Eclipse is a development environment and tool integration platform which is currently widely used. There has been many software tools built in the form of plug-ins and integrated into this platform, and more and more tool developers are trying to integrate their tools into this platform. But, since Eclipse is a relatively new and complicated system, most tool developers do not know how to develop Eclipse plug-ins, and it is a steep learning curve to get familiar with Eclipse plug-in development. Therefore, we propose the definition of pluggable softwares, which are general command line tools but must satisfy special restrictions imposed on their input, execution and output for ease of integration. As long as the tool developer can build a tool conforming to our definition, the aiding tool we provide can help the developer rapidly integrate his tool into the platform.

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