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臺灣化學品進口商在動盪環境下的因應策略探討--個案實證研究林逢源, Lin, Feng-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
研究的觀念架構,係以策略計劃過程( 形成、執行、評估與回饋) 為經,而以資訊系
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依附、負向情緒調適預期和壓力因應對情緒經驗的影響歷程之探討:以大四學生的生涯抉擇壓力為例 / The Influence of Attachment, Expectancies for Negative Mood Regulation, and Coping on Emotional Experiences: The Stress of Career Choice for Senior College Students楊雅惠, Yang,Ya-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
研究建議為:宜積極發展生涯輔導方案與生涯探索課程;協助個案瞭解依附、負向情緒調適預期和壓力因應對其情緒經驗的影響;針對不安全依附者提供預防介入;以不同性別和不同依附型態者為對象,進行模式的建構與驗證;採焦點團體法或縱貫研究法進行研究;將其他重要變項納入模式中,或探究變項間的關係;依附和情緒經驗等測量工具的改進。 / The purpose of the study was to integrate attachment theory, coping theory, and the perspective of expectancies for negative mood regulation (NMR) to develop the process model of emotional experiences for senior college students encountering the stress of career choice. The participants of the study were 783 senior college students in Taiwan. The participants were evaluated by Attachment Style Scale, NMR Scale, Coping Scale, Happiness Scale, and Depression Scale. The data were analyzed by factor analysis, Cronbach α analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and SEM.
In the primitive model testing, the original model couldn’t fit with the observed data. Adjustment is thus made, in accordance with the modification index, to delete the unsuitable paths, combine the observed variances and line the error variances of some observed variances. Three models are generated. As shown in the result of model testing, the three models coordinate with the observed data, explaining the relationships among main variables. Model one: Attachment can affect NMR; attachment can affect emotional experiences through positive coping. Model two: Attachment can affect NMR; attachment can affect emotional experiences through negative coping. Model three: Attachment can affect emotional experiences through emotion-focused coping; attachment can affect emotional experiences through NMR and emotion-focused coping. The similarities in the three models were as follows: Firstly, attachment can affect coping. Secondly, coping can affect emotion. Thirdly, attachment can’t affect emotional experiences directly, but attachment can affect emotional experiences through coping. Fourthly, attachment can affect NMR.
The suggestions were as follows: 1.The programs of career guidance and the curriculum of career exploration should be developed. 2. The clients should be assisted to understand the influence of attachment, NMR, and coping on their emotional experiences. 3. The preventive intervention should be provided to students of insecure attachment. 4. The models should be developed and tested according to the participants of different gender and attachment styles. 5. The focus group interview and the longitudinal method should be adopted. 6. Other important variables should be added to the model; alternatively, the relationships of these variables be explored. 7. The instructions of measurement in attachment and emotional experiences should be improved.
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大學生防禦性悲觀、拖延、自我設限及因應策略對幸福感影響之探討 / The Relationships among defensive-pessimism, active-procrastination, self-handicapping, coping-strategy and well-being of college students郭俊豪, Kuo, Chun Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探討有學業上拖延習慣的大學生之「防禦性悲觀」、「主動性拖延」、「自我設限」、「因應策略」對「幸福感」影響之探討。依此目的,本研究先探討不同背景變項的大學生在「防禦性悲觀」、「主動性拖延」、「自我設限」、「因應策略」及「幸福感」的差異情形,並建構「防禦性悲觀、主動性拖延、自我設限、因應策略對幸福感影響」之模式。研究採問卷調查法,以台灣15所大學922位有拖延習慣的大學生為對象。並以隨機方式將之分為兩組,用以驗證模式及探究不同背景變項的受試在各研究變項上的差異。研究工具包括防禦性悲觀量表、主動性拖延量表、自我設限量表、因應策略量表、及幸福感量表。資料分析方法為因素分析、信度分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及結構方程模式。 / 本研究以第一組樣本探討初始模式與觀察資料間的適配情形,並依據修正指標及相關理論進行模式修正,修正後的模式與資料適配後,再以第二組樣本驗證模式的穩定性,經驗證後模式具相當穩定性。
二、在模式方面:(一)防禦性悲觀對幸福感有負向直接效果;(二) 主動性拖延對自我設限有正向直接效果;(三)自我設限對因應策略有負向直接效果;(四) 自我設限對幸福感有正向直接效果;(五)因應策略對幸福感有正向直接效果。(六)主動性拖延經由自我設限及因應策略的中介影響而對幸福感有正向效果。
最後,根據研究結果,針對個人、學校輔導單位及未來相關研究提出建議,以供參考。 / The main purpose of this research was to study the relationships among Defensive-pessimism, Active-procrastination, Self-handicapping, Coping-strategy and Well-being of college student who had the habit of procrastination. The researcher first investigated the differences in terms of “Defensive-pessimism”, “Active-procrastination”, “Self-handicapping”, “Coping-strategy” and “Well-being” among the participants who had the different background variables, also studied the relationships among Defensive-pessimism, Active-procrastination, Self-handicapping, Coping-strategy and Well-being of college students who had the habit of procrastination by using the model of “The relationships among Defensive-pessimism, Active-procrastination, Self-handicapping, Coping-strategy and Well-being.” The study employed five questionnaires to collect data . The participants of the study were 922 Taiwan college students who had the habit of academic procrastination from 15 universities, and were randomly divided into two groups, to test model and study the differences in regards of different research variables among the participants who had the different background variables. The participants were evaluated by Defensive-pessimism scale, Active-procrastination scale, Self-handicapping scale, Coping-strategy scale, and Well-being scale. The data were analyzed by factor analysis, Cronbach α analysis, t-test,one-way ANOVA and SEM. / The initial models tested by group one did not fit well with the observed data. Therefore, applying the modification index and the theories, the researcher modified the model till the model fit the observed data, then tested the models’ stability by group two, and came to confirm the stability of model. The researcher found the model fit the observed data, and could effectively explain the relationships among the variables.
The main results of this study were as follows:
First, about the background variables: 1.The scores of “defensive-pessimism”, “self-handicapping”, and “well-being” had the differences between boys and girls. 2. The scores of “active-procrastination” and “well-being” had the differences between difference grades.
Second, about the model: 1. Defensive-pessimism could directly negative affect well-being. 2. Active-procrastination could directly affect self-handicapping. 3. Self-handicapping could directly negative affect coping-strategy. 4. Self-handicapping could directly affect well-being. 5. Coping-strategy could directly affect well-being. 6. Active-procrastination could through the self-handicapping and coping-strategy to affect he well-being.
Finally, based on the results of the study, the researcher made some further suggestions for individuals, school counseling and future researchers.
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投資型保險商品經營策略之研究 / A Study on the Management Strategies of Investment Linked Insurance Products麥瑋玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要結論如下:(1)利率持續走低與法令的開放,象徵投資型保險商品時代臨。(2)外商公司未來將以經營投資型保險商品為主,本土公司將採取投資型保單與傳統保單並重的經營策略。(3)外商公司競爭優勢為擁有國外經驗,本土公司優勢為擁有較大的通路。(4)高所得、有投資共同基金或股票經驗、有退休金規劃者為業者主要的目標市場。(5)目標客戶及通路的選擇將影響產品策略。(6)公司業務員為主要行銷通路,銀行、證券公司為積極開發的次要通路(7)壽險公司今後的競爭取決於管理、服務和資金運用績效。 / To comply with the down trend of market interest rates, enhance the competibility of insurance industry, at this time the governmental institutions revised investment limitation of the related laws & regulations, it seems the time to promote investment linked insurance products is comming.
This study will help us to overview current situation and evaluate whether Taiwan owns enough criteria and demand to develop investment linked insurance products based on the financial environmental background to develop investment linked insurance products. By extensive interviews with the major of eight insurance companies, the case study oriented approach will help us better understand the operation strategies of investment linked insurance products whatever insurance companies will take. We will build up key points following study structure and come out conclusions and related suggestions through case study comparisons.
The main conclusion of this study are described as followings:
(1) Due to going down interest rates and the regulation liberalization, this trend symbolically indicates that the era of investment linked insurance products is coming.
(2) Foreign insurance companies will mainly focus on running investment linked insurance product business in future; local insurance companies will involved in both investment linked insurance product business and traditional insurance products business.
(3) The competitive advantage of foreign companies is that they have strong international experiences; the strength of local companies is having sales channel infrastructure.
(4) The target market will focus on those who have higher income, have experiences in mutual funds and stock investment, and have planning for pensions.
(5) The choice of target market and channels will affect product strategies.
(6) The agents are main marketing channels; bank and security companies will be subsequent channels we have to aggressively target on.
(7) The competitive strength of insurance companies depends on management, services, and performances of utilizing capitals since now.
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壽險業務員對業績比賽的認知評估、因應策略與工作投入間之關係研究 / Cognition of selling volume comparison, coping strategies and job involvement.游紫華, Yu, Tza-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
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單親母親的親職壓力因應策略、親職同理心與兒童虐待傾向關係探討 / Parental coping strategy, parental empathy, and child abuse potential in single mother.楊家雯, Yang, Chia Wen Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究指出,親職壓力是造成兒童虐待的危險因子之一。本研究探討:親職壓力因應策略與親職同理心對管教行為的影響,或此兩變項是否能調節親職壓力對管教行為的影響,欲透過研究結果來加強兒童虐待的預防。本研究請每位受試者填寫五種量表,分別為:基本資料、親職同理心、親職壓力、親職壓力因應與親職衝突策略量表,利用零相關和階層迴歸,分析142位育有國小子女之單親母親所填寫的量表。研究結果部分符合預期:親職壓力因應策略中的「主動面對問題」、「逃避隱藏情緒」可以調節親職壓力對非暴力管教行為的影響,「情緒認知調整」亦在親職壓力和嚴重攻擊管教行為間扮演調節變項。除了調節作用外,親職壓力因應策略對管教行為有獨特的預測力:「主動面對問題」使用經常性越高,輕度攻擊的使用次數越多,「負面情緒反應」使用經常性越高,心理攻擊和輕度攻擊的使用次數越多。「親職同理心」則對管教行為沒有獨特的預測力,也不具有調節作用。另外亦發現「親職同理心」和「逃避隱藏情緒」可以預測親職壓力。本研究針對研究結果進行討論,包括管教行為與兒童虐待的關係、親職壓力因應策略與管教行為間的關係、親職同理心扮演的角色,以及單親母親兒童虐待行為的預防。 / According to previous studies, parenting stress is one of the risk factors of child abuse. This study explored the influence of parenting stress- coping styles and parental empathy on parenting practices, and examined the moderating effect of these variables on the relationship between parenting stress and parenting practices. The subjects were asked to complete the questionnaires including: basic information, parental empathy scale, parenting stress scale, parenting stress-coping scale, and Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scales. Zero-order correlation and hierarchical regression analysis were used to analyze the scales completed by 142 single mothers. The results indicated that “Facing the problems actively” and “Evading hidden feelings” could moderate the relationship between parenting stress and non-violent discipline. “Adjustment in sentimental cognition” could moderate the relationship between parenting stress and severe assault. Furthermore, some of the parenting stress- coping styles had main effect on parenting practices: “Facing the problems actively” had a positive effect on minor assault. “Negative sentimental reaction” had a positive effect on psychological aggression and minor assault. There were no main effects nor moderator effect of parental empathy. The relationship between parenting practices and child abuse, the influence of parenting stress- coping styles on parenting practices, the role of parental empathy, and the prevention of child abuse in single-mother households were discussed in this study.
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初診斷乳癌患者的心理沮喪發展軌跡與資源變化、因應風格之關係探討 / The developmental trajectories of psychological distress amongst newly-diagnosed breast cancer patients and their relationship with resource changes and coping styles涂珮瓊, Tu, Pei Chiung Unknown Date (has links)
方法: 本研究採用貫時性的研究設計,共收錄200名初診斷乳癌患者。患者於診斷後的手術前一天進行評估,並於術後一個月、術後四個月、術後七個月及術後一年進行後續的追蹤。每一點的心理沮喪分數採用中文的醫院版焦慮與憂鬱量表(HADS)來測量,追蹤時間點的資源變化與癌症因應風格之分數,分別是以修編的資源改變量表(資源流失與資源獲得)與台灣版癌症心理調適量表(Mini-MAC)進行評估。
結論:本研究支持罹癌後的壓力反應具有個別差異性,並且指出乳癌患者的心理沮喪反應具有四種不同的發展型態。本研究也強調於連續變化的向度中考量不同的心理沮喪發展軌跡及其相關的壓力調適因子亦具有時序變化之重要性。有關的理論與實務意涵將於後作進一步地討論。 / Objectives: This study assumed the psychological distress of newly-diagnosed breast cancer (BC) patients existed the entities of the individual difference, so this study examined distinct development trajectories of psychological distress amongst BC patients and their relationship with resource changes and coping styles, and adopted a dynamic stress-coping perspective to shed light on the factors that contribute to the diversity of inter-individual development and intra-individual change. The three major purposes were (1) to determine if there are distinct development trajectories of psychological distress amongst newly-diagnosis BC patients; (2) to test whether time-varying resource changes and coping styles can distinguish the trajectory groups; (3) to explore whether the effect of time-varying resource changes and coping styles on psychological distress differ within each trajectories group.
Methods: A longitudinal reasarch study of 200 newly-diagnosed BC patients was recruited and participants were assessed at the day before surgery, and again at the 1-month, 4-month, 7-month and 1-year post-surgery follow-ups. Psychological distress was measured at the five time-points using the Chinese version of Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Resource changes and cancer-specific coping were assessed at all follow-ups using the revised Resource Change Scale and the the Chinese version of Mini-MAC Scale, respectively.
Results: Latent Class Growth Analysis (LCGA) identified four latent classes of BC patients with distinct developmental trajectories of psychological distress - resilience, recovery, late onset and chronic dysfunction. Latent Growth Curve Model (LGM) revealed that the stress-coping properties of the resilience group featured a stabilized lower level of resource loss after diagnosis, a lower level of initial AP-coping and a lower growth rate of CA-coping when compared with the others. The recovery group was more likely to have a lower decrease of FS-coping than the resilience group. Moreover, the late onset group and the chronic dysfunction group were more likely to have a higher level of initial HH-coping and a higher increase in AP-coping, and the chronic dysfunction group was characterized by the highest level of initial resource loss and HH-coping, and the lowest level of initial FS-coping compared with the other groups. The Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM) indicated that resource loss and use of coping styles could significantly predict levels of psychological distress in each trajectory group. The major differences that appeared were in the positive effect of resource gain and use of CA-coping on decreasing distress symptoms amongst people in the chronic dysfunction group, as well as in the different predictors that were found in each trajectory group.
Conclusions: The present study shows that there are individual differences in cancer-specific stress responses and outlines four different developmental patterns of psychological distress amongst newly-diagnosed Taiwanese BC patients. This study also stressed the importance of considering time-serial continuity of distinct developmental trajectories with regards to psychological distress as well as the related stress-coping factors which also varies with time. Further theoretical and practical implications are discussed in depth in the content of the study.
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大學生的人際依附風格、愛情信念與關係衝突因應策略之研究 / A study of Attachment Style, Love Beliefs, and Conflict-Coping Strategies in Relationship among college student李晉源 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在瞭解大學生的人際依附風格、愛情信念與關係衝突因應策略彼此間之關聯性。研究對象為856位北部大專院校通識課或相關課程的大學生。本研究使用「人際依附風格量表」(安全型依附、焦慮型依附、忽略逃避型依附、害怕逃避型依附)、「愛情信念量表」(發展信念、命運信念)與「關係衝突因應策略量表」(表明因應、忠誠因應、忽視因應、離開因應)為研究工具,所得資料先以驗證性因素分析與Cronbach’s α分析「愛情信念量表」與「關係衝突因應策略量表」之信度與效度,再以描述性統計、獨立樣本單因子多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關與典型相關進行正式資料分析,主要研究結果如下:
一、 大學生的人際依附風格以「安全依附」的傾向較高;愛情信念中較傾向有「發展信念」;關係衝突因應策略較傾向採用「表明因應」。
二、 女性在「害怕逃避依附」、「發展信念」之得分高於男性;男性在「忠誠因應」、「忽視因應」及「離開因應」之得分高於女性。目前有交往對象者在「安全依附」、「發展信念」與「表明因應」的傾向較高;曾經有交往對象者在「安全依附」、「命運信念」、「忠誠因應」、「忽視因應」與「離開因應」的傾向較高;未曾有交往對象者在「焦慮依附」、「忽略逃避依附」、「害怕逃避依附」、「命運信念」、「忠誠因應」、「忽視因應」與「離開因應」的傾向較高。
三、 人際依附風格、愛情信念與關係衝突因應策略三組變項間有三組典型相關存在:1.「安全依附」和「發展信念」愈高,則其「表明因應」愈高,「忽視因應」與「離開因應」愈低;2.「焦慮依附」、「害怕逃避依附」和「命運信念」愈高,則其「忠誠因應」與「忽視因應」愈高;3.「安全依附」與「命運信念」愈高,則其「表明因應」與「離開因應」愈高。
關鍵詞:愛情關係、人際依附風格、愛情信念、關係衝突因應策略 / The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among attachment style, love beliefs, and conflict-coping strategies in relationship. 856 college students who located in Northern Taiwan were selected as subjects. The data was collected from the inventory of attachment style (secure attachment, preoccupied attachment, fearful-avoidant attachment, dismissing-avoidant attachment), love beliefs (growth belief, destiny belief), and conflict-coping strategies in relationship (voice coping, loyalty coping, neglect coping, exit coping). The confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach’s α were used to analyze the reliability and validity for both love beliefs and conflict-coping strategies in relationship. The descriptive statistics, multivariate analysis of variance, pearson’s correlation and canonical correlation analysis were used to complete the full analysis. The major findings are presented as follow:
1. Most of college students (in our sample) are secure attached, growth belief in love, and use voice conflict-coping strategies.
2. The dismissing-avoidant attachment, and growth belief of female college students are higher than that of the male college students, The loyalty coping, neglect coping, exit coping of male college students are higher than that of the female college students, The college students who currently in a relationship tend to have higher score in secure attachment, growth belief, and voice coping, The college student who has boy/girl friend before tend to have higher score in secure attachment, destiny belief, loyalty coping, neglect coping, exit coping, The college students who never had boy/girl friends tend to have higher score in preoccupied attachment, fearful-avoidant attachment, dismissing-avoidant attachment, destiny belief, loyalty coping, neglect coping, exit coping.
3. There were three significant canonical correlation between attachment style, love beliefs, and conflict-coping strategies in relationship. First, higher secure attachment and growth belief were associated with higher voice coping and lower neglect coping and exit coping. Second, higher preoccupied attachment and dismissing-avoidant attachment were associated with higher loyalty coping and neglect coping. Third, higher secure attachment and dismissing-avoidant attachment were associated with higher voice coping and exit coping.
The implications of this study for love/marriage education and counseling worker, along with future research suggestions, are discussed herein.
Keyword: love relationship, attachment style, love beliefs, and conflict-coping strategies in relationship
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瑞典華語學習者的漢字學習困難與因應策略之研究 / Swedish Learners’ Difficulties and Coping Strategies of Learning Chinese Characters蕭郁芬, Hsiao, Yu Fen Unknown Date (has links)
建議華語教學者除了加強學習者的漢字書寫、辨識、與記憶能力,還有漢字讀音的演練與線上資源應用的學習。而影響學習者漢字學習的因素有很多,因素之間也會相互影響,因此教學者可以通過了解影響學習者漢字學習的內外在因素,而給予學習者適切的協助。 / This qualitative study aims to explore Swedish learners’ Chinese-characters learning process, with a focus on discovering their difficulties and coping strategies and identifying the factors that influence the learning of Chinese characters and their relationship. The research participants were four Swedish learners who took the class “Chinese for Beginners” in Linnaeus University in Sweden. Multiple sources of data were collected, including in-depth individual interviews, learning journals, and class-room observations.
The results showed that the four participants had difficulties in learning Chinese characters, including reading, writing, recognizing, and memorizing Chinese characters as well as the application of online resources. Despite learning difficulties, these Swedish learners were actively asking for the teacher’s help, using the online re-sources, and passively avoiding facing leanring difficulties. The internal factors that influence learning Chinese characters were “language learing attitudes and methods,” “the motivation of leanring Chinese,” “the feeling toward Chinese characters.” The external factors included “environmental factors,” “teaching factors,” and “tradition-al/simplified Chinese charactes class factors.” The relationship between internal factors and external factors were bi-directional, except that the ways the instructor teach Chinese characters may influence students’ attitudes, motivation or feelings unilater-ally.
This study suggested that Chinese teachers should enhance students’ Chinese-characters writing, recognizing, memorizing ability and provide oppotunieis for be-ginners to practice reading Chinese characters and using online resources. It is also important for Chinese teachers to know the complexity and interaction of the factors that may influence students’ learning of Chinese characters. In so doing, Chinese teachers are able to offer beginners appropriate assistance in learning Chinese charac-ters.
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簽訂自由貿易協定對產業衝擊之因應策略:以韓國對美國簽訂FTA為例 / The Countermeasures to the Affected Industries when Signing FTAs: A Case Study of KORUS FTA劉偉辰, Liu, Wei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
自由貿易有利有弊,一方面為國內經濟的出口優勢產業開拓新市場,另一方面伴隨著撤除各種貿易壁壘措施,將會使國內弱勢、內需產業遭到衝擊,無法避免國外進口不斷增加帶來的傷害。因此在自由貿易過程中,政府如何制訂對進口競爭引起衝擊的相關救濟問題與貿易調整協助措施,或是補償措施逐漸受到重視,例如美國自1962年開始採取的貿易援助法案(Trade Adjustment Assistance, TAA),後改為貿易調整協助方案,旨在透過協助方式協助貿易自由化下容易受到衝擊的產業與勞工,而韓國也因簽訂美韓 FTA 而制定相似的救濟政策。
本文以韓美FTA作為個案討論,研究發現以韓國角度來看,韓美FTA簽訂快速的原因包含政府及人民的大多數支持、韓國政府對受衝擊產業制定各項因應措施等因素。而這些因應措施無論是在談判階段或是協議簽訂後,都不斷在修正與制定,以達到符合協助受衝擊產業之目的。 / Free trade is accompanied by advantages and disadvantages, it could expand new markets for the export advantageous industries; on the other hand, it could affect the disadvantageous minority industries while removing trade barriers. Thus, it is important how the government sets up the countermeasures or the indemnify measures to ease the harm that foreign import products bring. For instance, the United States have adopted Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) since 1962, it is meant to assist industries and workers that are affected by free trade. South Korea has established similar countermeasures since KORUS FTA was concluded.
This study is a case study of KORUS FTA . It shows that from South Korea’s perspective, it has support among government and people, Korean government has established countermeasures for the affected industries, and all these factors made KOURS FTA took less time to sign than South Korea’s most FTAs. These countermeasures were being amended during the negotiation process and after the FTA was concluded, in order to achieve the goal of assisting affected industries.
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