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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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許育典, Xu, Yu Dian Unknown Date (has links)
教育,是為了人格的養成;在政治上,使國民成為主權者,能正確判斷國家的事務,而以正確判斷之認知來行使國民權利以及參與國民義務;在經濟上,使國民能適應生存的環境,培養工作的能力;在文化上,使國民能思考人生的意義,開拓知識的領域‥‥‥。由此可見,教育不僅是國民行使參政權、工作權、知的權利‥‥‥等權利的根本所在,而且也是國家一切機能運作的源點!而在民主國家中,其教育之目的主要有二。其一,希望經由教育使個人具備獨立自主之能力;此即以個人之生存、幸福為中心之目的。其二,希望經由教育使個人得以適應社會,繼而能維持社會之政治與經濟秩序,使社會持續地發展;此即以公共福祉為中心之目的(註一)。就此教育目的之達成而言,其最重要且最根本者,則為國民教育之實施。   全文共分六章:   第一章:在序論中,首先提出我國憲法第二十一條規定:「人民有受國民教育之權利與義務。」所滋生的問題,並提出本文的觀點,由此說明本文的研究動機與目的,以及研究範圍與方法。   第二章:就國民教育法制的背景加以介紹。先經由宗教改革、產業革命、政治革命及民族主義興起,探討國民教育法制在思想的萌芽;再透過德國、法國、英國、美國及日本之國民教育制度的比較法上介紹,來說明國民教育法制在各國的演進。   第三章:首先乃析論國民教育基本權利的性質,究竟是屬於權利規定、或義務規定、抑或是權利兼義務規定,來引導認識國民教育基本權利的概念,而藉此洞悉國民教育基本權利的意義,再進一步探討國民教育基本權利的主體與保障國民教育基本權利實現的參與者。   第四章:本章乃經由人性尊嚴、民主原則、法治國原則以及社會國原則的探討,來析論國民教育基本權利之憲法理論基礎,並且進一步研究國民教育基本權利與其憲法理論基礎之間的關聯性;於此,目的在揭櫫國民教育基本權利之「法規範的正當性基礎」,藉以說明國民教育基本權利之所以被規範的合理理由。   第五章:為本文核心。目的在探討國民教育基本權利之「法規範基礎」,藉以說明國民教育基本權利得以主張的法律依據,此亦即憲法第二十一條所規定之國民教育基本權利;於此,本文乃透過憲法中基本權利的法釋義學(Grundrechtsdogmatik)之核心內容--基本權利的功能,包括主觀防禦權的功能、社會基本權的功能、客觀價值秩序的功能、制度保障的功能以及組織與程序保障的功能,來論證憲法第二十一條所規定之國民教育基本權利全然是一個「基本權利」;而其所謂的「義務」,不論是父母或監護人的送學義務,還是學者所稱之的義務教育制度,都只是國民教育基本權利的功能之一種(註一九)!而且本文經由此等功能之作用方式,更進一步建構如何來落實國民教育基本權利之法規範。   第六章:結論則提出本文在經由國民教育基本權利的各種功能,析論國民教育基本權利的法規範基礎之後,論證憲法第二十一條所規定之國民教育基本權利,全然是一個基本權利規定,而建構國民教育基本權利之法規範。並檢討教育部國教司所完成的國民教育法修正草案,且就本文的觀點,試擬增列十個重要條文,期待立法院在三讀完國民教育法修正草案前,能予以注意參考並修改之。


林妍伶, Lin, Yen-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將針對澎湖縣實施國民教育幼兒班的政策分析,並且以研提改進建議為目的,對於澎湖的幼教生態做一次大體檢,進而根據政策的目標及欲達成之成效,提出一套適合澎湖實施改進之建議。 本研究之研究目的為: (一)分析澎湖縣實施國民教育幼兒班之財政經費。 (二)分析澎湖縣實施國民教育幼兒班之師資人力。 (三)分析澎湖縣實施國民教育幼兒班之空間設備。 (二)研提澎湖縣實施國民教育幼兒班之改進建議。 針對以上四個目的,以文件蒐集方式調查澎湖縣相關資料,並輔以訪談澎湖縣教育局局長、國民教育課課長、幼教業務承辦人員,以及馬公市市長、湖西鄉鄉長、白沙鄉鄉長、西嶼鄉鄉長、望安鄉鄉長,訪問人員包含澎湖縣教育教育局單位人員,以及各公立托兒所所屬機關首長,針對於國幼班政策的推動,所抱持之態度與建議,加以分析。 澎湖縣實施國民教育幼兒班之財政經費分析結論中顯示:93、94學年度澎湖縣實施國幼班之經費,由政府依離島三縣三鄉國民教育幼兒班實施計畫編列預算補助,但馬公市之澎南區、湖西鄉、西嶼鄉、望安鄉此地區之國幼班的辦理,需要借重公立托兒所,因此勢必會增加每班多一位幼教師的編制,而此增加之幼教師是否為常設性質的經費預算編納,事實上各鄉、市公所並無法支付,若為政策的永久實施,則必須針對澎湖的現況,規劃出完善的配套措施,以利離島地區國幼班政策的推動與落實。 澎湖縣實施國民教育幼兒班之師資人力分析結論中顯示:公立托兒所以國家考試的方式(普考)進用保育人員,由鄉鎮市長以公務人員派任方式任命所長。公立托兒所中保育人員(托兒所之師資)及所長均具備公務人員資格,但幼托專業訓練背景並非公立托兒所招考、或聘任人員時的必要條件。由於幼稚園與托兒所於地方政府亦分為兩個主管機關,因此在幼托師資資料的審核及評鑑追蹤上,更是兩套嚴格與鬆散完全不同的方式。此次藉由國幼班的政策實施,盼望能掌握合格的幼教師資,並妥善評鑑機制。 澎湖縣實施國民教育幼兒班之空間設備分析結論中顯示:(一)澎湖縣幼兒人口數與幼托機構的關係上,基本上為供過於求,唯馬公市之虎井里、桶盤里,以及白沙鄉之大倉村、員貝村及望安鄉之東嶼坪村、西嶼坪村、東吉村,由於各為獨立之小島嶼,且島上並無任何幼托機構,因此島上幼兒之就學情形無法就地滿足,需要渡海至鄰近島嶼或馬公本島上就學;(二)澎湖縣之私立幼托機構,皆集中分布於馬公市,雖然私立幼稚園核准招生數多於私立托兒所,但在實際探訪過程中,卻發現私立托兒所在實際招生量上大過於私立幼稚園;(三)澎湖縣在幼托機構的數量上,托兒所收托之幼兒數量遠遠超過幼稚園所招收之數量,托兒所在澎湖縣的學前教育上扮演重要的角色。尤其是鄉、市所成立之公立托兒所,為一股龐大的勢力。 根據澎湖縣實施國幼班財政經費、師資人力、空間設備之結果,所研提之建議為: 一、基於公平原則: (一)對於無幼教機構設置之離島地區幼兒,應比照就讀國民教育之學童辦理補助;(二)中央政府需提升澎湖縣幼教師資;地方政府需替國幼班之師資嚴格把關;(三)中央與地方政府需建立國幼班的課程輔導與評鑑機制;(四)中央政府需提供離島幼教師專業進修之管道;(五)中央與地方政府規劃專業研習給離島國幼班園所及教師。 二、基於效率原則: (一)中央與地方政府需要成立一國幼班專責小組跨幼、托部門而整合;(二)地方政府需將國幼班之相關資料建檔追蹤;(三)中央政府可建立國幼班資源網絡。 三、基於自由原則: (一)地方政府鼓勵公私立幼托機構申請辦理國幼班;(二)中央與地方政府不定期 舉辦國幼班說明會讓訊息透明化。 93學年度離島三縣三鄉地區先行試辦,藉著試辦前的分析經驗,將建議提供教育部、相關單位作為政策實施的參考依據,並且在制定幼教相關政策與分配教育資源時,能夠多方面的審視,並且把適當的資源分配在適當需要的地方上。最後,希望能呈現出澎湖縣的幼教現況,提供後續的研究者在研究幼兒教育的城鄉差距比較時,有另外一個不同性質的選擇。 / This research includes analyses and suggestions to the current policy of preschool education in Penghu County. Besides, the research makes a total checkup to the background of preschool education in Penghu County, and thereby presents a set of strategies suitable for implementing an ideal preschool education in accordance with the required objectives. The purposes of this research are: 1. An analysis of financial capacity for implementing the preschool education in Penghu County. 2. An analysis of manpower shown in the current preschool education in Penghu County. 3. An analysis of equipment and campus space utilized in the current preschool education in Penghu County. 4. Suggestions to the future preschool education in Penghu County. There are several interviews with, respectively, the Director of Penghu County Education Bureau, the chief of Educational Section in Penghu County, the officials for preschool education, Mayor of Makong City, Chief of Huxi township, Chief of Baisha township, Chief of Xiyu township, Chief of Wuan township, and some heads of Public Nursery Schools affiliated to Penghu County. The suggestions for the Implementation of preschool education in Penghu County are: 1. The principle of fairness A. Subsides should be offered to the children living at offshore areas for lacking of the establishments which in urban areas are more generally provided. B. The central government should help local counties to provide more qualified teachers for the preschool education; the local educational agencies should efficiently take control of the qualification for teacher candidates. C. Both the central and local governments should build a sound organization for curriculum guidance and evaluation. D. Central government should find ways for grass root teachers to advance their professional knowledge and techniques. E. Both central and local government agencies should present the opportunities for the offshore teachers of preschool education. 2. The principle of efficiency A. Both central and local government agencies are required to establish a panel to integrate the preschool and primary school for the small children. B. Local government agencies should file and examine the relevant information. C. Central government agencies should establish the network for preschool education. 3. The principle of freedom A. Local government agencies can encourage either public or private organizations for preschool education to set up more preschools. B. Both central and local government agencies should irregularly hold symposiums on preschool education so as to circulate the relevant information more openly. In all, there will be three counties and three townships implementing the policy mentioned above. By means of the previous analysis, suggestions will be put forward to Education Ministry for reference. And hopefully the agencies concerned can take them into deep considerations when policies or strategies are being made. Last, but not the least, the current conditions of Penghu preschool education can be uncovered so as to help those who are engaged in the research of the differences between urban and country preschool education have a different viewpoint.

縣市間國民教育經費分配之公平性探討 / Measuring the equity of distribution on educational expenditure for compulsory education- Between counties and cities

林虹佑, Lin, Hung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從財政公平之觀點出發,探討我國縣市間國民教育經費分配之公平性,期能瞭解《教育經費編列管理法》之實施是否確實能夠促進我國國民教育經費縣市間分配之公平性的達成。故本論文與之前的研究不同,著重於針對該法實施之前後年度,就我國各縣市間之實際國民教育經費分配情形,進行公平性衡量與跨年度之比較分析。本論文採用Berne and Stiefel(1984)財政公平向量的多構面模式,以89至93學年度各縣市公立國民中小學之學校基本資料,與2001至2005年度各地方政府國民教育學校教育經費支出預算數據資料相互對應後,分別以水平公平、財政中立及垂直公平三方面,探討我國縣市間國民教育經費分配之公平性。 從本論文之研究結果與分析中發現,受到少子化現象之衝擊,我國國民教育之結構正在改變中;而縣市間國民教育經費之分配則逐漸出現M型化的現象,平均每位學生、每個班級及每所學校所能享受到的教育經費數額,會隨著其就讀學校所處的縣市及班級或學校所處的縣市不同,而有相當顯著的差異,不符合水平公平;且此種差異深深受到其就讀學校所處縣市之財政能力(尤其是縣市的自有財源部分)影響,呈現顯著的正相關關係,不符合財政中立以及垂直公平。亦即自有財源充裕、財政能力佳的縣市,其學生、班級及學校所能享有的教育經費亦較充足,而自有財源貧乏、財政能力不佳的縣市,其學生、班級及學校所能享有的教育經費也較不足,呈現出「富者恆富、貧者恆貧」的M型化教育現象。研究結果也發現《教育經費編列與管理法》實施之後,國民教育經費分配M型化的現象反而更為明顯,意味著該法之實施未能確實促進教育經費分配之公平性,甚至有導致其惡化的趨勢。

戰後臺灣國民教育社會科教科書與國家形塑(1952-1987) / Social science textbooks of mandatory education and the forming of nation in postwar Taiwan, 1952-1987

陳俊傑 Unknown Date (has links)
1990年代臺灣社會出現「中國人」與「臺灣人」認同的分歧,然而「中國人」認同如何形成?「中國人」所認同的國家──「中國」是何面貌?認同之形成,應有其建構過程。由於多數人均包覆於建構認同的要素──「國民教育」中,故本文以國民教育社會科教科書為研究對象,探究其形塑的國家形象,藉以理解「中國認同」之形成。 分析社會科教科書可知,其為學習者形塑一個存續於東亞大陸的永恆國度,源自於黃帝建國,歷經堯、舜、禹、湯、文、武、周公的道統傳承,與秦、漢、唐、宋、元、明、清的帝國更迭,以至孫文創建的中華民國;活躍於永恆國度裡的人民,乃是具有世界性貢獻的中華民族。中國疆域源起於黃河流域,在大一統帝國統治下逐步擴張,學習者身處的臺灣,亦為中國固有之疆域。中華民國的領土廣闊、地形氣候多變、天然資源豐富、產業多元、人口眾多。其國民應愛國、守法、守分、服從、履行義務、為國犧牲、充實自我以建設國家;公民乃擁有參政權,以參與選舉為要。中華民國憲法揭櫫中華民國為民主國家,並保障人民的基本權利與義務。依據憲法組織的中央政府,採取五權分立制度;地方政府由各級政府、議會組成;地方首長與民意代表皆定期改選,體現民主制度。 此國家形象不僅建構中國認同,且壓抑臺灣認同。進一步探究課文內容,發現教科書既難以引導學習者拼湊中國的樣貌;也無法讓學習者瞭解其安身立命之所──臺灣。其所以如此,部分或起因於教科書企圖鞏固國民黨政權統治臺灣的正當性。「重新認識臺灣,再次審視中國」,對於經歷戒嚴時期國民教育的人民而言,無疑是一個重要課題。


陳文燕 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的旨在探討我國及北高兩市國民教育經費歷年來的分配狀況。透過探討相關國內外研究及國民教育經費分配的原則後,說明國際間在國民教育經費上之分配情形,並配合國內相關的教育統計資料,來分析我國歷年來在教育經費分配的情形及其趨勢走向,並以此分析我國北高兩市在國民教育經費部份在國際上的相對地位。 研究結果顯示(一)在國家發展階段與教育競爭力方面,我國各級教育的投資比率上,偏重於高等教育投資的現象確實存在。(二)現階段各國間國民教育經費發展方面,我國及北高兩市在國民教育階段教育經費分配不均的現況,雖較以往有所改善,但仍不可怠忽改革的腳步,期待透過教育競爭力的提昇帶動國力提昇。 因此,研究者在建議部份提出(一)建立一套教育經費分配及補助制度;(二)允許縣市自由分配補助款;(三)建立有效教育經費執行考核制度;(四)調整各級學校間整體及各類教育經費之比率;(五)調整三級政府負擔三級教育經費之結構。藉由調整三級政府的法定的教育權責,調整各級教育投資比率,將教育經費及資源分配給學生人數最多的國民教育階段。因為唯有人力資本素質的提昇,才能提昇教育品質及創造國家源源不絕的發展動力。 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與研究目的……………………………………1 第二節 研究範圍與限制 …………………………………………4 第三節 研究方法與研究步驟 ……………………………………7 第四節 名詞釋義 ………………………………………………16 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 教育經費分配的理論背景 ……………………………20 第二節 教育經費分配的原則 …………………………………48 第三節 國民教育經費分配問題之探討 ………………………62 第三章 國民教育經費分配之分析 第一節 國家發展階段與教育競爭力 …………………………86 第二節 現階段各國間國民教育經費分配之比較 …………105 第三節 我國教育發展與國民教育經費分配 ……………… 120 第四章 北高兩市國民教育經費分配之比較 第一節 北高兩市政府經費分配情形 ……………………… 147 第二節 北高兩市教育發展與國民教育經費分配 ………… 159 第三節 北高兩市與各國教育發展之比較 …………………178 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 ……………………………………………………186 第二節 建議 ……………………………………………………200 參考書目 ……………………………………………………207


鍾德馨 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討少子化趨勢對我國國民教育師資供需之影響與相關對策。首先係從我國學齡人口結構現況及趨勢作切入,進而探究少子化趨勢對師資培育政策之影響,並分析國民教育師資供需之現況與趨勢,最後本研究藉以百分比統計、集群分析、時間序列分析、灰色預測及模糊德菲法等統計方法,分析國民教育階段師資供需之現況、預測及策略方案之評估,進而提出相關因應對策,提供政策設計者之決策參考,以期透過適當的調節與管控機制,俾利國民教育師資市場的供需均衡。 本研究依研究目的所獲得之主要研究結論有以下幾點: 一、國民教育學齡學生數之發展趨勢,已顯見受到少子化趨勢之衝擊。惟各縣市所反映之衝擊情形不同,其中以高雄市、臺北縣、基隆市、臺中市、嘉義市及臺南市等六縣市之衝擊情形最大。 二、各縣市國民小學師資人力現況受少子化趨勢之影響不一,尤其臺北市、高雄市、臺北縣、苗栗縣、臺中縣、彰化縣、南投縣、嘉義縣、 臺南縣、高雄縣、屏東縣、花蓮縣、基隆市與臺南市等縣市已呈現師資人力過剩飽和之現況。 三、各縣市國民中學師資人力現況,尚未因學齡人口數減少受明顯之衝擊,各縣市師資人力的波動情形仍屬混沌,惟其中以臺北市、彰化縣、南投縣、雲林縣、嘉義縣、屏東縣與臺南縣等屬師資人力遞減之地區。 四、以時間序列分析單變量ARIMA模式與灰色預測GM(1,1)模式進行國民教育教師人數預測之效果良好,尤其灰色預測方法平均準確率多達99%以上。 五、各縣市95-100學年度國民小學教師人數預估約減少5,703人,減少百分比為5.47%。除桃園縣、臺東縣及新竹市教師人數略有成長外,其餘各縣市教師人數皆明顯遞減,尤其南投縣、基隆市、臺北縣及屏東縣教師人數減少比率皆超過10%。 六、各縣市95-100學年度國民中學教師人數預估約增加118人,增加百分比為0.247%。其中,以臺東縣、新竹縣、嘉義市、桃園縣及澎湖縣教師人數屬穩定成長之縣市,惟雲林縣、嘉義縣、臺北市及屏東縣則屬教師人數大幅減少之縣市,其減少比率皆超過10%。 七、為期有效解決國民教育師資供需失衡之問題,於政策方案上,首要之務應先從「教師離退制度」及「教師員額編制」之體制面改革著手。 根據以上之研究結果,本研究提出以下建議,供教育行政機估決策與未來研究時之參考: 一、對教育行政機關的建議 (一)各縣市政府教育局應確實掌握未來各學年度學齡學生數之變化,並正視超額留用教師人數將逐年增加之趨勢,妥適研擬與修訂相關人事法規與制度。 (二)加強不適任教師之督導淘汰機制,推動教師專業發展評鑑,符應「專業本位、保優汰劣」之要求。 (三)健全師資培育機構組織,持續評估調節師資供需數量,落實「適量優質儲備」之措施。 (四)適當調整國民中小學教師員額編制,達成「小班小校」之理念。 (五)師資估需預測宜進行縱貫性長期研究,並委由專責單位進行全國各級學校師資推估工作。 二、對後續研究的建議 (一)在研究主題方面,可探討少子化趨勢所造成學校整併、閒置教室空間規劃、學生單位成本改變及學校行銷因應策略等議題。 (二)在研究範圍方面,可採單一縣市為研究範圍,且持續在不同的時間進行預測與評估,在研究結果之推論上將更符合現況之需求。 (三)在研究對象方面,未來之研究可針對高中職與大專校院之相對衝擊與因應策略進行研究,將使研究結果更為廣泛推論。 (四)在研究方法方面,在專家意見整合方面可改用焦點團體法或腦力激盪法;在意見調查方面可兼採質化方法。 (五)在統計方法方面,在師資供需預測方面可採以時間數列分析、模糊時間數列分析、類神經網路、多變量模糊時間數列等統計方法,藉以比較預測結果之統計差異。 / The low birth rate--the influence and strategy of the supply and demand of teacher in compulsory education Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the policy of teacher education by the point view of population composition and probe into the state of teacher supply and demand, with its trend of development. The article analyze by percentage, cluster analysis, time series analysis, grey forecasting, and fuzzy Delphi method to realize the current situation, forecast and solving strategies of teacher supply and demand bring related solving strategies. Marjor findings include the following: 1.The trend of students in compulsory education was to affect by the low birth rate. Every county in the low birth rate was different, especially the most influence were Kaohsiung city, Taipei county, Keelung city, Taichung city, Chiayi city, and Tainan city. 2.The teacher supply and demand of different counties in elementary education were not the same, especially the most saturated membership of teachers were Taipei city, Kaohsiung city, Taipei county, Miaoli county, Taichung county, Changhua county, Nantou county, Chiayi county, Tainan county, Kaohsiung county, Pingtung county, Hualien county, Keelung city, and Tainan city. 3. The teacher supply and demand of different counties in middle education were disorderly by the low birth rate influence, but these counties’ teachers development trend were cut down, including Taipei city, Chiayi county, Nantou county, Yunlin county, Chiayi county, Pingtung county, and Tainan county. 4.The ARIMA model and grey forecasting GM(1,1) model to forecasting the supply and demand of teacher were good methods, especially the grey forecasting GM(1,1) model to forecasting degree of accuracy exceeds 99 percent. 5.Elementary education is forecasted reducing rough 5,703 teachers in 95-100 session. Besides Taoyuan county, Taitung county, and Hsinchu city have growth of teachers, the others’ teachers have obvious reducing, especially Nantou county, Keelung city, Taipei county, and Penghu county reduce teachers exceeding 10 percent. 6.The earlier stage of Middle education is forecasted increase rough 118 teachers in 95-100 session. Among countries belong to the growth of teachers are Taitung county, Hsinchu county, Chiayi city, Taoyuan county, and Penghu county. However, Among countries belong to the reducing of teachers are Yunlin county, Chiayi county, Taipei city, and Pingtung county, which reducing percentage over 10 percent. 7. To solving the imbalance of teacher supply and demand must be started in teachers’ retirement and evaluation reform, and teacher membership of organization reform. Based on the finding, several recommendations were made for the superior authorities, for the governments of education administration as well as for further research.

國民中小學校長遴選制度之研究 / A study of the Principal Selection Program in the Compulsory Education

李敦義, Lee, Duen-Ji Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用問卷調查法,以探討我國中小學校長遴選制度實施成效和意見。研究對象為教育行政人員代表、中小學校長、教師、中小學家長會代表及專家學者,共寄發600份問卷,有效問卷428份,進行次數分配、χ2考驗和兩個百分比差異顯著性z考驗。調查研究結果如下: 一、關於國民中小學校長遴選制度實施成效 國民中小學校長遴選實施成效依序為「每四年一次的校長遴選方式,可以淘汰不適任校長」、「可以增進校長辦學績效,改善學校教育品質」、「依學校辦學需求,為學校遴選到適才適所的校長」、「增進家長參與學校事務的意願」、「校長遴選方式,有助於提升校園民主」、「增進教師參與學校事務的意願」、「增進社會公正人士參與學校事務的意願」。 二、關於中小學校長遴選制度面臨的問題 國中小學校長遴選制度面臨的問題面臨的問題依同意度的高低排序如下:「地方政治勢力干涉校長遴選的意見」、「遴選委員的代表性不足的意見」、「遴選委員組成比例規定不合理的意見」、「遴選委員的專業性不足的意見」、「直轄市及各縣市中小學校長間無法相互遷調,造成居住外縣市具有校長候用資格者無法參與其它縣市政府的校長遴選的意見」、「校長回任教師或轉任他職的安排的意見」、「採用遴選的方式,造成彼此在遴選上競爭激烈,恐怕在校園上會形成惡質的選舉文化的意見」、「不納入年資、經歷計分的校長遴選方式,未能顧及教育行政倫理的意見」、「採用遴選的方式,造成特殊偏遠地區的中小學校長流動率偏高的意見」、「教育行政人員喪失轉任校長管道的意見」、「縣市政府培訓的候用校長名額過多,恐怕會造成候用校長長年不能正式錄用,造成資源浪費的意見」、「採用遴選的方式,承受各方對校長的要求,使得校長難以發揮應有作為的意見」、「無法保障弱勢族群(如原住民教師、女性)出任校長的意見」。 三、關於改善校長遴選制度的配套措施 改善校長遴選制度的配套措施的優先順序為「建立客觀公正及專業的校長評鑑」、「建立完善的校務評鑑」、「中小學校長應具有同級學校教師資格」、「依學校辦學需求,為學校遴選到適才適所的校長」、「建立良善的校長職前培育制度」、「校長回任教師或轉任他職的安排」、「建立校長遴選申訴制度」、「建立客觀公正及專業的教師評鑑(教學視導)」。 四、關於校長回任教師或轉任他職的安排 大部份填答人員都一致認為未獲遴聘的校長應在國教法規定的範圍內,自行決定未來的出路。 最後,本研究將針對上述的研究發現加以討論,並提出具體性建議供直轄市和縣(市)政府辦理中小學校長遴選和參與校長遴選候選人之參考及未來後續研究之建議。 / The purpose of the present study is to discuss the effects of Principal Selection Program(PSP) in Compulsory Education on Taiwan and subjects' opinions about the principal selection. By purposive sampling, 428 valid samples from 600 copies are acquired, inclusive of principals, teachers, parents, administrators, and professors in Taiwan Province, Taipei City, and Kaohsiung City. These data gathered from questionnaire are analyzed by frequencies, chi-square test and Z test through statistical package software "SPSS for Windows 9.0". Important findings are the following: 1.For the effects of implementing PSP, the major important factors are prompting competition and accountability, recruiting competent principals, and urging parents to participate in schooling affairs. 2.For the difficulties of implementing the PSP, the major difficulties are political intervention, representation of commissioners, composition of Principal Selection Committee, the lacking of profession in the process of principal selection, and decending position from principals to be teachers or other jobs. 3.For the questions of how to improve PSP, the major effective strategies are establishing principal and schooling affairs evaluation system, and making principals to be qualified for teachers in the same level. 4.For transition of principal's career, most of the subjects, if they were principals, will choose to go back for teaching after leaving principal position. Finally, the study discussed the findings, and offered some practical suggestions concerning the principal selection in compulsory schooling at local governments in the further research.

台灣宗教教育之合憲性研究-國民教育之分析 / On Constitutionality of Taiwanese Religious Education--An Analysis of the Civil Education

張源泉 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探究的主題為宗教教育之合憲性,這個主題在本論文中包含三個子題:一、公立學校可否實施具有宗教信仰內涵的生命教育?二、國家可否禁止私立中小學開設宗教教育?三、憲法是否賦予新約教徒有權拒絕接受牴觸其宗教信仰之教育,而選擇在家教育的權利?針對這些問題,本論文首先從歷史分析的角度,探討宗教教育之發展。其次,闡釋宗教教育之合憲性基礎。最後,基於上述的研究基礎,再進一步判斷宗教教育之合憲性。   在公立學校之宗教教育方面。若依據政教分離之限定分離說觀點,生命教育的實施,如果能對於各種宗教信仰廣為介紹,保障學校成為一個以學生自我實現為核心之多元、開放、中立而寬容之場域,尚不至於違憲;但若只提供某一特定宗教信仰的內涵,使學生沒有選擇的可能性,將會違反政教分離原則。若從徹底分離說的觀點,生命教育的教材內容,如果其內容蘊含一特定宗教信仰內涵時,將會違反憲法之政教分離原則。   在私立學校之宗教教育方面。在公立學校以外的宗教教育,由於並不涉及政教分離原則,而為憲法宗教自由之保障對象;而且,私立學校基於其辦學之目的,得自由選擇教師及學生,且已事先告知其應接受之宗教教育課程,故私立學校得自由開設宗教教育課程;因此,我國禁止私立學校開設宗教教育課程,實已違反憲法對於宗教自由的保障。   在新約教會之案例方面。當父母之宗教信仰與學校之價值體系有衝突時,為保障父母之宗教自由,應承認父母享有入學義務拒絕權,而可以主張在家教育;但為了保障子女之受教育權,此種取代學校教育之在家教育,必須除了宗教內容之課程外,也必須提供相當於一般公、私立學校所實施之國民教育內容及程度,使其子女享有與一般學校學生同值之教育。 / The motif of the thesis is to investigate the constitutionality of the religious education. This thesis includes three sub-thesis: 1. could the public schools enforce the education of the life with the significance of the religion?2. could the state forbid the private primary and junior high schools to establish the religious education? 3.does the constitution authorize the Xinyue Protestants to decline the general education which offends against their religious beliefs and choose to be educated at home? Aiming at these problems, this thesis sets out from the stance of the historical analysis to inquire into the development of the religious education. Then, the thesis explicates the foundation of the constitutionality of the religious education. Finally, basing upon the aforesaid results, then further discuss the constitutionality of the religious education.   With the respect of religious education in the public schools, if according to the standpoint of the separation of church and state, the enforcement of the life education should spread various religions, secure the schools to provide a place for targeting the self-realization of the students and for the diversified, broadminded, neutralism and tolerance sphere, the aforesaid religious education is unlikely to unconstitutionality. But if the schools provide the one and only religious education, make the students have no selective possibility, and then these schools have acted against the principle of the separation of church and state . If from the standpoint of thorough split, the content of the teaching materials of the life education includes the courses of the one and only religion, then it acts against the constitutionality of the principle of the separation of church and state .   With the respect of religious education in the private schools, because the schools don’t involve the principle of the separation of church and state , therefore, they are targets of protection under the constitution for religious freedom; furthermore, the private schools may depend on its own purpose of establishment to freely select instructors and students and because being notified them about the required courses of religious education in advance, they may freely set up religious courses; our country forbids their setting religious courses have violated constitution.   With the respect of the case study of Xinyue Protestants, when the parents’ religious beliefs and the value system of the schools generate the conflicts, to protect the parents’ religious freedom the state should acknowledge that the parents have the right to decline the registration of their children for the required schooling education and may have right to educate their children at home; while to protect the rights of children for education as well, the substitute schooling education at home should provide similar content and standard of the general civil education as offered by the public and private schools in general in addition to the courses of religious education to let their children may also accept the equivalent education in the general schools.


朱敏賢 Unknown Date (has links)
學校教育為國家培養人才庫最具組織成效之社會系統,而學校教育目前亦成為輿論批評最為強烈之教育體系。本論文嘗試以法學為經,以經濟學、公共行政學、教育學等為緯,針對近年受新自由主義影響所開展之行政改革理念,進而觸及之公立國民學校法制改革課題,主要係以公部門及私部門有互相合作、共創雙贏之可能性為觀點,討論民間參與國民教育興辦之最新合作模式。 公立學校之改造模式,在教育改革之理論與實際均有多元發展,但美國特許學校制度則為近年獲聯邦及多數州支持之新法制,且特許學校被評價為公立學校成功之改造類型。該制度主要係透過解除法令管制手段,容許主管機關以特許使私人參與公立學校辦學,辦學者可透過引進專家、競爭觀念、自主、選擇及績效責任等機制,形成獨立性高之新型公立學校教育體制,賦予此類學校展現更具多元化及創造性之辦學環境,其亦屬廣義公立學校委託私人經營模式之一。本論文借重美國成功發展之特許學校法制及實際辦學經驗,期待我國學界及教育主管機關於積極繼受此法制之同時,亦得深切體認我國自身之教育環境與文化背景,建立適合本土教育之制度,並更兼顧教育之卓越與公平。 本文之法學分析途徑,除藉由比較法之觀察外,並以我國憲法及行政法規範體系作為論述基礎,試圖開發我國國民教育法及特許學校法制之原理原則,以作為目前相關立法草案之參考,及期望有助於我國相關類型學校興辦之完善。 / A Charter School’s Research of Law Institutions in None-Governmental Participant in Education School education is an organized social system for nations human resource cultivation, which has becomes the most fiercely criticism in present though. Besides, the ideal of transformation under the influences of latest New Liberalism, has been approached the debate of institutional reform in public school in consequences. So, our thesis applied some methodologies such as laws, economics, public administrations, pedagogies and some other knowledge domains, primary focusing on public and private sectors’ collaboration issues, enabling to create a win-win outcome as prospect, and discussing the latest cooperation model for non-governmental participant in education. In fact, public school transformation model in theory and practice for educational reform is already advanced. However, American Charter School System, appraised as a successful transformational type of public school, is supported by new law institutions of Federal and many other states in recent years. Through its decretal deregulation may permit competent authority’s establishers who privately participate in public school establishment with “brain-gaining” experts, competitive concept, independence, selection, accountability and other mechanisms by using Charter. Therefore, a new typical educational system conferred the environment school establishment in more plural and creative way is arised. Our thesis adduced from a successful establishment of American Charter School’s experience before acdemic fields and competent authorities of education implementing the law institutions. In addition, in order to consider the difference of educational environment or culture background, selecting the appropriate pedagogy for country is the first priority we expected. Finally, as a reference for related legislation and expectation to support school establishment, we are not only using a comparison method for extensional observation, but also trying to develop a pattern for nations’ pedagogy and Charter School institution. Keywords: Charter School, Nations Education, non-government education, public school, New Liberalism, Cooperated Nations, Public Private Partnership, the third route, educational reform, transformation of organizing, deregulation, Privatization, parents’ educational right, parents’ right to choose, elasticity, plural principle, neutrality principle, relenting principle, municipal governance, administrative contract, performance doctrine

國民教育階段中的宗教自由─多元文化主義的觀點 / Religious freedom in mandated education context─a multiculturalism perspective

林榮光 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文係從多元文化主義之觀點來探討國民教育階段中的宗教自由。我國憲法第159條規定:「國民受教育之機會一律平等」。然而學生在教育過程中實質的平等受教育機會卻與其文化認同有密切的關係。如果學生的獨特文化認同不能在主流教育體制中受到尊重與接納,連帶的也會影響其學習上的成功機會。而透過對於法律「兼顧容納宗教自由」之案例的反省與分析,本論文引出了「宗教也是一深刻文化認同」之看法。筆者根據此一看法來重新思索宗教與國民教育之關係,並認為在憲法基本權利的層次,為了兼顧容納信徒基於宗教認同所產生之需求,我們必須承認「宗教學生平等受教育的權利」與「父母宗教教育之自由」。然而國家在國民教育階段中兼顧容納宗教自由,除了不應違背「政教分離」原則之外,也應以「民主教育」作為兼顧容納之重要界限。以上述想法為基礎,本論文也於最後具體探討我國的教育規範與教育實踐應如何作出調整,以建構一個兼顧信仰與學習的教育環境。 / This dissertation discussed religious freedom in mandated education context from a multiculturalism perspective. Article 159 of ROC Constitution provides, “The educational opportunities of citizens are equal.” Understood in a subjective sense, equal educational opportunities of students have much to do with their cultural identities. If a student’s unique cultural identity cannot be respected and accommodated in mainstream education system, his or her opportunities to success in the education process will be limited seriously. Through the discussion of cases of “accommodation of religious freedom”, this dissertation tried to propose the view that religion is also a profound cultural identity. Accordingly, the author indicated that in order to accommodate believers religious identity, “the equal educational rights of religious students” and “the freedom of religious education of parents” should be recognized in mandated education context. However, the efforts to accommodate religious freedom should also be balanced by the principles of democratic education, in addition to the requirements of secularism in public schools. Based on the ideas mentioned above, this dissertation reviewed educational regulations and practices in Taiwan in the final section, and proposed the ways to construct a education environment in which both the believers’ needs to learn and to develop religious identity can be respected and attended properly.

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