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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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在地化行不行? —影視消費與身份認同之關係探討 / Does Localization Work? An Exploration into Relationship between Media Consumption and Identity

張家誠, Chang, Chia Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
2014年,台灣FOX頻道播出美國長青諷刺卡通《辛普森家庭》,以其台味十足的配音風格而紅極一時。台灣《辛普森家庭》揉合了在地當時流行的時事話題,與原版內容大相逕庭,卻深受台灣觀眾喜愛。然而,即使廣受歡迎,台版《辛普森家庭》也為部分觀眾所批評,認為其喪失原版樣貌,在網路上亦興起一波攻擊與護航熱議。過去研究指出,人們傾向接觸與自己相近的事物,也比較喜歡這樣的內容(Markus & Wurf, 1987; Chang, 2002, 2005, 2008a, 2011)。 據此,本研究以雜揉兩種文化的影視文化產品出發,試圖於自我一致性理論(Self Congruency Theory)版圖中加入影視消費一環。因此,本研究以「知覺影片文化」與「既存文化認同」之交互作用切入,欲了解兩者之間的關係。此外,本研究亦試圖剖析閱聽人觀影時的心理機制,加入閱聽人觀影後的認知反應(自我參照、自我-影片連結、心理距離)與情感反應(正向情緒、觀影享受),測試其對於影片態度的效果。 本研究採單因子實驗設計,以「知覺影片文化」為自變項,以「文化認同」為調節變項,兩者之交互作用項作為分析之用;此外,亦探討自我參照、自我-影片連結、心理距離、正向情緒、觀影享受等五概念對於影片態度之中介效果。研究結果指出,知覺影片文化與文化認同之交互作用並未能顯著預測影片態度,文中討論研究限制所在與未來研究建議。

臺灣珊瑚礁保育策略研究 / Protecting the rainforests of the sea : a framework to manage the coral reefs of Taiwan

愛麗絲, Aleksandra Monika Manikowska Unknown Date (has links)
珊瑚礁位處熱帶海洋的赤道附近。台灣島被北回歸線分為南與北,為理想的珊瑚礁棲息地。然而,台灣珊瑚礁的保育地位和現代威脅,特別缺乏國際出版的科學研究和數據;加上社會缺乏保護珊瑚礁和沿海資源的必要認識,讓「台灣是海鮮國家,而不是海洋國家」的錯誤認知持續阻礙了保育工作。因此,本文通過文獻回顧和訪問利益相關者,來理解包括政府機構,學者和在地社區成員間的珊瑚礁論述。結果發現,政府機構和在地社區之間的深度不信任使得海洋保護工作複雜化,加上滿足短期利益往往犧牲環境整體資源。然而,通過實施沿海綜合管理計劃(ICZMP)可能為解決方案,在所有利益攸關的共議合作中,確保保育海岸和健康珊瑚礁的諸多可持續利益。 / The majority of the coral reefs are located in the tropical oceans between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, with a particularly high concentration near the equator. The Tropic of Cancer runs through the center of Taiwan, dividing the island into tropical and subtropical climate zones in the South and North, respectively, and creating an ideal habitat for the coral reef ecosystem. Yet, there is an insufficient amount of scientific research and data regarding the status of and threats to Taiwan’s coral reefs, especially in English-language publications. There furthermore exists a lack of awareness of the need to protect the reefs and coastal resources, with the widespread mentality that ‘Taiwan is a seafood country, not an ocean country’ hindering conservation efforts. Strife at the political level, in part a result of Taiwan’s unique historical events, translate into legislative and economic priority given elsewhere. This paper thus aims to realign this information asymmetry through intensive literature reviews and interviews with key stakeholders, including governmental institutions, scholars, and members of indigenous communities. Results show that deep mistrust and miscommunication between governmental institutions and the indigenous communities complicate marine conservation efforts. Satisfying short-term dominant interests frequently comes at the expense of environmental progress, a phenomenon that does not seem to substantially change with the election cycles. Nevertheless, progress has been made through such measures as the implementation of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan. However, persistent issues such as improper enforcement of laws, prioritization of immediate economic gains over long-term ecological concerns, opposition from interest groups, and a lack of incentives and awareness at all levels to protect coastal regions continue to impede effective coral reef and coastal management. Overall, despite the monumental challenges set before marine conservation, the solution lies within a unified collaboration of all the stakeholders determined to protect and cultivate the many benefits of a sustainably managed coast and healthy coral reefs.

老人的分布狀況與居住安排選擇-「在地老化」探討 / The distribution of the elderly and the living arrangments of elderly choose-to discuss 「aging in place」

陳亮言 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用2000年的人口普查資料和2008年人力資源暨中老年人狀況調查,對於老人的分布狀況以及居住安排選擇進行分析,由於平均餘命的增加,70歲以上的老人人數也逐漸攀升,因此單就65歲以上的老人為研究對象可能過於籠統,因此本研究將老人群體分為65~74歲的「年輕老人」,75~84歲的「中年老人」以及85歲以上的「老老人」三個群體,本研究依據這樣的老人分類來看他們在空間分布狀況是否不同,以及在居住安排上是否有不一樣的選擇,在國內外的研究較少將老人空間分布和居住安排的選擇結合進行探討,而本研究者認為老人在空間分布和居住安排上的關聯性是相當強烈的,因此本研究試著連結老人的地理分布狀況與其居住安排來討論。本研究目的是從三個群體的老人來看影響他們在台灣地理分布上不同的因素,再從三個群體的老人在地理分布狀況的不同來探討居住安排選擇,最後從分布狀況和居住安排情況的分析結果與現今政府極力推廣的「在地老化」進行探討。 本研究主要假設為,老年人的健康狀況和年齡為最主要影響老人分布狀況不同的因素,使得在年輕老人的分布狀況是分散,而越到老老人階段時,其分布情形越趨於集中在台北、台中和高雄的趨勢;之後再依據三個老人群體的地理分布狀況,來推斷各群體老人因為受到年齡增長以及健康狀況衰退的關係不但分布情形改變,其居住安排的選擇也跟著變動,最主要是往都市地區與子女同住。從研究結果以及參照Litwak和Longino (1988)所歸納出的老人三階段遷徙,證實了健康狀況影響了老人分布狀況,是從分散逐漸往都市地區集中的趨勢,而老人分布情形的改變主要可能是為了往都市地區尋求子女的協助幫忙,因而與其同住。「在地老化」主要強調的是老人應在其社區中自然老化,然而依據本研究結果,台灣老人的分布以及居住安排的慣性上是與「在地老化」概念有所衝突的,因此在未來政府在推廣「在地老化」上是必須要注意且克服這樣的情況。

紀實娛樂頻道的國際化策略分析 / The international strategy of Real-World entertainment channel

洪琪真, Hung, Chi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
文化的重要性,巳躍居為國家戰略級的地位。兩岸政府都將文化創意產業的發展列入下一波的新興產業,期許它能成為推動下一波經濟的新引擎。然而,文創產業除了強調文化在地性之價值,更重視與國際接軌,才有機會跨越國界,創造出如韓劇《大長今》遍及全球60國家的900億新台幣的週邊效益(超越750萬台EeePC的產值)。 八十年代起,各國政府對媒體解除管制,及新科技的推波助瀾,美國電視集團紛紛前進海外市場佈局。本研究針對Discovery傳播集團如何建立全球品牌,在國際化的過程將節目及行銷依不同市場選擇不同的在地化策略,最終將紀實影片的利基市場,從美國擴大到歐洲、亞洲、拉丁美洲等國際市場,成為全球性的紀實娛樂頻道的領導品牌。 Discovery傳播集團因其知識性與教育性的內容,天生具備「政府友善」(Government Friendly)的特質,迅速在美國成長。但其國際化初期,因節目版權、各國政府法令限制在地製作內容的比例、觀眾偏好不同等挑戰,進而推出尋求在地人才製作在地節目的《新銳導演計畫》,並舉辦紀實影片研討會廣納人才。隨後又與BBC合作推出大成本、大製作的紀實影片,推出「與世界同步觀賞」的世界級節目,建立全球一致的品牌形象。過程中,Discovery累積並發展出其核心能力,並複製到其他市場,是最終建立其全球品牌價值、優勢、及持續成長的重要關鍵。 透過四個個案的分析-《流言終結者》、《新銳導演計畫》、《聖母峰:攀越巔峰》及《瘋台灣》,探討Discovery「節目與行銷」vs.「標準化及在地化」四種策略的成效,進一步確認「在地化」因子,在國際化過程極為重要的關鍵。「在地化」架構一個平台,讓在地的觀眾、媒體、廣告主、政府能有進一步參與的角色,並達成以5R的綜效(Local Relevant、Rating、Relationship、Revenue、Recognition)。 關鍵詞:國際化、標準化與在地化、紀實娛樂、Discovery頻道。 / The huge success of Cool Britannia, Korean drama & K-pop, cultural and creative industries, aka soft power, are considered key drivers in booting economic growth by Taiwan & Mainland China governments. The key factor behind this success is internationalizing the unique local culture. The objective of this study is to reveal the internationalization history, the factor & the formula behind the World’s number one real-world entertainment media - Discovery Communications Inc. What challenges did Discovery confronted back to early 90s, and what competence the company built up through limited resources over the past 27 years, and how it adopted the success formula from Europe to Asia and make Discovery a global brand. The research analyzes four cases which include Mythbusters, First Time Filmmakers, Everest and Fun Taiwan by the framework of standardization and localization vs. programming & marketing. Through the process, this work reveals the key successful factor is localization either in programing or marketing. Therefore it creates a local-friendly platform to further engage local partners- viewer, advertiser, media & government to take part in and achieve a multi-purposes success – the 5R synergy- Local Relevant, Rating, Relationship, Recognition & Revenue. Key words: internationalization, Discovery Channel, real-world entertainment, standardization & localization

法朵的馬德里想像:西班牙餐廳的創新再脈絡過程 / The Imaging of Fardo: The Process of Innovation Recontextualization from a Spanish Restaurant

李雅清 Unknown Date (has links)

以利基產品為主的中小企業全球在地化的行銷策略 / Globalization strategy of small and median sized enterprise in niche market

陳友信 Unknown Date (has links)

論在地文化對文創產業發展的助力與影響 -以西方主流國家與亞洲、拉美國家為例 / The Local Culture Influence on the Development of Culture and Creative Industries- Respective Experience from Major Western and Asia/ Latin America Countries

舒夢蘭 Unknown Date (has links)
21世紀,在全球化浪潮之下,文化創意產業成為顯學。根據聯合國數據資料顯示,近十年來,文創產業產值平均年成長率為8.8%,在開發中國家平均年成長率更高達12%,歐洲與亞太各國政府無不視文創產業為新金源或翻身的絕佳機會,文化創意產業已成為未來20年全球發展的主力引擎! 台灣自2002年正式將文化創意產業視為國家發展級重點產業,但近十年產值成長率卻始終落後各國平均,尋找台灣發展文創產業發展的方向,將是台灣經濟發展與產業轉型升級的關鍵力量。 在分析文創產業發展卓著的歐美國家相關文獻後發現,創意產業之所以成功,乃是利用長久積累的在地文化底蘊作為根基,加以創意應用至不同產業,本文遂以田野調查法與訪談法,針對西方主流國家,如義大利、荷蘭、奧地利以及亞洲日本與拉丁美洲的祕魯,參考相關文獻之後,進行實地訪查與調查分析,探討在地文化對一個國家的文創產業發展有何助力與影響。研究最終可得以下結論:這些國家運用其豐富特色的在地文化,且人民對自身文化的強烈認同感,將在地文化落實於日常生活之中,以在地文化作為核心,結合創意與科技,輔以商業模式的思維,形成一種文化產業或是創意產業的成功模式,國家再以鼓勵文創產業相關政策的助攻,進而造就出強有力的國際競爭力。 / The cultural and creative industries have become a significant part of the mainstream economy in the 21st century under the tide of globalization. According to UN data, the average annual growth rate of cultural and creative industries was 8.8% worldwide in the past decades, and as high as 12% in developing countries. Countries in Europe and the Asia Pacific region consider the cultural and creative industries to be a source for new funding as well as a great opportunity for revival. These industries have become a main engine pushing the global economic development forward in the next twenty years. Since 2002, Taiwan has recognized the cultural and creative industries to be one of the key industries to develop at national level. However, their growth rate over the past decade has always been lagging behind the average growth rate when compared to other countries. Identifying the direction of their development in Taiwan will be crucial for economic development as well as business upgrade and transformation. Analysis of relevant documentations concerning the development of the cultural and creative industries in Europe and the US shows that those countries have achieved significant success in these industries due to their solid foundation in local cultures and creativity. This paper therefore aims to discuss the influences and the impact which local cultures have on the cultural and creative industries in a given country, taking the examples of Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Japan and Peru. The surveys were conducted through field research and interviews. In addition, relevant documentation was analyzed. From the research concluded by this paper, the author found the reasons why these countries are successful in the cultural and creative industries can be summarized as follows: These countries have been utilizing their profound local cultures with their specific features, and their people’s strong cultural identity, to implement the local cultures into daily life. With their local cultures at the core, the cultural and creative industries have established a successful business model in which creativity and technology are combined together. Meanwhile, favorable policies from governments have added strong competitive advantages to their respective industries in the global market.

科技心理擁有感、在地知識與科技採用:科技意會觀點 / Psychological ownership, local knowledge, and technology adoption: The perspective of technology sense-making

侯勝宗, Hou,Sheng-Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
現代化組織雖然熱衷於導入資訊科技來提升組織競爭力,但研究發現近一半的科技導入最後是以失敗收場;此種不導入科技則組織將失去競爭力、但導入科技後卻達不到預期成效的兩難,是造成組織生產力困境的原因之一。此一企業面對科技採用的兩難困境,引發本論文的研究動機。 實務中許多科技導入失敗的案例已經說明決定企業是否擁有競爭力不在於組織是否導入科技或使用者如何採用新科技,愈來愈多的研究已證實如何在導入科技後,讓員工願意改變既有的工作習性,並樂於持續地使用科技,且逐漸將科技使用內化成為日常工作實踐,可能更加重要。此外,實務中也常發現組織內的科技使用者在面對相同科技時,往往並不是接受科技,或是拒絕科技的二元採用論;相反地,因為使用者會對科技進行自我詮釋與賦予個人意義,故導致許多不同且有趣的採用類型,甚至可能造成非預期的負面反應與行為。 過去許多探討個人層次的科技採用研究專注於科技採用者的認知因素對科技接受與否之影響,本論文則專注於科技採用的情感面探討,瞭解使用者對科技的心理擁有感受如何影響採用行為。綜合過往文獻的不足,本論文提出二項主要研究問題:(1) 科技採用是否存在多元化的採用類型?影響原因為何?與 (2) 科技採用者對科技的心理擁有感如何影響科技採用行為與績效? 針對上述的研究問題,本論文回顧科技採用、科技意會、心理擁有感與在地知識等相關文獻,輔以二階段的研究策略,依序進行個案質化研究的理論建構 (研究一) 與量化假說的理論驗證 (研究二)。首先,研究一以新加坡康福計程車與台灣大車隊計程車為研究個案,藉由瞭解二地的計程車司機如何採用衛星派遣科技之紮根研究,歸納出科技採用者的科技心理擁有感將影響對科技的意會,與使用科技的在地知識類型;其次,科技心理擁有感可藉由以上二者的中介效果,進而影響科技採用型態與採用頻次。本論文由研究一推導出相關的研究假說,以供研究二進行關係驗證。最後,在研究二中,本論文藉由科技心理擁有感、在地知識、科技意會的量表發展與結構方程式統計分析,進行研究一的假說驗證與探討。 經由數百位計程車司機開車實踐的觀察、訪談與大樣本問卷調查後,本論文發現科技心理擁有感可區分為「我的科技心理擁有感」與「我們的科技心理擁有感」二類屬性;而科技心理擁有感將產生二大類的科技意會類型:「實用認同型科技意會」與「自利專屬型科技意會」,與二大類的在地知識:「近地型在地知識」與「遠地型在地知識」,最後,進而影響科技的多元採用類型與採用績效。 本論文有系統地利用質性紮根研究進行構念的歸納與分類,發現不同型式的科技心理擁有感、多元科技意會、在地知識與科技採用類型,並建構一個多構念且具完整性的科技採用分析架構與衡量方法。同時,本論文也借用組織行為理論中的心理擁有感理論於科技採用研究中,以解釋個人對科技的心理擁有感如何影響科技採用行為。整體而言,本論文力求達到研究情境真實性、研究衡量精準性與研究結論類推性的理論建構三大目標。 / For purposed of efficiency, organizations often engage in adopting or transferring new technology across national boundary to increase their competitive advantage. But researches found over half cases of IT (information technology) implementation failed in the end. This dilemma between losing competitive advantage without IT implication and failing in adoption with technology transfer is a main challenge of organization. The research objective of this dissertation is to understand the profound occasions of this dilemma. In the reality, many IT failure cases have illustrated keeping competitive advantage for organization was depends on how to transform users’ routines or habits from current IT usage on post-adoption stage rather than adopting a new technology on pre-adoption stage. In other words, the final goal of IT implementation is to internalize the technology use to become users’ daily practices. In addition, what is missing from the current discussion literature of technology management is that technology adoption is multiple patterns rather than a trade off between acceptance and rejection. Therefore, in different organizational context various users may render multiple interpretations of the same technology, leading diversified adoptive behaviors or some negative and unexpected results of IT use. The first research question of this dissertation is: How do people’s situated practices enact patterns of users’ sense-making towards technology, leading to multiple modes of technology use? Prior studies of technology adoption in individual level have developed a set of useful analysis on technology acceptance from users’ cognition perspective. However, the current literature has not yet investigated behaviors of technology adoption from affective approach. The second research question of this dissertation is: How feeling of ownership of technology individual user has influences their technology use? Through the literature review from technology adoption, technology sense-making, psychological ownership, and local knowledge, we built a two-stage research strategy to answer the above research questions. First, we formulae a conceptual framework by conducting qualitative research approach. Two cases was investigated in this stage, they were Comfort Taxi Co. in Singapore and Taiwan High Transportation Co. (THT) in Taiwan. By ethnographic data collecting from two cases in two years fieldwork, we observed how taxi drivers in Singapore and Taiwan adopt and use the same technology, G.P.S. (Global Positioning System) dispatch system, named Cablink. Second, from the findings of qualitative cases, we generalized the some hypothetical relationships among psychological ownership of technology, technology sense-making as well as patterns of local knowledge users own. The next, we test these hypotheses through questionnaire development and surveys answered by THT taxis drivers in Taiwan. The findings indicated that the taxi drivers had two types of psychological ownership of technology (Self-oriented and Collective-oriented) triggering two modes of technology sense-making (Pragmatism sense-making and Autism sense-making), and two kinds of local knowledge (Local search on knowledge and Distant search on knowledge). Consequently, the frequency of technology use will be influenced by above constructs directly and indirectly. In conclusion, this dissertation proposes to analyze technology adoption through sense-making and feelings of ownership by combining qualitative and quantitative methods. The findings enhance the theory of technology sense-making and psychological ownership, and suggest practical implications for post technology adoption and global technology transfer.


梁慧玲 Unknown Date (has links)
美國與英國在未獲聯合國同意下對伊拉克發動戰爭,引發各國關注,在世界各地也掀起不小的反戰浪潮。筆者藉由此機會,選取兩岸三地平面媒體於美伊戰爭爆發至聯軍攻陷伊拉克首都巴格達期間的相關新聞報導,以檢視全球化傳播脈落下國際新聞資訊流通的現狀;對兩岸三地平面媒體處理國際新聞時的差異及特色進行瞭解與比較;印證兩岸三地平面媒體在處理美伊戰爭相關新聞時,也有為拉近陌生國際事件與本地閱聽眾的相關性而加入本地觀點的新聞馴化/新聞本地化過程;並藉由過去相關研究訪談所得的新聞馴化/新聞本地化策略,為兩岸三地新聞媒體的國際新聞馴化/新聞本地化程度進行比較。 本研究發現,即便在全球化的傳播脈絡之中,國際新聞資訊流通失衡的現象依舊未有所改變,兩岸三地平面媒體的國際新聞報導仍相當程度地依賴西方外電;多採用政治經濟實力強的國家,如英美等西方國家的外電消息;在新聞報導地區上,以英美為首的西方國家為報導重心;在新聞偏向上,也是以有利英美國家的新聞報導居多。 本研究也發現,由於傳播科技的發達,為兩岸三地新聞媒體造就了更多元的國際新聞外電取材來源與管道;國外新聞媒體外電取代過去傳統的通訊社,成為國際新聞外電來源的主力;而這現象意味著部分國家的新聞媒體已逐漸發展成全球性的新聞媒體集團,並享有全球性的新聞市場(如:CNN),為世界各地傳遞與提供新聞訊息。 雖然國際新聞資訊流通失衡的現象在全球化的傳播環境中絲毫未被動搖,但也並未對兩岸三地的新聞報導造成文化帝國主義學者擔心的同質化現象。兩岸三地平面媒體對於美伊戰爭相關新聞的報導,在報導形式、新聞來源、新聞主題、新聞報導地區與新聞偏向上都有所差異,並達到統計上的顯著程度。顯示即便兩岸三地媒體的國際新聞報導有相當程度依賴外電消息,但是由於兩岸三地的政治、經濟與新聞制度的不同,使得各地新聞工作者對於國際新聞的選取標準也有所不同,因而呈現出不同的國際新聞樣貌。 在新聞馴化/新聞本地化的部分發現,兩岸三地平面媒體在此次的美伊戰爭報導中皆有訪問權威人士、具有官方代表身份的相關人士、遠離家鄉或與家鄉有各種關連的『自己人』等新聞馴化/新聞本地化處理方式。整體來說,在兩岸三地平面媒體中,以蘋果日報的新聞馴化/新聞本地化程度最高,聯合報次之,人民日報第三,此排行與兩岸三地國際化程度相同,印證Robertson (1992)『本地化即是全球化的制度化』(Locality is globally institutionalized)的主張。

紀實娛樂頻道節目全球在地化歷程探析—以Discovery在台灣的發展為例 / The Analysis of Glocalization Process on Nonfiction Entertainment Television Program: take Discovery Channel in Taiwan for example

鄭淑文, Cheng,Shuwen Unknown Date (has links)
90年代各國政府對媒體的解除管制(deregulation)、傳播媒體集團間合作策略日興、逐漸形成媒體集團,加上新媒介技術的發展(光纖和衛星技術的發展),為跨國媒體的市場版圖拓展提供了有利條件,在市場機能的運作的背景下,全球的電信業自由化影響台灣電訊傳播民營化,因應全球化、自由化的浪潮,以及市場開放趨勢,全球主要知名頻道紛紛佔據台灣市場,例如CNN、HBO、DISCOVERY頻道、國家地理頻道、ESPN、STAR TV、Disney等。跨國媒體集團在台灣除了經營大眾娛樂的頻道之外,另一類受到觀眾喜愛的「特定類型頻道」為「紀實娛樂」(nonfiction entertainment)頻道。 2006年台灣地區跨國媒體集團共經營43個頻道,根據行政院新聞局所做的「最受歡迎頻道」調查顯示,台灣地區外國頻道中最受歡迎的前三名分別是HBO、Discovery頻道、國家地理頻道(新聞局,2005;54),HBO以電影播放為主,而Discovery頻道與國家地理頻道同屬休閒社教類節目。兩者又以Discovery頻道近年來致力於本土化經營的成績較為顯著,似可觀察其「節目在地化」階段性的策略演變。 本研究鎖定Discovery頻道這一特殊節目類型的跨國媒體集團在台灣的經營與發展為研究主題,深入了解該跨國頻道在全球化的時代中,如何迎合輸入國觀眾的喜好、擴大市場佔有率,分析該媒體集團在全球化時代的「全球在地化」經營模式,並透過節目製作公式,深入其在地化歷程;同時,本研究亦分析當地政府機構的介入與其經營策略的關係及影響。 研究發現跨國媒體進入本地市場之後,就節目產製與在地的營運的方式而言,必須考量全球化的佈局、在地的業務運作及節目製播兩方面的需求。Discovery集團透過全球媒體市場的考量,以在地發展模式加深了全球與在地的交互融合、互相滲透,本研究案例Discovery能夠透過「全球節目公式,在地產製內容」在本地產生其影響力、獲取利潤,以在地的力量(人才、資金、技術、文化)達到「文化接近性」的認同,更在「去地化」與「再地化」的概念下,實踐全球與在地的連結,並邁向「去再地」的發展階段。 承上,本研究設定跨國媒體集團為討論範圍,欲探討跨國媒體集團—面對變化所因應的策略,以Discovery傳播集團為探討個案,希望歸納出其「全球在地化」經營策略, 探討Discovery頻道在台灣之在地化策略實踐成效。 / This research is for the purpose of discussing Nonfiction Entertainment channel –Discovery, its management achievements, the history of localization of programming, the characteristic of arrangement of program telecast, and how the channel cooperate with locally produce productation teams. This research adopts the globalize vision, to analyze and inspect the characteristic of the 12 years on the foreign own channel –Discovery. This study shows that the Discovery channel’s Taiwan's management achievements are related to the channel’s strategy on global localization. The strategy not only affects the channel’s penetration rate and steady growth of advertisement income, this strategy also affect in programming and business practice. The whole says, Discovery’s localization is under the pattern development of "global management, international vision, and local viewpoint.” Its program characteristic is mostly base on traveling program taking from the headquarters supply. Program of subjects about Americas region and Asian region are equal. There are three types of Taiwanese subject programs; they are provided by cooperate, joint venture or outside production. Joint venture productions are growing rapidly, almost match the number of cooperate provide programs. The research also discovered that, the Discovery channel’s evolution of localize program productions are achieved gradually. In the produces system, manufacture management, the program quality, the narrative way, and the image style must conform to its program formula. Although the local responses are intense, it also has its gain after adjustment.

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