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漫遊於紐約三部曲底下的人們 / Paul Auster's New Yorker in The New York Trilogy張瀞云 Unknown Date (has links)
悲劇在於,籠罩於後現代的的烏雲下,雖然現代主義式英雄早已是一條死路,但提不出任何新的突破之路的主角們,終究不由自主地,以舊式現代主義英雄式的方法去探究、去找尋,去試圖重整秩序,緊接著便是,在這做玻璃之城裡,去失望、去挫折,去瘋狂,去死亡。 / Space is an influential, even determining factor to establish concerning subjectivity, and vice versa. The modern space and its fairy tale-type ordered/reasoned/omniscient city dwellers and detectives have already proved to be just an illusion. The world is no longer a comprehensible and legible universe. The omnipotent position the humans believe they firmly stand is just an ideological illusion. What exists in New York now is a hyperspace with ambiguity, contingency, self-dislocation, schizophrenia, and pastiche.
Even though Auster’s texts are frequently regarded as postmodern, the Postmodernity is delineated and constructed not upon the illustration/configuration of the late urban capitalism logic which Jameson sees as the dominant features, but upon the textual characteristics of meta-fictionality and the self–deconstruction.
But the New York tragedy is, facing with the mental crisis of the new age, the protagonists, or the heroes, the representative of every city dwellers living in the “mutation of the built space,” can’t propose any efficient and effective resolutions. The modernist efforts are proved to be a failure along with the changing of the city. Even though we know the condition is different, we still can’t have a new way to overcome our incapability and incompetents. This failure leads to various crises of subjectivity, ending in disappointment, frustration, disappearance, madness and death.
So, in this dissertation, I will attempt to analyze the behaviors of New Yorkers and the way they take actions: through the ways of writing, walking, naming and remembering, they endeavor to orient/reorient/disorient themselves in this particular the biggest late capitalism metropolis.
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建築商開發都市更新案之成功關鍵因素 / The key success factors for construction companies to develop urban renewal鄒雪娥 Unknown Date (has links)
於此現象中,都市亦賦有新陳代謝及「再生」能力。自1980 年代貣,由於全球風潮帶動了各城市的發展,藉由「都市更新」機制,促進城市再生已蔚為趨勢。在創造城市特色時,都市更新的方式也從單純的改建(Urban Renew),轉為注重城市經濟與競爭力的都市再造(Urban Redevelopment)。
以開闢迄今三百多年的臺北市為例,30 年以上的老舊建物,約占全市建築
物二分之一比例,如早期開發的萬華區、大同區等,已嚴重落後與衰敗的跡象。要如何面對全球經濟變遷、 ECFA 後的區域競爭、全球城市的競合,及永續發展與生態等議題?身為國際城市之一的臺北,有必要審慎思考城市的永續發展。面對外在環境嚴峻的挑戰,因應國際城市發展的趨勢,近年政府已全力推動都市更新(Urban Regeneration),自2011 年貣投入184 億元,民間企業也將大量投資,估計會提升經濟成長率每年約0.12%。
然而,臺北市從民國90 年至民國99 年止,都市更新核定實施案件僅104
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手搖杯飲料的空間社會學對話簡毓君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究自106年6月5日起截至106年10月12日止,共蒐集到七個飲品品牌、總計2890家之手搖杯飲料店相關資訊,輔以「社會經濟資料服務平台」與政府開放資料,採用R 統計軟體以及地理資訊系統作為主要工具,透過地圖繪製以及描述統計、相關統計等方法來進行探索與分析。
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重構快樂感覺 = Reconstructing the perception of happiness方維, 01 January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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政府在舊城改造中的角色與功能研究是明芳 January 2003 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration
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上海城市土地儲備制度研究于江 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration
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全球城市之建構--以上海市為例 / The Construction of a Global City--Shanghai as an example鈕則謙, Niu ,Tse-Chien Unknown Date (has links)
藉由上述的分析,本研究指出,儘管上海市政府在建構「全球城市」的過程時,具有「政府主導型的互動建構」模式,積極規劃上海市的建設發展,但是由於中央政府的影響、與周邊城市的關係,使得上海在發展上,仍未能稱為「全球城市」,僅能達到「全球化城市」的階段。另外,也必須反思,上海市的發展也許未必適合套用西方的發展模式,而是具有其獨特的發展軌跡。 / Under the effects of globalization, the flows of people, material, finance, and information transit very fast, and a few famous cities with the power of affecting the flows become the places of gathering, namely Global Cities. So call depends not only on its scale , but the power of its connection with other cities as well.
Considering this, China begin to emphasize its city development after its reform and open policy, and especially focuses on Shanghai to be a global city, and such ambition can often be seen from the several speeches of its former mayor Chen Lian Ju.
According this background, the dissertation tries to research the construction process of Shanghai being a global city. It includes seven chapters, besides the introduction, it traces the development of the theory of global city, and then discusses the policies of Shanghai’s people and space arrangement. Ensuing we discuss its Four Centers—economic, financial, trade and shipping, their developments and difficulties. After these, we begin to discuss its connection respectively with Yangtze River Delta cities and foreign cities by adopting content analysis method to examine Shanghai Wenhui Newspaper, Economist, and Newsweek. And then we discuss Shanghai Government including its transformation and its urban governance. Finally it’s the conclusion.
By this analysis and discuss, the dissertation points out the fact that spite of its striving construction, Shanghai with the trait of “Interactive construction mode by its government leading ”, it at most can only be called a “globalizing city”, not a “global city”. At the same time , it also reflects that adopting western theory to Shanghai may not be a good way , for Shanghai can be a global city by its own way.
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以大型活動建構城市品牌之評估指標研究 / A study of strategic indicators for branding cities by mega-events林威儒 Unknown Date (has links)
透過十多位行銷、傳播、媒體領域之學術界與實務界專業人士之專家問卷調查,本研究共建構十六項以大型活動建構城市品牌之評估指標,並進一步以大型活動籌辦單位之深度訪談補充營運面與組織面之內涵,增加指標於策略性運用時,更為全面性之思考。最後闡明研究結論,回應過往城市品牌架構文獻並建議未來相關研究方向,期望對於城市品牌思考與城市品牌導向之大型活動策略規劃與分析面向有所助益。 / The mega event held by a specific city shouldn’t only be analyzed as another single large scale event in the city but be seen as a series of city marketing practices in the long-term city branding context. The aim of the present study focuses on the strategic vision of the mega event and builds city brand-driven indicators to create the framework for mega event marketing strategy planning and evaluation.
The main theoretical background from literature reviews for this study consists of several city marketing, city branding, mega event and event marketing topics, which are not only the conceptual but technical and structural viewpoints included. Then the primary city brand-driven mega
event indicators would be developed by reorganizing these past researches into four main categories: strategy, symbol, relationship, benefit and sustainability. Based on Delphi method, all primary indicators are evaluated by 16 marketing, communication, media experts and finally formed the strategic framework.
Also, in this study, mega event organizer and the coordinator of marketing related department in the city government are interviewed to understand issues comprehensively from the execution and organization levels for solid strategic thinking. Finally, all 16 key indicators and the managerial implications , specific city branding frameworks from the literature reviews, and also advices for future studies are outlined and discussed in the last chapter.
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蚯蚓堆肥: 創造城市貧民經濟收入 / VERMIPOWER: Creating a Source of Income in Urban Slums睿愛德, Rivera, Eduardo Unknown Date (has links)
Millions and millions of people in urban slums around the world are waiting for an opportunity to build an effective business in generating good source of income. They also wish to have an opportunity to change their lives and to be able to work, to buy food, to send their children to school, and to stop being sick.
A group of people, that eventually became good friends, in National Chengchi University while studying in the International Masters in Business Administration and the Executive Masters in Business Administration respectively, have decided to embark in an adventure that aim to impact in a positive way the lives of millions of slum dwellers worldwide through a social enterprise. They established a project called VERMIPOWER which intent to provide a source of income for slum dwellers as well as to enhance the living conditions global slum areas.
Social enterprises are a profit generated business that looks for social, cultural, economic, and environmental outcomes. These enterprises are financially self-sufficient. The social enterprise that VERMIPOWER aspires to be, plan to have positive impacts on many factors within urban slums; from directly impacting people’s lives to helping the environment by utilizing elements from within the urban slums.
The company is built on the idea that the urban slums have items that can be used for a resource recovery process. Red worms will be needed as well as food waste. Red worms are a perfect fertilizer producer when eating food waste in a process known as vermicomposting. Interesting enough, red worms, while producing vermicompost, reproduce at an accelerated rate providing two interesting sources of income for slum dwellers, both red worms and vermicompost. Vermicompost can be used in farms, gardens and red worms can be sold in bait shops, zoos, etc.
As the saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, the company will turn trash into treasure, literally. And with the help of third party corporations it will be possible as well to fulfill the ultimate goal, which is creating a source of income for millions of slum dwellers across the world.
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雲端停車資訊與電子收費系統 / Cloud parking information and electronic toll collection system江海瑜, Chiang, Hai Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從開車族使用者的問題點與市政府的問題點中,試圖找出可行的解決方案。藉由簡單而熟悉的科技,利用資源優勢,設計出一套結合物聯網、雲端運算、行動 App 與大數據分析的生態系統,除了是一個可行的商業模式之外,也讓許多人能夠享受到共享經濟的好處,與隨選服務的方便性。
整個系統的架構與每個單元所必須具備的功能,包含了停車柱與裡面所包含的距離感測器與 HD IP Camera、廣域網路連接部分、雲端運算中心與所要發展的 App 功能。我們規劃了整個系統未來的部署計畫,一共分為三階段,首先從爭取市政府的 BOT 案開始,先將市政府的路邊與路外停車場的停車格位納入到我們的系統裡,獲得初步成功後,第二階段慢慢推展到私人營業停車場,最後,讓一些社區型停車場的空位也能夠利用這個系統來分享資源。
我們檢視了跟本商業模式比較相關的兩個交通 BOT 案,YouBike與遠通電收的 ETC 案,經過分析後,BOT 案的營運模式要能獲利的話,第一要件是要政府出資,若政府無法出資的話,則必須將營運年限延長到至少兩倍以上,在營運年限內,必須配合其他的商業模式來增加獲利。
為了確保本商業營運模式可以成功,我們計算了每個階段所需要花費的成本,也將正式營運後的營收做一個合理的預估,經過這樣的分析之後,得到一個合理的報酬比例。最後,經過 SWOT 分析,提出執行關鍵成功要素。
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