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Two essays of the information impact on the valuation of closed-end funds廖憲文, Liao,Hsien-wen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文分為兩部分,第一部份為以台灣之封閉型基金探討訊息事件下之投資者敏感性與市場效率性。第二部份為以東南亞六家國家基金探討投資者過渡反應之現象同時研究訊息分類後之訊息效果。 / This dissertation studies investors’ sentiment to dramatic public information events and the news effect on the valuation of closed-end funds. There are two main issues included in this dissertation. For the issue of investors’ sentiment, we employ domestic closed-end funds from Taiwan to test how political information events affect fund share price and net asset value. The political information events employed are the 1996 and 2000 presidential elections in Taiwan, including prominent political events ahead of the elections. For the other issue of news effect on the valuation of closed-end country funds, the six Asian country funds listed on the New York Stock Exchange are employed and the country-specific news are culled from the headlines shown on the front page of The New York Times.
For investors’ sentiment, we examine how dramatic political news and events affect closed-end fund data, fund price, and net asset value, using a sample of Taiwan data. We use data from Taiwan, because its stock market has been repeatedly affected by political events. We develop a theoretical model to show how information shocks would affect the discounts on closed-end funds. In designing the model, which is tested below, we start by assuming that the information shock is consistent with market efficiency. Our empirical results show that, even though this assumption is corroborated by three out of four events, the remaining one event in four induces changes which are inconsistent with market efficiency. This provides support for the theory of the preponderance of investors’ sentiment. The results also show that the return on fund share prices and the return of net asset value (NAV) move in the same direction and the impact of information shocks to the return of fund share price and return of NAV have mostly the same sign. Although the results from domestic funds, with fund share prices and NAV that are valued in the identical market, tell us that there exists investors’ sentiment, we intend to resolve what the information effects are on the valuation of closed-end country funds that have fund share prices and NAV valued in two different entities/markets.
We use a sample of six Asian country funds, listed on the New York Stock Exchange, to test whether salient country-specific news affects investors’ reaction around the Asian financial crisis period. Our results show that in regular weeks, fund share prices react less to changes in fundamentals. In weeks with salient news appearing on the front page of The New York Times, fund share prices react much more than those in regular weeks. We also find that economic news affects the adjustment process of fund share prices more significantly before and during the Asian financial crisis periods. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that news events play a role in the magnitude of investors’ reaction to changes in the fundamental values of closed-end country funds. As to the reaction of volume to news, the results show that news effect is significant in full sample period. For the reaction of volume to categorized news, economic news is significant in full sample period.
In sum, the results from either domestic funds or country funds all show that news events/information do play a role in individual investors’ sentiment. The phenomenon is more conspicuous during a financial crisis period.
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封閉型國家基金報酬因素之探討郭永正 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
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股利政策對股票型基金持股影響因素之研究林宗志 Unknown Date (has links)
不具顯著影響。對於課稅股利方面,具顯著負向關係。 / none
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債券型基金之風險分析及控管羅湘蘭 Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,台灣債券型基金一直存在收益率(Yield)與流動性(Liquidity)的迷思。在國際巿場上,收益率(Yield)與流動性(Liquidity)存在某著的扺換(Trade Off)關係,欲享有倩券型基金高收益,可能必須犧牲某種程度之流動性,反之亦然。而在台灣巿場上卻是硬將兩者置於同向,為達到此目的,透過作價讓淨值不跌,是其一之方法。而作價問題由來已久,其最主要的原因是缺乏殖利率曲線,也就是沒有一個公平巿價評價基礎。主管機關規劃以九十四年底為界限,自九十五起,所有的債券新投資必須採取公平巿價評價,但不溯及既往。但在解決最終問題的過渡期間,債券型基金所存在的問題是什麼呢?以50%持債投資組合觀之,20%的結構債,自九十三年九月以來,因六個月期LIBOR已上揚一三○個基本點,是問題的主要根源,也正因為如此,存在著所謂的流動性風險及利率風險。
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兩岸基金業者合作發展之可行性分析林德明 Unknown Date (has links)
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封閉型基金市價過度反應之探討-以中國大陸和美國市場為例胡毓棠, Tang, Hu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
過度反應在行為財務中是很重要的研究議題,因此本研究以封閉型基金為研究的對象,主要在探討市場上投資者結構的差異對市場所造成的影響,研究方法是參考Ahmet & Caginalp(2006)。根據本研究的結果顯示:在大陸市場的封閉型基金是以機構投資者為主,而在美國市場的封閉型基金則是以個人投資者為主,經過本研究的實證結果發現,在大陸封閉型基金市場只有在短期有過度反應的情形,而長期則不顯著;但在美國封閉型基金市場則是在短期和長期都有過度反應的情況,因此,本研究認為在以機構投資者主導的市場中,機構投資者可發揮其穩定市場的力量,使得長期間比個人投資者主導的市場較有效率。
另外本研究也將美國封閉型基金中的股票型和債券型分別檢定是否有過度反應的現象,結果發現在股票型基金是明顯有過度反應,而在債券型則是沒有明顯的過度反應,兩者的差異可能與投資者對這兩種商品未來價值不確定性的大小有關,由於當投資者的不確定性增加,會使得投資者較容易產生羊群行為(herd behavior),因此,投資者的羊群行為使得市場的波動更加劇烈,當投資者一窩蜂的追漲殺跌使得市場出現過度反應的現象。
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台灣地區基金績效持續性之影響因素分析 / The Determining Factors of Mutual Fund’s Performance Persistence in Taiwan黃鴻鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣基金規模經濟之實證探討 / An Empirical Analysis of Economies of Scale in Taiwan’s Mutual Funds陳彥安, Chen, Yan-An Unknown Date (has links)
藉由觀察台灣共同基金的費用與規模,探討台灣的共同基金是否存在規模經濟的現象,實證結果發現,個別基金的費用與規模之間,並無顯著的規模經濟;而基金家族底下的總資產在台幣四千到七千萬時,有顯著的規模經濟現象;透過logit模型,發現基金成立的年限、報酬、以及標準差對基金的規模經濟都有顯著的正面影響;採用Fixed-effect模型,基金成立的年限及報酬,仍對基金的規模經濟都有顯著的正面影響。 / All mutual funds typically pay their regular and recurring, fund-wide operating expenses out of fund assets, rather than by imposing separate fees and charges on investors. Investors using performance evaluation as a selection criterion may be misleading due to the volatility of investment returns. It is obscured to identify whether the fund’s performance is because of the superior return or just good luck. However, mutual fund expenses are stable and can be used as an assessment of the variation in efficiency levels across various mutual fund size groupings when we took the individual mutual funds or mutual fund families as the unit of investigation. This study uncovers that no significant differences exist across individual mutual fund size categories. By utilizing the family dollar size as the base unit of analysis, the result is similar. But there are distinctions in the analysis of mutual fund-specific elasticities when the fund family size is between NT$40-70 million dollars. However, mutual fund-specific elasticities are revealed to differ in a statically significant level across mutual fund investment objective categories. By applying the logistic regression, the results indicate that age, return, and standard deviation have statistically significant positive effects on the economies of scale. By applying the fixed-effect model and making the intercepts vary with various mutual funds family, our results are stable and consistent. Mutual funds’ age or return demonstrates positive effect on the scale of economies.
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我國縣市文化基金會運作之研究許綺佑 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 將公設財團法人納入財團法人法予以規範,並儘速通過立法。
二、 財團法人法應明訂董監事之任免條件及其應盡之注意和忠實義務。
三、 訂定行政法人基準法,以因應新興文化事務之處理,提供多元制度選擇。
四、 財團法人資訊公開制度應儘速建立。
五、 縣市文化基金會業務內容應回歸文化任務本身,不應被當作縣市首長彈性利用之工具。
六、 縣市文化基金會董事長宜由文化局長兼任,執行長由董事長提名任命。
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共同基金行為與規模效應之研究 / The Behavior and Size Effect of Mutual Funds郭健川, Kuo, Chien-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣地區開放式股票型基金為例,檢驗1999年6月至2009年3月十年共40期季資料,分析基金投資行為以及投資組合狀態之於基金績效間關聯。本研究結論及實證結果如下:(1) 基金投資行為可分為多角化或提升持股規模,基金在面對現金流入時,傾向直接投入於原投資組合;而基金多角化的速度,隨多角化程度提升而遞減;(2)影響基金行為的主要因素為規模變化比率以及前期投資組合之狀態,而大型基金的反應較為明顯;(3)基金規模無法直接與基金績效加以連結,績效須視基金投資組合之分散程度以及持股規模共同決定。
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