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政府基金運用績效指標建構之研究-德菲法之應用 / A study on the definition of performance indicators for government fund: applying the delphi method.楊惠茹 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究藉由文獻的蒐集、探討與分析,作為研究之依據,並且採用「德菲法」(Delphi Method)建構「外籍配偶照顧輔導基金」績效評估指標。首先,先探討「外籍配偶照顧輔導基金」成立之背景;其次,透過CIPP評鑑模式規劃出指標初步構想;再者,經由3個回合「德菲法」問卷調查方式彙整出12項已達成專家共識之指標。
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Factors Influencing Hedge Fund Investment Decisions for Sophisticated Investors in Hong Kong何亞萍, Ho, Jo-Anne Unknown Date (has links)
請參照英文摘要 / With progressing transparency of investment activity and structure flexibility, hedge fund has provided investors an attractive investment option. The hedge fund market in Asia appears to have room for further expansion with improving regulatory environment and increasing availability of different products in retail establishments. The research objective is to provide the general investing public and the hedge fund industry in Taiwan more insightful information of how sophisticated investors in Hong Kong relate to hedge fund investment, in order to provide more references for individuals’ hedge fund investment decisions and reflections for the industry to improve marketing strategy. Due to the likeness of the financial climate in both markets, Taiwan could use existing successful implementations and references in Hong Kong for better preparation for hedge funds to enter.
A few important factors influencing both mutual fund and hedge fund investment decisions have been identified from previous researches and surveys conducted by academic scholars and industry professionals. A hedge fund survey is conducted to test these factors and further evaluate other causes influencing hedge fund investment decisions. A total of 31 sophisticated investors in Hong Kong, mostly financial professionals, with 45% current hedge fund investors have participated.
Regression statistics analysis is used for the correlation between the multi-dimension construct measurement towards each factor and the actual percentage of investment in hedge fund of the investors. “Investment risk” has shown moderate positive correlation. “Investment return” and “past performance” have shown fair degree of positive correlation. “Investor’s understanding”, “transparency” and “skill and experience of fund managers” have shown very little or no relationship.
Non-parametric statistics analysis is used for the testing of the multi-dimension construct measurements of the factors between current hedge fund investors and non hedge fund investors with p-values. The measurement of “investment return” for current hedge fund investors is greater than non hedge fund investors. The measurements of “investor’s understanding”, “investment risk”, “past performance”, “transparency” and “skill and experience of fund managers” of current hedge fund investors are not greater than non hedge fund investors.
“Skill and experience of fund managers” has been ranked as the most important factor influencing individual hedge fund investment decisions. “Investor’s understanding” has been ranked as the most important aspect that needs improvement for the hedge fund industry. For current hedge fund investors, 43% have hedge fund investment which accounts for 15%-30% of their total assets. Seventy-two percent of current hedge fund investors are likely to increase allocation to hedge fund investment. Sixty-four percent of non hedge fund investors are likely to invest in hedge funds.
This thesis comes to the conclusion that these factors are clearly variables that influence investor’s hedge fund investment decisions. Nevertheless, investors are advised to have thorough understanding of the characteristics specifically related to hedge funds when making investment decisions. It is hoped that the hedge fund industry and regulators would incorporate these aspects for hedge fund product design and marketing. This thesis proposes several aspects to the investors and hedge fund industry in Taiwan with suggestions.
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指數股票型基金投資組合最適避險策略 / A Study on ETF Portfolio and Optimal Hedging Strategy田玲菱 Unknown Date (has links)
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保險安定基金相關法律問題之研究 / Study of Insurance Market Stabilization Fund林瑩姮, Lin,Ying-Heng Unknown Date (has links)
本文以我國保險安定基金法制為中心,研究各國關於保險業退場機制之立法例設計,並將之與保險安定基金或其類似制度做一連結探討,如:美國保險安定基金、英國金融服務補償機制,日本支付保證制度等。雖然各國在資金募集與補償方式等方面各有差異,但皆致力於減輕保險公司失卻清償能力對保戶與社會金融秩序所可能造成的損害。本文介紹目前我國保險法規定下之保險安定基金法制架構,並針對現行法可能衍生的問題進行分析討論,如:保險安定基金之功能定位、徵收方式、墊付限額、規模適足性等,最後提出相關建議供立法者與主管機關參考。 / An insurance guaranty fund is set up to cover an insolvent insurer’s financial obligations, within statutory limits, to policyholders, beneficiaries, annuitants, and third-party claimants. The basic purpose of it is to protect policyholders, beneficiaries, annuitants, and third-party claimants against losses which might occur due to an insolvency of an insurer. Consequently, when an insurer is impaired or insolvent, the system is complete or not is quite important.
At first, this study researches the insurance insolvency law of Taiwan and other developed countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan. Even if there are many differences in the coverage, statutory limits, and how the funds are assessed, their purposes are the same , that is to reduce the damage might caused by insolvency of an insurer. Moreover, the study focuses on the insurance market stabilization fund law in Taiwan. After discuss the issues and problems which are encountered, the suggestions for resolving such issues and problems are submitted as the conclusion of this study.
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共同基金風格飄移分析 / Style drift of mutual funds陳沛鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
我們利用Sharpe(1992)所提出的return-based模型來分析台灣經理人的風格遷移狀況。基金經理人的投資風格在分析面上,通常假設是定態不變的,意即不隨時間改變而變化。但是事實上,這是一個動態改變的過程。基金投資說明書上常常明定此基金經理人限制投資在哪類型的股票,但是基金經理人有可能依照不同的市場情況以及時機,從原先偏向小型股的經理人,轉而變成投資大型股的經理人。我們用rolling-window迴歸式的係數結果來估計風格以及計算參考Idzorek & Bertsch (2004)的風格遷移分數來為台灣一般共同基金經理人締訂一個比較指標,我們也利用計算出的風格係數畫出資產權數分配圖,經由此圖,我們亦可以觀察到基金經理人投資風格隨著時間經過的整個改變過程。風格遷移分數提供我們一個量化的方法來衡量風格遷移的現象,因為較早的研究文獻只有提供一個質化的圖型做大約的估計,因此這個風格分數提供了我們一個很好的輔助工具,將質化的圖形輔以量化的分數做整合搭配比較。
根據Brown and Harlow (2002)的結論,基金經理人投資風格的一致性以及基金表現績效有正相關的關係,意即當基金經理人的投資風格越一致,基金的表現就會越好,但是在我們的數據裡面這個關係並不顯著。 / We provide an introduction to utilize the return based style model of Sharpe (1992) to analyze the style drift of mutual fund managers in Taiwan in practice. Often the investment style is assumed to be constant through time but it actually is dynamic. We use rolling regressions to estimate the style exposures and calculate style drift score (Idzorek & Bertsch 2004) to produce the allocated maps. We can clearly see the changing process over time by the maps. SDS provides a single quantitative measure of style drift over the sample period because earlier research has only provided a qualitative method to approximately estimate.
Brown and Harlow (2002) conclude that there is a positive relationship between investment style consistency and performance but in our sample the relation between score and fund performance is not obvious.
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兒童哲學在台灣-毛毛蟲兒童哲學基金會發展史(1976~2010) / Philosophy for children in Taiwan:the development history of caterpillar philosophy for children foundation (1976-2010)錢宥伶 Unknown Date (has links)
兒童哲學 (philosophy for children) 為美國哲學教授Mattew Lipman (1992-2010) 創始,是美國批判教育思潮下的教育實驗方案之一。兒童哲學在台灣發展始自1975年,結合本土教育理念西方教育思潮,卻未受既有理論框架侷限,在台灣社會文化及教育環境中持續發展。毛毛蟲兒童哲學基金會為台灣唯一以「推廣兒童哲學教學與研究」為宗旨的非營利機構,長達三十多年的推廣閱讀及師資培訓,其發展脈絡歷經台灣解嚴、經濟發展、教育改革等背景相互呼應,呈現「以兒童哲學批判思考引起社會回應,再以實踐建構理論」的特殊歷程。
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台灣固定收益基金投資人的擇時能力 / The timing ability of Taiwan fixed income mutual fund investors王玨珵, Wang, Chueh Chen Unknown Date (has links)
有越來越多的文獻研究提出「聰明錢」存在的證據,證明基金投資人有能力預測未來會賺錢的贏家基金。在這個議題之下,本研究主要探討台灣債券型基金市場裡是否存在「聰明錢」現象。藉由Friesen and Sapp (2007)以及Keswani and Stolin (2008)所使用的研究方法,本研究得以發掘投資人擇時能力在。我們的實證結果發現,基金投資人整體而言沒有呈現顯著擇時能力,因此沒有明確證據支持的「聰明錢」效果的存在。投資人的基金投資績效反而往往受到不佳的擇時決策所影響。此外,即便投資人展現選擇贏家基金的能力,其獲利也往往被不良的賣出決定所侵蝕。而且,挑選贏家基金的能力也似乎是短暫的。另外,研究結果亦指出機構投資人的績效穩定優於散戶投資人,其部分原因是散戶投資人在面對較高的搜尋成本時,傾向於選擇規模較大但費用較高的基金,因此降低其投資報酬率。整體而言,本研究的建議是,在台灣債券型基金市場裡宜採取買進持有的投資策略。
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我國退休基金監理機制之探討 / A Study on Supervision Mechanism of Retirement Fund in Taiwan藍元駿, Lan, Yuan Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過深度訪談之方式,共訪談政府機關代表2名、退休基金協會1名及專家學者4名。據本研究發現,我國退休基金監理組織型態、運作以及退休金制度上存在些許問題,如:獨立性缺乏、專業性不足、風險性過度集中…等。因此,本研究綜合文獻資料與訪談結果,歸納結論,且針對現有退休基金監理機制之問題,提出退休基金監理機制及其後續研究之相關建議,希冀改善我國退休基金監理機制所面臨之困境,並就我國退休基金監理機制之缺失或不足之處,提出建議及改善,以確保退休基金監理有效運作,保障退休人員權益。 / With the development of Taiwanese society, the pattern of social change, and the rapidly aging population in Taiwan, the Taiwanese government will need to create a comprehensive supervision mechanism for retirement funds to ensure citizen’s financial safety during retirement. The purpose of this research is to find the most suitable governmental supervision mechanism that can ensure retirement funds remain healthy and sustainable in the long-term, and can demonstrate to the public that this is a worthwhile endeavour. This research organises, analyses and discusses the operational experience of foreign governments with retirement funds and the long-term development of a supervision mechanism of such funds in Taiwan from an administrative, legal and political standpoint.
For this research, in-depth interviews with two government representatives, a person from the Pension Fund Association and four specialists were conducted. It was identified that there are still some problems with the structure and operation of the supervision mechanism and of the Taiwanese pension system itself. Some example issues are the lack of independence and expertise, and excessive concentration of risk. By bringing together the learnings from the literature and interviews, this study offers suggestions on how to overcome the challenges that the current supervision mechanism of retirement funds faces and how to progress with future investigation. In addition, this research suggests methods to improve the aspects of the supervision mechanism that have been lacking or insufficient, hoping to ensure that it operates effectively to protect the rights of retired citizens.
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開發中國家的政策執行理論--台北市兒童福利政策個案分析王蘊嶠, WANG, YUN-JIAO Unknown Date (has links)
行架構,就政策內容(content )因素及政策網路(context )因素探討政策執行的
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我國指數股票型基金上市後之績效分析王韻晴 Unknown Date (has links)
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