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傳播媒介塑造映象之實例研究—「今日世界」塑造中國人對美國人良好映象之方法羅森棟 Unknown Date (has links)
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中央聯合兩報在新聞報導中所塑造的韓國映像陳永綽, Chen, Yong-Chuo Unknown Date (has links)
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從工作塑造看工作創新-以台灣大車隊為例 / Job Innovation from Job Crafting- A Study of Emergent Practice of Taiwan Taxi Cabbies吳昭怡, Wu, Jau Yi Unknown Date (has links)
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幼兒園園長與教師工作塑造之研究 / A Study of Job Crafting at Preschools劉怡萱, Liu, Yi Syuan Unknown Date (has links)
2.教師─工作疆界改變主要聚焦在班級課程與教學上,然受限缺乏權力,而減少從事工作塑造的頻率,故採取調適行動幫助自己尋找更多支援以獲得工作塑造機會。 / Once upon a time, if you hated your job, maybe you only can choose to quit or to endure it. Recently, a group of researchers is trumpeting a third option:Doing “Job Crafting“ to make a new shape for your disagreeable job. Then, you will think that work is very interesting.
This research aims to:(a) sum up the forms of Job Crafting at preschools;(b) probe into the course of Job Crafting at preschools;(c) compare the similarities and differences between principal and teacher at preschools. This study adopts qualitative research way in the main. We are in the light of “The list of outstanding performance educational evaluation in Taipei City and New Taipei City at 91 - 95” and using the purposeful sampling method to select each 25 of principal and teacher in public and private preschools to have an individual interview. And all the sound recordings are converting to verbatim recordings. Than we put data into the MAXQDA for coding and classification.
Results show as follows:
I. Due to principal and teacher at preschools has multiple contents of work, the forms of Job Crafting they engaged are rich.
II. Principal and teacher at preschools have the same course of Job Crafting, including:motivation, learning, change of working boundary, challenge, and adaptive move.
III. There are a lot of similarities and differences between principal and teacher at preschools, when they are engaged in the Job Crafting.
A. The similarities:Due to principal and teacher at preschools has the same background and working environment, they have a lot of similarities on motivation, learning method, change of working boundaries, challenge, and adaptive move for Job Crafting.
B. The differences:
1. Principals ─ The change of working boundaries is focused on affairs about program. They limited by the rigid culture of program and not encroaching on others. They take adaptive moves to create more opportunities of Job Crafting.
2. Teachers ─ The change of working boundaries is focused on affairs about curriculum and teaching. They limited by lacking formal power. They take adaptive moves to find support to get more opportunities of Job Crafting.
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幼兒園教師協力工作塑造之研究 / A Study of Collaborative Job Crafting of Preschool Teachers陳易君, Chen, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
因為幼兒園工作環境充滿變化性、不確定性與壓力,加上教師們皆具有專業的背景以及在工作執行上擁有許多的彈性與自主權,學者們認為幼兒園合班關係,可以採用協力工作塑造的概念,進一步昇華幼兒園合班關係。Leana,Appelbaum,& Shevchuk (2009)就提出,幼兒園教師的協力工作塑造,有助於確保幼教現場的教學品質,除了對生手教師來說,有助於提升其工作成效,對熟手教師來說,也能夠協助提升其工作附加價值。
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中共對人格塑造之研究李憲州, Li, Xian-Zhou Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 界定概念和研究架構。
第二章 探討傳統中國人的性格。
第三章 探討中共所謂的「社會主義」新人所具有的若干特質並討論以學樣為中心的
第四章 討論中共社會制度的「人民公社」如何使中共的理想落實及所遭遇的抗拒。
第五章 結論。
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品牌價值主張的傳遞模式比較-以台日生活產業品牌為例 / Comparison of the brand value proposition delivery —case studies of Taiwanese and Japanese lifestyle brands林文翊, Lin, Wen Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究最終結論得出,生活產業品牌透過文化迴路五項賦予製品文化意義的活動,來塑造其價值主張,並透過體驗媒介將其價值主張傳遞出去。而從研究中的比較可以知道,台日品牌分別透過不同項目的接合方式,影響價值主張的塑造;其體驗媒介的使用方式,也對價值主張傳遞的力量有重要影響。 / In recent years, Value Proposition has become a popular term extensively discussed in the major business community. Not only is it emphasized in the book《Business Model Generation》, the book《Value Proposition Design》further regards it as the core of a successful business model. Meanwhile, with the rapid transition, progress and development of the technology, people have started to pay more attention to enhance the quality of daily life and thus start to establish their own lifestyle. Advancing value therefore become more and more important and the growth of the ”Lifestyle industry" goes vigorous under this background. The Taiwanese and Japanese lifestyle brands ”MOGU” and "SOU‧SOU" share plenty of similarities in different aspects; however, ”MOGU” compared to “SOU‧SOU” seems to be facing much more challenges .
Aiming at analyzing the source of the differences from the perspective of knowledge, this study is divided into two phases: how to create the brand value proposition, and how to deliver the brand value proposition. By observing and experiencing in the real environment, this study is trying to figure out the element effecting the creation and delivery of the brand value proposition. Also, it compares the present situation of the Japanese and Taiwanese lifestyle brand, and eventually concludes the lessons learned from the comparison.
The final conclusion of this study shows that, lifestyle brands create the brand value proposition by five elements of cultural circuit which added cultural value to the products. They subsequently convey the value proposition by experience providers. Besides, the creation of the two lifestyle brands are throughly influenced by different articulation of the cultural circuit elements. Last but not least, the way experience providers are utilized is tremendous influence to the value proposition delivery.
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2000年總統大選候選人報紙競選廣告之形象塑造研究廖唯超 Unknown Date (has links)
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一九五○年代反攻大陸宣傳體制的形成 / The Formation of the propaganda institution for Reconquering the Mainland in the 1950s林果顯, Lin, Guo Sian Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從十九世紀末以來亞洲民族國家形成的脈絡,探討反攻意識型態在戰後台灣歷史的歷程中所扮演的角色,目的在探求戰爭塑造與國家建構兩者之間的關係。戰後台灣承繼了日本總力戰、中國抗日戰爭與動員戡亂等多重戰爭體制的影響,在「反攻大陸」的訴求下延續與強化戰時措施,作為在台灣建立國家的憑藉,也強烈形塑統治體制的特徵。在體制建構外,鼓吹人民支持的即為反攻意識型態,透過意識型態各面向的發展,中華民國政府賦予這場戰爭各種不同的意義,並逐漸找尋出不懼時間流逝、為何一直無法反攻的回答。伴隨著意識型態逐步完備的是宣傳手法的漸次純熟,藉由不斷地實驗摸索,反攻意識型態化為日常生活中無所不在的訊息與制度性措施,所依靠的是由軍方大幅介入、以戰時措施宣傳戰爭的方式。統治體制的性質與反攻意識型態的訴求與手法,反映了五○年代以戰爭為中心思考的策略,也代表著戰後台灣國家體制建立的特質。 / This dissertation discusses the role of the ideology of "Reconquering the Mainland" in the 1950s Taiwan from the context of the formation of the nation-state in Asia. The aim of this dissertation is to analysis the relation between war-making and state-making. Postwar Taiwan is conbined with several war systems, including the late Japanese colonization, the anti-Japan war system, and the system of Mobilization for Suppressing the Communist Rebellion. By the reason of "Reconquering the Mainland," Taiwan inherited and increased these war systems to build its state and make the type of rule. What the way to maintain the war system and encourage Taiwanese to support the rule is the propaganda on the ideology of "Reconquering the Mainland", and builing the propaganda institution for the ideology.
Through the development of the ideology, the KMT government finded the resolution of time pass-by and the reason why the government can't reconquere the Mainland. And through the development of the propaganda, the ideology permeated in the daily life of the "normal" people. This dissertation also argues the role of the military in the propaganda institution. From the ideology, propaganda institution and the propaganda way, we can find the central role of the thinking of war, and the importance of war-making in the state-making in the 1950s Taiwan.
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俄羅斯聯邦形象塑造研究(2012-2016) / The study of Russia’s image-building (2012-2016)史安梅, Anastasia Starichkova Unknown Date (has links)
作者研究俄羅斯形象塑造及公眾外交政策,分析俄羅斯聯邦與其他國家及國際組織的正式文件、國際學者文獻理的推論,也解析臺灣國立政治大學來自不同國家學生、畢業生、老師與教授的立場。作者根據上述資料推論出俄羅斯國際形象受損的原因及國家公眾外交有哪些需要改善的部分;並以強調形象改革政策計畫中,哪些交流能夠使俄羅斯聯邦與國際社會關係暖化來作為結論。 / Since the beginning of the 21st century, development of telecommunication and information technologies has resulted in the substantial expansion of media coverage, greater information accessibility, and sophistication of control over the information. Abundance of facts concerning any issue makes it multidimensional, provoking a plentitude of opinions.
The image of a country is a succinct and ready-for-apprehension informational phenomena or entrenched perception of a country by foreign partners, which offers a particular expectation of its behavior, thus, it is one of the major factors influencing international cooperation. In addition, state image identifies a country’s political weight abroad and its status among other members of global community, including the capacity to defend national interests.
The significance of the image-building is determined by the fact that it is one of the strategic tasks for each contemporary government. Trustworthy international image speaks for a country’s economic and cultural development and creates a formula of its success abroad and within national borders, serves as a criterion of its stability and transparency.
Recently Russia has experienced a substantial shift in its apprehension by the foreign public. The particular study is focused on how global community perceived the Russian Federation from 2012 till 2016, the period that correlated with the latest tenet of President Vladimir Putin.
The research is focused on the origins of Russia’s international image along with the evaluation of governmental attempts to enhance it and create transparency and mutual trust under existing conditions, including the course of the country’s public diplomacy. The author analyzed how the world academia and media portray the Russian Federation and collected opinions among students, alumni, and professors of the National Chengchi University.
The paper aims to define the most distinctive factors, which form the image of the Russian Federation on the international arena and to elicit the fields of Russia’s public diplomacy, which lack attention the most, as well as to offer a roadmap for overcoming the existing misunderstanding.
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