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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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公司治理與轉投資行為 - 以威盛電子為例 / Corporate Governance and Equity Investment - Taking VIA Technologies as An Example

施銘賢, Shih, Albert Min-Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 一九九七年東亞金融風暴起因之一即為公司治理不佳,其影響所及至數年後仍餘波蕩漾,而根據2000年6月麥肯錫顧問公司所做的全球投資人意見調查發現,有高達80%的美國投資人願意多付18%的價格來買良好公司治理企業的股票;自2001年底以來,美國「恩隆」(Enron)與「世界通訊」(WorldCom)等弊案又陸續爆發,其中所暴露的公司治理問題,讓世人驚覺這已是全球企業刻不容緩的議題,並亟思未來如何防止類似事件之發生。 公司治理經緯萬端,但都與如何確保資金提供者的投資能夠獲得應有的報酬有關。據此,公司治理的重要議題之一即為如何使小股東的權益不受內部人(即大股東與管理者)的侵犯;尤其在當今大企業紛紛進行事業轉投資之際,大股東常身兼轉投資事業之經營者,如何確保外在投資人(小股東與債權人)應得的報酬,並兼顧其他利害關係人的利益,為公司治理中實際且有趣之課題。我國大股東往往基於營運效率、自身利益與控制權的考量,會做出許多便宜行事卻不利公司治理的行為,如轉投資事業與母公司之間的透明度不足、大股東交叉持股或持有間接股權、所有權與經營權不分、母公司與轉投資事業之間可能的利益衝突、乃至於大股東個人風格等,這些大股東在轉投資事業中的角色定位與公司治理間的相互關係是本論文論述之重點。同時,為了加強研究的深度與實證性,作者特別藉由個案公司的實際案例來驗證文獻上的觀點,結論所得與研究相符合,並更能增添對企業經營之變化多端與不易控制之親身體驗。 本文最後並討論世界銀行、OECD及我國所規範之公司治理架構,希望公司治理能實際有助於我國企業之轉投資行為。因為制度的設計與執行若能加強公司治理與監督管理者的行為,當能強化公司競爭力,此乃公司治理積極面的貢獻。 / Abstract One of the reasons for the East Asia 1997 financial crisis is because of the careless corporate governance. The impact of this financial crisis actually has had deep and board affection even afterward. According to one investigation by Mckinsey & Company in June 2000, there are about 80% of global investors who are willing to pay 18% extra money to buy those stocks belong to companies have better corporate governance. On the other hand, starting from the end of year 2001, the successive collapse of Enron, WorldCom, and other USA companies has exposed the serious and urgency about corporate governance. It makes people in worldwide enterprises realize how significant the corporate governance is and try to avoid similar events occurred. Although corporate governance has many aspects, it all related to how to secure the deserved return of the capital providers. Accordingly, one of the important topics of corporate governance is to protect the minority shareholder rights from being invaded by the insiders (controlling shareholders and top executives). This topic become even more important especially when controlling shareholders are also top executives of the equity-invested companies. Thus, how to secure the investors’ (minority shareholders and creditors) rights is an interesting and practical issue of corporate governance. Controlling shareholders in Taiwan are used to manage firms based on their own convenience such as the efficiency of operation, interest of themselves, and control rights, instead of considering corporate governance. This attitude, however, will easily result in some negative behaviors such as the lack of transparency between mother company and her equity investment, cross holding or private holding of controlling shareholders, indifferences between ownership and management, the potential interest impact between mother company and equity investment, and even the affection of firms’ performance by the characteristics of controlling shareholders. This thesis emphasize in the above correlation between corporate governance and equity investment. We also examine a real firm’s case to enhance its conviction. This thesis also discusses the corporate governance structure of World Bank, OECD, and Taiwan. It is the author’s hope that corporate governance can be practically useful for a firm’s performance as its aggressive contribution.

台灣企業公司治理特性分析-以航空業為例 / The analysis of corporate governance for Taiwan comany-the case of Airlines industry.

郭富樹, Kuo, Fu Shu Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 公司治理係指公司在所有權與經營權分離後,建立一個解決代理問題的機制,以監控其委託經營公司之專業經理人,避免其逾權及維護股東的權益。Berle與Means(1932)提出公司「經營權」與「所有權」之概念後,兩權分離已逐漸成為現代企業經營之特性。當公司之經營規模日漸擴大與專業化,公司所有者未必有時間與能力經營其所屬的企業,因而導致專業經理人的產生。惟當公司所有者與專業經理人之間存有資訊不對稱與目標不一致的情境下,即會產生「代理問題」。 近年來,世界各國陸續爆發企業經營管理危機,為尋求有效解決之道,公司治理之觀念在全世界快速發展。各主要國際組織,無不大力倡導公司治理之重要性。世界各國政府對於公司治理的高度重視,亦使得改革公司治理的重要性逐漸提高,同時認為公司治理制度健全與否,是一個健全與維持成功金融市場的關鍵要素。 公司治理促使公司資訊公開透明化,進而解決資訊不對稱的代理問題,讓投資者更有信心把資金投入市場,有助於健全金融市場。國際上知名的投資機構將推行公司治理列為選股之重點指標,各國政府紛紛鼓勵其國內企業積極推動公司治理以吸引國際投資者。依據2000年6月麥肯錫企管顧問公司(McKinsey & Company)對全球投資人所做的研究報告指出,有四分之一投資人認為一個有良好公司治理的公司可以為該公司的股票創造約20%以上之公司治理之超額溢價。 2008年國際原油價格飆漲,航空業的營業成本遽增,加諸美國信貸危機,導致全球經濟不景氣,使航空業的生存面臨嚴峻挑戰。航空業為各國政府管制性的行業,競爭者要進入航空市場有其障礙。航空業所面臨的風險項目繁雜,每一項風險均可能對航空公司的營運造成嚴重衝擊,需要透過有效的管理制度才能將影響企業經營的損失程度降至最小,以期達成企業永續經營的目標。 本研究之個案公司為台灣第一家上市的國籍航空公司,其大股東為財團法人,全體董事、監察人皆為同一法人代表,為一特殊案例,具有學術研究價值。本研究藉由探討個案公司實務上所面臨的公司治理問題,並與市場主要競爭者加以比較,以驗證文獻上之觀點。本研究結果與理論相符合,有助於解決個案公司之公司治理問題,及提供航空業界參考。 關鍵詞:公司治理、代理問題、航空業、風險、永續經營、大股東。 / After the impact of the Asia 1997 financial crisis ,almost the worldwide government requires the enterprises to emphasize corporate governance.Starting from the end of year 2001,the successive scandle of Enron,WorldCom,Tyco,Merck,and other USA companies leads to the material loss of investors.Because of the reason of careless corporate governance,USA government have passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in July 2002 to enhance the corporate governance of the enterprise and strengthen the capital market. According to one research by Mckinsey & Company in June 2000,there are about 25% of global investors who are willing to pay 20% premium money to buy those stocks belong to companies have better corporate governance. Owing to the peak price of oil and the dump of global ecomonic during the year 2008,the airlines must increases the cost of operation and faces the tough challenge of the market. Airlines industry is one of strict industries to the local government in the world, and the competitor have the obstacle to enter into the market. Due to get the target of continuing operation, airlines have to face and predict the miscellaneous risk for controlling and minimizing the loss. This paper probes into the problem of corporate governance for the case company. The author presents a case study of domestical airlines and addresses the importance of corporate governance. The results could provide insigts and helpful suggestions to the promotion of the corporate governance for the case company and Taiwan airlines industry. Key Words:Corporate governance, Airlines industry, Risk, Continuing operation, Controlling shareholders.


李湘羚 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以Dittmar and Mart-Smith (2007)所使用的模型為基礎,研究公司治理對公司價值、現金持有價值以及股利的影響。以市值對淨資產比、資產報酬率(以同產業的平均ROA調整後)為衡量公司價值的變數。而以內部人的行為和公司監督機制2項指標來衡量公司治理。其中,公司內部人行為指標包括:董監質押比、盈餘股份比、關係人融資比。公司監督治理機制指標包括:法人持股比、大股東持股比、獨立董監席次比、外部董監席次比、外部持股比。 以民國85-95年上市櫃公司為研究對象,以panel data之fix effect方式進行分析,實證結果顯示(一)對公司價值影響方面:盈餘股份比和法人持股比與公司價值呈現顯著正向關係;而董監質押比、獨立董監席次比、外部董監席次比與公司價值呈負向關係。(二)在現金持有價值影響方面:內部人行為中,董監質押比、關係人融資比對現金持有價值影響為顯著負向,並無發現監督機制對現金持有價值有正向影響。(三)在股利影響方面:內部人行為中,董監質押比、關係人融資比對股利的影響為顯著正向,並無發現監督機制對股利有負向影響。整體來看,公司治理對公司價值確有影響,但對現金持有價值和股利的影響方面,並沒有發現如Pinkowitz et al. (2006)之實證結果。 / Based on Dittmar and Mart-Smith (2007) valuation models, I investigate how the corporate governance affects the contribution of cash holdings and dividends to firm value. Firm value was measured by market value to book value ratio and the adjusted return on assets. We use two major categories of corporate governance measures including the degree of insider acting and the presence of shareholder monitoring. The degree of insider acting includes the ratio of directors' and supervisors' shares pledged (dsip) , the ratio of controlling shareholders’ cash flow rights to voting rights(ehb), and the ratio of relation party loaning to equity(rplp). The shareholder monitoring includes institutional holding(ihp), large shareholder holding(mhp), the ratio of independent directors and supervisors(idsp), the ratio of outside directors and supervisors(ocp), the ratio of outside directors and supervisors holding(ohp). Firms listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange and OTC during 1995-2006 are selected as the sample. The empirical results indicate that the ratio of controlling shareholders’ cash flow rights to voting rights(ehb), and institutional holding(ihp) are significantly and positively related to market value and return on assets. Second, the ratio of directors' and supervisors' shares pledged(dsip), and the ratio of relation party loaning to equity(rplp) are significantly and negatively related to the value of cash holding. We didn’t find the shareholder monitoring significantly increase the cash holding value. Finally, only the ratio of directors' and supervisors' shares pledged(dsip) and the ratio of relation party loaning to equity(rplp) are significantly related to dividends value. The conclusion is that although corporate government affects firm value, corporate government doesn’t significantly determines the value of cash holding and dividends. That empirical result is not consistent with the one of Pinkowitz et al. (2006).

金融控股公司之經營規範與個案探討--以中華開發金融控股公司為例 / The running regulation of the bank holding company

蔡俊明, Tsai, Jimmy Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 由於跨業經營已是國際間金融業整合之趨勢,因此,我國金融控股公司法的設立將付予國內金融機構進行整合、轉型的機制,讓其更具競爭力,只是是否每一金融集團均能成功轉換,恐怕短期問業者仍要面臨階段性的調整壓力,並非一蹴可及;再則,在該法設立後,金融監理一元化將更形重要,否則當金融機構跨業經營形成金融巨人後,未來發生弊端時,就會變成金融怪獸,所引爆的金融危機,將更為迅速且嚴重,連鎖反應將更為擴大。故本研究以我國金融控股公司之經營規範為主題,並以中華開發為個案探討藉以論述金融控股公司之因應策略。 究竟金融控股公司的設立,能否為國內的金融業帶來生機?以及政府應在准許業界設立金融控股公司的同時,要如何建立專業、獨立與有效率的監理機制,以避免增加業者的管理成本,並提升金融業的競爭力?此乃本論文之研究目的。 本研究亦提出在我國加入世界貿易組織(WTO)後,銀行業必然面臨與先進國家相互角逐金融市場之局面,故宜及早檢討其經營策略,俾掌握業務與客戶群,再造一個具有競爭力的經營體系;本研究並提出相關之建議。 摘要 鑒於美國、日本、韓國、歐盟之金融服務現代化改革中,均已朝向金融百貨化方式發展,並以金融控股公司作為發展跨業經營之主要型態,以利防火牆之設計及風險之區隔,並提高聯屬公司專業化經營效率。金融控股法是重整金融體質的法源,它能加快金融業走向大型化和國際化的腳步,進而提升我國金融業的國際競爭力。故政府為配合此一國際金融發展趨勢及符合國內現行體制與實務之需要,已於民國九十年六月二十七日通過金融控股公司法。因此,銀行、保險、證券等金融機構均得選擇以金融控股公司型態,以提高跨業經營之效率,並加速金融市場之整合。 同時在金融市場陸續開放後,金融機構所面對的風險愈趨複雜化,為因應金融環境的變遷,我國監理機關及監理制度規劃上亦宜有所興革。因為目前不同金融業問彼此互動頻繁,關聯度亦相對提高,近年來世界各國如英、美、日及韓等國,為強化金融主管機關合併監理功能,皆已完成對金融監理機構的整合。有鑑於此,我國必須積極落實金融監理機制的再造工程,推動金融監理一元化,以建立金融監理的整合體制。 第一章說明本研究的動機在於省思「金融控股公司法」之設立,能否付予國內金融機構進行整合、轉型的機制,但未來「金融監理一元化制度」將更形重要。本論文之研究目的在於探討究竟金融控股公司的設立,能否為國內的金融業帶來生機?以及政府應在准許業界設立金融控股公司的同時,要如何建立專業、獨立與有效率的監理機制,以維護社會公益,並提升金融業的競爭力?第二章論述金融控股公司之經濟意義和功能,以及弊病;第三章回顧先進國家跨業經營之沿革與規範;第四章說明我國金融控股公司法之監理規範;第五章:個案探討一以中華開發金融控股公司為例;第六章:結論與建議。 / Abstract Because it is the trend to cross running business within the integration of the international banks, our government set up “the Law of Bank Holding Company”for the local banks to enter into integration and transformation to improve their competition。But it is essential to establish the independent supervisory system to prevent the defaults in advance。Otherwise, its exposure will be serious and its contagious effect is more extensive。 Will Bank Holding Company bring the new era for the local banks ? How will the government set up the independent, professional, and effective supervisory system ? The above topics are the studying purposes of the essay。 The essay also indicates that our banks will have a fierce competition with international banks after we are allowed to enter WTO, and submits suggestions to set up well-run Bank Holding Company -----

公司治理和企業併購的超額報酬之關聯性研究 / Study of the relationship between corporate governance and the abnormal return of M&A

林慶哲, Lin,Ching Che Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國內外相關弊案的爆發,「公司治理」近幾年來一直是企業相當重視的議題。除了由於受到國際環境變化劇烈所影響之外,公司治理也與整體企業監控制度有密切之關聯。在國內外有相當多的學者從不同角度進行公司治理的相關的研究,而主管機關如金管會、證交所等也陸續制定相關的措施,希望能夠盡最大的力量來保障投資人的權益。 本研究主要是藉由公司治理的主要變數來探討企業購併案所造成的超額報酬與公司治理之間的影響,並進一步討論當公司治理愈差時,宣告購併所產生的超額報酬是否會較低。研究期間為民國87年1月至97年3月間,曾發生併購活動的上市、櫃公司,共選取100個樣本。而實證結果如下: 一. 經理人持股比例和公司宣告購併所造成的超額報酬呈顯著正相關 二. 大股東股比例和公司宣告購併所造成的超額報酬呈顯著正相關 三. 獨立董事占董事會的比例和公司宣告購併所造成的超額報酬呈顯著負相關 四. 董事會的規模和公司宣告購併所造成的超額報酬呈顯著負相關 五. 市值規模和公司宣告購併所造成的超額報酬呈現正相關,但不顯著 另外,本研究也針對公司治理較差的公司去進行研究分析,發現若公司治理較差的公司去從事購併案時,可賺取的超額報酬愈少,而當公司治理愈差時,這種關係將愈顯著。最後,本研究也彙整一些相關建議,以供後續學者、企業以及政府機關做參考。 / As scandals related to managers and the wealth of investors spring up worldwide, corporate governance has become an important issue recently. In addition to drastic international macroeconomics changes, corporate governance is also strongly influenced by overall monitor systems. Scholars around the world have done lots of research regarding corporate governance for decades. In addition, relevant efforts and measures, aimed at protecting investors’ rights and interests, have also been done by authorities such as FSC and TSE. The purpose of the study is to study the relationship between abnormal return of M&A and corporate governance by examining the factors we choose. Furthermore, we discuss if a company performs poorly on its corporate governance system, whether the abnormal return caused by merger deals will also decrease? 100 samples were selected from the listed companies from TSE and OTC between 1998~2008. Main findings include the following: (1). The ratio of the stock held by managers has a positive relationship with abnormal return of M&A. (2). The ratio of the stock held by major stockholders has a positive relationship with abnormal return of M&A. (3). The ratio of the outside independent directors has a negative relationship with abnormal return of M&A. (4). The scale of the board has a negative relationship with abnormal return of M&A. (5). The market value has a positive relationship with abnormal return of M&A Moreover, the study has also done some empirical research on companies whose corporate governance pale in comparison with others and found that those who do poorly on corporate governance tend to make less abnormal return when making acquisition announcements. Last but not least, the study has also made some suggestions for scholars, businesses and government and hope that they may come in handy in the future.

管理能力,股權重組,公司治理與經營績效關聯性之研究 / Ability, Restructuring Ownership Relationship , Corporate Governance and Performance

王睦舜, Wang,Mu Shun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討股權重組活動對公司治理的影響,以及股權重組與公司治理程度是否會影響經營績效。多角化原為企業增強經濟效率、發揮綜效的策略,但近年來發現,企業多角化有折價的現象。又諸多折價現象中,發現企業產生了內部價值衝突的狀況。推敲折價現象的發生,可能與管理者能力有關,當組織越廣大而多層下,管理能力不堪負荷企業的經營效率將因為業務種類越廣而降低。 從臺灣的個案訪談中,了解到小股東對分割宣告的態度多為保守而疑慮的,未若歐美文獻所探討的對股東財富具有正面的激勵。因此,本研究探討股權重組所欲達成的目的是否對公司治理有正面的幫助,並進一步以子公司的上市為基準點,討論上市前管理能力、公司治理與股權重組目的之前是否具備關聯性,並研究上市後股權重組目的、公司治理與經營績效之前是否具備關聯性。 主要貢獻如下: 1. 股權重組是企業從多角化走向分權、業務單純化的程序,股權重組有 利於讓外部投資人減少資訊不對稱的困境,在分別評價不同性質企業下,有助於回復多角化折價所失去的價值。 2. 管理能力隨著企業的發展,會提高或降低。管理者表現不佳未必要以撤換管理者為唯一手段,且要提高管理者努力程度也不盡然是以設計良好的獎酬制度,原因可能是內部資源配置不佳,而股權重組是協助企業改善內部資本市場缺乏效率性的重要手段。 3. 股權重組是讓單一實體企業創建兩個獨立的企業個體,他會引進新得股東、外部專家與讓管理者更可直接接受外部市場評價,股權重組是否可讓企業更進一步地改善公司治理結構或減少盈餘管理現象,仍有賴企業分割的真實目的。在臺灣,資產分割對股東財富的影響為負效果,有別於歐美資本市場;權益分割雖為正的財富效果,但反應也不如歐美市場的表現。 4. 管理能力與公司治理表現會影響股權重組的推動,股權重組的目的與公司治理的表現會影響經營績效。 / 1.Ownership Restructuring Relationships Equity Carveouts and Spin-offs were called “Ownership Restructuring Relationships”. Equity Carveouts are usually followed by spin-offs. Spin-offs are more often associated with controlled subsidiaries. In a spin-off, a company distributes on a pro rata basis all the shares it owns in a subsidiary to its own shareholders. Two separate public corporations with the same proportional equity ownership now exist where only one existed before. Equity Carveouts means “ A company sells up to 20% of the stock of a segment to raise funds followed by a tax-free spin-off. Spin-offs are distinguished from equity carveouts, in which some of a subsidiariy’s shares are offered for sale to the general public, bringing an infusion of cash to the parent firm without loss of control. In any cases, management may seek to split the company into small pieces through a series of restructuring techniques. Including initial equity carveouts and subsequent spin-offs. 2.Wants Taiwan listed Companies have incurred on conflict between subsidiaries in recent years. They usually take the step of Restructuring ownership relationship to approach their strategy, we exploring the cause and consequence among financial strategy, corporate governance and performance. The purpose of this paper is to explore the decision whether can impact on ability of manager or not. First, to develop a new path is main contribution in Corporate Governance. Second, to enhance the diversified field referred as Governance. Third, Which can increasing wealth of owner at the issue of spin-offs and carveouts in Taiwan. Fourth, After enacted the decision, What effect are their needs and the relationship between strategy and performance? 3.Literature Review (1)Restructure Several studies have examined the market reaction to the announcement of carve-outs (Schipper and Smith, 1986) and spin-offs (Hite and Owers,1983;Miles and Rosenfeld,1983; and Schipper and Smith,1983) These studies demonstrate that the announcement of a corporate spin-off or carve-out is associated with positive stock price movements in the parents’ stock. The continuity of ownership in a spin-off implies that any subsequent changes in value from the reorganization accure to the existing shareholders of the parent corporation. Galai and Masulis claim spin-offs may erode the position of the bondholders causing a wealth transfer from bondholders to stock holders while leaving the value of the firm unchanged. Schipper and Smith also contend that the creation of publicly-traded firms results in new information sources which enable shareholders to more closely monitor the activities of managers, thereby reducing agency costs and enhancing shareholder wealth. The asset focus explanation has viewed spin-offs as improving the focus of a firm, thus serving to remedy the loss of focus inherent in a diversified conglomerate. (2)Restructure and owners wealth A significant positive stock price reaction was surrounding spin-off announcements. The source of the gains in spin-offs, however, is difficult to identify and validate. Authors have argued that spin-offs:  Mitigate an unwieldy organizational structure by increasing focus.  Enhance contracting efficiency  Reduce regulatory or tax constraints  Reduce information asymmetries regarding the operatons of parent firms  Are possible corrections of acquisition mistake.  Improve managers’ incentives to maximize shareholder wealth in spun-off firms. Allen et al(1995)also document an inverse relation between the gains to spin-offs and losses associated with prior takeovers of those units by the parent firm. Krishnaswami and Subramaniam(1999) find that information symmetries in parent firms are positively related to the excess stock returns around spin-off announcements. While Daley, Methrotra, and Sivakumar(1997)report that focus-increasing spin-offs earn higher announcement-period excess stock returns relative to spin-offs that do not increase focus. Cusatis, Miles, and Woolridge(1993)find that the market for corporate control has historically played a major role in the wealth gains to shareholders of firms involved in spin-offs. The sources of the increasing in shareholder wealth which accompanying the announcement of a corporate spin-off. However, are not apparent. Hite and Owers(1983) and Schipper ;and Smith(1983) document that shareholder gains are related to neither wealth transfer from other financial claimants nor to the beneficial resolution of inefficient legal to regulatory contractual relationships. (3) Information Asymmetry and Restructuring Practitioners and the popular press usually propose an information-related motivation for spin-offs. CEO of most firms involved in spin-offs claim that the spin-off improves the firm’s market value because investors are able to perceive value more clearly after the spin-off. As information asymmetry hypothesis that a spin-offs increasing value. because it mitigates the information asymmetry in the market about the profitability and operating efficiency of the different divisions of the firm. Several studies have empirically analyzed the source of shareholder gains around spin-offs. We may be classified as follow: (i) transfer of wealth from bondholders to shareholders. (ii) tax and regulatory advantages, (iii)restructuring of incentive contracts synergies hypothesis has received broad empirical support. As spin-offs transform a shingle firm into many firms that have separate stock market listings, they increase the number of traded securities and make the price system more imformative. (4) Internal Capital Market The relative efficiency of internal and external capital market transactions is a critical element in defining the boundaries of the firm. Mackie-Mason(1990) says that internal capital markets are an empirically important mechanism by which capital is allocated across and within lines of business. Alchian(1969) and Williamson(1970) argue that internal capital markets are more efficient than external markets because corporate headquarters is likely to be better informed than external suppliers of capital about investment opportunities. Meyer, Milgrom and Roberts (1992), Wulf(1997), Rajan et al(2000) and Scharfstein and Stein(2000) argue that rent seeking by division al managers can distort the functioning of internal capital markets, inducing corporate headquarters to allocate excessive capital to divisions with poor investment opportunities where rent-seeking incentives are strongest. Shin and Stulz(1998) evidence that when capital is reallocated across divisions, it does not seem to go in any systematic way to the divisions with the better investment opportunities. (5) Governance and Restructuring While a well-functioning system of corporate governance and control should contribute to the development of competitive advantage, internal control practices may not always operate effectively. The restructuring of the U.S. economy that followed this century’s fourth merger wave can be seen as inefficiencies associated with firms’ pursuit of financial self-sufficiently and conglomerate diversification. Having said this, the work on internal control is limited in two ways. First, there have been few studies that consider director attributes, as well as the identity and compensation of CEOs simultaneously. Most work considers each as a topic worthy of its own investigation. Of course, these CEO and director attributes all comprise interrelated aspects of internal corporate control. And second, While Walsh and Seward (1990) acknowledged that a voluntary corporate restructuring could be seen as an attribute of internal control. Relatively little empirical work has been done on the topic within a governance and control framework. Our goal is to examine the relationship between a voluntary corporate restructuring and the more traditional internal corporate control mechanisms identifies by Walsh and Seward (1990). 4. Research Design (1)Hypothesis H1: The Goal of Restructuring Ownership Relationship is positive related with enhancing Degree of Corporate Governance; also is positive related with reduce Earning Management. H1-1: A predictable variable is reducing diversification which has positive related with the share-hold-ratio increasing in institutional investor. H1-2: The more forecast error from analysts, the less do add-up share hold-ratio from institutional investor; also the more is earning management from managers. H1-3: Earning quality increasing is positive related with institutional investor add-up their holds; also is positive related with manager decreasing their earning management. H1-4: Capital Expenditure decreasing is positive related with institutional investor add-up their holds; also is positive related with manager decreasing their earning management. H2: Restructuring Ownership Relationship can enforce the structure of subsidiaries’ governance, also loft the ability of top management. H2-1: If Insider Trading Index is lower at the subsidiaries after restructuring, the relationship with reducing agency cost is positive. H2-2: Board is positive related with reducing the agency cost. H2-3: The more influence power index is, the less agency costs are at subsidiaries’ restructuring. H3: Announcement is positive related with wealth effect. H3-1: announcement has positive abnormal return during event window. H3-2: Spin-off has negative accumulate abnormal return during announcement. Carveout have positive accumulate abnormal return during announcement. H3-3: the long-term in wealth effect which after restructure is superior to before restructure. H4: Among governance, restructuring and performance have positive relationship. H5: the performance means after restructure is superior to before restructure. (2)Event study The original sample consisted of 101 firms parent companies had spun-off subsidiary common stock to their shareholders over the period 1990 to 2005, and either sample consisted of 79 firms parent companies had carved-out subsidiary common stock to outsiders. The mean adjusted return approached was used to compute abnormal returns. Recent evidence by Masulis(1994) as well as the more sophisticated market models in detecting abnormal performance when it is present. To determine the adjusted daily returns of a security, the average daily return over specified interval, the comparison period return(CPR), it taken as an estimate of the expected daily return for the period under study, the observaton period adjusted returns are then computed by subtracting the CPR from the daily return over the observation period. The CPR for the current study is based upon the average daily return from day –210 through day –21, the observation period extends from day –10 through day +10 using the following formula: a. Average standard abnormal return:ASR= 。 b. Accumulated standard abnormal return: CASR= 。 (3) Logistical regress model We will test the relationship between goal of restructuring and governance to use the method in logistical model. Because the binary variables can catch add or deduct from institutional investor. Institutional investor may be proxy variable of enforce structure of Corporate governance that is depended variable by us. In addition to proxy of governance, We select another depend variable which is transparency on finance to be a proxy variable of earning management in stead of agency cost. If hold-stock-ratio is adding means the structure is better in the wholly year. And if transparency-on-finance is deducting means the cost is saver in the wholly year. Through binary variable to test the relationship is worse than multi-regression model, we only want to know the meaning whether restructuring of owner relationship is function of corporate governance to find the effect on financial decision. Suppose that the strong relationship is existed between restructuring and governance, hence, we will explore relationships among governance, restructuring and performance in advance. (4) Simultaneous Equation model If ability can impact on financial decision and producing effect indirectly on governance, how do governance and performance can impact on financial decision? There are many papers to discuss the efficient of internal capital market where were related with governance and performance from inference. The evidence-paper is scarcity and also non-suitable on Taiwan. We Seemingly see the consequence is well between variables, their relationship may be interact to display on cause and consequence. 5. Conclusion (1) We get a strong evidence to support the goal can influence on governance. Institutional investors need the sign to adjust their stock and join the better governance. (2) To approve the refocusing hypothesis those improve the performance and manager’s ability. Their purpose of taking the corporate restructure is not only owner wealth but also to modulate the internal resource on conglomerate. (3) Spin-offs is difference from carve out on wealth effect from announcement period. But they also have the common effect is positive on announce day. Spin-offs have negative abnormal return prior to announcement and carve out have positive abnormal return through announce day. Our conclusion is different from west papers. (4) Ownership structure have influence on performance, Suppose that highly controlled parent company get more inflow than lower controlled parent company, in the meaning of controlling shareholder or block holders will influence on performance and ability of manager through corporate restructure.


何聖隆 Unknown Date (has links)
公司治理的研究,其主要的目的是了解董事會組成,董事會規模,外部董事, 董事及CEO薪酬誘因,CEO改組,外部大股東,外國股東,機構投資人,控制權和股權集中性,併購,法律制度及執行,法源…等變數對以ROA,ROE,會計盈餘,Tobin’s Q和股市報酬率所代表的公司績效之影響。與公司治理有關的重要指標包括股份控制權,現金流量權,董監事席次的控制權,控制權與股權的偏離,次大股東,金字塔結構,交叉持股,優先投票權,外部董事比例等。 本論文共計8章40節,引述國外文獻約500篇並由國際公司治理的實證結果來探討我國五家金控:開發金、台新金、復華金、富邦金、兆豐金的公司治理,最後提出九點結論和建議。

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