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台南市國小高年級學童英語補習經驗與英語學習態度之研究 / A Study of Cram School Learning Experience and English Learning Attitude of Tainan City Fifth and Sixth Graders羅淑媛, Luo, Shu-Yuan January 1900 (has links)
一、 台南市國小高年級有七成學童參加英語補習,補習年數以3-4年者最多;
二、 台南市國小高年級學童在一般英語學習態度、學校英語課程學習態度、英語補習課程學習態度為普通偏中上。
興趣者優於於其他英語補習動機。 / This study aims to understand English cram status quo. cram school learning experience and English learning attitude of the fifth and sixth graders in Tainan City. Totally 443 participants are selected from the fifth and sixth graders in Tainan City. The data are analyzed through descriptive statistics, t-test and one way ANOVA. The major research findings are as follows:
1.Seventy percent of elementary high graders in Tainan City go to English cram schools, and most of them go there at least three to four years. Besides, most of them take English lessons everyweek under four hours. The main motivation is to enter a higher school and have better academic performance.
2. High graders students’ English learning attitude are above the average.
3. Different high graders genders have partly different attitude. Female students are better than male ones.
4. High graders with different primary caregivers of education have no significant difference on three levels.
5. High graders with different attending cram school years have significant difference partly. One to two English learning years are better than those with three to four years and more than seven years.
6. High graders with different English learning hours every week on general English learning attitude have significant differences.Students who learn English in cram school for more than five hours are better than students who learn English in cram school for less than four hours.
7. Significant difference of different motivations were found among general English learning attitude and English courses of going to cram schools. High graders with different motivation on the English courses have significant differences partly. Students who are interested in going to cram school get better grades than the other motivations. / 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致 謝 iii
目 次 iv
表 次 vi
圖 次 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 5
第三節 名詞釋義 5
第四節 研究範圍與限制 6
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 國小英語教學與英語補習的現況 9
第二節 英語學習態度 22
第三節 英語補習經驗與英語學習態度 27
第四節 英語學習態度的相關研究 37
第三章 研究方法 45
第一節 研究架構 45
第三節 研究工具 47
第四節 研究步驟 57
第五節 資料處理與分析 58
第四章 研究結果與討論 61
第一節 受試學童基本資料、參加英語補習經驗與英語學習態度之分析 61
第二節 不同背景變項的學童在英語學習態度的差異分析 65
第三節 不同英語補習經驗之學童的英語學習態度之差異分析 69
第四節 綜合討論 78
第五章 結論與建議 83
第一節 結論 83
第二節 建議 84
參考文獻 86
附錄一 96
附錄二 100
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九二一大地震震災學校環境重建問題之研究-以南投縣和臺中縣國民中小學為例王馨敏, Wang, Sin-Min Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以南投及臺中兩縣國民中小學震災學校校長、主任、教師及學生為研究對象,一共抽取125所震災學校實施問卷調查(有效樣本898人,南投縣597人,臺中縣305人);另外,選擇2所震災學校以訪談校長的方式進行案例分析。蒐集資料的工具,包括自編調查問卷、訪問表和照相機(幻燈片)等三種。在統計分析上,主要採用次數和百分比、卡方考驗以及Cochran Q考驗等方法。經研究結果發現:
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國民小學公共關係與組織效能之相關研究 / A Study on the Relationship Between Public Relations and Organizational Effectiveness in Elementary School林泊佑, Lin, Pe Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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國民小學經營效率及影響因素之研究 / Efficiency performance and impact factors analyses of elementary schools in Taiwan方芳蘭, Fang, Fang Lan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究評估我國國小經營效率,以台北市75所公立國小為研究樣本,採用97年度國小歲出計畫預算扣除人事費用之預算、教職員人數、校地面積為投入項,國小六年級國語科、數學科基本能力測驗精熟級以上通過人數、各校市級比賽得分、新生報到人數為產出項,並蒐集各校背景及教師素質、家長社經背景及學區因素等變項資料,藉由資料包絡分析法及Tobit迴歸分析,獲得台北市各公立國小之各項效率結果,及影響學校效率之各項因素分析。主要研究發現:(一)台北市國小技術效率表現尚佳。(二)學校普遍出現學生規模不足情形。(三)、學校成本效率表現普遍不佳。(四)效率表現較佳學校具有學生數多、設校時間較短、家長社經背景較佳特徵。(五)學校間學業成就表現差距較小,但各校師生多元表現表現差距較大。(六)在台北市國民小學經營效率調整方面,現有投入水準下產出有不足之情形,在現有產出水準下則有投入有過多之情形。影響學校經營效率之因素方面,學校特性中只有教師性別、學校成員、學校設立時間對學校經營效率有向顯著之影響;學生家長社會經濟背景方面,學校低收入戶及原住民學生比率越高對學校效率有顯著的負面影響,其餘因素影響並不顯著。學區環境部分,學校所處區位都市化程度越高效率越好,位於住宅區之學校效率優於其他各區。針對研究結果,提出下列建議。(一)規模過小學校,宜進行各項資源整合利用。(二)推動教師專業評鑑及落實考核。(三)建立教育績效責任制提升學校效率。(四)國小校務評鑑可同時有量化及質化之評鑑。(五)教育經費編列宜考量學校背景之差異性。(六)建議教育行政機關建立整合電腦資料庫以利未來研究。 / Recent year the budget of government is tightening, but our expectation of the educational quality is never less than before. However, the birth rate of Taiwan decreases sharply during decades. It makes the problem that our elementary schools lacking scale of economies are more serious. By literatures reviewing, we find that most of them emphasize on effectiveness of elementary school but efficiency. If we ignore the viewpoint of efficiency, we will not catch the whole-picture of elementary schools’ performance. In this dissertation, we are not only examining the efficiency performance of elementary schools’ but also testing the impact of exogenous variables to efficiency.
On first stage, We select half of elementary school of Taipei city as our empirical samples, and use data envelopment analysis (DEA)to examine their efficiency performance that include cost efficiency, scale efficiency, technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency ,and allocative efficiency. The result suggests that the sample school have a medium-high technical efficiency performance but poor cost efficiency. Technical efficiency performance is better than allocative and scale efficiency performance. We also confirm a problem that we expect our elementary schools lacking scale of economies. On the second stage, we use Tobit regression method to test our three hypotheses, The empirical result show (1)the evidence support our school characteristic hypothesis that school-specific factors (including the female faculty proportion, teaching experience of teachers, and involvement of teachers) have significant effect to efficiency performance of elementary school.(2) the evidence also support our socioeconomic hypothesis that students’ socioeconomic status (including the family situation and family financial condition) have significant effect to efficiency performance.(3) Our location hypothesis that the school district characteristic (including population density of district and location factor) have significant effect to efficiency performance is supported too.
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臺北市國民小學附設幼稚園空間規劃之研究 / Affiliated elementary schools kindergarten study spatial planning楊貴棻 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 臺北市國民小學附設幼稚園之設置情形,集中於民國76-80年間成立,校舍建築為民國70年以前建築完成較多,以中小規模、學生人數未超過120人學校較多,行政區則以文山、士林及北投區校數較多。
二、 空間規劃現況方面,多數附幼具備活動室(教室)、廁所及盥洗室、戶外遊戲場,教室及遊戲室設置一樓最多,八成教室專門設計給幼稚園使用,七成未設有廁所,五成教室與寢室分別設置,七成學校教室與戶外遊戲場相接,幼稚園為獨立設置或旁邊為低年級教室。約六成國小附幼旁多有可供出入的出口,距離為30公尺以內,七成以上附幼採人車出入口分離。
三、 附幼與國小常共用室外運動場、保健室、戶外遊戲場,遊戲場與低年級共用較多,其共用型態以不分時間較多。
四、 臺北市國小附設幼稚園之行政人員及教師整體空間規劃約五成二受訪者感到滿意,平均滿意評分為6.67分(滿分10分)。
五、 不同背景之臺北市國小附設幼稚園之行政人員及教師在空間使用意見及滿意度差異,碩士學歷或校長之受訪者其使用意見及滿意度較高。
六、 不同設立年代、校舍建築時間、學生人數及行政區之國小附設幼稚園,在空間規劃滿意度上有差異。
七、 不同空間規劃(空間種類、空間共用、空間配置、動線關係)之國小附設幼稚園,在空間使用意見上之滿意度有顯著差異。
八、 目前國民小學附設幼稚園空間規劃之問題七成受訪者反映國民小學附設幼稚園空間規劃問題為易受小學干擾。教師與行政人員關切問題不同。
九、 對於國民小學附設幼稚園空間規劃之建議,最應該增加設置之空間為教具室及儲藏室,最應該由幼稚園獨立使用的空間依序為活動室(教室)、遊戲室、戶外遊戲場、寢室及廁所。
一、 對行政機關及學校的建議(一)在既有校地面積內調整幼稚園和國小校地面積,改善附設幼稚園辦公室的空間大小及規劃;(二)修建或增建空間種類,可優先考量設置教具室及儲藏室、寢室、遊戲室、餐廳或圖書室;(三)空間配置應注重幼兒發展及教師需求,在樓層與位置關係上妥適考量;(四)規劃良好的動線關係可提高空間規劃使用滿意度,應採人車分道;(五)國民小學及附設幼稚園空間如需共用,可優先考慮共用遊戲室、備餐室、室外運動場、停車場及車棚等空間;(六)校長與附設幼稚園人員在空間規劃之意見或滿意度方面,建議加強溝通,促使意見交流,消弭落差;(七)建議校方協同國小與幼稚園共同檢討空間規劃問題,避免相互干擾及噪音過大問題。
二、 對未來相關研究的建議,(一)研究範圍方面,本研究以臺北市為主要研究範圍,未來可以其他縣市國小附幼作為研究範圍;(二)研究對象方面,本研究之研究對象係以國民小學校長、幼稚園園長及教師象,尚可研究幼稚園學生、家長或國小教師;(三)研究方法與內容方面,本研究主要採調查法,未來研究可採訪談法或觀察法,以另一個角度瞭解每所校園之空間與人的關係。 / Kindergarten affiliated with elementary school is very common in the city because of limited land, It is not for sure, kindergarten affiliated with elementary school is the most effective space planning model, that can meet the needs of different stages of children ,and the teachers or administrative staff for teach or administrative use,
This research is to analysis the models of space planning of kindergarten affiliated with elementary school in Taipei, to understand the space planning status, to investigate the opinions and the degree of satisfaction of teachers and administrative staff ,to discover differences by different space planning, find the problems, and make some suggestions for future.
The main method is the questionnaire, to collect all basic space data (total 131 copies, 95 copies valid), included the area of elementary school and kindergarten、space types、space layout、space route、shared space…etc. Then take stratified random sampling way to choose 38 elementary school principles、kindergarten principles and teachers, using questionnaire to survey their opinions and the degree of satisfactions in totally space planning(213 copies valid).This research use descriptive analysis、percentage statistics、chi-square test、t-test and ANOVA to analysis data. The findings are described as bellow:
A. Most kindergarten affiliated with elementary school in Taipei was set up in 1987-1991, but the buildings finished before 1981,small or medium scale, the numbers of students below 120. Wenshan、hihlin and Beitou district has more schools than others.
B. Most kindergarten affiliated with elementary school in Taipei has classrooms、toilets and restrooms、outdoor playground, classrooms and playrooms set on 1 floor,80% classrooms was designed for kindergarten, 70% classrooms without toilet, 50% classrooms and bedrooms are separated, 70% classrooms next to outdoor playground, kindergarten has independent area or next to lower grade students, 60% kindergarten has their own exit under 30 meters, 70% adopt pedestrian and vehicle separated entrances.
C. Kindergarten affiliated with elementary school usually share outdoor athletic field、nurse's room、outdoor playground(with lower grade students, without time schedule ) with elementary school.
D. 50% administrative staffs and teachers of kindergarten affiliated with elementary school satisfy with the space planning,, the average satisfaction score was 6.67 points(full marks will be 10).
E. Different opinions and satisfaction caused by different background of administrative staffs and teachers in kindergarten affiliated with elementary school, master degree or a principal has high satisfaction.
F. Different established time,、building finished time、numbers of students and district will cause different views and satisfaction in space planning..
G. Different space planning(space types、space sharing、space layout、space route), cause significantly different levels of satisfaction.
H. 70% participants reflect the noise problems (cause by elementary school), teachers and administrative staffs have different concern.
I. The suggestion to kindergarten affiliated with elementary school need to increase spaces like a teaching aid room and a storeroom. The classroom, playroom, outdoor playground, bedroom and bathroom, should be use dependently by kindergarten.
Based on research findings and literature review, searcher made the following recommendations:
A. To administrative organizations: (1)improve the administrative office within the existing area; (2) When consider construction or build new spaces, the priority will be teaching aids room and storage room, bedroom, game room, restaurant or library.; (3) Space layout should focus on early childhood development and teacher needs, the floor and position; (4) planning space route well can improve user satisfaction, pedestrian and vehicle separated should be adopted; (5) Elementary school and kindergarten affiliated with, can give priority to shared games room, kitchen, outdoor athletic field, parking space when needed; (6)To eliminate gaps form space planning advice or satisfaction, it is recommended that Principals and kindergarten staff should do more communication each other,(7)Elementary school and kindergarten should collaborative in spatial planning issues to avoid noise problem.
B. the recommendations for future research: (1) For research field, this research focus schools in Taipei, in the future, we can expand to other city; (2) For research object, this research data come from elementary school principal, kindergarten principal and teachers , but we can also get data from kindergarten students, parents or elementary school teachers; (3) For research method and content, this research use questionnaire, maybe other researchers can use Interview or observation in the future, to understand the relation between space and people in another way.
Keyword:Kindergarten affiliated with elementary school in Taipei, space planning, spatial Planning, kindergarten space planning.
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臺北市國民小學校長知識領導與教師專業發展之研究 / Research on the relationships between principals’ knowledge leadership and teacher professional development of elementary schools in Taipei City康燕玉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用問卷調查法,以臺北市國民小學教師為調查分析對象,以自編之「臺北市國民小學校長知識領導與教師專業發展之調查問卷」為工具進行調查,問卷研究對象以臺北市47所國民小學632位教師為樣本,蒐集的資料以獨立樣本t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheffé事後比較、Pearson積差相關及逐步迴歸分析等進行資料分析,獲致以下結論:
最後,依據研究結果,提出具體建議,俾供臺北市國民小學校長與教師,及未來研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to understand the current status between principals’ knowledge leadership and teachers’ professional development of elemenatary schools in Taipei City, the difference condition on variances of different background between principals’s knowledge leadership and teachers’ professional development of elemenatary schools in Taipei City, and further analyzes the difference condition between principals’ knowledge leadership and teachers’ professional development, finally, to explore the predictionon principals’ knowledge leadership to teachers’ professional development of elemenatary schools in Taipei City.
This Study adopted questionnaire survey aimed at teachers of elementary schools in Taipei City as the object of analysis with the self-prepared tool of “questionnaire survey of principals’ knowledge leadership and teachers’ professional development of elemenatary schools in Taipei City” to proceed inestigation, The questionnaire object ws based on 47 elementary schools and 632 teachers in Taipei City as sample , the data collected was proceeded and anyalyzed on independant sample by t factor, single factor variances analysis, Scheffé comparison afterward, Pearson cummulated difference and the related multiple stepwise regression, the conclusion obtained is as follows:
1. The overall and each aspect performance of principals’ knowledge leadership are belonged to “moderate to high degree”., where the performance of “encouraging organization’s members to learn” is the best with highest scores, however, “intigrating school resource system” gets lowest scores.
2. The current status of teachers’ professional development of elementary schools in Taipei City is belonged to “moderate to high degree”., where “professional growth on planning” has gotten the highest scores, but “involvement in academic avtivities” is the lowest scores.
3. The cognitions among teachers with different sex, age, job duties, school scale, school age of elementary schools in Taipei City on principals’ knowledge leadership that have significant difference.
4. The teachers with different sex, job duties, seniority, level of education, all have significant difference on teachers’ professional development.
5. The higher the different level of principals’ knowledge leadership, the better the performance of teachers’ professional development.
6. As to teachers’s professional develpment, the principals’ knowledge leadership of elementary schools in Taipei City has a moderate and positive relation with precditable ability except encouraging “organization’s members to learn ”.
Finally, according to the result of Study to submit a concrete suggestion to provide for the future research reference to principals and teachers of elementary schools in Taipei City.
1.Suggestions to the prncipals of elementary schools in Taipei City
1)Carefully use the role of encouragement played by principals to build a harmonious learning atmosphere.
2)To establish an award and encouragement system and development for research task to encourage members in innovative development.
3)To construct an interactive environment of knowledge management of school and to develop the culture of knowledge share.
4)To utilize the knowledge leading and to integrate school’s source system and further to have an abundant learning resource on knowledge.
2.Suggestions to the teachers of elementary schools
1)Actively involve in life learning and to enhance individual professional skill.
2)Actively engage in educational research and further to establish a self-supporting system.
3)Participates in evaluation on teachers’ professional development and to fulfil evaluation on the result of advanced learning.
4)Establishes a teaching archive and to plasticize the achievement of professional development.
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國小閱讀推廣活動現況與學生參與滿意度之研究:以桃園縣國民小學為例 / The study of reading promotion activities and students satisfaction in the elementary schools of Taoyuan County陳淑怡, Chen, Shu Yi Unknown Date (has links)
由研究結果歸納建義,在教育相關單位方面,應鼓勵校長成為閱讀推廣人才,設置專業圖書館主任,擬定館藏發展政策,以提高國小圖書館服務層級,並建立各校閱讀資源共享機制;在學校方面,應以長遠的眼光持續推廣兒童閱讀活動,組織閱讀教師專業社群,制訂閱讀活動評鑑制度,並持續推廣社區閱讀,最後,應加強與公共圖書館建立合作機制,以整合閱讀推廣之相關資源。 / The purpose of this research is to have a general review of Certified Reading Featured Schools. Interviews of librarians from 8 schools have been conducted as well as questionnaires to investigate higher graders involvement in the reading program of each school.
The result shows prominent improvement in regards of the quantity of books due to large substantial funds from the government plus various in-campus reading schemes However, challenges are still there. The lack of professional librarian and regular funds for book purchasing, insufficient professional knowledge in reading instruction and teaching hours, lack of room and low commitment from parents are common problems faced by these schools.
In regards to the students’ participation, most children enjoy reading activities and statistics shows prominent engagement in dynamic reading activity. More than half of the children engaged in such activities on their own wish but there are still more than 40% of students need adult guidance and encouragement. Generally students acknowledge the importance of reading as statistics show intrinsic motivations are prevalent among these participants. These elementary students express their great improvement over acquiring new knowledge, language proficiency and reading strategies after taking part of various reading schemes. The study also shows that girls’ engagement and motivation are prominently higher than boys. 5th graders involvement is higher than 6th graders.
In regards to the feedback from students, scheme marketing strategy and rewarding system are on the top of the satisfactory criteria. The variety of activity, however, is at the bottom of the rank. Girls are prone to be happier in the activities than boys. 5th graders are more satisfied than the 6th graders.
In conclusion, the study suggests following improving strategies to in-campus reading schemes. First of all, principals should be trained as the key advocators of reading. Professional librarian should be installed to develop and organize in-campus reading schemes. As for the professional development, a network of teaching reading should be set up to promote sustainable reading schemes and assessment of such activities. Strengthen cooperation with public libraries is also recommended to integrate community-based resources.
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公共圖書館與小學圖書館圖書資源合作之研究-以新竹市為例 / The Library Resources Cooperation Between the Public Library and School Library:Hsinchu City as Example梁淑貞, Liang, Shu Chen Unknown Date (has links)
根據本研究結果顯示,提出下列幾點建議:一、中央政府方面:推行長期專案計畫、增加公共圖書館正式編制人員、設置小學圖書館每校一名圖書教師、區公所圖書館統籌由縣市文化局管理、成立縣市圖書館館員協會。二、地方政府方面:整合各單位之資源並重視公共圖書館經營與管理。三、公共圖書館方面:加強媒體宣傳、主動與市立小學進行合作、組成合作團隊。四、國民小學方面:主動爭取公共圖書館的資源、成立校內圖書館組織委員會、提供教師與學生所需要的資源與支援。 / Public libraries or libraries in elementary schools should coordinate the tasks and functions to change the management styles. The cooperation between schools and libraries could have reading habits being cultivated from childhood and allow students enhancing the reading intention in the reading atmosphere. The cooperation between public libraries and libraries in elementary schools is expected as a wonderful start, allowing reading and media information literary sustainably being rooted from elementary schools and every child becoming a learner in future era.
This study aims to discuss the cooperation examples between public libraries and libraries in elementary schools in foreign countries, domestic cooperation model between public libraries and libraries in elementary schools, and present cooperation situation of library resources between public libraries and libraries in elementary schools in Hsin Chu City. With literature review and semi-structured interviews, the public librarians and the teacher librarians in elementary schools in Hsin Chu City are selected as the research participants. The data analyses are concluded as below.
1. The cooperation between public libraries and libraries in elementary schools in foreign countries is rich. Professional librarians and complete reading education policies are established in the libraries. Such a cooperative scheme could benefit the management of school libraries and the promotion of reading education and enhance the library use.
2. Domestic cooperation model between public libraries and libraries in elementary schools focuses more on library card services and reading promotion, which not only provide library resources, but also combine local culture for characteristic activities.
3. Budget support, lack of professional librarians, and supports of relevant personnel are the major factors in little cooperative interaction of library resources between public libraries and libraries in elementary schools in Hsin Chu City.
According to the research results, the following suggestions are proposed. 1. The central government should promote long-term projects to increase formal personnel for public libraries, establish a teacher librarian for the library in each elementary school, arrange libraries of district offices by the country/city culture bureau, and establish county/city librarian associations. 2. Local government should integrate the resources in various sectors and stress on the management of public libraries. 3. Public libraries should reinforce media promotion, actively cooperate with municipal elementary schools, and construct cooperation teams. 4. Elementary schools should actively strive for resources in public libraries, establish library organizing committees on campus, and provide teachers and students with required resources and supports.
Key words: public library﹔elementary school libraries﹔teacher librarian ﹔Interlibrary Cooperation.
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國民小學教師創新班級經營之研究 / The Study of Innovation Classroom Management for Teachers in Taiwan Elementary School蘇芳嬅, Su,Fang-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
最後,根據上述研究結果提出具體建議,供教育行政機關、國民小學、國民小學教師,以及後續研究參考。 / This study focused on the relationship between teacher’s innovation classroom management and classroom management effectiveness in the elementary school. The main purposes of this study include: 1. Investigating the concept and current circumstance of teacher’s innovation classroom management and classroom management effectiveness. 2. Investigating the differences within teacher’s innovation classroom management of various teacher’s demographic variables and school environment variables. 3. Investigating the differences within classroom management effectiveness of low, middle and high teacher’s innovation classroom management degree. 4. Investigating the correlation between teacher’s innovation classroom management and classroom management effectiveness. 5. Investigating the prediction of teacher’s innovation classroom management on classroom management effectiveness.
The study was adopted by questionnaire survey method. The subjects were teachers from public elementary schools in Yi-Lang county, Kee-Lung city, Taipei city, Taipei county, and Tao-Yuang county. The researcher used“The innovation classroom management scale”and “The classroom management effectiveness scale” as instruments. The researcher distributed 1200 questionnaires, retrieved 875 ones, and obtained 865 valid ones. Therefore, the available rate of questionnaires was 72.08%. Acquired data were analyzed by statistical methods including descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, one-way MANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, canonical correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The main findings were found as follows:
1. The current circumstance of teacher’s innovation classroom management in the elementary school was good. It performed best at “rethink”, but by contrast poorly at “reassign”.
2. The current circumstance of teacher’s classroom management effectiveness in the elementary school was good. It performed best at “teaching effectiveness”, but by contrast poorly at “leadership skills”.
3. There existed significant differences among gender, age, seniority, teaching grade, school location, and school size for teacher’s innovation classroom management, but did not exist significant differences within academic background.
4. There existed significant differences among low, middle, and high-level teacher’s innovation classroom management for teacher’s classroom management effectiveness.
5. There was moderate positive correlation between teacher’s innovation classroom management and classroom management effectiveness.
6. There was a significant canonical correlation between teacher’s innovation classroom management and classroom management effectiveness.
7. Teacher’s innovation classroom management could positively predict classroom management effectiveness. Furthermore, the best predictor for classroom management effectiveness was “reduce”.
Eventually, some constructive suggestions based on the results were proposed for the educational administration agencies, teacher education institutions, elementary schools, elementary school teachers, and further research.
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國民中小學校校長評鑑指標系統建構之研究 / A Study on Construction of the Principal Evaluation Indicators system for Elementary and Junior High Schools朱佳如 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究根據研究結果,提出相關建議,俾供教育主管機關、國民中小學校長以及後續研究之參考。 / The purpose of the study is to construct the principal evaluation indicators system for elementary and junior high schools, understand the weights of the indicators system, and provide conclusions and suggestions for education administrative institutions to implement principal evaluation and future study.
As for research methods, firstly, by literature review, discussing the theory basis of the principal evaluation to understand the signification, related concepts, purposes, and procedure; discussing the domestic current status of the principal evaluation; discussing the domestic related studies of principal evaluation; discussing the construction of the principal evaluation indicators system, and preliminarily develop the principal evaluation indicators system for elementary and junior high schools. Secondly, investigating the suggestions of 10 experts by questionnaire. Thirdly, selecting the indicators system by fuzzy Delphi method questionnaire for 18 experts and principals. In the final stage, constructing the weights of the indicators system by Analytic Hierarchy Process questionnaire for the same 18 experts and principals.
The main conclusions are as follow:
1. The principal evaluation indicators system for elementary and junior high schools consists with 6 areas, 12 dimensions and 38 indicators in total.
2. The weights of 6 areas are: ‘curriculum and instructional leadership’ area (23.3%), ‘student and teacher growth’ area (21.7%), ‘administrative leadership and management’ area (19.9%), ‘policy and school affair promotion’ area (13.9%), ‘professional growth and integrity’ area (12.1%), ‘resource and public relations management’ area (9.1%).
3. The weights of 12 dimensions are as follow: in ‘curriculum and instructional leadership’ area, ‘instructional leadership’ dimensionis more important( 65.1%); in ‘student and teacher growth’ area, ‘student learning’ dimension is more important( 65.3%); in ‘administrative leadership and management’ area, ‘administrative leadership’ dimension is more important( 66%); in ‘policy and school affair promotion’ area, ‘school affair promotion’ dimension is more important( 70.1%); in ‘professional growth and integrity’ area, ‘idea and moral integrity’ dimension is more important( 70.6%); in ‘resource and public relations management’ area, ‘resource management’ dimension is more important( 54.6%).
4. The weights of 38 indicators are as follow: in ‘instructional leadership’ dimension, ‘assisting teachers to implement diverse and adaptive instruction and assessment’ is most important(38.5%) ; in ‘curriculum leadership’ dimension, ‘directing curriculum development conferences, and leading teachers to plan and implement curriculum’ is most important(41.9%); in ‘student learning’ dimension, ‘training moral and healthy student’ is most important(29.2%); in ‘teacher growth’ dimension, ‘encouraging teacher to participate curriculum and instructional research, and promoting curriculum and instructional innovation and efficacy’ is most important(40.9%); in ‘administrative leadership’ dimension, ‘encouraging faculty and student motivation, and shaping learning culture and participating leadership’ is most important(31.3%); in ‘human resource management’ dimension, ‘picking the right man for the right job’ is most important(46.6%); in ‘school affair promotion’ dimension, ‘according to school background, feature and needs, establishing shared school vision’ is most important(39.5%); in ‘policy implementation’ dimension, ‘integrating important education policies into school development plans, implementing and reviewing the school development plans’ is most important(44.9%); in ‘idea and moral integrity’ dimension, ‘possessing moral integrity, and compling with profession ethics’ is most important(36.7%);in ‘professional growth’ dimension, ‘possessing professional responsibility and service enthusiasm, and leading members by profession’ is most important(47.7%); in ‘resource management’ dimension, ‘properly using resources, and shaping high quality instructional environment’ is most important(36.7%); in ‘public relations’ dimension, ‘maintaining good relation with patents and community, promoting exchange ,and sharing resources’ is most important(51.9%).
In conclusion, the findings and results in hope of providing suggestions for educational administrative institutions, elementary and junior high school principals, and future study.
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