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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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雲端ERP帶動傳統產業生產力升級之個案分析 / A Case Study on the Cloud ERP for Enhancing Productivity of of Traditional Industry

江若綸, Chiang, Juo-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討生產力4.0計畫推進ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning, Gartner Group Inc. 1990)軟體在產業管理系統的關鍵地位。從ERP軟體系統一直未能在企業百分之百順利建置的角度,分析企業在系統軟體導入過程中,內外關係人影響力造成的失效率,探討以羊群行為減低失效率,提升ERP成功比率,期以降低經營管理的沉沒成本。 通常企業要成功導入ERP系統,是取決於有效的專案管理(Loh and Koh, 2004)。而BPR (business process reengineering)是導入ERP系統的關鍵作業標準,例如Oracle的AIM(application, implementation, methodology)、SAP的ASAP(accelerated SAP)、鼎新的TIM(top implementation methodology)和江氏的FIT(fine implementation tool)。在過去24年來卻已緩緩偏離了企業實作科技(operational technology, OT)的基礎,包括經驗與務實(empirical and practice)的運作程序,依靠以資訊科技(information technology, IT)的標準節點為入口導向。 設若BPR標準操作流程,於導入期間重視經驗與務實的影響力,能夠妥適引導轉移(proper piloting migration, PPM)作最佳化適配(adaptation)。則建置和使用ERP系統(system)的策略,是整合網際網路(cyber)的市場價值和實體(physical)的執行績效,達成企業生產力4.0計畫的CPS虛實整合,為運營上帶來一項資產(asset),而非遺產(legacy)。 / The study investigates possibly raising successful installation rate by Herd Behivor for the software of Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP (Gartner Group Inc. 1990) under Industry 4.0 Project. According to the historical data that reducing available rate of stakeholder influence would drop the sunk cost of information technology management. Usually enterprises in order to get an effectiveness of ERP installation, it depends on whether using proper project management (Loh and Koh, 2004). However, BPR (business process reengineering) was acting a key factor of standard operation procedure under project management in past 24 years, such as the Oracle’s AIM (application, implementation, methodology)、SAP’s ASAP (accelerated SAP)、Digiwin’s TIM (top implementation methodology) and Chiang’s FIT (fine implementation tool) . What failed rate of ERP installation is still high around industry, due to information technology (IT) instead of operational technology (OT). Meanwhile, the BRP could switch over to emphasize the empirical experience of piloting migration (PPM) of ERP on individual business. It would guide an optimal adaptation between operational site and information platform, the strategy of using ERP system is in order to combine both benefits as the marketing value of cyber and the manufacturing productivity of physical. There is the synergy coming from Industry 4.0 Project as well as an asset for the enterprise under a systematic integration of virtual cyber and physical reality.

來台大陸觀光客之衝動性購買行為的研究-以旅遊零售業之銷售為例 / The research of Chinese tourists’impulsive buying behavior at travel retail stores in Taiwan

郭維芳, Kuo, Ellen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在研究來台的大陸觀光客,在旅遊零售商店所表現的消費行為及衝動性購買行為。有別於以往以顧客的觀點來探討衝動性購買行為,本研究想要從服務陸客之銷售人員的角度,在與陸客互動的過程中,探討大陸消費者的行為;採用由銷售人員填答問卷的方式,收集他們的看法與觀察,作為實證研究的基礎,以進一步了解影響來台大陸觀光客的消費與衝動性購買行為。 本研究透過完整的架構,先介紹一般的消費行為及影響衝動性購買的相關理論與成因,再藉由問卷調查的方式,以銷售服務人員的觀察,來探討哪些變數,明顯影響大陸觀光客在旅遊零售通路的消費表現與衝動性購買行為。主要的探討與研究範圍包括:零售銷售服務、旅遊零售業特性、精品零售業、台灣旅遊零售業概況、來台大陸觀光客現況等,並進行質性訪談與問卷調查,以所蒐集的資料做統計分析與驗證比較,希望藉由量化的探索式研究,來解析目前以團體為主的大陸來台觀光客之消費行為與衝動性購買行為的形成原因。 總體來說,根據統計分析的結果發現,陸客的購買決策受到價格、折扣的影響力超乎預期,而且受到同行團體的影響也相當大,就是陸客個人會接受群體的意見,有順從團體規範的傾向,即所謂的從眾行為。反而是服務人員的銷售服務,對陸客的購買決策並無太明顯的影響力。所以,根據本研究的實證結果發現:除了消費者的個人因素,社會文化背景的因素可能是造成陸客產生從眾行為,進而影響他們衝動性購買行為的主要原因。 雖然台灣與大陸都屬大中華民族,在地域上屬於同一個文化區,然而,台灣受到日本百貨零售業的影響,零售銷售市場已經非常成熟,消費者比較早建立消費意識,銷售服務水準也比較進步;而大陸則到1979年才改革開放,仍屬於開發中國家,在消費習慣與銷售服務上與台灣的消費市場有一段差距,因此,中國顧客可能需要一段時間的改變,才能趕上已開發國家的消費模式與購物水準。 由於政府對於大陸觀光客的自由行可能會在近期開放,這個因觀光產業延伸出的商機與產值是非常可觀的;加上陸客普遍的衝動性購買行為,可能為台灣的旅遊零售業者帶來可觀的銷售金額。所以,本研究希望利用此次的研究調查結果,能幫助本地的旅遊零售業,更確實瞭解大陸顧客的消費特性與掌握他們的衝動性購買行為,並提供給旅遊零售業者,在訓練銷售團隊上的相關建議及策劃行銷活動時的參考,以期對於其營運管理與獲利有所助益。 / This study is mainly to explore the Chinese tourists’ consumer behavior and impulsive buying behavior at travel retailing stores while traveling in Taiwan. Different from other researches taking customer’ perspective, this study adopts sales associates’ point of view by conducting the questionnaire survey filled out by those who have experience in serving Chinese customers at travel retail stores. The questionnaires are targeting to collect the sales associates’ feedbacks and observations as an empirical research to find out the real causes of Chinese’ consumer behavior and impulse buying behavior in general. This research provides a comprehensive structure by starting an overall introduction of different theories about consumer behavior and impulse buying behavior, following by the elaboration of several topics, i.e. retail sales service, travel retail stores, luxury retails, the current status and development of both Taiwan travel retail industry and the Chinese tourists as consumers while traveling in Taiwan. Then, the quantitative and correlation analyses are made based upon the survey result of 143 questionnaires conducted in about two months and answered by about 150 sales associates from different travel retail stores. Therefore, the causes and the factors affecting the Chinese tourists’ consumer behavior and impulse purchase behavior while staying in Taiwan are thoroughly explored and overall understood. Basically, the findings from the questionnaire result are not quite the same as my initial hypotheses. First of all, Chinese customers are highly discount oriented as their purchase decisions are largely induced by discount offer and good pricing. Secondly, they are obviously affected by their tour companions (i.e. friends, family & members of group) and thus demonstrating so called the “herding” behavior, i.e. seeking the opinions from the group and usually conforming to the social norm. Moreover, Chinese customers do not really pay much attention to the performance of sales service provided by the sales associates. Therefore, the empirical results imply the social influence and culture background relatively cause Chinese customers’ herding behavior and thus bring out their impulse buying behavior. Regardless of the same nation, consumer shopping behavior in Taiwan and China may not be the same, given the different economic progress and retail development conditions. The retail industry, consumer awareness and sales services in Taiwan have reached a mature stage whereas that in China just taking off after 1979. Thus, it might take some time for Chinese to catch up with the customers of developed countries both in their consumption patterns and shopping behavior. With prospect of the opening of Chinese FIT (frequent individual traveler) market in the near future, Taiwan travel retail stores look forward to great expansion and substantial opportunities resulting from the impending growth of tourism business. Furthermore, the impulsive buying behavior will give the impetus to substantial sales revenue for those travel retail stores. Hence, the findings and evaluation from this research are expected to give some insights to their management team as well as to provide valuable information to their sales team for better understanding the Chinese consumers. Ultimately, it can practically assist travel retailers to effectively design their marketing activities and appropriately educate their sales team to provide Chinese tourists with the most satisfactory selling service


魏伊苹 Unknown Date (has links)
膠囊玩具在引進台灣市場時,引起好一陣子的熱潮。有人曾預言膠囊玩具會不會如同蛋塔風潮,來得急,去得也快?近兩三年開始出現在街頭的扭蛋專賣店,說明了即使一窩瘋的熱潮不再,膠囊玩具依舊有其吸引人的地方。本研究主要便想探討膠囊玩具吸引消費者的原因所在,以及喜愛膠囊玩具的消費者又具備何種特性? 本文研究架構包含消費者特性、中介變數、消費行為等三方的相互關係,其中消費者特性所包含的研究構面有人格特質、收藏行為、從眾行為與參考群體;而中介變數則包含消費體驗、顧客價值與知覺風險。本研究將利用問卷調查與統計分析,探討這些變數與膠囊玩具消費量和願付價格之關連性。 研究結果顯示,當消費者有外控人格特質傾向、利用收藏膠囊玩具增值、有深刻的情感性消費體驗、重視社會情感層面價值與不在意購買成本等特性,願意在單次消費中購買較多的膠囊玩具;而具有收藏增值行為、情感體驗深刻、不重視購買成本與知覺風險低的消費者,對於扭蛋有較高的願付價格。最後根據研究結論,提供膠囊玩具廠商實務上的建議,期以達到加強膠囊玩具消費行為的效果。 關鍵字:膠囊玩具、扭蛋、轉蛋、消費行為、消費體驗、顧客價值、消費價值、知覺風險、內外控人格、收藏行為、從眾行為、參考群體

性別認同與保養品品牌購買心理之研究 / Gender Identity and the Psychology of Purchasing Skin Care Brands

林青樺, Lin, Ching Hua Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,全球女性保養品市場呈現穩定成長,雖然保養品以往都被視為屬於「女性領地」的產品,但全球男性保養市場不僅從2012年起就持續成長,未來前景也是相當看好。 有別於以往以性別(sex)做為市場區隔,消費者的性別認同及性傾向,已逐漸被用於區隔目標消費者,且同性戀消費者更因為其相較於一般異性戀男性的消費能力較強,而被視為「夢幻市場 (Dream Market)」。然而,現今台灣在該領域相關的研究文獻,卻往往只探討生理性別,忽略生理性別和性別認同之間的落差,如此將導致與性別相關的行銷研究有扭曲或偏頗的現象。 因此本研究希望能將性別認同與性傾向等因素,納入研究消費者購買保養品行為之考量因素,彌補理論和實際狀況的落差,期能研究出不同性別認同、性傾向的消費者,對不同定位保養品購買意願的差異,並根據該研究結果,給予保養品廠商一些行銷上的建議,讓其在釐清品牌定位時更有方向,並以更有效率、更適切的方式與顧客溝通。 本研究將影響保養品的購買意願從「性別認同」、「性傾向」、「獨特性需求」、「從眾行為」、「產品涉入」、「在意社會觀感程度」、「品牌知覺」、「品牌性別」、「品牌態度」等九大方面著手。 本研究以問卷方式獲取初級資料,收獲有效問卷共 375份,經過統計迴歸分析後發現,「性別認同」、「在意社會觀感程度」、「品牌知覺」和「品牌態度」此四項,最顯著影響消費者購買保養品意願。另外,雖然「性傾向」並沒有對購買意願產生影響,但卻有可能透過「在意社會觀感程度」干擾購買意願。而還有其他顯著影響因素待於研究中一一闡述。 / Recently, the global market of female skin care products has grown a steady pace. Although, the skin care products are usually regarded as female products, the global market of male skin care products has grown fastly since 2012 and market analysts are optimistic about its future. In the past, we usually only use “sex” to segment a market, but gender identity and sexual orientation are gradually used to target customers now. Moreover, gay customers are regarded as a “Dream Market” because they have greater purchasing power than heterosexual men do. However, existing studies still tend to probe into sex and neglect the differences between sex and gender identity. Therefore, this research takes gender Identity and sexual orientation into consideration when conducting the behavior of purchasing skin care products, and the dependent variable” purchase intention” is leveraged by “Gender Identity”, “Sexual Orientation“, “Product Involvement”, “Need for Uniqueness”, “Conformity Behavior”, “the Degree of Concerning with Social Perception”, “Brand Attitude”, “Brand Gender”, “Brand Perception”. Among influential factors, “Gender Identity”, “the Degree of Concerning with Social Perception”, “Brand Attitude”, and “Brand Perception” contribute significantly to purchase intention. Although sexual orientation does not lead to purchase intention, it may affect purchase intention through influencing the factor of “the degree of concerning with social perception”. Other factors affecting the behavior of purchasing skin care products will be further discussed in this research.

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