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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

公務人員終身學習動機與障礙之研究 / A Study on the Lifelong Learning Motivation and Barriers of Public Servants

劉佳慧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討公務人員參與終身學習動機因素、障礙因素及參與意願,並且探討不同背景之公務人員參與動機、障礙及意願之間的關係。為有效達成上述目的,本研究採取便利抽樣問卷調查,以公務人員為研究對象,共發出問卷1200 份,回收1116份,其中有效回收問卷為1071 份,所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關分析及多元迴歸進行統計分析,歸納結論如下: 一、參與終身學習動機取向,以「求知興趣」取向最強。 二、參與終身學習障礙取向,以「機構障礙」取向最強。 三、參與終身學習動機會因不同背景變項而有所不同。 四、參與終身學習障礙會因不同背景變項而有所不同。 五、參與終身學習動機與障礙呈現顯著的正相關。 六、參與終身學習動機與障礙對參與終身學習意願有顯著影響。 最後根據研究發現,分別就「個人」、「組織」、「學習環境與資源提供者」及「政策」等四各層面提出建議,提供公務人員、學習機構及政府等參考。 【關鍵字】:終身學習、參與學習動機、參與學習障礙、參與學習意願 / The purposes of this study were to investigate the motivations, barriers and willingness of participation in lifelong learning education of public servants, examine the relationship among motivations, barriers and willingness degree in different background variables. The research samples were public servants. Convenience samples were employed through the questionnaire. A total of 1200 questionnaires were handed out, 1116 were collected. There were 203 valid questionnaires. Statistical techniques conducted including descriptive statistic, T-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. The findings were as follows: 1. Cognitive interest was the strongest motivation of public servants participating lifelong learning education. 2. The unit barrier was the strongest barrier of public servants participating lifelong learning education. 3. Different backgrounds would influence the motivation orientations of public servants participating lifelong learning education. 4. Different backgrounds would influence the barrier orientations of public servants participating lifelong learning education. 5. Motivations had significantly positive correlation with barriers. 6. Motivations and barriers had significant effect on willingness. Finally, the research provided suggestions to public servants, institutions, government, and those were interested in this issue. 【Keywords】:lifelong learning, learning motivations, learning barriers , learning willingness.


陳建興 Unknown Date (has links)
網路市場的經濟產值中潛藏巨大商機,且因網路購物市場的進入障礙不高,於是吸引了大批老手新兵加入此一競爭領域。對於網路業者而言,必須了解網路市場中消費者的特性以及其所在意的網路商店屬性。消費者進行網路交易時,因缺乏實體的商品及店鋪,便容易對網路商店信任及負面的態度。因此,要如何藉由主觀的消費者的特性以及客觀的網路商店屬性,以降低消費者主觀的不信任感及負面的態度,進而增進消費者對網路購物之意願,尤其是業者所重視的議題。   本研究基於上述理由,旨在探討根據不同的網路購物者特性與網路商店屬性下,是否新增消費者的網路購物意願?並實證信任、態度與網路購物者特性、商店屬性、購物意願之間的關係,以彌補過去研究之不足。   由實證結果可以發現,整體模型具有相當的適配度,其研究結果如下: ㄧ、對網路商店信任具有顯著的正向影響的有:網路商店屬性(如:網站商譽、網站安全機制、服務品質、產品資訊)與網路購物者特性(從眾行為、追求流行)   二、對網路商店之態度具有顯著的正向影響的有:網路購物者特性(如從眾行為、追求流行、線上購物認知價值),網路商店屬性(網站商譽、網站安全機制、服務品質、產品資訊)與其對網路商店之信任;反向影響關係的有:網路購物者特性(如:線上購物認知風險、逛街購物態度)。 三、對網路購物之意願具有顯著的正向影響的有:網路購物者特性(如:從眾行為、追求流行、線上購物認知價值),網路商店屬性(如:網站商譽、服務品質、產品資訊)與其對網路商店之態度。   由上述結果可得知,網路商店業者應強化本身網站屬性,以及了解消費者內心的想法,以提升消費者對其的信任感與正面態度,這才是影響消費者網路購物意願的關鍵因素。

壽險業務人員對旅行平安險的銷售意願及銷售績效之研究 / A Study for Selling Intention and Performance of Life Insurance Salesperson for Travel Accident Insurance

陳玉瓊 Unknown Date (has links)
國人對國內與國外旅行平安險有一定之需求,且約有六成係透過保險公司業務員購買,且此旅行平安險業務對保險公司為有價值之業務,遂引發本文之研究動機。加上由相關文獻探討可知,近年來有許多文獻係以消費者購買旅行平安險之購買意願或購買行為為探討主題,但尚無以保險業務人員角度探討對旅行平安險之銷售意願或如何提高銷售績效之研究,且亦無以保險業者角度探討如何經營旅行平安險業務,故更加引發本研究動機。所以此次研究目的為探討壽險業務人員對旅行平安險的銷售意願及銷售績效,並透過深度訪談及問卷調查方式深入研究,最後進一步提出可供壽險公司經營旅行平安險之各項行銷綜合性建議,本研究問卷調查結果顯示如下: 一、旅行平安險之業務屬性方面:此險為客戶有國內、外旅遊活動,才有投保之需求或產生投保的動機,非業務人員可主導或強力刺激客戶需求的業務。故較徧向「客戶主導」,但非「業務人員主導」的業務屬性。 二、投保通路方面:1.「保險公司業務人員」為主要投保通路。2. 透過「業務人員投保」或「電話投保」為現行或未來主要投保方式。 三、業務人員之銷售意願方面:1.「客戶主動投保」為業務人員銷售旅平險之主因。2.業務人員主動銷售時,則以「自身利益導向」即佣金及計績比例高低為主要考量。3.「商品多樣化」及「佣金」為鼓勵業務人員更主動銷售旅平險之主因。 四、商品內容方面:1.若客戶無預算考量,需保障最完整無缺口,包含產壽險旅平險。2.若客戶有保費預算限制下,旅平險至少應包含意外醫療險及海外突發疾病醫療險。 五、消費者心理方面:「已有刷卡附贈之旅平險」為客戶不願意購買旅平險之主因。 六、促銷策略方面:1.對客戶之促銷活動相較對業務人員本身之促銷來得較有效。2.尤其對客戶促銷活動中,以「客戶投保旅平險贈送產險旅遊不便險」為最主要有效之旅平險促銷活動。 關鍵詞:旅行平安險、壽險公司、銷售意願、銷售績效 / People have certain demand to the domestic and the overseas travel insurance, also 60% of the travel insurance policy are sold through agency channels, and from the profit aspect, this business bring significant contribution to the insurance company is a notorious fact, then this is to cause the motivation of this research. Recall the historical literatures, nearly many literatures are related with the purchase intention or behavior of customers for the travel insurance as the discussion subject, however, there is lack of the theses from the point of view of the insurer or the salesperson angle to enhance the sales achievements or how to run effectively business, and also this is to cause the motivation of this research. Therefore this research goal is to discuss the selling intention and performance of life insurance salesperson for travel insurance, through the methods of the depth interview and the questionnaire survey, finally further proposed the marketing comprehensive suggestions for the life insurance company to run this travel insurance business. The results of this research questionnaires and study are presented as following: I.The aspect of the travel insurance business :When the customer has domestic or overseas travel, only then has demand of the insurance or has the insurance motive;it’s not the salesperson may lead or the forcedly stimulate the customer demand .Therefore approaches “the customer leadership”, but not “the salesperson leads” business . II.The aspect of the insurance channel:1. “The insuring through the salesperson of insurance company” is the main insurance channel. 2. Through insurance salesperson or the telemarketing is for present or the future main insurance way. III.The aspect of the salesperson selling intention:1.“The customer initiative insurance” is the principal factor of the selling the travel insurance for the salesperson. 2. When the salesperson sells on own initiative, “own benefit guidance” is as the main consideration, concerning the commission and the sales proportion. 3. “Product diversification” and “commission” is principal factor to encourage the salesperson selling the travel insurance. IV.The aspect of the product:1.If the customer non-budget consideration, the protection must be complete and does not have the gap, including the life insurance and property insurance product. 2.If the customer has the insurance premium to budget under the limit, the travel insurance should contain at least the accidental medical policy and the overseas suddenly disease medical policy. V.The aspect of the customer psychology:“To obtain the travel insurance as a free gift using the credit card” is principal factor to not be willing to purchase the travel insurance for the customer. VI.The aspect of the promotion strategy:1.The promotion for customer is more effective than for salesperson. 2.Especially to customer promotion, “To obtain the traveling inconvenient coverage as a free gift buying the travel insurance” is the most main and effective promotion. Key words: Travel Accident Insurance, Life Insurance Company, Selling Intention, Selling Performance

精品珠寶市場之消費者行為研究 / A study of the consumer behavior of the luxury jewelry market

苑慈祐, Yuan, Jatin Unknown Date (has links)
近十幾年來,消費者對於精品與珠寶的追求與擁有已不像過去,單純只是富有的象徵與富人的專屬附屬品,在行銷人豐富的包裝之下,精品與珠寶已成為生活品味與質感的代表,而天然寶石資源日趨減少,供需不平衡而產生的價格變動也使珠寶儼然成為近年來熱門的投資標的。本研究即以精品珠寶為主要研究目標,欲研究台灣精品珠寶市場之消費者行為。 本研究以大台北地區具有購買精品珠寶意願或實力之對象發放問卷,共回收有效問卷325份,並以此問卷結果進行人口統計變項與購買動機、訊息來源、評估準則、購買意願、風險知覺與購買行為之間的關係,並探討各變數之特質與各變數之間的關係與影響,最後以量化結果與質化訪談作為本研究對於精品珠寶市場之消費者行為行銷策略之建議。 本研究分析結果如下: 一、人口統計變項與購買動機、訊息來源、評估準則、購買意願、風險知覺與購買行為之間皆有不同構面的影響,且有些變項影響程度具有高低的差別。 二、精品珠寶之購買動機、訊息來源、評估準則與購買意願,以及購買意願與購買行為間皆有顯著相關性並具有顯著影響。 三、購買精品珠寶之風險知覺對於購買意願與購買行為不具有干擾效果。 四、最後以質化訪談加強上述量化分析結果並提出未來行銷策略建議。 關鍵詞:消費者行為、購買意願、知覺風險。 / For the last decades, the intesion of consumers’ pursue of the luxury goods and jewelry was not simply the symble of the richness like before. With all the emotional attachments the marketers creacted, luxury good and jewelry have represented the high class of living style. And also because the nature resources of gem is getting less and leass, the price raises based on the higher demand and less supply, which are also the reason why the jewelries have become the popular target to invest. The perpective of this study is to figuring out the customer behavior of the jewelry market. The questionnaires of this study were submitted to the potential customers of luxury jewelries in Taipei City. Total 325 effective copies were collected. And based on the questionnaires results, the connection between the purchase motivation, information source, evaluation, purchase intention, perceived risk and purchase behavior can be studied. Moreover, interviews with two jewelry brand managers to deeply disucss the future strategy. Keywords:Luxurious Jewelry, Consumer Behavior, Purchase Intention, Perceived Risk.

派外人員返國調適與留職意願之研究 / Repatriation Adjustment and Intent of Retention

周莉萍, Chou, Li Ping Unknown Date (has links)

價格促銷型態與原產國對消費者購買行為的影響之研究 / the Study of the Impact of Price Promotion and Country-of- origin Effect on Consumer Behavior

羅烈明, Lieh-Ming Lo Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討價格促銷型式,廣告參考價格與原產國對 消費者的品質 評價與購買意願之影響。本研究以政大商學院 一、大二176位學生為 對象,而以成衣為作為研究產品,簽罌情砭情砭惘]子實驗設計進行研究 。主要的統計分析方法隻h變量多異數分析,且以SAS作為本研究之分 析工具。主n研究結果如下:? 不同的價格促銷型式對消費者的品質評價 無顯著的影響效 果,但平均而言,消費者在品質認知上,對以打折方式 促 銷的成衣仍高於以特價方式促銷的成衣。? 不同高低水準的廣告參 考價格,對消費者的品質認知有顯 著的影響效果,亦即較高的廣告參考 價格使消費者產生較 高的品質認知。? 受試者對美製成衣的品質認知 高於台製成衣。

虛擬社群中離線體驗對消費行為之影響 / The impact of offline experience on consumer behavior in virtual community

劉芙妤 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以理性行為理論為研究架構,針對同時提供線上服務結合離線體驗服務特色之社群,探討其使用者之行為信念與態度、主觀規範對消費意願之影響與實際消費行為強度。研究中於行為信念與態度部份,提出網站服務品質、離線體驗、網站滿意度、網站忠誠度等構面;而主觀規範的部份,根據相關學者文獻探討,以虛擬社群之社群意識作為衡量構面;並且以相關研究為基礎,進一步探討社群成員之使用年資對社群意識以及消費意願間關係之影響。 本研究以愛評網為個案研究對象,針對網站使用者進行一對一訪談,並於該社群網站首頁放置問卷連結邀請網站會員進行填答。共回收 556 份有效問卷,以結構方程模式進行分析,得到以下結論: 1. 網站服務品質與網站滿意度有正向關係 2. 網站滿意度與網站忠誠度有正向關係 3. 網站忠誠度與消費意願間有正向關係 4. 離線體驗與網站忠誠度有正向關係 5. 離線體驗與消費意願間有正向關係 6. 消費意願與實際消費行為強度有正向關係 7. 使用年資之長短會影響社群意識與消費意願間之關連


潘先國 Unknown Date (has links)
在1998年,「電子商務」無疑是當紅炸子雞,沒有實體企業做後盾的網路公司如雨後春筍般地一家接著一家出現,然而好景不長,自1999年底全球各地的網路公司開始裁員、網站紛紛倒閉。尚存的B2C網路公司開始思索確實能夠獲利的營運方式,因此許多用以快速佔有市場的免費服務,都開始轉型成為能過創造利潤的付費服務,然而哪些免費服務適合轉為收費的型態、有哪些的收費方式、網站業者如何評估消費者對於各項付費服務的購買意願以及付費服務的競爭能力,這些問題確實有必要對做深入的瞭解與研究。   本研究藉由國內外文獻彙總消費者對於付費服務之購買考量,以及網站業者面臨免費服務轉型成為付費型態之思考觀點,建構一個網際網路收費獲利模式,以幫助網站業者評估付費服務。研究採取網路問卷的方式蒐集資料,共有兩份問卷,一份問卷主要是分析消費者購買考量,由網際網路使用者經入口網站自由填答;另一份問卷則是分析網站轉型指標,由大型商務網站之主管填答。研究結果發現:   1.將來願意接受網路付費服務進而消費的網路使用者達到86.51%,而會有免費服務轉為付費服務的網站達88.57%。   2.消費者購買付費服務主要考量網站本身的安全性與個人隱私的保密性,以及付費服務對於消費者的實用價值、價格與品質;而網站業者將免費服務轉為付費服務主要思考付費服務的合法性、市場定位、服務品質的提升與專業。   3.網際網路收費獲利模式由消費者「購買意願」軸與網站「競爭定位」軸所建構,其中「購買意願」軸是以「網站特性因素」與「產品內涵因素」所組成;而「競爭定位」軸則是由「服務特質因素」、「策略競爭因素」、「製作型態因素」與「行銷能力因素」組成。   本研究期待收費獲利模式能夠幫助網站業者衡量可由免費轉型成為付費型態的服務,同時協助網站業者瞭解競爭者與自己所推出付費服務與資訊之間的差異與關連。

大陸學生來台學習參與影響調查之研究 / The studies on the learning participation and the influences of the mainland students who come to Taiwan

李文瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採取質性訪談及問卷分析法,以曾經選擇短期、一學期、一學年在臺灣的大學院校研習修課的大陸學生為主要研究對象,透過質性訪談及問卷分析的方式,探討兩岸文教學生的交流之影響。 兩岸文教交流近五年間歷經極大轉變,從第一波開放只有個位數的大陸學生,僅只能選擇短期一周或一個月間如寒暑假短期交流方式,至今幾乎臺灣的各大學院每一所校約計有超過數十位的大陸學生與臺灣學生一起共同學習上課,部份臺灣的私立大學還有超過數百位,甚至近千位的短期大陸研修生,大陸學生在臺灣儼然在校園裡成為特殊的「大陸研習生」新文化,這一波兩岸交流熱潮預料將持續掀起新一波的大型浪潮,悄悄地改變臺灣的高等教育生態。 為深入瞭解大陸學生選擇來臺灣研習的了解大陸學生在臺灣學習之過程經驗,是否足以再吸引更多大陸學生來臺之強烈動機,藉此提供臺灣大學院校掌握大陸學生之需求以及可能吸引大陸學生的原因。本篇論文採取問卷及訪談方式,為求瞭解陸生來臺之後,對於臺灣地區學生之學習態度、競爭力、師資設備與課程規劃知覺與預期相較之差距,對於未來再次來臺研習意願之關聯性,本文透過結構式問卷進行資料收集。 整體而言,陸生來臺實際接觸臺灣地區教學環境之後,普遍認為臺灣地區學生之學習態度略為高於預期、師資設備與課程規劃亦同優於陸生之預期,因此,陸生未來再次來臺意願偏高,惟有競爭力一項,陸生對於臺灣地區學生競爭力之知覺,明顯劣於來臺學習行前之預期。 深度訪談中則顯示大陸學生對臺灣的大學院校有較佳的意願興趣度,分析探討之因素多為兩岸學生在同一種語言學習環境裡、離家較近等距離時空因素,而臺灣的大學生在大陸學生的印象中,活潑、熱情、對社團參與度高,加上臺灣的師資水準仍具一定影響力,使大陸學生仍願意選擇在臺灣學習上課,甚至在兩岸高校互相簽定姐妹校關係下,採取學分交換方式,到臺灣擔任交換生。 / By interviewing and analyzing the questionnaires of the mainland students who studied in the universities in Taiwan for one or two semesters, the current research studied the influences of cultures and educations across strait through the exchange student programs. In the recent five years, there has been a big change in the cultural and educational exchange cross strait. In the beginning, there were only less than 10 exchange students from China to study here for only one week or one month, as well as short-term exchanges for summer or winter breaks only. Currently, almost every large-scale of universities in Taiwan, more than ten mainland students attend classes with Taiwan students. For some private universities, more than hundreds, even thousands of mainland students come to study. It has formed a new culture of “mainland students” on campus in Taiwan. This new culture is predicted to be a big trend which quietly changes the environment of higher education system in Taiwan. The objective of this study was to understand the motivations of these students from mainland China to study any program in Taiwan. The results of this study will provide colleges and universities in Taiwan with informative sources for attracting more Chinese students and understanding their needful. Both questionnaire and interviewing methodologies were used for this study. The results show that most of the Chinese students were interested in colleges and universities in Taiwan because students from both sides speak the same language and short distances between China and Taiwan for returning home. The impressions of local students to those Chinese students were active, passions and highly bound to extra curriculum. The level of teaching quality and environment in Taiwan was impressed and effective to the Chinese students. For all of the above mentioned reasons, students from China were still willing to attend the classes in Taiwan for some credit hours through the exchange student programs and mutual beneficial programs.


陳建廷, Chen, Chien Ting Unknown Date (has links)
行銷觀念一開始被非營利組織所抗拒,直到一九六九年才開始被非營利組織接受並加以運用,之間的轉變是由於多位學者認為,行銷理念不但適合用於企業組織,更可拓展至非營利組織。因為非營利組織具有雙重的顧客群-捐贈者與服務使用者,非營利組織行銷的功能可以更精確的區分為資源分配、資源募集以及非捐贈者的說服。白話的說即是非營利組織希望透過行銷活動傳達組織使命與價值的同時,亦可達到持續的募集資源(資金和志工)之目的。 Schmitt(1999)將「體驗行銷」定義成「基於個別顧客經由觀察或參與事件後,感受某些刺激而誘發動機產生思維認同或消費行為,增加產品價值」,一般而言體驗行銷多運用在一般消費性產品的活動上。但在現實中可以發現,一些非營利組織透過舉辦體驗活動的方式,一方面讓民眾進一步認同組織使命,一方面希望這些民眾在參與活動過後,可以成為長期的種子志工,例如台灣世界展望會舉辦之「飢餓三十」活動、台灣環境資訊協會舉辦之「生態工作假期」活動,皆是屬於此種類型的活動。 本研究針對台灣環境資訊協會、荒野保護協會與千里步道舉辦之生態工作假期志工活動,對其參與志工發放問券。探討工作假期志工體驗、工作假期志工滿意度、志工─組織認同以及持續參與志工意願的關係。結果發現工作假期志工體驗會正向顯著影響工作假期志工滿意度;並且透過工作假期志工滿意度的間接中介效果,進而影響志工─組織認同以及持續參與志工意願。

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