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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

政治態度對電子口碑擴散影響之研究 / Study of the Influence of Political Attitudes upon the Spreading of Electronic Word-of-mouth

羅彥鐘 Unknown Date (has links)
口碑傳播向來扮演資訊傳遞與擴散等重要的角色,隨著網路使用的普及,電子口碑成為新形態的口碑傳播方式。本研究以政治議題作為主題,探討電子口碑的前因與後果。電子口碑由兩個構面組成,會受到個體本身具有的政治態度所影響;此外,電子口碑行為是電子口碑的實際體現,不同的電子口碑構面是否會採用不同的方式進行電子口碑的擴散行為?本研究欲探討電子口碑所包含的構面,接著欲證實政治態度、電子口碑與電子口碑行為三構念之間的影響關係。研究對象為關心時事與政治的網路族群,採用網路問卷,共計獲得181份有效問卷,以迴歸分析討論三構念之間的關係。 研究結果顯示,電子口碑的構面可分為線上意見領袖與線上意見尋求;政治態度的構面則包含了外部政治效能感、內部政治效能感與政治信任。兩構念之間具有如下關係: 1.外部政治效能感能正向影響線上意見領袖 2.內部政治效能感能正向影響線上意見領袖 3.政治信任能正向影響線上意見尋求 此外,電子口碑也經證實能夠影響電子口碑行為: 1.線上意見領袖能正向影響線上轉寄與線上交談 2.線上意見尋求能正向影響線上轉寄與線上交談 藉由電子口碑模式的確立,能瞭解政治議題的網路擴散效應,並提供另一個資訊傳遞與交流的新型態管道。

台灣人生活型態與價值觀變遷之研究 / Analysis of Lifestyles and Consumer Values of Taiwan people

王曉嬪 Unknown Date (has links)
生活型態目前是行銷學界普遍可見的名詞,台灣地區亦有很多生活型態的相關研究,然而這些研究多屬於特定化生活型態研究,而非一般化的生活型態研究,缺乏對台灣消費者的整體認識。以政治大學社資中心為例,自成立以來社資中心共收錄有316篇生活型態相關之碩士論文,研究標的遍佈各種產業和各種族群,卻沒有可以概觀地描述台灣普羅大眾的一般化生活型態研究,由此可見台灣學術界存在有「台灣整體民眾一般化生活型態研究」之缺口,本研究將進行台灣地區消費者的一般化生活型態研究的跨期比較,首先對E-ICP東方消費者行銷資料庫資料進行因素分析,探討歷年來台灣人的生活型態概況,再以迴歸分析探討台灣人生活型態及其行為背後的主要價值觀變遷,幫助大眾進一步建立對台灣消費者生活型態與價值觀的整體認識並解讀其改變情形。 本研究以1998年為主軸,透過因素分析和信度分析選取出流行傾向、追求自我、平和謹慎的生活習慣、社群參與度、都會傾向、獨立自主的生活、尊重權威、宗教信仰傾向、不確定的自我、積極進取的工作觀、新兩性觀、嚮往西方社會、社交活躍度十三個因素,再以迴歸分析探討這十三個因素在1994年到2002年間的趨勢變化,發現斜率項顯著的有流行傾向、社群參與度、都會傾向、不確定的自我、積極進取的工作觀、新兩性觀、嚮往西方社會、社交活躍度等七個因素。追求自我、平和謹慎的生活習慣、獨立自主的生活、尊重權威、宗教信仰傾向、嚮往西方社會等六個因素則呈現迴歸模式不顯著的分析結果。 本研究的限制有三,第一是量表之周延性有待商榷、第二是資料非panel data,不能進行與時間有關的統計分析、第三是無法反應新因素,並建議學者可進行後續研究,建立本土的資料庫與量表,以發展出適合台灣地區的本土一般化生活型態量表,並進行長期調查,予以修正,彌補本量表所缺乏之周延性與穩固性。


林嘉梅 Unknown Date (has links)
高中職階段是人生發展重要的階段之一。高中職學生正處於兩性角色互動學習的階段,個人生理、心理發展狀況亦日趨成熟,然而隨著社會風氣的開放,加上大眾傳播媒體渲染、西方文化的衝擊、升學壓力減緩等因素影響,高中職學生談戀愛已是非常普遍的事實,而他們的愛情態度及觀念,亦在無形之中發生重大的改變。 其次,高中職學生因感情問題不睦衍生的偏差行為事件也有增加的趨勢,每每校園中發生學生偏差行為事件時,追根究底,常發現其原因很多都是感情因素而起。因此,本研究旨在探討高中職學生愛情態度、憂鬱情緒、分手因應等面向之相關情形。 本研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為台北市8所公私立高中職日間部學生,透過各校軍訓教官協助進行施測,共計發出問卷1080份,回收1080份,回收後進行正式統計分析的有效問卷比例為 83%(898份)。研究項目分為下列4部分:一、個人背景表;二、愛情態度量表;三、個人憂鬱情緒量表;四、分手因應量表。主要在於想了解不同的個人特質對高中職學生的愛情態度、憂鬱情緒、分手因應的影響及愛情態度、憂鬱情緒、分手因應三變項之間的相關情形。 本研究以下列統計分析方法處理相關資料:描述性統計、因素分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關,得到以下結論: 在愛情態度、憂鬱情緒、分手因應的現況方面,研究發現:台北市高中職學生的「愛情態度」傾向「友伴之愛」;面臨分手壓力時,部份帶有「輕度憂鬱」傾向;分手因應方式則大多傾向「問題取向積極因應」方式。 本研究共提出4個假設,有1個假設獲得驗證,另外3個假設獲得部份驗證。首先,在愛情態度面向,共命名8個因素,分別為:1.自我犧牲因素、2.家人因素、3.感情破裂因素、4.友誼因素、5.愛情專一因素、6.親密因素、7.美貌因素、8.承諾因素。總解釋量為55.02%。 個人特質之不同,在8個因素中,在自我犧牲因素中,父親每月所得達到相當顯著差異,科系性質則達到極顯著差異。失戀次數在感情破裂因素中達到極顯著差異。科系性質在友誼因素中達到相當顯著差異。在親密因素中,父親每月所得及母親每月所得達到相當顯著差異。失戀次數則達到極顯著差異。最後,在承諾因素中,父親教育程度達到相當顯著差異,科系性質則有極顯著差異。 其次,在憂鬱情緒面向,共命名三個因素,分別為:1.自我否定因素、2.生理失調因素、3.心理鬱鬱因素。總解釋量為60.64%。母親每月所得在自我否定因素有顯著差異,學校屬性達到相當顯著差異,性別在心理鬱鬱因素有顯著差異。 最後,在分手因應面向,共命名8個因素,分別為:1.自暴自棄因素、2.尋求解決因素、3.自我調適因素、4.尋求專業因素、5.大吃大睡因素、6.宣洩情緒因素、7.委諸天命因素、8.淨化心靈因素。總解釋量為57.45%。個人特質之不同,在8個因素中,科系性質在自暴自棄因素達到相當顯著差異。在大吃大睡因素中,失戀次數有相當顯著差異。在宣洩情緒因素中,父親職業、母親每月所得有相當顯著差異,科系性質則達到極顯著差異。在淨化心靈因素中,失戀次數、科系性質則有極顯著差異。 在愛情態度、憂鬱情緒及分手因應三變項方面,愛情態度與憂鬱情緒相關係數為正0.2948,P<0.0001,達到極顯著相關。愛情態度與分手因應相關係數為正0.4215,且P<0.0001,達到極顯著相關。憂鬱情緒與分手因應相關係數為正0.3630,且P<0.0001,亦達到極顯著相關。此顯示愛情態度、憂鬱情緒、分手因應三個變項,彼此互相影響。 綜合上列研究結果,研究者建議高中職學生應多學習兩性相處之道,建立正確的兩性觀念,依本身興趣及能力,學習不同領域的知識,參加各種課外活動,藉以培養第二專長,轉移生活重心;家長方面,則建議家長仍應利用時間與子女談心,建立良好的親子溝通,掌握其交友狀況;學校方面,建議學校多舉辦有關兩性交往的演講、活動,健全學生的兩性觀念,培養正確的應變能力;其次,學校應加強學生感情問題的諮商與輔導,減少學生因感情問題衍生的偏差行為。 / Vocational high school is one of the most important stages in development. The students of vocational high school live in the stage of bisexual interactional . Their physiological and psychological development matures increasingly. With the open society, the spread of multimedia, the impact of Western culture and the decreasing pressure of pursuing advanced studies, they are apt to fall into love. However, Their attitude and idea of love change greatly unconsciously. Next, the fact that their love doesn`t go smoothly often leads to their misbehavior. To get to the core of the problem , the students` misbehavior in school more or less arises from their poor handing of love among themselves. This research mainly aims at their attitude , and the solution of how to break up gracefully. This research use questionnaire, which includes eight public and private day high schools. With the help of military officers,1080 copies are handed out and returned, but 898 (83%) is valid. The research falls into four categories: personal background; love attitude ; depression and responses to breakup .The purpose is to understand how their different characteristics influence their love attitude , depression and responses to breakup. This conclusion is based on the following data: Descriptive Statistics , Factor Analysis , t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson Product Correlation. In the aspect of love attitude , depression and responses to breakup, the survey finds out that their love attitude tends to be a love of companion. When facing the pressure of breakup, part of them tend to be slight melancholia, but their responses to breakup tends to be positive. This survey provides four suppositions, one is confirmed while the others are partly confirmed. Firstly, in the aspect of love attitude , there are eight factors: self-sacrifice; family; breakup; friendship; devotion to love; intimacy; looks and promise. The gross amount of explanation is 55.02%. Self-sacrifice varies rather obviously in their fathers` income and varies greatly in the features of the department. The breakup in love varies greatly in the number of being lovelorn. Friendship varies rather obviously in the features of department. Intimacy varies rather obviously in their parents` income and varies greatly in the number of being lovelorn. Lastly,promise varies rather obviously in fathers` education and varies greatly in the features of the department. Next, in the aspect of depression , there are three factors:self-denial; physiological maladjustment and depression , the gross amount of explanation is 60.64%. Self-denial varies obviously in mother`s monthly income, rather obviously in kinds of school and obviously in depression.


楊時綱 Unknown Date (has links)

參加過全美語沉浸式教學之學童在國小英語之學習態度 ─ 以桃園一小學為例 / The Effect of English Immersion Preschools on Primary School Students' English Learning Attitude -- A Case Study in Taoyuan

明玥芳, Ming, Yueh-fan Unknown Date (has links)
在越來越重視幼兒學齡前英語教育的社會中,全美語沉浸式教學,成為父母期待子女學好英語的選擇,然而人們對全美語沉浸式教學,有正反兩極端的意見,本研究探討參加過全美語沉浸式教學之國小學童在國小英語的學習態度,以期能對全美語沉浸式教學的影響有所暸解,並對幼兒英語學習有所助益。 本研究資料分別取自於桃園ㄧ國小六年級學童及其家長的問卷與訪談。266位學生〈13位全美語和253位非全美語學童〉與220位家長〈12位全美語和208位非全美語家長〉的問卷,採四種統計方法進行分析:描述性統計、單因子變異數分析,LSD事後比較與皮爾森相關分析。而26位學生〈13位全美語和13位非全美語學童〉與10位家長〈5位全美語和5位非全美語家長〉的訪談,提供更進一步資料,反映學童對於英語學習的態度。資料分析結果如下: 1. 參加過全美語沉浸式幼稚園之國小學童比未參加過的學童,在國小英語的學習上顯示較多的學習信心。 2. 參加過全美語沉浸式幼稚園之國小學童比未參加過的學童,在國小英語的學習上顯示較高的學習興趣。 3. 參加過全美語沉浸式幼稚園之國小學童比未參加過的學童,在國小英語的學習上顯示較強的學習信念。 本研究亦發現參加過全美語沉浸式幼稚園之國小學童的家長比未參加過學童的家長,對於子女在英語學習上,顯示較高的信心、興趣與信念,與學童的資料分析結果相當一致。 / English immersion preschools, the choices for parents who expect their children to learn English well, exist in our society that values early English education. However, there are studies for and also against immersion learning. This study aims to investigate the English learning attitude of the primary school students who have attended English immersion preschools. The study is suggested to reveal the effect of the English immersion preschools in order to provide better English education for young learners in the future. This study employed questionnaires and interviews for the sixth graders and their parents of P primary school in Taoyuan. Two self-reported questionnaires respectively for 266 sixth graders (13 English immersion learners and 253 non-English immersion learners) and 220 parents (12 parents of English immersion learners and 208 parents of non-English immersion learners) were analyzed by four statistical methods: descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, LSD post hoc analysis, and Pearson correlation. Moreover, in-depth interviews were conducted for 26 learners (13 English immersion learners and 13 non-English immersion learners) and 10 parents (5 parents of English immersion learners and 5 parents of non-English immersion learners), which offered further information indicating learners’ English learning attitude. The results of the findings are summarized as follows. First, English immersion learners demonstrated more confidence than non-English immersion learners toward English learning in the primary school. Second, English immersion learners display more interest than non-English immersion learners toward English learning in the primary school. Third, English immersion learners hold stronger belief than non-English immersion learners toward English learning in the primary school. The results of this study also revealed that parents of the English immersion learners indicated more confidence, interest, and belief than parents of non-English immersion learners toward their children’s English learning in the primary school. The results are consistent with those of the learners.


蔡玲玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討私立高級職業學校學生學習動機與學習態度間之相關,並分析不同背景變項學生學習動機與學習態度的差異情形,同時進行兩者關聯性之研究。為達研究目的,首先經由文獻探討確認理論架構,並以「私立高職學生學習動機與學習態度相關之研究調查表」為施測工具進行問卷調查,受調查之有效樣本共計936名學生。所得資料以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森相關係數等方法進行資料處理與分析,所獲致結論如下: 壹、私立高職學生學習動機之表現顯著高於符合程度。 貳、私立高職學生學習態度之表現顯著高於符合程度。 叁、私立高職學生背景變項中的性別、科別滿意度、休閒活動及父母教育程度等四項,對學習動機有不同程度之影響。 肆、私立高職學生背景變項中的性別、年級別、就讀科別、科別滿意度、休閒活動及父母教育程度等六項,對學習態度有不同程度之影響。 伍、私立高職學生學習動機與學習態度有顯著正相關。 最後,依本研究所得結論提出四點建議,以供學校、教師、家長及後續研究之參考。 / This paper is to research the relationship between the motivation to learn and learning attitude of students in Private Higher Vocational School. It also takes into consideration of students’ background differences as affecting factors. To achieve the goal, a theoretical framework is first established by literature study. A survey is then performed on students with 936 effective samples. Several statistic methods were used to analyze the collected data sets, including descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The conclusions obtained as followed: 1. Students’ motivation to learn in Private Higher Vocational School is higher than that acceptable level. 2. Students’ learning attitude in Private Higher Vocational School is more positive than acceptable level. 3. Among all those background variances - gender, satisfactory in the course they study, leisure activities, and parent education level affect students’ motivation to learn. 4. Among all those background variances - gender, grade, the course they study, satisfactory in the course they study, leisure activities, and parent education level affect students’ learning attitude. 5. Students’ motivation to learn and their learning attitude are positively proportional. Based on conclusions drawn, four suggestions were provided as references for school authority, teachers, parents, and also for follow-up studies.


侯亞君 Unknown Date (has links)
為因應激烈之市場競爭,企業需提供更優質之服務以滿足顧客需求,而CRM及顧客資本為一有效工具,能協助企業提升競爭力。惟面對不同之顧客型態,可能亦應發展出不同之顧客資本累積及CRM活動設計,以滿足顧客真實需求。故本研究在了解因顧客型態不同所導致之顧客資本及CRM活動重點各為何及是否有所差異。 本研究藉由深度訪談個案公司熟知行銷相關活動之高階主管,了解其針對不同型態顧客所設計之顧客資本指標重點及主要CRM活動,分析其異同做一探討,並輔以問卷發放,做為個案公司相關人員對於顧客資本指標的重要性認知之佐證。 研究結果驗證:(1)企業面對不同顧客型態所共同重視之顧客資本有八個因素構面,然其重要性程度略有差異,因素構面重要性程度達顯著差異者有三項。(2)企業所關注之顧客資本重點不同,會進一步影響其CRM活動重點及資源投入程度,而產生差異。


蘇玉燕 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球化及科技的發展,經濟與社會環境瞬息萬變,企業組織必須更有效率地針對市場快速的變動做出回應,才能在市場中生存。因此,彈性化與降低成本成為企業所重視的經營策略方向,人力資源彈性策略的運用在於採用不同的工作型態以提高組織內部的競爭力,透過彈性機制迅速反應市場的不確定性,並且隨時保持人力彈性做有系統之調整,使組織運作順利,以減少組織因僵固而無法適時因應外部變動所可能產生的損失。在競爭激烈的物流業中亦是如此,運用彈性人力策略的同時,如何透過對員工組織承諾的了解,增加管理上的效能進而提升組織績效,實為重要議題。 因此,本文以物流業中的專業型宅配公司為對象,探討在不同工作型態下的工作者,不定期契約勞工、定期契約勞工及派遣勞工其組織承諾是否存在差異,並試圖透過與工作者息息相關的工作特性以及個人特性,了解造成這些承諾差異的可能原因有哪些。本研究假設為,假如一:不定期契約勞工、定期契約勞工、派遣勞工個人特性對工作特性之知覺有差異。假設二:不定期契約勞工、定期契約勞工、派遣勞工個人特性對該公司之組織承諾有差異。假設三:不定期契約勞工、定期契約勞工、派遣勞工對工作特性的知覺有差異。假設四:不定期契約勞工、定期契約勞工、派遣勞工對組織承諾的知覺有差異。 本研究並透過問卷調查的方式進行實證研究,經由統計分析後歸納出重要結論為,不同工作型態工作者的個人特性會影響其對工作特性及組織承諾認知。不同工作型態工作者對工作特性的知覺有顯著差異。不同工作型態工作者在組織承諾的知覺有顯著差異。


盧韋芊 Unknown Date (has links)
自從網路蔚為潮流,消費者的商業購物模式就產生了巨大的變化。消費者既對於實體通路的優勢無法忘情,又希望享有網路世界的種種好處,因此發展出多重通路購物的模式。多重通路購物係包含:在網路搜尋產品之後再到實體店家實際觀察並檢視產品;或是先在實體店家體驗、了解產品之後再到網路去購買的方式。 本研究想要針對先在實體店家接觸實際產品後,再到網路購買的行為模式裡,了解除了產品特性、風險意識、社交人際、售後服務等影響單一通路選擇的因素在多重通路購物裡是否會產生和單一通路選擇時相同的激盪。 而最重要的便是本研究最後了解消費者的道德觀感確實會影響他們對於多重通路購物的態度,而且在哪些情況下消費者容易合理化自身不道德、不合宜的行為。以期透過調整五種中和不道德因子(techniques of neutralization)來提升消費者的道德心,避免消費者購物時,不斷追尋多重通路的模式。 關鍵字:多重通路購物、道德觀、態度

單身男女之擇偶條件與婚姻態度之研究—以台北縣市軍公教人員為例 / The Study of ideal relationship and marital attitude of singles on the subject of public service in Taipei city and Taipei county

朱鴻鈞, Chu, Hung Chun Unknown Date (has links)
傳統社會中,大都存在著「男大當婚,女大當嫁」的基本價值規範,然而隨著近年來婚姻型態展現出多元複雜的風貌,有些人不再期待婚姻、不再依賴家庭,而選擇過單身生活或是延遲進入婚姻,由此造成單身人口增多的晚婚現象,此現象對於整體社會將造成何種衝擊,自是值得我們關心的課題,因此該議題值得探究。 因此,本研究旨在探討男女的單身成因、單身生活狀態、理想伴侶的條件和對於婚姻的看法。在方法上,採深入訪談法,以台北縣市軍公教之5位男性、7位女性為訪談對象。研究發現:形成單身的原因很少是單一的因素所造成,而係非常多個因素所聚合而成的結果。本研究綜合歸納這些原因為內在、外在二大因素:內在因素方面主要以「結婚對象難尋」為單身男女維持單身的主要成因;外在因素方面為「力不足以成家」,其中又以考量「經濟因素」為單身的主要成因。在12位受訪的單身男女當中,他們生活狀態,則以有交往對象或是性伴侶者的伴侶型態居多,而自願長期單身的「獨身主義者」則佔少數。 在擇偶條件方面,男性偏好「顧家」和「身體健康」的女性;女性則偏好「感覺」和「工作能力強」的男性。 在婚姻觀方面,單身男女整體的婚姻態度以抱持負面看法者居多,他們認為人生其實「不一定要結婚」,也「不會期待婚姻」、「不嚮往婚姻」。進一步分開性別來看,男性認為相處到老不容易,女性則是認為自己最為可靠;不過對於婚姻的評價,則男女均持較為正面的態度,認為「有婚姻總是好的」。 最後,依據本研究發現提出幾項建議,包括:(一)確立人生目標;(二)建立正確的兩性相處價值觀;(三)肯定自己存在的價值;(四)學習人際溝通與情感的表達;(五)尊重多元的婚姻觀念;(六)積極拓展人際關係網絡;(七)培養健全的性觀念;(八)充實精神生活的內涵。 / In traditional society, there exists more about the fundamental value norm "When the married men and women, when the marriage." But in recent years, marriage patterns show a complex multi-style, some people no longer look forward to marriage and depend on the family instead of choosing a single life or delaying their marriage. This result makes the single population increasing of later marriage. This phenomenon making what impact for the whole community is worth our caring about the subject. This subject is worthy of inquiry. Therefore, this study was about investigating the causes of single men and women, single life, ideal partner’condition and the views of marriage. In the method, I adopt in-depth interviews to the Taipei city and county of the five men and seven women who’s job are teachers, soldiers or government workers as the interview object. Study found that: a single reason is rarely caused by a single factor instead of many factors polymerization from the results. The study comprehensive summed up these reasons for the internal and external two major factors: internal factors are mainly to " hard to find a marry person " for single man and woman remain single. And major cause of external factors is "can not keep the families", which consider "economic factors" as the main causes of single.In 12 single men and women respondents, there are contacts or sexual partners who form the majority partner, and voluntary long-term "singles”accounted for a minority in their living conditions. Spouse Choosing in terms of male preference is about "housekeeping" and "health" of women; women prefer "feeling" and "strong capacity" of men. In thinking about marriage, there are more of single men and women who hold negative views to the marriage. They think that life actually "do not necessarily have to marry" and "not looking forward to marriage," and "not long for marriage." Further separation of gender, men think that live to old age is not easy. For women, they think that they are the most reliable to themselves, but for the evaluation of the marriage, both men and women have a more positive attitude, saying that "marriage is always good." Finally, based on this study, I made several recommendations which include: (a) establish life goals, (2) to establish the correct values of gender relations, (3) affirmed the value of their existence; (d) learn interpersonal communication and emotional expression; (5) respect for the diverse concepts of marriage, (6) Actively expand interpersonal networks; (7) develop a correct sex concept (8) enrich the connotation of spiritual life.

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