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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從精品飾品設計展覽活動看雲端行銷經營成效 / A Study of the Management Effectiveness of Cloud Marketing via Fine Jewelry Design Exhibition

湯崇珠 Unknown Date (has links)
展覽是所有產業的櫥窗與經貿發展的火車頭,幾乎所有的產業都要以展覽來推廣市場及帶進業績。企業能透過參加展覽推展業務、塑造形象,亦可以尋找代理商、配銷商、合資夥伴等,因此,展覽在帶動及創造商業活動的功能上具有重要的地位,且日益受到企業重視。又隨著科技進步,近年來,雲端服務具精進的技術、建置成本的降低及多元應用的特性,逐漸成為企業所追逐的焦點。 本研究擬以國內某家公司為例,以該公司欲透過精品飾品設計展覽活動找經銷商,進而投入雲端行銷之的市場經營作為探討主軸,藉由專家訪談及SWOT分析、五力分析的導入,研析其經營成效及合適的經營模式,將研究結果概分為下列六項: 一、 藉由獵人頭公司找通路及經銷商為有效率且可提高經營績效之方法。 二、 主要選擇控股公司作為經銷商。 三、 投入雲端行銷,管理客戶關係。 四、 該公司自身所擁有的優勢為跨入此產業經營之利器。 五、 該公司針對其客戶(經銷商及通路)的教育訓練可使經營成效穩定且一致。 六、 透過參加或舉辦展覽會之相關經營成本費用較其他同業高。

國民中學校長分散式領導與學校教育成效關係之研究 / The Research of the Relationships between Distributed Leadership and Educational Outcomes in Junior High Schools

陳怡卉, Yi-Hui Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解國民中學校長分散式領導與學校教育成效現況,並探討國民中學校長分散式領導對學校教育成效之影響。本研究採用調查研究法,自編「分散式領導量表」與「學校教育成效量表」,以八個縣市的公立國民中學正式教師為研究對象,並另外發送校長版問卷以求得校長基本資料。藉由專家效度審查與預試回收有效教師問卷173份,進行項目分析、一階驗證性分析、二階驗證性分析以及信度分析,以形成正式問卷。正式問卷發送1000份教師問卷和100份校長版問卷,回收有效教師問卷567份,回收率為56.7%。本研究以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關以及結構方程模式等統計方式,對回收資料進行分析。 本研究獲致之結論如下: 一、國民中學校長分散式領導實施現況,尚稱良好。 二、校長分散式領導目前最需加強的是學校「情境」文化部分。 三、校長分散式領導目前表現最好的前三項指標是「校長謙遜有禮」、「校長鼓勵團隊合作」、「校長有清楚的學校願景」。 四、校長分散式領導目前表現最差的三項指標是「本校教職員工勇於嘗試學校新事物」、「本校會依同仁的實際表現來評鑑教職員工的績效」、「本校針對表現不佳的同仁會給予改善建議」。 五、國民中學學校教育成效現況方面,教師部分尚稱良好,學生部分尚可。 六、國民中學學校教育成效,教師成效表現最好的是「教師信任」,最差的是「教師學習」。 七、國民中學學校教育成效方面,學生成效表現最好的是「學生教育機會均等」,最差是「學生學習」。 八、教師因「教師擔任職務」不同,知覺校長分散式領導有顯著差異。 九、教師因「教師性別、教師擔任職務」不同,知覺學校教育成效有顯著差異。 十、教師因「學校規模、校史、學校地區」不同,知覺校長分散式領導有顯著差異。 十一、教師因「學校規模、校史、學校地區」不同,知覺學校教育成效有顯著差異。 十二、教師因「校長性別、校長曾經主要任教領域」不同,知覺校長分散式領導有顯著差異。 十三、教師因「校長性別、校長年齡、校長最高教育程度、校長曾經主要任教領域」不同,知覺學校教育成效有顯著差異。 十四、分散式領導與學校教育成效(學生、教師),均有高度正相關。 十五、校長分散式領導可以有效的預測學校教育成效。 根據研究結果分別提出對教育行政機關、校長以及未來研究的建議如下: 一、對教育行政機關的建議 (一) 宜多辦理教育理念與教育革新議題的相關研習給教師進修。 (二) 舉辦分散式領導相關研習,鼓勵學校成員參與。 (三) 檢視校史達60年以上的學校之教師責任與教師信任。 (四) 建立更有效的學校成員績效評鑑機制。 (五) 加強鄉鎮地區的教育成效關注。 (六) 在學生教育機會均等的進步上,可以參考「導師」的建議。 二、對校長的建議 (一) 校長宜增加與學校成員的互動機會。 (二) 校長可以多鼓勵學校成員嘗試學校新事務。 (三) 學校宜建立更專業發展的回饋機制。 (四) 鼓勵教師主動研究與學習。 (五) 提升學生學習動機。 (六) 關心學生自我概念與具備優良公民美德的能力。 (七) 支持學校成員團隊合作。 三、未來研究的建議 (一) 研究對象:包括不同層級的校長、家長、學生對分散式領導的知覺均為 可能的研究對象。 (二) 研究工具:針對不同研究對象發展不同的問卷。 (三) 研究變項:家長背景亦為可行之研究變項。 (四) 研究方法:加入質性研究加以後續探討。 (五) 統計方法:探討更複雜的分散式領導與各種教育內涵的線性關係。 / The study was to understand the current status of the distributed leadership for junior high principals and effectiveness of school education and to probe into the influences of the distributed leadership for junior high principals on the effectiveness of school education. In this study, I adopted the investigation method, self-prepare the “Distributed Leadership Scale” and the “Effectiveness of School Education Scale”, and took the public junior high school formal teachers in 8 counties/cities as my research samples. Then, I additionally distributed questionnaires to principals for basic information. Through the expert review of validity and pretesting on 173 effective questionnaires, I conducted the item analysis, first order confirmatory factor analysis, second order confirmatory factor analysis, and the reliability analysis to construct the formal questionnaires. Then, 1000 formal questionnaires were issued to the teachers and another 100 questionnaires were issued to the principals with 567 effective teacher questionnaires returned, i.e., 56.7% return rate. Also in this study, I analyzed the returned data by using the descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance (or one-way ANOVA), multivariate analysis of variance (or MANOVA), Pearson's correlation and simple linear regression and the structural equation models. The study concludes as follows: 1. The current implementation status of the distributed leadership for junior high principals was moderately good and what needs to be improved most is the “cultural environment” part. 2. The top 3 indexes of the distributed leadership for junior high principals were that “the principal is civil”, that “the principal encourages teamwork”, and that “the principal has a clear vision for the school” while the bottom 3 indexes were that “the faculty staff at this school are brave to try new things”, that “the faculty at this school evaluate each other’s performance based on reality”, and that “the school recommend improvement to the underperforming staff.” 3. For the current status of effectiveness of junior school education, it was moderately good for teachers and above average for the students; Teachers performed best at “teacher trust” but worst at “teacher learning” while students performed best at “equal educational opportunities for students” but worse at “student learning.” 4. For teachers, there was a significant difference in the consciousness of the distributed leadership for principals due to different “teachers positions”, “school size, history, and districts”, and “principal genders and main teaching fields in the past” while there was a significant difference in consciousness of the effectiveness of school education due to different “teacher genders and positions” and “principal genders, ages, and the highest levels of education.” 5. There was a high positive correlation between the distributed leadership and the effectiveness of school education (both for students and teachers) and through the distributed leadership for principals, I could effectively predict the effectiveness of school education. Recommendations for the educational administration, principal, and future research are as follows: Recommendations for the educational administration I recommend the educational administration conduct more workshops concerning further educational believes and innovations for teachers, hold the distributed leadership, encourage school members to participate in relevant workshops, review teacher responsibility and trust at the 60-year-old or older schools, build a more effective school member performance evaluation mechanism, enhance its focus on the educational effectiveness in the rural areas, and refer to “recommendations for the mentors” based on the equality of educational opportunities for the students. Recommendations for the principals I recommend the principals increase opportunities for school member interactions, encourage school members to try new things more, build a more professionally developed mechanism for the students, encourage the teachers to research and learn actively, promote students’ learning motivation, care about student self-concepts and virtues of citizens, and support teamwork at school. Recommendations for future research I recommend the future research include different levels of principals, parents, elder siblings, and students, and their consciousness in distributed leadership in research objects, develop various questionnaires for various research objects in research instruments, include parents and elder siblings in feasible research variables, supplement with qualitative research for further probe in research methods, and probe into the linear relationship between the distributed leadership of more complexity and all kinds of educational contents in statistical methods.

師徒制度功能對徒弟職涯成效影響之整合分析 / Mentoring functions and protégé career outcomes: A meta-analysis of mentoring studies in Taiwan

凃博崧, Raymond Tu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來國內對於師徒制度成效日益重視,有關師徒制度研究已累積相當程度的實證資料。為瞭解師徒制度對徒弟職涯成效之影響,本研究以整合分析探討師徒制度為徒弟所提供兩大功能(職涯相關功能與社會心理功能)與徒弟職涯成效(薪資、升遷、工作滿意度與職涯承諾)之關係。研究者利用電腦資料關鍵字庫檢索、回溯法以及人工回顧法等方式,共蒐集到25篇合乎分析條件的實徵研究。並依照Rosenthal(1984)整合分析技術計算效果量r值。整合分析結果顯示:(1)徒弟所接受到的整體師徒功能與其職涯成效有正相關;(2)徒弟所接受到的職涯相關功能與其職涯成效有正相關;(3) 徒弟所接受到的之社會心理功能與其職涯成效有正相關。(4)社會心理功能與徒弟主觀職涯成效(工作滿意度、組織承諾、工作認同、職涯承諾與對師父滿意度)的正相關高於該功能與客觀職涯成效(工作表現、薪資、工作熟練度與晉升狀況)的相關;最後根據研究結果加以討論,提出師徒制度及整合分析研究的建議與未來方向。 關鍵詞:師徒功能、職涯成效、整合分析 / The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between mentoring functions and protégé career outcomes based on studies conducted in Taiwan using a meta-analysis technique. Specifically, I examined whether overall mentoring functions, career-related mentoring, and psychosocial mentoring positively relate to protégés’ objective and subjective career outcomes (salary, promotion, and job satisfaction). Using keywords search and the retroactive method, I identified 25 studies that can be used for meta-analysis. The effect size r was calculated by the method of Rosenthal (1984). The results of meta-analysis indicate that the overall mentoring function, career-related mentoring functions, and psychosocial mentoring functions are all positively relate to protégés’ objective and subjective career outcomes. Furthermore, psychosocial functions have a stronger positive relationship with subjective career outcome (job satisfaction, organization commitment, job involvement, and mentor satisfaction) than with objective career outcome (job performance, salary, job proficiency, and promotion). Based on the results of the study, suggestions for future research and practical implications are discussed. Keywords:Mentoring functions, protégé career outcome, meta-analysis

臺北市立高級中學教師組織運作成效之研究 / The operational effectiveness of high school teachers organizations in Taipei.

程維煌 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北市立高級中學教師組織運作成效。其中教師組織主要是指「學校教師會」,運作成效則包含「強化組織運作」、「促進校園民主」、「提升教師專業」等三個層面;並分析「強化組織運作」、「促進校園民主」與「提升教師專業」三層面間的相關程度;進而利用開放問卷了解學校教師對未來教師組織發展的期待與展望。 研究採問卷調查法,對象為臺北市立高級中學編制內正式教師,問卷共寄出400份,回收326份,回收率81.5%,剔除無效問卷25份,尚餘有效問卷共301份。在統計上採用次數分配、平均數、標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析與積差相關,並就單因子變異數分析呈現差異者再以薛費法或LSD法來進行事後比較。最後根據文獻探討、問卷調查與開放問卷結果,歸納結論如下: 一、「學校教師會運作成效」屬中高程度,「強化組織運作」、「促進校園民主」層面屬高程度,「提升教師專業」層面屬中高程度。 二、各背景變項對「學校教師會運作成效」,在高中校史較短與較悠久、男性、任教年資較淺、曾兼任學校行政職務教師高於一般教師。 三、各背景變項對「強化組織運作」層面運作成效,在任教年資較淺、曾兼任學校行政職務教師高於一般教師。 四、各背景變項對「促進校園民主」層面運作成效,在高中校史較短、男性、任教年資較淺、曾兼任學校行政職務教師高於一般教師。 五、各背景變項對「提升教師專業」層面運作成效,在普通高中、高中校史悠久、任教年資較淺、曾兼任學校行政職務教師高於一般教師。 六、「強化組織運作」、「促進校園民主」與「提升教師專業」三層面間達相關性顯著且為高度正相關,各面向間亦達相關性顯著且為高度或中度正相關。 七、高中教師期待未來教師組織能參與教育政策制定、強化教師組織運作、提升教師專業素養,在不影響學生受教權的前提下,積極爭取教師權益。 最後,根據上述研究結論提出建議,供學校教師組織及其他研究者參考。 關鍵詞:學校教師會、教師工會、教師組織運作成效 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the operational effectiveness of high school teachers organizations in Taipei. The teachers organizations mainly refer to Teachers Associations at high schools across the city, operational effectiveness includes three aspects: strengthen organization operations, promote campus democracy and enhance teachers' profession,by analyzing the relationships between these aspects, and the author tries to understand what teachers are thinking through open questionaire about the future development of teachers associations. 400 copies of the questionnaire were sent to high school teachers in Taipei , 326 were returned, the recovery rate was 81.5%, including 25 invalid questionnaires returned. The statistics methods we used include: mean, standard deviation, T-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlations. If one-way ANOVA showed significant differences between data, Scheffe method or LSD was applied for furthur comparisons. Finally, the major results were summarized as follows: 1."The operational effectiveness of the teachers association at high schools" was scored medium to high. "Strengthen organization operation", "promote campus democracy" was scored high, and "enhance teachers' profession" was scored medium to high. 2.Teachers who are younger/male/have administrative experiences, or teach in a younger school scores higher than other teachers in "The operational effectiveness of the teachers association at high schools". 3.Teachers who are younger/have administrative experiences scores higher than other teachers in "strengthen organization operations". 4.Teachers who are younger/male/have administrative experiences, or teach in a younger school scores higher than other teachers in "promote campus democracy". 5.Teachers who are younger/have administrative experiences, or teach in a older school or in a normal high school as opposed to vocational schools scores higher than other teachers in "enhancing teachers' profession". 6."Strengthen organization operation", "promote campus democracy" and "enhance teachers' profession" are highly correlated to one another positively. 7.High school teachers are expecting that in the future teachers organizations can participate in the formulation of education policy, strengthen the operation of teachers associations, help enhance the professional skills of teachers, and actively fight for the interests of teachers while not affecting students' right to learn. Finally, we made some recommendations for teachers associations across the city and other researchers for reference, based on the above research findings. Keywords: teachers associations, teachers unions, operational effectiveness

苗栗縣公共圖書館閱讀推廣成效評鑑與讀者滿意度研究 / Study on Reading Promotion Evaluation and Readers' Satisfaction of Miaoli County Public Libraries

徐玉金, Hsu, Yu - Jin Unknown Date (has links)
閱讀是一切的根本,而圖書館是推廣閱讀和提供全民終身學習的場所。本研究為探討苗栗縣公共圖書館閱讀推廣成效評鑑與讀者滿意度,以提供本縣及其他縣(市)級圖書館作為提升服務品質的參考。本研究採取訪談法、文獻分析法及問卷調查法進行,採便利抽樣方式以苗栗縣18鄉鎮市立公共圖書館使用讀者為調查對象,發出樣本數共1,050份問卷,回收問卷969份,扣除樣本資料不完整者,有效樣本910份,有效問卷回收率為86.66%。 本研究利用SPSS統計軟體進行問卷統計,並以敘述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、信度分析等方法進行統計分析,研究分析結果如下: 一、基本資料:使用圖書館民眾以女性較多,職業以學生讀者為主,參加閱讀推廣活動最主要的訊息來源為海報文宣DM、網站、親友通知。最常參加的圖書館閱讀推廣活動為繪本共讀、說故事活動。 二.調查結果:對於本縣公共圖書館閱讀推廣成效與讀者滿意度調查顯示獲得讀者支持與肯定,整體表現滿意度高。民眾滿意度最高之前六項為:「嬰幼兒」館藏(4.66)、「兒童」館藏(4.62)、「借書次數」比以前增加(4.60)、推廣活動「訊息的提供管道」(4.59)、「Bookstart閱讀起步走-嬰幼兒」閱讀推廣活動(4.58)及「兒童」閱讀推廣活動(4.58)。而民眾最不滿意的之前六項為:「本土語言」館藏(3.13)、「多元文化」館藏(3.15)、「多元文化」閱讀推廣活動(3.20)、「本土語言」閱讀推廣活動(3.32)、「銀髮樂齡」館藏(3.70)及「銀髮樂齡」閱讀推廣活動(3.84)。 最後提出本研究結論,作為公共圖書館經營與運作之參考,並對未來相關後續研究提出建議。 / Reading is the foundation of everything, and the library is the place to promote reading and provide lifelong learning for all. This study aims to survey the overall satisfaction of Miaoli County Public Library patrons and examine the effectiveness of the library’s reading programs. The methods covered by this research study include a personal interview, literature analysis, and an expansive survey on Miaoli County Public Library patrons from the main library and its 18 branches. Of the 1050 questionnaires that were distributed as part of the survey, 969 questionnaires were completed. The questionnaires with incomplete answers were excluded, and the remaining 910 surveys were used in this analysis, resulting in a response rate of 86.66%. In this study, the researcher uses descriptive analysis, independent T-test, one-way ANOVA, and reliability test to analyze the data. The results are as follows: Most of the patrons of Miaoli County Public Library are female and students. The patrons primarily acquire information about reading activities through library posters, the online website, or by word of mouth from their family members. The most popular library reading promotion activities are the picture book reading and story-telling activities. The results also show that most patrons are satisfied with the library’s service and promote reading activities. They are most satisfied with the library’s infants and young children collections (4.66), children collections (4.62), frequency of borrowing books (4.59), bookstand activities (4.58) and reading activities for children (4.58). Otherwise, they are most unsatisfied with the library’s native language collection (3.13), Multiculturalism collection (3.15),reading activities on Multiculturalism (3.20), reading activities of native language (3.32), collections for elders (3.70) and reading activities for the elders (3.84). The results of this study are presented as reference for improving public library operations and can serve as insight for future research.


蔡培鈺, Tsai, Pei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry所提供之服務品質缺口模式藉以探討不同經營模式下高雄市新住民家庭服務中心所提供的服務品質是否有所差異。透過研究發現,「電話訪問」、「婦女成長課程」、「親職教育暨親子活動」、「多元文化推廣活動」、「中心設施設備」等五項服務的服務品質皆存有微幅的缺口,顯示服務仍有可強化之處。值得一提的是,公辦公營服務中心之服務品質又比公辦民營服務中心的服務品質為高,顯示就本個案而言公部門所提供的服務品質確實不亞於民間團體提供者。另一方面,透過Schneider所指明政策「人力、資源、組織可行性」、「理論完整性」、「政策運作範圍」與「對其他機關所產生之負面影響」等政策執行觀察要素,以及Ewalt & Jennings, Jr. 所指認出「組織結構」、「環境條件條件」、「參與者行為」及「實務工作者行政作為」等實務影響因素配合質性訪談,據以勾勒出高雄市新住民家庭服務中心之執行網絡,並進一步針對服務成效進行檢視。研究結果發現中心人力資源普遍不足、過份倚重量化政策評估指標、部分個管社工未具處理家暴案件專業知能、委辦團體更迭過程中導致部分服務中斷等問題。

國民小學校長空間領導、教師社群運作與學生學習成效關係之研究 / A Study on Relationship among the Principals’ Space Leadership, Teacher Community Operation and Student Learning Outcomes in Taiwan’s Elementary School

鐘巧如, Chung, Chiao Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學校長空間領導、教師社群運作與學生學習成效的關聯性。本研究採用問卷調查法,以臺灣地區公立國民小學教育人員為對象,總共發出1,064份問卷,回收1,008份問卷,回收率為94.74%,而有效問卷回收率則為92.20%。正式問卷回收之後,分別以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、逐步多元迴歸以及結構方程模式等統計方法加以分析。 本研究獲得以下八項結論,分述如下: 一、 國民小學校長空間領導各層面達到高程度表現,在「建構教育空間」、「形塑空間願景」層面表現最突出。 二、 國民小學教師社群運作各層面表現達到高程度表現,以「情感投入」層面最獲肯定。 三、 國民小學學生學習成效各層面表現達到中高程度表現,其中以「學生行為表現」層面最獲認同。 四、 不同背景變項在國民小學校長空間領導、教師社群運作與學生學習成效之差異有其脈絡因素存在。 五、 國民小學校長空間領導、教師社群運作與學生學習成效三者間具有正向關聯。 六、 國民小學校長空間領導及教師社群運作的分層面能預測學生學習成效。 七、 國民小學校長空間領導、教師社群運作與學生學習成效的結構方程模式之適配度評鑑良好,能解釋主要變項間的關係。 八、 國民小學校長空間領導可直接影響學生學習成效,更可間接透過教師社群運作的中介機制,對學生學習成效產生正向影響。 最後,根據研究結論,提出相關建議,俾供教育行政主管機關、學校設施規劃設計、學校單位以及後續研究之參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationship among principals’ space leadership, teacher community operation, and student learning outcomes in Taiwan elementary school. The researcher adopted survey as the main research method. The subjects have been public elementary school educators in Taiwan. 1,064 school staffs were selected to complete the questionnaire, where 1,008 questionnaires were returned. The return rate was 94.74% and the valid rate was 92.20%. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, stepwise regression, and Structural Equation Modeling. Based on the result of the current study, eight research conclusions were generated as follows: 1. The level of space leadership of principals in the elementary schools is high, and the performance in “constructing educational space” and “molding space vision” are outstanding. 2. The level of teacher community operation is high, and “affective engagement” is certainly the most eligible in the elementary schools. 3. The level of student learning outcomes is medium-performance, and “student behavior” acquired the most recognition in the elementary schools. 4. The differences of the background of principals’ space leadership, teacher community operation, and student learning outcomes have the context factors. 5. The relationships among principals’ space leadership, teacher community operation and student learning outcomes have positive correlations. 6. The sub-level of the principals’ space leadership and teacher community operation can apparently predict the student learning outcomes. 7. The proper fit of structural equation model among principals’ space leadership, teacher community operation and student learning outcomes is assessed as positive and can explain the relationships among main variables. 8. The principals’ space leadership can affect student learning outcomes directly, and which can also affect student learning outcomes positively through teacher community operation. Eventually, according to the above conclusions, the research is to provide some recommendations as future references for the educational administration authority, school planners, and elementary schools.

具自律學習機制之英語字彙學習APP對於學習成效的影響研究 / The Effects of English Vocabulary Learning APP with Self-regulated Learning Mechanism on Learning Performance

楊舜閔, Yang,Shun Min Unknown Date (has links)
英語為目前使用的最為普遍的國際語言,英語能力已成為每個學生都需要養成的基本能力,而英語字彙的學習,更是學好英語的最重要基礎,因此如何幫助學生學好英語也就越顯重要。 隨者資訊科技日新月異的發展,透過電腦輔助語言學習已成為發展趨勢,近年來利用自律機制輔助數位學習的研究,已證實自律機制有助於提升學習成效,然而目前仍少有研究將自律學習機制應用於英語學習,特別是英語字彙學習。因此本研究所發展一「具自律學習機制支援之英語字彙學習APP」,可以讓學習者監控並提醒自己所設定的英語字彙自律學習目標,希望藉由敦促學習者達成自己所設定的自律學習目標,促進學生利用零碎時間學習,提升學習者的英語字彙學習成效。為了驗證「具自律學習機制支援之英語字彙學習APP」是否有助於提升英語字彙學習成效,本研究隨機選取國小六年級二個班級學生為研究對象,將其中一班隨機分派為採用「具自律學習機制支援之英語字彙學習APP」的實驗組,另一班為採用「無自律學習機制支援之英語字彙學習APP」的控制組,分別進行為期三週的英語字彙學習活動。實驗結果發現: (1).實驗組學習者學習成效及學習動機顯著優於控制組學習者 (2)實驗組場地相依學習者學習成效及學習動機顯著優於控制組場地相依學習者 (3).實驗組男性學習者在學習成效及學習動機均顯著優於控制組男性學習者 (4).實驗組女性學習者在學習成效及學習動機均顯著優於控制組女性學習者 (5).實驗組學習者進行自律學習後的學習成效及學習動機均顯著提升 (6).實驗組女性學習者學習成效及學習態度優於實驗組男性學習者 綜合本研究之研究結果,建議未來可以延長實驗時間,進行自律鷹架的去除,瞭解學生是否會因此養成自律學習的能力。此外根據學生的回應,希望APP中具休閒的功能,故亦可往遊戲化學習方向進行研究。 關鍵字: 自律學習(Self-regulated Learning)、學習成效(Learning Performance)、認知風格(Cognitive Style)、英語字彙學習(English Vocabulary Learning) / English is currently the commonest international language. English competence has become the basic competence of each student. English vocabulary learning is a primary basis to learn English well. How to help students learn English well therefore becomes more important. Following the changeable development of information technology, computer assisted language learning has become a development trend. Research on utilizing self-regulatory mechanisms for e-learning proved that self-regulatory mechanism could enhance learning performance. Nonetheless, there is little research on the application of self-regulatory learning mechanism to English learning, particularly to English vocabulary learning. For this reason, a “self-regulatory learning supported English vocabulary learning APP” is developed in this study, allowing learners monitoring and reminding themselves of the preset English vocabulary self-regulatory learning goal. It is expected to promote learners’ English vocabulary learning performance by urging learners to achieve the preset self-regulatory learning goal and enhance students learning with trial time. To verify that the “self-regulatory learning supported English vocabulary learning APP” could enhance English vocabulary learning performance, two classes of G6 students are randomly selected as the research subjects. A class is randomly assigned as the experiment group with the “self-regulatory learning supported English vocabulary learning APP”, and the other class is the control group without the “self-regulatory learning supported English vocabulary learning APP” for the three-week English vocabulary learning. The experiment findings show that (1) Learners in the experiment group present significantly better learning performance and learning motivation than those in the control group. (2) Site-dependent learners in the experiment group show remarkably better learning performance and learning motivation than those in the control group. (3) Male learners in the experiment group reveal notably better learning performance and learning motivation than male learners in the control group. (4) Female learners in the experiment group appear significantly beter learning performance and learning motivation than femal learners in the control group. (5) Learners in the experiment group remarkably enhance the learning performance and learning motivation after the self-regulatory learning. (6) Femal learners in the experiment group reveal better learning performance and learning attitudes than male learners in the experiment group. Summing up the research results, it is suggested that the future experiment time could be extended and the self-regulatory scaffolding could be removed to understand whether students would cultivate the self-regulatory learning ability. According to the students’ responses, it is further expected that the APP could show the function of leisure. In this case, the gamification of learning could be studied in the future. Keywords:Self-regulated Learning, Learning Performance, Cognitive Style, English Vocabulary Learning


林獻仁, LIN, XIAN-REN Unknown Date (has links)
大要內容分述如左: 第一章 緒言 第一節 研究動機及目的 第二節 研究架構、方法及限制:此章中首先採用行銷及生產觀點來說明企管教育之 運作,並因而引出整個研究動機的形成及研究架構。 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 個案教學法之沿革 第二節 個案教學法之前題、優點 第三節 個案教學法之構面: 1.個案。2.學生。3.教師。4.上課方式之結構化程度 第四節 個案教學法之限制。 第三章 研究結果:本章主要利用統計分析方法來分析樣本資料,以求證: 1.企管所運用個案教學法在各種課程上之成效。 2.學生對個案教學的一般觀點(包括運用個案教學佔全部教學之比例、個案教學法以 後應再加強的地方及學生在個案教學過程中所感受到的一些心理、人際因素)。 3.學生特質(如主動參與,是否就業)對個案教學之評估是否有顯著差異等。 4.個案教學法若要成功,則對那些因素(如老師能力,學生參與)依賴較重。 第四章 結論及建議。


蕭雯純 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解博物館實施員工訓練之概況,並進一步探討博物館人員專業訓練施行後的成效、不同背景的博物館人員對訓練實施成效看法有無差異,以及主管階層對員工訓練實施成效的看法,以期研究所得能作為國內博物館規劃及人員訓練的參考。 為達研究目的,首先蒐集相關文獻,分析博物館人員專業訓練的相關資料;其次,透過個案研究國內自籌備設館以來即有計畫進行人員培訓、且為國科會數位典藏計畫主要成員之一的國立自然科學博物館,以了解該館數位化工作人員專業訓練概況;最後,則以問卷對數位化工作人員進行調查,以了解員工接受專業訓練的成效、不同個人背景與工作部門對員工訓練成效的影響,以及各組主管對員工訓練實施成效的看法。 研究結果發現:(1)數位化工作人員的專業訓練偏重在技術應用層面;(2)數位化工作人員對訓練軟硬體設施普遍感到滿意,但對訓練的評估及後續的升遷與福利等方面滿意度較低;(3)數位化工作人員在受過訓練後,在「數位化相關知識與整體概念」、「與業務有關的專業技能」及「工作目標認知與合作態度」等方面的學習皆有很大的進步,同時也能夠學以致用,確實應用在實際工作上;(4)數位化工作人員對訓練不滿意的原因以課程內容安排不當、未能切合自身工作需要及受名額或班次限制為主;(5)個人背景因素及工作組別不會影響數位化工作人員對訓練成效的看法;(6)主管多認為員工在接受訓練後,不僅在知識技能、工作態度等方面有明顯進步,對組織整體營運也有很大的助益;(7)數位化工作人員認為未來訓練課程的規劃仍應加強〝技術方面〞的課程,主管人員則認為可再加強與相關單位進行經驗交流。 根據研究結果,本研究提出以下建議,作為培訓單位、國立自然科學博物館日後辦理數位典藏相關人員訓練業務之參考:(1)加強「資訊技術」方面的訓練課程,考量報名學員的背景設計課程內容深度;(2)課程主題應時有更新,對於報名踴躍的課程可增加開課班次或名額;(3)實行職務代理人制度,確定員工的訓練需求,提供員工將訓練所學應用在工作上的機會;(4)重視員工訓練成效評估,明確制定訓練的賞罰,給予員工適當的回饋,以激勵增強其學習動機。 / This research is to provide a general understanding of the staff training in a museum, an evaluation of staff training, and the responses of managerial level in the hope that it might be a reference for the museum management in Taiwan. Firstly references related to staff training in the museum are collected and analyzed with the National Museum of Natural Science studied for a deep and practical understanding of the staff-training program. This museum is a member of the digital museum project, and its staff-training program is well established. Then the feedback from the staff of the digital museum project is analyzed to understand the effect of staff training, the influence to the training from different personal backgrounds and varied departments, and the evaluation from managers. The findings of this research include: (1) the emphasis of the training of the staff of digital project is in skill application; (2) the staff of digital project are generally satisfied with the training of hard- and soft-ware equipment, but less satisfied in the evaluation and the promotion and welfare after training; (3) the staff of the digital project have a huge improvement in the knowledge and the whole concept about digitalization, related professional skills, the recognition of targets and goals, and the attitude in cooperation. In the meantime the trainees are also able to apply what they have learned to their work; (4) the staff are dissatisfied with the content of the training program, the irrelevance to their job needs, and the limitation of the number of applicants or training sessions; (5) personal backgrounds and the different departments won’t affect the perception of the staff; (6) managers mostly approve the huge improvement of the staff in the knowledge and the attitudes to work, as well as the great benefit in organization; (7) the staff of digital project consider that the future training should still focus on skills and techniques, while managers consider that it should emphasize in the exchange of experiences with other organizations in the digital project. According to the result of this research, the following suggestions are offered to staff training centers as well as National Museum of Natural Science for the future training sessions for the staff of digital project: (1) Training sessions about information technology should be emphasized and the contents of sessions should be designed with the consideration of staff’s backgrounds; (2) The subject of the session should be updated, and more sessions and applicants should be provided in popular subjects; (3) The agent system should be established, the needs of trainees assured, and opportunities offered for the staff to practice what they have learned; (4) There should be the serious evaluation of staff training, the regulations for rewards and punishment, and proper encouragements to the staff to intensify their learning motives.

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