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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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人力資源教育訓練遊戲化學習成效之研究 / Research into Learning Effectiveness of Gamified Human Resource Training Program

高翊瑄, Kao, Yi Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
教育訓練對於企業的營運是很重要的,但是一般教育訓練的內容有時並不是很有趣,而且當教育訓練的內容是傾向沒有唯一解答的主題時,企業也不容易透過傳統上課、閱讀教材或考試等方法了解員工是否真的理解教育訓練所要傳達的觀念。 本研究希望以一種新的教育訓練模式提升員工參與教育訓練的動機和意願,並同時達到一定程度的學習成效,因此本研究在企業教育訓練之中加入遊戲化 (gamification)和冒險遊戲 (adventure game)的要素,將員工玩遊戲的動機轉化為學習的動力。而為了了解這種新的教育訓練模式的學習成效,本研究以人壽業T公司的遊戲化教育訓練課程為例,收集T公司員工實際進行課程的學習紀錄進行分析。 經過資料分析之後,本研究認為員工對於這種新的教育訓練模式有一定程度的參與意願和完成課程的動機之外,同時也能夠達到和傳統教育訓練差不多的學習成效。而且,與一般傳統的教育訓練方法相較,這種新的教育訓練模式可以以相對較少的時間與力氣實施員工的學習難點分析,能夠幫助企業快速找到員工需要加強的部分,進而實施更符合員工特性的相關課程內容或宣導活動。 / Human resource training programs are important to enterprises, but the contents of these training programs are sometimes not very interested to employees. On the other hand, when the contents of training programs have characteristics of high flexibility, it is hard for managers to evaluate whether employees really understand the concepts of training programs by traditional methods such as lectures, reading materials or exams. This research aims to propose a new human resource training method to increase employees’ motivation and willingness to join training programs, and to achieve a certain level of learning effectiveness as well. In this new training method, skills of gamification and adventure game are applied. To examine the learning effectiveness of this new training method, a gamified human resource training program of Company T is studied. Data from employees of Company T, who have been actually joining this gamified training program, is collected and analyzed. This study addresses that the employees are willing to join this gamified training program, and are motivated to complete the program. At the same time, the learning effectiveness of the program is equivalent to that of traditional training programs. Moreover, compared to traditional training programs, gamified training program enables managers to easily analyze learning weak points of their employees, which is helpful for enterprises as they implement further training programs or campaign that are more suitable for their employees.

合作學習融入數學教學對偏遠地區七年級學生學習成效之研究 / A study on learning performance of remote area seventh graders based on cooperative learning in mathematics teaching

許清惟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是探討合作學習融入數學教學對於偏遠地區學校國一學生在學習國中數學第一冊的學習成效。以屏東縣一所偏遠地區學校國一學生兩班共55人為研究樣本,其中一班為實驗組,實施「合作學習融入數學教學」;另一班為對照組,實施傳統講述法,來探討學生接受不同的教學方法之後,在數學學習成就、態度及保留三方面的差異性。實驗結果,可得以下之結論: 一、在衡量數學學習成就指標上,實驗組與對照組之間有顯著差異且實驗組優 於對照組。 二、在衡量數學學習態度指標上,實驗組與對照組之間有顯著差異且實驗組優 於對照組。 三、在衡量數學學習保留指標上,實驗組與對照組之間有顯著差異且實驗組優 於對照組。 最後本文再對上述統計檢定推論提出建議,以供教師實務上教學及後續相關研究之參考。 / The main purpose of this study is to apply “cooperative learning in mathematics” in remote area to explore its effects of learning performance by seventh graders. Two classes, which have a total of 55 students, were sampled from a junior high school in a remote area of Pingtung County. One class students were assigned as the experimental group and the other students as the control group. The first class was taught using “cooperative learning in mathematics”, while the second one was taught using traditional method. In order to find if there are differences on learning achievements, learning attitudes, and learning retention of mathematics between two teaching methods, statistical tests were conducted. The following conclusions are reached︰ 1.Based on mathematics learning achievement indicator, there is a significant difference between two teaching methods. The effect by the experimental group is significantly better than that by the control group. 2.Based on mathematics learning attitude indicator, there is a significant difference between two teaching methods. The effect by the experimental group is significantly better than that by the control group. 3.Based on mathematics learning retention indicator, there is a significant difference between two teaching methods. The effect by the experimental group is significantly better than that by the control group. Finally, suggestions for practical teaching are provided and future possible researches are also discussed.

在職專班學員之學習成效評估—以政大行政管理碩士學程為例 / The learning satisfaction of on-the-job master program for in-service master programs students - a case study of national chengchi university of master for eminent public administrators

林欣霓, Lin, Hsin Ni Unknown Date (has links)
自1999年起我國實施開辦大學研究所碩士在職專班,開啟高等教育新紀元,迄今已實施10多年,根據教育部2010年的大專院校概況統計,98學年度碩士在職專班學生數高達57,074人。碩士在職專班儼然成為在職人士進修學習的熱門方法。 因此本研究希望針對在職專班學員進行學習成效評估,以瞭解「在職專班課程」是否達到學員入學前的動機需求。另本研究也將試圖找出影響在職人士參與在職專班課程的動機因素,並分析在職人士參與在職專班課程之動機對於其學習成效之影響性。此外將針對在職人士參與在職專班課程學習行為對於學習成效之影響進行探討。 本研究以政大「行政管理碩士在職專班」88級至97級歷屆學員進行問卷調查,共發出問卷150份,回收問卷總數為106份,總回收率為70.6%,扣除退件及填答不完全的無效問卷,有效問卷105份,有效樣本回收率佔70%。本研究資料分析除以描述性統計外,且以T檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析及多元迴歸分析等方式予以統計驗證, 本研究發現:1、學習動機中以「求知興趣」動機取向最強,其次為「職業進展」取向,以「外界期望」動機取向最弱;2、學習行為中以「學習策略」最佳,以「學習習慣」最差;3、學習滿意度中以「學習氣氛」最佳,以「課程內容」最低;4、學習之成效評估則以「學習層面」最強,「行為層面」最弱;5、不同背景變項在職專班學生參與在職專班課程其「學習動機」、「學習行為」及「學習成效」皆有顯著差異;5、在職專班學員「學習動機與其學習行為」、「學習動機與其學習滿意度」、「學習動機與其成效評估」、「學習行為與其學習滿意度」、「學習行為與其成效評估」皆達顯著正相關;6、學員之學習動機強烈,其學習滿意度程度亦會跟著提高。學員之學習行為愈佳,對於參與在職專班課程之學習滿意度也高。 經由研究結果本文提出下列建議:1、建議未來相關系所辦理在職專班課程,有關課程規劃部份,可考量在職專班學員學習動機之取向,設計提供學員增進知能、彌補專業力並且可與工作進行連結應用之課程;2、各系所除提供及規劃合適課程外,亦需營造師生、同儕之間人際交流的氣氛,學習氣氛之建立將可增加學員學習之效果;3、建議未來可以擴大研究的對象至不同領域之在職研究所,藉以比較不同領域系所間學習滿意度的差異及人力專業成長的差異情形;4、建議增加更多面向的實証研究,以完備研究內容;5、建議未來研究能融入質性的訪談,將能獲得更深入的資料。

消費型電腦主機板廠商跨足工業電腦產業市場之服務成效-以A公司為例 / The study on the effectiveness of pioneering to industrial computer market from consumer-oriented computer company

陳嘉展, Chen, Michael Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要針對消費型電腦主機板廠商跨入工業電腦嵌入式主機板產業的未來發展進行探討。台灣的工業電腦產業屬於客製化,少量多樣的利基型產業,由於資訊產業的上中下游供應鏈完整,使得台灣廠商具有相對的競爭優勢。工業電腦也由早期的工廠自動化,機器自動化,延伸應用到產業生活自動化及航太,醫療等等的領域,使工業電腦的發展前景相當看好。 但工業電腦嵌入式主機板產業的競爭也越來越激烈,本研究將依照研究者的策略分析架構,從內在現況分析到外在環境因素,期待能夠發現個案公司跨入工業電腦嵌入式主機板將所遇到的困境與難題以及發展上的限制與瓶頸。進而使個案公司得以制訂現行的策略,以期追求的短期目標與長期目標,最後探討如何在既有的機會與本身的優勢下,去發展一套可行的策略方案。 本研究以訪談和問卷調查的方式,分別訪問了對個案公司與其購買產品之廠商等業者,在策略層面的可能方案,透過受訪者的答覆,以及對該業者公司發放的問卷並蒐集之資料,將所有資訊統合整理,讓本研究得以充分的描繪出個案公司的可行策略並由本研究提出可行的建議。

我國高級中學學生國際教育學習成效之全球公民資質力研究 / A study on the global citizenship as the effectiveness of senior high international education in Taiwan

蔡旻錡 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解我國高級中學學生國際教育學習成效之全球公民資質力發展情形,其目的有四:(一)探討目前我國國際教育政策執行成效。(二)研究學生在國際教育政策執行後之學習成效。(三)分析不同背景學生在全球公民資質力上之差異。(四)探究目前國際教育推動四軌面向,影響學生在全球公民資質力之程度。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以103學年及104學年臺北市與高雄市申請SIEP計畫之高級中學計 17校,藉由研究者自編「我國高級中學學生國際教育學習成效之全球公民資質力調查問卷」進行調查,採立意取樣共發出1,200問卷,回收1,028份問卷,回收率86%,剔除無效問卷,有效問卷共計843份,有效率82%。調查所得資料以SPSS 22.0統計套裝軟體進行統計與分析,使用統計方法有描述性統計、單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關與逐步多元迴歸分析,研究結論如下: 一、我國國際教育政策執行已有相當成效,然而在教師國際教育專業成長與全球公民適應力、競合力與反思力尚需加強。 二、學校參與國際教育計畫,提供國際時事相關訊息,鼓勵學生參加志工服務學習,融入社團關懷日,有助於提升學生全球公民資質力。 三、家長教育程度、學生出國經驗與第二外語能力對於學生全球公民資質力有顯著的影響。 四、臺北市與高雄市學生全球公民資質力並無顯著差異,顯示背景相似的學校在推動國際教育上,可達相同一定的水準。 五、加強教師國際專業知能與增加學校環境之外的國際教育推廣面向,以提升學生全球公民資質力。 根據以上研究結論,提出相關建議,俾提供對教育行政主管機關、學校與未來研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to understand the development of global citizenship as the effectiveness of senior high international education in Taiwan. The purpose of this study is as follows: (1) To explore the effectiveness of the international education policy in Taiwan. (2) To study the effectiveness of learning after the implementation of international education policy. (3) Analyze the differences in the quality of global citizenship for different backgrounds. (4) To explore the current international education to promote the four-track orientation that affects the scale of students’ global citizenship. In this study, the questionnaire survey was conducted in Taipei and Kaohsiung cities in the 103 academic year and 104 academic year. The survey was conducted by the researchers in the study of "International Education in High School Students' Learning Achievements." A total of 1,823 questionnaires were collected and the recovery rate was 86%. After the invalid questionnaires were removed, there were 843 questionnaires valid. The 82% of the survey results were analyzed by SPSS 22.0 statistical software. Using the statistical methods including descriptive statistics, one sample t test, independent sample t test,analysis of variance(one-way ANOVA), Pearson correlation and stepwise regression, the study has the following conclusions: 1.The implementation of international education policy in Taiwan has been quite effective, but teachers’ international professional knowledge, global citizenship adaptability, competition and reflection need to be strengthened. 2.The school participates in international education programs and provides related information about international affairs. It encourages students to take part in volunteering work and community care day, which helps to enhance students’ global citizenship. 3.The parents’ educational degree, the students’ experience of going abroad and the proficiency of the second language have significant impact on global citizenship. 4.There is no significant difference between students in Taipei or Kaohsiung in terms of global citizenship. The result indicates that schools that have similar backgrounds can reach the same level in promoting international education. 5.To enhance the student's global citizenship, we should strengthen teachers’ professional knowledge and extend the international education beyond the school district. Based on the above conclusions, relevant recommendations are made for the educational administration, for schools and for future research.


蔡明桂, Cai, Ming-Gui Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之目的在於研究影響使用文件處理機成效的因素為何。成效可定義為工作績效 與工滿足的綜合。影響因素則可分為工作壓力、系統功能與組織氣候。並且考慮個人 因素的干擾。此外,將以逐步迴歸法分析影響工作績效與工作滿足的主要因素為何者。 最後結果,將與陳文正先生之「影響MIS電腦化成效的因素之研究」(政大企管所 ,民國七十一年出版)作一比較,並對廠商與用戶提出建議。全文將分為七章,約五 萬字。 由於牽涉廠商業務機務之故,研究樣本將以王安電腦公司的文件處理機用戶為限。


陳文正, Chen, Wen-Zheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文分別為:導論、研究方法、研究變數之衡量與分配、各項變數對電腦化成效影 響之分析、及結論建議。導論中包括研究動機與目的、研究問題與研究範圍、研究限 制、重要名詞詮釋等四節。第二章研究方法包括研究步驟、相關理論之探討、本研究 之架構與假設、研究設計等四節。第三章變數之衡量與分配分為四節,第一、二、四 節是以因素分析法說明系統性能、組織氣候、教育訓練、工作改變及電腦化成效等主 觀知覺變之衡量;第三節是有關使用者基本屬性之說明。第四章分為四節,以相關分 析、變異數分析、逐步迴歸等方法分析各項自變數對電腦化成效( 工作績效、工作滿 足) 的影響如何。第五章僅一節結論與建議。


鍾杰男, Chung, Chieh-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
在遠距教育的研究中,學習成效的探討一直是相當重要的議題,然而過去的研究多僅評估不同傳播媒體的有效性或比較近、遠端學生學習成效的差異,缺乏對於學習成效之發生歷程的探討。本研究根據Moore(1993)所提出之互動性距離理論,探討在同步遠距教學環境下學習成效之發生歷程,研究目的如下:一、對話、結構是否能有效預測互動性距離;二、學習者自主性是否能調節互動性距離與學習成效之間的關係。本研究採問卷調查法,受試來自四所大學修習遠距課程的學生,有效樣本239人。研究結果顯示:一、對話與結構可以有效預測互動性距離;二、互動性距離越低,主、客觀學習成效指標表現越好;三、學習者自主性可以調節互動性距離與主觀學習成效指標之關係(當學習者自主性高時,越低的互動性距離可以預測越高的滿意度),然而,學習者自主性不能調節互動性距離與客觀學習成效指標之關係。 本文最後針對所有研究結果進行討論,並根據研究結果提出可能的限制與未來研究方向的建議。 / The learning performance of distance education has been studied for a long period of time. Most of the past studies just simply compared the effectiveness of different media and teaching styles or the learning performances of students in local and remote site. However, little empirical studies had been found to see the process underlying learning performance. As mentioned above, a framework of the process underlying learning performance in synchronous videoconferencing learning environment based on the theory of transactional distance (More, 1993) was developed in this research.239 subjects from four different universities involved in the current study. The result showed that, first, dialogue and program structure could successfully predict the degree of transactional distance. Second, the smaller the transactional distance was, the better the objective and subjective learning performance was. Third, learner autonomy could moderate the relation between the transactional distance and the subjective learning performance. When students’ learner autonomy were high, the smaller the transactional distance was, the better the subjective performance was. However, learner autonomy couldn’t moderate the relation between the transactional distance and the objective learning performance.


張光明 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解國民中學社會學習領域教師對領域教學在職進修之需求與成效。為達成研究目的,本研究以自編之「國民中學社會領域教師領域教學在職進修需求與成效問卷」為調查研究工具,以台北縣、市所抽樣學校社會學習領域教師390人作為正式問卷調查對象,回收332份有效問卷(回收率84.9%)。本研究針對所得的資料,以SPSS8.0 for Windows套裝軟體進行次數分配、獨立樣本單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)、Tukey法事後比較分析、獨立樣本t考驗(Independent-Samples t Test)等統計分析。依據資料分析發現,獲致以下結論: 壹、國民中學教師對領域教學進修之需求: 一、教師進修方式需求 (一) 就「授課方式」而言,教師覺得最有效的方式依次為「講述式」、「討論式」、「教學觀摩」、「個案研討」、「工作坊」。 (二) 就「授課講師」而言,教師覺得最有效的授課講師依序為「實務工作者」、「資深教師」、「大學教授」、「教育行政人員」。 (三) 就「上課成員組成方式」而言,教師覺得最有效的上課成員組成方式依序為「領域核心課程共同上課,專門科目分科上課」、「單科教師單獨上課」、「不同科目教師合科上課」。 二、教師進修科目需求 (一) 領域核心課程部分以「社會學習領域概論」最感需要。 (二) 專門課程部分: 1. 歷史:台灣史、世界史、中國史、世界史概論、史學概論。 2. 地理:臺灣地理、氣候學、世界地理、地學通論、地形學。 3. 公民:經濟學、法學緒論、民法(一)、刑法(一)、社會學。 三、教師進修內容需求 (一) 在「課程設計」方面較需要的項目是教學活動設計、六大議題融入教學課程設計、領域統整課程設計以及領域教學計畫撰寫。 (二) 在「教學方法」方面較需要的項目是教學方法與教學創新、教學模式與教學技巧、資訊融入教學。 (三) 在「教學資源與研究」方面較需要的項目是教學相關軟體應用與資訊概論、教學檔案之建立、社區教學資源發掘與應用。 (四) 在「評量與評鑑」方面較需要的項目是瞭解學生個別差異與診斷學生學習困擾、多元評量實務設計、回饋學習者之技巧。 貳、教師領域教學進修成效 一、在「課程設計」方面較有成效的項目是教學活動設計、領域統整課程設計、領域教學計畫撰寫。 二、在「教學方法」方面較有成效的項目是教學方法與教學創新、教學模式與教學技巧、資訊融入教學。 三、在「教學資源與研究」方面較有成效的項目是教學檔案之建立、社區教學資源發掘、教學相關軟體應用與資訊概論、教師行動研究。 四、在「評量與評鑑」方面較有成效的項目是教學評鑑、課程評鑑、多元評量實務設計。 最後依據研究結論,本研究提出一些建議,作為未來繼續推動領域教學進修之參考。 關鍵字:社會領域、九年一貫課程、領域教學、在職進修、需求、成效 / The purpose of the study is to understand the needs and the effects of the teachers of social learning field in junior high schools for in-service education. In order to achieve this research, the survey employed self-administered questionnaires. Schools chosen for these questionnaires were sampled from Taipei county and Taipei city. Teachers of social learning field in the sampled schools were 390 persons for the questionnaires. The effected returns were 332. According to the returned data, statistics results by One-Way ANOVA and Turkey and Independent-Samples t test were drawn as the following conclusions: I、The needs of the teachers of social learning field: 1. The methods of the needs: (1). For instructional ways, teachers think the efficient ways in sequence are 「speaking」, 「discussing」,「teaching demonstration」, 「case studying」 and 「working shop」. (2). For instructors, teachers think the efficient instructors in sequence are 「experienced workers」, 「senior teachers」, 「university professors」 and「 educational administrators」. (3). For members in class, teachers think the efficient ways in order are the 「core curriculum together but specialized disciplines separately」, 「specialized disciplines separately」, 「all specialized disciplines together」. 2. The needs of the subjects: (1). For field core curriculum, teachers think 「social learning field generality」 is the most required subject. (2). For specialized disciplines: i. history:History of Taiwan,History of the World,History of Chinese,Introduction to History of the World,Introduction to History. ii. geography:Geography of Taiwan,Meteorology ,Geography of the World,Introduction to Geography,Geomorphology. iii. civics:Economics,Introduction to Law,Civil law,Criminal Law,Sociology. 3. The needs of contents: (1). For curriculum projects, the items are teaching activities design, six topics included in teaching curriculum design, field integrated curriculum design and field teaching plan writing. (2). For teaching methods, the items are teaching methods, teaching innovation, teaching models, teaching techniques and information technology used in teaching. (3). For resoures and research , the items are application of teaching related softwares and information technology , building teaching files and findings and applications of community teaching resources. (4). For assessment and evaluation, the items are understanding the differences of students and diagnosing problems of students learning, multi-assessment practical designs and feedback learners techniques. II、 The effects of the teachers of social learning field: 1. For curriculum projects, the items are teaching activities designs, field integrated curriculum designs and field teaching plan writing. 2. For teaching methods, the items are teaching methods, teaching innovation, teaching models, teaching techniques and information technology used in teaching. 3. For teaching resources and research, the items are teaching application softwares and information building teaching files and findings and applications of community teaching resources. 4. For assessment and evaluation, the items are teaching evaluation, curriculum evaluation and multi-assessment practical designs. Based on the conclusions of this research, there are some suggestions which will be the references for the social field learning in the future. Keywords:social learning field,1 - 9 curriculum,field teaching,in-service education,needs,effects.

地區創新氛圍對廠商創新活動與成效之研究 / The study of regional innovative milieu on firm innovation activities and success

郭慧蘭, Kuo,Hui Lan Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟時代與全球化潮流下,創新是廠商提升自我競爭力的重要途徑。創新乃原始概念到將知識商業化的一連串過程,而過去探討廠商創新的研究取向多元,研究觀點則以經濟地理學、企業管理學為主,綜合相關研究,大致可將影響廠商創新的因素歸類為三大面向:廠商內部屬性、對外網絡連結關係、廠商所處地區的環境條件。其中,創新氛圍乃是特定地區的行動者透過偕同作用及集體學習過程所產生的社會關係,提升了地區的創新能力,同時提供有利於廠商創新的環境條件,是近來區域發展的重要議題。本研究即綜合上述三大面向因素來探討廠商創新活動(研發投入與研發合作)與創新成效之影響因素。 創新氛圍理論從早期”某種東西之地方化”的探討,演變到後期關注於地方生產系統的運作是受到地區創新氛圍的影響所致;其中,創新氛圍量化指標的缺乏、探討領域的侷限,乃是本研究所要突破之處。本研究以工業區分佈情形、自然與人文界線、通勤圈範圍等原則,先將台灣地區分為46個地區分析單元,再參酌地方生產系統概念,以兩個指標:LQ大於1與製造業就業員工數大於50000人,篩選出26個地區作為研究範圍,最後以科技與傳統產業LQ大於1指標,區別出9個科技產業群聚地區、17個傳統產業群聚地區,藉以比較不同產業領域、地區發展程度不同之創新氛圍。準此,本研究以8個創新氛圍的相關指標,經過因素分析後萃取出2個創新氛圍因素:「創新綜效」、「創新成效」;藉此將台灣46個地區劃分為4種創新氛圍類型:創新氛圍、有創新無氛圍、有氛圍與創新、無創新無氛圍。 於廠商創新活動與成效實證分析方面,本研究採取兩個階段進行,分別皆以三個面向因素(廠商內部屬性、研發合作、地區創新氛圍)的影響因素來探討廠商創新活動與成效之差異。針對創新氛圍方面,於第一階段以不同產業群聚地區的虛擬變數作為隱含地區創新氛圍的概念,測試其對廠商創新活動與成效的影響,第二階段則以地區創新氛圍因素(創新綜效、創新成效)進行科技與傳統產業群聚地區的廠商創新成效之測試。整體研究結果顯示,科技產業群聚地區的廠商傾向自身的研發投入,而傳統產業群聚地區的廠商則多以研發合作居多,但科技產業群聚地區的廠商創新成效較佳;地區創新氛圍確實對於廠商的創新活動與成效有顯著的影響,尤其對於科技產業群聚地區的廠商創新成效更有顯著的貢獻;而研發合作對於廠商創新成效的影響則不如預期。因此,從基礎產業發展環境、知識設施的聚集、地區網絡的建構等方面,來促使各地區創新氛圍之形塑,將有利於地區廠商的創新,特別應加強傳統產業群聚地區的創新氛圍;此外,提倡廠商強化內部基本體質亦是促進廠商創新效率之關鍵所在。 / Under the wind of the knowledge-based economics and globalization, innovation is an important way for firms to increase their own competitiveness. Innovation is the process from original concept to business. The past researches on firm innovation branch widely, most focus on economic geography and corporation management. From those related researches, we can simplify the elements which can influence the innovation of the firm into three: firms’ inner attributes, relation of the connection to outside network, and the environment of the area which firms located. Innovation milieu is the social relationship which actors in the area could make it happen through interactions and group learning, which can advance the area’s innovation ability, and give the good environment condition for firms to innovate. Innovative milieu is the important issue in the present regional development researches, this research will integrate the three elements to discuss the influence on firms innovation activities and innovation success. The theory of the innovative milieu have transformed from discussion of “the localization of something” to focus on the relation of the work of the regional production system and the local innovative milieu. But, the lack of the quantification indicator, and the territory of the research field still need to break through, and is the focus of this research. This research divide Taiwan into 46 analysis area unit, then bring into the concept of the local production system, use two indicators to choose 26 elements as the scope of the research, and farther define 26 analysis area unit into 9 technology industry cluster area, and 17 traditional industry cluster area, to compare the differences of the industry field and the level of the development of the innovation milieu. This research take 8 innovative milieu related indexes, and compress into 2 indexes: “innovation synergy” and “innovation success” through the content analysis; this research use these two indexes to divide 46 areas of Taiwan into 4 types of innovation milieu: innovative milieu, no innovative milieu, innovation but without milieu, and milieu but without innovation. On the analysis of the firms’ innovation activities and the success, this research take two steps to discuss. At the first step, this research use the dummy variables of the different industry cluster area as the concept of the regional innovative milieu, to check the influence it could make on the firms innovation activities and the success; At the second step, this research use regional innovative milieu indexes to check the firms’ innovation success of the traditional and technology industry cluster area. The whole research shows that the firms of technology industry aggregation area are tend to invest on their own R&D, which the firms of traditional industry aggregation area often do their R&D by cooperating with others, and the innovation outcome of firms of the technology industry aggregation area is better. The regional innovative milieu has the conspicuous influence on the firms innovation activities and the success, especially to the technology industry cluster area, but the influence which the R&D cooperation could make on the innovation outcome is not good as expect. Thus, the making of the basic environment of the industry development, the aggregation of the knowledge facilities, and the build of the local network is the good impact for local firms to innovate, especially for the traditional industry aggregation area ones. At the same time, to reinforce the firms’ inner constitution is also the key to promote the firms innovation.

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