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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


楊永方 Unknown Date (has links)
大額捐款對非營利組織而言,是一個極為重要的財源,能使募款迅速達成目標。因此,了解大額捐款者的捐款行為,是一項非常重要的課題。 本研究從捐款者的觀點出發,研究大額捐款者之捐款行為。從4,787則純新聞報導中,以單次捐款金額在百萬元以上的大額捐款事件為研究對象,期能找出大額捐款者的特性與大額捐款行為的關聯性,提供非營利組織募款建議及策略參考。 本研究發現如下: 一、 個人的大額捐款,其資金來源以「自有資金」為主,主要用途為「教育」,且有五成會捐給「有業緣關係」的受贈組織,以「校友」比例最高。 二、 組織的大額捐款,主要捐給「有地緣關係」、「有業緣關係」的「政府組織」。 三、 企業的大額捐款金額平均約為新台幣4,148.19萬元,高於非營利組織(NPO)的新台幣845.39萬元。 四、 來源為自有資金的大額捐款金額平均約為新台幣2,549.89萬元,高於來源為募款轉贈者的新台幣984.39萬元。 五、 沒有地緣關係的大額捐款金額平均約為新台幣3,352.90萬元,高於有地緣關係的新台幣1,389.40萬元。 六、 資源愈多的地區享受的捐款愈多,台灣社會資源分佈不均的情況顯而易見。 七、 大額捐款用途都十分明確,顯示大額捐款人對捐款用途的期待是影響捐款行為的重要關鍵因素。 本研究建議如下: 一、 建議非營利組織應採取「捐款人導向」的行銷策略,瞭解大額捐款人的心理需求與行為習慣,並提供目標明確的方案與內容,使捐款人了解捐款的用途、支用方式與辦理績效,以增加募款金額及再度捐款的機率。 二、 建議非營利組應以相同地區者為主要募款對象。尤其以區域性募款標的或內容撰寫計畫書或提供方案內容,應較容易募款成功。 三、 建議非營利組織可以向依法認罪換取緩刑的大額捐款,以及公益彩券得主的大額捐款提出募款方案,將有助於非營利組織定期大額捐款來源。 四、 建議大額捐款人及政府應正視捐款資源過度集中的問題,可透過聯合勸募方式平衡城鄉差距。

慈善組織區位決策與網路效果 / Charity Niche Marketing and Network Effect

劉建宏 Unknown Date (has links)
在進行捐贈行為時,若以極大化個人效用為出發點,捐贈者首要應以慈善組織的理念與關懷對象與自身關懷對象是否相近為主要考量,本文將此關懷對象的定位定義為慈善組織的區位,討論慈善組織在競爭上的區位策略。除此之外,同時也將慈善組織的規模與公信力對捐贈者的影響力納入考量。 本文以線性城市(linear city)模型補捉捐贈者與慈善組織的關懷對象的區位,並考慮到捐贈者對於慈善組織規模的考量,將傳統應用在電信產品的「網路效果」引入捐贈者的效用函數中,同時考慮區位差距與組織規模對捐贈者的影響。本文研究後有幾點發現:第一,慈善組織為了避免過度的募款競爭,會避免服務對象的性質過度重疊;第二:網路效果的引入會加劇慈善組織之間的競爭進而提升慈善組織的募款努力程度;第三:當慈善組織之間的網路效果規模有差距時,捐贈資源會集中到規模較大的慈善組織,同時規模較大的慈善組織會擴大其服務對象的範圍,而規模較小的慈善組織所得的捐贈資源也會因此減少。 / Naturally, utility maximizing donors first consider charities sharing their same ideology towards those in need of helps. Therefore, in setting up fund-raising charities, the choice of “location”, in the spectrum of all potential donees, will have effects on the fund-raising results. In addition, donors also often take into account operation scales and credibility when it comes to choosing among different charities. This study proposes a model that the location choice of two homogenous charities is captured through a linear city framework, and a “network effect” in the utility of donors is introduced to account for the influence of scale and credibility of charities. Several findings emerge. First, in equilibrium, charities differentiate in the choice of location to avoid intense competition in fund-raising efforts. Second, the existence of network effect drives competing charities to exert more fund-raising efforts. Third, asymmetric network externality has the effect to redistribute donations away from the small network charity when the large network charity moves towards to “center” of the market. Finally, some welfare implications are explored.


陳玥君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2005年版《台灣300家主要基金會名錄》上所列之財團法人基金會為研究對象,針對基金會網站資訊揭露的情況進行分析,檢視影響非營利組織資訊揭露程度之組織特性因素。其次,再從組織特性及資訊揭露程度這兩個構面,分析影響捐款收入之因素為何。 研究結果顯示,影響資訊揭露最重要的因素為組織規模、員工人數及所在地。另一方面,影響捐款收入最重要的因素則為員工人數、設立年數及所在地。至於資訊揭露程度,雖然實證結果與預期方向相符,皆是正向的,但是結果並不顯著,表示資訊揭露的程度可能會影響組織所獲得的捐款收入,但並不是最主要的影響因素。

公益網購平台對消費者物資捐贈行為之影響—以B2O公益平台為例 / The Influence of Online Charity Shopping Platform to Consumers’ Material Donating Behavior - A Case Study of A B2O Charity Platform

夏巧玲, Hsia, Chiao Lin Unknown Date (has links)
二零一五年二月底,由「慈濟內湖園區開發案」引發的一系列慈善團體善款與物資捐贈流向,及財務資料透明度爭議幾乎佔盡全台灣一周的新聞版面。事實上,台灣民眾不但普遍十分樂善好施,也非常樂於慷慨解囊地幫助他人,但民眾善款或捐贈物資流向不明此類新聞卻總是層出不窮地出現在各大媒體或社群平台上,民眾的愛心似乎並未被妥善的利用與發揮。 綜合以上發現,本研究個案之新創社會企業研究公司-「B2O公益平台」便希望透過創立一全新電子商務平台,藉由整合三方包括供應商、社福機構與愛心捐贈者的需求來讓物資捐贈方與物資需求方有更適當的運行機制,而此一經營模式也與現有市場上社會大眾將家中不用的物資捐贈給社福機購的機制大不相同。 本研究旨在透過過去的文獻了解個人捐款動機、個人捐款行為、同情心與利社會行為、網路購物、社會企業等定義,並透過搜集國內和國外碩博士論文、發表過之期刊來了解目前在此議題上相關之研究,一方面能更深入研究本主題,另一方面也能透過文獻與問卷發送結果進行交叉分析比較,最終針對本研究個案公司-「B2O公益平台」提出建議與應需具備之功能與特性以助此平台未來成功發展與推行之可能。

社會公益之創新商業模式:多益捐 / Innovative Business Model for Social Charity: Do It

李柏毅, Lee, Po Yi Unknown Date (has links)
社會大眾之發票與零錢捐獻是民間社福團體所仰賴的收入來源之一,但近年來由於統一發票新政策的推行,加上大眾的消費行為開始改變,導致民眾捐獻的機會與意願逐漸下滑,而影響社福團體之公益運作。本研究的目的是為了提出一項創新的經營模式解決此捐獻缺乏的社會問題,藉由結合發票、公益彩券制度、零錢捐獻之行為、連鎖零售業者與政府公益組織之資源,賦予公益行為一個報酬機制,提升大眾捐獻意願,以擴大臺灣社會之捐獻基礎與價值。 為了尋求可行之商業模式,本研究透過市場需求分析,調查目前臺灣消費者之生活趨勢、統一發票政策推行現況與社福團體之困境,並藉由問卷調查、訪談社福團體與各類潛在消費者深入確認實際需求與創新服務之可行性。最後,經由前述分析,本研究提出一個能滿足社會需求並能讓服務參與者共同獲益的解決方案,其中包括消費者的參與方式、廠商合作模式、利潤分配方式,以及針對不同時期之目標族群研擬之營運計畫。 / Receipt lottery and donation box play important roles in the source of income for social welfare organizations (SWOs) nowadays. However, after the reform of receipt policies in recent years, the receipt taking behaviors of consumers have changed. In general, the willingness of consumers to donate receipt has been declining. This decrease of donation seriously damaged the operation of the SWOs. The purpose of this research is to propose an innovative business model to solve this social problem. By connecting the resources of retail chain business and government, the business model initiates the incentives of major consumers (self-interested and reputation seeking) to contribute the charity in the process of consumption based on the empirical study of the consumers’ behaviors of donating receipt /change and purchasing lottery.

國人重大災難募捐行為之研究--以中華民國紅十字會總會為例 / A study on donation-behavior of disaster-- examples of the Red Cross Society of R.O.C.

林秀芬 Unknown Date (has links)
受到氣候極端變遷的影響,近年來,世界各地接二連三地出現許多重大天然災害,讓我們賴以生存的地球,正面臨著嚴峻環境災難的考驗。面對這個重要課題,除了政府必須肩負的責任外,非政府組織從環境保護、減災預防、災難準備、以致災難發生時的緊急救援,到災後的復建與重建工作等環節上,也扮演愈來愈重要的角色,近代各國政府都把積極參與人道救援的非政府組織視為災難救援和賑濟上的重要伙伴。 人道救援和一般社會服務工作的動員模式與服務取向不同,除了必須在短時間內滿足無法事先確定的大量需求外,人道救援的目的是在有限資源的前提下,公允地維持受災民眾必要的生存環境、條件與尊嚴。是以,人道救援組織從平時救災人員的訓練、養成,救災器材設備與救援物資的整備,到災難發生時可以快速反應的動員能量,甚至災後不管復原或重建階段各項專業領域的參與,都需要掌握相當實力的資源,才能在必要的時候派上用場。 目前國內主要從事海內、外人道救援的民間組織,其從事人道救援的財源幾乎百分之百依賴民間捐款,而因應每次災難事件的不同,其所募得款項的多寡差異非常大,但國內相關影響重大災難募款金額多寡的因素研究卻很少,為使有限、寶貴的社會資源可以更合理、妥切地被運用,研究者以紅十字會在九二一大地震之後十年來十五起賑災專案募款的結果,運用個案研究的深度訪談以及焦點團體的探討,嘗試彙整出影響國人重大災難捐款的因素。 是以,本研究從災難本身、捐款人、勸募者及社會政經情境等面向,歸納出可能影響重大災難募捐款項的二十個因素,藉以分析說明並對照實務上募款金額的多寡。此外,本研究也提供了幾項重大災難募捐的特性,希望可以做為國人或後續研究者參用。 最後,本研究建議國人應該深切體認資源有限,整體社會的資源不管來自何處、流向何處,其總和也是不變的,因此,無論是資源的擁有者、分配者、執行者,以及在這個過程中可能影響資源分配運用的關係人,如政府、媒體等,都應該珍惜這個寶貴的資源,善用它,讓它發揮應有的社會功能。尤其,人道救援是一個關乎生命,非常嚴肅的議題,很多人認為重大災難捐款是一種衝動性捐款,但研究者卻堅信捐款行為只是表象,其真正是人的「愛心」在驅動,因此,必須從理性、審慎的態度來探究愛心背後可能影響捐款人作為的因素,並進而提供國人的愛心一個更好的捐款與資源運用環境。 / As a result of extreme climate changes, the world has witnessed many major natural disasters. Hence, the earth on which we live is confronting severe environmental challenge. To cope with such a severe challenge, other than the governments which must take up the responsibilities, NGOs are playing more important roles which include environmental protection, disaster prevention, disaster preparedness, as well as in the event of occurrence of natural disasters, emergency relief, recovery and reconstruction. Nowaday, the governments treat NGOs as their indispensable partners in the efforts of disaster rescue and relief. Humanitarian relief is different from social working network. The former must within a short period mobilize resources to meet unpredictable yet huge amount of need. The objective of humanitarian relief is to provide the people who were adversely affected by the disasters with resources, however limited, to live with dignity and fairness. Therefore, NGOs doing humanitarian relief must prepare themselves not only in the training of rescue teams, securing adequate equipments so that they can respond promptly to disasters, but also be in command of substantial resource so as to meet the urgent need in emergency relief, recovery and reconstruction. The humanitarian organizations of Taiwan, whom undertake disaster relief in Taiwan and oversea, obtain funding almost 100% from the private sector. Since the amount of fund raised in different disasters can be vastly different, to help rational allocation of limited yet valuable resources in disaster relief, the author has made efforts to collect data from 15 disaster-fund-raising events since the 921 earthquake in 1999, and to analyse the factors that are relevant to the donors’ behavior. The author has also carried out analysis of the factors by in-depth case study and focus group interview. On the basis of such data, case study and interview, the author has identified 20 factors from such perspective as nature of disasters, donors, fund-raising organizers, social-economic- political situation, etc. This paper also enumerates a number of important characteristics of fund-raising in major disasters. To conclude, the author likes to point out that the sum total of resources available to any disaster effort project is a constant. Therefore, all players in any major disaster relief project, including the organizers, the media, the government and others, must carefully use the resources and to achieve maximum utility of the resource for the benefits of those who are in need, to recover and to re-live from the disaster. Such an observation is meaningful because humanitarian relief is a serious subject and donation is not merely an act of impulse, it is also an act of “love”. Therefore, we must carefully explore the relevant factors that contribute to the donors’ behaviors. Only by so doing, we can structure a better environment under which fund-raising motivated by “love” can be truly successful and meaningful use of such resources to the maximum benefit of the people affected by the disasters be assured.

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