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公民會議機制擴散之研究:台灣的個案分析曾嘉怡 Unknown Date (has links)
優質化治理的追求不僅講求政府間的互動學習,亦講求學習標的的擴散。近年來政府引進公民參與理念,打破閉門造車的政策制定模式,隨著時間的發展,諸多機關開始辦理公民會議,本研究應用擴散理論分析公民會議在行政體系內部擴散的成因,並討論公民會議在台灣擴散的發展及限制。本研究針對十餘場公民會議,利用次級資料分析及深度訪談,從動機、資源、環境、效益四項因素分析過去各機關單位辦理公民會議的經驗,並探究自公民會議引進至今所遭遇之阻礙。研究結果顯示政府機關透過多種管道與社會團體、學界進行互動,取得公民會議的相關資訊,同時機關首長基於個人理念、內部業務需求、外在環境壓力等考量指示辦理公民會議,這些面向的交互作用促成台灣公民會議於行政體系內部的擴散。然而在公民會議發展歷程中,因公民會議執行過程的瑕疵、後續產出可觀察性低、政黨理念未能貫徹、體制及配套措施不足、人事更替頻繁、公民會議的工具性消失等因素阻礙公民會議的發展。本研究發現公民會議在行政體系內部的擴散乃是政策企業家的努力,其夾帶豐富的資訊資源與機關單位互動,或直接或間接地成就公民會議的發展。然而基礎體制建設的缺乏對公民會議的發展形成限制,因此未來應致力於審議民主體制建設以及強化人力資源發展。由於本研究為初探性嘗試,建議未來隨著實務發展強化擴散模型建構,並深化我國政策學習及擴散的學術累積。 / Good governance emphasizes not only the interactions between governments, but diffusion of objects among governments. Recently, the government has imported the concept of citizen participation and breaks the traditional way of policy making. As time goes by, the development of citizen participation has been more mature. Many agencies have started holding consensus conferences. The thesis applies diffusion theory to analyze the reasons why consensus conferences diffused within the government and discusses its development and restriction. The study focuses on more than ten consensus conferences and uses secondary data and in-depth interview to collect research data. The author analyzes the experience of individual agency according to their motivation, resource, environment, and benefit; and the author also examines the obstacles in the development of the consensus conferences. The findings reveal that the government interacts with social groups and academic community to get information about consensus conferences. At the same time, the chiefs of the executive branches give an instruction about holding the activities based on their preferences, internal requirements, and the pressure of external environment. The interaction of these aspects makes a contribution to the diffusion of the consensus conferences within the government. However, the flaws of implementation processes, lower observability, lack of relative measures and infrastructure, frequent personnel rotation, and the disappearance of the instrumentality constrain the expanding of the ideas and operations. This research also finds that the diffusion of ideas and operations is accomplished due to the efforts invested by policy entrepreneurs; they use abundant resources and information to interact with agencies directly or indirectly promoting the development of consensus conferences. However, incomplete infrastructure constrains the expansion of consensus conferences. Therefore, this study proposes that the government should enhance infrastructure and human resource development regarding deliberative democracy. As an exploratory study, this thesis suggests the public administration field should strengthen the diffusion model and accumulate studies of policy learning and diffusion in the future.
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創新擴散理論之應用─以財政部財政資訊共享服務平台為例 / The Application of Innovation Diffusion Theory: A Case Study of Open Data Platform of Ministry of Finance霍達 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現,推動財政資訊共享服務平台的主要工作與困境包括溝通策略、法律規範、分工方式、業務單位的抗拒與資料的價值。財資中心在政策規劃面、組織管理面以及法律規範面仍有改進空間,包括改變同仁的觀念態度、提出明確的評估報告、團隊成員的代表性、訂定行政規則以及與相關單位共商修法議題。未來有意推動相關政策的機關,除了前述財資中心應該改進之處,尚須注意組織文化以及公民參與的部分,讓政策推動的阻力降至最低。 / Open government data (OGD) can brings great economic benefit and promotes more openness in government, it has become one of the most important issues in e-Government around the world. An open data policy was enacted by the Executive Yuan at the end of 2013, both central and local governments should gradually release their possessed data to the public. In the context of open data policy, Fiscal Information Agency, MOF tries to establish an open data platform of Ministry of Finance. However, the open data policy in Taiwan is still in a stage of sprouting, it is an innovation policy and brand new notion to many governments, the objective of this research is to analyze what obstacles does Fiscal Information Agency, MOF meet when promoting the open data platform of Ministry of Finance, and how could this experience be learned.
First of all, the research introduces the literatures about open data. Secondly, quoting the Innovation Diffusion Theory as the conceptual framework and conducting interviews. The analysis about the works and obstacles is individually based on the phase of agenda setting, matching, redefining/restructuring, clarifying and routinizing.
The results show the main work and obstacles including the strategy of communication, legal norms, division of labor, resistance of agency and the value of data. There are still areas of improvement for Fiscal Information Agency, MOF, such as changing the concept of colleagues, providing a tangible report about open data and the representativeness of group. The lessons from this study are expected to provide insights to the Taiwan government when it tries to engage the open data policy.
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電子書產品採用意願影響因素之研究趙怡傑 Unknown Date (has links)
亞馬遜(Amazon) 宣布自有電子閱讀器Kindle在2010年的出貨量達800 萬台,不僅遠超出市場預期的500 萬台,也打破Kindle 銷售會受iPad上市而被瓜分的流言。根據國外市調機構Displaybank 統計,亞馬遜(Amazon)的Kindle 電子書上市3 年以來,美國暢銷電子書銷售量已超越紙本書的2 倍,預估2015 年的美國電子書閱讀器市場規模將達5,400 萬台、2018 年有機會成長到8,800 萬台。由上述的資料可見,電子書產品實為一個有潛力的市場。
研究試圖以創新擴散理論(Rogers,1983)為基礎,探討在電子書問世時,消費者從得知電子書存在到採用此產品過程並持續採用之意願,輔以科技接受模式(Davis,1989)來解釋影響電子書使用者的態度、意圖及行為,在此綜合模型中添加了涉入類型的種類(Vaughn,1980)做為影響消費者知覺特性的變數,加入了廠商面的資訊來探討策略結盟對於消費者的意義及影響,除了以電子書本身所具備的功能特性來探討利益面影響因子,更希望能加入風險成本來探討成本面的影響因素,並探討電子書的網路外部性效果(Katz & Shapiro,1986)如何影響消費者的採用意願。
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品牌概念地圖:結構化與非結構化方法比較研究 / Brand concept maps: comparative research of structured and unstructured凌筠婷 Unknown Date (has links)
在產品充斥市場的時代,追求獨特的產品功能已經不是各品牌最重要的目標,建立正確的品牌形象已經是目前最重要的議題,一個明確的品牌形象能建立長期的品牌價值,進而影響消費者的品牌滿意度、忠誠度與購買行為(Bhat & Reddy, 1998)。一般品牌形象研究者多用量化的問卷調查法來進行研究,部分研究者也使用質化的研究方法如自由聯想法、深度訪談法等,概念地圖此種研究方法在心理學領域早已開始使用,源自於激發擴散理論,認為人們腦子中對事物的概念彼此之間互相連結成一個網狀系統,若一個概念被觸動,其它的概念便會連動產生。這種圖像式的方法近年被用在品牌行銷方面,用來了解人們記憶中的品牌形象聯想結構(Henderson, Iacobucci, & Calder, 1998)。
本研究挑選與大學生較為相關的牛仔褲品類進行研究,以網路問卷方式尋找出熟悉度居中的品牌「Blue way/鬼洗」牛仔褲做為研究品牌。本研究發現,不論是結構化或非結構化方法皆無法穩定且有效地測量「Blue way/鬼洗」牛仔褲的品牌形象,但這並非代表品牌概念地圖是一個不具有信效度的研究方法,可能是因為本研究所選擇的產品品類屬於低涉入且高體驗性產品,一般消費者若沒有實際購買或使用過此類產品,較難留下深刻印象,且一般大學生在購買此類產品時品牌忠誠度不高,對品牌的印象也不深。
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影響民眾使用行動銀行之關鍵因素探討 / A Study of Key Factors Affecting Consumers’ Intention to Use Mobile Banking譚嘉玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究目的為找出影響民眾使用行動銀行使用意願的關鍵因素。本研究之研究模型以創新擴散理論為基礎架構,同時納入加值服務、移轉障礙、品牌熟悉度、信任以及服務品質,用以探討民眾使用行動銀行的態度以及意願。本研究並將所提出之研究模型進行實證分析,研究對象為台灣地區的民眾,包括實際以及具高度潛力的行動銀行未來使用者,共回收730份有效問卷,其中446份有行動銀行使用經驗,另外284份則無。本研究模型變數包含相對優越性、複雜性、相容性、加值服務、人際關係、轉換成本、替代方案吸引力、品牌熟悉度、信任、服務品質、態度、使用意願以及正向口碑。本研究使用LISREL 8.7進行結構方程模式分析,將回收之樣本依照行動銀行使用經驗的有無個別分析其結果,分析結果顯示,針對有行動銀行使用經驗的民眾,相對優越性、加值服務、信任、服務品質與民眾對於行動銀行的態度呈現顯著正相關;而轉換成本則對民眾對於行動銀行的態度呈現顯著負相關;此外,民眾對於行動銀行之態度也與其使用意願有顯著正相關,民眾的使用意願更與其正向口碑有顯著正相關。針對沒有行動銀行使用經驗的民眾,相容性、加值服務與民眾對於行動銀行的態度呈現顯著正相關;而人際關係與替代方案吸引力則對民眾對於行動銀行的態度呈現顯著負相關;此外,民眾對於行動銀行之態度也與其使用意願有顯著正相關。 不同於以往的研究,本研究針對台灣地區之行動銀行應用程式進行討論,並且納入了許多從未被應用在行動銀行的因素,包含加值服務、移轉障礙、正向口碑等變數,是一篇十分創新的研究。本研究之研究結果可作為日後學術研究之參考,亦可作為銀行推廣行動銀行時的實務參考。
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探索企業導入服務導向架構(SOA)影響因素之研究 / Factors affecting the adoption of Service Oriented Architecture in enterprises: an exploratory study李盈儒, Lee, Ying-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
(略) / Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm is an emerging architectural blueprint which enables flexible process-oriented application systems. While more and more enterprises plan to adopt SOA to increase reusability and flexibility of their business processes, the readiness of this technology becomes important to enterprises. However, previous SOA studies focus mainly on the technical issues but ignore the organizational or managerial issues. To fill this gap, this research aims to explore the factors of adopting SOA. Developed upon institutional theory and diffusion of innovation theory, we not only consider the technical factors with SOA adoption, but also pay attention to factors related with organizations and IT innovations. Furthermore, a content analysis of online Webs, blogs, and forums is taken to verify our research framework, and research findings indicate the relative advantage of SOA, compatibility of SOA, the characteristics of decision makers, culture, IT capability, and SOA socioeconomic characteristics are the most important drivers for SOA adoption. The contribution is summarized in two folds: (1) enterprises can use this framework as a reference to diagnose their organization conditions and then make a decision to adopting SOA; and (2) researchers can develop their study upon the constructs of this framework.
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巨災保險選擇權評價模式之研究劉卓皓 Unknown Date (has links)
第三章以及第四章討論模擬方法與分析模擬所得的結果,我們並利用情境分析的方式,探討在單位時間內,平均跳躍次數對於每一個模型中假設,交易標的物為損失指數時的影響,以及依此損失指數所得對於巨災保險選擇權價格之變化幅度。第五章則是歸納本研究所得的結果並且提出後續研究的建議。 / The insurance and reinsurance industries traditionally transfer their insurance risk of catastrophe disasters through the international reinsurance market. Since the capacity of the international reinsurance market is not always available to cover the entire risks. In 1995, CBOT (Chicago Board of Trade) and PCS (Property Claims Service) have begun trading the PCS catastrophe options Through the catastrophe options, the insures and reinsures could hedging their operating risks in the international financial market.
These risks consist of large amount of underwriting losses from the natural disasters, personal default in property insurance, inflation of claims amount and the large claims in group insurance and health insurance. The loss ratios of the insured business are trading through the catastrophe options. Hedging the operating risks of the insures and reinsures in the financial market could effectively reduce the costs and avoid the complexity from the reinsurance contracts.
In this study, we have reviewed the development of the catastrophe option. Asian style call options are illustrated to monitor the process of option pricing. The trading loss ratios are modeled through lognormal distribution based on the claim experience collected from 1970-1996. The methodology of pricing the modified options based on pure jump model proposed by Cox, et al (1976) and the jump diffusion model proposed by Merton (1976) are discussed. Computer simulations and scenario analysis are
performed to investigate the pricing of Asian style catastrophe option under various proposed models. Sensitivity analysis is also completed at various parameters in the jump process. Finally, comments on future works and the limitation of the proposed risk-transfer mechanism using catastrophe options are discussed.
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個人用戶對網路銀行接受行為研究-信任與科技接受模式的整合性探討許榮洲 Unknown Date (has links)
網路銀行同電子商務,表徵是科技,本質是商業。接受使用網路銀行的行為,相當於代表同時接受使用新科技與信任它-科技接受模式(TAM, Technology Acceptance Model)與信任理論需整合性探討,由於台灣過去中並沒有此類研究,因此本研究藉由移植Gefen, Karahanna et al. (2003)的整合模型至網路銀行的議題上,俾希望能夠清楚而完整地陳述與解釋使用者願意再次使用網路銀行的行為,最終有助於提高網路銀行的使用量。
信任理論部份採用McKnight, Larry et al. (1998)對於信任的看法,一方面是因為它整合了了各種不同學派(心理學、社會學、社會心理學、經濟學等)對於形成信任關係的解釋,另一面它以理性行為模式(TRA, Theory of Reasoned Action)的順序結構形成模式-信念、態度、意圖、行為的順序架構。而正由於科技接受模式源自於理性行為模式,因此在做適度的必要調整後,Gefen, Karahanna et al. (2003)。將之集結成一整合模式。而模式中,「信念」整合了各種「因素」的影響再對「行為意圖」造成影響,其中形成信任的因素有:計算原則的信任、體制結構的保障、境遇的正常性與熟悉性因素;而信念有:信任、認知易用與認知有用信念。由於本研究探討的議題是台灣的網路銀行,不同於探討新網路商店的被接受使用行為,因此本研究在模型移植過程中以創新擴散理論(DOI, Diffusion of Innovation)的配適性(Compatibility)來取代境遇正常性因素。
為驗證移植模式,本研究採網路問卷的方式進行資料的收集與分析,問卷的問項設計主要是來自於文獻所提供的問項,在經過適當的中文化、調整語意與試問後,最後得到9個構念共29個問項。網路問卷的訊息曝光主要有兩個管道,其一是委由優仕網獎勵其會員填答,另一則是本研究將問卷訊息公布在各大bbs站與各大入口網站的金融討論區當中。在扣除隨意作答與無效問卷後,本研究最後得有效問卷217份。而資料分析部分,除了分析人口統計資料的敘述統計量外,由於結構方程模式(SEM, Structural Equation Modeling)進行分析,能夠同時進行因素分析與路徑分析的特性,因此本研究選擇作為主要的分析方法。
在經過一系列結構方程模式的操作流程包含了模型界定、辨識、參數估計、模型契合度估計與模型修飾後,本研究得僅進行小部份的修飾的模型,由於評估問卷測量品質的測量模型的指數當中,不論信度[內部一致性信度(Chronbach’s α)亦或是建構信度]或效度[建構效度]上都表現相當優良,因此結構模型的各路徑係數的可信度與有效度相當高。
1. 商業面的〝信任〞議題影響使用者有意願繼續使用網路銀行的影響力,較科技面的〝科技接受〞議題來得大。
2. 現行影響網路銀行使用者信任的因素,主要為計算原則的信任因素、其次為熟悉性因素;而體制結構的保障因素對信任的影響力非常小,至於配適性因素則無影響力。
3. 科技接受議題也受信任議題的影響。因此認知易用與認知有用皆受計算原則的信任與熟悉性因素間接影響。而除此之外,認知有用尚受配適性因素的直接影響,在影響力上,信任的因素所帶來的間接整體影響力上,略大於適配性因素。
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醫院品質報告卡指標之篩選及以結構方程模式分析住院病人對其創新特性之知覺、態度與使用意願 / Selection of Indicators of Hospital Report Cards and using Structural Equation Modeling to Analyze Inpatient’s Perception toward the Innovation, Attitudes, and willingness to use Hospital Report Cards陳楚杰, Chu-Chieh Chen January 1993 (has links)
目標:本研究旨在由民眾觀點篩選醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡的指標項目,及採用創新擴散理論(innovation diffusion theory),以結構方程模式(structural equation model)探討住院病人對醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡創新特性的知覺、態度及使用意願。
方法:本研究首先以推動社會福利、關心民眾健康權益及病人團體的30位專家為研究對象,進行二回合的德菲法(Delphi method )問卷調查篩選醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡的指標項目。其次以台北縣市不同層級及權屬別的八家醫院內、外科共500位住院病人為研究對象進行面訪問卷調查,探討住院病人創新接受度、對醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡創新特性的認知、態度及使用意願,並以結構方程模式進行研究假說與架構的驗證。
結論:住院病人認為醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡對選擇醫院是有價值的,因此,建議行政院衛生署可考慮主導,整合醫院評鑑、全民健康保險申報及病人滿意度調查的資料,分區分醫院等級,評比其在高適用性且高重視度的九項指標項目之表現,以星號及百分比的形式呈現,再以小手冊及網際網路查詢的方式對外公佈,並加強對民眾的宣導教育,讓民眾可以將品質資訊運用在就醫選擇決策上,使民眾成為明智的醫療服務消費者及醫療與服務品質的共同監督者,以提升醫療體系的運作效能。 / There exists information asymmetry between providers and consumers in healthcare market due to the highly specialized knowledge in this market. Consumers were asked to bear more responsibility on their own health and to participate in the formulation of healthcare strategies and the inventions of new technology as the uprising in the movement of consumer right protection. These would result in the reduction in costs related to the medical services and information collection. Therefore, western countries have aggressively established the medical information system and developed hospital report cards in order to protect consumers’ right, to improve quality of medical services, and to increase the efficiency of healthcare market by providing service information to consumers.
Taiwan initiated the National Health Insurance since 1995 with the facility contract rate reaching over 90%. This provides consumers great access to healthcare institutions. However, few service data have been provided to consumers as a reference for the choice of providers to date. In addition, previous studies showed that consumers were interested in obtaining available service information and these information have a great influence on consumers’ decision of providers.
The purposes of this study were to select indicators of hospital report cards from public’s perspective and to adopt the innovation diffusion theory and structural equation modeling to explore inpatients’ perception characteristics of innovation, attitudes toward, and willingness to use hospital report card.
Materials and Methods:
Firstly, we selected 30 subjects who were experts in social welfare or consumer right to participate in two rounds of Delphi investigation to select appropriate indicators of hospital report card. Secondly, we purposely ask for the permission from eight hospitals representing different accreditation levels and ownerships to allow us to select 500 medical and surgical inpatients to conduct a face-to-face interview regarding their innovativeness, perception characteristics of innovation, attitudes toward, and willingness to use hospital report cards. Finally, we used structural equation modeling (SEM) to test research hypotheses by way of.
We found that (1) from publics’ perspective the most applicable and important indicators include nosocomial infection rate, postoperative infection rate, inpatient’s satisfaction toward physician’s explanation, and outpatient’s satisfaction toward physician’s service attitudes; (2) only 17.2% of surveyed sample heard the term “hospital report card” before; (3) a total of 80.2% of inpatients considered hospital report cards to be very valuable or valuable for the selection of providers; (4) inpatients understood more in service indicators than clinic indicators; (5) the order of inpatients’ preference in presentation of hospital report cards was to use stars, percentages, and bar charts; (6) those who had higher education and higher monthly incomes, and were younger were more likely to understand the information provided by hospital report cards after adjusting for other factors; (7) among inpatients’ characteristics of innovation toward hospital report card, ”compatibility” and “result demonstrability” had significant positive influence on ”inpatients’ attitude toward hospital report card”; (8)”perceived usefulness”, “inpatients’ attitude toward hospital report card”, and “inpatients’ innovativeness” had significant positive influence on ”inpatients’ willingness to use hospital report card”;(9)”compatibility” had significant positive influence on “inpatients’ attitude toward hospital report card”;(10)“inpatients’ attitude toward hospital report card” had significant positive influence on ”inpatients’ willingness to use hospital report card”;(11)finally it is worth emphasize that this study had a new finding that ”perceived usefulness”, “perceived ease to use ”, “compatibility”, “result demonstrability ”,and “inpatients’ innovativeness” had significant positive correlation between each other.
We concluded that inpatients considered hospital report cards to be valuable for the selection of hospitals. Therefore, it is recommended that hospital report cards be initiated by the Department of Health by integrating the information from hospital accreditation, medical claims data from the National Health Insurance, and survey of patient satisfactions. The rankings of hospital shown on report cards can be presented in stars or percentages, and these pieces of information can be released through booklet or Internet. In addition, consumers should be educated to use hospital information in order to monitor hospital performance and improve the efficiency of healthcare delivery system. / 目 錄
誌謝……………………………………………………………… Ⅰ
摘要……………………………………………………………… Ⅲ
Abstract………………………………………………………… Ⅴ
目錄……………………………………………………………… Ⅶ
表目錄……………………………………………………………… Ⅹ
圖目錄……………………………………………………………… Ⅻ
第一章 前言……………………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究背景與動機………………………………… 1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題…………………………… 5
第三節 研究的重要性與預期貢獻……………………… 6
第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………… 8
第一節 醫院品質報告卡的沿革……………………………… 8
第二節 醫院品質報告卡的指標項目………………………… 15
第三節 醫院品質報告卡的影響與推行障礙………………… 27
第四節 醫療品質指標系統及品質報告卡的發展步驟……… 32
第五節 創新擴散理論………………………………………… 37
第六節 結構方程模式………………………………………… 43
第七節 國內外相關實證研究之結果………………………… 48
第八節 綜合討論……………………………………………… 76
第三章 以德菲法篩選醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡之指標項目. 79
壹、研究方法……………………………………………………… 79
第一節 研究設計與流程………………………………………… 79
第二節 研究對象………………………………………………… 79
第三節 研究工具………………………………………………… 81
第四節 資料處理與分析………………………………………… 95
貳、研究結果……………………………………………………… 95
第一節 問卷回收情形…………………………………………… 95
第二節 描述性統計分析………………………………………… 96
第三節 第一回合與第二回合問卷調查結果差異分析…………105
第一節 重要研究結果討論………………………………………106
第二節 研究限制…………………………………………………108
第四章 住院病人對醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡的認知、態度
與使用意願……………………………………………… 110
第一節 研究架構、目的與假說…………………………………110
第二節 研究對象…………………………………………………118
第三節 研究變項之操作型定義…………………………………121
第四節 研究工具…………………………………………………124
第五節 資料處理與分析…………………………………………126
第一節 問卷信度及效度的檢定…………………………………129
第二節 樣本基本特質與研究變項的統計分析…………………130
第三節 研究假說與架構的驗證…………………………………170
第一節 重要研究結果討論………………………………………178
第二節 研究限制…………………………………………………187
第五章 結論與建議………………………………………………188
第一節 結論………………………………………………………188
第二節 建議………………………………………………………191
附錄三、醫院品質報告卡指標項目適用性及重要性評分問卷 212
(第二回合) ………………………………………………224
表2-1品質報告卡的種類及指標項目…………………………… 20
表2-2台灣有關醫療品質指標的實證研究……………………… 50
表2-3台灣用來評估醫院醫療品質的指標彙總表……………… 56
表2-4有關民眾(病人)選擇醫院(醫師)考量因素的實證研究… 58
關研究 ……………………………………………………… 66
表3-5適用性前十名指標項目及其平均值 ………………………103
表3-6重視度前十名指標項目及其平均值 ………………………104
表3-7適用性與重視度交叉分析矩陣表 …………………………104
表3-8高適用性且高重視度指標項目 ……………………………105
表3-9Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test 檢定結果………………… 109
表4-1研究對象分配表—依層級別、權屬別及性別分 …………120
表4-2預試問卷各成份信度結果 …………………………………125
表4-3有效樣本分佈情形—依醫院別 ……………………………131
表4-4樣本個人基本特質與就醫選擇資訊搜尋及需求狀況 ……133
表4-5對醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡的認知 ……………………137
程度…… ……………………………………………………139
表4-7醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡創新特性之描述性分析 ……140
分析………………………………………………………… 144
表4-9創新接受度量表之描述性分析 ……………………………145
素的雙變項分析 …………………………………………163
歸分析…… ………………………………………………169
表4-23整體模式之多元相關平方(SMC) …………………………171
圖4-1研究架構 ……………………………………………………111
圖4-2本研究之結構方程模式關係路徑圖 ………………………177
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電子商務企業國際化—以進入新興市場為例 / Internationalization of E-commerce Business: An Empirical Analysis of Emerging Market Expansion陳思吟, Chen, Szu Yin Unknown Date (has links)
企業著眼於國際市場機會進行國際化的同時,面臨到不同的阻礙,過去國際化的理論討論到影響國際化的速度、進入模式、國家選擇等的各種因素,但隨著產業的型態改變,以及進入國家的不同,國際化的歷程或是成功因素可能因而有所差異。因此,本研究欲探討電子商務在國際化的過程中,特別是進入新興市場國家時,由於電子商務尚未成為主要消費模式,電商企業的國際擴張將會受到哪些因素影響,不同於過去生產導向的國際化歷程,這些障礙又能夠如何被克服。過去學者曾討論外來者劣勢在企業國際化中的影響,但並沒有探討是否適用電商產業,由於產業特性的不同,以及母國市場與進入市場的差異,過去學者提出企業外來者的身份在新市場中面對外來者劣勢,然而,隨著電子商務產業的出現,亦有學者提出局外人劣勢才是新型網路企業在國際化中的主要劣勢,因此,本研究針對過去學者提出的從外來者劣勢(Liability of Foreignness)、局外人劣勢(Liability of Outsidership)出發,結合企業專屬優勢(firm-specific advantage)以及創新擴散理論(Diffusion of Innovations Theory),針對國內外共四家電商業者,採用深度訪談法歸納研究結果。研究結果發現雖然電子商務相較於一般企業在進行國際化初期,主要仍受到外來者劣勢影響,方能順利進入市場去處理身為局外人所帶來的劣勢,透過創新擴散理論的資訊溝通方式以及企業本身的專屬優勢,則可以有效降低進入所遇到的障礙,達到企業在東南亞市場成長的目標。 / During internationalization, firms seek growth opportunities in global markets, while being faced with various sources of obstacles and disadvantages. Previous researches and theories discuss the factors that influence the speed of internationalization, mode of entry, and country selection. However, with the change of industry, and the difference types of countries that are entered, the process of internationalization and the factors that influence the success might vary. As a result, the research aims at clarifying the variables that influence the internationalization of ecommerce corporations, especially when entering emerging markets. In the research, structured interviews were conducted to gain deeper understanding of the internationalization of 4 e-commerce firms. Our findings is that in emerging markets, e-commerce has not become the main stream; therefore, firms need to deal with both liability of foreignness and liability of outsidership because of the new technology and the role as a foreigner in the market. With the firm-specific advantages and the usage of online media and opinion leaders in the countries, e-commerce corporations are more likely to offset the liability that stems from foreignness and outsidership. However, the research shows that the liability of foreignness is more important and urgent for firms to overcome than liability of outsidership. Our research conceptualizes the framework for e-commerce internationalization and provides empirical evidence for the entry and growth in emerging markets.
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