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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

消費者價格彈性與通路價格策略 - 以洋芋片為例 / Consumer Price Sensitivity and Channel Pricing Scheme – A Case Study on Potato Chips

吳家萍, Wu, Jia Pin Unknown Date (has links)
消費者價格彈性與通路價格策略 - 以洋芋片為例 / With modest increase of wage level and increasing inflation of raw material prices in Taiwan, manufacturers face pressure in maximizing profit with limited pricing power. Price and pack size management become keys for revenue maximization. The idea of this research originates from the observations from a price increase project of a key salty snack manufacturer in Taiwan. In the project, the manufacturer increased both pack size and price per gram of chip, aiming to sell bigger pack sizes in PX Mart, where shoppers are mainly housewives who buy for households. The price increase led to different outcomes in different channels due to shoppers’ different sensitivity. As a result, a choice-based conjoint (CBC) analysis was conducted to find out if shoppers in Convenient Store (CVS) and PX Mart have different sensitivities for potato chips. Also, pack sizes and different promotions are combined to test if deeper promotion depth can offset the negative impact from price increases. From the effect of different combinations, we offer recommendations on the optimal pack size and pricing strategy for the salty snack category in CVS and PX Mart, respectively.

LED晶粒產業上市公司投資價值之研究 / Study on investment valuation of listed companies of LED chip industry

許經昌, Hsu, Jing-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
環境保護議題在今日已成為人類經濟活動中,除了「全球化」以外另一個引人重視的議題,而為達到環境保護,以維持共生環境之永續發展之目的,減少環境資源消耗與廢棄物的排放(節能省碳),可以說是效用最大的方法。歐盟在2006年7月1日RoHS法令開始施行後,在可預見的短期時間內,注重或從事環境保護相關的企業,將格外具有投資的價值,而在另一方面,隨著新興市場經濟的急速發展,對於資源的需求殷切,使得國際原油價格居高不下,並且可能持續漲升,所以從事節能相關的研究與應用,不僅是未來的趨勢,亦是企業未來的商機所在。因此,本研究選定具有環保及節能雙重利基的發光二極體(light-emitting diode, LED)晶粒產業進行研究與分析,目的在於提供企業經營者對於未來經營策略方向之參考,以及提供投資人採用價值投資法進行投資之考量依據,而研究結果對於後續研究者,亦將具有相當程度之參考價值。 本研究項目內容包括研究動機與目的及研究範圍與限制、文獻回顧與探討、產業整體分析、評價模式說明、實證研究結果與分析及結論與建議等六大項。 本計畫研究方法採用三階段現金流量折現模式。首先,對LED產業進行整體分析,然後就個案公司營運情況進行企業評價之前提分析,並將個案公司初步評價結果與股價歷史資料比較,以檢視評價結果之績效,且以產業未來可能發展景況評估個案公司股價合理區間;其次,將評價結果與目前市場股價作比較,並探討目前股價背後所隱含之變數值;最後利用敏感度分析來觀察個別關鍵評價因子對股價之影響程度。 在分別對銷售導向及盈餘導向DCF法採用不同權重進行綜合評價時,可得知晶電、璨圓、華上及泰谷公司,在銷售導向及盈餘導向DCF法評價結果之權重值分別為60%-40%、70%-30%、70%-30%及70%-30%時,有相對較低之年平均Theil’s U值0.272516、0.190505、0.138237及0.135523,即在該權重值下各個案公司之綜合評價結果可獲得相對較佳之評價績效。依據上述較佳評價績效之權重值,以2007年12月31日為評價日,進行晶電、璨圓、華上及泰谷公司之綜合評價,其合理的股價區間分別為每股61.07~134.88元、16.7~32.05元、9.87~31.19元及10.86~32.69元。 在影響股價變動的關鍵因子判斷上,由分析結果可知晶電公司盈餘成長率、總投資率及銷售成長率等因子每變動1%,對於股價之影響程度(包含正向或負向變動)皆大於1%,顯示此三項因子應為影響晶電公司股價變動之關鍵因子;對於璨圓公司而言,影響股價變動之關鍵因子則為銷售成長率及盈餘成長率;而影響華上公司股價變動之關鍵因子則僅有總投資率;至於影響泰谷公司股價變動之關鍵因子則包括總投資率、盈餘成長率、邊際利潤率及銷售成長率等4項。


黃韻如, Huang, Yun Ru Unknown Date (has links)

二次擔保債權憑證損失率敏感性分析: 以外層夾層分券為例 / The loss rate sensitivity analysis of CDO-Squared: On master mezzanine tranche

陳竑宇, Chen, Hung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要藉由逐次改變二次擔保債權憑證的內層分券金額佔資產池發行金額比例、內層分券下層信用保護金額佔資產池金額比例、資產池參考標的間違約相關性、到期期限、及違約回收率等五項影響二次擔保債權憑證損失發生機率的風險因子,結合蒙地卡羅模擬法及關聯結構法模擬交易架構中內層、外層分券不同損失率的發生機率,並利用彈性分析,衡量二次擔保債券憑證在每單位風險因子變動下,內層及外層分券的損失發生機率。 研究結果顯示,相同的風險因子對於內層與外層分券的損失發生機率的影響效果並不相同,此一現象有別於一般認為風險因子對內、外層分券損失發生機率影響效果相同的看法。此外,依據分券損失發生機率對每單位風險因子變化的彈性敏感性分析,分券損失發生機率受風險因子的影響可分為: 彈性為正且數值逐漸增加、彈性為正且逐漸下降、彈性為負且數值 (絕對值) 逐漸下降、及彈性為負且數值 (絕對值) 逐漸增加四類。外層夾層分券的損失發生機率對內層分券厚度占資產池金額比例的彈性為負,其數值 (絕對值) 隨著內層分券厚度占資產池金額比例的增加而下降。外層夾層分券的損失發生機率對內層分券下層信用保護金額佔資產池金額比例的彈性、及外層夾層分券的損失發生機率對參考標的違約回收率的彈性為負,且數值 (絕對值) 隨著下層信用保護比例及回收率的增加而上升。外層夾層分券的損失發生機率對參考標的違約相關係數的彈性為正,其數值隨著相關係數的增加而下降;外層夾層分券的損失發生機率對參考標的之到期期限的彈性為正,其數值隨著到期期限的增加而上升。 / The researchers of this study combined Monte Carlo simulation approach and copula method to change the following five risk factors: the thickness of inner CDOs tranche on CDO-squared, the subordination in master CDOs tranche, the correlation of reference entities, the maturity of reference entities, and the recovery rate of reference entities, with a purpose of simulating the loss possibility of CDOs-squared. Besides, by elasticity analysis, the researchers measured the change of loss rate according to the change of each risk factor per unit. The result of the study shows that the same risk factor has different influence on the loss rate of inner and master tranche of CDOs squared, which mismatches the general belief that the same risk factor has the same effect on the loss rate of inner and master CDOs tranche. In addition, according to the tranche loss possibility elasticity analysis to the risk factors, this research reveals that four categories can be made due to the effect which risk factors have on loss rate : positive and increasing elasticity, positive and decreasing elasticity, negative and increasing elasticity, and negative decreasing elasticity. We found that for the master mezzanine tranche: the elasticity of tranche loss possibility to the thickness of inner CDOs tranche of CDO-squared is negative and will decrease with the increasing thickness of inner CDOs tranche. The elasticity of tranche loss possibility to subordination in inner CDOs tranche and the elasticity of tranche loss possibility to the recovery rate of reference entities are both negative and will increase with the increasing subordination of inner CDOs tranche and the recovery rate of reference entities. The elasticity of the loss rate possibilities to the correlation of reference entities default is positive and will decrease with the increasing correlation of reference entities. The elasticity of loss possibilities to the maturity of reference entities is positive and will increase with the increasing maturity.


莊國仁, ZHUANG,GUO-REN Unknown Date (has links)
我國證券市場從民國七十五年起蓬勃發展以來, 到民國七十八年底止, 總投資開戶人 口已超過三百萬戶, 每日成交金額動輒壹千多億元, 其規模之大已躍居世界證券舞臺 重要地位, 僅次於日本及美國, 從理論上言, 任一理性投資或投機者所憑恃進出股市 者, 厥為基本分析或技術分析或兩者并用; 本論文從技術分析觀點對目前各種股價指 數之反應敏感程度作一深入研究, 欲探知在證券市場中長期波動走勢中, 何種股價指 數能在重要反轉時點儘早出現預警訊號, 得以警示或預知股市變動趨勢或走向, 那么 對於廣泛投資或投機大眾則貢獻良多矣。 本論文內容概分五章, 第一章緒論敘述研究動機與目的, 研究方法與限制, 并提出研 究架構; 第二章為對於各種股價指數編制方法之檢討, 因美國對股價指數之編制歷史 最悠久, 編制股價指數之機構最多, 且世界各國其主要證券市場對於股價指數之編制 大體師法美國編制方式, 而現今證券市場規模最大者依序為日本、美國及我國, 故本 章僅就美國、日本及我國證券市場主要股價指數之編制方法加以探討, 第三章則對於 各種技術分析方法加以探討, 并對於敏感度作一界定, 以便於技術分析方法之篩選, 第四章則選定民國七十五年起至七十九年二月止我國證券市場實際資料作一實證分析 , 并對其結果加以探討, 第五章則為結論與建議。


陳清文, Chen, Qing-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究動機:設備更新是經常面臨的問題。設備更新分析已發展出多種模式,可是 廠商未能充分使用,乃引發本研究對其中問題再做探討。 二、研究架構:(一)列舉設備更新面臨的問題。(二)探討各種模式是否解決前項問題 并做小幅度修正。(三)比較與選用模式。 三、研究重點:(一)綜合整理各種更新模式并比較應用。(二)時間幅度及不確定性對 各種模式及決策的影響。(三)設備更新計劃之擬定。(四)實證研究。 四、研究方法:(一)由文獻收集各種更新模式。(二)應用動態規劃法、隨機法、模擬 法等新式方法。(三)各種模式做敏感度分析,以供決策參考。


吳有臺 Unknown Date (has links)
中越關係,如同中蘇關係,是國際關係學習很好的一課。中越共50餘年的正式關係,大致言之,可分四個階段,第一階段自1950年至1964年,此為兩國關係最密切友好的時期。第二階段自1964年至1975年,雙方仍維持友好關係,然同時存在若干的磨擦和衝突,致雙方關係每下愈況。第三階段自1975年至1991年,此為兩國關係最惡化的時期,尤其在1979年「懲越戰爭」之後,有10餘年的時間,雙方中斷了正常的往來。第四階段自1991年迄今,兩國關係恢復正常,並穩步成長。 支配每個階段雙方關係演變的因素非常多,吾人可從國際及國家層次結合中越關係的實際發展情形,綜合歸納有以下五大變數主導兩國關係的發展:一、國際情勢。二、意識形態。三、民族矛盾。四、領土糾紛。五、軍經援助。這五大變數在中越關係每一個發展階段中,一直存在,並同時互為因果,交相作用。而且各變數在不同的階段,對兩國的關係具有不同程度的影響,其所導致的結果也有所不同。 亙中越關係發展的全期,五大變數中的國際情勢因素,始終都發揮較強的影響力,而在第三階段中,五大變數的影響力同時增強,並使雙方關係迅速惡化,此階段的中越關係亦為雙方53年關係的最低潮。 國家之間在政治、經濟和安全領域的相互依賴是國際關係,特別是現代國際關係中的一個重要的問題。它為國際的合作和衝突提供了更多更新的可能和機會。在53年的中越關係中,有合作友好的一面,也有衝突對抗的一面,這也正好是相互依賴關係的特徵之一。而因為相互依賴有導致國際衝突的內在傾向,中越間的衝突與對抗,就是這種內在的傾向被激化的結果。 五大變數不僅直接影響中越關係的發展,同時亦成為觀察雙方互賴關係的重要指標。如在軍經援助因素中,吾人可從中共對越南支援的質量,來判讀越南對中共依賴的程度;再如民族矛盾與領土糾紛因素中,吾人可從越南挑起此類問題的時機和其發生的頻率,來研析中越間敏感度與脆弱度的轉換;此外亦可從國際情勢及意識形態因素的變化中,來比較雙方主要需求的規模和替代性。

非語言敏感度的性別差異:權力差異與不同社會角色期待的效果探討 / Gender difference on nonverbal sensitivity: Due to power differentials or different social role expectations?

林怡秀, Lin, Yi Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
非語言敏感度(nonverbal sensitivity)指正確察覺與解釋他人非語言訊息的能力。過去研究發現女性的非語言敏感度優於男性,可以權力取向或社會角色理論解釋。權力取向認為女性在社會上缺乏權力,故需展現良好的非語言敏感度保障自己權益。社會角色理論認為女性擔任,或被期待擔任照顧者,因此培養良好的非語言敏感度。本研究同時探討權力取向與社會角色理論,嘗試比較兩個理論對非語言敏感度性別差異的解釋。本實驗採用兩人互動,透過權力差異的操弄與不同的議題(經濟提供者議題或照顧者議題)討論,探討互動時的非語言敏感度。每位受試者還觀看四部影片,測量無動機影響的非語言敏感度。結果顯示權力差異可解釋兩人互動的非語言敏感度,且資料型態符合權力差異者的動機解釋。而觀看影片時,相較於探討經濟提供者議題受試者,探討照顧者議題受試者有較佳的非語言敏感度。此外我們亦發現性別、權力與社會角色三因子交互作用,非語言敏感度會受到實驗分派的社會角色是否符合生理性別的傳統作業影響,符合預期狀態理論的觀點。 / Nonverbal sensitivity refers to the ability to accurately detect and decode nonverbal cues communicated by others. Past research showed that women enjoy superior nonverbal sensitivity over men. Power perspective and social role theory each provides explanations for women's superior nonverbal sensitivity. Power perspective suggests that due to the lack of power in the society, women count on their nonverbal sensitivity to get what they want and for protection. Social role theory suggests that women are more likely to be in or are usually expected to be in caretaker roles, which require their attending to others' verbal or nonverbal cues. As a result, women develop superior nonverbal sensitivity compared to men. We designed an experimental study to test explanations offered by power perspective and social role theory. In the experiment, two individuals were told to collaborate on a task either required them to be in the provider role mode (focusing on earning money) or caretaker role mode (focusing on taking care of others). Power difference was manipulated by assigning one of the two individuals to be a leader and the other follower in this task. Interactions were recorded upon participants’ consent. After interaction, the participants were asked to interpret nonverbal cues in their interaction. They were also told to view four video clips, and then report and interpret nonverbal cues in each video clip. The results suggest that nonverbal sensitivity in interaction can be best accounted for by explanations consistent with the power perspective. The powerful was better at “B sees Self” nonverbal sensitivity, and the powerless was better at “B sees Me” nonverbal sensitivity, consistent with motivational explanations. In addition, we found a three-way interaction of participant sex, power, and social role, suggesting that women had the best “B sees Me” sensitivity when they had no power and were in the provider role. And men showed the best “B sees Self” sensitivity when they had power and were in the provider role. The three-way interaction finding is consistent with predictions made by expectation states theory. However, when viewing four video clips, participants in the caretaker role had better nonverbal sensitivity than those in the provider role. Motivation was offered to account for the differential effects of power and social roles. By analyzing clips of the dyadic interactions, we found that the powerful showed more leader behavior such as deciding discussion direction, and the powerless showed more follower behavior such as stammering. However, the results of the clips did not account for the aforementioned findings of nonverbal sensitivity.


曾奕翔 Unknown Date (has links)
Stacy (1962)首先提出廣義伽瑪分配 (generalized gamma distribution),此分布被廣泛應用於存活分析 (survival analysis) 以及可靠度 (reliability) 中壽命時間的資料描述。事實上,像是指數分配 (exponential distribution)、韋伯分配 (Weibull distribution) 以及伽瑪分配 (gamma distribution) 都是廣義伽瑪分配的一個特例。 Bologna (1987)提出一個特殊的雙變量廣義伽瑪分配 (bivariate generalized gamma distribution) 可以經由雙變量常態分配 (bivariate normal distribution) 所推得。我們根據他的想法,提出多變量廣義伽瑪分配可以經由多變量常態分配所推得。在過去的研究中,學者們做了許多有關雙變量伽瑪分配。當我們提到雙變量常態分配,由於其分配的型式為唯一的,所以沒人任何人對其分配的型式有疑問。然而,雙變量伽瑪分配卻有很多不同的型式。 在這篇論文中的架構如下。在第二章中,我們介紹並討論雙變量廣義伽瑪分配可以經由雙變量常態分配所推得,接著推導參數估計以及介紹模擬的程序。在第三章中,我們介紹一些對稱以及非對稱的雙變量伽瑪分配,接著拓展到雙變量廣義伽瑪分配,有關參數的估計以及模擬結果也將在此章中討論。在第三章最後,我們建構參數的敏感度分析 (sensitivity analysis)。最後,在第四章中,我們陳述結論以及未來研究方向。 / The generalized gamma distribution was introduced by Stacy (1962). This distribution is useful to describe lifetime data when conducting survival analysis and reliability. In fact, it includes the widely used exponential, Weibull, and gamma distributions as special cases. Bologna (1987) showed that a special bivariate genenralized gamma distribution can be derived from a bivariate normal distribution. Follow his idea, we show that a multivariate generalized gamma distribution can be derived from a multivariate normal distribution. In the past, researchers spend much time in working on a bivariate gamma distribution. When a bivariate normal distribution is mentioned, no one feels puzzled about its form, since it has only one form. However, there are various forms of bivariate gamma distributions. In this paper is as following. In Chapter 2, we introduce and discuss the bivariate generalized gamma distribution, then the multivariate generalized gamma distribution is derived. We also develop parameters estimation and simulation procedure. In Chapter 3, we introduce some symmetrical and asymmetrical bivariate gamma distributions, then they are extended to the bivariate generalized gamma distributions. Problems of parameters estimation and simulation results are also discussed in Chapter 3. Besides, sensitivity analyses of parameters estimation are conducted. Finally, we state conclusion and future work in Chapter 4.

價格敏感度與價格比較之關係-探討行動裝置自我效能之調節效應 / Mobile Device Self-efficacy as a Moderator for the Relationship between Price Sensitivity and Price Comparison

魏啓源 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來行動裝置已是相當地普遍且普及率逐年快速成長,由Google在2013年對台灣的市場調查報告中可知,台灣智慧型手機普及率已達51%,而隨著各種不同功能的應用服務之增加,行動裝置已經改變了我們許多的生活習慣,其影響力更是不可忽視。 過去許多的文獻在探討與研究價格敏感度與消費者的比價行為之關係,但在行動裝置普及的情形下並沒有相關之研究,行動裝置對其關係之影響仍有許多探討之空間。因此本研究的目的是由行動裝置之自我效能作為調節變數,探討對價格敏感度與行動比價行為意圖之間關係的影響。 本研究採用網路問卷進行研究資料的蒐集,調查對象為擁有智慧型手機的一般消費者,共得有效樣本504份,並利用結構方程模式與多群組分析來驗證整體研究架構。研究結果顯示,行動裝置自我效能之調節效應被確立,當消費者的行動裝置之自我效能越高時,則會更加地影響價格敏感度高的消費者,使他的行動比價意圖相對變得更加強烈,且本研究揣測未來行動裝置自我效能高的消費者,只會隨時間而不斷增加,而商品資訊變得更加透明化,將造成消費者的價格敏感度大幅提升,使得消費者的行動比價意圖變高,進行比價行為。在行動裝置的普及下,消費者的價格敏感度與行動比價之間的關係會更加地強烈。未來後續研究可針對某感興趣的產品類別進行研究以便瞭解訂價策略之研擬,對於特定產品之研究在學術界與實務上皆深具意義。 / Mobile devices are more and more popular today. According to Google’s market report, smart phone penetration rate has reached 51% in Taiwan in 2013. With various features and increasing applications, mobile devices have changed our daily lives in many ways. There is much literature exploring the relationship between price sensitivity and price comparison behavior. However there is no such research exploring the relationship in a mobile device setting. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to study price comparison behavior on a mobile device. Specifically, I explore the moderating effect of mobile device self-efficacy on the relationship between price sensitivity and price comparison on a mobile device. In the paper, I develop a conceptual model according to literature review. To measure constructs in the model, I identify appropriate items based on literature and revise the items to fit the study. Data were collected using online questionnaires. The survey population is common shoppers in Taiwan who are using mobile device. Total 504 valid samples were obtained. As for data analysis, structural equation modeling (SEM) and multiple-group analysis were used to test the model. The results show that the moderating effect of mobile device self-efficacy is significant. Price-sensitive shoppers compare prices on a mobile device only when they consider themselves capable of operating the device. Specifically, for high price-sensitive shoppers, high mobile device self-efficacy make them much more intend to compare prices on a mobile device. The study has many implications especially when mobile device is becoming a commodity and product prices cannot be more transparent.

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