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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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當數位科技進入電視新聞室:科技採納、組織創新與效益評估 / When TV newsroom goes digital: Technology adoption, organizational innovation and benefit assessment

江海寧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究由創新採用的角度切入,主要目的在探討,我國電視新聞室走向產製數位化的過程,並探討在數位化的過程中,各台之間的發展差異所存在的重要影響因素,以及電視新聞室所採用的數位產製科技對組織與新聞從業人員所造成的影響。 本研究採半結構式深度訪談法與個案研究法,以三立電視台新聞部以及TVBS新聞部為研究個案,在兩家電視台中各訪問二位文字記者、二位攝影記者,以及一位後製/工程人員,以了解二個個案電視台採用數位化產製系統的情形與人員、組織的適應情況。 研究發現,我國電視台新聞室數位化的趨勢中,不同電視台推動新聞室數位化的策略有差異,研究發現,針對不同工作內容規劃在職教育、培養新聞人員對數位化的正確認知更是重要。 數位化的成效上,目前最大幫助在於後製,專題報導也因此獲得重視,數位剪輯設備可以讓專題新聞的呈現更精緻。 新聞工作方面,新聞採訪本身、新聞價值等基本規範不會改變,但是文字、攝影記者的工作因數位化而增加,攝影記者的角色因此變得像技術人員,新聞專業會不會因後製設備的便利而發生改變,這點還值得持續觀察。 數位化的挑戰主要來自於數位化設備的成本,其中數位片庫對整個新聞數位產製流程非常重要,但目前兩家電視台還缺少這方面完備的設備。本研究發現數位化確實能提升工作效益,但是無形的人力、時間成本和新聞室的管理、新聞工作者的學習都是極大挑戰,組織也必須懂得培養組織成員的創新能力。


蔡莞瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在探討台灣商業電視新聞,1996-2006年十年間,受收視率和置入性行銷影響,媒體如何形塑其下工作者,工作者的工作樣貌有什麼樣的轉變,以及如何自處和抵抗。 本研究以深度訪談和個案研究二種方式進行,訪談十位分屬六家衛星新聞台不同階層工作者,研究發現在收視率的部分,媒體從收視率數字開始即以一種近乎暴力的形式控制工作者,並透過採訪會議控制採訪組,收視率會議控制編輯系統和主播,使得其下工作者,從1996年前的政治力操控,轉變為收視率數字控制,精彩和收視數字凌駕一切規範,八卦娛樂和視覺感官化獲勝。 所幸,新聞工作者並不將自己囿於這樣的控制之下,開始有資深工作者努力在收視率之下,開創仍有新聞價值的題材,或者以品牌形象﹑外界力量﹑個人知識﹑影音技巧來抵抗收視率。 置入性行銷部分,因為收入來的最直接,所以媒體的控制往往來自最高階層的壓力,而沒有達到目標值的處罰控制力道往往大於獎勵,但是有不少媒體工作者為了躲避收視率的壓迫,仍然選擇留在置入性行銷的部門之中。 在這樣的控制力之下,媒體人漸漸學會置入性行銷大於一切的原則,不能得罪廣告主,廣告主負面新聞碰不得,不過資深工作者仍沒有放棄,他們發現因為正當性的問題,外界的力量會讓置入性行銷退縮,或者是做到領導品牌,讓廣告主臣服於專業之下,可以爭取到較大的操作空間,至於負面新聞,則可以以模糊原則偷渡。 收視率和置入性行銷這十年來,讓不少優秀媒體人打退堂鼓,期待從這些資深工作者生存下來的方式之中,為媒體人找到一條在離去與妥協之間的第三條路。 關鍵字﹕資深新聞工作者﹑收視率﹑置入行銷﹑市場導向﹑新聞產製﹑控制抵抗 / The purpose of the study is to investigate how audience ratings and placement marketing have influenced the commercial cable news in Taiwan and how news workers are molded by the media from 1996 to 2006.The present study further discusses the transitions of job trend among news workers, as well as how these workers place themselves and make a resistance in the job field. The research was conducted by in-depth interviews and case studies. Ten different news workers at different job levels, who belonged to six satellite news stations, were interviewed. From the perspective of viewership, the study indicates that news workers are violently manipulated by media through the ratings. The cover groups are restrained by pre-interview meetings; and the editing desks and news anchors are also controlled by meetings for ratings.Replacing the manipulation of political power before 1996, news workers are thus constrained by the ratings. Excitement and ratings figures override all standard norms. Gossip, entertainment and visual stimulations are the key factors. Fortunately, news workers do not wish to constrain themselves under such circumstances.Senior news workers began to seek valuable news topic and intended to resist the ratings by creating a leading image, seeking strength from the external, and increasing individual knowledge and audio-visual techniques. Placement marketing, the most direct profits for the media, often generates media control as the pressure from the staff of highest level. When the goal value was not achieved, the controlled strength through punishment was often stronger than rewards. To avoid pressure from ratings, many media workers have chosen to stay at the division of placement marketing.Under such controlling force, media people gradually learned a principle that placement marketing is greater than all others.They did not want to offend the advertisement host, nor would they want to cover any negative news against them. However, senior news workers had not given up. They realized the legitimate problems would retreat the placement marketing by means of public strength.It is possible to submit the advertisement host under the achievement of brand leadership. Thus a wider freedom of manipulation could be gained. As for the negative news, it is possible to sneak across blurredly. Within the last decade, ratings and placement marketing has discouraged many outstanding media people.The study anticipates to search the survival patterns from these senior workers and a third choice besides leaving and submitting for all media workers. Keywords : senior news workers, ratings, placement marketing, market-driven, news production, controlling resistance

數位化對電視新聞導播角色的改變 / The change of the role of a TV news director through digitalization

羅裕儀 Unknown Date (has links)
科技影響電視新聞產製流程,種種新科技的發明給電視新聞製作人員帶來了觀念、知識及技術上的衝擊不斷。台灣新聞台競爭激烈,為因應類比技術淘汰後數位技術的發展,民視、東森、大愛、年代、三立及TVBS都朝非線剪輯及無帶化發展,能將一支新聞完成帶同時提供二個以上的頻道使用,減少帶子播出的錯誤率。研究者曾為TVBS資深導播,長期親身參與新聞台數位化過程,記錄了導播知能與觀念的改變與因應方法,本文也期盼透過深度訪談各台新聞導播,探討新聞導播角色的三個面向: 1、 新聞產製流程最後一道關卡的導播,數位衝擊前後的角色與知能。 2、 數位衝擊的過程中在技術及觀念上如何回應。 3、 未來導播們該如何在心理和角色認知上做調整?並提出導播未來養成訓練的建議。 / Technology has impacted the procedure of news production. Various new innovations have also contributed to concepts, knowledge and continuous influence of TV news producing workers. As a result, it has been competitive in Taiwan news field. According to the development of the digital technology after eliminating analogy techniques, non-linear editing and tapeless production are the goals to be achieved for many companies, such as Formosa TV, ETTV, DaAi TV, Era TV, SetNews and TVBS. Offering one piece of edited news to two or more channels to broadcast reduces the mistakes. As a researcher, I had been a senior director in TVBS. Moreover, not only had I participated the digital procedure but also recorded the awareness of a director, the change of any concept and the methods of adjusting and solving the problems, Through the profound interviews with many directors of different TV companies, It is expected that I would like to discuss three aspects of a news director: 1. Being the last inspector of the news producing. the director’s characters and awareness shift after digital impact, 2. How does a director response to the techniques and the concept during the process of digital impact? 3. How do the directors adjust their roles in mind? There are some suggested solutions in the future program for directors-to-be.


呂惠敏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探討台灣電視台(含無線及有線)的經營管理者,在現今高度競爭的商業環境下,如何在新聞專業與市場導向兩股力量的拉扯下選取主播?會特別著重主播的哪些表現?本研究以半結構式訪談法,訪問國內十位電視台(含無線及有線)經營者及新聞部最高主管,了解這群重要的經營管理者如何看待電視新聞主播的「專業角色」。同時,決策主管對主播角色的認知和該電視台選擇、培訓及評估主播表現的關聯性為何,不同電視台有何異同之處。 研究主要發現如下: (一)決策主管選擇主播專業條件上,個人條件和播報技巧重於新聞專業。決策主管最重視主播「呈現新聞的能力」。 (二)市場因素挑戰新聞專業:主管評量主播受收視率和廣告收入影響,但影響程度不一。 (三)管理因素上,配合公司政策重於主播自主性,明星主播比起一般主播擁有較高的自主性。 (四)實務界主管考量、評選主播的思維可分為兩種模式,一種完全以市場因素為依歸,另一種強調商業與新聞專業兼具的雙元價值。 (五)決策主管對於主播為「明星主播」或「主播明星化」的認知不同,支援體系也不盡相同。

《紐約時報》新聞室數位化轉型歷程分析:1996~2016 / Analysis on the Digitalization of the New York Times Newsroom from 1996 to 2016

曾筱媛, Tseng, Hsaio Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
1996年來,《紐約時報》緊跟數位科技發展,跨媒體經營網站,其內部新聞室也出現轉折,以產製數位新聞目標,逐步調整新聞產製的內容與方式。本研究從新聞產製取徑出發,分析《紐約時報》自1996年到2016年間的新聞室數位化轉型歷程,剖析產製數位新聞與工作常規轉變之間的關聯性。經文獻回顧所整理的分析架構,將研究個案的分三階段探討:第一階段變革(1996-1999)、第二階段變革(2000-2007)、第三階段變革(2008-2016),文獻分析法,系統性地整理現有歷史資料,剖析研究個案在不同階段的轉型歷程。 研究發現,《紐約時報》在各階段數位科技發展中從未缺席,甚至積極擁抱改變,拋棄過往歷經百年的印刷報紙產製流程,以求市場領先地位。其歷年來的數位新聞服務多元,儘管過程中有些服務宣告失敗,但經營者與高層主管總有獨到見解,積極投入資源,內部新聞從業人員也總能快速因應,不斷招募新的數位科技人才,設立新職務,打造不同以往的新聞產製流程與工作常規。相較於過去,《紐約時報》網站與報紙新聞室之間的關係已經反客為主,從「網路優先」概念進展到「行動優先」,並持續在新聞室中拓展不一樣的新聞工作常規和產製流程,為《紐約時報》新聞室數位化轉型,埋下成功的因子。 / Today, journalists across the organization are hungry to bring about change while facing a vital moment where digitalization has pushed the entire newspaper industry to accelerate transformation. In the past few years, The New York Times, as a pioneer of the American newspaper industry, has tried to change news routines and produce progress that takes advantage of today’s changing media landscape. In light of the importance of digitalization, this case study takes a historical approach to analyze the digitalization of The New York Times newsroom from 1996 to 2016, as well as other endeavors, in order to provide a framework of the newspaper’s news routines during the digitalization era. The analysis framework is composed into three periods of time: 1996-1999, 2000-2007, and 2008-2016. This study concludes that as The New York Times is uniquely well-positioned to transform itself quickly, it buried the traditional news routines of print newspaper and moved forward to make digital progress as soon as possible. Their digital-first strategy is still ongoing, and, as a result, this report shows that The New York Times has played a vital role in a changing world and has brought about different types of digital progress.


李昭安 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是以較常接觸、處理外籍配偶新聞報導的平面媒體記者為研究對象,並由「新聞組織」、「記者個人」和「消息來源」三大面向切入,透過與十四位不同採訪路線記者的深度訪談,深入探究記者在產製外籍配偶新聞報導的過程中,將如何受到其所屬媒體的組織文化、編輯政策、組織決策、採訪路線安排,以及記者個人的人口特質、族群態度、新聞專業意理,甚至是消息來源主觀態度與立場等因素的影響。   研究發現,影響記者報導外籍配偶新聞的重要因素包括:新聞組織的商業邏輯、上層長官喜好、採訪路線安排、消息來源立場,以及記者個人的認知與知識基模等,這些因素都是造成記者以特定新聞框架看待外籍配偶議題的結構性因素。   訪談發現,記者報導外籍配偶新聞時,多呈現以下幾種不同新聞框架,包括:「以商業邏輯為主」、「偏重衝突對立」、「同情弱勢受害者」、「社會光明面」、「翻轉刻板印象提供進步知識」以及「以本地人為優先」。而上述框架的出現,主要受到記者所屬「採訪路線」的影響。   整體來說,較少直接接觸外籍配偶個案,或多接觸負面個案的記者,較容易對外籍配偶抱持刻板印象,而且容易以偏概全。相反的,當記者透過中介團體轉介或個人人脈累積,而有較多機會直接接觸、採訪外籍配偶時,將有助於改變記者看待外籍配偶的族群態度,縮短彼此的族群距離,進而修正記者原本存有的刻板印象或偏見。由此可知,增加記者與外籍配偶間的「社會接觸」(social contact),的確有助於縮短兩者間的族群距離,並改善記者原本對於內外團體認知的藩籬。   本研究發現,把記者視為「行動者」進行研究,可深入瞭解組織、記者個人和消息來源因素如何交錯對記者的外籍配偶新聞產製造成影響。而此分析取徑也可提供「族群傳播研究」和「弱勢新聞再現研究」新的觀察視野,讓後續研究更加重視「記者個人刻板印象與意識形態」、「組織決策」及「消息來源傳播策略」等因素在族群新聞產製過程中的重要性,以及所可能帶來的影響。

即時通訊科技使用於新聞採訪之探討 / Journalists Adopt Instant Messaging on the Impact of Newsgathering

陳弘志, Chen, Hung Chih Unknown Date (has links)
即時通訊(Instant Messaging)盛行之今已十年,新聞產製也因引進新科技逐漸產生質變。鑑於即時通訊相關研究目前尚未觸及「新聞產製」領域,本研究嘗試初步探討即時通訊對新聞產製工作的影響,並希望藉此研究發現,提供新聞產業未來改進與檢討的參考。本研究描繪新聞記者於新聞產製過程中,如何運用即時通訊彼此溝通,以及如何對新聞產製過程造成影響,與出現哪些利益與弊端。 本研究採質化深度訪談,輔以圈內人記者身份,透過參與觀察,融入研究對象群時間一共四年,研究發現:(一)記者使用即時通訊的動機是基於完成新聞採訪任務、(二)記者新聞採訪工作仰賴即時通訊、(三)新聞室控制藉由新科技工具延伸、(四) 記者與消息來源之間的訊息傳遞,仍傾向使用傳統的「面訪、電訪」管道、尚未積極運用即時通訊、(五)用於新聞職場的即時通訊工具,仍具有個人私密領域的特性、(六) 新聞記者使用即時通訊交換訊息,出現新聞觀點同質化現象、(七)新聞產業精簡人力下,新聞圈默認同業間複製新聞與改寫現象。 本研究建議:(一)重新定位即時通訊工具於新聞產製過程的價值、(二)新聞界須正視新聞複製與觀點同質化現象、(三) 即時通訊納入新聞正規作業體系將成趨勢。 / Instant Messaging (IM) has been popular for a decade, and news production has changed due to IM. Since the research of IM does not reach out to the area of news production, this thesis is going to explore the influence of IM toward news production. The thesis will describe how journalists communicate with each other by IM through the news production process, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using IM. This study is a qualitative research methods with deep views. Through participant observation of a inside journalist, it took 4 years to discover the results, which are (1) Journalists use IM is based on the motivation of complete news covering task, (2) Journalists rely on IM to complete the task of newsgathering, (3) "Social control in the news room" extends control by IM, (4) The communications and interactions between Journalists and the news sources is still traditional, which are interviewing, or by telephone, not IM, (5) Using IM in newsgathering is still has personal and private, (6) Journalists use IM to exchange information, news reporting appears the same point of view, (7) under the condition of downsizing manpower in the news industry, the press tacitly agreed to the phenomenon of “news copy and news rewrite”. The thesis recommended: (1) re-positioning IM in the process of news production value, (2) the Press must face up to the phenomenon of “news copy and the news viewpoint homogenization”,(3) IM into the news operating system will become a trend.

台灣電視新聞正確性之個案研究 / The Case Study of Television News Accurency in Taiwan

高明慧, Kao, Ashley Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探討哪些因素會影響台灣電視新聞的正確性、以及記者報導新聞錯誤的原因,除了探討傳統認知新聞性質、新聞取得方式、記者本身專業程度對新聞內容影響外,本研究也嘗試分析媒介組織常規、意識形態如何影響記者新聞報導的正確性。本研究採用個案研究及深入訪談兩種研究方法,選擇科學、生活、司法三種新聞類型之三則新聞報導為個案,深入訪談六位撰稿記者以及三位消息來源,深入了解哪些因素可能影響電視新聞正確性以及記者報導錯誤發生的原因。 研究主要發現如下: (一)不論何種類型新聞,電視新聞主觀錯誤多於客觀錯誤。 (二)對新聞觀點的不同及電視新聞篇幅限制,造成消息來源與記者對錯誤認知歧見嚴重 (三)媒介組織機構常規與政策影響新聞「正確性」最嚴重。 (四)影響新聞正確性因素,隨著新聞類型不同,影響程度亦有所不同。 / This research mainly conducts the causes to influence the news accuracy of television news in Taiwan, and the reason why journalists make mistakes while reporting. Besides the influence of news content caused by traditional acknowledged news, the methods to obtain news, professionalism of journalists, this research also try to analyze how the ideology and the policies of media organization impact on the news accuracy of individual journalists. This research adopts case study method and in-depth interview method, choosing three reports from science, leisure, and juristic categories as study cases, and interviewed six journalists and three sources, to figure out the causes to influence the news accuracy of television news and the reason why journalists make mistakes while reporting. Findings of this research: 1.Despite of the type of news, television news has more subjective errors than objective errors. 2.Difference of viewpoints toward news and the time limitation of television news result in different opinions of misapprehension between journalist and source. 3.Rules and policies of media organization are most influential to the news accuracy. 4.The causes to influence news accuracy are different due to the type of news, the degree of impact also differs.

台灣群眾資助新聞產製過程之研究 / The production process of crowdfunding journalism in Taiwan

陳品君, Chen, Pin Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過內容分析法和深度訪談法探討台灣新聞集資發展的發展概況,包含新聞內容產製者如何執行集資計畫,以及對新聞業和記者工作型態有何影響或變化。 研究結果顯示,在所有新聞集資提案中,提案數量最多的發起方類別是公民記者/團體,但他們大多自行摸索如何產製新聞,需要更多資源和專業後援以提升作品質量。傳播科系學生則透過新聞集資計畫實踐所學,新聞集資提案如同一小型創業,當前創業新聞學成為一股趨勢,未來學校教育除提供相關技能以及商業知識外,也應該引導學生探討專業倫理問題。傳統商業新聞媒體則是還沒將集資視為產製過程中的財物來源之一,尚未積極涉及新聞集資領域。 五年來的新聞集資圖像包含因社會運動熱潮推向高峰;另外至少有三成提案的發起方甘冒於更大的風險到國外取材;新聞集資也是長期追蹤議題、報導主流媒體忽視議題的可行管道。這些特點使得整體新聞集資題材更加多樣。 深度訪談八位新聞集資計畫的提案者。分析結果顯示,提案者寧願身兼多職或多工擁抱產製中的種種限制和不確定性,圖的是報導自由度以及更多時間追蹤議題並與受訪對象互動。提案者的產製運作情形因集資平台營運模式的不同有所差異。國內目前有兩家新聞集資平台:weReport、SOS。前者採非營利型、一次性集資,定位偏向提供「種子資金」育成入門報導者;後者採用營利型、持續訂閱集資,希望成為寫作者固定營收源,運作策略上強調個人品牌以及內容獨特性。 關於提案方和資助方之間的互動,新聞產製過程中的主導權多落在提案者或報導者手中,社群參與情形如啦啦隊的支持角色,積極的新聞協作功能不易實現。至於平台方和資助者的關係,雖然平台方在集資期間對於提案者的資訊揭露下了不少功夫,可惜多數平台並不追蹤計畫後續執行情形,僅由提案方自發維持。 本研究建議群眾資助新聞的轉型應朝向長期發展。除了關注社群形成以及產製過程經驗的累積,不可忽視的著力點還有「將新聞需求人口轉變為消費人口」。而無論新聞集資如何演變,至少得保持過程中的開放與透明特性。 / This study based on content analysis and in-depth interviews, explored the development of crowdfunding journalism, including how news content producers implement crowdfunding projects and how this emerging model influences or changes journalism and journalists’ work. The results revealed that citizen journalists constitute the largest proportion of crowdfunders of crowdfunding journalism projects. Citizen journalists continually explore news production independently and require more resources and professional support to raise the quality of their work. Communication students apply what they have learned by pitching projects, just like a micro start-up. Currently, entrepreneurial journalism has become a trend. In addition to providing skill training and teaching business knowledge, schools should lead students to discuss professional ethics issues. Traditional news media do not consider crowdfunding as a financing source and are not actively involved in this field. Over the past 5 years, crowdfunding journalism has peaked because of social movements. Crowdfunders of at least 30% of project seem willing to endure risky conditions abroad to gather news. Crowdfunding journalism is also an option for reporters who would like to follow a particular issue for a long time. All of these features increase the diversity of the overall subjects of crowdfunding news. In-depth interviews were conducted with eight crowdfunders. The crowdfunders revealed that they would rather take on multiple roles, undertake multiple tasks or stand the various constraints and uncertainty during the news production, in order to have the freedom of the press and much more time to track the issues and interact with their interviewees. Crowdfunders’ production practices varied from diverse business models of crowdfunding platforms. Two crowdfunding journalism platforms are available in Taiwan: weReport and SOS. weReport adopts a nonprofit, one-time funding model, and prefers to provide “seed money” for new entrants. SOS adopts a profit-based subscription model in the hope of providing writers stable funding; the business strategy of SOS emphasizes individual brands and content uniqueness. Crowdfunders or reporters usually take the initiative in news production, compared with donors. Community participation plays a supporting role, but active news collaboration from communities is not easy to achieve. Regarding the relationship between platforms and donors, although platforms endeavor to maintain information transparency, most platforms do not follow up, depending on crowdfunders' self-discipline. This study suggests that the transformation of crowdfunding journalism will move toward long-term development. In addition to focusing on community building and accumulating news production experience, the issue of “turning the news-demanding population into a news-consuming population” must not be overlooked. However, regardless of how crowdfunding journalism develops, the process should remain open and transparent.

壓力下的新聞室:權勢消息來源的互動與影響 / Newsroom under pressure: the interaction and influence of news power sources

詹慶齡 Unknown Date (has links)
政治鬆綁之後的台灣社會,電視新聞逐步走向市場化,台灣電視台百家爭鳴競爭激烈,卻讓呼吸到自由空氣的媒體如今陷入生存窘境,對外部資源的依賴日益加深,掌握媒體生存資源的外部團體因此得以對媒體施展權力,介入新聞產製過程,影響或控制新聞內容。本研究旨在探討當前台灣的電視新聞面對哪些權勢消息來源,媒體與權勢消息來源如何互動,權勢消息來源如何發揮權力影響新聞產製,以及電視新聞如何因此改變工作常規與守門機制。 本研究透過參與觀察和深度訪談兩種方式,提出以下幾點研究發現: (一) 社會權力結構與系統擴大,權勢消息來源型態日趨多元,對媒體施壓手法複雜卻粗糙。 (二) 電視新聞以市場為導向,媒體主要壓力來源從過去的政治統治者轉移到握有經濟資本的廣告主,如今商業力量已大過傳統的政治控制。 (三) 強勢的權勢消息來源高高在上,使得記者難以與之互動,雙方權力失衡且缺乏「共舞」意願,「探戈」理論受到挑戰。 (四) 媒體購買公司興起,取代公關公司,成為與媒體溝通的重要角色。 (五) 媒體所有權人盤據組織內權力最高點,對媒體組織的影響力持續增強放大當中。 / Political democratization in Taiwan has brought about an era where market forces, not political factors, now dictate television journalism. As commercial competitive forces have intensified, many TV news stations in Taiwan are struggling to survive. Similarly, as TV stations have become increasingly dependent on external resources, these resources now are in a position to exert pressure on TV media by interfering with news production and content. The objectives of this thesis are to analyze: 1). the new power influencers that Taiwan’s TV news stations are facing 2). the interaction between TV media and these influencers 3). how the influencers use their power to interfere with the production of TV news 4). how the power influencers have changed both the routinized work flow of TV media and the role of TV media as gatekeeper Through first-person observations and in-depth interviews, the following research conclusions are drawn: 1. The market influencers that impact TV media have become more complicated as a result of the expansion and openness of Taiwan’s social structure and system. Moreover, the methods through which the influencers interfere with TV media are complex yet crude at the same time. 2. As market forces are now driving TV media, advertisers have replaced politicians as the primary influencer of TV media, and commercial forces now carry much more clout than political factors. 3. The “Tango Theory” faces a great challenge in TV media because of the power imbalance between TV journalists and those who wield power over them. 4. Conglomerates that acquire media companies have replaced public relations firms as the most important stakeholder in media communications. 5. The power of the “insiders” who wield the greatest influence over TV media is continuing to increase.

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