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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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訂價方案與品牌關係規範對品牌評價之影響 / The Effect of Pricing Strategy and Brand Relationship Norms on Brand Evaluations

張尹馨 Unknown Date (has links)
競爭激烈的市場上,產品差異化不再是銷售萬靈丹,廠商愈來愈注重維持與現有客戶的關係。關係行銷時代,企業想與其目標客戶建立緊密之關係,而「品牌」就是用來連結企業與顧客間之橋樑。品牌最重要的任務是與消費者建立關係,成功的品牌可以和顧客建立緊密關係。 / 本論文之研究目的在於探討訂價策略符合品牌關係規範與否,會如何影響消費者對訂價策略與品牌整體之評價。研究採用2x2實驗設計的方式,測試在不同關係情境(共榮關係、交易關係)及不同訂價方案(收費、不收費)下,消費者對該品牌之評價有何差異。研究發現品牌訂價方案違犯品牌關係規範時,消費者會給予品牌較差之評價。建議與客戶建立品牌關係後,企業一切活動需要密切遵守關係規範。廠商要努力維護良好品牌關係,進行遵守品牌關係規範之訂價方案與品牌活動。企業唯有密切遵守與顧客間應有之關係規範,這樣才能增加顧客對品牌之信任。企業應同時採取關係行銷策略,讓消費者願意跟品牌建立更親密之關係,甚至進而成為品牌之忠誠客戶。企業需維持忠誠顧客群之穩定度,並建立顧客資料庫,以便企業對其目標市場之客戶需求有更深入的認識,即時推出差異化產品滿足顧客需求,同時提升為消費者創造價值的能力。 / In the competitive market where product differentiation wouldn’t guarantee sales, companies care more about the relationships with their customers. At the age of relationship marketing, “brand” is the bridge to connect with the customers. Building relationship with the consumers is an important function of the brand. / The result of the experiments shows that a pricing strategy that is in violation of a relationship norm leads to a poorer evaluation by the consumers relative to the strategy that conforms to the relationship norm. People in a communal relationship evaluate the brand and its actions more positively when the action is in keeping with communal norms than when the action is in violation of communal norms.It’s suggest that once the brand build the relationship with their customers, in order not to hurt the relationship the brand’s actions should firmly comform to the brand relationship norms. Norm violation will cause consumer’s negative evaluation toward our brand. And consumers’ responses wew not limited to the specific brand’s action but extended to their overall brand evaluations as well. Companies should maintain the comformity between brand actions and their relationship norms which can keep the long-term relationship with the customers.


魏百延 Unknown Date (has links)
非營利組織的研究在社會的變遷中,已被日趨重視,因為非營利組織的功能已經由先前為了個人理念奮鬥,走向政府的代理人,逐漸的代替政府提供服務,彌補其不足,其貢獻十足深遠。現在有關文獻多數以個案的分析為主,也有討論非營利組織的興起、管理面向,但對於在非營利組織中勞動者的勞資關係卻少見著墨,此故,本研究將針對此作深入的探討。 本研究主要目的在瞭解非營利組織的組織文化與勞資關係的影響,並且以有申請行政院勞工委員會多元就業開發方案之臺北市、縣組織為例,比較不同背景的人員以及不同性質的組織對組織文化與勞資關係的認知差異,最後再加以探討組織文化與勞資關係之關係。 本研究以調查研究為主,文獻探討為輔。在調查研究方面,係針對臺北市、縣申請多元就業開發方案之組織人員共計215位進行問卷調查,回收118份,有效問卷117 份,依據調查所得資料以平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t檢定、Pearson積差相關法及交叉列表等統計方法,進行資料處理分析。 本研究的主要發現為: 一、受訪的非營利組織之組織文化及勞資關係的現況,整體而言尚稱良好。 二、不同的人員背景與組織型態不同的非營利組織對組織文化與勞資關係的 認知在身份屬性、就業年資、學歷及組織申請方案類型等具有顯著差異的存在。 三、非營利組織的組織文化與勞資關係具有正相關,表示組織文化的知覺愈高,則勞資關係愈佳。 綜合所有文獻以及研究發現,作者認為為健全受訪的非營利組織能永續運作,形塑好的勞資關係氣氛,應朝兩方面著手:一、建立組織文化,型塑發展文化氣氛;二、暢通勞資互動,發展員工工作技能。

以活動理論分析幼兒親職教育方案之研究 / A Research on Analyzing Early Childhood Parental Education Program Based on Activity Theory

符少綺, Fu, Shao Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在以活動理論為分析架構,探究家長參與研究者自編「家長手作方案」課程的過程中,學習社群的變化以及產生矛盾現象之原因,最後提供解決方式,做為日後親職教育課程之參考。 本研究以台灣北部某私立幼兒園四位家長為研究對象,採行動研究方法。歷經三個月共九次課程之實驗。根據活動理論中的七個組成要素,包含主體(subject)、目標(object)、社群(community)、工具(tools)、規則(rules)、分工(division of labor)以及結果展現(outcome),分析「幼兒親職教育方案」在活動系統中展現與實施之歷程,以及過程中所遇到之矛盾現象。 本研究資料蒐集透過課程觀察記錄、實際課程運作情況、LINE網路社群對話紀錄以及訪談資料,並採用MAXQDA軟體進行分析,透過持續進行資料與概念的比較,找出核心概念,最後總結出研究的結果。經過資料蒐集、分析與詮釋,研究發現如下: 一、「家長手作方案」活動系統各要素環環相扣、相互交織,能系統性解 決活動進行中的矛盾現象,讓課程得以順利進行、有效落實親職教 育。 二、「家長手作方案」對家長學習之影響,包含家長手作特性、親子互動 模式以及家長在學習過程中自我的轉變等變化,透過本方案有效改變 家長落實親職教育之態度。 三、親職教育的新角度-以學習社群介入親職教育,不僅增加成員間的凝 聚力與認同感,更有效提升成員的學習成效。 四、透過網路學習社群的輔助,與教學虛實合一,能促進家長的交流與課 外聯繫,提升家長的學習效能。 透過活動理論發現,以學習社群方式進行親職教育,有助於提升家長親職效能、情緒抒發與經驗分享;運用網路學習社群的輔助,建立成員間更深厚的凝聚力與認同感,彼此鼓勵與支持,在教育孩子路上攜手結伴同行。 / Using activity theory as a structure, the purpose of this study was to investigate the change and the reasons of conflicts occur during the parents engaged in the “hands-on project” curriculums developed by researcher. The solutions were provided as references for future parental education curriculum development. Participants are four parents of a private kindergarten in northern Taiwan. This research is an action research. Within three months, there are total nine times of courses. According to activity theory, there are seven elements including subject, object, community, tools, rules, division of labor and outcome. Using these elements, this study analyze the presentation, process and problems showed during “early childhood parental education program”. The data included observation of the classroom when the courses were given, the conversation record on an instant messenger called “Line”, and the record of interview. With MAXQDA as an analysis tool, the data were compared over and over until the main concepts were clear enough. The results showed that: 1.The elements in “early childhood parental education program” were linked with others so that it could solve the contradiction during the activities systematically. 2.The influences of “early childhood parental education program” included the change of parents’ handwork habits, the model parents interact with their child and the self-development during the learning process. Through this project, the attitudes of parents toward childhood parental education have been changed. 3.This new way –learning community in parental education— not only gains the members’ sense of identification to the group but helps them learn more efficiently. 4.With the web-based learning community after school can promote the interaction between parents, also facilitate the learning efficiency of parents. Overall, through activity theory and using learning community in parental education could raise parents’ parental efficiency, release their emotion and share experiences with each other in the group. With web-based learning community can gather the group members and construct their sense of recognition to the group. Thus, the group members can help with each other and conquer difficulty in the process of education.

時間與空間的另類喘息:家庭照顧者使用支持性方案之經驗 / Alternative Respite in Time and Space: Caregivers' Experience in Using Supportive Programs

蔡曉欣, Tsai, Hsiao Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
家庭照顧者的照顧負荷沉重,其多表達有支持性服務的需要,故針對家庭照顧者使用支持性方案之經驗,頗值得研究加以探討。本研究目的為瞭解家庭照顧者使用支持性方案的情形為何,進而探索使用服務期間從事活動的經驗,剖析家庭照顧者在使用支持性服務期間重新回復能量之過程。 本文採質性研究法,以深度訪談法蒐集資料,訪談樣本來自台灣失智症協會,共有4位失智症照顧者接受訪談。主要研究結果如下﹕ 1.家屬使用「各項家庭照顧者支持性方案」的情形,以瑞智學堂、瑞智互助家庭、家屬聯誼會為例,進而比較上述三項服務方案之異同:(1)學堂到互助家庭,家屬「聚在一起」和「舒緩的時間」更多;家屬更懂得「釋放關心」。(2)從學堂到家屬聯誼會:「家屬未經組織的團體聚會」到「成為團體成員後的聚會」。(3)服務對象與受惠對象方面,學堂服務對象以「失智長者為主,長者受惠較多」;互助家庭以「長者和家屬為主,家屬受惠較多」;家屬聯誼會以「家屬為主,家屬受惠較多」;但其實「長者與家屬之間具有相互性」,家屬獲益之後,更能以健康的身心靈來提供長者的照顧,相對的,長者的功能得以維持或減緩退化,亦有益於家屬提供照顧。 2.家屬的需求與動力是推動支持性方案重要的推展,從學堂到互助家庭的歷程,家屬與長者有三個階段的活動經驗,包含麻將班、烹飪班以及樂樂班,其顯示家屬有時間、空間以及活動參與的需求。 3.家屬使用服務期間從事活動獲得「心理喘息」的要素,可就休閒與休息、自我效能感、團體的歸屬感、採取行動的層面進行分析,分別為(1)休閒與休息:「才能展現」、「享受說話」以及提升生活「滿意感」;(2)自我效能感:「學習」、「突破」、「成就感」的過程,增進自我效能感;(3)團體的「歸屬感」,以及(4)社會貢獻的使命和生命的「意義感」,可見家屬由照顧者蛻變成助人者的軌跡。 / The caregivers in families carry a heavy responsibility, and many of them express the need for supportive services. As such, their experience in using supportive programs warrants further study and examination. In this study, we aim to first understand how such programs are being used. Next, we examine the restorative process in which caregivers use such services to gain respite. This study used the qualitative research approach, and collected data from Taiwan Alzheimer's Disease Association and included semi-structured in-depth interviews with four caregivers of the elderly with dementia. The research findings were listed below: 1.We studied the following three supportive programs and analyzed their similarities and differences: the School of Wisdom, the Family of Wisdom, and the Family Club. (1) As the group progresses from the School of Wisdom to the Family of Wisdom, family members have more and more time to spend together and respite time; they also tend to show more care for others. (2) As the group progresses from the School of Wisdom to the Family Club, unorganized group gatherings evolve into organized gatherings for members of the group. (3) The target participants for the School, the Family and the Club are, respectively, senile seniors, seniors and their families, and families; the beneficiaries of the programs are seniors, families, and families. However, there is also an interrelation between seniors and their families: families who benefit from improved mental, physical and spiritual health are better able to care for their seniors. Vice versa, it is easier for families to care for seniors who are able to maintain or mitigate the degeneration of their daily functions. 2.The needs and motivations of families are pivotal drivers for supportive programs. Throughout the evolution from the "School" to the "Family", families and seniors go through three stages of participation in activities, namely, mahjong classes, cooking classes and hobby classes. The progress reveals the families' need for respite time and space and their levels of participation. 3.Families enjoy a restorative mental break by participating in activities. We analyzed the key elements of this mental break: leisure and rest, self-efficacy, belongingness, and level of participation. (1) Leisure and rest: display of talent, enjoyment of talking, and enhanced satisfaction toward life. (2) Self-efficacy: enhanced self-efficacy through the process of learning, breakthrough and sense of achievement. (3) Belongingness: the sense of belonging to a group. (4) Level of participation: the sense of mission to contribute to the society and meaning of life demonstrated by the families show an evolution from being the caregiver to the one who helps others.

從新公共服務觀點探討青年就業政策之執行─以大專畢業生企業職場實習方案為例 / A study of the implementation of youth employment policy for the viewpoints of new public service: a case study of the internship program of college graduation. A study of the implementation of youth employment policy for the viewpoints of new public service: a case study of the internship program of college graduation.

葉鴻儒, Hong, Ju Yeh Unknown Date (has links)
青年失業問題自從八十年代起就已成為先進工業國家中的一個重要議題,而在當今的台灣也不例外。2009年台灣的整體失業率已進逼6%大關,青年失業率更是達到近15%,情勢相當危急。對此政府推出預算高達120億元新台幣的「大專畢業生至企業職場實習方案」(簡稱企業實習方案),於95至97學年度的大學畢業生,以期能降低青年失業率,減緩經濟壓力。但方案在規劃之初與執行過程中,即遭受質疑與批評聲浪不斷,使得實行的美意與目標和實際狀況間呈現落差。 新公共服務(New Public Service)自2000年由Denhardt夫婦提出之後,有學者認為應該用新公共服務理論來檢視台灣的政府治理,並做為政府再造、行政革新的價值主流。因此本文首先根據國內外文獻及各國際組織如國際勞工組織(International Labour Organization,ILO)、經濟合作發展組織(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD)與行政院主計處的統計資料,探討台灣青年失業問題現況與因素、特性與影響,以及各國對策等;接著就新公共服務的理論與核心概念及企業實習方案,進行整理與歸納。並就執行方案的學校行政人員、企業主管、大專畢業實習生、教育部與龍華科技大學等主管協辦機關等,進行面對面深度訪談,以了解該方案在執行層面上的現況。結果發現:在規劃面上,政府意欲解決當前青年失業問題、強化學校與企業產學合作,可謂立意良善;在執行上,因為時間急迫性與人力吃緊,而造成手忙腳亂的情形出現;在成果上,對於當前青年失業問題之緩解,及減少失業所造成的社會排除問題,確實有所裨益,然而因配套措施與規範不足,間接造成新鮮人起薪過低及人力資源低度運用等情形產生。 新公共服務精神的相符性上,服務構面獲得較高的認同;課責上因教育部非就業的專門機關,因此普遍不獲認同;至於信任構面,則是呈現分歧態度,總體而論,在某程度上符合新公共服務精神,然仍有相當大的改善幅度。政策建議方面,主責機關應再慎重選擇並及早規劃與配置人力,避免手忙腳亂局面;同時並加強配套措施。最後仍須從整體產業結構與產學發展,來規劃全面長遠的青年就業政策。

The Quartet Road Map: A Study on its Solutions to Israeli-Palestinian Conflict / 四方路徑圖:對其解決以巴衝突方案之研究

保經榮, Pao, Ching-yung Unknown Date (has links)
自十九世紀中葉,猶太人第一次遷徙到巴勒斯坦,已經過一百五十餘年。猶太民族與世居巴勒斯坦的阿拉伯人,原本還算和睦相處。惟隨著歐洲民族主義的復興,猶太人在受到歐洲人迫害後,亦隨之興起在巴勒斯坦建國的思想。猶太復國主義崛起(Zionism),巴勒斯坦的歷史,從此展開了新頁。 猶太人自廿世紀第二次遷徙至巴勒斯坦後,採取激進的屯墾措施,以巧取豪奪的方法自巴人手中不斷取得土地,擴大版圖,排除在佃地世代務農的巴勒斯坦農民,改僱猶太人,造成佃農生活難以為繼,紛爭於是展開,難以平息,逐漸惡化成衝突,最後導至1936年巴人大規模反抗行動,以巴衝突正式展開,直至二十一世紀。 本論文從歷史發展的脈絡來分析四方路徑圖所提出的解決方案,首先研究自1948至1990年來,在以色列佔領下,以巴衝突的特質(第二章)。其次研究自1991至2002年,第一次巴勒斯坦人民起義後,奧斯陸原則宣言至美國大衛營談判破裂,以巴雙方在終止占領、建立自治政府、移轉權力、交還土地(包含屯墾區)等四方面的履行的情形,來觀察以色列在締結和平協定背後的戰略意圖(第三章)。再研究第二次巴勒斯坦人民起義後,由美國領導,歐盟、俄羅斯及聯合國四方共同參與的四方路徑圖,其所提出的兩國方案,是否可以消弭以巴衝突,從而建立雙方和平。其中值得注意的是以色列所採取的兩手策略:─面進行和平談判,一面準備單方隔離計畫。並對路徑圖未來可能的發展提出看法(第四章)。 最後的結論是四方路徑圖所提出的兩國方案似難解決以巴間長期衝突,而達成和平,將來可能的發展是一國方案(第五章)。 / In mid-nineteenth century, the first wave (aliyah) of Jews started to immigrate to Palestine. Jewish immigrants and indigenous Palestinians were getting along peacefully in Palestine at the outset. But after a spate of nationalism rose in Europe, Jews became the persecuted. Political Zionism thrived among Jews, which initiated the idea of building their own state in Palestine. A new chapter in the history of Palestine was written. Jewish immigrants to Palestine since the second aliyah were much more progressive. They were particularly interested in establishing a Jewish state and hoped to create Jewish settlements independently worked by Jewish farm laborers. This land buying policy led to tensions with Palestinian peasants, who were unable to find work among the new immigrant communities. Numerous land disputes deteriorated into tension between the two communities, as more Palestinians were displaced by Jewish land buying policy. Unemployed Palestinians became increasingly hostile towards the Zionists. At last, the first Arab revolt burst out in 1936. From there, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict began and has continued into the 21st century. The thesis analyses the solutions of the Road Map to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the context of history. It studies first the characteristics of the conflict from 1948 to 1990 (Chapter One). Then, it observes the past record of the peace process from 1991 to 2002 by the two sides through implementations of DOP, until the collapse of the Camp David Talks that caused the second intifada. By reviewing the past record of peace in contrast with its implementations regarding ending Israeli occupation, building a Palestinian self-government (PNA), transfer of powers and land (including Israeli settlements) to the PNA, one is able to realize the Israeli strategic intentions hidden behind those peace agreements (Chapter Three). Next, the thesis studies the two-state formula proposed by the US-led Quartet Road Map (the US, the EU, Russia and the UN), to understand its feasibility to solve the second intifada and build peace. It should be noted that Israel took a two-handed strategy: preparing for a disengagement plan while negotiating for peace. An appraisal of the future prospect of the Road Map is included in this chapter (Chapter Four). The conclusion of the thesis is that the Quartet Road Map could not solve the prolonged Israeli-Palestinian conflict and reach a sustained peace between the two peoples. Future development of the conflict may result in a one-state solution (Chapter Five).

員工對員工協助方案的知曉以及滿意程度與以員工為本的品牌權益之關聯性研究:以知覺組織支持為中介變數 / Research of the relationship between employees' awareness of and satisfaction with employee assistance programs and employee-based brand equity: perceived organizational support as a mediator

陳嘉純 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,台灣職場環境日益浮現關於超長工時、過勞與壓力等身心問題,且自殺消息頻傳,影響員工甚鉅。因此,專家學者紛紛呼籲企業要重視員工的心理健康與福利,應實施員工協助方案(employee assistance programs, EAP)。然而,儘管此福利方案立意良善,但其低落的使用率卻往往使企業基於成本考量而缺乏設置意願。根據管理學知名大師彼得杜拉克(Peter F. Drucker)所言:「過去衡量企業好壞的指標,是看其員工創造了多少經濟價值,但以後會看企業如何對待它的員工」,足見善待員工,是判斷企業為「好企業」的依據。企業重視員工的福祉,將能傳達企業關懷員工的訊息,在員工心中創造一個良好的「雇主品牌」。因此,本研究試圖採取社會交換理論之觀點,以員工對於EAP的知曉與心理契約滿足程度為自變數,並透過知覺組織支持的中介,探討其與建立「以員工為本的品牌權益(employee-based brand equity, EBBE)」之間的關聯性。 本研究以公司有實施EAP的員工為研究對象進行問卷調查,共回收有效問卷218份。藉由路經分析可發現,透過知覺組織支持的完全中介,員工對於EAP的知曉與心理契約滿足程度將正向顯著地影響以員工為本的品牌權益之形成。此研究結果證實了,無論員工是否使用EAP,只要公司根據員工對於服務內容的需求設置EAP,並透過EAP的宣傳、推廣增進員工對於EAP的認識,讓員工感受到公司對於員工身心健康的重視,將能夠強化員工心中的雇主品牌,促使員工展現與公司品牌一致的行為表現,產生以員工為本的品牌權益,為組織創造更大的效益。

貿易商企業轉型策略之探討-以自行車零組件貿易商L公司為例 / The research on the business transformation strategies -a case study of bicycle parts trader company L

陳筠庭, Chen, Yun Ting Unknown Date (has links)

英國行政改革理論與現象檢證 / Administration reform theory and phenomenon examine of Britain

林德芳, Ter Fang , Lin Unknown Date (has links)
這篇論文試著以凱登的行政改革理論與科可特對行政改革現象的見解為基礎,來分析英國行政改革的各項措施,包括雷尼稽核、財務管理改革方案、附屬機關改革方案與90年代後的「公民誓約」運動,探究改革理論與現象與英國行政改革方案兩者之間的關連性,並對此提出對我國行政改革的提醒 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機、目的與流程 壹、 研究動機 貳、 研究目的 參、 研究流程 第二節 研究問題、方法與限制 壹、 研究問題陳述- 貳、 研究方法 參、 研究限制 第二章 行政改革理論與改革現象的探究 第一節 改革背景與過去研究文獻檢閱 壹、 背景說明 貳、 檢閱過去研究文獻 第二節 行政改革理論的介紹 第三節 改革思潮的探究—公共管理、新公共管理 與經濟學理論的應用 壹、公共管理 貳、新公共管理 參、相關經濟學理論的應用 第四節 行政改革所引發的政策弔詭情況 壹、改革政策所造成的普遍現象 貳、改革政策所造成的弔詭(Paradoxes)情況 第三章 英國行政改革的策略 第一節 八零年代前的行政改革 壹、諾斯科特一特拉維揚調查報告 貳、富爾頓委員會報告 第二節 從雷尼稽核到續階計畫 壹、雷尼稽核 貳、財務管理改革方案 參、續階計畫 第三節 公民誓約 壹、甚麼是公民誓約(Citizen Charter) 貳、公民誓約如何應用 參、公民誓約的檢討 第四節 結論 第四章 英國行政改革政策的檢視 第一節 改革政策的回顧與檢討 壹、整體改革政策的回顧 貳、整體改革政策的檢討 第二節 改革理論與改革政策的印證 壹、行政改革理論與改革政策的相互印證 貳、改革所造成的普遍政策現象與英改革方案的印證 參、改革弔詭現象與英改革方案的印證 第三節 改革政策於我國的啟示 壹、在理論指導方面 貳、在制度建構方面 參、在執行層面方面 第五章 結論 第一節 論文回顧與研究發現 壹、論文回顧 貳、研究發現 第二節 對後續研究者的建議 附錄 附錄1 英國行政改革重要的機關與措施《中英文對照表》 附錄2 英國行政改革重要人物人名對照表 附錄3 1979-1997英國行政改革政經系絡與政策歷程 / This paper try to analyze Caiden's administration reform theory and Kickert's administration reform phenomenon opinion,and take them to analyze Britain administration reform every measures.This include Rayner Scrutinies、Financial Management Initiative、Agency Management Initiative and 90s'「The Citizen’s Charter」movement,to investigate between administration reform theory and phenomenon and Britain administration reform measures to have any corelation.Last,take conclusion to remind our administration reform.

ACT Raising Safe Kids親職教育方案於臺灣家庭的應用––探討親職壓力與兒童行為問題的關聯與改善 / The implementation of ACT Raising Safe Kids Program in Taiwan: Exploring parenting stress and its positive changes and relationship with child behavioral problems

黃薏靜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以美國心理學會(APA)暴力預防處與美國幼兒教育協會所共同發展的ACT親職教育方案(Adults and Children Together- Raising Safe Kids Program)為範本,將一個在美國與世界各地發展將近15年的方案首度引進臺灣並應用於臺灣的家庭中,期待能夠藉由這一套社會認知取向的預防性介入「ACT親職教育方案」來增進父母的親職教養態度與知識,降低父母親的親職壓力,並進一步了解親職壓力與兒童行為問題的關聯性。 研究參與者為30位育有0-12歲孩子的父母,其中15位家長接受為期8週的ACT親職教育團體作為實驗處理,另外15位家長則未接受任何處理,有效樣本共23位,實驗組家長12位,對照組家長11位。本研究採用親職壓力量表簡式版與兒童行為檢核表實施前、後測,並針對實驗組實施三個月後的追蹤測量並輔以質性問卷蒐集更完整的資料。 本研究採用無母數統計法Wilcoxon等級檢定與Mann-Whitney U檢定,檢驗親職壓力感受在前測、後測及追蹤測量之間的差異,另以Spearman相關分析檢視親職壓力與兒童行為問題之間的關聯性。研究結果顯示,ACT親職教育為實驗組家長帶來正向的影響發生在三個月後的追蹤測量,特別是在「困難兒童分量表」的親職壓力上有顯著的改善,且親職壓力總分與兒童行為整體問題呈現高度正相關。 / This study investigated whether the ACTdults and Children Together: Raising Safe Kids (ACT-Rprogram causes effects on reducing parenting stress and examined the correlation between parenting stress and child behavioral problems. The ACT program, developed by American Psychological Association in collaboration with the National Association for the Education of Young Children, is a child maltreatment prevention program for parents of young children. Twenty-three parents having children aged 0-12 completed the Parenting Stress Index-Short Form (PSI-SF) and Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Twelve of these parents took part in eight-week ACT-RSK program and learned effective parenting including child development, anger management, social problem-solving skills, non-violent discipline and effects of violent media on children. The remaining eleven parents were placed on the wait listreceived treatment as usual. Wilcoxon signed rank test and Mann–Whitney U test were used to respectively compare the intra-group data and inter-group data. Results indicated a positive impact especially on the difficult child subscale of parenting stress during three-month follow-up. Qualitative data collected through open questions in three-month follow-up questionnaire also demonstrated that parents perceived numerous benefits to the ACT-RSK program and felt less stress in the area of parent-child interaction.

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