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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從資源依賴的觀點探討組織價值創新:全面解決方案提供者的個案探討 / Resource Dependence Perspective of Organizational Value Innovation: Case Study of a Total Solution Provider

陳德川, Chen,Te-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
創業初期所面對的主要問題就是資源不足的問題,要如何獲取生存與發展所需要的資源是企業的重要課題。首先,企業必須分析內部環境,找出核心資源,並將之發揮在目標事業上,為企業奠定基礎。再者,企業必須分析外部環境,透過各種組織鏈結策略,重新調整與供應商、顧客、甚至是競爭者之間的關係成為策略夥伴關係,選擇並集中核心競爭強項,形成資源互補,提供給客戶一個全面解決方案(Total solution)的服務,以滿足甚至超過顧客預期的需求,使得顧客願意持續購買,企業藉此從環境中獲取關鍵資源並得以持續發展。 本研究透過個案分析發現,組織在成為「全面解決方案提供者(TSP)」的角色過程中,因為市場力量及組織力量的融合過程的不同,我們分析出其發展軌跡可以歸類成為五大類,即「水平整合型的TSP」、「垂直整合型的TSP」、「先水平後垂直整合型的TSP」、「先垂直後水平整合型的TSP」以及「垂直及水平整合並進型的TSP」。這五大類型的發展軌跡基本上描述了組織發展的過程,讓我們更清楚的知道組織成長過程中因為環境因素以及組織因素所造就成的組織面貌。 「TSP成長曲線 (TSP Growth Curve)」的形成過程,是在個案成長過程分析及探討後發現,組織要追求持續成長,單靠本身的資源是受限的,組織必須去整合內外部的資源,包括重新建構核心資源、組織並管理外部資源網絡,透過各樣的鏈結策略使得組織獲取成長所需要的關鍵資源,透過策略再思考重新組織企業架構,建構一個學習性組織平台,鼓勵在這個平台上的每一個人去創新思考,讓組織成員得以在非傳統性架構下去思考,在非秩序中去創新,讓大家願意去共創組織的價值。 研究發現,組織獲取資源並成為TSP的四個步驟為:1.建構組織核心資源與能力2.從環境中獲取關鍵資源3.價值創新成為TSP角色使顧客滿足4.降低對環境依賴,繼續提升高一層次的成長循環。這樣良性的循環讓組織累積更多資源而逐漸壯大,擺脫了創業初期資源不足的困境,組織在壯大的同時因為建立了更多的資源而逐漸降低對於原有環境中的資源依賴,並與環境中資源提供者的關係從依賴變成互賴,此時組織已經提昇到了另一層次的成長循環。這樣的成長循環使得組織得以在不同的環境中獲取不同的資源繼續成長,讓企業一直維持企業生命週期中的成長階段,因而可能避免或延遲了衰退階段的發生。 本研究的特色是從資源依賴的角度出發,探討組織如何透過從環境中獲取成長所需的關鍵資源,並探討組織藉由成為全面解決方案提供者的角色來獲取顧客價值創新,此時組織價值亦跟隨提升。 大部分的企業皆無法規避「出生、成長、成熟、飽和、衰退」的命運,就如同生命會歷經「出生、幼年、青年、壯年、老年」的歷程一般,或許企業無法避免衰退或消失的命運,但是找出「延年益壽」方法來維持壯年期是一個可行的策略。「TSP成長曲線圖」以「TSP成長循環圖」即可以說明企業從「創業成功」到「維持成長」的策略歷程,可以作為企業經營發展的參考。 / The major problem in the early stage of entrepreneurship is the shortage of resources, so it is industries’ crucial mission to acquire the resources to sustain and develop its growth. First, industries must analyze its internal environment to identify the core sources and apply them into the target business, to lay the foundation for companies. Second, industries must conduct external analysis with organizations linkage mechanism to re-address the connection among suppliers, customers and even competitors, so that they can become the strategic partners, formulate complimentary resources, concentrate on their own core advantages in the competition. In this way, they can offer customers the service of Total Solution, to meet, even exceed customers’ expectation. Hence, this could sustain customers’ continuous purchase, and industries can keep developing its business by grabbing the crucial resources in the environment. This research discovered that, due to the different merging processes between market powers and organizations power, there are five categorized patterns when organizations become Total Solution Provides (TSP): horizontal integration TSP, vertical integration TSP, horizontal-to-vertical integration TSP, vertical-to-horizontal integration TSP and simultaneously vertical and horizontal integration TSP. These five patterns basically outline the process of organization development and bring us more diverse pictures caused by different environmental and organizational causes. After studying cases and formulating of the TSP Growth Curve, this research found out that it is limited to for organizations to pursue the growth by its own resources. Industries must integrate internal and external resources, re-construct the core resources, manage the external resource network, acquire all the necessary resources for further growth through linkage mechanism, rethink the structure of the business, establish the learning platform to encourage its member to jointly create the value for the organizations, contemplate beyond the boundary of tradition and innovate without order. There are four steps for the organizations to acquire resources and formulate the TSP Growth Curve: 1. Constructing the core resources and capability of the organizations; 2.Acquireing the core resources from the environment; 3.Becoming TSP with value innovation and satisfy the customers; 4.Lowering the dependence on the environment and upgrading the Growth circle. Organizations can grow stronger, accumulate more resources with this benign circle and leave the dilemma of insufficient resources. In this way, organizations can receive more resources than ever; it can also turn the relationship between organizations and supplier from unilateral dependence to mutual dependence and TSP Growth circle will also be upgraded while they are growing bigger. This growth circle can continuously sustain its development by collecting different resources in different environments. Hence, the stage of growth will be prolonged, and the stage of recession will be avoided of delayed. Based on the Resources dependence theory, this research has discussed how organizations obtain the crucial resources from the environment to generate growth, and also analyzed that when organizations obtain customers’ value innovation by playing TSP, organizations’ value will also raise consecutively. Most industries can not avoid the linear destiny of establishment, growth, maturity, saturation and recession as well as human’s life stage of birth, child, youth, adult and aging. Industries may not genuinely ward off the consequence of decline or disappearance, but it’s still workable to figure out a strategy to prolong the period of maturity. TSP Growth Curve and TSP Growth Circle can well explain the industries’ process from the stage of “entrepreneurship” to “the maintenance of growth”, and also offer the positive example for business operation.

薪資補貼政策對促進青年就業成效之研究-以「大專畢業生至企業職場實習方案」為例 / A study of the effect of wage subsidy on promoting youth employment : a case of directions for the University / College Graduate Corporate Workplace Internship Program

劉侑學 Unknown Date (has links)
2008年底源自於美國信貸市場的金融風暴席捲全球,影響層面襲擊實體經濟,無論在投資、消費、產出與貿易上都出現驟降的表現,世界經濟遭逢二次大戰以來最嚴重的衰退,勞動市場同樣受到嚴重的打擊,不過,因為年齡、性別、教育程度等條件的差異,不同群體所承受的就業風險也不盡相同。面對百年罕見的經濟危機,青年因先天上存在著缺乏技術、工作經驗、社會網絡、求職知識、經濟支持等劣勢,無疑成為景氣動盪下受衝擊最大的族體。 台灣青年在就業市場上的艱困處境,在金融海嘯的侵襲下更顯艱難。比較經濟危機的發生前後,青年失業率增漲達3.84%,高於全體失業率的漲幅1.94%,而2009年青年的平均失業率是全體平均失業率5.85%的2.48倍。其中值得注意的是,在青年失業者中,大專及以上學歷的人數為15萬1千人、佔55.73%,高居各教育程度之冠。政府為消除金融風暴下大專青年進入職場的障礙,於2009年4月推出「大專畢業生至企業職場實習方案」,補助企業聘僱員工時的薪資與社會保險等人事成本,短期目標是平衡勞動市場供需,長期則是期待透過實習經驗提升實習員的就業能力,達成促進就業的治理目的。 本研究擬針對教育部所規劃推動的「大專畢業生至企業職場實習方案」作為分析對象,其係屬積極勞動市場政策下針對雇主的薪資補貼政策,已在OECD國家行之有年,無論在推動經驗或評估報告上,都累積十分豐碩的資源,可作為後進國家之政策制訂者與研究者的參考依據。因此,在擬定寫作策略上,先行回顧各國曾經施行的方案制度和評估報告,緊接著整理我國近年相關的薪資補貼政策的制度差異,以作為分析「大專畢業生至企業職場實習方案」的基礎工作。最後,在「大專畢業生至企業職場實習方案」的成效評估上,採取積極勞動市場政策評估中的「績效檢視」與「過程評估」,透過質量並重之研究途徑,以問卷調查的研究方法以檢視企業職場實習方案之實習者離開方案後的再就業成效,同時為彌補量化取徑之限制與理解政策執行面,佐以深度訪談來獲得在研究主題上更寬廣的理解。

簽訂自由貿易協定對產業衝擊之因應策略:以韓國對美國簽訂FTA為例 / The Countermeasures to the Affected Industries when Signing FTAs: A Case Study of KORUS FTA

劉偉辰, Liu, Wei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
自由貿易有利有弊,一方面為國內經濟的出口優勢產業開拓新市場,另一方面伴隨著撤除各種貿易壁壘措施,將會使國內弱勢、內需產業遭到衝擊,無法避免國外進口不斷增加帶來的傷害。因此在自由貿易過程中,政府如何制訂對進口競爭引起衝擊的相關救濟問題與貿易調整協助措施,或是補償措施逐漸受到重視,例如美國自1962年開始採取的貿易援助法案(Trade Adjustment Assistance, TAA),後改為貿易調整協助方案,旨在透過協助方式協助貿易自由化下容易受到衝擊的產業與勞工,而韓國也因簽訂美韓 FTA 而制定相似的救濟政策。 本文以韓美FTA作為個案討論,研究發現以韓國角度來看,韓美FTA簽訂快速的原因包含政府及人民的大多數支持、韓國政府對受衝擊產業制定各項因應措施等因素。而這些因應措施無論是在談判階段或是協議簽訂後,都不斷在修正與制定,以達到符合協助受衝擊產業之目的。 / Free trade is accompanied by advantages and disadvantages, it could expand new markets for the export advantageous industries; on the other hand, it could affect the disadvantageous minority industries while removing trade barriers. Thus, it is important how the government sets up the countermeasures or the indemnify measures to ease the harm that foreign import products bring. For instance, the United States have adopted Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) since 1962, it is meant to assist industries and workers that are affected by free trade. South Korea has established similar countermeasures since KORUS FTA was concluded. This study is a case study of KORUS FTA . It shows that from South Korea’s perspective, it has support among government and people, Korean government has established countermeasures for the affected industries, and all these factors made KOURS FTA took less time to sign than South Korea’s most FTAs. These countermeasures were being amended during the negotiation process and after the FTA was concluded, in order to achieve the goal of assisting affected industries.


李錦旭, LI, JIN-XU Unknown Date (has links)
本論文,共分章二十三節,其內容如下: 第一章:緒論研究的動機與目的、範圍與限制、方法與架構。 第二章:分析教育思想的淵源(一),包括家世背景、學校教育、及早年辦學的經驗 。 第三章:分析教育思想的淵源(二),包括從事革命的經驗、環遊世界考察教育的經 驗、教育學術背景、及人格特質。 第四章:論述教育思想(一)--改革教育制度的構想。 第五章:論述教育思想(二)--和平教育方案的設計。 第六章:述評教育事業(一)--接長國立廣東高等師範學校、創辦國立廣東大學。 第七章:述評教育事業(二)--重長國立中山大學。 第八章:總括本論文的結論與建議。

運用層級分析法評估新產品定義與定位─以台灣自有品牌智慧型手機產品為例 / Evaluating the definition and positioning of the new product by Analytic Hierarchy Process

黃心郁 Unknown Date (has links)
科學技術進步下,產品生命週期不斷縮短,不少企業藉縮短新產品規劃階段以及簡化的前置作業,回應必須快速推出新產品的壓力,但學者研究調查中持續發現,輕忽新產品設計與開發最起始階段是導致新產品失敗的主要原因,因此本研究將研究重點放在新產品開發流程之前段新產品策略與規劃工作上。 本研究將新產品開發流程一切為二,「前段」涵蓋全面發展階段之前的產品構想、初步調查、細部調查等新產品開發階段,「後段」則包括全面發展階段在內的產品測試與確定、全面生產與上市等新產品開發階段,而Cooper(2000)在前段與後段之間設立一個重要的檢核關卡,前段須產出明確的「新產品定義」相當於科技產品之規格,以及「新產品定位」也就是新產品對消費者之訴求重點後才能進入後段流程,因此本研究期望使此重要關卡所需的最後「新產品定義與定位」產出,能是一個周延考慮各面向因素的最佳結果,因此本研究提出之解決方法是納入前段所有需考慮的新產品策略因素以及可行性因素,加以整理並建立「新產品定義與定位評估架構」,提供企業在決定「新產品定義與定位」時能夠透過客觀檢核架構,進行新產品推入市場後成功率的評估,甚至能將之運用在各新產品方案之間的選擇,例如:越符合架構各面向因素的新產品方案,代表較高的產品成功率。 本研究選擇決策中心在台灣的「台灣自有品牌企業」,鎖定產品生命週期短且汰換率高之特性的「手機產品」,並以對企業與市場而言皆為新產品的「智慧型手機」為研究對象;本研究研究目的為希望了解台灣自有品牌手機公司實際進行新產品開發流程的情形,並找出妥善評估「新產品定義與定位」的衡量架構與指標,並進行整體與跨公司之各因素指標權重比較,期望結果可提供台灣自有品牌手機業者一個可遵循的「新產品定義與定位評估架構」以及可了解企業本身對新產品注重之重點的具體新產品管理方法;本研究方法為整合專家訪談、學者文獻和產業研究報告,建立「新產品定義與定位評估架構」,並使用層級分析法(AHP)將架構因素設計成問卷,請五家公司各一位有權決定新產品全面發展與否的高層主管,依據過去新產品專案管理經驗透過因素之兩兩比較,得到各層級之各因素在企業做新產品評估時的權重。 研究結果發現台灣自有品牌手機公司在第一層級指標中首重「新產品市場潛力與需求確認」與「新產品策略發展競爭分析」,並對「新產品技術開發與設計可行性」最不重視;策略夥伴(通路商/電信商)商品趨勢預測、新產品推出市場後的獨特性與優越性、機構與ID(工業)設計能力、新手機專案如期完成,都是第二層最被重視的指標;現有產品線之影響、目標市場銷售成長潛力、功能需求等則為第三層企業評估重點。 本研究相信新產品之表現好壞不僅是上市之行銷企劃結果,更來自於最起始新產品初生時企業所做的規劃階段與前置工作品質,透過「新產品定義與定位評估架構」將專家在做決策時的內隱經驗與知識作架構化,更透過層級分析法(AHP)的量化分析找出各指標權重,以客觀周延架構與具體權重改善決策者過去依主觀經驗決策情形,並提供企業一套有效產出「新產品定義與定位」的思考過程,更可進一步作為最佳成功率方案選擇的新產品管理方法。 / With rapid leaps in technology, product life cycle has been shortened in the past several years. Responding to this change some firms tried to simplify the preceding operation in the planning stage of the new product development process in order to speed up the lead time for launching new product. However some academic researches point out that the fewer firms do in the beginning stage of new product development process, the higher failure risk firms will take finally. For considering the importance of the start stage of new product development process, this thesis focuses on how to plan a new product properly and effectively. This thesis divides the new product development process into two parts. One is the former phase including “discovery stage”, ”scoping stage”, and “build business case stage”. The other is the later phase covering “development stage ”,”testing and validation stage”, and “launch stage ”.The Scholar, Robert G. Cooper(2000) created a method to manage the whole process called “stage-gate”. He mentioned “gate three” played a meaningful role between former and later phase because firms have to make commitment to the new product and put in real resources after former phase. In other words, “gate three” plays a role as a serious gatekeeper to make sure a well-defined and clearly-positioned new product. The definition and position of the new product is the output of former phase and means “gate three”. To have a sound definition and position of the new product, this thesis suggests a framework involved in all factors that are under consideration in former phase. Firms could adopt the framework when they have to create or evaluate a new product. This thesis also suggests that following the framework to evaluate a new product could be more objective and easily-obeyed, and most importantly lower the failure risk of the new product. This thesis takes “Taiwanese own brand company” as the object of study is because it is more feasible to contact with the core of the people who are the decision maker of a new product. Mobile phones are suitable to be the product of the study on account of facing the intense pressure from product life cycle shortened and high changing usage rate. Moreover this thesis chooses a fresh and novel product for consumers and firms, “smart phone”, as the target product. The purpose of this thesis is to know more how “new product development process” being implemented in Taiwanese own brand company, collect the factors considered in the process, and organize all the factors in a hierarchy framework. This framework works as a guidebook to evaluate new product definition and positioning. The method used in this thesis can provide more information such as quantification of importance percentage of some indexes. This study recommends that firms revise and adjust the percentages by comparing each other within five companies separately. To set up “ the new product definition and positioning evaluative framework ”, this research integrates the expert opinions of interviews with professors, academic researches, and industrial research reports. The concept of questionnaire is based on “Analytical Hierarchy Process, AHP” and designed for continually comparing the importance of different two factors for calculating the importance percentage. The people answering questionnaire are the senior managers who are responsible for making final decision and decide a new product is qualified for “gate three” and enter “development stage”. This thesis believes a successful performance of a new product launch is partly based on the marketing communication plan but mainly comes from an entire consideration of new product plan in the beginning of the process. By way of evaluating the definition and positioning of new product with hierarchy framework, helps decision maker to remove subjective opinion and conclude the decision more objectively. The most important contributions of this study are not only transferring latent thinking process to a easily-followed framework and output meaningful quantification importance percentage, but also the percentage can further be used to calculate points for choosing the best-fit new product on the selecting list. The thesis hopes the process of this research method to be a good new product management method and improve the success of new product development effectively.


陳宜敏 Unknown Date (has links)
「國民中小學組織再造及人力規劃試辦方案」政策主要是為了配合九年一貫 課程實施,重視學校本位課程,期透過總量員額管制、調整國民小學組織與人力架構,促進教學與行政責任,期能減輕教師教學及行政負擔,並發揮教育經費使用效益。本研究旨在瞭解臺北市國民小學參與國民小學組織再造與人力試辦規劃方案實施情形與成效、探討臺北市國民小學教師對於國民中小學組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案之認知程度與支持度、瞭解臺北市國民小學教師對於學校滿意度與學校組織規劃之意見。採用文件分析法與問卷調查法二種研究方法。研究者蒐集臺北市國民小學參與「中小學組織再造及人力規劃試辦方案」之相關文件資料,並自編「臺北市國民小學學校組織再造調查問卷」,受試者包括臺北市92至95學年度參與試辦方案之9所國民小學及未參與試辦方案之9所國民小學,普查該18所國民小學之1,000名教師,可用問卷回收率達70.6﹪。茲根據研究所得,做成結論如下。 壹、臺北市參與試辦方案之國民小學為提升學校效能等因素參與試辦後,由試辦小組進行宣導、規劃試辦與檢討,雖面臨配套措施尚未健全等困難,但以各種組織再造策略,期許達成預定目標。 貳、臺北市參與試辦方案之國民小學教師對於試辦成果普遍表示肯定滿意與支持,除達成教育部與臺北市政府教育局之四項預期目標外,並獲得學校成員、家長與學生之高度肯定。 參、臺北市國民小學教師對於國民中小學組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案認知情形屬中等程度。 肆、不同性別、年齡、服務年資、最高學歷、現任職務、學校規模、學校地區、學校校齡、參與方案與否之臺北市國民小學教師對試辦方案認知情形達顯著差異。 伍、臺北市國民小學教師對於國民中小學組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案支持度屬中上程度,且最支持「總量員額管制,彈性調整處室編制」。 陸、不同性別、服務年資、學歷、現任職務與學校地區的臺北市國民小學教師對國民中小學組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案支持度達顯著差異。 柒、臺北市國民小學教師對於組織再造試辦方案整體認知程度與支持度相關情形 達顯著。 捌、臺北市國民小學教師對於「學校整體滿意度」屬中上程度。 玖、不同職務、學校規模、學校地區、學校校齡、參與試辦方案與否之臺北市國民小學教師對學校現況滿意度達顯著差異。 拾、臺北市國民小學教師強烈贊同「部分行政工作可視性質改由『一般行政』或『教育行政』專長之職員擔任,如總務處主任與組長」;同時贊成「學校控留部分教師員額改聘兼任人員」,並相當支持「與教學無關之行政工作採勞務外包」等組織員額彈性規劃之作法。 拾壹、五成以上臺北市國民小學教師同意小幅度調整學校組織架構。 茲根據以上結論,提出教育行政機關與學校執行「國民中小學組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案」之建議如下。 壹、參與試辦方案學校實施成效良好,參與試辦學校數量值得逐年增加,教育部可考慮持續擴大試辦。 貳、安排訪視活動、舉辦成果發表會或成立校際策略聯盟,以瞭解學校試辦情形並分享交流經驗,以利檢討改進。 參、採取漸進式的學校組織再造,小幅度調整行政組織結構。 肆、調整不同學校規模之人員編制或擴大學校行政人員編制。 伍、妥適善用校內外人力資源並控留部分教師員額改聘兼任、代課、教學支援人員。 陸、非屬教學專業之固定項目委外辦理,由教育行政機關統一發包。 柒、依據學校特色與需求,彈性規劃整體組織再造及人力調整,並持續檢討改進。 捌、持續宣導與溝通組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案,並加強特定族群之宣傳,由下而上建立共識,擴大組織再造參與層面。 玖、教育行政機關在法令與經費上提供相關配套措施,增加學校的執行力與行動力。 拾、組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案的推動應由組織結構的調整邁向組織文化的 重塑。 拾壹、對未來研究的建議。 / “The Organization Restructuring and Human Resource Planning Project of the Elementary and Secondary School” policy is a complement to the implementation of Grade 1-9 Curriculum. It emphasizes school-based curriculum and hopes to expand the responsibility of teaching and administration, to alleviate the loads of teaching and administration, and to improves the costs-benefits of educational budgets through total personnel control and adjustment of elementary and secondary schools’ organization and human resource structure. The purposes of this study were to realize the implementation and effectiveness of the organization restructuring and human resource planning project of elementary and secondary schools in Taipei, to investigate the level of cognition and support of this project from the teachers of elementary schools in Taipei, and to understand their satisfaction levels toward school and their opinion regarding organization planning of schools. The research methods used in this study were document analysis and questionnaires. The researcher collected relevant documents regarding this project from elementary schools in Taipei and designed “The Organization Restructuring Questionnaire of Elementary Schools in Taipei”. The participants included 9 participating elementary schools and 9 non-participating elementary schools in Taipei from the academic year of 92 to 95. The questionnaires were sent to 1000 teachers from this 18 elementary schools. The valid rate of return is 70.6 %. The results of this study were as follows: 1.Due to the reasons of being appointed from the educational department, considering the needs of the schools, improving school effectiveness, and activizing school human resources, the elementary schools in Taipei which participating in this project first formed a committee to promote, plan, and evaluate.Although facing the difficulties of immature conceptualization and the void of corresponding interventions, five restructuring strategies including adjusting organization structure, re-designing job duties, re-allocating human resources, teaming the task forces ,and simplifying operation process were used. In addition to attain the four expected goals of the Ministry of Education, it was also hoped that certain goals regarding administration management, organization structure, teaching , learning, and parents’ service were be achieved. 2.The elementary teachers participating in this project expressed general satisfaction and support toward the results. Besides the four expected goals from The Ministry of Education and Taipei City Government Educational Department, highly recognition from the staff, parents and students were acquired. 3.The elementary school teachers in Taipei expressed medium cognition level toward this project. 4.There were significant differences in the cognition level toward this project between gender, age, seniority, education background, position, school scale, school area, and participation or not of the elementary school teachers in Taipei. 5.The elementary school teachers in Taipei expressed medium to high support level toward this project and support “total personnel control and flexibly adjust the organization of units” the most. 6.There were significant differences in the support level toward this project between different gender, seniority educational background, position, and school areas of the elementary school teachers in Taipei. 7.There was significant positive correlation between the cognition level and support level toward this project of the elementary school teachers in Taipei. 8.The elementary school teachers in Taipei expressed a medium to high satisfaction level toward “the general satisfaction of school”. 9.There were significant differences in the satisfaction level toward the present status of school between different position, school scale, school area, school history, and participation or not of the elementary school teachers in Taipei. 10.The elementary school teachers in Taipei strongly agreed that: (1)Some of the administration work can be took by staffs with normal administration specialty or educational administration specialty ; (2)School maintained certain personnel quatos and hire part-time employees . (3)Outsourcing the non-teaching relevant administration work. 11.Half of the elementary school teachers in Taipei agreed small-scale school organization restructuring. According to the above results, suggestions were provided to the administration institutions and schools which participated in the project: 1.The school participating in the project had good performance. Therefore, the Ministry of Education could consider expanding the participation to more schools gradually. 2.In order to share the experience and to benefit improvement, it is suggested to arrange visiting activities, to hold a results presentation, or to establish strategic alliances between schools. 3.Proceed school restructuring gradually and have small-scale administrative organization restructure. 4.Adjust the staffing of different school scales and expand the staffing of school administration personnel. 5.Using the human resources outside from the school more properly and maintain the teacher quotas to employ part-time, substitute teacher or teaching-supportive staff. 6.Outsourcing the non-teaching items through educational administration institutions. 7.According to the characteristics and demands of the schools, plan organization structure and human resources adjustment flexibly and evaluation continuously. 8.Promote and communicate the project continuously and reinforce the advertising to specific audience in order to expand the scope of organization restructuring. 9.In order to increase the execution of schools, educational administration institutions should provide corresponding interventions in laws and budgets. 10.The promotion of the organization restructuring and human resource planning project should move from the adjustment of organization structure to the re-shaping of organizational culture. 11.The recommendation to future research.

家長諮詢訓練方案之成效探討-以台北縣家庭教育中心為例 / Effectiveness of Parental Consultation Training Program-Using the Volunteer Taipei Family Education Center as Sample

陳莉榛, Chen, Li Jane Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在探討家長諮詢訓練方案對提昇輔導志工自我效能,以及改善家長教養行為的實驗成效。實驗處理為家長諮詢訓練方案,其內容以諮詢服務的觀點,結合父母效能系統訓練和焦點解決短期治療的理念與技術。研究對象以台北縣家庭教育中心的輔導志工48人(實驗組和控制組各24人),以及接受輔導志工諮詢的家長31人(實驗組18人,控制組13人),研究工具為輔導志工自我效能量表以及父母教養行為量表。資料處理採二因子混合設計變異數分析。研究結果發現,接受訓練方案之實驗組輔導志工較控制組輔導志工在自我效能有顯著的提昇;接受訓練方案之輔導志工較控制組輔導志工,其親職諮詢對父母的教養行為改善有顯著效果。本研究的結論顯示家長諮詢訓練方案確實能提昇輔導志工自我效能及有效改善家長教養行為,並據此對家庭教育中心的親職諮詢、親職教育、諮商實務和未來研究提出具體建議。 / This study aimed at examining the effectiveness of parental consultation training program applied to volunteer counselors and the indirect effect of the training program on parental nurture behaviors. Forty eight participants of volunteer counselors in Taipei Family Education Center were randomly divided into experimental and control groups.Thirty one parents received consultation service participated in this study.The measures were volunteer counselors self-efficacy scale and parental nurture behaviors scale. Analysis of the statistical data utilized two-way mixed ANOVA. Results indicated that the self-efficacy of the volunteer counselors in experimental group were significantly higher than those in control group after the training program and follow-up.The parents of experimental group in parental nurture behaviors was higher than those control group. This study demonstrates that the parental consultation training program is effective in enchancing self-efficacy of volunteer counselors and in improving the parental nurture behaviors. Suggestions regarding parental consultation, parental education, and counseling practice for family education center are proposed in the future research.

台北市參加「國中畢業生自願就學輔導方案」學生升學壓力、因應行為、身心健康與班級氣氛之研究 / Stress of Accessing to Senior High, Coping Behavior, Health and Classroom Climate for Students Joining " No-Exam Trial Program" ---A Case Study of Taipei City---

黃淑馨, Huang Shu Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在比較台北市參加試辦「自願就學方案」自學班學生和普通班學 生在升學壓力、因應行為、身心健康和班級氣氛之差異性。以台北市七十 九學年度參加試辦「自願就學方案」21所學校學生為取樣對象。共抽取6 所國中﹐一、二、三年級各取「自學班」與「普通班」一班﹐共 36 班﹐ 自學班學生 669 人﹐普通班學生669 人﹐共 1338 人。本研究之工具為 「升學壓力量表」、「升學壓力因應行為量表」、「日常作息時間量表」 、「學生生活經驗問卷」、「一般健康量表」和「學習環境量表」﹐以三 因子變異數分析、三因子多變項變異數分析、單因子變異數分析、t 考驗 、卡方考驗和 Scheffe' 事後考驗進行資料分析。研究結果為︰ (一)普 通班比自學班學生感受升學壓力強度高﹐尤其在自我壓力、教師壓力、考 試壓力、和時間壓力源方面﹐普通班比自學班壓力強﹐呈顯著差異。前途 壓力源強度﹐自學班高於普通班;父母壓力則兩班無差異。 (二)普通班 與自學班學生在作業份量、作業方式、晚上作息時間沒有差異;但在考試 科目、補習科目方面﹐普通班學生顯著多於自學班﹐而睡眠時數﹐普通班 顯著少於自學班。 (三)普通班比自學班學生較多採用「面對問題」和「 置之不理」方式因應升學壓力;其餘「紓解情緒」、「情緒困擾」和「投 射」等方式﹐兩班無差異。 (四)普通班比自學班學生在「社會官能障礙 」、「嚴重憂鬱」、「焦慮不眠」、「生理症狀」得分較高﹐有顯著差異 ;亦即普通班學生身心較不健康。 (五)普通班比自學班學生知覺班級組 織較混亂、同學較競爭;而「教師偏愛」和「多樣性」兩班無差異。 (六)年級、性別對升學壓力總量表和分量表強度﹐有顯著交互作用;而內 外控和學業成績沒有顯著交互作用﹐但有主要效果影響。 (七)年級對升 學壓力因應行為有顯著交互作用;其餘性別、內外控和學業成績只有主要 效果影響。 (八)班級、年級、內外控和學業成績對身心健康僅具主要效 果影響。 (九)班級和性別對班級氣氛有顯著交互作用;而內外控和學業 成績僅具主要效果影響。 (十)一般國中生感受升學壓力高者﹐較常採取 消極因應﹐對其身心健康和所知覺的班級氣氛有不利的影響。本研究綜合 研究結果加以討論﹐並提出若干建議﹐以供教育行政單位和教師與父母之 參考。

護專學生實習期間之壓力、及認知行為團體輔導方案對其壓力反應效果之研究 / The effects of a cognitive-behavior counseling program on nursing students’ stress reactions during practicum

蔡碧藍, Tsai, Pi Lan Unknown Date (has links)
應屆畢業護生雖然經過多次臨床實習的學習過程,但對即將成為臨床護士的角色,感到壓力及焦慮。某技術學院基於增加護生能力及培育產業人才所須,實施臨床選習制度,但臨床選習壓力過大,會影響護生職涯抉擇,產生不當因應策略,有憂鬱與焦慮情緒。因此,本研究目的主要有二:(1)瞭解臨床選習壓力、因應策略、輔導需求的現況與關係;(2)設計及實施認知行為團體輔導方案,探討方案對護專學生臨床選習壓力、因應策略、輔導需求與壓力反應之成效,作為未來選習壓力輔導方案的參考。 於臨床選習結束後1週內,選取327位五專五年級護生,以自編「臨床選習壓力、因應策略、輔導需求等量表」進行資料蒐集,運用單因子多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等,結果顯示如下: 1、五專選習護生有輕度臨床選習壓力,以「專業知識與技能」壓力最高,「有時」會使用因應策略,以「情緒抒發或認知調適」頻率最多,「有些」需要臨床選習輔導需求,最需要「行政與專業技能協助」。 2、在「重急症與特殊單位」選習護生,在「實際護理病人」或「專業知識與技能」的壓力,比「一般內外科病房」及「產兒與精神科」單位高。 3、畢業前計畫為「不確定」的選習護生臨床選習壓力,高於計畫「工作」或「就學」者。 4、「問題逃避或轉移」因應策略運用愈多及「教師與作業協助」輔導需求愈高,「整體臨床選習壓力」愈高;「情緒抒發或認知調適」因應策略運用愈多,「整體臨床選習壓力」愈低。 5、「問題逃避或轉移」、「情緒抒發或認知調適」策略、「教師與作業協助」輔導需求能有效聯合預測「整體臨床選習壓力」,聯合預測力為32%(F(4, 322) = 40.92, p < .001),其中以「問題逃避或轉移」策略最具預測力,單獨解釋量為28%,故實施認知行為團體方案有助於改善臨床選習壓力,增加因應策略。 在驗證認知行為輔導方案成效上,採實驗研究法,分實驗與控制組兩班,各30位,於臨床選習前兩個月對五專五年級實驗組班級護生實施8次,每次90分鐘單元活動,以「臨床選習壓力、因應策略、輔導需求、貝克憂鬱、貝克焦慮等量表」來資料收集,進行GEE分析、成對樣本t檢定及 McNemar-Bowker test、獨立樣本T檢定等檢定分析差異,結果顯示如下: 1、臨床選習前護生呈現輕度憂鬱與焦慮,實施認知行為團體輔導方案後,實驗組護生整體憂鬱有越來越低趨勢,焦慮也下降。 2、實施認知行為團體輔導方案,可提升臨床選習護生對「護理工作的喜好程度」,不影響畢業規劃,無法改善臨床選習壓力及臨床選習輔導需求程度,但可增加「情緒抒發或認知調適」及「整體選習壓力因應策略」,具立即及延宕成效;可改善憂鬱情緒,具立即及延宕成效;可降低焦慮的「主觀感受」,具延宕成效。 根據上述的研究結果,提出相關的建議。 / Although the graduates of the nursing major have taken various clinical practicum courses along the five years during their college study, they still feel a huge amount of stress and anxiety when they are going to work as nurses. Due to the great stress from the preceptorship clinical practicum, the nursing students of one technical college have developed improper adjustment strategies which induce more anxiety and depression and, moreover, have impact upon their career choices. This study aims to (1) understand the relationship among the stress of the preceptorship clinical practicum, the adjustment strategies and the need for counseling; and (2) design and implement the cognitive-behavioral group counseling model to investigate its effectiveness for developing certain adjustment strategies and the need for counseling among the students facing the stress of the preceptorship clinical practicum. After the nursing students of the fifth grade from one five-year technical college finished the practicum, 327 were selected to fill out “the stress of the preceptorship clinical practicum, the adjustment strategies, the need for counseling questionnaire” within 1 weeks. Through One-way MANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and Multiple Step Regression, data analysis shows: 1. The subjects listed “the professional knowledge and skills” the highest stressful, “sometimes” adopted certain adjustment strategies among which “venting emotions and cognitive adjustment” were used most frequently. “Some” subjects expressed the need for counseling. “The administrative and the professional assistance” was most needed. 2. The subjects proceeding the practicum at the emergency or critical care units felt more stressful about “clinical nursing” and “professional knowledge and skills” than those at the medical, surgical, obstetrical, psychiatric units. 3. The subjects whose plans after graduation were uncertain showed higher stressful levels than those who planned to work or continue the formal education. 4. The more the coping strategies of “avoiding problems” were adopted and the need for “the instructor and the assignment assistance” was demanded, the higher the overall stress level of the preceptorship clinical practicum was. The more the coping strategies of “venting emotions and cognitive adjustment” were adopted, the lower the overall stress level of the preceptorship clinical practicum was. 5. “The avoiding problems strategies”, “the venting emotions and cognitive adjustment strategies” and “the need for the instructor and the assignment assistance” could be combined to predict the stress level of the preceptorship clinical practicum. The joint predictability is 32%(F(4, 322) = 40.92, p < .001). “The avoiding problems strategies” had the most predictability. It is anticipated that the cognitive-behavioral intervention model would reduce the stress and promote the coping strategies. To prove the effectiveness of the cognitive-behavioral intervention model, the experiment group and the control group were composed of thirty nursing students separately. Before the experiment group students went to the preceptorship clinical practicum, they were requested to participate in a 90-minute activity section eight times. The data was evaluated through the preceptorship clinical practicum stress questionnaire, Beck depression inventory, Beck anxiety inventory, and was analyzed through Generalized Estimatig Equations, paired-samples T test, McNemar-Bowker test and Independent Sample t-test. The outcome was as following: 1. After the cognitive-behavioral intervention model was exercised, the anxiety level and depression level was reduced. 2. After the cognitive-behavioral intervention model was exercised, the interest in nursing is increased. Moreover, the immediate and delayed effectiveness of “venting emotions and cognitive adjustment” and “the coping strategies for the preceptorship clinical practicum”was increased. The depressive emotions were improved. The subjective feelings of anxiety were reduced.

社區型非營利組織與政府協力關係之探究:以基隆市參與多元就業開發方案(社會型)之社區發展協會為例 / The Research on Relation of Nonprofit Community-Based Organizations and Governmental Cooperation- Participation of Keelung City in Community Development Association and Multi-Employment Development Plan (Social Type) as Example

沈美君, Shen, Mei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
台灣近十幾年來,社區凝聚意識高漲,各地區的非營利組織也紛紛在社區裡建立緊密的網絡以利互助交流。由於外在競爭者陸續的增加,使得社區型非營利組織必須具備更高的動員性,而為了募集更多的人力和資源,在申請和執行政府補助計畫的方面,也必須保持積極的態度。政府和社區型非營利組織要建構成功的夥伴關係,不僅與政府的政策規劃和執行有關,也與社區型非營利組織本身的特性和運作方式息息相關,故兩者間的協力關係呈現多樣化的面貌。 本研究以基隆市五個執行多元就業開發方案社會型計畫,但發展背景與執行成效有差異的社區發展協會為主要研究對象,探討這五個社區發展協會所發揮之功能與面臨的困境,以及參與多元就業開發方案中與政府的協力關係。 研究發現:(一)社區發展協會功能受限以及面對諸多問題;(二)社區發展協會參與多元就業開發方案帶來正面能量;(三) 社區發展協會參與多元就業開發方案與政府形成合作的模式;(四) 社區發展協會與政府所達成的協力互動關係因組織特質不同而有差異。 研究建議:(一)社區型非營利組織方面:社區發展協會應爭取多方資源,規劃學習型組織以及善用組織行銷(二)公私協力關係方面:社區發展協會應保持自主原則、社區發展協會領導人態度需正面積極、政府部門應以公平的態度對待每個單位、建立平等互惠的協力關係。(三)政策方面:透過社區附權來引導社區組織激發出更多想法與特色,並化為社區實際的能力。 / Over the past few decades, the consciousness of community has surged, the non-profit organizations also have built close network to enhance interaction in the community. Since the numbers of outside competitors have increased, the community non-profit organizations must have higher mobility. To gather more labor and resource, they must stay positive to apply for and execute the government grant programs. To establish a successful partnership between the government and the community non-profit organization, it is about not only the government’s policy and execution, but also the features of the community non-profit organization itself, and its operation way. Therefore, the cooperation of the two has appeared to be diverse. This study takes 5 community development associations which with same execution of multi-employment development social type plan, but different in developing background and executive efficiency as research subjects. Discuss the functions of the 5 communities and difficulties they have encountered, and the cooperation from government in the participation of multi-employment development plan. The research shows that: 1. The function of community development association is limited and also there are many problems they have encountered. 2. The community development association would bring positive energy by participating in multi-employment development plan. 3. The cooperation model between the government and community development associations that participate in multi-employment development plan. 4. There will be differences in the cooperative interaction due to the different organization features of the community development associations and the government. There are four suggestions: 1. For the community non-profit organization: The community development associations should strive for different resources, planning the learning organization and use the organization marketing well. 2. Public and private cooperation: The community development associations shall keep the principle of autonomy, the attitude of leader of the community development association has to be positive and aggressive, and the government shall treat every unit fair and establish the equality and mutual benefit of the cooperation. 3. Policy: By community empowerment lead and inspire the community organization with more thoughts and features, making it the practical power of the community.

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