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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


安彥伯, Braam, Jan Jaap Unknown Date (has links)
Taiwan has had a strong OEM electronics industry for over 20 years now, but in a time of narrowing profit margins Taiwan has been trying to move to a more OBM oriented strategy. In this study I have shown that even though Taiwan has been able to create several globally recognizable and –in the eyes of consumers- high quality consumer electronics brands its worldwide image as a country has not improved among consumers. Taiwanese products are viewed as being only slightly superior to Chinese brands. This means that new and established Taiwanese brands don’t have the advantage that Japanese brands have just by coming from a country with a good reputation. Consumers in Europe and North America have less knowledge of the country of origin when it comes to Taiwanese brands compared to Japanese and Korean brands. Because of the bad reputation of Taiwanese products brands are hesitant to associate themselves with Taiwan creation a vicious circle. Taiwan’s rival Korea however has been making progress, it’s brands are more recognizable as Korean and the image of Korean products is also better even though the individual brands are not necessarily rated more favourably by consumers. It’s not recommended for individual Taiwanese brand owners to associate itself with the country as this would in most cases negatively affect its brand value. It’s also found that Chinese, Korean and Taiwanese brands with a high perceived quality are often mistaken as Japanese. It may therefore be helpful to for Asian brands to try to associate themselves more with Japan or East-Asia in general. As for improving the country image of Taiwan, the Taiwanese government should redouble its efforts to improve the country’s image to a level it deserves according to the technological advances made in Taiwan in the past decades.

4G LTE在台灣成功推動的關鍵因素:研究消費者之期望 / Critical Success Factors for 4G LTE Launching in Taiwan: A Study on Customers' Expectations

宋天瑞, Songtis, Teerasit Unknown Date (has links)
LTE- Long Term Evolution, marketed as 4G LTE, is a new generation of mobile-phone network which enable the mobile operator to provide significantly faster mobile broadband data rates. With the new redesign and simplification of the network architecture, 4G LTE can provide five time faster data rates than the current 3G networks. It will help the mobile operators to cope with ever growing mobile data traffic demands in a cost-effective manner. In Taiwan, the licenses for 4G LTE will be issued by the end of 2013, opening another business opportunities for the mobile industry. It’s expected that all the big mobile operators will acquire for the licenses. Telecom equipment vendor such as Nokia Siemens Networks and Ericsson are preparing for 4G LTE network trial and deployment as well. In light of the upcoming 4G LTE deployment in Taiwan, this thesis project was conduct to gain a better understanding of the current mobile users in Taiwan. The goal is to identify and understand customers’ attitudes, preferences, and satisfactions towards the current mobile carriers as well as customers’ expectations of the next generation carrier – 4G LTE. The data input of this thesis are survey data collected by on-line questionnaire from the students at National ChengChi University, and people living in Taiwan. The sample size was 872. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS, a computerized statistical program. The analysis report includes description of the sample, customers’ attitudes, and preferences of the current mobile carriers in general, satisfactions towards their current using carriers, expectations of 4G LTE carriers as well as their preferable carriers. The report also discusses the carrier switching pattern, and the factors influencing the switching behavior. After analyzing the findings of the study, the thesis report proposes that the mobile operators should deploy 4G LTE network coverage as soon as possible, concentrate on increasing mobile data service speed, maintain voice call service quality, offer a wide variety of handsets at some attractive prices and setting tariff rate competitively.

消費者與生產者互動模式對綠生活之影響-以主婦聯盟生活消費合作社為例 / A Study of the Impact on the Interactive Relationship between Producers and Consumers with regards to Green Living- the Case for Homemaker Union Consumer Cooperatives

邱垂仁, Chiu, Chui Jen Unknown Date (has links)
考量在消費市場上,生產者與消費者各有各的生存法則,好比消費者是以「需求法則」為前提進行消費行為,反觀生產者則是以「供給法則」為前提,進行產品製造,然而,若能將兩者的法則予以整合,應可達到消費者與生產者共存且雙贏的關係。   因此,本研究為能深入瞭解主婦聯盟生活消費合作社在消費者與生產者互動上的經營對綠生活的影響,我們則是透過主婦聯盟生活消費合作社之社員或委員對消費者與生產者互動模式的認知與調查,進而探討之的影響,茲將研究分析發現概分下列幾項: (1)消費者與生產者的互動對綠生活有正面的影響。 (2)產地觀摩之互動模式對綠生活的影響較大。 (3)消費者與生產者互動有助於提升產品品質。 (4)經由消費者與生產者的互動可以增加社員加入的現象。

餅乾品類品牌老化問題如何解決? - 以"可口"為案例探討 / How to solve the ageing problem in biscuit category?

池熙琳 Unknown Date (has links)
整體餅乾市場近年土洋混戰,除了美、日、韓進口品牌充斥,本土品牌也使盡混身解數,根據消費者需求、不斷推出新口味、新包裝產品,試圖搶佔貨架空間,鞏固市場佔有率。當然在其中有一些本土老品牌正面臨品牌老化、無法擁有年輕人“心佔率”(share of mind) 的窘境;如果不思改變,品牌將面臨市佔縮小甚至被淘汰的命運。 此研究中,藉由探討本土餅乾品牌“可口”現行定位,分析市場挑戰及機會點、瞭解目標對象,進而建議其“品牌年輕化”行銷溝通策略,以期強化與年輕消費者之間情感面聯結(emotional bondage)、建立品牌好感及忠誠度,為品牌永續發展奠定最佳基礎。 主要結論為:品牌年輕化首要考慮品牌對年輕族群 (20-35) 的吸睛能力、是否能吸引其興趣及注意;洞察目標對象生活型態及對食用餅乾行為上一些未滿足的需求(unmet needs),推出他們真正需要的產品是品牌年輕化的重要任務。 另外,在整體“可口”品牌的操作考量上,透過母子品牌操作,善加利用既有品牌資產外,清楚定位各子品牌特性、優勢,從品牌名稱到行銷作為、一氣呵成,以期迅速建立目標對象認知及好感;透過“兄弟爬山、各自努力”的子品牌操作策略應可更迅速有效的落實品牌年輕化目的。

「做」女人的難關:胖女性逛街購衣經驗中的肥胖污名與自我認同初探 / Fat Women’s clothes shopping experiences: Fat Stigma, Self-identity and Doing Gender

郝天行, Hao, Tien Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
我將逛街購衣經驗視為日常生活「做(doing)」性別的關鍵過程,並探討胖女性在其中如何與肥胖污名對話。本文「胖女性」的定義為:曾有身體大小超過多數衣物消費場所中的衣物尺寸,且在逛街購衣經驗中感知到肥胖污名,而有相關負面感受如挫折不安感的女性認同者。通過收集網路言論、訪談14位胖女性後,研究結果如下: 尚未進入購衣活動前,胖女性已在商圈環境中感受到胖身體的低階級;進入購衣活動後,「體型」則成為支配胖女性活動空間與社交角色的關鍵因素。逛街購衣過程中,胖女性應對肥胖污名所採取的戰術大致可分為融入、旁觀、衝撞三種類型。胖女性反思逛街購衣經驗時,會通過將自己的身體正常化,以及從主體位置出發和時尚論述對話等方式來開展能動性、接納自己的身體。 逛街購衣情境交織胖女性在不同時空情境扮演的女性角色(如做為女職員、女兒、女友),可看出胖女性和瘦(正常)女性「做」女人的歷程具有相當大的差異──胖女性「做」女人的緊張挫折感幾乎全面滲透在日常生活各領域中。但任何一個情境中的環節鬆動,就可能給胖女性反思、行動的空間。胖身體能正當化自己的資源太過稀少,購衣管道、購衣空間、衣物選擇的多元化;大眾媒體時尚論述中女性多元典範的建立,是此情境中提供賦能的重要條件。 若要反轉肥胖污名,建議日後研究必須小心回到主體所在情境定義「胖」,不要直覺地沿用BMI等主流論述,才可覺察「胖」的多元意義;胖女性購衣經驗中「做」性別的過程,顯現出「體型」已成為個體性別建制過程的重要支配因素。本文以某些女性的經驗為例,但這種狀況發生在各種性別認同者身上,「體型」急需被建制為台灣性別運動的重要主題。 / I view clothes shopping experiences as key processes of “doing gender” in everyday life, in which fat women often struggle with fat stigmas. The main issues to be discussed in this article are thus the following: 1) How do fat women cope with fat stigmas during these processes? 2) What are the connections between fat women’s self-identities, gender-doing and their clothes shopping experiences? In this context, a "fat woman" is defined as: A woman (who identifies herself as a woman) always gets negative feelings through clothes shopping experiences due to her outsized body size(s). Research data are collected from forum discussions and 14 interviewees. The results are as follows: Before encountering clothes shopping situations, fat women are already devaluating their fat bodies in shopping space, e.g. on streets. Once fat women enter clothes shopping processes, their "body sizes" become the key factor that limits fat women’s activity within certain places and the social roles they play. There are three types of coping tactics: integrating, onlooking and resisting. Fat women show their reflexivity on clothes shopping experiences through normalizing their bodies, negotiating with fashion discourses from the position of subjects, and accepting their bodies in the way they are. Clothes shopping experiences interweave different daily encounters in fat women’s everyday life, in which they play various kinds of “gendered roles” such as female employee, daughter or girlfriend. Summing from the above, I notices that the different gender doing experiences between “thin (normal) women” and “fat women” usually make the latter more frustrated in most daily encounters. In clothes shopping context, resources for justifying fat bodies are needed. As to the empowerment of fat women, diversity of shopping channels, places and clothes are as important as establishing different fashion discourses, e.g. fat female fashion icons. To reverse fat stigmas, I suggest that we avoid defining “fat” intuitively by medical discourses (e.g. BMI) but by situating fat bodies as subjects, thus we will not be subject to dominated fat discourses and thereby limit the rich meanings of fat bodies. Fat women’s clothes shopping experiences show that “ body sizes” is a key factor affecting individuals in doing one’s gender. In Taiwan, there is still room for us to raise the awareness of “body size issue” and further address it as a gender issue.

以家庭收支調查報告分析消費的不對稱行為 / Asymmetric Impact of Macroeconomic Oscillation on Household Consumption — using “Report on the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure (RSFIE) in Taiwan”

葉佳宜 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要研究總體景氣波動對於家戶消費之影響效果,並進一步探討總體景氣於繁榮期與衰退期波動對家戶消費影響是否一致。使用行政院主計總處所提供1979年至2011年之「台灣地區家庭收支調查報告」,共33年度的家戶消費資料。由於樣本為時間序列資料,可能受到重大的經濟因素影響,使得過去消費和現在的費之間的關係發生變化,造成迴歸關係中參數改變,故加入「結構轉變」(structural changes or structural breaks)檢定分析。除了探討總體家戶消費之外,亦將整體資料依家庭可支配所得分組,藉以了解不同所得分配的家戶消費之間差異。 本文研究方法使用普通最小平方法(ordinary least square,OLS)複迴歸模型進行實證分析,分別針對總體景氣波動與家戶消費是呈現正循環或反循環關係,與總體景氣波動之繁榮期和衰退期間對家戶消費的影響程度是否有不對稱之影響作驗證,兩大部分別建構兩組模型。主要結論為以下三個,第一,總體景氣波動對於低所得家戶與總體家戶之消費的影響呈現正循環,且進一步發現景氣繁榮期與衰退期對於家戶消費確實存在不對稱影響。第二,由其他相關變數發現,總體家戶與高所得家戶存在財富效果,擴張性貨幣政策有效,而低所得家戶需藉由所得重分配政策才能有效改善家戶消費情況。最後,結構性轉變實證結果顯示,總體家戶與高所得家戶之消費顯著存在結構性轉變,而低所得家戶則不存在結構性轉變。


佐藤, 健一 01 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

廣告量與客觀品質之關係─以台灣市場為例 / The Relationship of Advertisement Volume and Objective Quality: A Taiwan Market Case

廖俊琮 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統上,廣告量愈多的產品,往往被消費者視為具有較佳的品質,因此廠商願意投入大量廣告經費,提升消費者對其產品的知覺品質以增加銷售量。而以往的研究中,學者亦針對廣告量與知覺品質的關係進行探討,並發現兩者的確呈正相關,然而過去卻幾乎沒有任何研究,針對廣告量是否能反映產品真實的品質進行探討,使消費者得知是否可運用廣告量作為客觀品質的判斷依據。因此本研究以台灣市場為對象,試圖探討以廣告量做為判斷客觀品質指標的可靠度為何。 本研究採用次級資料的研究方式,以1996年1月至2005年12月的消費者報導「數據在說話─測試篇」單元作為客觀品質的分析依據,並以潤利廣告公司1996年至2005年的有效廣告量資料代表廣告投入,針對35種產品類別共623個品牌的歷史資料進行分析,以了解廣告量與客觀品質間是否存在關聯性。接著本研究以產品使用期間、品質判斷能力、產品差異程度與財務風險四項影響消費者決策涉入程度的因素作為調節變數,將產品特性分為耐久財/非耐久財、搜尋品/經驗品、便利品/選購品、高價品/低價品四項,進一步探討廣告量和客觀品質在不同情形下的關連性高低。而在廣告量資料的處理上,本研究除了針對受測產品當年度的有效廣告量予以分析外,更加入了廣告遞延效果的概念,以三年平均廣告量為基礎進行分析,以瞭解廣告遞延效果的出現,是否會加強廣告量與客觀品質的聯結。 由相關分析的結果顯示,廣告量和客觀品質之間存在著輕度正相關,而後續的回歸模式檢定和卡方分析卻顯示,並無法以四個調節變數說明在何種情況下最適合以廣告量作為判斷客觀品質的指標。顯示台灣廠商不傾向以廣告量多寡作為品質信號,而消費者固然可以廣告量作為品質判斷的指標,然而應輔以其他相關指標進行選購以降低決策風險。 / Products with higher advertisement volume are often regarded as possessing better quality by consumers, so companies are willing to spend huge expenditure to enhance their perceived quality and thereby sales volume. Also, scholars in past researches discussed relationship between advertisement volume and perceived quality and finding positive correlation does exist. However, further examination on whether advertisement volume can reflect the real product quality has yet been done, so that consumers have no way to tell is advertisement volume a dependable quality signal or not. Thus, this research targets Taiwan market to discuss the reliability of using advertisement volume to evaluate objective quality. The research uses methodology of secondary data analysis, adopting “Product Testing Unit” in Chinese Taipei Consumer Report as objective quality sources, and effective advertisement volume by Rainmaker Corp. as advertisement volume data, analyzing data of total 35 product categories or 623 brands to examine the correlation. The research further uses product durability, accessibility of quality evaluation, degree of product differentiation, and financial risk as mediators, categorizing products into four groups to discuss the strength of correlation under various situations. As for advertisement data, the research uses not only advertisement data of the very year products are tested, but also three-year averaged volume to see whether the “lag effect” in advertisement strengthen the correlation. Correlation analysis indicates positive correlation between advertisement volume and objective quality does exist, yet results by both regression and chi-square analysis denied four characteristics as effective mediators, suggesting companies in Taiwan do not use advertisement volume as signal of quality, and consumers should complement with other signals other than advertisement volume when judging objective quality.

兩岸熟年消費者價值觀與生活型態之比較 / A Comparison of Mature Consumers' Values and Lifestyles among Four Chinese Cities: Taipei, Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Beijing

林虹妙 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來全球人口老化趨勢漸增,預計再過十年,全世界將面臨到人數最為龐大的嬰兒潮世代,從中壯年邁向老年的階段(65歲以上),全球老化情況將會激增,所謂的銀髮族群將會急速膨脹,屆時,因應此族群年齡增長而起的特殊需求,也將如雨後春筍般隨之而起,然而政府卻可能會因為社會資源或相關福利措施不足,面臨到因未能及時滿足此龐大需求缺口隨之而來的社會問題,為預防此現象發生,瞭解此族群的價值觀與生活型態是當前重要的議題,希望藉由瞭解他們的價值觀與生活型態,以便預測推估此熟年族群潛在需求,及早準備以提供給廠商開發新市場的機會,而對於這群剛過中年未至老年、正值風華絕代的年紀,本研究以「熟年族群」來代稱之,指的就是這群45~64歲龐大人口的世代族群。 近年來,兩岸也逐步面臨到上述人口老化的問題,因為與筆者身處環境息息相關,故以研究台灣與大陸的熟年價值觀與生活型態作為本研究方向,抽選兩岸具政治、經濟等代表性的四個城市:台北、北京、上海及廣州,再透過八個與生活相關之概念:健康、投資理財、家庭兩性、工作退休、人際社交、對老的看法、科技生活及消費概念,共133題生活型態題,以問卷調查的方式,來探討此四地的消費者,面對這些概念的思維與核心價值觀,作為本研究核心主軸。 本研究透過因素分析萃取出25個四地皆有的概念,另外,再加入性別、年齡及工作狀態三個控制變數,來比對兩岸四地的熟年消費者,在這三個變數下,對此25個觀念的所展現出的想法與價值觀,而瞭解得到四地消費者價值觀與生活型態之差異所在。最後以此四地消費者在這些概念展現之差異,擬定行銷四地的建議,以供企業在開發四地熟年市場時作為參考之用。


程道揚 Unknown Date (has links)
將「患者」當做「消費者」看待已經不是什麼新的觀念,但是事實上舊有醫療體系中固有的的思惟其實從認知到實踐還有一段頗長的路要走。如何屏除以往醫療過程中上(醫師)對下(患者)的舊觀念,試著去了解消費端(患者)他們是如何選擇並看待一家醫療院所就成了做此研究的動機。另外針對大家一致認同的消費市場的主力:「女性」,她們是如何看待與她們健康休戚相關的議題?這對醫療市場絕對有舉足輕重的影響力,所以希望藉此研究進一步了解,以期為經營日益艱難的牙醫醫療產業找出另一片天空。 本研究旨在探討牙醫門診患者選擇就醫時的決策方式與相關之影響因素。以台北縣、市四家牙醫診所的病患為主要研究基礎,然後藉由問卷調查的方式(共回收831份)去分析不同性別與年齡層之間在做牙醫就診決策時的異同。 研究結果發現,牙醫門診患者對於整個決策過程中是有差距存在的。而樣本中「性別」與「年齡層」確實有不一樣的需求,尤其是女性;不一樣年齡層的女性在做決策判斷時,與其他族群是有一定程度上的差異。此外研究中顯示「醫師的態度」是影響患者繼續回診最主要的因素,因此醫師們如何在專業之外如何學習「服務」你的患者,這應該是醫學基礎教育外值得深思的問題。最後,本研究將參考「歷史資料」與「問卷資料」的分析所得提出行銷建議,作為(牙醫)醫療院所運作時之參考。 關鍵字: 性別、年齡、消費者、決策行為 / Viewing a patient as a customer is not a new concept. But there is a long way to go between recognition and performance in old medical system. This research is motivated by the following two questions: How do we avoid the traditional superior attitudes of doctors over patients and how do consumers choose hospitals or clinics. In addition, we are also concerned about how females, the largest consumer decision-making group, view these subjects and how they affect their perspectives. Viewing the patient as a customer is absolutely important to medical market and hope we can find another dental business channel by studying and understanding this concept. This research is focused on dental patient decision making process and related factors when choosing a dental provider. The data were collected from patients in four clinics in Taipei City and Taipei County. We analyzed the differences and correlations between the patients gender and ages with 831 surveys collected. Our research has found that dental patient decision-making differs based on age and gender. When it comes to judging and decision-making, we found some differences between different age groups, especially amongst females. In addition, the attitude of the doctor is a major factor that determines whether or not a patient will return to the dental provider in the future. We suggest doctors know not only professional knowledge, but also how to serve a patient like a customer. Finally, this research will offer marketing advice for running clinics according to historical information and analysis of our survey. Key Word:Gender、Age、Consumer、Decision-making Behavior

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