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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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廣告與社會變遷之研究–中華汽車個案分析 / Advertising with social change the presentation of social class ---A study of CMC commercials in Taiwan

吳風行 Unknown Date (has links)
McQuail在討論大眾傳播與社會變遷的關係時,認為社會與文化若互相影響則形成互賴關係。從1973年以降,中華三菱的廣告主要受社會變遷的影響而少反向影響社會,摘要如下: 一、從單一媒體到全傳播媒體  早期報禁使報紙獨大與寡占,閱聽眾訊息來源有限多只使用報紙;1993年中華進入轎車市場後始大量使用電視搭配報紙露出;2000年因媒體環境複雜,專業媒體代理商針對媒體與目標客層特性進行波段媒體操作,使廣告訊息更有效傳遞。 二、從解說產品到說故事的汽車品牌 自由化時期前,中華三菱因僅有商用車,平面廣告皆採用產品特色的理性溝通,如同Otto Kleppner的廣告螺旋理論,當商品在拓荒期時要訴求功能,在競爭期面臨眾多品牌時要強調商品的獨特性,在鞏固期中華三菱廣告則採故事性較多的感性訴求建立品牌形象。 三、炫耀性消費的文化浮現與普及 從1996年Cefiro出現後,汽車廣告中呈現豐富豪華的配備,消費者進入Baudrillard的「炫耀性消費」社會。中華三菱從早期以商車頭家體驗證言到1997年休旅車推出後,各車廣告皆針對目標客層在廣告中呈現身分的識別與彰顯。 四、廣告訴求從高涉理性到高涉感性 「FCB 廣告模式」中發現中華三菱的廣告從高涉理性商品移轉到高涉感性商品,會發生這樣的現象跟經濟與消費文化有高度正相關,而汽車有關商品理性層面,消費者已有更多能力與訊息可做判斷,至於如何打動則要靠更多的感性訴求。 1970到2010年代的社會,從一個大家彼此認識的恬靜社區逐漸到誰也不認識誰的異化社會(alienated Gesellschaft),不同階級使用不同的物品彰顯所在的社會結構中位置,中華三菱的廣告則不斷提供並呈現社會中產階級想要模傲的價值觀。 / When McQuail discussed the relationship between mass communications and social changes, he believed that society and culture form into a relationship of interdependence if they influence each other. This research analyzed CMC Motor's advertisements and found them influenced by Taiwanese social changes much more than the degree they have influenced society. A. From a single medium to IMC media Newspapers had been the major information source for the audience in Taiwan. When CMC Motor joined the market in 1993, automobile industry began to apply plenty of TV commercials along with advertisements in the papers. Since 2000, agencies have run advertising on targeted audience making messages effectively delivered. B. A brand from product facts-explanation to story-telling In early days, CMC Motor took rational manners in print advertisements, as Otto Kleppner puts that a product should appeal with its functionality at the pioneering stage; story-enriched emotional appeals have been applied when the company reached the stage of consolidation. C. Emergence and popularization of conspicuous consumption Cefiro hit the market in 1996, advertised as a luxuriously equipped sedan--that was the time when consumers moved into “conspicuous consumption” society. All CMC Motor advertisements have appealed to status identification and recognition of targeted consumers. D. Highly involvement of advertising appeals: from rational to emotional CMC Motor's advertisements transferred into highly involvement/affective from highly involvement/rational,which is quite related to economy and consumption culture. Consumers are able and informed to make decisions nowadays, while emotional appeals are more needed for touching their hearts. From 1970 to 2010, Taiwanese society transformed from a place where people knew each other into an alienated Gesellschaft. Society members from different status use different things to recognize each own position, meanwhile CMC Motor's advertisements keep presenting values the middle-class desire to intimate and to be proud of. automobile advertisement, consumption society, advertising appeal, social change, conspicuous consumption

建立單一金融消費爭議處理機制之法制研究 / A legal study of a consistent scheme of financial dispute resolution

楊麗萍, Yang, Li Ping Unknown Date (has links)
2008年9月發生美國雷曼兄弟控股公司破產事件,我國一般散戶投資人以特定金錢信託或受託買賣方式購買由該公司所保證、其荷蘭子公司所發行之連動債券,其金額約新臺幣433.83億元,投資人人數高達5萬餘人,損失相當慘重。投資固然有其風險,但若金融消費者損失係金融服務業銷售過程違失所致,則金融服務業應依法對金融消費者負損害賠償責任。然而,金融服務業所提供之金融商品及服務型態日趨複雜,金融消費者與金融服務業在財力、資訊及專業面實質不對等,一旦發生糾紛,循司法途徑救濟往往曠日費時,所耗費之成本不符經濟效益。而現行各種訴訟外可處理金融消費爭議之機制,或不具金融專業,或欠缺法律依據,且缺乏單一專責機構處理,無法滿足金融消費者需求。鑒於我國現行針對特定型態之爭議事件,已有制定專法設置訴訟外替代性紛爭解決機制之體例。因此,有必要提供訴訟外之金融消費紛爭處理機制,並予法制化,以迅速有效處理金融消費爭議。 本文參考英國金融公評人(Financial Ombudsman Service Ltd.簡稱FOS)、新加坡金融業爭議調解中心(Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd.簡稱FIDReC)之運作規範及國內相關體例,提出我國未來制定專法建立訴訟外金融消費爭議處機制之法制建議。本文研究結論建議如下: 一、本機制宜定位為與其他法定紛爭解決機制並存之任意性訴訟外紛爭解決途徑,不剝奪當事人使用其他法定爭議處理途徑之權利。 二、設立財團法人組織型態之爭議處理機構,統合處理金融消費者與金融服務業間所生各種領域及型態之金融消費爭議。 三、本機制適用對象宜限於弱勢之金融消費者,排除具一定財力或專業能力之人。 四、爭議處理程序為金融消費者先向爭議所涉之金融服務業申訴,金融消費者不接受金融服務業處理結果或金融服務業逾期不為處理者,金融消費者得於一定期限內向爭議處理機構申請評議,爭議處理機構並得於受理後先試行調處。 五、保障當事人使用本機制之程序選擇權及接受處理結果之處分權。調處依雙方當事人協商合意而成立,評議則由評議委員會審酌一切情狀依公平合理原則作成評議決定後,經雙方當事人表明接受而成立。但為適度合理平衡金融消費者與金融服務業間之實質不對等,金融服務業於事前同意使用本爭議處理機制者,對於給付金額或財產價值在一定額度以下之評議決定,應予接受。 六、當事人不接受爭議處理結果者仍保有司法救濟權。當事人接受爭議理結果者則賦予爭議處理結果一定之法律上效力,並保留司法對爭議處理結果之最終審查權,包括經法院核可後始與民事確定判決有同一效力,及調處或評議決定有瑕疵時得提起撤銷之訴。

床墊產業之消費者網路口碑研究 / A Study on Consumer’s e-Word-of-Mouth in Taiwanese Mattress Industry

林天瀚 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟成長,高度競爭的生活環境造成人們睡眠品質不佳或失眠,多半是深受入睡困難、淺眠和早醒等困擾。因此,對於現代人逐漸願意投資在寢具和床墊產品只求一夜好眠。 床墊是為耐久財,生命週期長且消費者感知風險高,因此大多消費者在購買前會先進行相關資訊蒐集。網路的普及使得商品資訊在網路上公開,使得網路成為消費者購物前蒐集資訊的主要管道。而隨著web2.0的興起,消費者在網路上分享產品資訊的網路口碑有了爆炸性的增加,產生了讓廠商無法忽視的網路口碑效應。透過網路口碑的分析可以了解消費者與市場需求,提供廠商未來修正整體經營策略。 本研究透過網路蒐集網路口碑進行內容分析法,瞭解消費者選購床墊的決策流程以及對國內外高價品牌床墊的評價。從研究結果可以發現,近四成的消費者是為了改善睡眠品質而產生購買床墊的需求。實體通路及網路是消費者主要蒐集資訊的管道。在評估床墊時,消費者重視床墊品質、價格以及軟硬度,他們在意床墊和彈簧的設計以及床墊軟硬度。而有近五成五的消費者是偏好較硬床墊。近九成九的購買管道為品牌床墊專賣店和一般床墊經銷通路居多。約1%的消費者由於網路購物的七天鑑賞期而選擇在網路購物平台購買。近七成五的消費者購買後表示滿意,近二成五的消費者購後仍不滿意床墊與彈簧的設計與材質,以及依舊腰酸背痛等。 消費者對於國內外床墊品牌的正面口碑多於負面口碑,其中消費者對席伊麗品牌形象最佳,負面評論少。而消費者對本土床墊品牌,如:德泰彈簧床、老K牌彈簧床和10 Days的品質也有正面的評價,但對於品牌形象與經營則保持負面的態度,建議未來應針對加強品牌權益的目標,調整行銷策略。 / With economic growth, a highly competitive environment results people in poor quality sleep or insomnia. Most of them suffer from difficulty in falling asleep, light sleep and wake early. Therefore, people are more and more willing to invest in bedding, pillow and matress just for a good quality sleep. Due to the mattresses are durable goods with long product life cycle and perceived risk, consumers usually spend a lot of time to study the mattresses before purchasing. On the other hand, with the universal of the Internet and the growth of web2.0, the blooming e word-of-mouths (eWOM) makes consumer tend to uderstand products in advance by reading comments. That indeed cause a serious effect on eWOM for firms who should not ignore. Through analyzing the eWOM, firms could understand the trend on the demand side then modify their strategies. This study collected eWOM from the Internet and use content analysis to understand consumer purchase decision process as well as the consumers’ insights into upscale mattresses. From the results, we could know that almost 40% of consumers buy a new mattress for improving sleeping quality. They usually collect the necessary information by visiting physical channels and surfing on the Internet. They evaluate the mattresses quality, price, softness and firmness. They care about mattresses and springs’ design and matieral. Almost 55% of consumers prefer to buy a firm mattress. Almost 99% of consumers buy mattresses at the physical channels. Rest of consumers buy mattresses on e-commerce due to the 7-days return warranty. Almost 75% of consumers feel satisfied after purchasing. Rest of them are not satisfied at the mattresses and springs’ design and material and uncomfortableness. Consumers gave more positive comments than negative comments on the selected mattresses brands. Sealy had a reputation on its brand image and quality; King Koil, The-Tai Mattress, Kingbed, Tempur and 10 Days are all well-know for their quality as well, but still had some negative comments on the brand image and price. After the eWOM studies on each selected brand, this study gave suggestions to each brand for its future marketing strategy.

論金融消費爭議處理機制之相關法律問題 −以歐盟境內相關制度為參考 / A study on legal issues relating to financial disputes resolution − reference to the systems in the EU

鄭珮玟, Jheng, Pei Wun Unknown Date (has links)
近年隨著經濟發展,金融商品之設計日新月異,逐漸打破以往銀行、保險、証劵等行業之區分,金融業者對於其服務逐漸朝向一元化發展。而為因應金融產業之變革,金融監理似乎亦有朝向一元化之趨勢,因此相關監理層面之整合即為客不容緩之要事。 惟我國於金融消費者保護法通過施行前,對於金融消費爭議之各種處理機制尚未統之,因此有管道多元而使消費者無所適從,社會資源浪費、處理程序過長以及品質無法監管等種種問題。而此一問題,於2008年雷曼兄弟倒閉,引發國內多數投資人之損失,並於尋求救濟時產生許多爭議,使前開缺失一一浮上檯面。 本文介紹歐盟替代性紛爭解決機制(ADR)之發展,包含調解人與公評人之相關準則與原則。以及歐盟專門處理金融消費爭議之平台(FIN-NET)之運作方式,並統整FIN-NET各個會員間之制度,觀察其制度內容及差異,進行歸納統整。再以歐盟主要國家,德國、英國與法國之金融消費爭議處理機制為主,對於各國之其制度加以介紹,並進行制度面之比較分析。並藉此評析金融消費者保護法之爭議處理機構。 最後本文認為,我國之爭議處理機構制度上已相當完整,除將各個產業整合由單一爭議處理機構處理外,亦已改善過去部分機構欠缺法律基礎而無資料調閱權限,以及無法中斷時效等之缺失。如同歐盟之多數國家,消費者均無需付費值得肯定,惟若制度運作後濫訴及客訴黃牛之情況嚴重,可仿效歐盟各國向消費者收取部分費用,並給予金融機構每年前三個案件無需收費之優惠。另外,評議有關一定金額拘束力之設計方式,與英國之制度仍有不同,將可能導致評議機制欠缺實效。再者要求消費者親自陳述意見與親自參加調處,雖違反代表原則,然既係在避免有客訴黃牛之情況故尚可容許。且違反資料調閱權之效果倘能有實體法上之效果或許更能幫助紛爭之解決。而能增加當事人對爭議處理機制之損害賠償請求權,惟於違反金保法之人員有故意或重大過失時爭議處理機構對之有內部求償權。最後,仍欠缺就爭議處理品質面之監督機制,亦仍有改善之空間。

金融消費者保護法對銀行保險業務影響之研究 / Study on the impact of the financial consumer protection act to bancassurance in Taiwan

黃愉婷 Unknown Date (has links)
我國金融消保法於2011年制定,是以保護金融消費者權益,公平、合理、有效處理金融消費爭議事件,以增進金融消費者對市場之信心,並促進金融市場之健全發展為目標。同樣的,因金融消保法將散落在各金融法規的廣告、業務招攬、營業促銷活動、說明義務、適合度評估統合規定,並創立一元化的金融消費爭議處理機制,帶給金融市場相當大的影響。 我國銀行保險業務,近年來快速發展,於適用金融消保法時,會給銀行保險業務帶來什麼影響?本文主要是藉由銀行保險業者履行廣告、業務招攬、營業促銷活動、說明義務、適合度評估之義務時,比較銀行保險業務原先所適用的法規範,以及適用金融消保法後產生的差異,探討對銀行保險業者的影響。然而,然而,因為銀行保險架構採取保險人或銀行保經代為經營主體的二方合約和三方合約經營模式,導致了銀行通路的責任問題,而且於銀行保險發生爭議,要保人使用金融消費爭議處理機制並選擇申訴對象時,會將這個問題展現得更加明顯。 金融消保法確立了廣告招攬促銷擔保責任、說明義務、適合度評估是金融服務業者應履行的法定義務,運用於銀行保險業務,不論在保護要保人方面,或是在維持銀行保險業務安定性的方面都帶來正面的影響。然而,因為金融消保法的要求更加完備和全面,所以銀行保險業者履行這些義務時,會對其業務、財務造成負擔,進而影響其營運,這是必須正視的現象。再者,銀行保險爭議發生時,要保人無法以銀行為申訴對象向其求償,使銀行有權責不一致之情形。因此,金融消保法作為提供給各金融服務業者和金融消費者適用的整合性法律,若採取傳統的分業經營規範方式,將會產生許多適用上的問題。 所以,本文除解析金融消保法對銀行保險業務的影響層面外,還探討金融消保法規定分業經營所產生的問題,並得出結論認為金融消保法跨業經營規範之制定將會使銀行權責得以相符,也會讓金融消保法更能符合實務的需求。

台灣電信業消費者品牌參與之實證研究 / An empirical study on consumer brand engagement in the context of mobile service providers in Taiwan

葉秋焱, Jendrzejczyk, Michalina Unknown Date (has links)
While the focal point in marketing discussion is moving away from goods and getting closer towards service, highlighting the importance of consumer experience and the significant role of customers as value co-creators, the notion of consumer brand engagement and consumer engagement in general, are receiving attention both among scholars and brand decision makers. However, despite the growing attention, the empirical research on the antecedents and consequences of CBE is limited and provides inadequate proof of the substantial role that CBE plays in building customer brand loyalty. This paper investigates the drivers and outcomes of consumer brand engagement among the consumers of mobile service brands in Taiwan. It explores the influence of satisfaction, trust, commitment, involvement, participation and self-expressive brand on the increase or decrease in loyalty and the mediating role of CBE dimensions, including cognitive processing, affection and activation. By validating existing conceptual framework and proposing a new conceptual model, this paper provides empirical evidence of the CBE impact on brand loyalty. Also, this papers aims to provide a useful managerial insight for marketing professionals seeking to enhance firm’s business performance via establishing strong relationships with their customers.


黃儀文, Huang, Yi Wen Unknown Date (has links)
當今社會生活水準不斷提升,民眾對於吃下肚的食材要求,從量的滿足,轉為質的追求,尤其是關注衛生、健康、安全等因素。由此,大眾對於採買生鮮食材的直覺想法為親自上街挑選,經由眼看、鼻嗅、嘴嚐、手觸與食材近距離接觸,除去心理上的疑慮以及對生理上的安心。然而,近年來,網路代購消費模式迅速崛起,並以具有標準化製程的一般商品為主要代買項目,但隨著新加坡代購公司—Honestbee的成立,使非加工的生鮮食材也加入代購的行列。其主打使用者不須花太多時間成本來買菜,亦即不必親自出門,僅須透過滑動電子載具螢幕瀏覽生鮮食材圖片與下單預訂,此時生鮮代購員將至指定商店替使用者選購實體商品,並且快送至家中。而這一新興消費模式的出現,將習見的親臨實體市場購買轉變為代購員代理完成買菜大事,此打破民眾對採買生鮮食材需要親自挑選的想像。 據此,本研究試圖釐清消費者在無法親自接觸欲買商品時,會如何與Honestbee代購業者建立信任關係,並願意將手中的生鮮選購權交付於陌生的代購人員?而這一新興的採買模式與親自前往市場選購方式之間有著什麼樣的異同?對此,藉由深入訪談8位使用過Honestbee代購服務以及具有親臨實體市場(傳統菜市場、超級市場)購買生鮮食材經驗之消費者,並利用半結構式訪談題項掌握個別受訪者對於兩種採購方式的消費動機與體驗,再進一步探詢兩種消費過程中信任關係的建立與維持。由此,本研究發現,雖然受訪者對於兩種購買生鮮食材的動機以及獲得的消費體驗與感受皆有所不同,但產生於兩種消費過程中的信任關係則是具有相互交集的景象,並非獨立各自存在,其是呈現一種多向度的信任關係。因此,生鮮代購業者會建立與實體市場購物相同的信任要素,進而讓消費者能夠安心使用代購服務來獲取生鮮食材。 / In modern society, the living standard is improving. Quality is more important than quantity for the food requirements, especially the food safety. In Taiwan, even though supermarkets are everywhere, where chickens are deboned and packed, and food is certified; many housewives are still keen to visit the traditional markets to buy unprocessed chicken, or fresh vegetables which are shipped directly from the farms. With the rising of the company “Honestbee” in recent times, people don’t need to spend so much time visiting the traditional markets and supermarkets. Instead of going out, they can just buy various kinds of fresh food at home. This brand new consumption pattern has brought large change for the consumers. In this research, the trust relationships between the surrogate shopper and consumers have been discussed. Moreover, we also explored the differences between surrogate shopper and markets from the interviews of eight consumers who had experiences for using the services of “Honestbee”. In conclusion, we could find that whether surrogate shopper or markets, they have the same trust mechanism for the consumers, and make them feel at ease to buy fresh food.

共享經濟的困境與限制─以Airbnb為例 / The Difficulties and The Limitation of Sharing Economy ─A Case Study of Airbnb

李欣, Lee, Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
受到科技進步、消費者心態轉變、經濟因素三大條件驅動,共享經濟逐漸發展成具規模的集體社會趨勢,更被美國《時代週刊》列為「將會改變世界的十大主意」之一。本研究參考學者研究,將共享經濟定義為:「基於使多數人得以重複使用之目的,將閒置生產力透過中介平台,以群體合作進行有效率的點對點分享,並創造利益之商業模式」。   然而,隨著共享經濟企業的規模與版圖逐漸擴展,產業內既有的商業模式面臨破壞式創新所帶來的嚴峻挑戰和威脅,導致既得利益者企圖透過尋租行為要求政府禁止或限制共享經濟企業的營運,造成共享經濟發展受到限制。其中,尋租者多從「私人財產利用界線」及「平台與使用者間關係」來爭執共享經濟企業的合法性,且根據美國Uber案及Smart Apartment案判決分析,可再細部歸納得出「外部成本」、「契約性質」係爭議主因。   Airbnb係目前規模最大的私人住宅出租平台,為共享經濟十分成功的個案,使用者可將家中閒置空間刊登於平台上,短租給各地旅客。然而,多數城市均以法律規定業者需取得許可始能提供短期住宿服務,Airbnb使用者未獲得許可即於平台上提供住宅短租的行為,即產生適用法規上的合法性爭議。   本研究從「外部成本」及「契約性質」兩大角度切入,以紐約州檢察總長之Airbnb市場研究報告、Airbnb美國訴訟案以及我國日租套房判決,針對Airbnb「短租私人住宅」與「使用者利用平台」兩大行為做出我國法規適用之合法性討論,並企圖以立法管制、寇斯定理及社會規範,提出政府面對Airbnb於臺灣營運時可行之管理方式。 / Driven by the technological, changes, consumers’ purchase behaviors and the economy concern issues, sharing economy becomes a sizable social trend. Furthermore, Times magazine even ranks sharing economy as one of the ideas that would change the world. This research difines sharing economy as “a accessibility based business model for peer-to-peer markets, aimd to share underutilized asset or idling capacity effciently by crowd collaboration through a intermediary platform”.   However, as the growth of sharing economy, enterprises are threatened by disruptive innovations and new business models., Thus, stakeholders’ rent-seeking behaviors within the industry would bring the difficulties and limitations to sharing economies. Those rent-seekers argue the issues of “the boundery of private property use” and “the relationship between platform and users” which make sharing economy invalid, and the lawsuits on Uber and Smart Apartment also show that “external costs” and “the nature of contract” are the main reasons resulting to rent seeking.   Airbnb is the biggest house-renting platform also one of the most successful sharing economy enterprises. Users could plae their own vacant spaces to rent out to other users on this platform to earn extra profits. While most cities in the world require house-renting or hotel business to obtain permission before providing short-term accommodation services, Airbnb’s users provide short-term accommodation via its platform do not require the permission which arise the disputes of the legality and vaility when applying to local regulation.   This theis is base on the perspectives of “external costs” and “the nature of contract”, market research report undertaken by the New York State Attorney General, American lawsuits related to Airbnb and cases of daily-based house-rental business in Taiwan to analyze the issues of short-term rental for private house, the useage of sharing economy platform, and the legality and validity of Airbnb when its business model applying to Taiwanese regulation. Based on the analysis, this theis proposes a solution about how Taiwanese government manages Airbnb’s based on legislative control, Coase Theorem and social norms.


王松洲, WANG, SONG-ZHOU Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於探討不同的消費者生活型態群,對汽車產品屬性之偏好為何?比較其 間差異所在,並進一步模擬出消費者心目中汽車產品屬性之理想組合。 本研究所蒐集的資料包括:ぇAIO 生活型態量表資料,作為生活型態市場區隔之用。 え人口統計變數,以求得不同生活型態群於人口統計上的特徵。ぉ產品屬性偏好資料 ,本研究之產品屬性有四,即價格、車型、耗油量及傳動方式,乃利用整體輪廓法及 直交排列法,以得出模擬之產品屬性組合,並請消費者決定其偏好順序。 本研究資料之分析,乃利用因素分析,以縮減消費者AIO 變數之構面,再以各樣本於 因素分析後所得之因子得點進行集群分析,以求得不同之生活型態群,之後針對不同 之生活型態群,利用聯合分析之Johnson 單調迴歸法,將依整體輪廓法所得之產品偏 好順序資料,分解成對各個產品屬性之成分效用值,藉以得出消費者理想之汽車產品 屬性組合。


廖繼弘, LIAO, JI-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
最近四、五年來,台北市相繼出現幾家各具特色的「新型書店」(如金石文化廣場、 新學友、光統圖書百貨公司等),它們以賣場大、氣氛佳、多角化經營等較佳的購書 環境,吸引大月大批的人潮,而傳統型態書店在面臨了購書族群日漸散去的生存競爭 壓力,也紛紛重新裝修門面,打掃以吸引顧客,因此本研究乃在探討書店消費者對五 家新型書店和傳統型書店之看法及偏好情形。 本研究在文獻探討,主要有二部份,一、市場區隔理論:包含如何選取區隔變數、區 隔市場模式及有效市場區隔之條件。二、生活型態理論:生活型態模式以及在行銷之 應用。 在研究方法方面,主要應用因素分析、區別分析以及非計量多元尺度法來研究消費者 生活型態及對書店之看法與偏好分析。 研究結果有二: 一、四種不同購買程度購買群在某些一般化、特殊化生活型態因素上及人口統計變數 如所得、職業有顯著性差異,但某些項目則無顯著性差異。 二、各種購買群在知覺分析方面,認為五家新型書店較相似也較易互相競爭,在書店 偏好方面則大多數消費者均較喜愛金石堂和新學友書面,但也有部份消費者認為幾家 書店都無法滿足他們。而在書店╱屬性方面,傳統型書店在價格及促銷方面被認為是 較好的,而金石堂和新學友書面則在其他屬性被認為是最佳的。

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