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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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論安潔拉‧卡特短篇故事裡的狼人與狼女形象 / Werewolves and Wolf-Girls in Angela Carter's short stories

江宗翰, Jiang, Tzong Han Unknown Date (has links)
在一九七零年代,恐怖文本的盛行曾帶動了狼人小說在大眾文學市場的熱潮。在這股風潮裡,英國女性主義作家安潔拉‧卡特(Angela Carter)的狼人故事可說是同類型作品中的異數。卡特解構以及改寫童話故事,剖析其中關於道德與社會控制的隱喻,同時將狼人故事的元素與童話故事的意識型態結合,創作了四篇批判性強烈的短篇小說「狼人」、「與狼為伴」、「狼女愛麗斯」以及「彼得與狼」。 當時,隨著女性意識的抬頭,以及「狼」的妖魔化形象漸漸淡化,甚至被生態女性主義者(eco-feminist)與野獸女性主義者(beast-feminist)所推崇的情形下,狼人故事的主題也發生了變化。越來越多作品開始描寫女狼人如何奔向自由的懷抱,或是女狼人利用自身的能力對男性展開反擊。「女狼人」滿足了女性對於自然的渴望,也代表了力量。但是卡特卻反其道而行,她不但拒絕書寫女性狼人的主題,反而聚焦在被狼扶養的「狼孩」這種似人非人的議題上。她甚至在作品中暗示了,對女性來說,成為狼人是危險的一件事。 由於過去從未有人同時針對四部作品同時研究,本論文將嘗試以綜觀的角度,剖析為何卡特拒絕女性「成狼」,同時探究卡特筆下的狼人以及狼女的形象,究竟隱含什麼樣的意義。 本論文分為五個章節。第一章介紹卡特的作品風格,以及她為何選用「狼人」作為她解構童話故事的其中一個主題。第二章從卡特的作品著手,探討社會在型塑「狼人」時,大自然的意象是如何被扭曲,重組,變成安裝在異己上面的符號。這篇論文將會使用自創的名詞「象徵性狼體」來說明這個概念,同時瞭解卡特如何呈現這種困境。第三章將會轉而討論當代的女狼人小說以及生態女性主義是如何看待「狼」,而「象徵性狼體」又如何在此種文本裡死灰復燃。另外,本論文將會在第四章探討「狼女」的形象,同時借用德勒茲的「變向」(becoming)觀念,說明為何「狼女」是卡特心目中最理想的女性象徵。最後,第五章將會為前述論點做出總結,指出卡特拒絕女性「成狼」的可能理由。 / The fashion of horror genre in the 1970s has led a corresponding popularity of werewolf stories. During that time, the feminist writer Angela Carter’s werewolf stories gained attention. Carter’s werewolf stories rewrite traditional fairy tales and folklore. She deconstructs the fairy tale pattern, and the heroines have different roles, sometimes they are victims of werewolves, and sometimes they defeat werewolves bravely. However, the female werewolf is rare in her stories. Although in the 70s, modern female werewolf stories, beast-feminism and eco-feminism revalue the werewolf or wolf with positive meanings, Carter refuses to use female lycanthropy to represent the connection between women and Nature. The aim of this thesis is to find out the possible reasons for Carter’s rejection of female lycanthropy. Chapter one introduces Carter’s writing style, and the reason she chooses werewolves in her rewriting fairy tales. Chapter two examines the images of werewolf in Carter’s stories, and argues that the mechanism of ‘symbolic wolf body’ categories and twists nature, and how the society uses it to expel the outsiders. In chapter three, I would explain why the return of ‘symbolic wolf body’ makes modern female werewolf and eco-feminist narratives problematic. Then, by using Deleuze and Guattari’s ideas of “becoming-animal,” I would argue why the wolf-girl (human girls raised by wolves) in Carter’s story is the most ideal figure of femininity in the connection with nature. Finally, my thesis concludes that the exploitation of nature, the misuse of “symbolic animal body,” and eco-feminists’ unjustified perceptions with nature are possible reasons for Carter’s rejection of female werewolves.

移動的痕跡 / Traces of moving

李若韻, Lee, Jo Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本創作的「移動」,意旨在生態系統中,動植物非自然/自願性的移動—即指因 人為活動或需求所造成的移動,在動植物被不同規模的移動後,形成一種隱而難 見的新秩序,這些因人為能力所造成的新移動景象,則為移動過後的痕跡。 這是一份討論人與自然最初關係的創作,藉從「移動」的觀念,觀看城市中 的生態日常。本創作分創作論述與攝影集作品兩部份進行,創作論述從「生態資 本主義」出發,建立作者所提出的「移動」觀念;攝影集作品則以新紀實攝影作 表現手法,再現作者所欲強調的「移動」影像。 本創作價值不以提倡人與自然應和諧相處作最終解答,而是從「移動的痕跡」 影像中,理解人類所創造的移動能力已出乎我們所想像,對於城市中日常的生態 景觀,應開始發展另一種觀看的方式。 「移動的痕跡」攝影集(網路版本):http://issuu.com/mesyeux/docs/movefinal / “Moving”, in this work, means the movement of animals and plants which is made by human beings rather than by the free will of the moved objects. In other words, the movement is caused by people's activities and demands. After the movement in various scales, a new and obscure order is formed. These newly-formed visions then act as the evidences of artificial movement. This work is about the discussion of the original relationship between mankind and ecosystem by re-observing everyday activities with the point of view of “moving”. This work is composed of two parts: the thesis and the photo album. The thesis part, based on “ecological modernization”, introduces the concept of “moving”; while the photo album part, adopted the new documentary photography style, is the medium to visualize “moving”. The value of this work is not to recommend a harmonious way of living between mankind and ecosystem, but to remind the readers that " moving " made by all mankind has been far beyond our imagination. Therefore, we should re-define our way of seeing the daily life. Traces of Moving (online version) : http://issuu.com/mesyeux/docs/movefinal

應用經濟-生態效率分析台灣縣市發展之研究 / A study of the application of eco-efficiency to Taiwan cities and counties development

李哲宇, Li, Che Yu Unknown Date (has links)
都市經濟發展同時卻也造成環境衝擊的影響,在永續發展理念下,經濟和環境議題調和為重要議題,過去評估都市永續性主要透過永續指標建構、生態足跡、能值分析等方法,但缺乏將環境和經濟兩者同時考量,因而有經濟-生態效率(Eco-efficiency)評估方式產生。本文嘗試利用此評估方式於探討台灣在民國85、90及95年經濟與環境變化情形,並分析哪些縣市為發展上具有效率以及影響縣市經濟-生態效率上差異性原因。本研究第一階段利用可處理多投入及多產出之資料包絡分析計算效率,第二階段則將以都市發展程度等為原因探討對於縣市效率值變動影響情形。 研究結果顯示,縣市中以北部縣市效率值較高而南部效率值較低,個別縣市觀察以台北市、新竹縣、新竹市、台中市、嘉義市和台東縣為三個年度中皆具有效率的縣市。而縣市欲提升效率值則需從汽柴油銷售量及用電量著手;此外,總用水量和二、三級產業就業員工數為縣市經濟-生態效率值之優勢因素。更近一步透過Tobit迴歸分析影響縣市效率值差異性原因,都市發展程度及污染性產業比例與效率值呈現負向變動,而每人每年可支配所得高低則呈正向變動。因此,建議政府對產業的汙染管制宜改善,而於都市發展程度較高的縣市提升能源使用效率並降低對環境影響,以提升縣市發展之經濟-生態效率。 關鍵詞:經濟-生態效率、資料包絡分析、Tobit迴歸分析 / Urban development creates economic values and results in environmental impact at the same time. Based on the concept of sustainable development, several methods, such as sustainable indicator frameworks, ecological footprints, urban metabolism, were reported to assess urban sustainability. However, these methods seldom focus on the relation between environment and economy. Therefore, World Business Council proposed Eco-efficiency. This research tried to apply Eco-efficiency to analyze which cities/counties are relatively eco-efficient and find causes bringing about discrepancies among twenty-two cities/counties in Taiwan. In the first stage, this research applies Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) to figure out Eco-efficiency scores and applies Tobit regression method to analyze in the second stage. The results show that efficiency scores of northern cities/counties are higher than other areas and the ones of southern cities/counties are lower above four areas. Further discussion of analyzing from individual county/city perspectives, the efficiency scores of Taipei city, Hsinchu county, Hsinchu city, Taichung city, Chiayi city and Taitung county are relatively better in 1996, 2001 and 2006. Within comparatively inefficient cities/counties, oil consumption and electricity need to reduce. Water consumption and industry employees are superior factors in twenty-two cities/counties. Furthermore, the intensity of urban development and polluting industry ratio of second and third industries have significant positive effects on the eco-efficiency scores. Disposable income per person per year has significant positive effect on the eco-efficiency scores. Thus, this research suggests that government should improve the regulation on industry pollution. In addition, for those counties/cities with high intensity urban development need to ameliorate energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact. Key words:Eco-efficiency、Data Envelopment Analysis、Tobit regression

綠色空間規劃對生態都市建置的影響—土地使用管制與都市設計元素對於生態都市指標影響之模擬分析 / The impact of greenspace planning on eco-city building

吳孟亭, Wu,Meng Ting Unknown Date (has links)
生態都市以永續概念為基礎,強調自我調節與最小能源消耗,使人類與動植物能與自然環境永遠共存。過去於都市計畫領域中,土地使用分區管制工具及都市設計元素,對於生態都市環境之影響似乎尚未完全釐清。此外從環境使用者(包含人類與動植物)面向探討生態都市規劃時,不同環境使用者取向為主之綠色空間規劃相異,又各種綠色空間規劃之適用標的為何過去鮮少提及。為釐清上述研究缺口,本研究之研究目的為建立不同生態都市使用者之生態都市規劃原則,並判別促進生態都市的重要土地使用工具與設計元素,以提供生態都市規劃上之政策建議。 在研究方法方面,首先以ArcGIS建立一模擬都市,並設計出各種規劃元素及其變化情境;接著在模擬都市中模擬所有情境之市綠色空間配置;最後計算個情境之生態指標,並運用彈性系數分析各規劃元素改變對於生態都市改善程度差異。研究結果認為若都市已高度開發、無殘存原始棲地時,規劃應偏向提供人類良好足夠之綠色空間、提升植物生長空間,已達到降低汙染並提升環境品質之生態目標;若生態都市內具部分原始棲地時,綠色空間規劃則可增加綠色網路品質,以提供動物更具生態性之環境。又在所有土地使用工具與設計元素中,縮減式退縮、偏低的建蔽率、鄰棟距離容積向上移轉、前後院距離容積向上移轉為較佳之規劃元素;高度比、街角退縮等元素整體表現普通;此外ㄨ字型建物及十字型建物之退縮對於環境改善程度最大。 / Eco-city is based on the concept of sustainability, emphasizing self-regulation and of energy consumption minimization. In urban planning, the relationship of zoning and urban design elements with eco-city built environment is not totally clarified. Besides, the planning strategy of green space will be different because of different participators living in the city. The city includes people (which can be divided into residents and pedestrians), animals and plants. It’s rarely discussed how green space strategies apply to different types of city in the past. To clarify them, two purposes on this study are established. One is to set up eco-city planning principles which designed for different environment users. The other is to find out good land use tools and urban design elements which can make built environment more ecological. The research methods of this study can be done by the following ways . First, use ArcGIS to establish a simulated urban environment. Secondly, integrate all land use tools and design elements as input, and then simulate each input’s green space configuration. Finally, calculate eco-city index and then analyze with elasticity to evaluate the efficiency of land use tools and design elements for improving environmental quality. The result of study suggests that, if highly developed city lacks habitats, the planning strategy should emphasize on offering sufficient and high quality of greenspace in order to satisfy residents’ leisure needs and plants’ growth spaces. By this way, the goal of pollution-reducing and environment-quality-improving could be reached. If the habitat exists in the city, planning strategy should tend to increase the quality of green network system in order to provide a more ecological environment for animals. Simultaneously, the study finding that among all the inputs, SBU, lower BCR, SDU, and RDU are better for eco-city planning. Besides, HDB, HDR, and HDFAR perform ordinarily. Moreover, TP7 is the most efficient input for improving environment quality, followed by TP6.

永續城市規劃整合模型之建置 / The establishment of sustainable urban planning integrated model

黃百富, Hwang, Bair Fuh Unknown Date (has links)
近二十年來,環境低碳永續思潮可謂國際城市規劃顯學,各國在城鄉及建築規劃領域之設計思維及技術手法也積極提升,日益精進。台灣政府也不自外於此風潮,施政走向積極回應此地球公民責任,將節能減碳、綠色永續列為政府規劃標案之關鍵議題。工程顧問業面對此項國際競爭挑戰,應透過設計思考程序來養成工程師永續思維,建立解析環境永續低碳議題之整合規劃能力,為本研究之主要研究動機與目的。 本研究爰引歐盟生態城市規劃流程為基礎,導入設計思考理念與手法,建立一套具備全球生態城市規劃思潮、可科學化具體操作雙重特點之整合規劃作業程序。同時,透過平潭總體規劃國際競圖案之實際操練,讓設計團隊體驗在嚴謹的論證前提框架內,藉由科學程序引導,激發出創新提案,也讓設計者體認到整合規劃之必須與重要度。 建置永續城市規劃整合模型亦為本研究之重要成果,主要功能係可檢核運算規劃方案對生態永續層面之達成率。此整合模型以歐盟生態城市規劃流程為主要框架,再納入國內生態社區評估系統之分項指標,兼俱國際前瞻思潮、與國內既有評估系統儘量相容兩項特性。另為因應不同規模尺度規劃任務之精細度要求,將整合模型區分成快速評估及詳實評估兩種版本,並以江蘇啟東濱江新城總體規劃案進行快速評估版之實證演算。 本研究將設計思考導入城市規劃實質作業,誠屬首創,研究成果所建立之整合規劃作業程序與永續城市規劃整合模型,亦屬城市規劃在製程(Process)與供應(Offering)兩類項之創新突破。未來,將持續進行相關專業評估指標之細化、模型執行電腦程式化、成果數值轉化等模型優化擴充,俾使成為引導永續規劃之重要專業工具,戮力工程顧問應盡之企業社會責任。 關鍵詞:生態城市規劃流程、設計思考、永續城市規劃 / During the past two decades, the low-carbon-emission and sustainability should be the two most important issues of urban planning, while all the theory and technical approach related to urban planning are enhanced increasingly sophisticated. Taiwan government is also engaged in this trend. For actively responding to the responsibility as an international citizen, energy saving, carbon reduction, and green sustainable development are requested as key issues of government tenders. Facing these international challenges, how engineering consultancy to develop the integrated planning capability through design thinking process to resolve environmental sustainability and low-carbon agenda, is the principal motive and purpose of this research. Based on the EU eco-city planning process, the integrated planning standard process is established through the concept of design thinking and practices. The global eco-city planning concept and scientific specific operation are both characteristics of this comprehensive planning procedure. Besides, through the practical exercises of Ping-tan conceptual master planning international competition, the design team is experienced how an innovation proposal could be created in this rigorous scientific procedure and the synergy of integrated planning. Establishing the sustainable urban planning integrated model is the important result of this research. This model could evaluate the sustainability commitment of each planning alternatives. The model is developed with the main framework of the EU eco-city planning process and detailed indicators of EEWH-EC model. Taking into account the international forward-looking thought and compatible with the local EEWH-EC model are two significant characteristic of this integrated model. This integrated model is functionally developed into two versions, rapid assessment and detailed assessment, to cope with the different scale of planning tasks. In addition, the rapid assessment version is implemented for the Qi-Dong Riverside new district conceptual master planning project. In this research, the design thinking initiated into urban planning process is a pioneering undertaking. The two findings of this research, integrated planning standard process and sustainable urban planning integrated model, are having innovation breakthrough each other in process and offering of urban planning. The further expansion of the model, Including professional assessment indicators refinement, computer programming implementation, and the output solution formation, will be continued. In the future, the model is expected to be optimized as an important tool for urban planning. It will be the best practice of corporate social responsibility for engineering consultancy. Keywords: eco-city planning process, design thinking, sustainable urban planning


水谷, 瑞希, Mizutani, Mizuki 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)


唐嘉才 Unknown Date (has links)
休閒農業區係具備了豐富的農業生產與農村文化特色,以及在地獨特農業自然環境資源,開啟其自然、生態與景觀美學潛力,並帶動居民自我認同的理想型農業園區。然各地休閒農業區與鄰近都會型城市相距不遠,加上休憩機會密集下,勢必衝擊休閒農業區環境資源的保育。農業型生態旅遊之推動,亦兼顧農業生態保育及休閒觀光發展等雙重效益,惟如何在休閒農業區內提供更佳的旅遊方式,其先決條件在於地方居民對「生態旅遊」的認知與接受程度。因此,本研究擬針對此一問題加以探討。   本研究從居民面向切入,依據生態旅遊及認知與態度等理論之相關文獻探討,建立本研究居民之基本特性與生態旅遊認知與態度等變項間之架構,並以中壢市設籍居民為受訪對象,桃園縣中壢市大崙自然生態休閒農業區計劃案為研究範圍,探討地方居民對休閒農業區推動農業型生態旅遊之認知與態度,並分析不同屬性之居民對生態旅遊之認知與評價,以及其認知與態度間之差異與相關性,俾供政府於休閒農業區規劃政策中,注入生態旅遊活動模式之參考。本研究係採問卷調查方式進行,已回收有效問卷計300份。   經本研究實證分析結果發現:   休閒農業區亦適合發展成為農耕生態體驗與地方農業人文類之生態旅遊重地,並依受訪居民之問卷後瞭解,中壢居民對農業型生態旅遊之意涵與特性已有相當程度之認知,在接受態度上亦呈現正面與認同,故值得吾等儘早推廣與執行規劃。   基於不同基本資料與屬性之居民,對本研究生態旅遊意涵及特性之認知與反應態度間均有些許差異,經營與管理者實應針對不同屬性之中壢居民進行個別教育,並增加相關活動及資訊傳輸,籲請大眾於區內確實負起環境保育之重責大任來。   另外,中壢居民對於本研究之休閒農業區內推動生態旅遊之認知與接受態度各界面間是具有顯著相關性的,當認知面之效能愈高時,其反應評價之態度面亦呈現愈高,故印證兩者間具有正向預測作用,即居民透過宣導與教育亦愈能認同農業型生態旅遊涵義,必然能產生更積極與負責任之態度參與生態旅遊相關工作,進而共同努力提昇區內旅遊品質,朝永續性土地利用與精緻旅遊發展策略前進。 / Based on the trend of promoting ecotourism as well as the exploitation of an otherwise agricultural area, a study of the effects of converting an agricultural area into a recreational one and its conservation of environmental resources, along with the recognition and attitude of diversified residents in the area.   The subjects in this study were on those household-registered residents in Chung-li City of Tao-yung County. Residents in this area were involved in a questionnaire, being questioned about setting a recreational agricultural area in Da-lung Natural Ecosystem Resort Center of Chung-li City as a research field. This study collected opinions from diversified residents examines the recognition and attitude of local residents, analyzes their identification and evaluation about the ecotourism, and illustrates the correlation between recognition and attitude. From the findings, local residents recognize and identify with the ecosystem, accept the idea of pulling out the potential of the recreational arbitral area, and indicate positive attitude toward the utilization of the agricultural land as well. Nevertheless, the instillation of the significance of the ecotourism into the residents is necessary. By doing so, the significance of the conservation of environmental resources and the recognition of the exploitation of agricultural land will be highly accepted.   This study shows the value and feasibility of promoting and carrying out the ecotourism in Chung-li City. It also serves as a reference for the government to refine an ecotourism plan in transformational agricultural land and resources.

從小米到高麗菜: 以性別的觀點看比雅楠部落空間之變遷 / From Millet to Cabbage: A Study on the Spatial Change of Pyanan Community from a Gender Perspective

陳怡萱, Chen, Yi Shiuan Unknown Date (has links)
「發展」涉及改造社會的整體想像,產業即是發展政策中相當重要的一環,產業的變遷不僅改變了一個社會的生產模式和分工方式,亦會改變一個社會中的空間和性別關係。本研究運用:參與觀察、深度訪談、焦點團體座談會和參與式製圖等方法、以性別的觀點來探究比雅楠部落從以小米為主食的燒墾農業轉型到當代以高麗菜為主要經濟作物的發展過程中部落的空間變化。本研究有三個主要的研究發現。一是政府的發展政策牽動了部落的空間與性別關係的改變;二是比雅楠部落的兩性有著不同的發展軌跡,男性較快投入市場經濟中、其勞動也被換算為較高的薪資,女性的勞動所賺取的薪資較少;三是女性保留並實踐更多的生態知識─包含對物種的知識、對人際協商的知識。總結本研究發現,筆者認為當比雅楠部落面臨到現代工業化發展所帶來的負面影響時,這些女性保存並實踐的生態知識是部落尋求替代性發展的契機。 / Development demands active imaginations toward transforming a society in which industrial transformation is a decisive part. Industrial transformation not only changes a society’s mode of production and labor division, but also changes its space and gender relationships. By employing the methods of participatory mapping, focused group discussions and in-depth interviews, this study attempts to explore Pyanan community’s experiences of industrial transformation particularly from the aspects of space and gender. There are three main findings in this study. Firstly, the government’s development policies are the main cause for the changes of Pyanan community. Secondly, this study shows that Indigenous men and women have experienced different changes in the industrial development process, like Indigenous men’s work is priced higher than the women’s under similar working condition. Thirdly, Indigenous women preserve and practice much more traditional ecological knowledge than Indigenous men. In conclusion, this study suggests that the traditional ecological knowledge preserved and practiced by Indigenous women could be the key to seek alternative development strategies while the community faces the negative influences from the modern industrial development.

物聯網 (IoT): 將為汽車產業打造一個全新的商業模式 / An Analysis of IoT and How it is Shaping New Business Models in the Automotive Industry

駱傳倫, Lo, Helen Unknown Date (has links)
物聯網 (IoT): 將為汽車產業打造一個全新的商業模式 / We are living in an era of the “Internet of Things” as we are more than ever connected to the Internet with our smartphones, tablets, PCs, and etc. With technological advancement in terms of increased broadband coverage and changes in customer behavior, more and more “things” will be connected in retail, infrastructure, home and office buildings, and etc. The communication of devices opens up new business opportunities with increased involvement of services including IT, financial, data analytics, media, and etc. Smart mobility is on the rise, specifically with the Connected Car. Vehicle owners and potential consumers are interested in having connectivity inside a car in addition to services that give them access to applications for information, content and entertainment. With many benefits and opportunities in the Automotive IoT field, stakeholders within the IoT ecosystem including service providers, software developers, automakers, hardware manufacturers, and etc. can reap a great deal of revenue through unique business models that require strategic partnerships, technological innovation and value-added services to deliver to the customer.

生態博物館與社區互動之研究—以北投溫泉博物館為例 / he Study on the Interactions between Ecomuseums and Communities--A Case Study of The Peitou Hot Spring Museum

周仕桓 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣近年來周休二日政策的實施,人們有更多的時間從事休閒活動,休閒活動的增加也造就了觀光產業的發展,文化觀光是其中一種型態,以博物館來吸引文化觀光的人潮更是世界的趨勢。人們對於博物館的認知大多侷限在一棟建築物內,展示著過去及靜態的歷史文物,這樣的模式卻阻礙了當地現址文化的保存,博物館與當地社區之間也無任何互動。 為了能夠推翻過去封閉的文化展現,開始出現了以「人類學」、「大眾化」、「地方化」、及「多元化」等為基礎的「新博物館運動」,藉此拆解傳統博物館的核心權威轉而強調當地社區的文化,並以生態博物館、社區博物館、民俗博物館和社區總體營造等理念來建構出一個「活」的博物館,增加博物館與周邊社區的互動。 本研究共以五章的內容來分析生態博物館與社區的互動,並探討北投溫泉博物館的興建營運與所遭遇到的挑戰,以做為未來經營生態博物館的借鑑: 第一章:以說明本研究之背景、動機與目的為起始,其次為本研究所採用的研究方法,並界定研究範圍、限制與名詞概念,最後回顧國內外相關文獻資料。 第二章:將國內外博物館相關文獻資料整合出博物館以及新博物館運動在歐美與台灣的發展歷程,並從中分析出生態博物館的興起、演變及對地方的影響。 第三章:探討台灣社區總體營造政策與博物館的結合、博物館走進社區的關鍵因素,以及探究生態博物館與社區的連接與互動形態。 第四章:以北投溫泉博物館做為個案研究的對象,分析其經營管理現況,並經由地方重點人士、館方人員與義工訪談,以及遊客參觀行為的調查,找出北投溫泉博物館與社區的互動和所面臨的挑戰。 第五章:結論與建議。研究後發現北投溫泉博物館符合生態博物館的理念,並對北投溫泉博物館的經營管理做出改善建議,研究發現期望可以作為日後生態博物館經營管理之參考。 / The ‘two-day weekend’ policy has been promulgated in Taiwan and people have more time spending on leisure activities. The increases of attending leisure activities create the developments of tourism among which the culture tourism is one of the most popular patterns. Using museums is a new trend throughout the world. However, the knowledge of understanding the functions of the museums is quite limited, where is bounded with attending indoor activities, historical and cultural exhibitions that not only impedes the patterns on sites seeing at the local level of cultures, but also lacks the interactions between the museums and communities. Based on “anthropology”, “popularization”, “localization”, and “diversity”, “New Museum Movement” is widely adopted to enhance the knowledge of using museums. It focuses on the deconstructing the existing concept of the traditional museums activities and highlights the communal heritages. A “living” museum is built under the ideas of eco-museums, community museums, folk museums, and community empowerment which increase the interactions between eco-museums and communities. There are five chapters in this study to analyze the interactions between eco-museums and communities, in addition, to discuss its construction, organization, and challenge of the Peitou Hot Spring Museum. The results of this study are expected to serve as the base for further research on the eco-museums in the future. In Chapter 1 the background, motivation, and purpose of doing this research are described. The methodologies relate to this research, regarding its area, limit, and the main concept would be explained in detail. In the end of this chapter, I review the related literatures. The Chapter 2 attempts to integrate the related literatures, New Museum Movement in Europe and United States, with the development of Peitou Hot Spring Museum in Taiwan. The literatures of how the rise and evolutions which impact the local community due to the development of eco-museums are also analyzed in this chapter. The Chapter 3 will discuss the community development combined with the development of museums in Taiwan, the key factors of the museums to blend with the interactive between eco-museums and communities are illustrated. In Chapter 4 this study aims to use Peitou Hot Spring Museum as a study case to analyze its current operations. Through interviewing local key persons, museum staff, and volunteers, as well as the assessment of the visitor’s interactions between Peitou Hot Springs Museum and communities are explored in this chapter. The Chapter 5 is the conclusion and suggestion. This study finds that Peitou Hot Spring Museum is accord with the concept of eco-museums which would provides the related suggestions to improve its further operation and management.

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