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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


潘聖潔, PAN, SHENG-JIE Unknown Date (has links)
本文約二萬餘字,全文共分四章,其主要內容可摘要說明如次: 開發中國家工業化發展初期,往往採取關稅與非關稅措施,而關稅的課征具有財政收 入及保護本國產業等目的,且因稽征容易,故為工業化早期,最常採行之保護政策。 台灣資源貧乏,市場規模狹小,關稅保護政策對產業發展有重大影響,故本文乃針對 以下幾項問題,加以探究。 壹、探討關稅政策在產業發展過程中所扮演的角色。 貳、分析關稅之有效保護率。 參、探討關稅對整體經濟之影響。 肆、關稅政策應如何配合貿易自由化的實施。 至於本文架構,除第一章為緒論外,第二章介紹台灣產業發展過程與關稅結構之嬗遞 ,並估算產業的有效保護率,第三章說明目前關稅實務的幾個重要問題,並以計量經 濟模型分析關稅政策的變動對整體經濟之影響,第四章則為結論與建議。


辛玉蘭, Xin, Yu-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
本文先就區域開發理論和基本概念做重點探討。針對台東縣區域發展現況,分實質與 人文因素分析其落後原因。再配合南迴鐵路即將癖建,台東縣對外效通聯絡可獲很大 改善,來討論台東縣產業發展可能變動方向,並本縮小區域發展差距的觀點,以增加 台東縣就業機會,減緩人口外流為主要目標,分別以發展游憩觀光事業和工礦業為投 資重點,探討為加速台東縣區域發展,今後資源開發利用之最佳方式。章次如左: 第一章 緒論 第二章 區域開發基本概念與理論基礎 第三章 台東縣區域發展分析與檢討 第四章 南迴鐵路對台東縣交通運輸之影響 第五章 南迴鐵路對台東縣資源利用影響之探討 第六章 結論


胡貝蒂 Unknown Date (has links)
各國政府經常運用諸如租稅獎勵、補助、低利融資等產業政策工具來促進產業發展,然而部分學者認為政府介入市場運作的結果,可能造成資源配置的扭曲,反而不具經濟效益,故呼籲政府應尊重市場運作機制。以台灣長期運用的租稅獎勵政策為例,有人認為台灣經濟奇蹟的背後,租稅獎勵扮演相當重要的角色,但也有人認為,租稅獎勵造成租稅不公平,而且降低產業競爭力。究竟租稅獎勵與產業發展的關係為何,租稅獎勵是否有助產業政策的發展,是一項值得吾人探討的議題。 為了深入瞭解這項議題,本文係以台灣實施經驗為例,分析台灣租稅獎勵的特色與產業發展過程,回顧研究租稅獎勵實施成效的文獻,並比較世界各國如新加坡、日本、韓國等國家運用租稅獎勵工具的情形,最後並對我國的產業租稅政策提出建議。本研究主要的發現為,無論就理論或實證的分析,租稅獎勵是否有助於台灣的產業發展,並無法獲得一致性答案;台灣目前所提供的租稅獎勵項目或優惠程度並不低於新加坡、韓國等貿易競爭國家或日、美等先進國家。就未來台灣整體產業租稅獎勵政策,本文的建議為,多善用其他非租稅獎勵工具,協助產業發展;持續進行租稅改革,合理化稅負環境;適度修正促進產業升級條例,強化租稅獎勵功能。 / In many countries the industrial policy instruments, such as low interest loan, grants and tax incentives are used to assist industrial development. However, some researchers argue that government intervention would always result in recourses distortion and economic inefficiency; and claim for respecting market mechanism. Taiwan’s government for a long period, for example, has provided tax incentives. Some people think that tax incentives play an important role in Taiwan’s economic miracle. But others think that tax incentives result in tax discrimination, and weakness industry’s competitive ability. Therefore, how does tax incentive influence industrial development is a controversial issue. With aims to know how does tax incentives influence industry, this paper takes Taiwan’s experience as an example, introduces the feature of Taiwan’s tax incentives and the process of industrial development. Furthermore, this paper surveys Taiwan’s researches on the effectiveness of tax incentives and compares tax incentives adopted by Singapore, Japan, Korea, and America. This paper also present suggestions to the policies of industries taxation base on the research findings. The main findings are that by theoretic or empirical study, we cannot find consentaneous answer for whether tax incentive is helpful for industrial development;and tax incentives provided by Taiwan government are no less than that by other countries. According to the research findings, we suggest that the government should utilize non-tax instruments more;the government should continue to accelerate tax reforms, and thereby to establish a fair and rational tax environment;and tax incentive is still important for some business activity such as R&D in the knowledge-based economy.

從國內消費面估算臺灣二氧化碳排放量 / Estimating CO2 Emissions from the Perspective of Domestic Consumption in Taiwan with a Multi-objective Programming Model

張智堯, Chang,Chih Yao Unknown Date (has links)
本文主旨在於透過國內消費重新估算臺灣二氧化碳排放量。蓋全球各區域二氧化碳排放量的變動,透過貿易分工而移轉,若只用一國國內生產面估算二氧化碳的排放量,將忽略了各國實際消費的二氧化碳排放量,並使《京都議定書》防止全球暖化的原意大打折扣。因為已開發國家為了達到氣體減量政策的目標,可將二氧化碳排放密集的產業遷移至低度開發國家,溫室氣體的排放只是由締約國轉移到非締約國而已。反之,若以消費面二氧化碳排放量作為二氧化碳減量之依據,則能更有效地提供減量誘因,促進減量技術之發展或誘導節約用能與需求消費。爰此,本文先以透過產業關聯模型調整消費面的臺灣二氧化碳排放量估算值,並以排放減量的觀點分析產業部門之進出口來源國,最後透過多目標規劃模型,進行二氧化碳減量之政策分析,並提出產業發展建議。 / This paper aims at estimating the CO2 emissions of Taiwan from the perspective of domestic consumption side. Since the developed countries would achieve the emission reduction goal by transferring their emission-intensive industries form their lands to the developing countries, we would neglect the true CO2 emissions of nations if we only estimate their CO2 emissions from the perspective of domestic production side, therefore reduce the significance of the Kyoto Protocol, which aims at reducing emissions. On the contrary, If we estimate the CO2 emissions of nations through the consumption side, we can provide the incentives for emission reduction more effectively, prompting the development of the technology of emission reduction or inducing consumers to conserve the use of energy. Consequently, this paper first estimates the CO2 emissions of Taiwan from the perspective of domestic consumption side through an input-output model, then estimates the import and export emissions of industry sectors, finally it analyzes the policies for CO2 emission reduction by a multi-objective programming model and provides suggestions for the development of industries.

臺灣太陽能光電產業創新發展與競爭優勢 / Innovative development and competitive advantage of photovoltaic industry in Taiwan

張哲源, Chang, Che Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣的太陽能光電產業發展於2000年起發展快速,產值於2008年突破千億新台幣,太陽能光電產業從零到有僅經歷了十幾年的時間,其原因在於臺灣本身擁有良好的半導體技術基礎以及優良的人力素質,也因對於石油煤炭這類能源過度依賴,臺灣缺乏此類資源的情況下,積極發展太陽能光電產業成為了一條尋求替代再生能源的可行之路,本論文將探討臺灣發展太陽光電產業的優勢與發展模式為何,臺灣廠商又如何保持競爭優勢以因應全球化的競爭。 太陽能光電產業在台灣的發展與競爭為本論文研究之核心,在環保意識高漲以及其技術落後於其他先進國家的同時,臺灣太陽能光電產業面對國際競爭,在矽晶片型、薄膜型電池或第三代電池發展中,如何以臺灣原有之產業優勢創造利基;另外,從國家創新系統之發展模式中探討政府、公部門與私部門研究機構在太陽能光電產業發展過程中的位置為何,此一研究不僅討論其在臺灣太陽能光電產業技術升級上是否為推動者,同時檢視在全球化競爭中,政府、研究機構與產業其未來的方向為何。 / The development of photovoltaic industry in Taiwan has grown rapidly since 2000, and the output value surmount 100 billion NT Dollars in 2008. Because of Taiwan has an exceptional semiconductor and TFT-LCD manufacturing technology foundation and an excellent quality of manpower. Photovoltaic industry in Taiwan only takes less than two decades to expand to 5th main manufacturer in the world. Promoting photovoltaic industry is not only a way to solve the excessive dependence on the traditional energy, but also to find an alternative renewable energy for Taiwan. The research explores the advantage and development mode of photovoltaic industry in Taiwan, and researchs how photovoltaic manufacturers maintain the competitive advantage to compete against other foreign manufacturers in the globalization age.


洪志仁 Unknown Date (has links)
RFID(無線射頻技術)產業發展一直政府所支持與關注的重點,隨著近年來我國政府持續執行RFID 公領域推動辦公室及2008 RFID 加值應用旗艦示範計畫,再再顯示政府重視RFID 產業發展成效,並將RFID列為政府施政重點,如何有效推動產研合作、落實技術開發、移轉成果予產業界,進一步透過技術創新,提升我國RFID產業持續發展與落實成果效益,是本研究主要的研究課題。 本研究藉由文獻探討之回顧,從RFID 技術介紹、全球RIFD 產業現況分析、我國RFID 產業現況、我國RFID 公領域推動辦公室計畫、各國 RFID 創新應用實例介紹,進而討論各國RFID 產業推動政策,最後,以未來我國RFID 產業發展機會與政府推動政策建議為結論。 本研究針對RFID 全球、區域、日本、我國市場分析,並將美國、歐盟、日本、韓國等各國RFID 產業推動政策彙總整理,探討RFID 台灣未來發展機會,進而提出未來我國政府RFID 推動政策之主要問題與挑戰,作為後續我國RFID 產業發展之參考。 / The government always supports and concern about the development of RFID industry. Recently, RFID promotion office of public region and Value-added application of RFID flagship model program in 2008 are main projects of our government. Obviously, the government pays much attention to the RFID industry development, and regards RFID as a policy focus. However, how to promote collaboration between research institutions and industries effectively, the implementation of technology development, through technological innovation to enhance the sustainable development of RFID industry and the implementation of the outcome of effective are main topics in this paper . According to the literature Review, we discuss the RFID technology, global RFID industry analysis, domestic RFID industry analysis, domestic RFID promotion office of public region, global RFID innovation case study. Moreover, we discuss the RFID policy of all over the world. Finally, we offer the conclusion that is the opportunity of Taiwan RFID industry development and the recommend of government’s policy in the future. This research is aimed at the analysis of RFID’s global market. and combine with the RFID industry policy in America, European Union, Japan, and Korea to discuss the opportunities of RFID industry in Taiwan for the near future. Pointing some main problems and challenges of the RFID industry policy that could be useful f domestic RFID industry development in the near future.

中國大陸外人直接投資與產業升級 / The Influence of Foreign Direct Investment on China's Industrial Upgrading

潘俊男, Pan, Jiun-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用一九九三∼一九九四年,與一九九七∼一九九九年中國大陸官方的地區別產業合併資料(panel data),運用固定效果計量模型(fixed effect model),以Chenery修正後的Hoffmann指數的倒數(C-H指數)為應變數,來檢測外人直接投資,對中國大陸製造業產業升級的影響。 從實證模型的迴歸結果發現。首先,在檢視外資對中國大陸製造業產業升級上,結果發現中國大陸外資的引進,對製造業的產業升級並沒有幫助,甚至出現反工業化(de-industrialization)的情形。這樣的結果雖人令人驚訝卻也合理。歸咎原因,在於(1)中國大陸的外資來源,大部分是來自台港澳外資,而台港澳外資所投資的產業,主要是在勞力密集型的產業,生產消費財產品居多。(2)從實證結果中可知,並非絕對表示中國大陸製造業沒有產業升級的情形,而是表示外資在其本身所投資的產業,相對於全國平均產業,其產業升級的幅度小於全國平均產業的水準。因此相對而言,外資對中國大陸製造業,並沒有促進產業升級的影響。 其次,針對不同來源外資,對中國大陸製造業產業升級的影響。實證結果顯示,台港澳外資對中國大陸製造業的產業升級,並無顯著影響;一般外資的引進,對中國大陸製造業的產業升級並沒有幫助,反而出現反工業化的情形。 另外,針對不同來源外資,對不同工業化程度地區製造業產業升級的影響。實證結果顯示,台港澳外資,對中國大陸高工業化程度地區的製造業工業化程度的影響,與在低工業化程度地區的製造業比較,有提升產業升級的影響;一般外資對中國大陸高工業化程度地區製造業的產業升級,與低工業化程度地區製造業比較,並無明顯不同。 雖然從研究結果可得知,似乎中國大陸引進外資越多,不但無助於產業升級,甚至出現反工業化的情形。然而,從中國大陸的產業發展策略來看,在一九七九年改革開放之前,由於中國大陸實行重工業優先發展的「趕超戰略」,雖然使得中國大陸的工業得以迅速發展,但卻造成產業結構的嚴重失衡,農、輕、重工業的比例關係失調。因此,在引進外資的政策與過程中,希望利用外資的力量,來彌補中國大陸消費財產業的缺口,尤其佔外資來源最大的台港澳外資,也多是以生產消費財產業為主。所以整體而言,中國大陸引進外資的策略,對整體產業結構的調整,仍是有利的。 / This thesis investigates the issue regarding whether or not foreign direct investment (FDI) has upgraded China’s industrial structure. Using China’s official regionally-based panel data in 1993~1994, and 1997~1999, and several specifications of the fixed-effect model with a reciprocal of the Chenery-revised-Hoffmann ratio (C-H ratio) as the dependent variable, the primary finding is that FDI has had a negative influence on industrial upgrading in China during this period. This conclusion is surprising, but reasonable, due to (1) FDI resources coming from Hong Kong and Taiwan are concentrated on consumption goods industries in China. (2) FDI didn’t have absolutely a negative influence on industrial upgrading in China. Relative to the level of industrialization, industries of FDI is less then total industries. Therefore, FDI was no use on industrial upgrading in China. Secondly, this thesis separated the source of FDI into Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao (THM hereafter), and other FDI (FOR hereafter), the conclusion indicated that both THM and FOR have had a negative influence on industrial upgrading in China during this period. Besides, relative to the different level of industrialization, the conclusion indicated that THM has had positive influence in the regions of low level of industrialization, than in the regions of high level of industrialization. FOR has had no influence in all regions. Although the conclusion showed that FDI has had a negative influence on industrial upgrading in China during this period. However, due to the development of heavy industry was priority in China’s industrial policy before 1979, the industrial structure in China was not balance. Therefore, to attract FDI has became the most important policy to make up for the gap of consumer goods industry. In conclusion, the policy to attract FDI could adjust the industrial structure in China.

台灣自行車產業品牌化決策之研究 / Research in the evolution of the Taiwanese Bicycle Industry from Original Equipment Manufacturing(OEM) to Branded Manufacturing

劉秀美, Liu,Hsiu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
近年來, 台灣在經濟結構的巨幅轉型下,已喪失了原有比較優勢的國際 競爭力。 在政府及民間企業大聲呼籲產業升級下,自創國際品牌成了此 聲浪下頗受矚目的一種作法, 然而觀諸過去企業界對自創品牌的投資及 努力,發現企業追求自創品牌卻導致不盡相同的結果。 因此,本研究嘗 試以個別產業的觀點,深入探討台灣自行車廠商從原廠委託製造 (OEM) 到自創品牌的決策過程, 並假定產品的某些特性應對品牌化決策有所影 響,且進行驗證。 研究過程中實地訪談了十家業績優良的自行車成車及 零件業者,以做進一步的命題發展,研究的問題包括: 1.原廠委託製造( OEM) 對自行車成車廠及零件廠在自創品牌中所扮演的角色為何? 2.品牌 化過程中,品牌角色的演變。 3.成車廠、零件廠的品牌決策過程是否相 同? 4.成車廠、零件廠雙方在自創品牌過程中的互動關係? 5.自創品牌 產品的相關品牌策略?而根據個案訪談及分析後,本研究依研究發現提出 的結論為: 1.自行車業在國際自創品牌上的優異表現來自規模經濟的充 分運用 2.企業階段性靈活運用OEM策略,將有助於自創品牌發展 3.企 業妥善規劃品牌化過程之資源配置,有助於成功自創品牌 4.利基市場的 選擇是企業自創品牌的致勝之道 5.聯結衛星體系間之價值鏈,將有助企 業自創品牌之成功 6.企業應審慎評估產業發展程度及產品特性以決定最 適品牌化程度

台灣民營製造業的發展(1946-1955)──以國民黨當局與台籍資本之互動為中心 / The development of Taiwan private manufacturing, 1946-1955

許志成, Kou, Zi Sing Unknown Date (has links)
戰後台灣經濟快速的發展,主要得力於民營製造業的高速成長。來台接收的官員陳儀,延續日治時期的專賣政策,將煙、酒、樟腦、度量衡與火柴繼續專賣。儘管在中國已廢除專賣制度,但在台灣仍舊繼續實行,限縮民營製造業發展的空間。   1945年10月全台民營製造業家數有10,300家,至1946年底家數減少39.6%,台灣人歷經二二八事件的抗暴,中國國民黨政府撤換陳儀,至1947年底家數成長45.6%,是民營製造業發展最黑暗的時期。大量日資企業被收編成官營事業,官股中的台股股權不是遭到漠視,不然就是遭到國家機構的侵權;台日合資企業則被清算標售,以排除台灣人在製造業的發展,陳儀當局則將標售日產美其名為扶植民營企業的發展;新設立的大公企業則受到當局百般的刁難與阻撓,標售的日資企業相當有限,發展情況則因經營者而各有差異。   日本人在台灣苦心殖民經營50年,其所創造的財富則難以算計,遣返時每人只換得若干小行李,身上只准攜帶1千元的現金歸向日本,其在台領取的退職慰勞金、臨時賞與金與解散津貼無法攜回日本,巨額的財富則轉移到台灣人手中,不然就是在台灣社會消費掉。陳儀當局下令回存千圓券禁止流通一年,實則凍結台灣人的流動資產。回存銀行變成抵押品,當局規定給付年息2%,借款則需支付年息2.5%,從中剝削台灣人的財富。解凍後因通貨膨脹價值已減少一半,勤樸的台灣人將此資金投資創業,表現成為1947年製造業家數的突然增加。   二二八事件後,中國國民黨當局逐漸改善對台灣的經濟政策,但中國國共內戰爆發,不當的貨幣與匯率政策,使民營製造業的經營環境遭致摧毀,工廠不是倒閉、半停工,不然就是易手。直到幣制改革,切斷台灣與中國的匯兌關係,中斷台灣的中國的貿易依賴關係,擴增對日本與美國的貿易關係,民營製造業才獲得重生的契機。官業則只願將經營不善的企業標售民營,民間申請經營的官業則因實施土地改革而被迫中止。官方依法不應該經營製糖的輕工業,但卻收編成官營事業;理應經營煉鐵的重工業,但反而要標售與出租給民間經營。台灣糖業公司的民股呈請撥一砂糖廠民營,財經官僚則以「不論可開工者,或不能開工者,一律不能出讓」,國民黨的官營政策是否代表公共利益,則不禁令人感到懷疑!   中國國民黨當局實行的民營製造業政策,幾乎都是在應付當時的問題,並沒有一套有計畫的經濟政策。當局實施的補助與貸款政策、收購工礦業產品與工業配合供應軍事需求的政策,都是些短期性與臨時性的政策,實際發揮的功效有限。相反的,美援對穩定台灣通貨膨脹貢獻良多,只是外來統治的政權並未善盡將資源做合理分配,限制使用本地花生、芝麻等植物性的榨油業設廠,嚴重扭曲榨油業的發展。美援軍事資源,亦因當局未能有效推行軍工政策,使建設廳推行的民營工業配合軍需小組毫無成效可言,徒使民營業者大失所望。   美援貸款民營製造業,部份亦是四年經濟計畫的一部份。一般工業貸款又分中型民營工業貸款與小型民營工業貸款。工業計畫貸款從1951年開始,小型民營工業貸款則從1954年開始,中型民營工業貸款則從1960年才開始。綜合民營工業計畫與小型民營工業貸款觀察,就貸款家數分析,平均每年受貸家數約76.9家,全國民營製造業只有將近1%左右的工廠得到美援的貸款。貸款以1955年的1億8千餘萬最多,1953年約1千萬最少。美援貸款除1952年由新竹玻璃一家大型企業獨佔該業全部及較多的貸款外,其餘各大小型製造業幾乎都是或多或少得到部分貸款,獲貸企業並未呈現出「幾乎完全吸收該產業的美援貸款」的現象。1954年以前可說是由少數業別,尤其是紡織業與非金屬製造業獲得較多的貸款;1954年以後各業則是獲得多寡不一的貸款,美援貸款民營製造業並未集中於某一產業類別。   當局因土地改革而開放台灣水泥、台灣紙業、台灣工礦與台灣農林四間公司民營。1953年經濟部重估四間公司的資產,將資本額提高7-10倍;股票若根據1952年的市價重估,水泥、紙業、工礦與農林分別被高估4.32、3.33、3.7與3倍。而這被高估的佔數,也約略接近於1954年3月發行至當年6月,其盤價僅維持在面額的20%至30%之間。當局將四間公司股票做為補償地價,實際上並非有意要扶植民營企業的發展,故民營化後的產值並未增加。當局從中剝削小地主的利益,以做為補償統治機關財政赤字的一種手段。

政府在電動車產業發展過程中的角色與定位 / The role of government in the development of electric vehicle industry

李淑冠, Lee, Vicki Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,全球氣候暖化問題嚴重,造成地球環境的變遷,加上能源安全威脅與經濟、環境永續發展的考量,世界各國對於節能減碳的議題日漸重視。車輛電動化即在減少溫室氣體排放、改善生活環境、加強能源安全及掌握產業發展轉型契機等因素驅動下,成為全球車輛發展的重要趨勢,全球電動車產業結構與產業網絡正在逐漸成形中。 本研究係針對全球主要國家政府在面對電動車這個新興產業發展時,所採取的政策進行分析與探討,並且以日本、美國、中國、德國政府政策為探討目標,從文獻回顧及專業機構報告中整理分析各國政府的產業政策,試圖探討政府的角色與定位,進一步描繪出台灣政府應該扮演的角色,並且提出建議,作為政府於制定產業政策時之參考,期能對電動車產業做出貢獻,讓台灣電動車產業在此波革命浪潮中,創造出更高的價值及競爭力。 本研究發現,電動車新興產業在發展過程中充滿許多經濟面、市場面、環境面以及技術面的發展限制,本研究在羅列出的十六項發展限制中,有高達十一項限制與政府的政策息息相關。汽車百年產業革命成功與否,業界對於政府是否能創造具有競爭優勢的發展環境要求殷切,於是在電池研發技術未臻成熟、產業各項標準尚未建立之際,各國政府紛紛伸出<看得見的那隻手>,從產業研究發展獎勵、消費市場購車、用車以及充電基礎建設普及的促成與補助,配合業者在關鍵技術發展的努力、商業模式的發展、產業群聚的形成、充電基礎建設的普及、維修體系的建置、社會大眾對於環境品質的需求、用車習慣的改變、電動車節能形象的認同……等種種助力,形成產業能量面的推升力量以及市場需求的拉力,形塑出電動車未來發展的良性循環,試圖在此領域內創造出比較優勢,促使這一波新的汽車產業革命形成。   值此關鍵時期,台灣政府如何提供本國產業一臂之力,期於未來世界汽車產業佔有一席之地?這是許多業者關心的議題。目前,各國政府紛紛制訂獎勵政策協助業者以及消費者對於電動車發展與使用的認同;尤其德國政府作法積極,從保持人民生活品質、解決石油倚賴問題、強化經濟傳統命脈的汽車工業,從環境結構、基礎設施到社會大眾的消費習慣宣導著手,具體規劃國家新經濟遠景,將德國塑造成世界電動車大國,這是非常值得台灣政府參考的典範。 本研究建議,電動車產業處發展初階段,眾家車廠以及各國政府皆在摸索前行中,台灣政府應參考各國政府政策後,了解台灣產業的優勢與機會,從基礎設施到新能源政策、基本軟硬體投資環境的建置著手,協助業者發展創造出友善的投資環境並且積極發展國內電動車運行,累積出屬於台灣自己的<台灣EV經驗>,協助業者強化電動車相關技術,除藉由電動車的普及來降低國內對於石油的依賴外,倘若能成功推行電動車成為國際典範,讓世界看到台灣先進的科技與環保觀念,提升國際形象,在時機成熟時,提供關鍵零件技術,利用中國的潛在市場,參與國際標準制定,創造出台灣電動車產業的發展空間。 / The worsening problem of global warming in recent years has led to the environmental changes on Earth. This fact, along with the emerging threats to energy security and the call for sustainable economic and environmental development, has drawn increasing worldwide attention on the issues of energy saving and carbon reduction. As a result, the EV (Electric Vehicle) industry is gaining increasing importance in the global automobile market, driven by various motives including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving living environment, safeguarding energy security and seizing the opportunities of industrial transformation. The industrial structure and network of the global EV market is gradually taking shape. The purpose of this research is to explore and analyze the policies adopted by the governments of the world’s leading countries on the emerging EV industry, focusing on Japan, the USA, China and Germany. By reviewing historical documents and professional reports, the author has probed the industrial policies of these countries, endeavoring to identify the roles of the governments in this process and, furthermore, to depict the roles and positions of the government of Taiwan. The author has also provided recommendations to the government for developing industrial policies, with the hope that the research results will contribute to the growth of the EV industry in Taiwan and the creation of higher value and competitive advantages in this revolutionary process. It is discovered in this research that a great deal of development restrictions are involved in the growing process of the emerging EV industry, respectively in the economic, market, environmental and technological fields. Among the sixteen development restrictions outlined in this research, there are as many as eleven items which are closely bound up with government policies. The success of this unprecedented industrial revolution, therefore, relies on whether the government can create a development environment with sufficient competitive advantages, which is anxiously longed for by the EV industry. Given the facts that the R&D technologies for the battery industry are not fully mature and various industrial benchmarks are yet to be established, the “visible hands” are offered by governments, one after another, to support the industry. These government initiatives include: providing incentives for industrial R&D, stimulating the consumer market, as well as facilitating and subsidizing the EV car use and recharging infrastructure. Other supportive policies include assisting the EV industry in developing key technologies, building up business models, shaping industrial clusters, expanding recharging infrastructure, establishing the maintenance/repair systems, accommodating to the public demand on environmental quality and the changes in car-using habits, promoting the identification with the energy-saving image of EV’s, etc. All these measures have turned into a pushing force that gives momentum to the industry, as well as a pulling force that booms the market. They contribute to forming a virtuous development cycle for the EV industry in future; help to create comparative advantages in this specific field; and make impossible this new wave of industrial revolution for automobiles. At this critical stage, how would the Taiwan government lend a helping hand so that the local EV industry could gain a stake in the international automobile market in future? This is an issue widely concerned by the industry. Now, many countries are offering incentive policies to help with the development of the industry and build up consumer identification with the electric cars. The German government, particularly, has taken aggressive actions. Apart from the efforts in maintaining/improving the life quality of its people, the government also endeavors to reduce the dependency on imported oil and strengthen the competitiveness of its automobile industry, which is vital to the economic growth of the country. To realize the new economic vision of the country, the German government has developed specific plans, covering various initiatives including environmental structure, infrastructure construction and consumer education, etc. The purpose is to make Germany a leading country for the EV industry. These we believe are the “best practices” to be considered by the Taiwan government. The EV industry is yet at its preliminary stage of development. Governments, as well as EV manufacturers around the world, are all endeavoring to find the right path ahead. It is recommended, therefore, that the government of Taiwan should firstly study the policies of other countries and understand the strengths and weakness of local industries. The initial efforts should be focused on constructing infrastructures, setting up new energy policies and installing the fundamental software/hardware for a friendly investment environment, so as to support the growth of the industry. The government should, in the meantime, actively promote the electric vehicles in the domestic market, build up the unique “EV Experience of Taiwan” to help improving the relevant EV technology for the local industry. Apart from reducing the country’s dependency on imported oil, the successful popularization of EV in Taiwan will also become one of the best practices in the world and contribute to the elevation of Taiwan’s international image, having showcased its advanced technologies and strong environmental awareness. With increasing sophistication, Taiwan’s EV industry also has the capabilities to provide critical spare parts technologies and to play a role, through the potential China market, in the international standard-setting process, thereby creating further expanding possibilities for the industry.

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