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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


柯宜君, Ko,Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
公僕的角色極為重要,政府組織的文化不僅影響到公務人員本身,更會影響社會大眾對政府的觀感(江明修,1997:3)。實行政府再造等等運動時,必須注意到組織中很多問題不僅是外在結構性的,深層內在問題的解決才是藥到病除的良方;公務人員心理層面工作異化(Alienation)問題,是組織病態徵兆之其中一部分。Max Weber提出的理想型(Ideal type),其認知論的假定對整合研究方法定義及規則具有一定的說服力(Weiss,1986:44)。而理想型官僚體制(Ideal type of bureaucracy)特徵表現在:層級節制(Hierarchy)、專業分工(Sspecialization)、法令規章(Rule and regulation)、去人情化(Impersonality)等。Weber將其所謂『合理化』的社會行動實現於官僚上;認為去除人情包袱就事論事、依法行政,組織工作效率便可提高;只是他也認為,現代文明的成就和問題將來自於資本主義下『目的—工具合理性行動』(Instrumentally rational action),與『價值合理性行動』(Value rational action)兩者的緊張與對立(蘇國勛,1989:93)。本研究探討之『理性化與異化拉鋸戰』,欲找出其間的平衡點,探討機關科層體制的理性化程度與成員異化的關係,並研析其間相互影響的關聯性;機關內成員的樣本結構對於機關科層體制理性化程度以及成員異化各構面有何影響存在。

人格特質對薪資成長之影響 / The Effect of Personality on Personal Wage Growth

尤俊人, Yu, Chun Jen Unknown Date (has links)
依據行政院主計總處民國104年2月26日發布之103年薪資與生產力統計指標摘要,可以得知工商及服務業薪資年增率自民國89年以來年年下降,甚至於民國98年更因為金融風暴之總體經濟影響,產生-2.08的負成長。台灣薪資停滯藉由政府部門之總體調查即可略知一二,即便仍具有正增長率,但其幅度極低,皆不高於2個百分點,若以103年工商服務業平均每人每月實質薪資新台幣46,330元作為基準,其薪資成長幅度,每月可預計將不高於千元新台幣。如此緩慢的薪資成長,恐成為社會結構不穩定的一大隱憂。近年來台灣薪資停滯的原因,除全球普世之因素以外,台灣新世代族群的進取心低落,以及其在社會評斷下的草莓族人格特質,是否也導致台灣年輕族群競爭力普遍不如國際化的趨勢,此問題值得進一步去探討,也成就本文研究所向,在台灣現階段的社會中,仍舊具有薪資成長突飛猛進的經濟個體,然而究竟是什麼樣的人格特質影響在同一個社會中的薪資差異,薪資差異化過程是否亦因人格特質而有所影響,是本文研究之專注。本研究從心理層面的五大人格特質(Big Five)著手,外向性(Extraversion)、開放性(Openness)、友善性(Agreeableness)、嚴謹性(Conscientiousness)以及因應本研究資料而改採反面定義之情緒穩定性(Emotional stability),另將討論人格特質對薪資成長之影響的程序分為:整體27歲至72歲區間、年輕族群30歲以下區間、輕熟族群31歲至43歲區間與中老年族群44歲至72歲區間。而在所有樣本的實證結果中薪資成長高幅度的佼佼者,其除了代表其藉由薪資來證明其競爭力外,亦具備了眾多經濟個體不具備之開放性(Openness to experience)。


楊慧玲, YANG, HUI-LING Unknown Date (has links)
第一章緒論。概論馬克思異化理論產生之歷史背景及研究異化理論之意義何在。第二 章異化的原因。說明階級壓迫、勞動分工及私有財產為造成異化的原因。第三章析論 異化的勞動。客體化和佔有為勞動理論之核心,客體化及佔有因異化的原因而失去基 本質,故呈現異化之勞動。第四章討論異化之現象。異化勞動之下呈現出自己、與他 人、與自己的產品及自然之間產生異化的現象。第五章分析克服異化之道。其方案有 共產主義之革命及勞動本體之實踐。第六章結語。說明異化所提示之意義及吾人對異 化應有之認識。

從民生哲學論馬克思之階級理論 / On Marx's Theory of Class: a View of Sun Yat Sen's Philosophy of The People's Livelihood

彭繼中 Unknown Date (has links)

iPad風潮下ODM大廠之差異化策略-以異業結盟為例 / The differentiation strategy of ODM firms under the wave of iPad - Taking the Cross-Industry Alliance as an example

崔國斌 Unknown Date (has links)
蘋果電腦從2010年3月發行iPad平板電腦不過才一年的時間就出貨了1500萬台,隨即又以更犀利的價格與更新穎規格宣布iPad2之發行,全年度出貨量上看3500萬台。這波快速成長的新市場對於以製造見長的ODM廠商而言,究竟是新的商品機會來提高自身獲利率或是下一個低毛利風險讓自身更受制於品牌廠商尚未有定論。不過從iPad系列銷售的業績與定價策略,過去熟稔的品牌PC廠商似乎很難在此競爭態勢下找到切入定位點,然而從價值鏈的分析中,又可以看到幾個不同於過去電腦銷售方式的新利基點。從下表可知若將蘋果iPad置於價值鏈中心,向上有因而受惠的電子媒體與硬體開發商,向下有開發軟體與電信營運商,左右也有可以整合應用的家電電器商,可以說是受惠良多的組合。 歸納因為iPad銷售而受惠的上下游廠商: 1. 軟體開發商 2. 硬體周邊開發商 3. 電信營運商 4. 電子媒體書籍出版社 5. 家庭電器電視品牌製造商 如何從ODM製造與研發專長,來協助有差異價值的客戶,又能有效建立區隔競爭廠商的進入障礙,是本篇論文研討的目標。藉由麥可波特的價值鏈傳遞定位可以合作的對象,再藉由五力分析尋找有差異性服務的機會,最後使用策略選擇具有差異化策略的機會,希望台灣的產業可以改變全球競爭版圖的規則,提高自身價值的附加能力,維持競爭優勢。 / Apple Computer swamped the market with its iPad tablet PC at a 15,000,000 units shipment for the first year launched on March, 2010. Without leaving much chance and room for its competitors, Apple announced a newer version – iPad2 in March, 2011 with a more aggressive price and latest specification. The iPad2 is estimated to hit an annual shipment of 35,000,000 units worldwide. Is such a fast moving trend implying an opportunity for the ODM to improve its profit margin on new business growth or another vicious cycle of lower profit margin due to severe competition among the branded customers ? From the market price and innovative technology adopted by Apple, renowned PC brand makers may find it hard to compete in the retailing market but from the analysis of value chain it is observed several new opportunities different from the traditional PC category. By comparative analogy to Apple’s value chain several potential links available for the ODM’s collaboration can be identified as follows - 1. S/W developer 2. H/W peripheral developer 3. Tel-com operator 4. Publication firm with digital contents 5. Home appliance brand manufacturer The aim of this thesis is to study from Apple’s success story and uprising mobility paradigm, to eliminate inferior strategic approach and traditional EMS / OEM operation, by replacing with a better margin, highly differentiative value propositon with unique customer links. By the strong R&D and manufacturing skills possessed by the ODM to align with new customer group and at the meantime, building up a barrier to defend competitor from getting in the ring. Expecting Taiwan’s industry can learn from proper strategy maneuver to change the competition map by improving add-on value on its core strength, to maintain its competiveness. Thus the thesis can serve its function not only for academic study, but also for a real business practice.

公司治理特性、經營策略與績效關係之研究 / Corporation governance characteristic, Business strategy and Performance

洪士庭 Unknown Date (has links)
過去有許多實證研究探討了公司治理特性對於公司經營績效的影響,特別是關於股權結構及管理階層薪酬方面,而在董事會特性對經營績效的影響上卻未獲致一致性的結論。近年來開始有研究探討董事會特性對於企業的經營策略,乃至於經營績效的關係。本研究參考Baysinger and Robert(1990)及He and Joseph(2006)等人提出之理論架構,針對國內上市公司的公司治理特性、經營策略選擇以及績效表現之關連性進行實證上之研究,研究之主要目的係在瞭解台灣上市公司的公司治理特性對於企業策略選擇之影響,並延伸過往研究,對公司治理特性、企業績效表現,以及不同的策略選擇三者間的關連性,提出實證研究上之證據。 本研究除印證過去文獻所指出董事會特性與股權結構對公司績效具有顯著影響及企業績效顯著受到策略行為影響外,並發現企業的差異化策略強度顯著受到公司治理特性影響。而將差異化策略強度依強弱程度作組別劃分時,差異化策略強度亦與公司治理特性同為影響企業績效的因素;另外,在不同差異化策略強度下,差異化策略強度為董事長雙元性、董事會持股、經理人持股影響企業績效的中介因子。本研究的結果支持Baysinger and Robert(1990)及He and Joseph(2006)等人所提出的理論架構,在探討公司治理特性影響企業績效時,或應將企業的策略行為納入考量。 / Formerly, there were many researchs discussed how corporation governance, equity structure and managerial remuneration especially, effects business performance. But, there were not consistent conclution in how the board attributes effects performance. Recently, there were some researchs discussed the relationship among corporation governance, business strategies and performance. This research dicussed the relationship among corporation governance, business strategies and performance in listed company in Taiwan, and referred to the theoretical frameworks advanced by Baysinger and Robert(1990)and He and Joseph(2006). This research not only proved the performance effected by the board attributes equity structure and strategic behavior observably, but also discovered that the strength of difference strategy effected by corporation governance noteworthily. In the different degree of strength of difference strategy, the strength of difference strategy was the mediator to corporation governance and performance. This research argued that the strategic behavior should be considered when research how corporation governance effect performance.


陳豊思 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的證券市場在兩岸三地間,近幾年來屬發展最慢的市場。相對的,台灣的企業在兩岸三地間,成功地造就中國成為世界工廠,台商的資金在香港運籌也間接造就香港亞洲金融中心的地位。這種相對比關係,其實無法充分顯現台灣證券市場的經濟櫥窗角色。本論文從經濟櫥窗的角度,探討我國證券市場的國際競爭力問題,進而提出相關建議。 若從台商企業全球布局與獲利狀況而言,以資金提供者角色的台灣證券市場不應只有目前的發展結果。中國由於證券市場的緣故發展成為世界工廠,印度也因此成為電腦軟體代工的世界主角。我國產業雖具製造的優勢,但是這個優勢與特色並沒有充分展現在證券市場中,其中包括西進的台商企業一直無法有效利用台灣證券市場籌資。此外,我國證券市場本身至少在兩岸三地間,並非交易成本最低,法規環境最自由。例如,除台灣50指數等ETF成份股外,其餘股票平盤以下仍不能放空。所以,從證券交易所的角度來看,我國的證券市場要提升競爭力,至少必須豐富化上市的產品,應充分與台灣產業與經濟發展直接關聯。其次,我國證券市場應多思考自由化與活絡性問題。第三,我國證券市場應當搭配產業政策的發展,共同發展具有區域經濟特色的直接籌資平台。 據此,本文研究結果顯示,台灣若能落實台灣產業發展融資平台的基本意義、降低政府干擾證券交易平台的效率性,讓證券交易所能夠回歸與國際其他證券交易平台類似的具效率性的上市與交易機制,根據台灣過往輝煌的證券市場發展經驗、台灣產業的國際競爭力,將可以與台灣特色產業相互為用,創造區域經濟中的特色證券交易所。

中國上海男男性工作者之研究 / The study on the male to male sex workers in Shanghai China

丁明豪, Ting. Ming-hao Unknown Date (has links)
none / Shanghai is one of China’s most developed cities; by 2006, the GDP per capita had reached US$7490, with the year-to-year economic growth exceeding 8% every year for the past decade. These results leave everyone impressed. Besides this factor, Shanghai is where the East meets the West, with a truly cosmopolitan cultural milieu. For these very reasons, many young Chinese come to Shanghai in search of their lucky pot of gold. But homosexual male-to-male sexual workers leave their hometowns for the big city, availing themselves of the chance to get rid of their family pressures, and to embrace new lives with their sexual orientation. So why do they instead choose to remain subject to the traditional Chinese way of thinking, being limited by the traditional Confucian precepts, seeing marriage as an absolutely essential element of life? What are the relations between economic development and social mores in terms of China’s male-to-male sexual workers (sex or sexual)? As the economy develops very rapidly, the concept of sexulization has begun to sprout in China, so how can male-to-male sexual workers (sex or sexual) envision themselves in light of these trends? From the traditional views of the subservient master-servant Confucian vertical social relations, to the present circumstance of transforming one’s body into a product for sale, does this help China’s male-to-male sexual workers (sex or sexual)to oppose the constraints of the traditional Confucian views, so that they can, like China’s female prostitutes, begin a quest for their equal human rights? These are among the many questions addressed in this study. Therefore, the primary focus of this study is to understand the working milieu of the male-to-male sex workers (sex or sexual) in Shanghai, China, in appreciation of the background causes for underlying male-to-male sex work (sex or sexual) and perception of the entire process of their experiences. .An in-depth study on these male-to-male sex workers (sex or sexual?) in Shanghai, China, was conducted as to when they left their hometowns, and how they came to grip with their sexual orientation yet had to return to face the issue of forming a traditional family (by marriage). How could someone who has been living in a country and society steeped in patriarchy, go to work as a prostitute for the male? How strong are the forces of internal anxiety and external pressure upon these men’s inner world? These are the core issues this study intends to explore and follow up. After the research motivation for this study was specified and the author became acquainted with these men, one realized that each of these men worked as male-to-male sex workers had within their personal histories, some skeletons which they wish they had left alone in the closet. Their inner worlds are both bitter and complicated. This is also the reason why qualitative analysis was adopted in this study, to possibly penetrate the world of these men’s hearts, and to analyze their individual family backgrounds, living predicaments, interactions with the broader world and social pressures, and other aspects during the interview process. After interviewing with the 15 MB, the author has learned more from examining the circumstances of male-to-male sex workers (sex or sexual) who are willing to engage in the male-to-male sex trade and also willing to held a traditional marriage, from the three perspectives of their sexual orientation, economic status and overall social environment. (A) From the sexual orientation point of view. Among the male-to-male sex workers (sex or sexual) in this study with the exception of one participant who was a heterosexual, the majority of the participants in this interview were all homosexuals staying in the closet. And many of the MBs in the countryside share common formative sexual experiences with other boys, such as sleeping together and masturbation…etc. In the more densely populated countryside where living conditions are relatively poor, it is quite common to see many boys sleeping together in one room, thereby increasing the opportunity for the boys to develop intimate contact. Therefore in light of their formative experiences, the ways they grew up actually contributed to these MB’s acceptance of the male-to-male sex trade. (B) From the economics point of view. All of the research subjects had indicated that the main reason for becoming an MB was to make money. Money became the focal point of these MB’s lifestyles because they had grown up in very poor rural areas and suffered from the pressures of an impoverished environment and unfair society. For recently-graduated students from the rural areas, the education which they have received at great expense is still not comparable with those students graduated from the city. Moreover, China is a social-networking or so-called “guanxi” in Chinese. Rural families often find absolutely no connections to help them find jobs. As a result, graduation spells unemployment. And consequently under great economic pressures, many rural youths go to Shanghai in search of their fortunes. However as they run into brick walls and run out of resources, selling their bodies becomes an easy way to increasing their wealth and a means of survival. (C) From the social environment point of view. Chinese people have stepped away from communism due to the development of capitalism. The emergence of the commodity economy society enables people to pursue a material life and leave virtues of contented living behind. Now with the formation of a capitalist society, wealth has become one of the standard measures for things. The impact of the worship for mammon on Chinese people now results in people using the amount of money as a criterion for interaction. Such a society gradually develops a positive attitude towards prostitution. Sensations, attitudes and affinity distance are all determined by the amount of wealth. Prostitution becomes a means of pursuing money. According to the results from this study, respondents indicated that they have agreed that the sale of body is a tool or method for making money, and have repeatedly emphasized that money is the main factor of becoming MBs. Instead, sex trade was triggered by socio-economic oppression and self-expectations or expectation in sudden success (Structural tension theory, Merton). Furthermore, due to unequal social opportunities, for examples, most of the MBs have not attained good schools; neither does their family have good social relations, which results in a consistent and normal behavior of prostitution among the MBs. For this reason, MBs are in need of social and public concern, while nonetheless such efforts cannot be completed through a group. The society should subvert its current social standards and the value classification, evaluate human values and needs with an attitude of non-judgmental awareness, and seriously look into each individual and his or her work. By understanding and helping those people in need, consequently we will develop a happy world in prosperity.

官僚組織的異化問題:台北市政府所屬一級行政機關個案研究 / Alienation of Bureaucracy :Case Study of Taipei City Government

劉慧娥, Hui-O Liu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來政府大力推動行政革新、政府再造等工作,然綜觀其所採行之相關措施仍以工具理性為導向,忽略了實質理性的重要性,主客分離互易的結果,產生"異化"問題,對於國家整體生產力將造成負面影響,因此,研究官僚組織的異化問題,實為政府推動種種革新措施的首要之務。 異化論具有宗教的涵義,其後之黑格爾、費爾巴哈、馬克思、盧卡奇、馬庫色等人對此概念均有所論述,近代學者更進一步將此概念應用於官僚組織的經驗研究,以期能對官僚組織的異化問題有更深入的了解與認識,本文乃對異化論及其應用於官僚組織的相關研究予以探析及介紹,並藉此研究、探討官僚組織的異化問題。 目次 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 第二節 研究問題與重要名詞釋義 第三節 研究方法與流程 第四節 研究範圍與限制 第二章 相關理論及文獻探討 第一節 異化論探析 第二節 官僚組織理論探析 第三節 異化論、官僚組織理論的相關研究 壹 異化論的相關研究 貳 官僚組織理論的相關研究 第四節 官僚組織異化問題的相關研究 第三章 研究設計與實施 第一節 研究架構與假設 第二節 研究工具與前測 第三節 研究對象、樣本選取與研究實施過程 第四節 資料處理與統計分析方法 第四章 研究調查結果分析與討論 第一節 樣本結構分析 第二節 公務人員不同個人特質異化情形的差異性分析 第三節 行政官僚組織各面向與公務人員異化各面向間的相關分析 第四節 行政官僚組織整體面向對公務人員異化的綜合影響 第五章 研究發現與建議 第一節 研究發現 第二節 研究建議 參考書目 附錄一 附錄二 / Our government has been wholly absorbed in reinventing task recently. But trying to make a through inquiry, it's not difficult for us to find that it was mainly emphasizing on instrumental rationality, losing sight of substantive rationality. And owing to overlooking substantive rationality , it may result in alienation which will do more harm than good to the productivity of our government. Therefore, the research of alienation in the bureaucracy should be the most important job we ought to do. Alienation has religious implication. Hegel、Feuerbach、Marx、Luck'acs、Marcuse used to discuss it , and modern scholars further apply it to the research of bureaucracy. This research will illustrate the alienation theory and it's application to bureaucracy to understand the alienation problem of Taiper City Government bureaucracy.

影響海內外投資事業水平分工模式下產品差異化的決定因素 / The determinants of product differentiation between home and overseas plants in Taiwan horizontal FDI manufacturing industry

黃柏涵 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用2007年經濟部統計處「製造業對外投資實況調查」之廠商問卷資料,以978 家對外投資採水平分工模式廠商作為實證對象,分別由廠商特性、產業特性及投資特性等3方面,探討影響其產品差異化之決定因素。本研究運用Stata軟體進行計量分析,建立Probit模型進行實證分析,由實證結果發現,當對外投資採水平分工模式廠商決定以其自身所擁有之「技術來源」優勢,及利用國外勞動市場具備「價廉充沛勞工」之利基進行生產時,會傾向採取「產品不同」之生產方式;另一方面,若廠商重視「對外投資地區」之地域特性,及利用國外消費市場「發展潛力大」之利基進行生產時,會傾向採取「產品相同」之生產方式。

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