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第三十四號公報重分類盈餘管理動機與財務報表價值攸關性之研究周吟霞 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:重分類、盈餘管理、公司治理、價值攸關性 / To respond to the financial crisis that caused huge losses of financial assets to companies, the IASB announced, on October 13, 2008, amendments to IAS 39 and IFRS 7 “Reclassification of Financial Assets”. As a result, Taiwan’s FASB also announced, on October 17, 2008, amendments to its SFAS No.34. It is therefore an empirical question whether or not firms in Taiwan managed earnings by retroactively reclassifying financial assets on financial statements, that likely depends on the soundness of corporate governance.
This research aims to examine the value relevance of financial statements information after the retroactive reclassification of financial assets based on the revised SFAS No. 34. Firstly, this research investigates whether or not listed firms in Taiwan retroactively adopted SFAS No. 34. Secondly, this research examines the value relevance of their reclassified financial statements and the association with corporate governance.
The empirical results are as follows. Firstly, the better or worse a firm performed, the less it would be willing to retroactively adopt the revised SFAS No. 34. Secondly, the more independent its board of directors, the less it would be willing to to retroactively adopt the revised SFAS No. 34. Finally, the reclassified financial statements were still value relevant.
Keywords: Reclassification, Earnings management, Value
relevance, Corporate governance.
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從股權結構與資本市場誘因探析我國銀行業之盈餘管理行為莊文源 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果顯示:(1)我國銀行業之損益操弄項目普遍存在季別差異之現象,除了有延後認列損益操弄項目至第四季外,同時也發現銀行第二季損益操弄項目有高於第一、三季之情形,似有半年報之效果呈現;(2)民營銀行之第四季處分資產損失、壞帳費用及提列其他損失準備佔全年比例顯著高於公營銀行,顯示民營銀行在第四季認列費用或損失之動機強於公營銀行;(3)銀行董監事持股比率會對第四季損益操弄項目佔全年比例有所影響之假說未獲得支持;(4)銀行上市前二年之營業利益及稅前純益佔實收資本比率之平均數,皆達10%獲利水準門檻,且皆顯著高於上市後第二年,據此間接證明銀行上市前之盈餘管理目標係在維持獲利水準達到10%之門檻;(5)達成財務預測之銀行會傾向於在第四季多認列壞帳費用,至於利益操弄項目,則並無第四季佔全年比例顯著高於前三季之情形。 / Banking industry in Taiwan is highly regulated and scrutinized by the banking law and government. Regulators of banking industry require that banks must satisfy certain capital adequacy ratio that is explicitly tied to accounting numbers. The regulating bodies have authority in inspecting banks' businesses and examining their financial reports periodically to evaluate their underlying performance. Based on a cost-benefit consideration and availability of information, the investors also analyze the performance of banks using their public available financial statements. The earnings behavior of firms in the banking industry is therefore essential for both regulators and investors in procuring the knowledge about the operating risk and performance of banking firms.
Focused on the firms in the banking industry over the period of 1991 to 1999, this thesis first investigates whether the sample firm is subject to an earnings behavior of delayed recognition of their income and losses. The thesis also examines the influence of ownership structure on banks’earnings management behavior through the analysis of income manipulation ratios. Furthermore, in view of capital market incentives, this thesis studies whether going listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange would cast impacts on banks'earnings management behavior as banks are subject to different earnings management objectives (targets).
The empirical results document that the fourth quarter ratios of the interim income manipulation items are larger and more variable than those of the other three quarters. This suggests that banks tend to delay their recognition of income manipulation items till the fourth quarter. The empirical findings reveal that the propensity for manipulating the fourth quarter expense/loss items is significantly greater for private banks than for state-owned banks. However, the empirical results cannot support the hypothesis that management ownership (the holdings of the directors and supervisors) will affect the magnitude of earnings management. With respect to capital market incentive issues, the empirical evidence indicates that for newly listed banks, both the two-year average operating income to capital ratio and income before tax to capital ratio before listing reach and not greatly exceed the 10% threshold. The evidence shows that these two ratios decline significantly in the second year after listing. The findings also suggest that listed banks which achieve their financial forecasts tend to recognize more bad debt expenses for the fourth quarter, while the pattern cannot manifest itself in the gain manipulation items.
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我國上市公司分析師盈餘預測與盈餘管理關聯性之實證研究 / An Empirical Study of the Association between Analysts' Forecast and Earnings Management紅立勝 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現管理當局不論是對市場傳遞好消息或壞消息,皆是其盈餘管理之結果。再者,當市場預期趨近於一致時,公司管理當局愈會對市場傳遞出中性消息,亦即分析師之盈餘預測與管理當局盈餘預測趨於無差異。同時公司亦可能基於市場壓力,而利用裁決性應計項目以從事盈餘管理。當操縱前盈餘高於分析師預期之平均盈餘時且市場達成共識時,經理人員會傾向不從事盈餘管理,而在市場預期一致性程度低時,從事盈餘管理;反之,當操縱前盈餘低於分析師預期之平均盈餘,且市場預期一致性程度高時才會進行盈餘管理以增加盈餘而達成市場的預期。 / I test a market expectations and market consensus hypothesis about earnings management in Taiwan's public firms from 1996 to 1999. First of all, no matter what a good news or bad news that managers spread in markets is the result of earnings management. Furthermore, when analysts have reached a consensus in their earnings forecasts, managers' earnings forecasts are close to market expectations as possible. At the same time, managers also have an incentive to manage earnings through discretionary accruals to achieve market expectations. Finally, all sample-corporations are split into two groups. Group 1 observations have nondiscretionary earnings below the mean analysts' forecast, and Group 2 observations have nondiscretionary earnings above the mean analysts' forecast. The results suggest the corporation managers in Group 1 make greater use of discretionary accruals to manipulate earnings to achieve market expectations when analysts have reached a consensus in their earnings predictions. Oppositely, the corporation managers in Group 2 make less use of discretionary accruals to save them in use of next period when analysts lacks consensus in their earnings forecasts.
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首度上市公司盈餘管理與股價關聯性之研究張至善, Chang, Chih-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
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現金增資與盈餘管理關係再研究 / The relationship between secondary offering and earnings managment孫建華, Shun, Chien-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
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地雷股盈餘管理行為之研究 / The Research on Earnings Management Behaviors of the Financial Distress Companies王宏文, Wang, Hung-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以股價行為的模式來定義地雷股,研究樣本包括有地雷股和相對同一產業的非地雷股樣本,研究方法主要以Modified Jones Model推估裁決性應計項目,並依常態性檢定之結果,以t檢定及Wilcoxon Sign Rank檢定,分析地雷公司和非地雷公司的可裁決應計項目和營業外項目變動情形,以檢驗地雷公司是否有盈餘管理的情形。
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我國上市公司管理機制與盈餘管理相關性之實證研究 / An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Corporate Governance and Earnings Management on the Public Companies in Taiwan Stock Exchange陳家慧, Chia-Hui, Chen Unknown Date (has links)
1. 機構投資者持股比例:從訪談中得知,機構投資者持股對於公司盈餘管理程度有相當程度之影響,但由於其身份真假難以區分,因此較難確定其所發揮之角色,及其對盈餘管理程度之正負影響;在實證分析結果部分,此管理機制則未與盈餘管理程度成顯著關係。
2. 外部大股東持股比例:從訪談結果中得知,由於國內企業普遍存在董事席次安排的問題,因此外部大股東對於公司決策有一定程度之影響;但由於較難確定此管理機制所發揮之角色,因此較難確定其對盈餘管理程度之正負影響;在實證分析結果部分,此管理機制則未與盈餘管理程度成顯著關係。。
1. 董事會規模大小:從訪談結果中發現,若具有共通性的成員越多,可能越容易從事盈餘管理行為,且在實證分析部分,民國八十七年度樣本分析中發現,董事會規模大小與盈餘管理程度呈顯著正相關,即表示董事會規模越大,公司之盈餘管理程度越高。此實證分析結果與專家訪談所獲結論相符。
2. 最大家族成員董事持股比例:從訪談結果中發現,若最大家族在董事會中勢力越大,則對公司影響程度越大,而在實證分析部分,於民國八十七年度樣本分析中發現,最大家族成員董事持股比例與盈餘管理程度呈顯著正相關,表示最大家族成員董事持股比例越高,公司盈餘管理程度越高。此實證分析結果與專家訪談所獲結論相符。
3. 監察人身份是否獨立:從訪談中發現,若是機構監察人可能由於較容易操縱,不易維持獨立地位,因此較自然人監察人不易發揮監督功能,而在實證分析部分,則未與盈餘管理程度呈顯著關係。
1. 職務雙重性:從訪談中得知,若具有職務雙重性較不易執行相互報告與負責之制度,可能使得盈餘管理行為較易發生,但可能由於仍有其他董事會成員兼任經理人之情況未納入考慮,使得實證分析部分,未與盈餘管理程度呈顯著關係。
2. 經理人持股比例:從訪談中發現,有些產業偏好以股票招攬或鼓勵員工,因此對於經理人的激勵有相當大的誘因,但也可能因此產生盈餘管理的動機,但可能由於未能考慮不同持股來源之不同動機程度,使得在實證分析部分未能與盈餘管理程度呈顯著關係。
3. 總經理薪資總額部分: 從訪談結果中發現,總經理的薪資通常包括本薪與依照盈餘計算之紅利,因此可能由於未能詳細區分薪資內容之盈餘管理動機,使得在實證分析部分,未與盈餘管理程度成顯著關係。
目 錄
第一章 緒 論………………………………….............1
第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………… 1
第二節 研究問題…………………………………………… 3
第三節 研究方法…………………………………………… 4
第四節 研究架構…………………………………………… 6
第二章 文獻探討…………………………………............8
第一節 盈餘管理相關文獻………………………………… 8
第二節 公司管理機制之相關文獻…………………..…….. 10
第三節 公司管理機制與盈餘管理相關文獻……………… 21
第四節 文獻彙總…………………………………………… 30
第五節 研究延伸…………………………………………… 38
第三章 資深會計經理與會計師之訪談………........ 43
第一節 訪談目的……………………………….…….……... 43
第二節 訪談問題之形成………………………….………… 43
第三節 訪談結果記錄…………………………….……….... 48
第四節 訪談內容比較與分析…………………….………… 58
第四章 研究方法論……………………………........ 61
第一節 觀念性架構………………………………...……….. 61
第二節 研究方法………………………………….…..…….. 62
第三節 研究假說…………………………………….…..….. 62
第四節 變數衡量………………………………………...….. 74
第五節 實證模式………………………………….……….... 81
第六節 研究期間與抽樣限制條件……………….………… 82
第七節 資料來源………………………………….………… 83
第八節 資料分析方法……………………………...……….. 84
第五章 實證研究結果…………………………... .........85
第一節 敘述性統計…………………………………….…… 85
第二節 複迴歸分析結果…………………………….…….... 86
第六章 結論與建議……………………….…….. .........93
第一節 研究結論………………………………………...….. 93
第二節 研究限制……………………………………………....96
第三節 建議及未來研究方向……………………….…….... 96
表 次
表一、國外盈餘管理文獻彙總表………………………………. 31
表二、國內盈餘管理文獻彙總表………………………………. 31
表三、國外管理機制文獻彙總表—屬理論探討者……………. 32
表四、國外管理機制文獻彙總表—屬實證分析者……………. 32
表五、國內管理機制文獻彙總表………………………………. 34
表六、國外管理機制與盈餘管理相關性之文獻彙總表………. 35
表七、國內管理機制與盈餘管理相關性之文獻彙總表………. 36
表八、研究延伸彙總表…………………………………………. 42
表九、研究問題與訪談問題對照表……………………………. 44
表十、訪談問題形成之彙總表…………………………………. 45
表十一、問題一結論彙總表……………………………………. 49
表十二、問題二結論彙總表……………………………………. 50
表十三、問題三結論彙總表……………………………………. 52
表十四、問題四結論彙總表…………………………………… 53
表十五、問題五結論彙總表……………………………………. 54
表十六、問題六結論彙總表……………………………………. 55
表十七、問題七結論彙總表……………………………………. 56
表十八、問題八結論彙總表…………………………………… 56
表十九、問題九至十六結論彙總表……………………………. 57
表二十、會計師與會計經理訪談結果比較表…………………. 58
表二十一、變數衡量彙總表……………………………………. 80
表二十二、所有樣本之產業分布表……………………………. 82
表二十三、敘述統計分析表……………………………………. 85
表二十四、總樣本分析VIF值表……………………………… 86
表二十五、總樣本迴歸分析表…………………………………. 87
表二十六、各年度樣本獨立性假設分析表……………………. 90
表二十七、各年度樣本迴歸分析表……………………………. 90
表二十八、管理機制與盈餘管理程度之研究結果彙總表……. 94
圖 次
圖一、研究方法概念流程圖…………………………….……... 5
圖二、研究架構圖……………………………………….……... 7
圖三、訪談問題形成流程圖…………………………………… 44
圖四、股東部分管理機制與盈餘管理之觀念架構圖………... 61
圖五、董監事部分管理機制與盈餘管理之觀念架構圖……… 61
圖六、經理人部分管理機制與盈餘管理之觀念架構圖……… 62
附 錄
附錄一、國內外管理機制整理表…………………………….. 105
附錄二、統計結果彙總表……………………………….….… 110
附錄三、依照產業別估計裁決性應計項目之迴歸分析….…. 114 / If there are some deficiencies on corporate governance structure, the motivations of earnings management will pass through the corporate governance easier. The corporate governance will even create some motivations, and managers (might be owners also) will tend to manage the decisions or reported earnings. Hence, whether the corporate governance of public companies be designed and works well is the hottest topic in Taiwan, in order to assert stockholders’ rights, decrease the behaviors of earnings management, and improve the stock market develop steadily.
This thesis combines interviews (with CPAs and accounting managers) and empirical study to investigate the relation between corporate governance and earnings management.
4. Interviews with CPAs and accounting managers:
The main purpose of interviews is to understand how the corporate governance of public companies be designed and manipulated, so the interviews are made with CPAs and accounting managers who realize the true meanings of CG more profoundly. By the conclusions of the interviews, I can further ascertain the foundations of my assumptions and give the outcomes of empirical tests stringent explanations. In the conclusions of the interviews, most CPAs and accounting managers consider that the corporate governance in stockholders, members of board, and managers’ dimensions are indeed manipulated to achieve some purposes of earnings management in many public companies in Taiwan.
5. Empirical study:
My study objects are the public companies in Taiwan Stock Trade. I collect financial and corporate governance data and run regression analysis. The comprehensive conclusions of interviews and empirical tests are as followed:
3. Stockholders’ dimension:
(1) Institutional stockholders’ holdings: From the contents of interviews, I realize that institutional shareholders’ holdings have some impacts on earnings management, but the real roles of institutional shareholders are hard to clarify. As the result, it’s hard to predict the relation between institutional holdings and earnings management as positive or negative. In the empirical test, there is no significant relation between institutional holdings and the level of earnings management.
(2) Outside big stockholders’ holdings: From the contents of interviews, I realize that most of big shareholders of some family company have been in the board of directors, and in the empirical test, there is no significant relation between outside big stockholders’ holdings and the level of earnings management.
4. Members of board’s dimension:
(1) Size of board of directors: From the contents of interviews, I realize that the more the number of members of board with similar characteristics, the easier will they manage reported earnings. In the empirical test of 1998 samples, there is significant positive relation between size of board of directors and earnings management. It means that the bigger the board of directors, the higher the level of earnings management.
(2) The holdings of the biggest family members of directors: From the contents of interviews, if the biggest family has more power in the board of directors, it influences the board of directors more. In the empirical test of 1998 samples, there is significant positive relation between the holdings of the biggest family members of directors and earnings management. It means that the higher the holdings of the biggest family members of board, the higher the level of earnings management.
(3) Whether the supervisors have independent roles: From the contents of interviews, I realize that because of some regulations of supervisors, the institutional supervisors are manipulated easier than natural supervisors and hard to supervise the behavior of earnings management. But in the empirical test, there is no significant relation between supervisors’ independent role and the level of earnings management.
5. Managers’ dimension:
(1) Duality (whether the chairman of board and CEO are the same): From the contents of interviews, I realize that if the chairman of board and CEO are the same, there might be deficiencies of reporting and mutual responsibility and higher level of earnings management. But in the empirical test, there is no significant relation between duality and earnings management.
(2) Managers’ holding: From the contents of interviews, I realize that some companies of particular industries are preferred to give stocks to recruit or encourage employees, so the holdings of managers are very incentive. But in the empirical test, there is no significant relation between managers’ holdings and the level of earnings management.
(3) CEO’ compensation: From the contents of interviews, the CEO’s compensation is often included fixed salary, bonus based on the earnings, so it might has some relation with the level of earnings management. But in the empirical test, there is no significant relation between CEO’s compensation and the level of earnings management.
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上市前後公司經營績效、盈餘管理及財務預測修正行為關聯性之研究 / The Relationship among Change in Operationg Performance, Earning Management and the Revision of Mandatory Forcasts李冠嶔, Lee, Kuan-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採實證之方式,選取民國80年6月到86年底之新上市公司曾在上市當年及上市後三年內公告或更新財務預測者。利用迴歸分析、卡方分析、T檢定及Wilcoxon Rank Sum 檢定,而研究結果如下:
1. 由於新上市申請的相關規定,若公司預期本身經營績效不佳時,會提出較為樂觀之財務預測,以利上市審查。
2. 新上市公司上市後的經營績效變異程度與財務預測的過度樂觀程度呈現正相關,但是當樂觀程度定義為來自營業活動的現金流量時,並不顯著,可能是公司僅需注意營業毛利與稅前淨利是否達成,對現金流量之預測較沒有達成的壓力所致。
3. 新上市公司提出之強制性財務預測過於樂觀者在上市前盈餘管理之現象並不顯著,其可能原因在於本研究採用之盈餘管理定義僅限於與營業有關之裁決性應計項目,而無法看出公司利用其他項目來進行盈餘管理。
4. 上市前從事盈餘管理之公司,除了現金流量之準確度不明顯外,業績衰退和業績成長公司在財務預測準確度上明顯不同,但是在財務預測更新行為上並無顯荖不同。
5. 新上市公司面臨更新財務預測時,會傾向利用應計項目操縱來規避調整。 / The Relationship among Change in Operating Perfomance, Earning Management and the Revision of Mandatory Forecasts
This research aims to examine the relationship among change in initial public offering firms, earning management and the revision of mandatory forecasts. This study contends that the forecast revisions should significantly correlate with changes in IPO's performance. The samples of this study range from June 30th, 1991 to December 31st , 1997. The empirical results of this study can be summarized as follows:
O Due to related regulations, if IPO firms predict its insufficient operation performance, the mandatory forecasts of IPO firms are usually optimistic, for the convenience of examination.
O The IPO firms' variation degree of operation efficiency and the over-optimistic forecasts are correlated positively.
O If IPO firms' mandatory forecasts are over-optimistic, the earning management is not correlated significantly.
O Before public offering, among the firms which manipulate earnings, there is significant difference between firms with declining performance and firms with growing performance.
O When the IPO firms face revisions of forecasts, the firms would tend to manipulate accruals to avoid revisions.
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股票類別變更與盈餘管理關係之研究 / The Relationship Between Change of Stock Category and Earnings Management葉東煇, Yeh, Dong-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用可裁決性應計項目(discretionary accruals)在降類等事件日前後的尺度是否具顯著性差異,來偵測財務困難公司是否在降類等處分前利用可裁決性應計項目進行盈餘操縱。本研究總樣本共64家,涵蓋14種產業,其中降類公司樣本25家,變更交易方式公司樣本26家,下市公司樣本13家。樣本期間為民國66年至83年,每個樣本財務資料涵蓋7個年度。經過實證分析後獲致下列結果:
1. 股票遭降類公司,降類前的可裁決性應計項目有大於降類後之現象,其中尤以降類前一年度最為顯著。
2. 股票遭變更為全額交割公司,變更前的可裁決性應計項目有大於變更後的現象,其中尤以變更前一年度最為顯著。
3. 股票遭下市公司,其下市前的可裁決性應計項目與下市後的差異並不顯著。
1. 第一類股票上市公司因經營不佳而遭變更為第二類股前有利用可裁決性應計項目進行盈餘管理之情形,尤以降類前一年度最為明顯。
2. 上市公司因財務困難而遭變更為全額交割股前,有利用可裁決性應計項目進行盈餘管理之情形,尤以變更前一年度最為明顯。
3. 公司下市前利用可裁決性應計項目進行盈餘管理的情形並不顯著。究其原因,可能係由全額交割股至下市這一過程乃一不算短的時間,由於應計項目具有迴轉的特性,或因公司財務結構、獲利能力的日趨惡化,使盈餘操縱的空間愈小,使公司已無能力於下市前進行盈餘操縱。
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透過本益比之相對Mean-reverting現象進行盈餘管理模型之評比謝秋華 Unknown Date (has links)
整體而言,會計盈餘提供財務報表使用者有關於企業獲利能力之相關資訊。然而,由於會計盈餘同時包含了雜訊 (noises) 與偏差 (biases),因而影響到會計盈餘對公司獲利能力評價的正確性。因此,過去的會計文獻發展出不同的盈餘管理估計模型 (如: Healy 1985; DeAngelo 1986; Friedlan 1994; DeFond and Jiambalvo 1994 以及Dechow, Sloan and Sweeney 1995),以嘗試去除這些雜訊與偏差。然而,究竟哪一個估計模型能夠提供最為純淨之非裁量性淨利 (nondiscretionary income) 的衡量指標,則並無定論。在效率市場 (market efficiency) 的假說下,本研究透過本益比 (P/E ratio) 的平均數復歸 (mean-reverting) 現象來評比五種盈餘管理估計模型。由於過去的文獻同時發現盈餘成長率與風險係數均會影響本益比的高低,因此,本研究同時將這兩個變數納入考量。
實證結果發現,依照上述五種盈餘管理估計模型所估計之本益比皆有平均數復歸的現象。其中Friedlan (1994) 模型在全體樣本與控制盈餘成長率之後,其本益比平均數復歸現象均較其他模型為快;次佳之盈餘管理估計模型為DeFond and Jiambalvo (1994) 與Dechow et al. (1995) 兩模型;最差的則為 Healy (1985) 模型。 / Overall speaking, accounting earnings provide financial statement users with useful information about a firm's profitability. However, because of the biases and noises included in the accounting earnings, the accuracy and reliability of accounting earnings to the evaluation of a firm's profitability may be adversely influenced. In light of this, prior earnings management studies have developed various estimation models of nondiscretionary income (e.g., Healy 1985; DeAngelo 1986; Friedlan 1994; DeFond and Jiambalvo 1994; Dechow, Sloan & Sweeney 1995) with an attempt to remove the biases and noises embedded in the accounting earnings. Nonetheless, there is no consistent empirical evidence about the relative performance of these estimation models. Assuming market efficiency, the main purpose of this study is to utilize the mean-reverting phenomenon of P/E ratios to evaluate the relative performance of these models. Since prior studies have found that earnings growth rate and risk coefficient may affect the magnitude of P/E ratios, we also control for these two variables in our analyses.
The empirical results reveal several findings. First, P/E ratios calculated using different earnings management estimation models exhibit the mean-reverting phenomenon. Second, the Friedlan (1994) model has the best performance among all models when we use the overall sample and three subsamples grouped based on the earnings growth rate. In addition, the DeFond and Jiambalvo (1994) and Dechow, Sloan & Sweeney (1995) models perform moderately. Finally, the Healy (1985) model shows the worst performance.
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