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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


高鈺茹 Unknown Date (has links)


陳怡文 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以質性研究的方式,深入了解作為轉化性知識份子的社大教師,在教學實踐上的真實歷程。研究的對象經立意挑選,皆為在社區大學授課五年以上且深具批判性之講師。而所探討的主題,著重在其如何進行批判性教學,以及在此歷程中,自身的反思、批判與展望。 其研究結果分析,三位老師的實踐歷程有其共通性也有其相異之處。其共同特質在於三者的個人學習歷程,皆有相當的自主性,其所教授內容皆為教師本身真正所熱愛,故自然能散發出生命力影響同學;另外,師生之間的信任關係也是影響教學品質的關鍵因素,這三位老師都願意相信學生,也願意自我調整,教學其實是個師生互信與改變的歷程。在這歷程中,每個老師都有他清楚的意識型態,而在這清楚的選擇下,以新經驗的提供來解放記憶、對抗文本,期待透過這些衝擊與反省讓學生重新建構自己的主體性。主體性的建立除了反思也需要有行動,兩者合而為一的實踐,不分有形無形,都應該被肯定。 而在困難與挑戰部分,三位老師處在不同階段所面臨的挑戰則有所不同。一開始的困難,來自彼此生命世界既有的落差,如何讓知識與學生的生命產生有意義連結,是必須面對的挑戰,而當知識與生命產生連結之後,如何破除學生長久以來的自卑感、恢復自信,以對生活產生正向的影響,進而讓重新建立的價值觀溶入日常生活當中真正知行合一的實踐,則是最終的考驗。 最後,研究者於反思與建議中提出,批判教育學的實踐必須建立在希望的美學之上,唯有在「邂逅」、「投契」與「參化」的過程中,建立起充滿希望與信任的師生關係,才有可能打破這個社會壓迫與被壓迫的二元對立關係,而要促成這樣的關係,不只是社區大學的教師,包括社大所有的工作者都應該是轉化型的知識份子,在自由的保障下,共同重建立以「合作」取代「孤立/競爭」的學校文化,讓社區大學的發展,真正為台灣帶來進步的力量。

晚清科舉廢除後傳統士人的動向(1905-1926) / A study on the Future of Traditional Intellectuals after the Civil Service Examination Abolished in Late Ching China(1905-1926)

曾重凱, Tsing, Chung-Kai Unknown Date (has links)
晚清於西元1905年廢除科舉制度,並欲以西式新學堂代替科舉以育才選才,而數量龐大的傳統知識份子,以致失去其原本入仕的管道。本文先概述晚清廢科舉的來龍去脈,以理解科舉被停廢的緣由;而後再進一步討論當時政府對廢科舉所採取的配套措施,藉此探討新教育制度的實施情況,士子是否能與其順利銜接,以及未來的工作與出路,以了解入仕或往其他領域發展之士人佔所有科舉出身者的比率。簡言之,本文研究目的有三:一、探討科舉廢除後,傳統士人在社會變遷下的適應情形;二、探討代替科舉而起的新教育制度運作情形;三、探討科舉制度變遷的意義與對現代教育的啟示。 本文的研究對象為甲辰科進士273人、舉人8,000人、貢生35,000以及生員55,0000人。研究發現,甲辰科進士於朝考除授後,仍有97位的晚清經歷可考,進入民國後則有75位;而中下層傳統知識份子中,有約三成進入新式學堂中,其餘七成可能任議員、塾師、學堂職員、入仕、任職於民間機構,或者逐漸沒落。從研究發現中可得知,傳統知識份子於科舉廢除後,雖仍有相當影響力但其發展已大不如前,尤其是中下階層的傳統知識份子而言;而取代科舉的西式新學堂,則達到疏散大量生員的功能。 該措施對現代教育的啟示,則有三點:一、需有足夠的經費;二、舊有教育制度不宜全部廢除;三、不宜忽略舊式人才。而對後續的研究建議則有。 / The Civil Service Examination was abolished and replaced by the new western school system in late Ching China (1905). Thereafter, traditional intellectuals who passed the Civil Service Examination lost the channels to be officials. This study includes two parts. The first one is to describe the process and the reasons of abolishing Civil Service Examination. In order to inquire the transformation of the traditional intellectuals under the new education system. The second one is to discuss the supporting measures, including the new career of the traditional intellectuals. The main purposes of this study are as follows: (i) to inquire how the traditional intellectuals adapt to new social circumstances. (ii) To explore the operation of the new education system. (iii) To discuss the implications in modern education. The subjects of this study include 273 chia-chen-ko chin-shihs(甲辰科進士), 8,000 chu-jen(舉人), 35,000 kung-sheng(貢生), and 55,0000 hsiu tsai(生員). The findings of this study are: (i) The records of those who passed Cho-examination the trends of 97 chia-chen-ko chin-shihs in late Ching and 75 chia-chen-ko chin-shihs in ROC were found. (ii) The 30% of chu-jen, kung-sheng, and hsiu tsai studied or taught in new type schools. The rest of them, 70% of the middle-low rank ones, served as congressmen, teachers of Ssu-shu, staffs of new school, officials, employees of private sectors or no records be found in the new era. (iii) After the Civil Service Examination being abolished, traditional intellectuals still had considerable influence than before but declining, especially the middle-lower rank of traditional intellectuals. (iv) New schools have achieved the goal of relocating traditional intellectuals.

從混搭式報導出現,談學院知識份子在報紙新聞裡的形貌變遷 / Changing Intellectuals species in Newspaper,1987~2009

彭群弼, Peng, Chun Bi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究始於採訪實務中的觀察:學者在報端發表評論,影響了讀者們對於重要新聞事件或社會議題的解讀,報紙則藉助學者的身分及知識,提高報紙的可信度。根據一份來自媒體內部的非正式排行榜卻顯示,短短數年內,知名的學者或專家見諸報端的次數竟然多達數百次,這份名單被用來提醒記者們少找這些高曝光者。美國媒體界通稱這一群常見諸報端的評論者為Pundit(研究者試譯為「評匠」),他們擁有「一通電話,快速評論」的本領,甚至自嘲是「評論應召者」。這樣的轉變毋寧是巨大的,研究者試圖追尋知識份子在報紙裡形貌的轉變。  評論是報紙提供讀者除了資訊之外,得到觀點的重要來源。除了來自學院的知識份子之外,其他評論者還包括來自產業或具有專門知識的專家(例如律師、會計師、醫師或產業專門人士等),包括記者及專欄作家等媒體工作者以及透過投書表達意見的一般民眾。在報導形式上,除了客觀事實之外,摻入專家評論或民眾意見這種混合報導與評論的新聞,出現的頻率越來越多,尤以《蘋果日報》最常使用。研究者將此一報導形式稱為「混搭式報導」(crossover-reporting),取其將不同性質的訊息及知識拼貼在一起之意,並作為觀察知識份子形貌變化的重要取徑。 本研究採定性及定量雙重取徑,透過內容分析法,選擇1987年(解除報禁)、1989、1997、1999、2003、2009等六個年份,包括:《聯合報》、《中國時報》、《自由時報》(1989年起)、及《蘋果日報》(2003年起)等四份主要報紙,以立意取樣觀察並紀錄評論者出現的次數、所佔面積/字數、位置(如新聞辦面、論壇版面或副刊版面等)、形式(如專文、座談會、受訪、讀者投書),是否為混搭式報導等。另搭配對報導內容的定性觀察及深入訪談兩位新聞工作者,輔助量化分析所得並進一步進行質性探討。 結果顯示:雖然隨著報禁開放,學院知識份子的評論次數逐漸增加,但在22年間,評論的平均面積卻減少了52%,且從可完整論述的專文,逐漸退卻並轉進到民意論壇。以專文為例,從1987年的每篇平均320cm2,減少到2009年的80cm2。學院知識份子份量減少但次數增加,此一現象自2003年《蘋果日報》創刊後,大量採用混搭式報導就更形明顯。混搭式報導也提供了產業知識份子(專家)們評論的機會,甚至一般民眾都可以表達意見,出現的次數甚至不亞於比學者,但分量更為稀少,平均面積只有10餘平方公分。 至於深入訪談的編輯主管及第一線的記者都坦承在截稿時間壓力下及編輯部門要求下,會趨向選擇採訪口語表達能力好,反應快、可主動提供符合編輯需要的評論意見的學者或專家,與美國的評匠有相當高的同質性。 綜上,研究者認為,知識份子與報紙之間的關係,已從早期的文人報導,論政救國,逐漸退居到作為報導裡眾生喧嘩裡的評論者之一。知識遭到工具化,僅有滿足報紙設定立場的機械式評論。作為獨立意見提供者,知識份子或許應該維持反叛與堅持的態度,基於面向社會的責任感。在面對報業困境及呈現爆炸式成長的新興傳播科技與網路社群的同時,知識份子們應當重新自我書寫、發表並尋回獨立發聲的機會,方能作為社會良知,發聲以震聵 / In order to emphasize the credibility of news reports and offer news analysis to the readers, newspaper as well as other media always quote the comments of experts or scholars. However, an informal ranking list came from a newspaper revealed that the same group of experts always quoted up to several hundred times within years, and the mangers of the this newspaper reminded their reporters to avoid interviewing those experts who were familiar to the public. The American media industry call a group of commentators with different specialties often shown in the newspaper as ‘Pundit,’who are well prepared to answer questions or express their viewpoints for the reporters in a phone call quickly. Thus, this phenomenon seems to be common not only in Taiwan but also in other countries. Comments in the newspaper provide readers different point of views other than objective information. Instead of academic scholars, experts such as lawyers, doctors, accountants, columnists and senior media workers can also play the role of commentators. In this study, we observe a kind of news report which reporters not only provide facts to the readers, but also quote the comments of the intellectuals, as well as that of common people. The study call this type of reports as ‘crossover-reporting,’ which is a new phenomena in Taiwan media industry, and the reporter of which combine different kinds of information in a report. This technique is seemed to be mostly used by Apple Daily. By analyzing how the intellectuals and their comments appears in the newspaper, the study tries to explore the changing roles of the intellectuals in Taiwan printed media. Both quantitative and qualitative analysis are used in this study. We choose four newspaper from 1989 to 2009 as our materials. The properties of the comments were further analyzed by purposively sampling the appearance of intellectuals in the main contents in theses newspapers. We analyze the number of words, the section where the report appears (e.g. in the main reports, forums, or supplements), and the form (e.g. special articles, opinion, symposium, interviews, or letters to editors) to define whether a report is cross-reporting or not, and to observe the change of the role of intellectuals. Besides, we interview two senior media worker to gather qualitative information for our analysis; one of the interviewee is a chief editor and the other one is a senior reporter. The results of the study shows that the number of comments from academic scholars is increasing since 1987 (the year which the Lifting of Martial Law is declared in Taiwan); however, the average area is decreased by 52% within 22 years, and the form they appeared is gradually transformed from integral special article to public opinion forum (e.g. the average area was 320 cm2 in 1987, but remain only 80 cm2 in 2009 in special articles). The study also shows since Apply Daily started publication in 2003 and its massive use of crossover-reporting, the academic scholars’ number of words quoted by reporter has decreased, but the number of academic scholars’ quotation has increased. We also find that the using of crossover-reporting provides the opportunities for other intellectuals and even general public to comment on news issues. The number of their comment is even more than that of the scholars, but number of words of the former (average area is only about 10 cm2) is lesser than that of the latter. By interviewing two senior media workers, both of them agree that, under time pressure and the demand from editors, they prefer to adopt the comments from those intellectuals who can express clearly, response quickly and actively provide information. This situation is very similar to that of American mass media industry of which the media always need ‘Pundit’ to give quick and clear comments for the needs of reporting and editing. In words, this study demonstrates the change of the role of the intellectuals in the newspaper; they used to offered professional opinions for the public and played important role in politics. However, in the recent years, the intellectuals’ role gradually decline and become only one of the commentators appearing in media. Now professional knowledge is used only as tool to support the viewpoint of the newspaper. In our opinion, we still suggest that the intellectuals should remember their social responsibilities, keep their independent and critical roles and resist the present situation which regard them as only tools or materials of reporting. In facing the decline of printed media and the rising of new media technology such as internet and social media, the intellectuals should try to reclaim their position as the conscience of the society and reacquire their influencing role to enlightening the public.

中國知識分子的美國觀, 1949-1999 = Chinese intelligentsia's perception of the US, 1949-1999

楊卓林, 01 January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

日治時期台灣印刷媒體「世代」的誕生:暨陳逢源個案研究 / The birth of The Taiwanese print media generation in the Japanese colonial time: A case study of Chen Feng-yuan

藍士博 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文嘗試結合印刷媒體與世代這兩項過去在台灣文學研究中分別獨立的研究範疇,以印刷媒體世代的概念對應以往將日本統治時期的台灣知識社群區分為「傳統文人」或「知識份子」的研究傾向。一方面回頭檢視過去台灣文學研究對於世代概念的引用延伸概況,另一方面也透過卡爾‧曼海姆的世代理論,重新檢視日本統治時期的台灣人是如何透過現代印刷媒體的引進,促成一個文化世代的萌芽與成形。日治時期台灣地區在活字印刷媒體的影響下,形成了一個有別於過去的「文化重疊地域」,印刷品輸入的多源性特質創造了台灣文化的多向性特徵。自此以降,台灣文化菁英與印刷媒體刊物之間的關係愈形緊密,而過去所缺乏的「同時性」與「現實性」認知也越趨明顯,讓這些台灣人在共同參與印刷媒體刊物運作下而形成一個台灣歷史當中的特殊世代。本文在此將之定義為「印刷媒體世代」,進而以個案陳逢源來檢視上述論述的適切性,與未來後續研究運用上的可行性。 / This dissertation attempts to develop a new concept, the Taiwanese Print Media Generation, through integrating two separate research fields, the print media and the theory of generation. The aims of the new approach are twofold: first, to challenge a common conceptual usage of dividing the Taiwanese intelligentsia into “the traditional literati” and “the intellectuals;” second, to reexamine how did the colonial Taiwanese contribute to the origin and formation of a specific generation through introducing modern print media. This dissertation will argue that under the influence of modern print media, a “cross-cultural field” was formed in the colonial Taiwan. Various sources of publications have created diverse characters of Taiwanese culture. Since then, after recognizing the need for an instant system that transfers information of the reality, Taiwanese cultural elites and the print media developed into a tightened relationship. This relationship eventually created a special generation of, as this dissertation defines, the “Taiwanese Print Media Generation.” Finally, the author examines the argument mentioned above in terms of its validity and applicability.

1949年以前的費孝通:一段學術史與思想史的考察 / 無

張馭中, Chang, Yu Chung Unknown Date (has links)

胡風事件的再思考 / Reflections on the Hu Feng Incident

劉至剛, Liu, Zhi Gan Unknown Date (has links)
欲探尋中共和知識份子的關係,必先回顧其歷史發展。早在1940年代,中共已藉由「整風運動」,發展出一套「馴服」和「利用」知識份子的辦法。1949年中共建立新政權,更將此邏輯推及全國,對於當代中國知識份子而言,無疑是一巨大變化與挑戰。   胡風,作為一位與中共關係密切的作家、知識份子,其政治立場向來親共,乃被中共視為「同路人」。儘管如此,胡風仍有諸多意見,未能與中共全然契合。1954年,胡風向中共中央遞交「萬言書」,直陳中共文藝政策的缺失。1955年,毛澤東欽定「胡風反革命集團」一案,胡風和友人多遭逮捕、審查,並牽連甚廣。胡風一派因言獲罪,堪稱中共建政以來首宗「文字獄」,亦為重大政治冤獄。   本研究以胡風事件為主軸,圍繞胡風其人進行個案研究。第一章為導論,簡述本文研究動機,以及當代以來中國知識份子的思想變化。第貳章、第叁章為胡風之個人歷史,描述胡風求學、出洋、創作、涉入政治的人生歷程,作為討論胡風事件的背景介紹。第肆章為主文,詳述胡風事件的原委,進一步探討胡風事件的成因,分析中共黨政高層(特別是毛澤東)所扮演之關鍵決策角色,藉此釐清其政治責任。第伍章結論,為筆者的研究心得和展望。透過胡風事件的探究,筆者針對毛澤東的個人權威、中共與知識份子的特殊關係,以及中共政治文化提出檢討。 / To realize the relationship between the CCP and the intellectuals, we should review the historical development. Early in the 1940s, the CCP has already progressed the method of “using” the intellectuals. In 1949, the new regime was built by the CCP. Furthermore, they spread this strategy to whole mainland. Obviously, it was a big change and challenge to the contemporary Chinese intellectuals. Hu Feng, as an intellectual and a “comrade”, whose political position had been closed to the CCP. However, Hu Feng still had some opinions which differ from the CCP. In 1954, Hu Feng submitted his proposal which criticizing the CCP’s literature and art policy. In 1955, Mao ZeDong judged this case as “Hu Feng counterrevolutionary group”. After that, Hu Feng and his companions were arrested and investigated by the government. The Hu Feng Incident seemed to be such a literary persecution and injustice case.   This research mainly focuses on the Hu Feng Incident. Firstly, Chapter 1 is the “Introduction”, which introduces the reasons of this research and the changing thought of modern Chinese intellectuals. Secondly, the focus of Chapter 2 is the life course and career pattern of Hu Feng. Chapter3 is the narration of the big change to the intellectuals on 1949. Chapter 4, which includes the main idea of this research, not only analyzes the causes of the Hu Feng Incident, but also seeks the crucial role of Mao. In Conclusion, Chapter 5 summarized the reflection and the vision upon this research. The writer reviews Mao’s personal authority and the political culture of the CCP. Finally, the special relationship between the CCP and the Chinese intellectuals will still be a major issue, that will need further study on it.


余敏玲, Yu, Min-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
停滯後的俄羅斯,自從彼得大帝向西方開窗以後,隨著時間的推演,因西化而產生的 文化矛盾逐漸加深,知識份子對於本土社會的疏離感與日俱增,故有「知識階層」(i ntelligentsia)的誕生。「知識階層」的言論與思想,乃是一九一七年俄國大革命的 播種者之一。本論文擬有十九世紀俄國著名的文學批評家別林斯基(Vissarilon Beli nsky,1811--1848)一生的思想為個案,由小見大,來探討「知識階層」在西潮的洪流 中如何自處,如何為落後的俄國找出一條適當的道路。 第一章首先說明「知識階層」起源、演變及其特徵。其後則對十九世紀上半葉的俄國 文化思想背景作一概述,藉以了解所謂三位一體--專制政體、東正教、民族性--的官 方文化政策,以及德國浪漫主義在俄國流行的原因和大略經過。 第二章主要在敘述別林斯基的早年生活及其思想搖藍「史坦凱維奇圈」(Stankevich Circle )。別林斯基陰鬱的童年,使他不禁要問:人活著是為了什么?人生的意義何 在?他一生的哲學探索、思想轉變無非是在尋找這些問題的答案;試圖理清人與世界 、人與現實之間的關係。而別林斯基自從被莫斯科大學開除以後,史坦凱維奇圈便成 了他吸收新思想新觀念的重要來源。 第三章則以年代為經,別林斯基的作品為緯,分節析論他思想轉變的前因後果;特別 重視他對西方迎拒的矛盾心理和如何調整自己與現實之間的關係。別林斯基曾流連徘 徊於各家學說(謝林、費希特、黑格爾、烏托邦社會主義等),每一次的拒絕與接受都 付出血淚般的代價。俄國沒有值得驕傲的傳統文化,因此使得「知識階層」在西潮的 衝擊之下,要為自己、為俄國尋找安身立命的哲學時,備嘗難辛,從別林斯基的思想 歷程,可以得到證明。 第四章是對別林斯基一生的思想作一總結與評述。並附錄一八四七年別林斯基政果弋 里書簡。

新興宗教中知識份子參與靜坐修煉的宗教經驗--以天帝教為例 / The intellectual's religious experience of participating in the meditation practice among new religions: a case of the lord of universe church (T'ienti chiao)

袁亦霆, Yuan, Yi-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣受過高等教育的知識份子,熱中參與新興宗教及擬似宗教的修煉團體。本研究的目的是希望瞭解受世俗理性教育下的知識份子,為何會投入民間教派的靜坐修煉活動,並討論當初學習靜坐的動機與需求,以及對宗教是否有另一套科學-理性的理解模式。 本研究採質性研究取向,以天帝教中知識份子為個案,透過參與觀察、非結構式訪談及文獻分析等方法,試圖瞭解天帝教知識份子參與靜坐修煉的歷程,包括學習靜坐的動機,在修煉過程中的神秘經驗、社會關係的轉變,以及參與信仰論述合理化的行動。 研究發現學習靜坐的動機可分為「解決問題取向」及「非解決問題取向」,前者是被迫要解決具危機感的問題與麻煩;後者為了滿足生命更高的需求層次。靜坐改變以小我為中心世界觀,轉向注重大我,因此家庭關係跟人際關係都趨向和諧,人生觀也從追求個人成就轉向謀求眾人福祉。至於從單純靜坐學習者到成為融入組織的虔信者,中間轉換過程是經由突然跳躍的意識。 最後,本文也指出三項天帝教知識份子對於自我角色的定位模式,藉此凸顯他們在不同知識系統間如何加自我調適,乃至於說明當代知識份子跟宗教團體間的關係及其角色。 關鍵詞:新興宗教、天帝教、知識份子、靜坐、宗教經驗 / Recent years in Taiwan, new religions and religion-like spiritual practice cults appeal to higher educated intellectuals. The main purpose of this study is to realize why these science-ration educated intellectuals were enthusiastic in sectarian religious practice. In this study we discussed their motivation and need for learning meditation. Further more, we'd also like to know whether they have some kind of science-ration patterns of cognition on their religion belief and practice. By case study on The Lord of Universe Church (T'ienti Chiao), a qualitative aspect, such as participant observation, non-structed interview and literature analysis is employed by this study, which tries to understand the process of the intellectuals among the Lord of Universe Church participating in meditation practice, including their motivation of learning meditation, mystical experience of“CHI”, changing of relationships, and the construction of rationalizing belief discourse. Key Words: new religions/ The Lord of Universe Church (The T'ientVs Teachings/ T'ienti Chiao)/ intellectuals/ meditation practice (Quiet Sitting)/ religious experience

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