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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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我國村里行政編組與社區發展協會關係之探討-基隆市個案分析 / A Research on the Relation between A village Administration and a Community Development Association In Taiwan-Individual Case Analysis on Keelung City

張維彬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的希望透過對於村里行政編組及社區發展協會組織結構及功能的分析,以及對於其領導人角色暨實際互動情形進行探討,來了解他們之間因為業務重疊以及互動關係所產生對於雙方組織功能的影響,究竟是正的影響-功能、負的影響-反功能,或是完全沒有影響的非功能的狀態,並針對政府基層行政暨基層自治組織結構功能之整合提出一個方向。 本文首先對村里與社區組織之相關文獻作深入探討分析,發現大部分之相關研究文獻都認為村里與社區組織功能不彰是不爭的事實。除了文獻分析之外,本文還採用自然觀察法及實證調查方法,分別從制度面與功能面去研究村里與社區組織沿革、發展、現況、兩者制度功能比較,以及雙方的互動與地方派系的互動及功能的整合等問題,同時就相關問題對基隆市部份村里與社區領導人作深度訪談實證調查。 研究結果發現,村里組織結構札實,符合組織目標功能的需求,其社會化程度相當高,自實施以來都能在時空不斷轉變之下完成各種工作目標並且發揮了「漏斗」的功能,為政府事先過濾及解決了很多問題,它是一個小而美、經濟又實惠的組織。而社區發展協會組織因為組織結構脆弱、代表性不足、角色模糊、成員對組織宗旨不明瞭以及人力、經費嚴重缺乏等問題,造成組織目標無法達成、功能無法發揮,甚至危及到組織的生存,所幸大部分的社區發展協會組織都會尋求與村里辦公處合作辦理一些活動,互動相當的良好,對於地方團結和諧以及雙方組織功能發揮都有正面的幫助。 最後針對基層組織整合提出幾項建議:一、村里制度應該繼續維持。二、村里管轄範圍可以將管轄幅度較小、人口較少者予以合併,擴大其行政區域。三、關注村里幹事屈居副手地位的心情。四、讓社區發展協會回歸人民團體,自由發展,政府不再干涉。 / The purpose of the study is to comprehend the impact on the administrative organization of the village and the development association of the community caused by the overlap of their affairs and the interaction between them, with analyzing their organizational structures and functions and exploring the interaction between their leaders. Whether the impact is positive - Function, negative - Anti-function, or completely no influence - Non-function. Besides, the another purpose of the study is to provide a direction for integrating the function of the government grass-roots administrations and grass-roots autonomy organizations. First of all, the study thoroughly inquired into and analyzed the related literature about the organization of the village and the community. The study found out most of the related literature believed it was an undisputable fact that the organizational function of the village and the community is not easily seen. In addition to the analysis on the literature, the study also used the natural observation and the demonstration survey to research the original history, development , current conditions of the village and the community, the comparison of their system function, the interaction between themselves and local authorities, and the intergration of the function from the system and function ways. Meanwhile, the study interviewed parts of the villages and the communities leaders in Keelung with some related questions. The study discovered the organization of the villages is firm and conforms the requirement of its organizational function and goal. And its degree of being socialized is very high. It has achieved various goals under the continual change of time and space since it was implementated. It has been a funnel for the government to percolate and solve many problems. It is a small, economical and profitable organization. However, the development association of the community can’t achieve its organizational goals, function correctly , and even hurt its own existence because its organizational structure is frail, its representative is not enough, its role is indefinite, its members don’t understand the organizational aim, its human resource and budget is severely deficient and etc. Fortunately, most the development association of the community would seek cooperation with the village offices to hold some activities. They have good interaction with each other, which has made positive help for local harmony and unity and function of each other’s organizations. At last, the study makes some advice for the integration of grass-roots autonomy organizations. First, the village system should be continued to implement. Second, the village domination areas which have smaller ranges and less population can be combined and their administrative areas can be expanded. Third, pay more attention to borough officers’ feeling of being assistant roles. Fourth, let the development association of the community return to be the civil group. The government never interferes with it anymore and let it develop freely.


陳奕伶 Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸自改革開放後,隨著經濟、社會控制的放鬆,制度的調整與創新,種種改變無不成為中外學者對中國大陸民主化前景引頸期盼的研究焦點。當中國大陸面對多種民主化路徑選擇下,「選舉」無疑是備受學者關注的一環。1998年起,「直接選舉」在城市基層社區的推動,成為中國大陸基層民主發展的一個新階段。而西方的現代化理論更將城市視為「民主發展的搖籃」,其高度的經濟、社會發展,有利於帶動公民社會之萌生與民眾政治參與的需求。因此,選舉在城市的發展為觀察中國大陸民主發展的重要標的。 有鑑於「民主選舉」具有的政治賦權意義,社區居民委員會推動的直接選舉,雖仍存在國家主導的問題,但選舉機制的修改,讓選民能自由參與、自由選擇,以及開放候選人的推薦。因此,選民是否能在此機制之下,透過居委會選舉的參與,培育出更強的政治意識,或透過選舉議題激發社區公共意識的萌芽,發展抗衡國家的社會力量?本文經由2003、2006兩屆上海居委會選舉為研究案例,探討社區居民的選舉參與情況,以「政治功效意識」和「社區意識」作為分析選民選舉參與態度之架構。 研究結果發現,城市社區選舉參與程度愈高者,其政治功效意識與社區意識均得到提升,但低度參與的社區居民兩方面的效果則不顯著。顯示,基層社區國家動員下的選舉參與,有助於部分社區成員強化其政治功效意識,以及激發社區意識的我群觀念。而選舉作為中國大陸基層社會自主力量的訓練,將可能有助於培養城市居民具有更高的政治參與能力,以及可能產生的非預期政治改革後果。


陳香妃 Unknown Date (has links)
社區意識與管理制度是促成公寓大廈管理維護集體行動的兩種途徑,前者可提升鄰里情誼與環境認同,後者可促使居住品質維持一定水準,兩者對於管理維護表現也都有所影響。透過管理維護主、客觀表現之衡量,社區意識與管理制度對於住宅管理維護有何影響?結合主、客觀二者來看,真正好的管理維護其意涵為何?較佳的管理維護表現組合(主觀滿意度高、客觀績效表現亦好)會受到哪些因素影響?乃本文所關注之焦點。 實證結果發現,社區意識與委外管理程度對於管理維護的主、客觀表現皆有正面的影響,而委外程度的重要性又稍大於社區意識,顯示在促成公寓大廈管理維護的集體行動時,制度途徑(管理制度)的效果比社會途徑(社區意識)來得好一些。此隱含著公寓大廈管理維護不但需要社區內部凝聚共識,也需要建立適宜的管理制度,此可透過專業管理公司或廠商人員給予協助,促使公寓大廈管理維護能確保一定品質。 此外,真正好的管理維護應該是「住家環境非常安全、舒適,住戶也感到很滿意」,透過實證分析可知,社區戶數愈多、屋齡愈新、決議事項執行效率愈好、社區意識凝聚情形愈佳、委外程度愈高,管理維護表現出現「較佳組合」的機率會比「較差組合」來得大。


陳定銘 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文「台灣社區大學之研究─公民社會建構與終身學習政策的實踐」主要目的在研究台灣最近四年以來,蓬勃發展的另類高等教育社區大學,目前已經招生上課的社區大學共有卅七所,每年參與選課的學員將近七萬人次,並且仍然持續增加之中。本論文藉由個案研究(採取質的研究中文獻分析、參與觀察與深度訪談等方法)探討:1、公民社會建構(社會面向)。2、終身學習政策(政策面向)。3、社區大學的定位、法制化(文憑授予)、財源、課程與教學,以及與政府關係(組織管理面向)。研究結果分析與歸納為:   研究發現(一):社區大學的環境。   1、社區大學是民間教育改革(四一○教育改造)運動的延續;在意識型態方面是由民間自發性的草根運動,訴求改革官方傳統的制式教育;此外,由於宗教團體涉入社區大學的經營,其重視個人心靈成長的教育,則和社區大學「知識解放與公民社會」宗旨有所差異。   2、社區大學透過發展地方產業文化、社區參與、課程社團化和社團課程化等策略,繼續發揚社區總體營造的精神。   3、知識解放是社區大學的核心價值,民眾透過社區大學強調經驗知識與對話的學習,培養批判思考能力,建立個人價值觀,並朝向改造社會與建構公民社會的理想邁進。   4、社區大學全國研討會的參與觀察,以加強社區大學扣緊本土社會脈動與議題發展,以及全球化趨勢(例如:農村、原住民、勞工議題,以及WTO的因應策略等)。   研究發現(二):社區大學的實踐。社區大學對於公民社會建構與終身學習政策等指標的實踐,歸納為下列的結果。   1、倡導公共性:社區大學是透過非營利組織的倡導,以及提升公民參與能力,強化其公共性特質。   2、促進社區參與:社區大學將社團活動納入正式課程,並採取工作坊方式運作,走出學校進入社區服務策略,使得社區大學在社區意識凝聚的成效顯著。   3、型塑公共領域:社區大學利用公共論壇的實施,提供一個公共議題對話的平台,來喚醒學員的公共意識與公民參與的能力。   4、提昇終身學習的品質:社區大學提供民眾系統性的終身學習場域,並建構成為學習型組織,以提昇個人知能與素質,以及整體社會的水準。   5、延伸社區大學的視野:研究發現法制化是目前社區大學最急迫的議題,也是拓展社大視野與永續發展的關鍵要素。   最後,本論文綜合研究結果,提出對於政府部門、社區大學、社會大眾,以及後續研究的建議,以作為政府部門(特別是地方政府)、社區大學、非營利組織、社區工作者、民眾,以及將要開辦社區大學機構的參考。 / The objective of this doctorial dissertation, A Study of the Community Universities in Taiwan: the Practice of the Structure of Civil Society and Lifelong Learning Policy, is mainly about the growing of the higher education system, the ‘community universities,’ in the past four years in Taiwan. Up till this moment, there are totally thirty-seven community universities in Taiwan with approximately seventy thousand students, which are still increasing in every year.   Through cases studying, the structure of civil society (in terms of society), lifelong learning policy (in terms of policy), and the definition of the community universities will be discussed in this dissertation. The result can be divided into two parts:   A. The environment of the community universities:   a. The community university is the continuing of the nongovernmental education revolution (410 educational reformation), an activity initiated by the locals in order to reform the traditional education system made by the authorities. Moreover, the involvement of religious associations and their idea of inner growing of an individual differ from the mission statement, liberalizing of knowledge and civil society, of the community universities.   b.The community university helps to develop the spirit of social construction by developing local culture, taking part in the community, and using the tactics of making courses socialized and bringing social activities into class.   c.Liberalizing of knowledge is the key point of the community universities. The mass population can not only train their thinking ability, but also build their own value as individuals in the community universities which emphasizes the learning from the knowledge of experience and dialogue. Furthermore, they can move on toward the idea of social reformation and civil society.   d. Participating in the National Conference of the Community Universities can reinforce the ties of the universalities, the movement and the growing issue of local communities, and the global tendency.   B. The practice of the community universities:   a.Advocating its public nature: The quality of the public nature in the community university is advocated by nonprofit organizations and the elevation of citizen participation.   b.Promoting social participation: The community university adds social activities into formal courses and runs as a workshop to join in social service, and makes a successful effort from gathering social consciousness.   c. Sculpting public sphere: The community university uses the public forum as a place for discussing public issues in order to arouse the social consciousness and the citizen participation of the students.   d.Advancing the quality of lifelong learning: Forming as a study organization, the community university provides people a systematic lifelong learning to advance not only individual knowledge and competency, but also the level of the whole society.   e.Expanding the outlook of the community university: According to the research, the most important issue for the community university is to make it legalized, which is also the key point to expand the outlook and the interminable development of the community university.   To conclude, the comprehensive study result of the dissertation gives the government, the community universities, the public, and the follow up study a word of advice and serves as a reference to them and the organizations that is about to found a community university.

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