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目標管理之研究江清馦 Unknown Date (has links)
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科普書與讀者關係之研究江欣怡 Unknown Date (has links)
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海洋法中科學研究與技術移轉的法律問題研究 / The Study of Marine Scientific Research and Technology Transfer in The Law of The Sea王津馨, Wang, Anna Unknown Date (has links)
。這一部規範 人類開發海洋資源、利用海洋空間、進行海洋科學研究、
保護海洋環境等活動的「海洋 憲法」總共有三百二十條條文,其中就有
一百條是關於海洋研究的進行,並對海洋技術 移轉有著詳盡的規定,這
反映出在所有海洋利用及其資源開發活動上,海洋科學研究與 技術移轉
學研究與技術 移轉條文是一九八二年海洋法公約中最具創造性、革新性
,最有活力的章節之一,同時 也是開發中國家和已開發國家在海洋法論
壇上最具爭議的焦點。本論文研究之目的在闡 釋海洋法公約下,海洋科
學研究與技術移轉體制之發展、法制化及其效果。希望透過本 論文的研
主。在章節的 安排上,含第一章導論,共分六章。第二章首先界定科學
研究與技術移轉的意義,繼而 簡述海洋科學研究之法制沿革與其重要性
。第三章探討一九五八年與一九八二年海洋法 公約中科學研究所涉及之
法律問題並加以分析比較。第四章從技術是否為「人類共同資 產」的一
約中 之相關規定。第五章探討在「和平使用」原則下進行海洋科學研究
與技術移轉的法律限 制。第六章結論中討論海洋科學研究與技術移轉體
制的成就及困難,並簡述一九八二年 聯合國海洋法公約開放簽署後之發
聯合國海洋法 公約第十一部份之協定」中所建立的深海床礦採制度,包括
技術移轉制度,與一九八二 年海洋法公約所建立的制度有很大的改變與
修正,然不在本論文的討論之列。本研究雖 有其侷限性,然誠望於海洋法
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「Science」與「Nature」之科學計量分析 / Scientometric analysis of science and nature姜祈傑, Chiang, Chi Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
與《Nature》研究學者參考,並精準掌握《Science》與《Nature》之發展方向。 / 本研究結果歸納如下:(1)《Science》與《Nature》文獻呈穩定成長,1999
年後其累積成長曲線符合線性成長。(2) 英文為《Science》與《Nature》文獻最
主要之寫作語文。(3) 《Science》與《Nature》主題類型近十年第一名皆為生物
學。(4) 《Science》與《Nature》關鍵字第一名皆為表達(Expression),蛋白質、
進化論、基因與活化作用則在二至五名。(5) 《Science》與《Nature》之參考文
114及112次。(6) 《Science》與《Nature》研究型文章主要以兩位以上作者為主,
實不同。(7) 《Science》與《Nature》作者機構國別以美國為主,日本為亞洲第
一;台灣則分別排名第31及32名。(8) 大學校院為主導科學學術傳播之重要機
研究機構為中央研究院,其次為台灣大學、清華大學、中央大學等。(9) 《Science》
少之現象。 / 本研究最後依據研究發現之結果,提出以下建議:(1)欲投稿《Science》與
文獻進行分析(5)未來可針對台灣地區之相關文獻進行進一步分析探討。 / This study applies Scientometric Analysis to investigate the characteristics of the
journal literature in “Science” and “Nature” during the period 1999-2008. The 26,512
and 27,581 bibliographic records separately retrieved from WOS database are
analyzed according to the numbers of literature, publication year, publication country,
publishing agencies, subject area and key word, authors, and the reprint author, etc.
This study attempts to be the resource for researchers who want to submit papers to
“Science" and “Nature” to refer to, and accurately master the development of
“Science" and “Nature.” / The results are as follwing: (1) The growth of literature in “Science” and
“Nature” is stable, and the cumulated growth curve during 1999-2008 fits linear
growth. (2) Most literature in “Science” and “Nature” is written in English. (3)
Among this decade, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology are the major subject
areas in both “Science” and “Nature.” In the future, Zoology, Environmental Science
& Ecology, and Microbiology may become the research trend. (4) The most used one
of keywords in “Science” and “Nature” is “Expression.” “Protein,” “evolution,” and
“gene activation” are ranked within second and fifth. (5) Regarding the numbers of
references in “Science" and “Nature,” averagely there are 62 and 82 references
individually in review articles, and 26 in research articles. About the numbers of
citedness, review articles in “Science” and “Nature" are averagely cited 212 and 270
times individually, and research articles in each journal are cited 114 and 112 times
averagely. (6) The research articles in “Science” and “Nature” are mainly completed
by two or more authors, 97% and 92% respectively. However, 97% of news reports
are written by single author. It indicates that the cooperation situation is different in
literature with distinct nature. (7) Both in “Science" and “Nature,” the country of
author's affiliation is chiefly America, and Japan occupies number one in Asia. The
rank of Taiwan is 31 in “Science” and 32 in “Nature.” (8) University predominates the
scholarly communication of science, such as Harvard University, Stanford University,
University of California, Berkeley, etc., all among the best. In Taiwan, the most
productive institution is Academia Sinica, and followed by National Taiwan
University, National Tsing Hua University, and National Central University. (9) The
reprint author is mostly the first author, and the relationship between reprint author
and the order of authors is corresponding. / According to the research findings, there are five suggestions: (1) To submit
papers to “Science” and “Nature,” researchers should have English proficiency. (2)
Improve the research environment in Taiwan to enhance research performance. (3)
Upgrade the exactness of the production of databases. (4) Analyze the literature in
“Science” and “Nature” regularly. (5) Further examine and explore the relative
literature in Taiwan in the future.
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台灣地區大學生媒介使用、科學素養與科學態度之相關研究 / Media use, scientific literacy and attitude toward science among college students in Taiwan張云慈, Chang, Yun-Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過隨機抽樣,抽出十一所分別位於台灣北、中、南、東的大專院校,於民國九十八年六月間進行問卷調查與回收,最後共取得1838份有效問卷,以統計軟體SPSS中的t檢定與階層迴歸分析後,研究發現如下:一、在新聞媒介使用上,大學生接觸網路頻率最高,電視次之,報紙與雜誌殿後;二、在科學素養方面,男性、就讀理工組相關科系、念公立大學、在班上成績較佳的學生,有較好的科學素養程度;科學態度與科學素養則無顯著相關;三、除了電視新聞與電視科學內容接觸外,其他種類的媒介使用對科學素養並無顯著影響;四、本研究發現,收看電視的頻率越高,科學素養越低落,且無論新聞或科學節目皆然;五、在控制住所有可能的影響因素後,影響科學素養最有力的變項分別為「公私立大學」、「就讀科系」與「班上成績」,顯示學校教育與過去學習背景是影響台灣地區大學生科學素養程度的最主要因素。 / Over the past decades, a growing number of studies have focused on public scientific literacy and tried to examine it. Public familiarity with basic scientific concepts and principles has been proposed as essential for effective decision-making both in personal daily life and national policy. Quantitative and qualitative studies of the public understanding of science have been conducted in many countries. Those studies have provided valuable insights into to what extent that citizens may have understood important scientific concepts, and furthermore, into the ways in which they seek and use scientific knowledge and how they think about science.
There were only few science literacy related studies conducted in Taiwan. Up till now, no representative and population-based study in Taiwan. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to estimate the level of scientific literacy of college students in Taiwan and to explore the relationships between media use, scientific literacy and the attitude toward science.
This study conducted a national survey among college students in Taiwan. One thousand eight-hundred and thirty-eight students participating in this study from June 1, 2009 to June 22, 2009. As expected, male, public university students, majoring science and technology, with better academic performance, will have higher levels of scientific literacy. Scientific literacy is negative related to the frequency of watching television, whether news or scientific programs, which suggests TV programs in Taiwan do not provide quality science contents to audiences. After controlling for a range of socio-demographic variables, it is found that public or private university, major, and academic performance have significant effects on college students’ scientific literacy. Findings indicated that educational variables affect the level of scientific literacy of Taiwanese undergraduates the most.
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知識翻新教學對小學生 科學探究活動與科學合作概念之影響 / Effects of knowledge building on elementary students’science learning activities and their views on scientific collaboration王博賢, Wang, Po Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探究國小學生,在利用「知識論壇」 (Knowledge Forum)—一個以知識翻新(knowledge-building)教育思想為核心所建立的電腦輔助合作學習(CSCL)平台—進行教學之前與之後,在「科學學習歷程」與「科學合作概念」上的改變情形。研究對象為台北市某國小五年級學生。資料來源主要為課堂觀察、上課錄影資料、知識論壇平台上的活動記錄、以及集體訪談的前後測訪談稿。實驗共分二組:(1) 實驗組使用知識論壇平台進行知識翻新教學;(2) 控制組則以傳統講授與小組合作方式授課。
研究結果主要有以下四點:(1) 課堂觀察與錄影資料分析顯示,在傳統的課堂中(控制組)教師主導的活動佔據大部分上課時間,然而在進行知識翻新教學之課堂中(實驗組),學生則使用更多的時間進行同儕間的互動與合作;(2) 知識論壇平台活動記錄分析結果發現,在論壇的輔助下進行知識翻新教學,有助於幫助學生跳脫分工合作的小組活動、進行更機遇式(opportunistic)的合作學習;(3) 平台中的發文內容分析顯示,經過18週的課程,學生有更多以合作為基礎的學習活動;(4) 訪談稿前測結果指出,學生對於科學知識本質的「暫時性」與「共構性」僅有初步瞭解。在合作方式上,多數學生認為科學家會合作,然而在合作的方式上則普遍強調以「分工」為基礎的科學合作,而非以「創新」知識為基礎的合作方式。訪談稿後測結果則指出,經過知識翻新課程後,受試國小學生已漸能形成以創新為基礎(而非任務為導向)的科學合作概念。
本研究主要的結論有四點:(1) 知識翻新教學有助於促進學生間的互動學習;(2) 在知識翻新教學後學生有更多以合作為基礎的探究活動;(3) 本研究中的小學生已普遍有合作的理念,但仍停留在分工合作的觀點;以及(4) 知識翻新教學可以有助於幫助學生形成以創新為主的合作觀。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of knowledge building on fifth-grader’ science learning process and their views on collaboration. A software program called Knowledge Forum—which is designed based on knowledge-building theory—was employed to complement student learning. Participants were 53 fifth-graders from an urban school in Taipei. Data source mainly came from video-taping of classroom activities, class observation records, group interview, and the online activities automatically recorded in the Knowledge Forum platform. The students were divided into two groups for comparison: (1) the experiment group adopted knowledge building pedagogy; (2) the control group adopted traditional instruction that combined both teacher lectures and student collaboration in groups.
The main findings are as follows: (1) as shown in the video and the classroom observation data, it was found that in the traditional (control) class, teacher-led activities took up the majority of class time; in contrast, in the knowledge building (experimental) class, students had more time for peer interaction and collaboration; (2) as the online activity data showed, it was found that engaging in knowledge building helped students to move away from division of labor and to engage in more opportunistic collaboration ; (3) based on content analysis on student online discussion, it was found that students progressively performed more collaborative activities towards the end of this class; and (4) as evidenced in the pre-post interview data, it was found that students initially had a more limited understanding of scientific knowledge as “tentative” and “co-constructive”. In addition, while they thought scientists work together, they tended to highlight the kind of teamwork based on division of labor, rather than the kind of teamwork aimed to create new knowledge. However, the post-interview data showed that after engaging in knowledge building for 18 weeks, students began to see scientific collaboration as more innovation-oriented, and less task-oriented.
Based on the findings, the following conclusions were made: (1) engaging students in knowledge building was helpful for promoting more interaction among students; (2) knowledge building progressively fostered more scientific inquiry activities that is based on collaboration; (3) before attending this study, students had already the concept of cooperation, and such concept is highly based on division of labor, but after engaging in knowledge building, they were able to gradually develop a more creative view of collaboration.
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心理學質的研究的探討洪錫井, Hong, Xi-Jing Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,「觀察→假設→推論→命題→收集資料→實驗→檢証→結論→預測」這個過程便是科學的標準格式,任何想要從事科學活動,探求新知識,莫不以此為 集;如果有人想要挑戰這種說法,莫不被視為邪說、異端、離經叛道、因為這過程正是科學文明、器物發明,所賴以發展的金科玉律。
誠然,由於這種科學,學術界得以發現諸多現象與知識。但是,我們是否應將它視為唯一的律則?是否有其他的方法可以引領我們進入知識的世界與真理的殿堂?實際上,對於「經驗科學(Empirical Science) 可以獲致真理」,已經有不少學者提出了質疑,不論在哲學、自然科學、以及社會科學與心理學界,都有不少學者了解到傳統的方法論的確有其不足與限制。因此,在這樣的反省中,遂產生了另一種研究取向––質的研究(qualitative research)。這就是本研究所欲探討的主題。
所謂「質的研究」到目前為止,它所指涉的概念仍極為分歧,一般將個案研究、自然探究、紮根理論、田野研究、俗民誌、俗民方法學、詮釋的研究都包括在質的概念之下。雖然如此,它是涵蓋不同研究策略的名詞,而這些策略都共有如下特質 (Bogdan &Biklen,1982,p.2):
(1) 研究收集的資料,是人、地和會談等所謂「軟性」資料的豐富描述。
(2) 研究問題並非由操作定義後的變項來界定,而是在複雜的情境中形成。
(3) 研究焦點可在資料收集中發展而成,而非在一開始就設定待考驗的假說或待回答的問題。
(4) 了解行為必須由被研究者的內在觀點出發,外在因素僅居次要地位。
(5) 傾向於在被研究者的日常生活情境□,與被研究者做持久地接觸,以收集資料。
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科學的卡萊爾:《衣服哲學》中的科學、物質、與科學家 / The scientific carlyle: Science, matter, and scientists in sartor resartus張惠慈, Chang, Heui Tsz Unknown Date (has links)
卡萊爾於《衣服哲學》中以嘲諷口吻所批評之對象,並非科學與物質,而是卡萊爾對世人的失望,因為世人不再相信看不見的內在精神事物,反而任由其腦、心、與手受控於機械主義與實用主義。卡萊爾於是期待改革,期許沈思的科學哲人手持神聖的科學火炬,引領世人進行改革,復興傳統的信仰、道德、與精神。透過文本與社會文化的互文閱讀,本論文於是呈現,收藏在《衣服哲學》論述博物館之內,關於宗教∕科學、精神∕物質、與哲學人∕科學人等思想之交會、矛盾、相融、及衍生。 / There are two purposes of this study. First, to dispel the myth that regards Thomas Carlyle as a sage or prophet and Sartor as an aesthetic unity, and, second, to debunk the myth that assumes a conflict between science and religion, matter and spirit, as well as between philosophers and scientists in Thomas Carlyle’s Sartor Resartus.
Carlyle was traditionally supposed to be a “sage-prophet” who rejects science and matter, and Sartor was regarded as an aesthetic unity to transmit the Carlylean philosophy of religion and spirit. The two myths have been consolidated in many social, cultural, and literary studies and need reexamination.
This dissertation comprises four chapters. The first chapter deals with the demystification of Carlyle as an “Author-God” to generate new meanings and create a new genre. It also questions Sartor as an “aesthetic unity” to reflect the author’s sagacity and to stand for a modern bible. To be interpreted through Michael Foucault’s archaeological study, Sartor will be demonstrated as a discursive museum to exhibit the transitions and vicissitudes of thoughts in reference to science, matter, and scientists.
Chapter Two treats the religious significance of Carlyle’s “Torch of Science.” Through the theory of a mutually productive relationship between science and religion, this chapter will reveal the sacredness in the “Torch of Science.” Not a destroyer of faith, the “Torch of Science” serves as a religious vehicle to explore the exterior/material world and the interior/spiritual universe. Instead of criticizing the “Torch,” Carlyle encourages the proper use of science and expects spiritual reform from the “Torch.” The main target of Carlyle’s prod thus is not the “Torch of Science” per se but its status quo, i.e., the abuse of science dominated by utilitarianism and mechanism.
In Chapter Three, based on his contemporary natural theology, the philosophy of “Natural Supernaturalism” will be analyzed as Carlyle’s belief in the mutually productive interrelations between spirit and matter as well as the visible and invisible. Never thinking matter as “litter,” Carlyle deems the spiritual and the material as two sides of wholeness, corresponding to and supporting each other. Never questioning man’s use of matter, Carlyle advises his reader to open their inner eye with faith, to penetrate the material form with fantasy, and to see God’s truth in the “whole.”
In Chapter Four, with the references to Carlyle’s personal experiences, “science” as a vocation in the 1820s and 1830s, and the philosophy of science and the scientist advocated by William Whewell, “Diogenes Teufelsdrockh” will be reanalyzed and reinterpreted as an ideal proto-scientist wandering and pondering solitarily in the dark. Moral, spiritual, religious, and philosophical, the scientific thinker purports to defeat the furtive invasions of mechanism and utilitarianism. Not simply “God-born Devil’s dung,” “Diogenes Teufelsdrockh” encapsulates the gist of Carlyle’s clothes philosophy: a wise speculative scientist searching for the truth of God hidden in every corner of the natural world.
Instead of criticizing science and matter, Carlyle in fact laments that man no longer trusts the invisible and the interior but has all his head, heart, and hand contaminated by mechanism and utilitarianism. For spiritual and moral reform, Carlyle places his hope on the scientist holding a Torch. Through the intertextual reading of Sartor, this study shows the interplay, conflict, conciliation, and evolution of the thoughts in reference to Carlyle’s contemporary concepts of science and religion, matter and spirit, as well as scientists and philosophers.
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中共移民邊疆政策之研究康添財, KUANG, TIAN-CAI Unknown Date (has links)
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會計行為面之研究黃瑞祥, HUANG, RUI-XIANG Unknown Date (has links)
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