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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


吳敏華 Unknown Date (has links)
1980年代在政府的經濟政策的引導下,科技產業興起,透過新竹科學園區的設立,使得台灣的產業結構戚功地升級,由傳統的勞力密集產業轉變為資本技術密集的高附加價值科技產業,並在全球經濟分工中佔有一席之地。在觀察國內外戚功的科學園區案例如矽谷、竹科中可發現,一個科學園區的成功,主要在於其產業空間的在地條件能夠與全球商品鏈接軌的結果,除了一般性基礎設施(infraStruCture)的完備之外,在應和全球化經濟的浪潮之下,並需具備特有的策略性條件以吸引廠商的投入與資金的聚集,而在地條件的完備與否將關係到科學園區是否能威功達到吸引產業進駐及跨國性資金投入的重要關鍵。在全球產業競箏日益激烈的當下,台灣內部面臨了產業外移及外資減少的空洞化現象,而政府卻不斷地規劃科學園區期望再造竹科的成功。因此,如何透過在地條件的塑造,創造在地產業空間與全球經貿的接軌,來改善台灣內部投資環境、提升產業之全球競爭力,並提供科學園區規劃上之參考,為本研究主要之目的所在。 職是之故,本研究首先探討了全球化下的經濟結構變遷、空間以及競箏力的相關文獻,作為研究產業空間的時空背景,並蒐集科學園區的相關案例來歸納科學園區之戚功因素作為在地條件建構之參考。其次,透過台灣經濟發展與科學園區設置之探討,來瞭解科學園區在台灣經濟發展歷程中的角色意義,以及台灣現今在全球經貿中分工位階,並透過兩個回合的德爾菲專家問卷,來建構全球化競爭下科學園區所應具備之在地條件。 本研究結果發現,在科學園區與台灣經濟發展的關連性方面,科學園區的設立為帶動我國經濟成長、引導產業升級之重要命脈,並為台灣產業空間與全球經貿接軌之連結點;在透過在地條件所建構之科學園區產業空間方面,經由德爾菲問卷之調查,具備奎球競爭力的科學園區產業空間,主要建立在以下三點之基礎上,1.提供機能健全的科學園區實體空間,2創造具備全球競爭力的產業群聚,3.發展在地產業空間與全球化經濟之接軌。未來科學園區產業空間之塑造與發展策略方面,在發展台灣成為綠色矽島的目標下,提出台灣內部科學園區網絡之規劃構想以引導台灣經濟發展,並透過形塑在地條件之發展策略與配套措施,期望發展台灣威為亞大地區之研發重鎮。 關鍵字:經濟全球化、科學園區、在地條件

韓國大德科學園區個案研究-國家創新系統遠景 / The case study of Taedok science town in Korea : NIS perspective

李恩洙, Lee Joo Joo Unknown Date (has links)
Taedok Science Town(TST) has long history. Almost twenty years had been spent from its planning on 1973 to completion of its physical form on 1992. By 1998, TST tenants are government-supported institutes, private industry research laboratories, government-invested institutes, government agencies, and high educational institutes, total 63. However, contrary to its long history, only little information concerning TST has been introduced to outside of TST. It’s because TST was designed only for R&D without industrial production and also because in the initial stage, TST was purposed to support chaebols scientifically and technically, even the research results belonged to chaebols. Therefore, even within Korea TST was not studied by many entities, but mainly by policy makers. This unique situation of TST is very deeply related to Korean national innovation system. In other words, without understanding Korean national innovation system, it’s meaningless to view TST alone. When Korean created record-breaking fast economic development in 1960s, Korean government focused on technology but what Korea had was only human resources. Government as a center of its innovation system reared up strategic industries and intensively supported. Especially Korean government did it by fostering some chaebols, so Korean economy was built by them and also heavily depended on them. At that time, TST as designed for supporting those chaebols. Naturally, government-supported institutes in TST took pivotal role in R&D and in other peripheral activities . However, TST system was not static but dynamic. From 1980s, government started supporting small and medium enterprises and to catch up with the world economic changes, government promoted corporate researches to create synergy in TST. When KAIST moved to TST on 1990, it activated corporate researches with many institutes, and created collaborative research culture in TST. Especially, in early 1990s, when Business Incubators introduced into Korea, TBI/TIC/HTVC programs were launched in KAIST under government’s intensive support. Even this BI program is expanding to nationwide. Many young technopreneurs are heading to TST to start their own business with expecting TST’s scientific and technological support. Now TST in-town institutes are changed new way. Many students and researchers started their own technology-based businesses and creating new culture in TST. In many clubs they made they exchange business opportunities, technical know-how, etc. This new move creates new atmosphere in TST. However, close community of TST and in-town institutes’ networks is still pretty rare. That’s because the industries in community are not matured yet so that they are not ready to absorb technical pool in TST.


鄭居元, Cheng Chu-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 台灣生物科技產業,近年來在政府大力推動下,投資金額、企業營收、就業率與新創公司數逐年成長。然而台灣生物科技水準與美歐日等先進國家相比,技術層次仍有待加強,而台灣生物科技產業發展,相較於美歐日等地區生物科技產業的蓬勃發展,仍屬於播種萌芽,逐漸起飛的階段。 台灣發展新興產業的關鍵因素:如人才、資金、技術等關鍵資源極為有限,因此若能藉由地理區域的集中,來凝聚上述有限的關鍵資源,或可加速台灣生物科技產業的發展。 本研究藉由實地參訪和個案研究;再輔以次級資料(公開文件)的蒐集、整理與分析,來探討生物科技產業聚落發展的關鍵因素。研究對象包括:美國的生物科技產業聚落(Philadelphia,New Haven,Boston,RTP、North Carolina)及歐洲瑞典的生物科技產業聚落(Stockholm / Uppsala,Gothenbrug,Malmo / Lund,Linkoping,Umea)等。 由於生物科技公司是生物科技產業聚落的構成主體,因此首先就企業經營管理的觀點,探討生物科技新創公司形成的關鍵因素;另就產業聚落發展的觀點,探討生物科技產業聚落發展的關鍵因素:如生產要素條件、相關與支援性產業、產業聚落的成長與回饋等;再探討生物科技產業聚落內,使得新事業源源不斷形成,產業聚落得以永續發展的機制;最後由先進國家生物科技產業聚落發展的經驗,對台灣地區發展生物科技產業聚落的政策意涵,提出相關建議。 經由本研究可以得到下列發現:生物科技新創公司最重要的生存方式,在於如何善用環境外部資源,來突破企業內部資源的有限性。而生物科技產業聚落不是無中生有,首先必須先存在大學及研究機構等專業化生產要素,才會設立科學園區或育成中心。大學及研究機構現有的研究領域,決定科學園區或育成中心的發展特色。生物科技公司是生物科技產業聚落的構成主體,而生物科技新創公司形成的機制(如種子基金的設置等)是產業聚落永續發展的驅動力量。種子基金、科學園區或育成中心分別為產業聚落發展重要的無形及有形的連結機制。 / Abstract The amount of investment, the revenues and the employment of firms, and the number of start-ups, within Taiwan biotechnology industry, promoted by the government, increased gradually. However, the level of biotechnology, compared with other developed countries, seems still a lot to be upgraded. Moreover, the biotechnology industry developed in Taiwan is still in the early stage. Therefore, the limited key resources such as talents, capital, technology, if can be concentrated in a specific region, then the emerging industry like biotechnology industry may be developed faster. The study is, use of the field and case study, and the secondary data collected, to explore the key success factors in the development of biotechnology industry clusters. The cases studied include American biotechnology industry clusters, like Philadelphia, New Haven, Boston, RTP-North Carolina, and Sweden biotechnology industry clusters, like Stockholm-Uppsala, Gothenbrug, Malmo-Lund, Linkoping, Umea. Because the biotechnology firms are the building blocks of biotechnology industry clusters, it is first to explore the key success factors of the formations of new ventures from the perspective of business administration. From the perspective of cluster development, it is to explore the key success factors of the formations of new clusters such as the production factors, the related and supporting industry, the growth and feedback of clusters. The mechanism about new ventures growing forever to sustain the clusters development is then explored. From the experiences of these developed countries in the clusters development, the study proposes some suggestions about the policy making on the biotechnology clusters development in Taiwan. From the study, there comes the following finding:The biotechnology ventures leverage the resources from the environment to overcome the limited resources within the firms. The biotechnology clusters can be happened nowhere. First, there will be existed some professional production factors such as universities and research institutes, then come the science-park and incubator. The universities and research institutes define the characteristics of the science-park and incubator. The mechanisms about the formation of new ventures such as the seed fund become the driving forces of biotechnology clusters. The seed fund or the science-park and incubator are the intangible or tangible linkage mechanisms about the formation of biotechnology clusters.


顏志哲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在探討智慧資本衡量指標如何運用於績效評估上,透過文獻探討以及專家學者之意見,建立適當之智慧資本衡量指標,以作為本研究之績效評估指標,並以在科學園區內設廠之廠商為問卷發放對象,探討園區內廠商對於科學園區管理局所提供服務之評估。本文將科學園區提供之服務依照智慧資本構成要素分類為知識資本、組織資本與顧客資本深入探討,期望能瞭解廠商對於科學園區管理局提供服務之重要性、期望程度以及達成水準之看法。最後探討不同特性之廠商(產業別、所在園區、經營績效、規模、未來展望、依賴程度、是否在園區外另行設廠),是否影響其對於科學園區提供服務之重要性、期望程度與達成水準之看法。   研究結論發現,目前我國科學園區內的廠商普遍依然認為與組織資本相關之服務最為重要,例如園區能提供穩定的能源,其次為知識資本相關之服務,最後為顧客資本相關之服務。另外,本研究亦發現不同特性的廠商會影響其對於園區提供服務之重要性、期望程度與達成水準之看法。故,政府應深入探討不同特性廠商之需要,以提供一個良好的高科技產業發展之環境。 / The purpose of this research was to explore how to use the measurement indicators of intellectual capital to assess performance provided to firms by Science Park Administration. In addition, explored how the different characteristics of firms (industries, location, operation performance, size, future prospects and dependence) influenced the performance provided by Science Park Administration. Performance measurement indicators divided into three catergories including knowledge capital, organizational capital and customer capital. And the performance was assessed by three evaluation criteria: importance, expectations and achievement. Conclusion of the research found that firms considered the the most important services provided by Science Park Administration was organizational capital-related sevices, followed by the knowledge capital-related services, and the last important is customer capital-related services. In addition, the research also found that different characteristics of firms will affect their views on sevices provided by Science Park Administration. Therefore, in order to provide a good high-tech industry development environment, the government should thoroughly investigate different firms’ needs with different characteristics.

高科技廠商的存活風險分析:以竹科廠商為例 / Survival Analysis of the Hi-Tech Firms: A Case Study of the Hsinchu Science Park

王盈智, Wang, Ying Chih Unknown Date (has links)
新竹科學園區對我國的社經發展有著卓越的貢獻,就2006年的統計數據來看,年營業額佔全國工業生產毛額的比率約35%,佔台灣GDP的比率則將近10%,佔全國出口貿易總值的8%,就業人數則約佔全國就業者的1.2%,其實質重要性可見一般,所以竹科廠商的存活是與全國、地方的社經發展緊密交織無可劃分,竹科廠商的退出可能會造成經濟成長停滯、工作機會短少、政策資源錯置等問題。 既有研究多半強調竹科成功的要素,但往往會使我們將目光只放在成功廠商,而忽視廠商退出竹科的現象,又或者未正視高科技產業的特質之一:高風險,因此本研究將試圖運用事件史分析來捕捉在竹科特殊的產業生態中,高科技產業其風險的真正面貌,並運用資源基礎、資源依賴以及組織生態學的觀點來探討竹科的不同廠商所涉風險之影響因素。 / The Hsinchu science park has made remarkable contributions to Taiwan’s development, so far as statistics in 2006, the annual sales volume takes up 35% of the national industrial production volume, nearly 10% of Taiwan’s GDP, it also accounts for 8% of the national export trade. The employment of the Hsinchu science park takes up 1.2% of the total employment of Taiwan. Its significant importance is easy to be understood fully at a glance, so the survival of firms in the Hsinchu science park interweaved with Taiwan’s society and development. Firm exit not only makes the working opportunity deficient, but also affect the usage of policy resources and the socio-economic development of Taiwan. Academic researches about the Hsinchu science park only emphasized the successful element, placed sight on the successful manufacturer, and ignored the phenomenon that some firms have exited from the Hsinchu science park. Actually, one characteristic of the Hi-Tech industry was high risk. So this research will attempt to use the event history analysis to realize firm survival in the Hsinchu science park, catch the real risk of Hi-Tech industry and understand the important factor that effect firm exit from the Hsinchu science park through resource-based theory, resource dependency theory, and organizational ecology perspective.

科學園區危機管理跨域聯防之研究-以科學工業園區管理局為例 / The study of joint defense across boundary of crisis management of science park: a case study of science park administration

葉慧君 Unknown Date (has links)
因應全球科學園區發展的潮流,我國於1980年設立第一個科學園區-新竹科學園區(簡稱竹科),經過多年的努力,已成為世界上發展成功的科學園區之一,美國商業週刊稱之為「台灣的矽谷」,是台灣經濟發展的重要命脈,也是維持我國競爭力於不墜之重要關鍵因素。而為執行園區管理業務,由行政院國家科學委員會設立「科學工業園區管理局」,辦理相關工作及提供各項服務。   本研究採用文獻探討法及深度訪問法等二種研究方法,試圖就科學園區危機類型做一分類,並以危機管理四階段理論及運用「全盤型弱點管理」觀點,檢視科學工業園區管理局危機管理機制之運作,找出其脆弱度,透過跨域聯防相關理論、兩個案例經驗借鏡及相關人員深度訪談資料之歸納分析,試圖提出建構科學園區危機管理跨域聯防機制之策略,並輔以政策工具理論,作為可能面臨困境之對策,以提供科學工業園區管理局及相關單位參考。 / To meet the trend of global science parks, the first science park in Taiwan, Hsinchu Science Park (HSP), was established in 1980. After endeavored for years, it has become one of the most successful science parks in the world, which Business Week called, “Taiwan’s Silicon Valley.” It is a very important lifeline of Taiwan economic development, and a key factor of maintaining Taiwan’s competitive advantage. Under the jurisdiction of the National Science Council, the Science Park Administration (SPA) is given the responsibility of developing, operating and managing the park. This study adopts two research ways: literature review method and interviewing method, and attempts to classify the crisis type of the science park. Based on the four steps theory of crisis management and the point of view of “Comprehensive Vulnerable Management,” it is to inspect the operation of crisis management of Science Park Administration to find out its vulnerability. Through the generalization and analysis of the related theory of joint defense across boundary, two cases review and related further interview, it attempts to set a strategy for joint defense across boundary of the science park, assists with policy instruments theory to offer a solution for coming difficulty, and to be a reference for Science Park Administration and related organizations.


楊建民, YANG, JIAN-MIN Unknown Date (has links)
在快速變遷的社會中,我國正處於關鍵性的轉型期,在此重要過程裡,政府多年來的 努力目標乃積極著重於行政革新的推動與行政效率的提升,各級行政機關也不斷地提 出各項革新措施。過去種種努力雖有一定的價值展現,但卻始終無法以具體指標與量 化資料評估出行政機關的整體績效,或與其他同性質機關相互比較。然而一般民眾則 普遍認為政府行政效率及效能實遠低於民營企業。 針對此項革新議題,本文乃以「行政機關生產力」為題進行研究,嘗試就具體指標建 構及各種衡量方法的探討,實際瞭解政府行政運作績效,進而提升行政機關生產力, 俾以帶動國家整體發展。 本文共乙冊,計約十萬字,分為六章十六節。 第一章緒論。說明研究背景及研究架構。 第二章行政機關生產力的意義。經由生產力基本內涵的討論,闡述行政機關生產力的 定義,並提出一分析模式。 第三章指標建構。分由行政效率及行政效能兩重要變項,據以建構行政機關生產力指 標及適用上的檢討。 第四章衡量方法。敘述各種生產力衡量模式,並建議一套生產力指標的衡量方法。 第五章衡量實務。引述美國政府生產力衡量經驗,再以我國「科學園區管理局「個案 進行實證研究。 第六章結論。回顧與檢討,最後提出增進行政機關生產力的努力方向。


黃昱中 Unknown Date (has links)
面對全球化浪潮的衝擊,外國直接投資(Foreign direct investment, FDI)對於國家經濟與區域發展所扮演的角色越來越重要,此些FDI跨國企業所採取全球生產網絡(Global production networks, GPNs)佈局的投資行為,影響國際間不同區域的產業發展與消長,同時也牽動著台灣地區的產業生態,特別是在中國崛起後對台商所產生磁吸效應的壓力下,如何吸引廠商植根或回流台灣,便成為相當重要的課題。 新竹工業區於開發之初即劃設僑外專區,近幾年來園區的總產值居國內各編定工業區之冠,且區位鄰近新竹科學園區,其產業群聚現象正可作為分析全球生產行為的重要對象。基此,本研究一方面以FDI理論為基礎探討新竹工業區內外資廠商的演進變化,另一方面以GPNs理論建立本研究之分析架構,對工業區內的廠商進行深度訪談並輔以問卷調查,探討工業區內廠商的全球生產營運情況,以及全球生產網絡影響下之投資決策及區位變化。 研究結果發現,外資廠商在1980年代大量聚集在新竹工業區周邊,但在全球化浪潮影響下逐漸撤離台灣或轉進大陸,而之後進駐工業區的外資廠商受到先行廠商的影響,在投資產業類別乃至於資金來源都相當類似,一些未撤離的廠商,則是進一步從生產中心的角色轉化為以知識密集為主的研發中心。 另外,工業區內廠商在全球佈局的投資策略下則是將新竹工業區視為第二鏈(2nd tier)的生產與代工者,以圖像化(mapping)分析的方式(Henderson et al., 2002)發現工業區內廠商(如錸德集團)在價值的創造、增強與獲取上雖然比較低,但在全球與跨界的生產網絡中,其決策的權力卻具有極高的地位,而在地方鑲嵌上則與地區機構與同異業廠商建立一定程度的關係。 / Facing the globalization trend, foreign direct investment (FDI) plays an important role in national economic and regional development. Global production networks (GPNs) of transnational corporations (TNCs) have influence over worldwide industry and the circumstances of Taiwan. Hsin-chu industrial park planned foreign zone at initial phase of development, and is now with the highest manufacture productivity than other industrial parks in Taiwan. Owing to its proximity to Hsin-chu Science Park, the industry cluster of Hsin-chu industrial park and their production networks shouldn’t be examined with traditional industrial parks. Therefore, this research based on the concept of FDI and GPNs to build a framework for analyzing firms’ changing, globalization decision making and the relocation behavior by using questionnaire and interview. Research results find that the foreign firms can follow up the firms who had left Hsin-chu industrial park, and those who stayed changed their operation type from labor-intensive in1980s to knowledge-intensive at nowadays. Besides, firms in Hsin-chu industrial park play key producers, OEM and ODM in global production networks (2nd tier). By mapping analysis, this research also finds that flag firms (ex: RITEK) have lower value added, enhancement and capture, but have higher power of decision in GPNs and cross-border production networks and embedded deeply in local.


鄭恩仁, Jeng, En-Ren Unknown Date (has links)
1980年代以降,「產業群聚現象」為各國在發展高科技產業的歷程中,極重要的趨勢與特色,美國的矽谷模式可謂其濫觴並成為仿效的成功典範。透過在特定的地理區域中,結合產業界(私人部門)、學術機構、研究機構、中央與地方政府(公共部門),建構有利於高科技產業長期發展與繁榮地區經濟的「科學城」。   產業群聚的優勢在於群居成員可分攤基礎建設成本、共享所需的生存資源;更易因地理上的便利性,形成上下游或關聯性產業的合作網路,使產品、技術、資訊與情感的交流更密切,演化為利害與共、共存共榮的「命運共同體」。本研究以產業環境、研究環境與居住環境所組成的共生環境作為形成高科技產業群聚的中心假設,採用組織生態學、資源依賴與合作網路的觀點,以「環境資源共享」與「產業網路互補」為經緯,剖析不同群聚的共生型態與綜效利益,釐清不同的產業特性對群聚利益的呼應,與對整體產業與企業競爭力的影響。   本研究發現共生環境資源的多寡,決定高科技產業群聚的形成與長期發展。產業環境的優勢反映在生產效率與利益的增強,研究環境的優勢反映在技術與研發實力的提昇,居住環境的優勢有助吸引高科技人才加入。而高科技產業專業分工明顯、產品生命週期短、時效性要求高的產業特性,使得合作廠商需要頻繁的溝通與協調,而這些工作卻必須透過面對面的互動才能達成,這也是形成高科技產業群聚的主因。   產業群聚的利益在於地理上的接近性,使群聚成員共享生存環境資源,便於建構合作網路關係。「環境資源共享之經濟性」與「產業網路合作之互補性」兩構面,決定高科技產業群聚的共生綜效利益。共生綜效利益高低,會決定群聚的長期發展與演化。共生綜效利益越高,則產業群聚會趨於成長、擴張;反之,將逐漸萎縮、解散。而合作機制的建立,是提高群聚共生綜效的關鍵。合作網路體系中的核心廠商,則負有建立合作機制的責任,政府(公共部門)也可主導合作機制的建立。   不同的高科技產業特性,搭配「適合的」共生綜效利益,可提高產業與企業的競爭力。環境依賴程度高的產業特性,對環境資源共享之經濟性的需求就會較高;專業分工程度高的產業特性,對產業網路合作之互補性的需求就會較高。

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