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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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企業經營社群影響之實證研究 / An empirical study on the effects of an enterprise fan page

蔣仁人, Jiang, Jen Jen Unknown Date (has links)
社群網站是目前蓬勃發展的網路應用服務,其多樣化功能與高互動性不僅影響使用者生活習慣也促進其購買行為。越來越多企業投入大量成本經營社群網站,希望從中得到好處,但仍有部分企業質疑經營社群無法替企業帶來實質效益。本研究目的在探討經營社群是否可以帶給企業效益。藉由大量文獻探討,提出了六個關於社群效益的假設。透過四階段研究來驗證假設,第一階段蒐集了全球16個跨國企業資料加以分析,得到了一個概略性的了解; 第二階段蒐集了58個跨國企業的資料進行社群能力與產品銷售之關聯性分析;第三階段研究將焦點放回台灣企業,蒐集了電信、航空、銀行以及便利商店四個產業中11個企業資料進行社群能力與產品銷售的關聯性分析;第四階研究段針對第三階段的11個企業進行社群經營與企業效益的分析。 本研究發現,經營社群與提升顧客滿意度以及提高品牌知名度上關聯性較低;而在航空,銀行以及便利商店產業中,經營社群可以提高整體收益。此外,企業提供具有1)較低價位、2)較低耐受度的產品或服務以及3)消費者參與度較低的購買決策較容易受到社群經營影響。更進一步發現,企業以提升顧客成長以及強化顧客忠誠度為目標去經營社群會獲得較高的成功率,也較容易得到實質效益。 / Most of the major enterprises have invested in social networks to provide services, promote products, or communicate with customers. However, to date no clear understanding on the effects of the social networks on business performance has emerged. This study examined the relationship between the capability of the enterprise to manage social networks and the resultant benefits of their investing in the social network. A fan page on Facebook is the selected target of study. By analyzing the efforts required to manage a fan page, we measure the fan page management capability by its reach, referrals, activities, and interactions. By analyzing literature and practical cases, we hypothesize six types of business benefit impacts can be experienced by enterprises investing in a fan page. The study applied four-stages of data collection and testing. The first stage is to build a general understanding of the relationship between the number of fans and business revenue. Based on findings of the first stage, the study tested the fan page benefit hypotheses on selected global firms and sought patterns of benefits generated from the fan page. In the third and fourth stage, the study tested the fan page effect on product sold of selected firms in Taiwan and further examined other hypotheses by industries. This study builds deep understanding from various aspects about fan page effects on enterprises, and proposes that firms provide products and services with characteristics of low-product price, short-product durability and low-customer involvement are more influenced by the management of their fan pages. Retail industries such as: banking and airline with high capability of managing Facebook fan page are more likely to increase customer growth and intensify customer loyalty.

從價值共創角度探討社群媒體行銷 對品牌粉絲專頁影響之研究 / Investigating Effects of Social Media Marketing on Brand Performance: From the Co-creation Concept

彭雅瑄, Peng, Yah Suan Unknown Date (has links)
社群媒體已經深刻地改變了我們的生活,並且對於企業行銷上產生了重大的影響。 這項研究的動機來自於社群媒體 Facebook 在台灣的普及性。此外,價值共創的概念,導致消費者忠誠度的重生,他們可以參與價值鏈的任何階段。我們的目標是將價值共創概念運用於Facebook粉絲專頁經營,探索如何達到最大化的行銷效益。 我們的研究數據來自於台灣資策會,結果顯示:一個粉絲專頁如果擁有越高的價值共創程度,確實能夠提高品牌行銷的效益。具體而言,我們發現粉絲專頁若提高內容多樣性和提供的回饋種類,更容易增加品牌的知名度。用戶原創內容程度越高,更可能增加使用者與品牌的互動,若要求使用者刻意推薦,則是更降低他們與品牌的互動。 此外,當粉絲年齡在大於或等於25歲時,以及粉絲專頁的粉絲總數越多時,價值共創程度對於行銷效益的顯著性會更明顯。 / Social media has profoundly changed our lives and is having a major impact on marketing today. This research is motivated by the tremendous growth of a social computing platform, Facebook. Besides, the co-creation concept leads to a rebirth of customer loyalty. Customers, in other words, can get involved at just any stage of the value chain. We aim to apply the co-creation concept in the Facebook fan page to explore what and how co-creation in social media marketing is effective. Our study has collected data from Taiwan’s Government research institute – Institute for Information Industry. The results of our findings show that the co-creation level in the Facebook marketing campaigns can truly increase brand’s performance. In detail, we found that kind of information and form of exchange are more likely to increase the brand’s awareness. Type of user created content is more likely to increase the brand’s engagement while way of advocacy is more likely to decrease the brand’s engagement. In addition, co-creation level is more significantly related to campaign’s performance when the fans are over (or equal to) 25 years old, and is more significantly related to campaign’s performance when the fan page has more fans than others.

檔案館運用Facebook粉絲專頁互動經營之研究 / A Study of the Public Communication and Operating Status of Archives with Facebook

王琪寛, Wang, Chyi Kuan Unknown Date (has links)
網路技術的快速發展,使人與社會的接觸從實體走入虛擬,人與人之間的交流互動,可以透過社群媒體與網站進行意見的交流與資訊,政府單位、典藏機構與公眾人物等具有群眾號召力之訊息發布者,莫不透過網路社群的功能,達成資訊的成功傳遞。典藏機構是一般大眾最為信賴的知識傳播者,隨著社群網站成為主流的資訊中介站,檔案館也開始在2008年設立Facebook粉絲專頁。有鑑於Facebook具有資訊傳播效益,能提升檔案館與使用者意見的直接溝通。本研究旨在瞭解國內外檔案館Facebook粉絲專頁的互動經營模式,透過內容分析、深度訪談與問卷調查法,以不同的角色探討檔案館Facebook的經營策略與網路使用者的互動需求。 本研究以媒介豐富度的指標為基礎架構,透過內容分析法,觀察國內外6所檔案館Facebook粉絲專頁2015年10月至12月間579則貼文的發布頻率、主題內容與互動率,另輔以深度訪談法,探討檔案館Facebook經營者的貼文回饋速度、多元化內容提示與語言多樣性,瞭解國內檔案館Facebook粉絲專頁的經營維護政策。最後採問卷調查法,分析123份有加入檔案館Facebook之使用者對於該社群網站經營狀況的看法,及其認為檔案館最需要改進的地方。 研究結果發現,雖然檔案館的Facebook發文頻率偏高,但卻無法引發使用者共鳴,同時,使用者也認為檔案館之留言回饋率過低,不符需求。由內容分析與深度訪談結果得知,檔案館Facebook粉絲專頁經營者希望借助該社群網站的易用性與即時性,進行該館活動的推廣,而從Facebook頁面中,則可以發現互動率最高的媒體類型分別為相片、影片與連結。問卷調查部分,檔案館的Facebook使用者較能接受口語化的撰寫方式,且其亦會依據貼文主題的不同,給予不同程度的互動。本研究建議檔案館Facebook可提供豐富的多媒體貼文內容,透過符合使用者需求的內容包裝方式,讓兩者的互動更為積極。 / With the advent of the Internet, social networks afford an opportunity to make information much more broadly available and make direct contact between administrators such as governments, libraries, archives, museums and internet users. Library, archives and museums are the most trusted information suppliers. With the concept of becoming a communication intermediate, archives around the world started to create Facebook Pages since 2008 for extending communication channel with users of archives. The purpose of this research is to investigate the public communication and operating status of archives on Facebook. This research collected data from analyzing the media richness on the Facebook posts from US National Archives (U.S.), The National Archives (U.K.), National Archives of Australia and 3 public archives in Taiwan during October 1 to December 31, 2015. Besides, also used in-depth interview with archivists who managed the Facebook Pages to understand the operating policies of archives. Furthermore, questionnaire survey was conducted to capture users’ access behavior and analyzed the users’ barriers. According to the results, most of the users stated that, although archives have tried very hard to keep up with the trend, failure on reaching consensus between users’ need and administrative costs and effectiveness were a big problem. Facebook followers considered insufficient communicating cannels and lacked of immediate feedback reduced the satisfaction on the presentation of Archives’ Facebook. With content analysis, this study found that the media which could cause highly interaction were photos, videos and links, even the spoken text markup language were more acceptable by Internet users. This study suggests that archives should deliberate to provide more posts with multiple types of clues. Through the process of modifying original transactional messages, the communication between archives and users will be more effective.

銀行業社群媒體行銷模式之訊息策略探究 -以FACEBOOK粉絲專頁為例 / A study of social media marketing strategy adopted by banking industry-The case of Facebook Fan page

陳安婕, Chen, An Jie Unknown Date (has links)
社群行銷為互動性與即時性很高的行銷模式,對企業而言日趨重要。透過良好的社群媒體經營,可以使企業提高討論聲量與品牌價值,進而帶動銷售達到透過網路引導購買而獲利的效果。故如何善加利用現今最成功的社群媒體Facebook粉絲專頁是企業行銷的成功關鍵因素之一。 本研究鎖定銀行業做研究主體,擷取2016年整年度的資料以個案分析法的方式深入探討台灣前五名銀行業粉絲專頁之經營方式與互動程度。本研究透過類目建構中的分類標準包含多媒體運用性、資訊性、顧客支援性、組織設定做官方貼文的訊息策略分析,瞭解其優勢策略和品牌區隔。本文並以粉絲專頁定義的KPI指標和數據的量化分析,運用多元回歸分析整合五間粉絲專頁資訊,歸納出銀行業在台灣成功的粉絲專頁之行銷模式。 根據以上分析之經營數據與國外粉絲專頁案例,本研究針對官方貼文的內容面給予較理想的粉絲專頁經營策略,以影片類型和抽獎活動主題為主軸並搭配其他貼文模式可以提升粉絲的總反應程度,本文之行銷建議讓台灣銀行業未來社群行銷發展能更有效率且提升整體商業價值。故本研究之分析架構可以運用到不同的產業類型中給予經營參考,未來後續研究也可以再加入不同反應變數或不同的社群媒體做更深入更全面性的社群媒體品牌經營。 / Social media marketing is an highly interative and high-quality maketing method, It is more important for interprises these days. By running a well social media can improve the business popularity and brand value, or even drive sales to increase profit. So how to make good use of most popular social media Facebook Fan page is the key to success of business marketing. The study focuses on the banking industry, using content analysis to explore the 2016 entire year’s data of the top five bank’s fanpage in Taiwan. Through category of construction classification, the study analysis the type, theme, interation and time of official posts to understand its advantages and strategies. Furthermore, the study uses muti regression to sum up the successful fan page marketing model of banking industry in Taiwan. Based on the above analysis of operating data and success cases in foreign countries, the study hopes to provide more ideal business proposals so that the development of social media in Taiwanese banking industy can be more efficient and enhance the commercial value. Therefore, the analysis structure of the study can be applied to different types of industries to give reference for business, the future studies can also add different variables or other social media to do more comprehecsive social media brand management.

品牌社群成員滿意度及品牌態度影響因素之研究─以Facebook粉絲專頁為例 / A study of the factors affecting the satisfaction and brand attitude of the members in brand communities: example of Facebook fan pages

卓光凝 Unknown Date (has links)
粉絲專頁是Facebook在2007年推出,提供給Facebook用戶作為公司企業、機關組織或個人品牌經營之用。隨著Facebook成為一個巨大的社交平台,Facebook粉絲專頁也成為一個全方位的品牌社群行銷利器(Nov.2009, Inside Facebook Pages, Sysomos Ins.)。 本研究以品牌聲譽高的象徵性品牌、品牌聲譽低的象徵性品牌、品牌聲譽高的功能性品牌、以及品牌聲譽低的功能性品牌四種類別的品牌粉絲專頁為研究對象,以Oliver(1980)的期望-失驗理論為基礎,並參考Muniz 和O’Guinn(2001)的品牌社群三角模式,將品牌社群成員(粉絲)對品牌社群(品牌粉絲專頁)之期待與加入動機,分為社群成員與品牌間的「品牌互動」、以及社群成員與其他成員間的「社群互動」兩類,探討社群成員對所參加之品牌粉絲專頁的品牌互動及社群互動期待,以及參加後實際知覺績效與期待間的落差,對其社群滿意度及品牌態度造成的影響。本研究有以下重要發現: 1.社群成員並不會因為品牌聲譽高低不同,而對粉絲專頁有不同的期待;但品牌概念形象的不同會影響社群成員對粉絲專頁的期待。 2.社群成員的涉入程度有助增強其粉絲專頁滿意度對其品牌態度的正向影響。 3.四類粉絲專頁的社群成員對於粉絲專頁中品牌互動的平均期待皆高於對社群互動的平均期待。 4.品牌互動方面,社群成員加入品牌粉絲專頁的主要動機與期待集中於資訊強化和產品交易兩個構念。 5.在社群互動方面,四類粉絲專頁的社群成員皆最重視粉絲專頁內的與其他成員間的意見交換。 6.相較於象徵性品牌粉絲專頁的社群成員,功能性品牌粉絲專頁的社群成員較期待能夠透過粉絲專頁的參與,感受到身為品牌愛好者之一的歸屬感。

社群網戰:臉書上的2012總統大選 / The campaign on social networking sites: the case of the 2012 Taiwan presidential election campaign on Facebook

張孟婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以三位候選人的粉絲專頁作為觀察的對象,以了解粉絲專頁在競選中所扮演之角色。透過分析Facebook本身的行銷特性,並討論Facebook上的回饋機制(「讚」、「評論」與「分享」);另一方面則討論網路選戰在國內選舉中所扮演的角色,再以歐巴馬對社群網站應用的經驗,點出社群網站作為競選工具的可行性,以回答本研究的問題與目的:(1)訊息主題與訊息呈現方式的差異與粉絲按「讚」、「評論」與「分享」的差異為何?(2)三組候選人的粉絲專頁經營策略有何差異?本研究希望透過對訊息內容的分析,以及三組候選人粉絲專頁經營策略的分析,整理出屬於社群網站競選的經營方式。 透過「內容分析法」對訊息與「讚」、「評論」和「分享」之關係進行分析,本研究整理結果並提出對經營粉絲專頁訊息之建議:(1)形象塑造上以抓住候選人特質為主,但不偏離真實樣貌;(2)訊息主題的經營應有較多能夠呈現候選人真實想法之主題;(3)訊息呈現方式雖以複合式訊息較容易被分享,仍不可忽略文字訊息之重要。另外,本研究亦同時對三組候選人陣營進行「深度訪談」,以了解其粉絲專頁經營策略,發現三組候選人經營粉絲專頁背景的共通性在於增加「訊息曝光度」;在訊息主題的決策上,大抵都是在主軸底下做細節的延伸和攻防;且從效果評估來看,他們也都認為經營粉絲專頁具有一定成效在。 從三位總統候選人的粉絲專頁訊息內容分析以及經營策略來看,本研究認為,透過經營粉絲專頁能夠讓訊息曝光能達到一定的成效。另外,本研究也建議,應該要以「虛實交會」的手法並行,讓粉絲能夠從虛擬世界中走出,與候選人在真實世界中相會,讓線上與線下的關係能夠更緊密。 / This study aims to understand the role of Facebook pages in electoral campaign. The objectives of observations in this study are the three Facebook pages in regard to the three presidential candidates (Tsai Ing-wen, Ma Ying-jeou, and Sung Chu-yu). To establish the applicability of using SNSs as campaign tools in election, the study generates research questions as follows: (1) Among messages of observed three candidates’ fan pages, how are topics and ways of expression different from each other in the feedback mechanism? (2) What are the differences among the strategies of three candidates’ Facebook pages? Drawn from the results of content analysis and intensive interviews, suggestions are shown as follows: (1) image building of candidates should manifest personal characteristics rather than flamboyance; (2) topics and content of messages should reflect those candidates’ true opinions; (3) the multimedia format of messages are forwarded more often, but the influence of text message should also be concerned. As to strategies of candidates’ Facebook pages, the results in this study suggests managing Facebook pages could enhance the degree of ‘message exposure,’ the subject of message decisions are based on some main topics, and there are a few successful cases for using Facebook pages as a campaign tool. In conclusion, there are some evidences for enhancing ‘message exposure’ by running Facebook pages in this study. Furthermore, to arouse more sense of identification among Facebook fans, political campaigns should be conducted in both ‘cyberspace’ and ‘reality.’

角色的形塑歷程與經濟效益-以參與社群平台的插畫創作者為例 / The shaping process and the economic benefit of the characters – An empirical study of the illustrators engaging in social networking

賴佳琪, Lai, Chia Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究企圖探討當代插畫創作者之於角色的創作能力生成歷程,因應行動網路成熟與社群網路崛起,插畫創作者如何運營社群平台,提供角色展演舞台,並能更進一步衍生角色商品。據此,本研究試圖討論:(1)插畫創作者如何形塑角色?(2)參與社群平台的插畫創作者如何以角色衍伸經濟效益? 本研究將引用李仁芳(2008,2015)、李世暉(2013)與黃鈺茗(2015)分別主張之「創意心靈」、「A型團隊」、「角色」、「情感資本」、「粉絲」、「漣漪效應」作為架構主體,以次級資料分析法、深度訪談法為資料蒐集方式,借質性研究之解釋型個案研究,對研究個案整理歸納、分析後詮釋。本研究依據角色之生命週期而擇定處於養成期初、後階段與流行期之三個案:吃貨雞仔、保羅先生與Duncan(當肯)。 本研究發現:創意心靈為插畫創作者孕育角色之技術、內容與情感的孵化器,且其飽滿度影響角色的感染力。藉由社群平台的傳播效力,對於角色產生認同與感動的粉絲,由於來自社群平台的參與感而更累積情感資本,並依附情感資本於角色商品。插畫創作者還可與守門人以A型團隊的合作模式,額外增加經濟效益。 / This paper attempts to explore the shaping process of the charactors established by illustrators in recent years, and to discover, with the flourishing of Internet and Social Networking, how illustrators manage their own SNSs that the characters could perform on, furthermore, how illustractores change the characters into the characterized products. Consequently, the research questions are: (1) How do illustrators shape the stylization of the charactors? (2) How do economic benefits come with illustrators engaging in social networking? The study applies concepts of “Creative Mood”, “A-type Team”, “Character”, “Affective Capital”, “Fans” and “Ripple Effect” as the research framework, and develops according to Explaining Qualitative Research Methods as Secordary Date Analysis and In-Depth Interviewing and Case Writing. Three cases investigated in this study are (1) Eating-Chick, (2) Mr. Paul and (3) Duncan complying with the life period of characters. Summarized as follows: Illustrators with the creative mood could inject technology, content and emotion into the characters. The deeper the creative mood saturation is, the more the influences of the characters have. Besides, with the communication effects of SNS, the fans that have made identify and impressions on the characters will join SNSs accompanying with storaging more affective capital for the characterized products. Illustators and gatekeeper could cooperate as A-type team for additional economic benefits.

結合中文斷詞系統與雙分群演算法於音樂相關臉書粉絲團之分析:以KKBOX為例 / Combing Chinese text segmentation system and co-clustering algorithm for analysis of music related Facebook fan page: A case of KKBOX

陳柏羽, Chen, Po Yu Unknown Date (has links)
近年智慧型手機與網路的普及,使得社群網站與線上串流音樂蓬勃發展。臉書(Facebook)用戶截至去年止每月總體平均用戶高達18.6億人 ,粉絲專頁成為公司企業特別關注的行銷手段。粉絲專頁上的貼文能夠在短時間內經過點閱、分享傳播至用戶的頁面,達到比起電視廣告更佳的效果,也節省了許多的成本。本研究提供了一套針對臉書粉絲專頁貼文的分群流程,考量到貼文字詞的複雜性,除了抓取了臉書粉絲專頁的貼文外,也抓取了與其相關的KKBOX網頁資訊,整合KKBOX網頁中的資料,對中文斷詞系統(Jieba)的語料庫進行擴充,以提高斷詞的正確性,接著透過雙分群演算法(Minimum Squared Residue Co-Clustering Algorithm)對貼文進行分群,並利用鑑別率(Discrimination Rate)與凝聚率(Agglomerate Rate)配合主成份分析(Principal Component Analysis)所產生的分佈圖來對分群結果進行評估,選出較佳的分群結果進一步去分析,進而找出分類的根據。在結果中,發現本研究的方法能夠有效的區分出不同類型的貼文,甚至能夠依據使用字詞、語法或編排格式的不同來進行分群。 / In recent years, because both smartphones and the Internet have become more popular, social network sites and music streaming services have grown vigorously. The monthly average of Facebook users hit 1.86 billion last years and Facebook Fan Page has become a popular marketing tool. Posts on Facebook can be broadcasted to millions of people in a short period of time by LIKEing and SHAREing pages. Using Facebook Fan Page as a marketing tool is more effective than advertising on television and can definitely reduce the costs. This study presents a process to cluster posts on Facebook Fan Page. Considering the complicated word usage, we grasped information on Facebook Fan Page and related information on the KKBOX website. First, we integrated the information on the website of KKBOX and expanded the text corpus of Jibea to enhance the accuracy of word segmentation. Then, we clustered the posts into several groups through Minimum Squared Residue Co-Clustering Algorithm and used discrimination Rate and Agglomerate Rate to analyze the distribution chart of Principal Component Analysis. After that, we found the suitable classification and could further analyze it. How posts are classified can then be found. As a result, we found that the method of this study can effectively cluster different kinds of posts and even cluster these posts according to its words, syntax and arrangement.

社群商務流量變現過程之關鍵成功因素探討 / The key successful factors of traffic monetizing process in social commerce

王孟筠 Unknown Date (has links)
平台的興起改變了傳統消費模式,因此無論是在學術界或是實務界,強調互動的社群商務在近年來都漸漸受到重視。然而,從社群中內容經營者的角度出發探討社群商務經營狀況的相關研究不多;此外,社群商務與網路外部性的連結也相對缺乏,故本研究欲以台灣影響力最大之社群平台Facebook的粉絲專頁為例,探討社群商務「使粉絲變成消費者」的流量變現過程,供未來社群商務經營者參考。 本研究以學者Hagel & Armstrong(1998)提出的會員發展四階段作為研究架構,採個案研究法,選擇「傑利帶路 玩世界」與「I’m 布布媽咪/Chic KimBlake」為個案,透過深度訪談探討選擇個案從內容社群至社群商務的經營過程中,每一階段形成正向網路外部性的關鍵成功因素以及做法,並同時分析不同的訴求類型於粉絲專頁上的影響與效果。 研究結果顯示,在社群商務的整體經營中,人格力、社群力以及產品力為三大關鍵成功因素,並且依序在吸引會員(製造流量)、增加參與(集中流量)、建立忠貞(鎖住流量)三階段扮演關鍵角色,最終實現價值獲取(流量變現)的目的;除此之外,感性的訴求在社群商務前期扮演相對重要的角色,而訴求的有效性與社群商務提供的產品與服務類型並無直接相關。 / The new economics of platform changes traditional purchase process and reconstructs value chain, giving the market new business rules. Thus, social commerce which emphasize interaction between customers and operators has been widely discussed in recent years. Numerous studies focused on customer behavior in social commerce but barely discussed business operation of social commerce from platform operators’ perspectives. As a result, this study is aim at exploring the traffic monetizing process in social commerce operating. This study applies case study method, analytic frame is adopted from the Four Phases to Developing Sustainable Virtual Community of Prof. Hagel and Armstrong published in 1998. “JerryWalker” and “Chic KimBlake” on Facebook fanpage are chosen as the research targets. Start by in-person interview with each targeted cases and supplemented by second-hand sources, inspecting the process from solely content operating to social commerce operating, also analyze key successful factors in each phase; moreover, this study will also discuss different types of appeals’ influence in social commerce. The results of this study shows that “personality”, “community operation” and “product and service” are the three main key factors while building up a successful social commerce. Besides, these three factor correspond to Phase I-generate traffic, Phase- II concentrate traffic, and Phase-III lock in the traffic in order, through this process can monetize community traffic and reach positive network effect. Furthermore, emotional appeals show better effect in social commerce regardless of different kinds of provided product and service.

品牌經營之策略行銷分析─以大苑子、綠藤生機為例 / The analysis of strategic marketing in brand management:case studies of Dayungs and Greenvines

謝惠雯, Hsieh, Hui Wen Unknown Date (has links)
創業已成為今日台灣的潮流顯學。無論規模大小,品牌就像一個當代的時髦名詞,是創業者的流行穿搭,顯現出對於人生態度的品味。品牌經營理論眾聲喧嘩,哪一盞才是照耀夜行中錦衣的明燈?溫馨小品或是夢幻逸品,恰如其分的定位,就能與擁護者對味。 本研究透過大苑子與綠藤生機兩家個案,來探討品牌經營的方式。在巨人們的肩膀上,將品牌經營整理成:「品牌願景、品牌定位、品牌傳播、品牌粉絲」四大方向來建立品牌的內涵,傳遞給消費者。再用策略行銷4C架構分析,以客觀的角度來審視品牌經營之強勢與弱勢之處,並給予行銷建議作為參考。希冀「先以品牌經營方程式建立品牌,再到策略行銷4C分析謀略縝密度」是一把讓未來有志創業者,或是期待打造出偉大抱負的品牌者,可以經營品牌不求人的關鍵之鑰。 經過個案的探討,發現兩家品牌都著墨許多在與顧客信任感的耕耘,如同Peter F. Drucker所說的:「企業的目的與使命只有一個重心、一個出發點,那就是顧客。」品牌經營如何獲得更多的品牌粉絲支持,是經營者與企業內部需同心協力達成的共同目標。 / Nowadays, entrepreneurship is the mainstream in Taiwan. In spite of the size of a company, the brand represents its image. A company’s brand is like the outfit of the entrepreneur, and it represents his/her attitude towards life. There are many theories on brand management, but which is the one that can help brands target the right customers? Through applying the right positioning strategies for different products, brands can attract target customers successfully. This research aims to analyze brand management through the case studies of “Dayungs” and “Greenvines.” Brand management includes brand vision, brand positioning, brand communication, and brand communities. These four items help establish the content and image of a company’s brand, and pass them on to the customers. Based on the 4C marketing framework, this research examines the strengths and the weaknesses of brand management, and provides a marketing proposal for future reference. The process of building branding with brand management, and then analyzing the strategies with the 4C marketing framework, is a key for future entrepreneurs that hope to establish a successful brand. Through the analysis of these case studies, the research found that both brands put emphasis on the customer trust. As Peter F. Drucker said, “The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.” How to gain the loyalty of more customers is the goal that managers and employees need to achieve with cooperation.

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