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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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個人與組織契合度、工作壓力與組織承諾關聯性之研究-以基隆市各區公所為例 / The Relationship between Person-Organization Fit, Job Stress and Organizational Commitment: A Case Study of District Offices in Keelung .

陳靜儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討基隆市區公所公務人員「個人與組織契合度」、「工作壓力」與「組織承諾」之關係。透過普查的方式針對基隆市各區公所正式公務人員進行問卷調查,共發出282份問卷,回收271份,扣除廢卷及填答不完整者10份,有效問卷為261份。並運用次數分配、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson相關分析及迴歸分析等方法進行統計分析,而研究發現如下: 一、不同「性別」、「年齡」的區公所公務人員在個人與組織契合度及各構面上有顯著差異。 二、不同「性別」、「年齡」和「家庭居住地」的區公所公務人員在工作壓力及各構面上有顯著差異。 三、不同「年齡」、「服務年資」和「婚姻狀況」的區公所公務人員在組織承諾及各構面上有顯著差異。 四、個人與組織契合度與組織承諾之間呈現顯著正相關。 五、工作壓力與組織承諾之間呈現顯著負相關。 六、個人與組織契合度對組織承諾有顯著的正向影響。 七、工作壓力對組織承諾有顯著的負向影響。 最後根據研究發現,分別就「政策」、「組織」和「個人」三層面提出建議,提供其他機關參考,並盼望上級長官能正視區公所公務人員組織承諾之情形,研擬相關因應方式以增強員工對機關之認同與承諾,使員工樂於留任於機關,奉獻其心力。 / This research discusses the relationship between the “Person-Organization Fit”, “Job Stress”, and “Organizational Commitment” of civil servants of the district offices in Keelung City. We handed out surveys to all civil servants of the district offices in Keelung City. A total of 282 questionnaires were handed out, 271 were collected, 10 were invalid or partially answered, resulting in 261 effective surveys. We used frequency distribution, t tests, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, and regressive analysis to conduct statistic analysis. The following are the research findings: 1. Civil servants of different “gender” and “age” displayed major differences in Person-Organization Fit. 2. Civil servants of different “gender”, “age”, and “residential area” displayed major differences in Job Stress. 3. Civil servants of different “age”, “work years”, and “marital status” displayed major differences in Organizational Commitment. 4. Person-Organization Fit and Organizational Commitment displayed positive correlation. 5. Job Stress displayed negative effects toward Organizational Commitment. 6. Person-Organization Fit displayed positive effects toward Organizational Commitment. 7. Job Stress displayed major negative effects toward Organizational Commitment. Finally, we gave suggestions that were related to “policy”, “organization”, and “person” according to the research findings to other institutions for reference. We hoped that the superiors would begin taking notice of the Organizational Commitment of the civil servants, and come up with ways to enhance the employee’s recognition and honor toward their workplace, thus making them want to stay and continue working full heartedly.

臺北縣市高中校長轉型領導與教師組織承諾關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship Between Principals' Transformational Leadership and Teachers' Organizational Commitment in the Senior High Schools in Taipei City and Taipei County

方淑芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解臺北縣市高中教師知覺校長轉型領導與教師組織承諾的現況,並分析教師人口變項、學校環境變項在校長轉型領導以及教師組織承諾的差異情形,最後探討校長轉型領導與教師組織承諾之關係。 本研究以問卷調查法為主,訪談為輔,所稱「高中」校長,僅包括公立(含國立與縣市立)高級中學,不含私立高中與綜合高中。問卷調查法以自編「高中校長轉型領導與教師組織承諾調查問卷」(內含基本資料、校長轉型領導量表與教師組織承諾量表)為工具,對臺北縣市公立高中進行問卷調查。問卷以高中教師為調查對象,計調查41所學校,發出問卷668份、回收534份、有效問卷513份,可用率76.8%。調查所得資料分別以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法實施資料分析,據以進行研究結果的分析與討論。 研究結論如下: 一、目前高中校長轉型領導與教師組織承諾現況表現均屬中上程度。 二、在教師人口變項中,不同年齡、職務的教師在所知覺的校長轉型領導上具有顯著差異。其中以年齡較大教師以及兼任主任教師知覺的校長轉型領導程度較高。 三、在教師人口變項中,不同年齡、學歷、年資與職務的教師在教師組織承諾上具有顯著差異。其中以年齡較大教師、四十學分班結業、年資較久以及兼任主任之教師組織承諾較高。 四、在教師人口變項中,不同性別、學歷與年資教師在所知覺的校長轉型領導上沒有顯著差異。不同性別教師在教師組織承諾上沒有顯著差異。 五、在學校環境變項中,不同學校歷史與學校規模的教師在所知覺的校長轉型領導上具有顯著差異存在。其中以學校歷史為11-20年及學校規模為13-24班的教師知覺的校長轉型領導程度較高。 六、在學校環境變項中,不同學校性質、歷史與規模的教師在教師組織承諾上具有顯著差異。以學校歷史較久、班級數較多的一般高中教師組織承諾較高。 七、在學校環境變項中,不同學校性質、學校位置的教師在所知覺的校長轉型領導上沒有顯著差異。不同學校位置的教師在教師組織承諾上沒有顯著差異。 八、在不同性別校長與校長在本校年資變項中,教師所知覺的校長轉型領導有顯著差異,在教師組織承諾上沒有顯著差異。教師知覺男性校長與第一年在本校服務的校長轉型領導程度較高。 九、整體而言,高中校長轉型領導與教師組織承諾具有正相關。 十、校長轉型領導對於教師組織承諾具有預測力。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育行政機關、學校校長以及未來研究的參考。 / This study aims to investigate the current situations of principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment in senior high schools and to analyze the differences in teachers’ personal variables and school environmental variables concerning principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment. Finally, it explores the relationship between principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment. This study employs the research method of questionnaire surveys and interviews. There were two survey tools used in the study, including Principals’ Transformational Leadership Questionnaire, and Teachers’ Organizational Commitment Questionnaire. Six hundred and sixty eight subjects are randomly selected from forty-one public senior high schools in Taipei city and county. The number of effective samples is 513. The data are analyzed using the methods of description statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple stepwise regressions. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The current situations of principals’ transformational leadership and the teachers’ organizational commitment in senior high schools are both above average. 2. Among teachers’ personal variables, there is significant difference in principals’ transformational leadership based on the two variables, teachers’ age and teachers' positions. Senior teachers and teachers with administrative affairs get higher scores. 3. Among teachers’ personal variables, there is significant difference in teachers’ organizational commitment based on the variables of teachers’ age, educational degrees, seniority and positions. Older and senior teachers, teachers who completed forty-credits in-service training courses and teachers with administrative affairs get higher scores. 4. Among teachers’ background variables, there is no significant difference in principal’s transformational leadership based on the variables of the teachers’ sex, educational degrees and seniority; and there is no significant difference in teachers’ organizational commitment between male and female teachers. 5. Among the school environmental variables, there is significant difference in principal’s transformational leadership based on the variables of the school’s history and scale. Teachers in schools older than ten years but less than twenty years and teachers in schools with the number of classes more than 13 but less than 24 get higher scores. 6. Among the school environmental variables, there is significant difference in teachers’ organizational commitment based on the variables of school type, history and scale. Teachers in older and bigger schools get higher scores. 7. Among the school environmental variables, there is no significant difference in principals’ transformational leadership based on the variables of school type and location .And there is no significant difference in teachers’ organizational commitment for teachers who serve in different school locations. 8. Based on the variables of principals’ sex and serving years in the school, there is significant difference in principal’s transformational leadership, but there is no significant difference in teachers’ organizational commitment. Male principals and the principal serving for the first year in the school get higher scores. 9. In general ,there is positive correlation between principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment. 10. Principals’ transformational leadership can serve to predict teachers’ organizational commitment. In the end, based on the findings and conclusions of this research, some suggestions are given to our educational administration authorities, senior high principals and future studies for reference.

組織文化、領導行為、工作滿足及組織承諾關係之研究—以機動保安警察替代役男為例 / Organizational culture、Behavior of leadership、Job satisfaction and Organizational commitments - take mobile specialized police of area as examples.

康資德 Unknown Date (has links)
機動保安警察替代役警力之規劃,不僅是我國役政史上的創舉,且為政府重大施政,基於國家、社會整體安全、治安環境及國民兵役義務公平考量外,同時在「不影響兵員補充、不降低兵員素質、不違背兵役公平」原則下進行規劃,將我國國軍,因執行「精實案」所釋出兵員及不適服常備兵體位,又未達免役條件標準役男,作「公平、合理」之分配,藉以提昇政府公共服務能力,以達成機動保安警察替代役男支援協助地方警察機關防處群眾事件及緊急災害搶救任務。 當然,警察工作的主體與任務,或許因為國情與社會需求而改變,但我們維護執法品質與為民服務的工作態度與精神,絲毫不曾改變。本研究依機動保安警察替代役役男不同的個人屬性變項,來探討役男在組織文化認知、領導行為認知、工作滿足及組織承諾間的關聯性及其影響性,探求保安機動警察役管理機關具體建議,希望能解決警察役的相關問題,使警察役成為警察機關的助力,而不是負擔,相信機動保安警察替代役經由不斷的改良與成長,必能發揮其功能與功效,為服務國家社會做出良好貢獻,本研究歸納建議如下: 一、培養創新的組織文化與德行的領導行為並提高役男歸屬感。 二、提升警察役男之進用條件。 三、檢討擴大機動保安警察役服務的層面。 / The scheme of substitute military service as mobile specialized police force is not only an initiative in our national history of military service but also a significant governmental policy. For security of the entire society, the environment of public security, and justice of the national compulsory military service, the scheme is proceeding under the principles of “not affecting manpower supplement, not decreasing manpower quality, not violating justice of military service”. Selected from the national armies, those who are liberated according to the lean solution and who neither fit physically for the standing army nor reach the standard of exemption from military service are “fairly and legitimately” allotted in order to further the public service of the government. The mission of the draftees in their substitute military service as mobile specialized police is to aid the regional police with public affairs and emergency rescue. Certainly the principal work of the police and their duties may change with the national conditions and the societal demands. What has never changed, however, is their work attitude and spirit of defending the enforcement of the law and of giving service to the people. Grounded on the variables of the draftees’ personal attributes, the research probes into their relations to organizational culture, leadership, job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and the effects upon them. The research seeks concrete proposals for the administrative institution of mobile specialized police and hopes to solve relative problems of military service as police, making the draftees an aid to the police institution instead of a burden. Undoubtedly the scheme of substitute military service as mobile specialized police will, through continuous improvement and development, perform its function and efficacy and make contributions to the society. Here are the proposals from the research: 1.To cultivate innovative organizational culture and moral leadership and to enhance the draftees’ sense of belonging. 2.To upgrade the qualifications for military service as police. 3.To survey increasing service categories of military service as mobile specialized police.

組織內部行銷、與員工滿意度以及組織承諾之關係研究-以A科技公司為例 / Research of relationship among organization internal marketing, employee satisfactions and organizational commitments

吳明潔, Wu, Ming Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
因2008年9月爆發的全球金融海嘯,全球企業無不面臨到空前之危機,諸多企業不斷在進行組織瘦身,希望汰去一些沉重的負擔。在人力資源政策上 ,企業一方面思考如何精簡人事,在營運成本上壓縮一些資本空間以因應前途未卜之產業環境;二方面也不斷在思考如何讓留下來的人力最大效益的分配。然而,在這個人心惶惶的情境下,企業必須要讓員工重拾對組織的信心,讓深受打擊的士氣能夠為之一振,重新認同組織之價值觀以及信念,進而願意為組織目標而付出,並繼續留任為組織貢獻,為達成此目的,內部行銷是許多公司採行的策略。 換句話說,把員工當作內部顧客,以傳統行銷的哲學以及手法,將組織(或工作)當產品銷售給員工,並透過滿足員工認知之期望程度,達到員工滿意度(或稱工作滿足),進而從滿意度衍生出忠誠度,達到組織承諾。 為驗證三者之關係,並希冀了解在一歷經重大組織變動的企業是否真能有效提升員工滿意度以及組織承諾,因此選定一個案公司,並透過問卷收集以及統計分析,達成以下結論: 1. 人口統計變數在組織內部行銷認知程度、員工滿意度、以及組織承諾並無顯著差異,惟內部年資三至五年之員工員工滿意度以及組織承諾都較其他年資為低。 2. 組織內部行銷行為可以正向地影響員工滿意度,尤其是在管理支持以及人力資源管理活動兩構面。 3. 組織內部行銷行為可以正向地影響組織承諾,尤其是在管理支持以及內部溝通兩構面。 4. 員工滿意度可以正向地影響組織承諾。 5. 組織轉型並未顯著影響內部員工之員工滿意度以及組織承諾。 根據上述結論,給予個案公司內部行銷策略建議如下: 1. 將組織內部行銷責任與主管角色結合,並將主管角色從傳統的業務管理者,延伸為組織內部行銷負責人員。 2. 促進高階主管、中階主管以及基層主管之間的內部溝通,進而提升管理支持。 3. 工作時間彈性制。 4. 強化人才培育機制。 5. 人力資源部門內部應該是內部行銷執行的首要單位。 / For the impact of the global ecomomics crisis occruing in September, 2008, most of the glocal companies have faced the most significant businness recession since World War II. To overcome this challenge and maintain the existence in the global business world, most companies have tried to lessen down the unnecessary operational expence. Labor cost is definitely considerated into the cost-down plan, companies have to think of 2 things: one is how to squeeze some cash from decreasing the employee numbers, but also how to mazximize the human resource vlaues for the rest. Under this risky contingency, the employees who were remaining to be hired are not free from the worry to get fired, and naturally losing the faith to the organization. Companies need to rebuild the faith and recognition from employess in ofer to gain their trust, and willingness of devotion to the company goals. To realize this intention, “Internal Marketing”is considered as one of the most effective approaches, with the extension from Marketing philosophy and methods, treating your comployess as internal customers, and try your best to win customer satisfaction, will will bring customer loyalty and commitment in sequence. To verify the relationship among “Internal Marketing (IM)”, “Employee Satisafactions (ES)”, and “Organizational Commitment (OC)”, a quantitative and qualitative research is conducted, with the hope the reliaze if it works practically within an organization which just faced a major organizational change. A technology company is chosen to be the case as research target, and a questionnaire survey is used to collect employees’ opinions, throught the statistics analysis, certain conclusions are made as the following: 1. Variance of interviewees doesn’t present significant variance in the statistical aspect in any of the three factors. However, on the group with internal scenarity between 3~5 years have shown a significant variance, which the average the score is lower than all the other groups. 2. Organzational internal marketing behaviors can positively influence the levels of employee satisfactions, especially in the aspects of “Management support” and “Human Resource Management Activities” 3. Organzational internal marketing behaviors can positively influence the levels of Organizaitonal Commitment, especially in the aspects of “Management support” and “Internal Communication” 4. Employee Satisfaction can positively influence organizational commitments. 5. The levels of “ES” and “OC” between the two groups: one is the group of senior employees who have encountered the major change, and the other is the group of junior employees who have’t, doesn’t show siginificant variance in statistics. According to the conclusions drawn above, we’ve proposed the following suggstions as reference for the company’s internal marketing strategy: 1. Conbine the role and reasponsibitliy of a internal marketed into the role of managers. 2. Prorvide more mutual communication channels between different levels of managers, so they can have adequate information about the company, then they can play as the internal marketer to effectvively improve employees’ recognition of management support and internal communication. 3. Flexibility of office hours to satisfy employees’needs in the balance of workload and personal life quality. 4. Strenthen and diversify the talent development mechanism. 5. Human resource department should play the role as pioneer and facilitator in the execution of organizational internal marketing plan.


王永琳 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於全面品質管理的觀念受到相當多的關注,因此作為核心特徵之一的「員工授能」也受到愈來愈多研究者的重視,許多實證研究均指出實施員工授能有助於提昇員工之工作滿足與組織承諾,對於工作績效與服務品質的提昇也有良好的助益,因此,本研究以授能認知為研究主題,並以台北市政府一級行政機關薦任六職等到九職等之公務人員作為研究對象;研究方法上除了文獻探討法之外,本研究以問卷調查法為主要之研究方法,並以深度訪談法作為輔助性之研究方法。 本研究將授能界定為「個人對於其在工作上之自我效能與自我價值的認知」,並以「意義性」、「自主性」、「能力」與「影響力」四個面向來測量台北市政府一級行政機關薦任六到九職等之公務人員的授能認知情形,而在實證分析的部分則以人口屬性變項作為自變項,探討不同性別、年齡、教育程度、工作年資、職等及職別之公務人員對於授能的認知是否有所不同,另一部分則是探討授能認知對於組織承諾與工作滿足的影響。 研究結果發現,不同性別、年齡、工作年資、職等及職別之受訪者對於授能認知的四個面向均有顯著的差異存在,而不同教育程度之受訪者則僅對於「自主性」與「能力」這兩個面向有顯著的差異存在;至於在授能認知與組織承諾及工作滿足的相關與影響方面,本研究則發現授能認知的四個面向均與組織承諾及工作滿足間相關;在影響方面,則發現再授能認知的四個面向中,僅有「意義性」、「自主性」與「影響力」三者對於組織承諾有所影響,「能力」則被排除在迴歸方程式之外;而「意義性」、「自主性」與「能力」則對於內在工作滿足有影響,至於外在工作滿足方面,則是四個面向均有影響,不過,「能力」對於外在工作滿足的影響乃是負面的,也就是當個人對於其本身工作能力的認知越高時,其外在工作滿足就越低。 至於在深度訪談方面,本研究乃是利用與台北市政府薦任六到九職等之現職公務人員之訪談,了解影響公務人員授能認知的環境因素或其他個人因素,研究結果發現影響公務人員授能認知的環境因素有工作設計、領導風格、官僚體制與官僚習氣、內部關係、組織願景、教育訓練、政治介入、上司器重與機關間的溝通與協調等,至於在個人因素方面,除了在實證研究中所發現到的人口屬性變項之外,還有學以致用、個人預期、工作能力與工作經驗等項。 最後,本研究還希冀為政府部門之人事管理工作貢獻一份心力,因此提出九項建議,期能作為日後政府行政管理上之參考,分別是: 一、實施工作設計(Job Design),提昇工作之多樣性與挑戰性 二、盡量採用民主式的領導,加強授權 三、落實團隊建立,強化機關內部之團隊精神 四、建構組織願景,闡明機關未來發展 五、在職訓練(on-the-job training)機制的建立 六、強調行政管理中的人文主義 七、注意機關中男女平權的議題 八、落實參與管理,賦予非主管公務人員較高的決策權 九、重視專業人才,強調專業能力的培養


陳美志, Chen, Mei-Chu Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

文化中心主任領導行為、員工所受社會支持與組織承諾關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationship Among Leadership Behavior、 Social Support and Organizational Commitment in Culture Center

張新堂, Cheng, Shin Tarng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探討:(1)文化中心主任的領導行為對員工的組織承諾是否具有影響力;(2)文化中心員工所受社會支持程度是否影響其組織承諾;(3)文化中心主任領導行為與員工所受社會支持程度對員工組織承諾是否具有交互作用;(4)文化中心員工的背景變項是否影響其組織承諾。   從文獻探討和實證調查結果,歸納結論並提出建議作為文化中心行政運作之參考。為達以上之目的,自編「文化中心主任領導行為與員工工作感受調查問卷」作為研究工具,以台灣省政府所轄之縣市中,已開放使用的十九個文化中心之員工為研究對象,隨機抽取580位員工進行問卷調查,有效樣本為445人,將蒐集問卷之資料,進行多變量變異數分析、單因子變異數分析及其他描述性統計。   根據實證調查結果,本研究主要發現如下:   一、文化中心主任不同的領導行為對員工的組織承諾其有影響力。    (一)文化中心主任不同程度的關懷行為,在員工組織承諾上有顯著的差異。    (二)文化中心主任不同程度的倡導行為,在員工組織承諾上有顯著的差異。    (三)文化中心主任採高關懷或高倡導的領導行為,其員工的留職意願及組織認同最佳。   二、文化中心員工所受不同程度的社會支持,對其組織承諾具有影響力。員工所受社會支持的程度愈高,其組織承諾愈高;所受社會支持的程度愈低,則其組織承諾愈低。    (一)員工受「直屬長官」不同程度的社會支持,在其組織承諾各層面上具有顯著的差異。員工受到直屬長官的社會支持程度愈高,其留職意願及組織認同愈高;員工受到直屬長官的社會支持程度愈低,則其留職意願及組織認同愈低。    (二)員工受「同事」不同程度的社會支持,在其組織承諾各層面上具有顯著的差異。員工受到同事的社會支持程度愈高,其留職意願及組織認同愈高;員工受到同事的社會支持程度愈低,則其留職意願及組織認同愈低。    (三)員工受「家人親友」不同程度的社會支持,對其組織承諾各層面並未達顯著差異。文化中心員工的留職意願及組織認同,均不會因其家人親友社會支持程度高低而有顯著的差異。   三、文化中心主任的關懷行為、倡導行為和員工所受社會支持程度對員工組織承諾各層面而言,其主要效果具有顯著性的影響,而且發現主任的倡導行為與員工所受社會支持的程度具有交互作用的影響。並進一步發現,文化中心主任對其員工採取高倡導行為時,而且員工得到高程度的社會支持,則其留職意願較高,但其組織認同仍未達顯著差異。   四、文化中心員工因其性別、年齡、服務年資、擔任職務、教育程度、婚姻狀況及工作部門之不同,在其組織承諾各層面只有部分具有顯著性的差異。

國民小學學校組織氣候、教師內外控信念與教師組織承諾關係之研究 / A study on the relationships between school climate 、teachers internal-external control and organizational commitment in elementary school

蔡寬信, Tsay Kuan shin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學學校組織氣候、教師個人背景變項、學校背景變 項、教師內外控信念與教師組織承諾之關係。從相關理論分析和實證調查 的結果,獲得結論和建議以作為提升或改進國民小學教師組織承諾之參考 。研究樣本來自高屏地區公立國民小學教師,採分層隨機取樣方式,共抽 取76所國小1022位教師,所得有效樣為859人,以組織氣候描述問卷、內外 控量表和組織承諾問卷進行調查研究。根據實證調查結果與討論,本研究 結論歸納如下:一、教師在開放型的學校組織氣候中,組織承諾最高;在 投入型和離心型的學校組織氣候中,次之;而在封閉型的學校組織氣候中 ,組織承諾最低。二、內控型信念教師的組織承諾高於外控型信念教師。 三、學校組織氣候和教師的內外控信念在組織承諾上無交互作用。四、個 人背景變項與教師組織承諾的關係: (一)男性教師在組織認同方面高於 女性教師。 (二)年輕、未婚和新進教師的組織承諾較低。 (三)教師服務 年資愈長,組織承諾愈高。 (四)一般大專院校畢業背景的教師組織承諾 最低。五、小型學校和偏遠地區、鄉鎮地區的學校,教師組織認同高。六 、組織變項對教師組織承諾的影響大於個人屬性變項。七、校長的支持行 為影響教師的組織承諾最大。最後,根據研究結果與結論,對教育行政機 關、師資培育機構、學校校長、教師本身和進一步研究等五方面分別提出 具體建議。

國民小學校長競值領導行為與教師組織承諾關係之研究 / A study of the relationship between principals’ competing values leadership behavior and teachers’ organizational commitment in elementary schools.

卓家意, Cho, Chia Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學校長競值領導行為與教師組織承諾之關係。研究採用調查研究法,以臺灣北部區域之公立國民小學教師為對象,總共發出1043份問卷,問卷回收率為85.91%,有效問卷回收率則為81.30%。正式問卷回收之後,分別以百分等級、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、卡方考驗、皮爾森積差相關分析、迴歸分析等統計方式對回收資料進行分析。 本研究獲得以下十項結論: 一、國民小學校長競值領導行為較著重「競爭行為」層面,且以「均衡領導型」比例最高。 二、國民小學教師組織承諾以「努力意願」層面表現最佳。 三、男校長在校長競值領導行為之合作行為層面有較佳表現,年輕校長在校長競值領導行為各層面有較佳表現。 四、小型規模、偏遠地區的校長在校長競值領導行為各層面均有較佳表現。 五、年齡大的校長在均衡領導型的比例較低且在平庸領導型的比例較高。 六、小型規模、偏遠地區的校長在均衡領導型的比例較高且在平庸領導型的比例較低。 七、年齡大、資深及教師兼主任的教師組織承諾較高,小型規模及偏遠地區學校的教師組織承諾亦較高。 八、校長競值領導行為以「均衡領導型」在教師組織承諾的表現最佳,「不均衡領導型」次之,「平庸領導型」最不理想。 九、校長領導競值行為與教師組織承諾具有正向關連,校長競值領導行為表現愈好,則教師組織承諾愈高。 十、國小校長採行競值領導行為有助於教師組織承諾之提升,其中僅「合作行為」與「競爭行為」兩個領導行為層面具有顯著預測力,競值領導理論之「均衡觀點」宜適度修正。 根據研究結論提出下列建議: 一、對教育行政機關之建議 (一)校長職前與在職訓練,宜融入競值領導相關課程。 (二)適度控制學校經濟規模,以利於教師組織承諾之維持。 二、對國小校長之建議 (一)校長應加強領導行為之複雜性,以增進領導效能。 (二)校長要不斷吸取新知與積極進修,以強化專業智能與教育熱忱。 (三)校長宜多關懷年輕、資淺及未兼行政職務之教師,以協助其生涯發展。 (四)校長須展現兼容並蓄的領導作風,同時採取競爭行為與合作行為,以提升教師組織承諾。 三、對未來研究之建議 (一)研究對象可擴大至國中、高中等不同層級學校,乃至私立學校。 (二)研究變項可加入其他可能影響教師組織承諾的變項。 (三)研究方法可酌加使用質化方式之訪談,並在橫斷性研究的基礎上,兼採縱貫性研究,蒐集相關資料。 (四)競值領導理論架構需要國內更多實證研究去驗證其在本國教育環境的適用性與可行性。 / The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between principals’ competing values leadership behavior and teachers’ organizational commitment in elementary schools. The reasearch method this study adopted is survey reasearch. Data were collected from 1043 teachers of elementary schools in northern parts of Taiwan. The response rates were 85.91%; the usable rates were 81.30%. The collected data were analyzed by using the statistical methods of percentile rank, t-test, one-way ANOVA, χ2 test, Pearson product-moment correlation and regression analysis. The conclusions of this study are: 1.Among all of the dimensions of principals’ competing values leadership behavior, “Compete” is the dominant in the elementary schools. And “Balanced Style” ranks the highest. 2.Among all of the dimensions of teachers’ organizational commitment, “Effort Intention” is the dominant in the elementary schools. 3.Male principals have better performances in “Collaborate”. Young principals have better performances among all of the dimensions of principals’ competing values leadership behavior. 4.Principals in small-sized schools and in remote area schools have better performances among all of the dimensions of principals’ competing values leadership behavior. 5.Among competing values leadership behavior of elder principals, “Balanced Style” ranks lower and “Mediocre Style”ranks higher. 6.Among competing values leadership behavior of principals in small-sized schools and in remote area schools, “Balanced Style” ranks higer and “Mediocre Style”ranks lower. 7.Elder, senior teachers and directors in schools have higher organizational commitment; teachers in small-sized schools and in remote area schools also have higher organizational commitment. 8.Underneath principals’ competing values leadership behavior , Teachers have the best organizational commitment toward “Balanced Style”, the next-best organizational commitment toward “Unbalanced Style” and the worst organizational commitment toward “Mediocre Style”. 9.There is a positive relationship between principals’ competing values leadership behavior and teachers’ organizational commitment. Principals with better leadership performances tend to enhance teachers’ organizational commitment. 10.Principals ’ competing values leadership behavior promote teachers’ organizational commitment. Among all of the dimensions of principals’ competing values leadership behavior, “Collaborate” and “Compete” have significant predictabilty, “Balanced Perspective” could be modified. Based on the findings, the study offers suggestions for the education authorities, the principals of elementary schools, and the future researchers, hoping to shed light on the development of elementary school education in the future.

臺北市國小校長分布式領導、教師效能感與教師組織承諾關係之研究 / A study of relationships among elementary school principal’s distributed leadership,teacher efficacy and teachers' organizational commitment in Taipei City

王昭人, Wang, Chao Jen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在分析國小校長分布式領導、教師效能感與教師組織承諾之間的關係。採用問卷調查法,以臺北市地區之公立國小教師為研究對象,有效樣本為445份。問卷調查結果採用描述性統計、t考驗、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、逐步多元迴歸及結構方程模式等統計方式加以分析。 本研究得到下列結論: 一、目前臺北市國小教師對校長分布式領導的知覺情況屬中上程度。 二、目前臺北市國小教師對教師效能感的知覺情況屬中上程度。 三、目前臺北市國小教師對教師組織承諾的知覺情況屬中上程度。 四、教師因背景變項中「現任職務」的不同,在知覺校長分布式領導、教師效能感與教師組織承諾上有差異。 五、國小校長分布式領導、教師效能感與教師組織承諾兩兩之間具有正向的關聯。 六、國小校長分布式領導、教師效能感的分層構面,對教師組織承諾有正向的預測作用。 七、校長分布式領導可透過教師效能感,增強對教師組織承諾的正向預測力。 最後,根據研究結果提出建議,以供教育行政機關、學校及後續研究之參考。 / The intent of this study was to explore the relationship among principal’s distributed leadership, teacher efficacy and teachers’ organizational commitment in elementary schools. The questionnaire investigation method was employed, and there were 445 valid questionnaires collected from public elementary schools in Taipei City. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's product-moment correlation, stepwise multiple regression analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. The results were as follows: 1. The perceptions from the elementary school teachers about principal’s distributed leadership were quite well. 2. The perceptions from the elementary school teachers about teacher efficacy were quite well. 3. The perceptions from the elementary school teachers about teachers’ organizational commitment were quite well. 4. Incumbent duty had significant influences the perceptions of teachers about on principal’s distributed leadership, teacher efficacy and teachers’ organizational commitment. 5. There were significant correlations between principal’s distributed leadership and teacher efficacy as well as between teachers’ organizational commitment. 6. The sub-level of the distributed leadership and teacher efficacy could apparently predict the teachers’ organizational commitment. 7. Teacher efficacy had mediate effect on distributed leadership and influence positively teachers’ organizational commitment. According to the above conclusion, the research proposed relevant suggestions to be referenced by education administrative organizations, elementary schools , and future research.

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