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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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郭俊次, Guo, Zun-Ci Unknown Date (has links)
組織設計(organization design) 乃是:「設計一套能適應內外環境的組織,在達成其目標的過程中,不但有其效率(efficiency)也有其效能(effectiveness) 的一門學問。」如何研究、設計此一「理想型」的組織,學者們所提方法甚多,觀點亦不盡相同。本論文綜合各家的說法,所建構之概念模型,假設透過「程序」(Process) 、「行為」(behavior)、「情境」(situation) 等三個「面向」(side)來深討此問題,所得結論或許會比較週全詳密。這是本文所設置三「篇」的緣起。 行政機關組織欲達成其任務,「工作」必須先作合理的劃分,「結構」並應力求全面的整合。這些「分」、「合」的步驟,就是本文第二、第三兩章的由來。又因組織決策乃係集個人決策的連續過程,組織設計的目的即在使此一「過程」臻於理性,故列專章研究,亦即本文之第四章。 從問卷資料發現:現行公務人員的最大「需求」為「生理需求」,─這是一個最低層次的需求,如何使此一「需求層次」升高,並給予適度的滿足,這是組織設計的重大課題,本文第五章即由此而生。 其次,問卷資料顯示:目前公務人員的最大「願望」是:「開明的主管」,其次是「良好的環境」─如何做一位開明的主管,使其「權威」能有效的鞏固;如何改善現有的辦公環境,並儘速地適應變動不居的環境(筆者曾實地觀察四○九個機關環境),這是本文第七、八兩章用力的焦點。 再從測驗資料中發現:七項主管能力的測驗分數,以「意見溝通」的能力最低。溝通網路的締建,溝通技術的講求,為組織設計所不可忽略的問題,本文第六章討論之。 組織效能的提高,貴乎其有高度的「適應能力」,「管理發展」為提高此一「能力」的有力手段。因此,研究組織設計,就不能不討論組織的能力開發,此即本文第九章的旨趣所在。


李貴惠 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文基於在區域整合的趨勢下,國內學界及業界對於台灣市場可能被邊緣化感到憂慮,以及在國際企業理論的領域裏,與區域策略搭配的區域組織設計之探討仍不足的動機下,探討當多國公司的母公司為因應環境的改變而採取區域策略時,會如何進行區域內的組織結構設計。研究著重在區域總部、次區域總部與子公司角色的定位與演變。本論文採用質性研究,研究十家母國在美國或歐洲的多國公司的區域組織設計,這十家多國公司均為全球五百大公司之列,且在產業內有極高的市場佔有率排名。本論文以台灣做為地主國,上述各多國公司的台灣子公司均為擁有良好能力與知識的子公司,且過去均有足可證明的事件佐證該子公司在多國公司內部具有重要的策略地位。 本論文共分為四個研究。在第一個研究,本論文探討台灣子公司成長過程中的重要網絡,以了解內外部網絡對於多國公司在台子公司角色演化的影響。本論文發現影響貢獻型子公司成為卓越中心或託管中心的內外部網絡因素主要有四大方面:(1)多國公司內部資源流;(2)地主國市場策略重要性;(3)子公司打破規則;(4)母公司政策。而貢獻型子公司成為卓越中心或託管中心後,可以進一步地影響地主國的共生與競食系統共同發展,並使母公司賦予其更多的任務,因此是一種正向循環的效果-有能力與負責重要責任的子公司,因網絡的影響,將愈有能力與負責更多任務。 第二個研究著重探討多國公司的經營策略與子公司角色改變的關係。本論文發現當多國公司擬從全球策略或複國內化策略改變成區域策略時,就會產生授權程度的改變,亦有可能增加或減少組織層級,使台灣子公司的自主權受到影響,台灣子公司角色重要性可能會提高或減低。若台灣子公司的角色上升,代表多國公司會運用台灣子公司的能力知識到整個區域市場,這種情形可能有三個原因:(一)當產業的關鍵成功因素之一是與外部網絡的鑲嵌程度有關,且貢獻型子公司與外部網絡的鑲嵌程度高時。這是因為台灣子公司具有中國子公司較欠缺的管理外部網絡的知識,而這種知識對於建立產業遊戲規則是很重要的。(二)當台灣的消費者在區域內具有領先指標意義時。具有領先指標的台灣子公司的知識被中國子公司「借用」的部分愈大,則台灣子公司的角色愈重要。(三)當母公司愈不了解中國市場,而台灣市場跟中國市場的性質很相近時。一旦母公司認為台灣子公司是一個中介者的角色時,就會依賴這種溝通的機制,而不會輕易抽離這個導管。 第三個研究探討多國公司為執行區域策略所做的組織層級的調整。本論文發現多國公司會在原本的組織結構裏增加一個新的組織層級。如:原本為母公司、亞太區域總部、子公司等三個層級的多國公司,現在可能變成母公司、亞太區域總部、大中華次區域總部、子公司等四個層級。本論文發現次區域總部的設立是一種普遍的現象,且次區域總部會取代區域總部去管理其所屬區域內的各子公司。本論文發現次區域總部的設立可以使得多國公司更有效地平衡全球整合效率與地主國回應壓力等二股力量。本論文亦發現多國公司的許多功能別政策,在次區域總部成立後,已改由次區域總部做決策,取代了過去由子公司或是由區域總部作決策的現象,且次區域總部取代子公司或區域總部作決策的替代程度,受到二個因素的影響而有程度不等的現象:一為該產業的整合與回應壓力,一為該多國公司在亞太地區的銷售表現。 第四個研究探討區域策略動機、區域組織結構與子公司角色的關係。本論文發現多國公司為了追求區域的規模經濟而採用區域策略,則市場銷售量較小的邊緣地主國的子公司成為被整合者,(次)區域總部成為強力整合者。多國公司若為了掌握地區的機會而採用區域策略,則擁有挑剔的消費者的子公司成為機會提案者,(次)區域總部成為機會執行者。多國公司若為了掌握地主國的大客戶而採用區域策略,則擁有挑剔的大客戶的子公司成為客戶服務者,(次)區域總部成為服務子公司者。多國公司若為了促進子公司之間的能力知識流通而採用區域策略,則擁有特殊能力與知識的子公司成為一個整合性玩家,(次)區域總部成為能力發掘者與知識交換促進者。當多國公司的區域整合動機主要是為了追求效率與回應的平衡時,則區域總部扮演一個整合平台的角色,宜較為集權;當多國公司區域整合的動機是為了將各項要素更有效地流通到子公司時,區域總部較為分權。區域總部的設立位置是取決於與它互動最密切的內外部網絡的地點,因此當多國公司的價值活動佈局與利益關係人的地理位置愈分散,區域總部就愈有可能呈現出虛擬式的型態。次區域總部是個次層級的整合平台,多國公司是否須設次層級的整合平台,取決於該平台欲整合的標的物(如產品、知識)在該次區域內的互動程度是否遠大於與其他次區域內的子公司的互動程度。 總結來說,本論文對於多國公司的組織設計提出具體的理論與實務上的建議。在不同的環境前提與能力條件前提的考量下,多國公司可考慮在母公司或子公司進行目標、環境認知、決策、流程、能力、資源等的整合,也可以設立一個新的平台-即區域總部或次區域總部-來進行目標、環境認知、決策、流程、能力、資源等的整合。多國公司的母公司可以透過設立區域總部、劃分次區域、以及設計以下三個組織層級─區域總部、次區域總部和子公司─的分權程度及所扮演的角色,將區域的競爭優勢達到最大。 / The thesis explores the roles and responsibilities change of regional headquarters, sub-regional headquarters and subsidiaries when MNCs change to adopt regional strategy in accordance to the environmental changes by a qualitative research method. Ten MNCs among the top 500 enterprises with good performance and operation in Taiwan are investigated in order to understand how they design their regional organizations in the host region and what the roles Taiwan subsidiaries play along with the change to regional strategy. The thesis consists of four studies. The first study explores how network resources influence MNCs subsidiary to gain, maintain or lose the roles of center of excellence or mandates in Taiwan by grounded theory. The study finds that policies of headquarters, flows of resources within a MNC, the importance of a host country, the cooperative and competitive local players and initiative-taking by subsidiaries are important factors for the evolution of subsidiaries roles. When a subsidiary becomes a center of excellence or has a mandate, it may improve its ability and then in turn further enables it to gain more responsibilities – a subsidiary will become stronger and stronger and get more and more charters. Using a case study approach, the second study explores how regional strategy adopted by MNCs influences the role of contribution subsidiaries. A contribution subsidiary will be more important to a MNC in the following situations: when a key successful factor of the industry is network embeddedness; when sophisticated consumers in the host market are opinion leaders within the region; and when a parent does not have enough knowledge about the host country of a black hole while the nature of the market served by the contribution subsidiary is similar to that host market. A MNC can adopt three kinds of organizational design to explore the ability of contribution subsidiaries, namely, virtual, charismatic and focused centers of excellences. The more important a contribution subsidiary is, the more knowledge it integrates, and the more functional activities it is in charge. Subsidiary autonomy increases with the increase of subsidiary importance, too. The third study explores the organizational adjustments within MNCs following the trend of regional integration. The result shows that MNCs set up sub-regional headquarters (e.g., Greater China sub-regional headquarters) under a regional headquarters (e.g., Asia-Pacific regional headquarters). A sub-regional headquarters replaces a regional headquarters in order to directly manage subsidiaries within the sub-region. The emergence of sub-regional headquarters is in response to the need for a balance between integration and local responsiveness. An increasing number of decisions are made by sub-regional headquarters, instead of by subsidiaries, parent companies, or regional headquarters. Although the emergence of sub-regional headquarters is a trend, industry characteristics and the degree of the transfer of a firm’s specific advantages (FSAs) from home to a host region both affect the delegation of authority to a sub-regional headquarters. The fourth study explores the motivation of MNCs in adopting regional strategies and the reaction of MNCs to design regional organization and assign subsidiary roles. When a MNC adopts a regional strategy for the purpose of economies of scale, a contribution subsidiary becomes a periphery and the regional headquarters becomes a strong integrator. When a MNC adopts a regional strategy for the purpose of regional opportunity, a contribution subsidiary becomes an opportunity provider and the regional headquarters becomes an opportunity executor. The two motivations mentioned above make a regional headquarters more centralized. When a MNC adopts a regional strategy for the purpose of following the customer, a contribution subsidiary becomes a service provider and the regional headquarters becomes a supporter. When a MNC adopts a regional strategy for the purpose of facilitating the knowledge transfer, a contribution subsidiary becomes an integrated player and the regional headquarters becomes a knowledge facilitator. The two motivations mentioned above make a regional headquarters more decentralized. The location of a regional headquarters is decided according to the location of the most important stakeholders. The decision whether to set up sub-regional headquarters is made according to the frequency of the interaction with the cross subsidiaries in that sub-region. MNCs can design a regional organization to make sure the regional strategy can be executed in the most efficient way. MNCs can gain competitive advantage through the assignments of the roles of regional headquarters, sub-regional headquarters and subsidiaries under the regional strategy.

新產品快速研發之組織配合 / Organizational Design for Fast New Product Development

李文豪, Lee, Wen Hao Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技的快速革新、消費者的喜好快速變遷、與競爭程度日趨激烈等產業環境趨勢演進,快速的推出新產品這項議題,已是愈來愈重要,甚至攸關廠商的獲利與存續與否。因此為求快速的推出新產品,廠商必須在組織各方面予以適當的配合因應,才能達成此目的,本研究就在探討這些重要的組織因應措施。本研究首先在不考慮情境因素之情形下,探討何種組織因應措施可有效加速研發;其次觀察情境因素與組織因應措施的相對重要性;再者研究在同時考慮所有情境時,當採取何種措施較為適當;最後,則指出單獨考慮個別情境之適用措施。本研究將組織的因應措施分為六類,分別為:研發單位的結構、與外界群體的連結、新產品開發團隊的運作方式、效率性、開發團隊的氣氛、與支援的措施。同時本研究考慮了當組織在採行上述因應措施時,會受到哪些情境因素作用,而影響新產品研發速度。這些情境因素為:新產品研發策略、組織內部的風格、與公司資源 。而在本研究的最後,在管理的含意方面可獲致下列的結論:一、若廠商為求超越競爭廠商的研發速度或符合公司內部所設定之進度,應加強有利情境的塑造。二、台灣的大部份廠商所面臨的情境為:較具開拓性與中度創新的策略、以及較為開創的公司文化、較積極的高階管理風格與較為充裕的公司資源。而若為加速研發,最重要之處在於減少運作上的延遲。三、較為開創積極的公司應當加強掌握外界群體的資訊;較為保守穩健的公司則應當加強開發團隊成員的有關時間概念。

企業發展服務創新的組織方式之研究 / An Empirical Study of Organizing for Service Innovation

宋彥儒, Song, Yan Ru Unknown Date (has links)
製造業一直是台灣產業的強者,但隨著全球經濟發展,台灣製造業所獲毛利逐漸縮減以及服務業角色愈加重要之下,或許服務業所發展的「服務創新」,是拯救台灣低價值循環的一道解藥。過往國內外有關服務創新的研究,大都偏向於專案層次的探討,對於組織層級的著墨很少,其中有關「組織方式(Organizing)」的研究又更少。本研究認為組織方式的研究成果,可以使企業於發展服務創新的過程中,更知道如何有效地建構組織創新平台,以達到建立核心優勢與提升績效的目標。本研究以「組織設計」、「創新研發人力資源管理」、「新服務商品開發」與「外部知識取得」等四大構面為主軸,並針對國內在服務創新與服務力上表現優異的兩家企業-全家便利商店與王品集團,進行深入的個案研究。初步得到了以下的結論: (1)發展服務創新的企業,在組織設計上除了具有正式化的組織外,也會強調系統化的非正式組織,前者適合有形服務商品的開發,後者適合無形服務的發展。此外,因為服務的無形性,也會強調跨部門之間的互動與合作。 (2)發展服務創新的企業,在創新人力資源管理上,會特別著重於與接觸第一線顧客的員工之互動。在創新人力績效衡量方面,則會將顧客滿意度納入評核項目。 (3)發展服務創新的企業,在外部連結與知識取得上,會以開放式創新的概念積極向外獲取所需之技術知識與市場知識,並且讓顧客參與新服務的開發過程。 最後,本研究並提出實務上與後續研究上的建議。 / Taiwan's manufacturing industry has always been strong, but its gained profit margin has been gradually decreasing as the globlal competitition becomes fierce. On the other hand, the service industry plays a more important role than before in the economic development, and “service innovations” might become one of the key solutions to enhance the industrial added values and welfares. Most of the past researches related to service innovations are focused on the “project” level and very few studies are conducted at the “corporate” level, particulary concerning the issue of organizing. We believe the research results of organizing for service innovations can help enterprises set up a better organizational innovation platform in order to build core competence and to enhance performance. This study establishes a research framework with four major constructs: organizing, innovative human resources management, new service development process and external sourcing of knowledge and selects two innovative companies: the FamilyMart and WowPrime Group, for the case study in depth. Three major preliminary conclusions obtained from this study are as follows: (1)As far as organizaing for service innovation is concerned, the firm may use both formal and informal organization. The former one fits better for the tangible service products; and the latter one for intangible service products. Furthermore, the firm will emphasize the interdepartmental connection as the service itself is somewhat intangible per se. (2)As far as organizaing for service innovation is concerned, the firm will emphasize the interaction with the employees who have direct contacts with customers. Furthermore, the firm will include the customer satisfaction as one of the key performance indeices (KPI). (3)As far as organizaing for service innovation is concerned, the firm will actively acquire both of technical knowledge and market knowledge and will invite customers to participate in the development process of new services. Finally, this study draws some recommendations for both practititioners and follow-up researchers.

技術創新組織之設計原則—台灣科技業代工廠轉型到品牌經營之案例分析 / The design principles of technology innovation organization - The case study of Taiwan high tech compnaies which transform from OEM to brand

彭啟峰, Perng, Chiy Ferng Unknown Date (has links)
本文針對臺灣以技術創新作為策略發展主軸的企業案例,以五芒星模型(Five Star Model),分析其從代工轉為品牌經營商時,在組織設計上,所採取的措施和手段,作為後進者依循的組織設計原則。 五芒星模型,以策略、組織結構、流程、薪酬制度和人力資源五大組織設計的基本元素,分析各項元素中組織設計的原則。而本文以華碩電腦、宏達國際電子兩家分別在個人電腦及手機業內卓然有成的臺灣企業作為分析案例。觀察他們在從代工,轉型到品牌經營商時,在策略、組織結構、流程、薪酬制度以及人力資源上,所採取的行動,並將這五大組織設計元素分析出來的結果,作歸納整理,形成一套可資遵循的準則,俾使後續臺灣其他有心以技術創新作為發展品牌的廠商,能夠在進行組織變革時,依著此準則,降低失敗的風險,提高成功的可能。 / This thesis will focus on Taiwanese enterprises which run their business with innovative technologies. We try to analyze these cases with Five Star Model. Figure out what they have done during their organization changes for transition from OEM to OBM. Through the five basic elements in the model, we could easily observe their actions and build the rules for those who want to find organizational design guidance. The Five Star model list Strategies, Organization Structure, Process, People, and Reward System, as the five basic elements in organization design. Researchers could use this model to analyze the enterprise and identify the organization design principles. In this thesis, Asustek Computers, and HTC are the enterprise which we are interested in. They both are the outstanding Taiwanese companies in PC and Mobile phone categories. Both companies are famous on their innovation thinking and design. They also do the same thing to change their business model – from OEM to OBM (Own Brand Manufacturing). We observe their actions in the transition from OEM to OBM, and use Five Star Model to analyze their policy in strategies, organization structure, process, people, and reward systems. Try to identify what they have done and list their organization change thinking in these categories. We will build the guidance through Five Star Model, and provide them to those who want to use the same scheme to build their own brand. Lower the risk of failure and promote the chances to be successful.

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