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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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李惇弘 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從資源基礎的角度切入,分析成功之網路商店的核心資源及其經營策略,研究結果摘要如下: 研究發現1-1:產業知識(Domain Know-how)和網路技術能力(Web-technology)是經營網路商店的核心資源。 研究發現1-2:品牌/商譽是網路商店的核心資源。 研究發現1-3:資金在網路商店的經營上目前並不缺乏。 研究發現2-1:產品線廣度是網路商店業者共同追求的策略重點。 研究發現2-2:台灣網路商店目標市場大多為”全球華文市場”。 研究發現2-3:網路商店業者偏向於將金流與物流業務委外處理,將資源著重在加強資訊流與商流的部分。 研究發現2-4:網路商店的經營策略可依虛擬-實體化程度,區分為”純虛擬”與”虛擬+實體”兩類型。 研究發現2-5:策略聯盟是經營網路商店經常採取的方式。 研究發現3-1:企業核心資源較屬於技術能力的掌握者(博客來、百羅網),傾向於”純虛擬”的經營方式。而核心資源為產業知識的掌握者(金石堂、摩比家、飛行網)則較傾向於”虛擬+實體”的方式。 命題一:產業知識與網路技術能力的掌握有助於網路商店之經營。 命題二:在網際網路激烈的競爭環境下,品牌知名度與商譽對行銷活動有關鍵性的影響。 命題三 :網路商店目標市場之區隔與選擇與語文變數有關,與地理區隔變數的關聯性較低。 命題四:電子商務發展迅速,為有效掌握網路商機,尋求合適的策略聯盟夥伴可增加互補綜效。 命題五:掌握網路技術能力的網路商店業者傾向於純虛擬的經營策略;擁有產業知識掌握能力的業者則較傾向於虛擬結合實體的經營策略。 命題六:網路商店採全產品線之經營策略,有助於降低消費者的搜尋成本,提高消費者光臨網站的意願。 命題七:降低消費者的交易成本並提高其對網路商店的信心與安全感,對網路商店之經營績效有關鍵性的影響。


王志原, Wang, Chih-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
傳統上,對於選擇權的評價模型,大抵可分為封閉解與數值分析兩大類。封閉解計算的速度快,但卻十分缺乏彈性,譬如無法求得美式解,相反的數值分析相當具有彈性,評價時卻比較耗時,譬如障礙選擇權。本文針對上面的問題,提出一個以數值分析中的樹狀模型為基礎,輔以封閉解來維持應有的彈性,並提高計算的速度,我們將此方法稱之為分解結合法。 由於樹狀模型用來評價重設型選擇權必須考慮消除重設界限所導致的非線性誤差,在本文中,主要是以Boyle and Lau(1994)的二元樹模型及Ritchken(1995)的三元樹模型作為主要的架構,搭配分解結合法來針對重設型選擇權進行研究。就本文分析的結果顯示,利用分解結合法不但能夠提高計算的速度,同時對於某些條件下的選擇權,還能夠減少其評價的波動度,效果相當的顯著。 本文主要針對單點單價式與整段時間單價式的重設型選擇權,推導適用分解結合法的方法。以此兩種基本的重設型選擇權為基礎,我們將相同的概念推廣至其他更複雜的重設型選擇權上。此外在選取結合的方式上,我們也可以充分利用已經推導出的重設型選擇權封閉解,應用在更複雜的重設條件上,無形中,增加了封閉解的應用彈性,也減少了樹狀模型的評價時間,所以具有一舉兩得的效果。此外,本文也針對分解結合法的評價速度,作一完整的比較。並在最後,本文也針對分解結合法下避險比率的計算以及重設型選擇權避險所特有的現象:Delta Jump、Negative Delta,這兩種情形發生的原因及可能的影響與因應之道進行分析。

事實婚法制之研究 / A study of the legal system on De Facto marriage

王重陽, Wang, Jong Yang Unknown Date (has links)
2008年釋字第647號公布,針對稅法上未賦予「事實上夫妻」法律上配偶相同待遇,是否牴觸憲法做出解釋。其理由書謂無配偶之人相互間主觀上具有如婚姻之共同生活意思,客觀上亦有共同生活事實之異性伴侶,雖不具法律上婚姻關係,但既與法律上婚姻關係之配偶極為相似,如亦有長期共同家計之事實者,因具婚姻關係配偶之相似性,立法機關得在無損於婚姻制度或其他相關公益之前提下,給予適度之法律保障。之前於2007年通過民法修正,將婚姻制度由過去「儀式婚」改為「登記婚」,不過社會上迎娶的習俗並未改變,男女只踐行婚禮而未為結婚登記者,其法律地位如何。而各國同居人口不斷增加,各國法制莫不積極因應,據調查國內目前同居人口亦高達44萬人以上,因此外國法制確有參考的實益。礙於篇幅及文獻限制,僅就人民往來頻仍之美國、率先以民法典規範之法國、以裁判先例處理之日本、文化背景近似之中國大陸等地介紹之。   本論文分六章,第一章介紹研究動機及研究方法,研究之動機主要是大法官釋字第647號解釋之立法指示、2008年結婚方式修正後預立補強之道。其研究方法係以法解釋學為基礎,透過文義、體系、立法、目的及合憲解釋等方法認識各國法制,再進行法制間的比較、歸納、演繹等分析,期能借鑑最適我國情之法制。第二章為各國事實婚之用語、規範類型與發展介紹。以較宏觀的角度檢視各國事實婚法制,包括其用語、規範的方式及發展背景,各國對於事實婚的表達未必一致,如何擷取具有參考價值的法制,成為研究事實婚的第一個課題。其次規範的方式各國間亦不相同,有以成文法規範之,亦有以裁判先例處理之,甚至解決的重心亦不相同;而各國事實婚形成的背景,更是研究外國法制所不可或缺者。第三章討論事實婚保護之法理,一般認為事實婚的保護,將有害婚姻憲法權威地位,承認事實婚之地位必須具有強而有力的理由。目前雖然沒有事實婚的國際條約,不過婚姻自由、家庭保護、平等不歧視、兒童保護等國際法上普世原則的尊重,亦間接保護事實婚。而已進行事實婚保障之國家,其調整憲法上婚姻地位獨尊的論述,亦值得參考。第四章、第五章則具體分析美、法、日、中國大陸等地關於事實婚之規定,包括美國法律協會的家庭解消建議、法國民法Pacs制度、日本內緣關係、中國大陸之(非法)同居關係等,同時分析我國司法實務的判決。   第六章為結論,本論文肯定事實婚保護之必要性,強調共同生活事項類推婚姻法效果的合理性,並根據此結論提出建議,包括援引外國立法例的調整、國內實務解釋的改進、立法雛議與男女共同生活契約範本的提出,期能增進男女地位的公平與弱勢伴侶之保護。 / The reasoning of J. Y. Interpretation no.647 has pointed out ”Those unmarried companions of opposite sex with a subjective intent to live together like a married couple and the objective fact of cohabitation do not have a matrimonial relation in law, the relationship between them is very much similar to the relationship of legally married husband and wife, and the provision at issue, which does not provide for gift tax exemption for mutual gifts between such companions, would seem susceptible to a doubt of violating the principle of equality provided that there is in addition a fact of longtime sharing of the livelihood between such couples. As for those cohabited companions with similarity to a legal marriage, the Legislature may, taking into considerations the constitutional protection of fundamental rights of the people as well as changes in the social condition and cultural development, give them adequate legal protection to the extent not disparaging marriage institution and other public interests.” Though the formal requirement of validity of marriage in Civil Law in Taiwan has changed from ceremony to registration since 2007, it is generally recognized that a valid marriage should be done on the basis of a marriage ceremony, by which a gap between citizen’s perception and legal norms has come out and the commence of de facto marriage becomes inevitable. Furthermore, the amounts of cohabitation in Europe and the United States have increased constantly so that the legislation of long-term de facto marriage has more or less been made in these countries. In contrast, though the amounts of cohabitation in Taiwan is estimated to exceed 0.4 million, the judicial practices for the legal issue of cohabitation are not coherent among cases in courts. Accordingly, this thesis focuses on the comparison of legislation for de facto marriage among several countries with a view to providing some suggestions to the law making and judicial practice in Taiwan. Firstly, the motivation and methodologies are introduced in chapter one. As to methodologies, this thesis starts from the interpretation of law; and comparative, inductive and deductive approaches are used for the research of legal systems in some countries. Secondly, this thesis analyses the terminology, types of legislation and development of de facto marriage in chapter two. Inter alia, it includes the definition of de facto marriage made by Chinese, Japanese and English-speaking scholars and the models of legislation for the protection of de facto marriage in some countries. In addition, it elaborates the background of de facto marriage and its evolution of legal regime in the United States, France, Japan and China. In chapter three, it deliberates the legal basis of de facto marriage. It commences from the stipulation of international treaties, in particular the European Convention on Human Rights, and the judicial practices of the European Court of Human Rights on the issues of freedom of marriage, protection of family rights, non-discrimination and the best benefits for children. It then compares the pros and cons for the protection of de facto marriage so that its necessity and possibility could be established at the constitutional level. In chapter four, this thesis elaborates the requirements of de facto marriage in United States, France, Japan and China, for instance, the Recommendations of Family Dissolution made by the American Law Institute (ALI), the Pacs in France, “Nai En” system in Japan and the (illegal) cohabitation in China. Furthermore, it also analyses Taiwan’s legal system of de facto marriage. This thesis then discusses in chapter five the legal effects of de facto marriage in the United States, France, Japan and China, and their impact on Taiwan’s related legislation. Finally, it concludes in chapter six by recognizing the necessity to protect de facto marriage and the legitimacy to analogize the legal effect of marriage law to common life matters. Accordingly, this thesis suggests that foreign legislations be ushered in for the amendment of domestic laws; the improvement of the interpretation of domestic judicial practices be made, and model contract for cohabitation be proposed in order to improve the fair status between male and female and the protection for the weaker one of the couple.

瑞特氏症模式小鼠的運動障礙與紋狀體特性之表型分析 / Phenotypical analysis of motor behaviors and striatal characteristics in mouse models of Rett Syndrome

蘇三華, Su, San Hua Unknown Date (has links)
瑞特氏症(Rett syndrome, RTT)為第二型甲基化CPG結合蛋白(2methyl-CpG binding protein 2, MeCP2)基因發生突變所造成的神經發育疾病,其症狀包含了嚴重的運動障礙及自閉傾向等特徵。由於紋狀體(striatum)為運動控制的重要腦區,我們假設RTT的運動障礙主要為紋狀體的功能異常所造成,故利用RTT模式小鼠來研究紋狀體是否為RTT運動障礙的致病原因。利用敞箱試驗(open field test)及加速滾輪測試(accelerating rotarod task)結果發現,Mecp2基因剔除小鼠的活動力明顯下降,並伴隨有運動協調能力的缺失。以免疫組織染色法及西方點墨法分別標定紋狀體中的mu-opioid receptor及calbindin蛋白,發現二者表現量均有明顯下降,然而表現parvalbumin的中間神經元細胞數目卻大量增加。我們發現在紋狀體中多巴胺D2受體的表現量顯著增加,但多巴胺合成酶tyrosine hydroxylase與多巴胺訊號傳遞下游分子DARPP-32蛋白並沒有明顯減少。為了更進一步確認紋狀體的致病角色,我們利用特定在紋狀體中缺少MeCP2的「Mecp2條件缺失小鼠」,觀察其運動行為的改變。結果發現,Mecp2條件缺失小鼠不管是在活動力或是運動學習上都表現出和Mecp2基因剔除小鼠相似的運動障礙,顯示紋狀體所調控的正常活動力及運動學習能力皆需要MeCP2的參與。我們接著進一步探討是否擁有完整MeCP2表現的紋狀體就足以執行正常的運動功能。當Mecp2基因剔除小鼠的紋狀體重新表現MeCP2(即「Mecp2條件回復小鼠」),MeCP2缺失所造成的運動障礙可被回復到接近野生型小鼠運動能力的正常水準。顯示紋狀體中MeCP2的存在為正常運動控制的充要條件。在以cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (Cdkl5)突變小鼠研究MeCP2的磷酸化是否會影響到運動行為,發現Cdkl5突變小鼠在出生早期及成年時期皆存在與Mecp2基因剔除小鼠一致的運動協調能力缺失。免疫組織染色及西方點墨法結果顯示,Cdkl5突變小鼠的紋狀體中mu-opioid receptor表現量有明顯下降,但parvalbumin的中間神經元數目並無改變,而在大腦皮質中多巴胺轉運子DAT1蛋白表現量明顯上升。CDKL5突變造成與RTT相似症狀的原因還須更進一步的探討。綜上所述,本研究為「紋狀體異常可能為RTT運動障礙的主要致病原因」提供動物模式的實驗證據,並提供了一個新的觀點用於未來治療RTT或防止其症狀的惡化。

智慧資本與動態能耐對研發團隊創新績效的影響 / The Impact of Intellectual Capital and Dynamic Capabilities on R&D Teams’ Innovative Performance

林良陽, Lin,Liang-Yang Unknown Date (has links)
研究智慧資本領域的學者認為,智慧資本是組織競爭優勢的主要來源,而且也會影響組織績效(智慧資本愈高,其組織績效愈好)。但是,智慧資本與創新績效之間是否存在有正向關係,卻值得進一步探討。本研究認為,在動態環境下,智慧資本觀點並無法適當地解釋,為何組織有能力回應快速變動的外在環境,以產生較好的創新績效。智慧資本領域的學者與專家鮮少對「『靜態的』智慧資本」與「『動態的』運用智慧資本能力」進行區辨;而本研究認為這是兩種不相同的概念。本研究目的即希望瞭解研發團隊「運用」智慧資本對其創新績效的影響。 另一方面,為了解釋為何某些企業在快速變動與無法預期的市場中依然可以保有其競爭優勢,某些學者擴張資源基礎觀點到動態市場中,並提出「動態能耐」觀點(Teece, Pisano, and Shuen, 1997)。本研究主張,研發團隊的動態能耐除了直接影響創新績效之外,也是其「運用」智慧資本的關鍵因素。動態能耐對組織績效與創新績效的關連,雖有學者著墨;但,其實證研究並不多見,有待相關學者提出更多的貢獻。再則,動態能耐是一複雜的概念,若要對其進行衡量,應該要進一步釐清該構念,甚至建構適合的衡量指標,提出較為完整的、且符合信度與效度的衡量量表,方能正確地衡量動態能耐。 本研究同時採用質化與量化的研究方法。質性研究是從動態能耐相關文獻出發,在釐清各個學者對動態能耐的定義後,萃取出動態能耐之不同構面與架構,再經由各項假說之推演,提出本論文之初步研究架構。之後,選取N大學無線奈米生醫研究團隊為個案,深入瞭解該團隊兩項突破式創新計畫,分別是「抗SARS一號」與「無線奈米生醫感測晶片」研發計畫,用以觀察該團隊如何回應變動的外在環境,來說明智慧資本與研發團隊的動態能耐對其創新績效的影響。透過不同階段的觀察,進行分析與歸納,並找出其共同的特性,以瞭解本研究架構的初步解釋力,並進一步依個案研究的新發現修正各項假說,最後提出本研究之實證研究架構。 在量化研究方面,首先,為了能精確地衡量動態能耐概念,本研究依照Hinkin(1998)量表發展步驟,以五階段三個樣本群來發展動態能耐的衡量量表。其次,在發展出符合信度、內容效度、模型適配度、收斂效度、鑑別效度的動態能耐衡量量表後,以第三群樣本進行本研究之假說檢定,以確認智慧資本與研發團隊的動態能耐對其創新績效的影響關係。 研究發現,動態能耐是一個多面向多層次構念,可以以三構面八因子共19題項的問卷來衡量,三構面是指結合能耐、吸收能耐與彈性。在假說檢定部分,本研究共提出9項假說,結果有7項假說受到支持,另有2項假說未獲得支持。結果驗證本研究的主要論點,亦即智慧資本對研發團隊創新績效的影響並不顯著;而研發團隊如何運用智慧資本的能耐(亦即動態能耐),顯著地影響其創新績效。此外本研究發現,結合能耐是中介變項,它完全中介了吸收能耐對創新績效的影響;吸收能耐也是中介變項,它完全中介了人力資本以及關係資本對結合能耐的影響;而彈性則是交互變項,它會正向地強化各項智慧資本對吸收能耐的影響。最後,本研究也得到兩項特別的觀察,一是,具有動態能耐的研發團隊在研發能量提升上的兩種向度,二是,它是一種「彈性球體」的組織型態,方得以快速地回應外在環境的改變。 / The scholars who studied the field of intellectual capital (IC) argued that IC was the main source of organizational competitive advantages. Besides, they thought that the better the IC a company has, the better the business can have the ability to generate innovative performance. However, the relationship between IC and innovative performance needs to be explored further, because of being inconsistent with some practical cases. This research proposed that the view of IC could not explain appropriately why organizations could generate better innovative performance in the dynamic environment. Besides, the scholars who studied IC seldom distinguished “static IC” from “dynamic ability for utilizing IC”. Whereas, this research proposed that these two constructs were different concepts, and would like to explore the impact of utilizing IC on innovative performance. On the other hand, in order to explain why some enterprises could keep their competitive advantages in the rapidly changing environment, some scholars proposed the viewpoints of dynamic capabilities (DCs). This research argues that it has a directly significant effect of DCs on innovative performance, and DCs are the critical factors for utilizing IC. This research proposes that DCs are complex constructs. Therefore, we should clarify these constructs and provide an appropriate measurement tool with reliability and validity, if we would like to measure them. This research adopted qualitative and quantitative researches simultaneously to demonstrate these arguments. After clarifying the definition of DCs and extracting the components of DCs from the literature review, this research deduced several hypotheses and formed the research framework. This research selected the research team of N University for developing wireless nano-bio systems as a case, and thoroughly explored two of its radically innovative projects, including Anti-SARS R&D project and sensor chip for wireless nano-biotach R&D project. Through observing their response to the rapidly changing external environment, this research illustrated the impact of IC and DCs of R&D team on its innovative performance. By the two-stage observation, analysis and induction of this case, we could understand the preliminary power in explaining this research model, and amend the hypotheses. As for quantitative research, first, according to the scale developing steps, suggested by Hinkin (1998), this research developed the measurement tool of DCs with five stages and three samples to measure the concept of DCs precisely. Secondly, after developing the measurement scale of DCs, which surpassed the acceptable level for reliability, content validity, goodness of fit, convergent validity and discriminate validity, this research utilized the third sample testing the hypotheses to confirm the relationships among IC, DCs, and innovative performance of the R&D teams. The results showed that the concept of DCs is a multi-level and multi-dimension construct, which is composed of combinative capabilities, absorptive capacity and flexibility. In addition, it can be measured by three-dimension and eight-factor scale with nineteen items. As for the hypothesis testing, there were nine hypotheses in this research. Seven of them were supported, however, two of them were not supported. The results confirmed the main arguments of this research. That is, it doesn’t have a significant effect of IC on R&D team’s innovative performance. However, it does have a significant effect of DCs on R&D team’s innovative performance. In addition, the results showed that combinative capabilities and absorptive capacity are mediators. The combinative capabilities fully mediated the effect of absorptive capacity on innovative performance. The absorptive capacity also fully mediated the effects of human capital and relationship capital on the combinative capabilities. Meanwhile, the results showed that flexibility is a moderator, which enhanced the effects of different ICs on absorptive capacity. Finally, this research got two special observations. First, there are two dimensions of R&D energy promotion for R&D teams with DCs. Secondly, it is a type of “flexible sphere organization” for the R&D teams with DCs, so that they can respond to the rapidly changing external environment.

種々の電子状態評価技法の比較 : ELNESに基づく化学結合性の議論

Tatsumi, Kazuyoshi, Muto, Shunsuke, 巽, 一厳, 武藤, 俊介 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.


庄司, 多津男, 坂和, 洋一, 門田, 清, 三重野, 哲 07 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:一般研究(B)→基盤研究(B) 課題番号:07458091 研究代表者:庄司 多津男 研究期間:1995-1996年度


林, 利彦 25 March 2013 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第17581号 / 工博第3740号 / 新制||工||1570(附属図書館) / 30347 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科電子工学専攻 / (主査)教授 木本 恒暢, 教授 藤田 静雄, 准教授 浅野 卓 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当

Studies on Single-bond Compounds between Heavier Group 13/15 Elements toward Small Molecule Activation / 小分子活性化へ向けた高周期13/15族元素間に単結合を有する化合物に関する研究

Yanagisawa, Tatsuya 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第22276号 / 理博第4590号 / 新制||理||1659(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻 / (主査)教授 時任 宣博, 教授 依光 英樹, 教授 大須賀 篤弘 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM


泉, 早苗 23 September 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(薬科学) / 甲第22750号 / 薬科博第124号 / 新制||薬科||14(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院薬学研究科薬科学専攻 / (主査)教授 竹本 佳司, 教授 高須 清誠, 教授 大野 浩章 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM

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