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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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業務銷售之策略行銷分析 / Strategic Marketing Analysis of Sales

郭維蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
全球最熱門的工作之一是業務工作,很多成功的名人與高階經理人都是業務出生,在台灣,不但有很多企業都在積極招攬業務人員,也紛紛設立獎項激勵公司內部的頂尖業務人才,所以不論是報章雜誌還是企管書籍,業務銷售一直都是熱門的議題之一。台灣的企管學生及一般民眾對於民生消費品的銷售手法比較瞭解,因為課堂的教學與生活中接觸的宣傳,大多是企業對個人(B2C)行銷,但是台灣交易市場中較重要的一環卻是企業對企業(B2B)行銷,從台灣知名企業的排行榜中就可得知,像是鴻海、台積電等企業,都是對企業行銷的公司,而這類型的企業也成就了台灣今日的經濟繁榮,所以本論文希望在探討業務銷售策略的同時,也將企業對企業行銷納入考量,更加符合台灣需求。 如果只是整理不同產業業務間的銷售技巧,內容會略顯分散與缺乏架構,所以本論文加入邱志聖(2010)的策略行銷分析觀點,讓實務上的銷售技巧能有理論架構的支持,歸納比較出不同產業業務處理四大成本的共通與相異點,再進一步導入時間軸概念,細分每個業務面對新舊客戶時的銷售流程,更能明確瞭解業務在不同時期面對不同客戶時,會有哪些不同的銷售策略。

網際網路時代政治行銷策略之研究–以某個案為例 / A Case Study on Political Marketing Strategy in Internet Age

詹政雄 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的選舉過程中,除了在媒體廣告之外,還包括了政治宣傳、造勢活動、政見發表等多面向影響選民。而在銷售理念下,競選行銷的目的期望能透過媒體及行銷活動幫助候選人贏得選舉的勝利,進而取得政治權力。而近年來網際網路頻寬等基礎建設的完備與載具的普及,且大量的資訊在網際網路迅速、即時及互動等的特性下,使網路政治行銷對於競選人的影響就更顯格外的重要。 本研究以探索性之個案研究,發現在網路世代的選戰中已經打破了過去傳統的行銷策略,而當前的政治行銷策略則應為結合4P-4R-4S的新網路政治行銷。任何一個候選人想要滿足選民,實現經營目標,決不能孤立地只是考慮使用某一因素和手段進行選戰,必須從目標選民市場需求和競選市場行銷環境的特點出發,根據候選人的資源和優勢,綜合運用各種行銷手段,形成一套競選的行銷戰略,並發揮整體效應,以爭取最佳競選成效。 根據本研究的結論認為:(1)從候選人(Product)本身到注重與選民的聯繫 (Relativity)進而希望取得選民的認同感(Sense)。(2)從重視民調(Price)的高低到隨時關注各種選情與事件對選民的反應(Recation)進而希望提供更貼近的選民需求的服務(Service)而讓選民有感。(3)從各種單向傳統的宣傳通路(Place) 搶占市場的關鍵已轉變為各種走入群眾的方式,與選民建立長期而穩固的關係(Relation),進而提升溝通與回應的速度(Speed)。(4)從競選活動中的單向的促銷(Promotion)到希望得到選民的回報(Retribution)進而透過社群(Social Network)快速的互動及群體的參與,以取得選民的忠誠度。 / In Taiwan electoral process, in addition to media advertising, also including political propaganda, rallies, political views published will strongly influence the voters orientation. As the commercial marketing concept, the purpose of political marketing is hoping to help candidates win elections through the media and marketing activities, and thus obtain political power. In recent years, under the mature environment of Internet bandwidth and IT infrastructure such as real-time and interactive features can powerful handle massive information, the Internet political marketing for candidates of political influence is no doubt particularly important. This research used an exploratory case study methodology to explorate that the political marketing in the Internet generation has broken the traditional marketing strategy. We proposed an internet political marketing strategy that should be a combination of new political marketing 4P-4R-4S's. It is impossibe to only consider single factor or means making the campaign actions, any one of the candidates want to meet voters and achieve political objectives. He must be based on the target market needs and characteristics of campaign marketing environment point of view, considered the candidate's resources and advantages, used various marketing tools to form the strategic marketing campaign and exert the overall effect. In order to obtain the best campaign results. The following issues according to the results of the research were: (1) from among the candidates (Product) itself to focus on links with their constituents (Relativity) and then hope to achieve voter identity (Sense). (2) pay attention to polls (Price) level to keep an eye on the various election voters' reaction to the event (Recation) and then wish to provide services closer to the electorate's demand for (Service) and let the voters felt. (3) key from a variety of traditional one-way promotional channel (Place) to seize the market has been transformed into a variety of people, the establishment of long-term and stable relations (Relation) and the voters, and thus enhance the communication and response speed (Speed) . (4) to give voters return (Retribution) from campaigning in the way of promotion (Promotion) to want to participate and then quickly through the community (Social Network) interaction and community, in order to obtain the loyalty of voters.

網路口碑行銷如何影響消費者行為-以旅遊/美食部落格作為行銷工具 / How online word-of-mouth influences consumer's decision? A study on travel/gourmet blogs as a marketing tool

施舜馨 Unknown Date (has links)
Online reviews provided from consumers who had previous experiences have become major information resource for consumers and marketers. The blogs then becomes the Web-based consumer opinion platform; the Internet enables consumers to share their experience with other consumers as the online word-of-mouth (WOM) communication. Online reviews on traveling and food tasting and by consumers who previously experienced have become a major information source for consumers and marketers regarding to the tourist spots and restaurants. The study extends previous existing research on the effects of WOM and consumer decision making by conducting the in-depth interview with bloggers and an online survey on blog viewing and information searching behaviors. With the development of Web 2.0, word-of-mouth marketing is able to influence the consumers interactively. The user-generated contents created spread among the consumers soon and marketers become able to access millions of potential consumers over the world by understanding the new ways of communication. Word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing is the most honest form of marketing because consumers are sharing their own opinions, independent of messaging and manipulation (Throne, 2008). In the study, the researcher will discuss how the blog readers rely on the source of word-of-mouth conversations and the further suggestions on consumer behaviors and marketing insights, analyzed from the perspectives of user satisfaction, information credibility and consumer loyalty. Keywords: blog marketing, consumer decision making, online word-of-mouth (WOM).


費翠, Fei, Tsui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是根據Feick和Price等學者在傳統實體通路所作的「市場行家」相關研究為出發點,希望在網際網路的世界中也能夠證實「網路市場行家」的存在;「網路市場行家」會因應網際網路的傳播特質,展現他們的市場影響力,故本研究可以視為「市場行家理論」在網際網路環境下的應證與延伸。 本研究所定義的「網路市場行家」,不但積極上網搜尋多元化的商品資訊以及新商品或新品牌的訊息,同時也較常在網路上消費,另外他們每週上網時數高達23.8小時,平均訂閱7.7份免費電子報,也較有意願訂閱付費電子報。 「網路市場行家」對於網路行銷人員的意義在於,他們是「電子口碑」傳播的種子,因為他們平時轉寄電子郵件的頻率比一般人高,同時「網路市場行家」認為市場訊息是重要並值得轉寄給其它人,其中他們最重視的是「特價訊息」,其次才是「產品品質」。而「網路市場行家」最常接觸的行銷管道依次為:閱讀熟人轉寄的電子郵件,其次是收到電子折價券、參與網路促銷贈獎活動、閱讀電子郵件廣告,最後才是點選橫幅廣告。 「網路市場行家」不僅傳遞有用的消費資訊而已,研究也發現他們對於身邊的人在購買「書籍雜誌」的決策上,具有意見領袖影響特質;而「男性網路市場行家」在「電腦硬體及周邊」上具有意見領袖特質,而「女性網路市場行家」則對於「室內休閒娛樂」方面具有意見領袖的影響力。至於在新上市商品的早期購買行為方面,「網路市場行家」會比別人早一步購買「書籍雜誌」類商品,至於其它新商品方面,他們仍是最好的市場訊息的代言人。 「網路市場行家」喜歡蒐尋市場資訊,又較常因人際之間轉寄電子郵件而傳播市場資訊,故他們所傳播的「電子口碑」對於消費行為具有不可忽視的影響力。本研究應證「網路市場行家」特質的存在,不但初步建立「電子口碑傳播」的研究基礎,也延伸了傳統「市場行家」理論的意涵。

影展潮:藝術行銷的觀點 / The marketing strategy of the commerical film festival

唐慧音, Tang, Hui-Yin Unknown Date (has links)
近年來國內電影映演呈現多元化發展,不只電影類型、內容日趨豐富,電影的映演方式也更趨多元。而擁有集結映演主題、少廳院、長映期、多功能搭配、選擇不設限、聯票預售等特性的「商業影展」更成為九十年代電影市場中極為盛行的電影行銷方式。 隨著電影觀眾的觀影口味多元使得電影分眾市場確立之故,讓許多不同類型的影片得到出現在市場上的機會,再加上多廳戲院取代了傳統大型戲院,除了因應電影分眾的潮流,還可以接受多一些電影放映。另外,為了能夠和大型電影發行商強大的行銷資源相抗衡,將許多部影片的行銷資源集合起來,再透過影展主題式集結的方式行銷,也成為現今非主流商業影片另謀映演空間的方法。上述種種電影市場的新現象就成為現在商業影展興起的契機。 在競爭愈來愈激烈的影展熱潮中,要如何建立有效的行銷策略將是未來經營影展所必須仔細思考的重要課題之一。因此,本研究旨在以行銷的觀點檢視商業影展的經營運作概況,以現在已存的「絕色影展」做為研究對象,整理、分析與討論其所擬定的行銷策略,並將之與消費者的商業影展消費行為調查結果相互比較,提出對商業影展發展行銷策略上的建議,期望對將來在推行商業影展擬訂行銷策略時能有所助益。 本研究探討的行銷策略包括了目標行銷策略以及行銷組合策略兩部分,得到的研究結論如下: 一、目標行銷策略: 商業影展的目標觀眾仍以愛好電影、常看電影的影痴為主,其中年輕的學生人口仍為主要的目標觀眾。 二、行銷組合策略: 1.產品策略:商業影展影片仍以藝術影片為多,建議在主題的選取上可 以朝向更專業化的設計,提供觀眾更具深度的觀影經驗。另外,配合影展提供相關議題的影評講座或座談活動將可以增加影展產品的附加價值。 2.價格策略:採較低價的定價策略並輔以有條件的價格修正措施將可以吸引更多的觀眾。 3.通路策略:觀眾已漸漸培養出購買預售票以及聯票的習慣,因此提供更為簡單便捷的售票系統,將會促進更多觀眾買票進場的意願。 4.推廣策略:商業影展性質有別於一般院線電影,其所採行的推廣策略並非得要用昂貴的大眾媒體做廣告,反而透過公關報導的形式將影展訊息曝光,再利用影評人作為「意見領袖」的方式影響觀眾,透過口碑的傳播,將影展推銷出去,可以得到更大的宣傳影響力量。另外,透過品牌的建立以及建立與維持和顧客長期的良好關係都是商業影展推廣策略中極重要的一環。 / The main theme of the study focus on the marketing strategy of the commercial film festival. The goals of the study include the following: 1. To know what and how the commercial film festival develop marketing strategy, then to evaluate the effect. 2. To find out the main factor that marketing strategy formulated. 3. To research the consumer behavior of the commercial film festival, and suggest the best marketing strategy of the commercial film festival from the consumer research information. In order to achieve the above goals, the study intends to integrate the qualitative and quantitative data. "Cast study" and "Consumer survey" are conducted. Choosing "Fanciful Film Festival" be the cast of the study, to find out how and what the fanciful film festival develop the marketing strategy, then analysis and discuss them. Simultaneously, using the research to get the quantitative data of commercial film festival consumer behavior. Contrasting both cast qualitative data and quantitative research of consumer survey, and get the marketing strategy suggestion. The results of the study are followed: 1. Target marketing strategy the target audience of commercial film festival is mainly enthusiast about film. Mostly they are the young college students. 2. Product strategy (1) Film category: art film is still the main film category of the commercial film festival. (2) Film subject: the more professional, profounder film subject is suggested. (3) Additional product strategy: it would advantage to use some additional product strategies, such as symposium, film review conference... 3. Price strategy: using the going-rate pricing and the conditioned discount. 4. Place strategy: (1) The consumer has trained the habit of buying the advance ticket and the suit ticket. (2) To supply the more convenient ticket system would encourage consumer. 5. Promotion strategy (1) The main promotional tools still are mass medium, especially the public relations. Using the public report to communicate and advertise the film festival, encourage audience consuming. (2) To pay much attention to the effect of the opinion leader. (3) To place importance on brand management and relationship marketing.

行政責任論の応用研究 : 行政改革および行政組織の設置を事例として / ギョウセイ セキニンロン ノ オウヨウ ケンキュウ : ギョウセイ カイカク オヨビ ギョウセイ ソシキ ノ セッチ オ ジレイ トシテ

鏡 圭佑, Keisuke Kagami 21 March 2019 (has links)
本博士論文では行政責任論の応用研究を実施した。行政責任論の応用研究とは、行政責任論の概念または考え方を用いて、行政活動の実態を考察する研究を指す。先行研究のほとんどは行政責任論の概念の理論的な精緻化のみを目的とし、それらが現実の行政の把握にあたって、どのように有用であるのかを確認してこなかった。本博士論文では行政責任論の観点から、行政改革および行政組織の設置を考察し、行政責任論の意義を再検討した。 / 博士(政策科学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Policy and Management / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University


岩﨑, 純衣 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第18010号 / 文博第647号 / 新制||文||602(附属図書館) / 30868 / 京都大学大学院文学研究科行動文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 藤田 和生, 教授 板倉 昭二, 准教授 明和 政子 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DFAM

ICT產業會展行銷策略-台北國際電子產業科技展 / Exhibition marketing strategy of ICT industry- Taipei International Electronics Show

楊雯琪, Yang, Justina Unknown Date (has links)
2013年台灣工業總產值為5,020億美元,總出口值3,032億美元;其中電機電子業產值為2,536億美元,出口值為1,430億美元,佔工業總產值50.98%及出口總值47.2%;產值預估到2020年將達3,200億美金,是支撐整體國家經濟成長動能之主要產業,由此可看出ICT產業之重要性。近年來台灣強調產業升級轉型以應付日趨艱苦的國際挑戰,檢視幾個無法突破關鍵環節的因素,大家都有共識台灣缺少廣大市場腹地,而且,台灣ODM /OEM產品已在國際發光,卻隱形(hidden)在其他品牌光環之下,缺少自有品牌。宏碁股份有限公司施振榮董事長認為台灣不缺人才,只缺舞台,而舞台越大,產業的創價才會越高。據專家測算,國際上展覽業的產業帶動係數大約為1:9,即展覽場館的收人如果是1,相關的產業收入則為9。島型國家如台灣係以外貿為導向之經濟型態,參加國際展覽會是國際行銷相當重要的策略,如果能建構好台灣辦的臺北國際專業展覽平台,提供國際買主來台採購交易,不僅可以節省企業時間,該會展活動除能夠創造巨大的經濟效益,而且還可以帶動交通、旅遊、餐飲、住宿、通信、廣告等相關產業的發展,將可確實掌握互聯資訊,是深具效益的拉式行銷,因此,如此重要的商務活動,ICT產業在會展行銷的策略是值得探討的。然以台灣為例部分專業展會是由所屬行業別產業公協會結合外貿協會資源優勢互補辦理會展,除了解並可深耕產業外,將可運用產業資源全年度無縫隙協助產業迎合趨勢技術升級,並可策動駐外單位資源邀請買主即需求機構來台交流媒合掌握商機。 本研究過程中將以已邁入第41屆的台北國際電子產業科技做為ICT產業會展行銷策略的平台,希冀藉由會展中規劃主題以展演推動2013隱形冠軍推動計畫/2014台灣電子資通訊相關產業展覽推動計畫/2015優勢產業-智慧電子展覽推動計畫,希冀藉由推動,將ICT產業會展行銷策略計畫,結合此國際專業展期間,建置產業主題館(區)、規劃與建置產業地圖,以整體規劃方式呈現該產業完整供應鏈、國際競爭優勢及未來發展等,透過參與式、互動式、體驗式及國際化等推動策略,撕開品牌包裝下的面紗,讓世界認識台灣ICT產業的堅強實力,並讓參觀民眾及國際買主可親身互動體驗,深度推廣臺灣產業優勢並促成商機 / In 2013, industrial output of Taiwan was 50.2 billion US dollars, and 3,032 million US dollars the total export value. Wherein the output value of the electrical and electronic industry was 2,536 billion US dollars, and $ 143 billion the export value, accounts for up to 50.98% the total industrial output value and 47.2% of the total exports. In 2020, the estimated value will be reached 320 billion US dollars; it will support the main industry of the whole country's economic growth momentum, which has appered the importance of the ICT industry. In recent years, Taiwan has been emphasing industrial upgrading and transformation to cope the difficulties increasly by international challenges, by viewing a few key factors unable to break through; we all have a consensus on the lack of broad masses hinterland of the Taiwan market. ODM / OEM products of Taiwan have been well known worldwidely, but among other reputated brands, it has been hidden and laked of its own brand, ACER’s Chairman Stan Shih believed that talent is adequate in Taiwan, but they don’t have good oppunities and chances to perform, otherwise, the more performace, the higher industry value will be created. According to experts estimated, in international exhibition industry, the industrial driven coefficients is about 1: 9, this is, if the exhibition venues income is 1, and the related industrial revenue will be 9, economy of Taiwan is based on foreign trade-oriented economic patterns, so participate in international exhibitions is a very important international marketing strategy. If we could build a well platform organized by the Taipei international professional exhibition to provide international buyers to come to Taiwan procurement transactions, we can not only save time for compromise, but also to promote the development of transportation, tourism, catering, accommodation, communications, advertising and other related industries. In addition, the exhibition activities create huge economic benefits and exactly grasp Internet information. It is an important business activity of the effective pull strategy, as to such an important business activity, the marketing strategy of the ICT industry exhibition will be worth to explore. However, make Taiwan as an example, most of professional exhibition industry are held by each industry associations and combined with complementary advantage of TAITRA resources to handle exhibition. In addition to understand and cultivate industries, the use of industrial resources of the whole year can seamlessly assist industry to catch up the trend of technological upgrading, and instigate resource of overseas units, and invite buyers, this is, demanding mechanisms to have matchmaking for further business opportunities. During the research process, the upcoming 41st Taipei International Electronics Industry Technology Exhibition will be used as a platform for the ICT industry exhibition marketing strategy. By planning theme to visiblize hidden champions in year 2013, promote Taiwan electronic information and communication related industry exhibition in 2014, and give impetus to advantage industry - Intellectual electronic exhibition promoting plan in 2015. Hopefully, by promoting the ICT industry exhibition marketing strategy, combining industrial museum (area) and industrial map which will be built up during the international professional exhibition in order to appear the overall planning of the completely supply chain industy, international competitive advantages and future development. Besides, as enhanced the strength for the world to recognize the ICT industry of Taiwan by promoting policies through participatory, interactive, experiential and internationalization, uncover hidden champions, and let the visiting public and international buyers can personally have interactive experience, take advantage and contribute to promotion of industrial business of Taiwan


王文美 Unknown Date (has links)
為了加速土地登記案件之審查速度,地政機關針對若干審查事項,改以「切結」來簡化應附文件。但此種審查方式,一方面除了使我國土地登記究係採何種審查制度迄今仍無明確之見解外;另一方面,對於任何土地登記應附文件是否皆能以「切結書」替代,或其能運用之界限為何,本文即就此等問題進行審視。 經本文從行政法學之角度審視「切結」,其在不同的行政行為當中,具有不同之概念,而此等概念經實體運作於各種行政流程作業當中,則可分為六種性質,即(一)具有申請性質之切結。(二)具有同意性質之切結。(三)具有準負擔性質之切結。(四)具有行政契約性質之切結。(五)屬管制手段之切結。(六)屬真實性表示性質之切結。又再將其與土地登記制度進行探討後發現,地政機關除了就「真實性表示」性質之事件,得命申請人提出切結書外,其餘類型則不得以切結書予以替代。 又依行政程序法第36條:「行政機關應依職權調查證據,不受當事人主張之拘束,對當事人有利及不利事項一律注意。」及同法第43條:「行政機關為處分或其他行政行為,應斟酌全部陳述與調查事實及證據之結果,依論理及經驗法則判斷事實之真偽,並將其決定及理由告知當事人。」之規定,當事人於程序中所提出之相關證據,行政機關就仍負有調查義務,故縱使申請人已檢附「真實性表示」之切結書,該切結書之內容是否真實,依法仍屬地政機關之調查職責。 在個案實證方面,目前土地登記所使用之39項切結書,僅有9種情況因地政機關之相關作為已臻其依職權所能調查之界限,故此9項具有「真實性表示」之切結,其用於協力地政機關之調查並無不妥;而其他則不宜以切結之方式作為簡化土地登記應附文件,而應改以其他行政手段進行審查。 經由本文之研究,由於切結書之提出,原則上仍不構成主觀舉證責任或證據提出責任,同時客觀舉證責任仍由地政機關負擔,因此,未來地政機關應務實地考量,是否應完全停止使用「切結書」於土地登記審查制度當中,並針對地政機關「已盡其調查責任」亦無法完成審查之類型,從法律層面進行改善,將該等責任以法律明定為申請人負責事項,方能有效解決以切結取代土地登記應附文件所引發之相關問題。

銀行與保險經紀人或代理人子公司整併之法律問題分析 / A Study on M&A activity between Banks and their Subsidiar Insurance Broker or Agent Companies and related Legal Issues

蘇鈺涵, Su,Yu Han Unknown Date (has links)
近十餘年來,我國銀行保險通路受惠於法規放寬而蓬勃發展,甚至超越傳統業務員通路,成為保費收入重要來源。然而,銀行保險通路實務上長期存在權責不符爭議,為提供消費者權益保障,2015年2月保險法修訂第163條第五項規定,開放銀行經主管機關許可後,得擇一兼營保經代業務。本文擬就保險法開放此一業務後,對我國銀行保險通路運作架構產生的改變與影響為研析,針對銀行與保經代子公司整併之法律適用、整併方式以及影響銀行選擇兼營保經或保代業務因素為說明。   基於追求規模經濟考量,保險法修訂後,銀行為了節省成本與共享銀行硬體資源目的,選擇將原先轉投資設立之保經代公司整併入銀行體系可提升銀行保險通路之競爭優勢。銀行與保經代子公司整併可適用之法律包含公司法、企業併購法與金融控股公司法;至於銀行與保經代子公司之整併方式有合併、收購或分割手段。本文建議應以保經代子公司是否仍有存續實益選擇整併之方式。銀行與保經代子公司之整併後,可能產生整併之客體、整併所生業務衝突疑慮以及代理契約當事人變更等之問題,本研究將分別進行分析。     本次保險法修法後,由銀行直接承擔銷售主體責任,達到保障消費者權益之目的,使銀行保險經營架構更加完整,對於我國未來銀行保險通路業務發展將產生正向助長作用。

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