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以圖文辨識為基礎的旅遊路線規劃輔助工具 / Tour Planning Using Landmark Photo Matching and Intelligent Character Recognition黃政明, Huang, Cheng Ming Unknown Date (has links)
智慧型手機的用途已從語音溝通延伸轉變為多功能導向的的生活工具。目 前多數的智慧型手機均具備攝影鏡頭,而此模組更已被公認為基本的標準 配備。使用者透過手機,可以輕易且自然地拍攝感興趣的物體、景色或文 字等,並且建立屬於自己的影像資料庫。在眾多的手機軟體中,旅遊類的 程式是其中一種常見整合內容與多項感測模組的應用實例。在行動平台上, 設計一個影像辨識系統服務可以大幅地協助遊客們在旅途中去瞭解、認識
知名的地標、建築物、或別具意義的物體與文字等。 然而在行動平台上的可用資源是有限的,因此想要在行動平台上開發有效 率的影像辨識系統,是頗具挑戰性的任務。如何在準確率與計算成本之間 取得最佳的平衡點往往是行動平台上開發影像辨識技術的最重要課題。 根據上述的目標,本研究擬於行動平台上設計、開發行動影像搜尋與智慧 型文字辨識系統。具體而言,我們將在影像搜尋上整合兩個全域的特徵描 述子,並針對印刷與手寫字體去開發智慧型文字辨識系統。實驗結果顯示, 在行動影像搜尋與文字辨識的效能測試部分,前三名的辨識率皆可達到的 80%。 / The roles of smart phones have extended from simple voice communications to multi-purpose applications. Smart phone equipped with miniaturized image capturing modules are now considered standard. Users can easily take pictures of interested objects, scenes or texts, and build their own image database. Travel-type mobile app is one example that takes advantage of the array of sensors on the device. A mobile image search engine can bring much convenience to tourists when they want to retrieve information regarding specific landmarks, buildings, or other objects.
However, devising an effective image recognition system for smart phone is a quite challenging task due to the complexity of image search and pattern recognition algorithms. Image recognition techniques that strike a balance between accuracy and efficiency need to be developed to cope with limited resources on mobile platforms.
Toward the above goal, this thesis seeks to design effective mobile visual search and intelligent character recognition systems on mobile platforms. Specifically, we propose two global feature descriptors for efficient image search. We also develop an intelligent character recognition engine that can handle both printed and handwritten texts. Experimental results show that the accuracy reaches 80% for top-3 candidates in visual search and intelligent character recognition tasks.
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新教科群③ : 国際コミュニケーション学 (Ⅲ. 中学選択プロジェクト・高校教科群)斉藤, 真子, Saito, A., 藤田, 高弘, Fujita, T., 岡村, 明, Okamura, A., 野田, 真里, Noda, M. 30 November 2004 (has links)
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新教科群3 : 国際コミュニケーション学 : 多様な文化の共通性と異質性からコミュニケーションのあり方を探る (Ⅲ. 高校新教科群の取り組み)藤田, 高弘, Fujita, T., 斉藤, 真子, Saito, A., 岡村, 明, Okamura, A., 野田, 真理, Noda, M. 30 November 2005 (has links)
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在地社群參與的行動邏輯—以大溪民間宗教社頭為例 / The Logic of Action in Participation of Local Community – The Case Study of Daxi Folk Religious Comunities.游任濱, Yu, Jen-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
歸結對這些社群的田野調查,本文發現,這些社群中的行動者因著「記憶」、「儀式」和「倫理」三個要素的交互作用, 形塑了他們之所以參與這些社群的行動邏輯。這些社頭的行動者堅持某種他們從兒時記憶而來的「傳統」,這是一種經由身體儀式的展演而內化在其生命敘事中的社群倫理。進一步來說,這樣的倫理與記憶和儀式一起,成為構成一個社群可見,供人辨識與區別的特質。最終這樣的倫理成為推動這些行動者在參與社頭背後的行動邏輯,也進一步讓他們與在地社會產生認同與連結。 / The starting point of this thesis try to find another kind of community participation from the local context, and the thesis is based on the reflection which understand Community Development in the modernity framework for nearly thirty years in Taiwan. This paper argues that every actors have different ways practicing public lives in the variety community interactions, and they have different interpretations of public participation.
Therefore, this study focus on the main temples ‘Po Gi Temple’ in Daxi Dist., and their annual parade for celebrating Guan Gong birthday. The study attempts to illustrate such a group of folk religions is another community which is different from the modern communities. From the field investigation, we can see the composition of the community, the recruitment of the members and resources, and how they reflect the local complex interpersonal network. The various networks are responsible to maintain the local social relations.
From the interviews with these participants, we could see that they have the common memory of the ritual. The ritual maintain the identity of all actors and divide the border between themselves and others. For these participants, the narrative structure can be continually summoned and reproduced, owing to the repeatedly ritual. In order to maintain the community development, only through the body performance of the ritual, the ethics could be rooted in the participants.
The conclusion of the study is that because of the interaction between memory , rituals and ethics, the actors in the community have shaped their action logic. Furthermore, such memory, together with ethics and rituals, become a visible and distinguishable characteristic of the community. Finally, this memory, ethics and rituals becomes the action logic to drive these actors and gives them recognition and connection with the local community.
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閃現的城市地景與遊牧者:創意市集中的行動者 / Flashing urban landscape and nomads: actors in the creative bazaar翁芷雲, Wong, Tzu Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Michel de Certeau所說的日常實踐之視角出發,檢視了2010年以後創意市集的發展與變化,以及市集組織者和擺攤者的重要性。時序上以2010年作為活動的分界,創意市集的樣貌有了顯著的轉變,這除了反映台灣社會環境的時代變化外,同時也勾勒出在後工業城市之中的空間理性的展現。首先,本文從創意市集中,行動者之一的組織者開始談起,以台北與台南各自起家的創意市集——「邊緣人市集」和「手_手市集」為例,從中可以看到創意市集分化出不同的樣態,而這樣的變化使得創意市集變成一種工具、手段或媒介,並能以一種軟性的方式來達到其目的。接著,延續對創意市集中的行動者之討論,從市集擺攤者的面向切入,透過擺攤者跟他們販售物的關係中,我們得以一窺他們如何藉由其所販賣的商品來彰顯自身對於勞動的想像和生活的態度,並藉由創意市集和行動者,在面對難以撼動的社會環境與產業結構,我們能夠看到他們如何展現自身的能動性,並藉由其所學的技術與能力,試圖在結構限制下找尋新的可能。最後,將創意市集作為城市地景的角度分析,談及它所具有的特殊性和空間彈性、以及其美學特性之實踐。 / In the perspective of Michel de Certeau’s 'practices of everyday life', this study explores the development of creative bazaar (market) and highlights the importance of the organizers and vendors in the market after 2010. The significant changes of creative bazaar since 2010 have shown current social transformation and forms of spatial rationality of post-industrial cities in Taiwan. First, by taking two pioneer creative bazaars, “The Edge Man Market” and “Hand-in-hand Market”, as examples, it displays multiple modals of creative bazaar which are able to be considered as a soft approach for engendering urban community capacity and promoting socio-cultural events. Then, it turns to young vendors, examining how they express their imaginary for labor and life style through their relationships with the things they make and sale. In particular, in facing the challenge of hard social circumstance and rigid industrial structure, how do the organizers and vendors show their capability of business craftsmanship and cultural taste for beyond structural limits? Finally, this thesis aims to understand how creative bazaar can be adaptively and flexibly located in the urban landscape.
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AppScan:手機應用程式行為靜態偵測掃描-以iOS為例 / AppScan : Static mobile application behavior scanning on iOS executable王韋仁, Wang, Wei Ren Unknown Date (has links)
行動應用程式是當今最受歡迎和最主要的軟體應用程式,因此應用程式的實際行為以及相關的安全和隱私問題變得越來越重要。另一方面,隨著時間的推移,AppStore上有越來越多的應用程式已經停止更新或停止服務,但沒有從AppStore中刪除。然而,用戶對於缺少維護問題一無所知,仍然下載並使用它。在本研究中,我們將解決在應用程式中檢查特定屬性方法序列的問題。通過使用IDApro生成Function call dependency graph和Subroutine control flow graph,我們使用語法分析方式來進行跨子程式的序列檢查方案。我們將通過預先定義屬性的方法序列作為模型來檢查應用程式行為。這個分析方法可以說明在App Store中可用的應用程式中是否存在屬性方法序列。有助於我們在應用程式中檢查一些惡意行為屬性方法序列或特定行為方法序列(例如使用不推薦的api方法)。
我們的網絡爬蟲從官方文件中摘取了的所有可用的iOS SDK方法,並從中提取做為我們的模型序列。我們將檢查應用程式是否包含所準備的模型序列。如果應用程式中存在該序列,我們將在應用程式中記錄子程式中包含的方法序列調用。然後將結果數據匯總到我們的數據庫中,並將結果視覺化、數據化,並建立系統的的API服務。最後,我們構建了一個使用上述檢查功能所識做的的分析系統,並以Web服務形式顯示結果。 / Mobile application is the most popular and dominant software applications nowadays, so the actual behaviors of the application and the related security and privacy issues become more and more important. On the other hand, as time goes by, there are more and more applications on the AppStore stop to update or being abandoned but not removed from AppStore. However, the users know nothing about the lack of maintenance problems and still download and use it. In this research, we will resolve the issue for checking specific property method sequence within an application. By using IDApro to generate function call graph and the subroutine control flow graphs, we use syntax checking strategy to perform a across subroutines sequential checking solution. We will check the application behavior by predefining a property method sequence as pattern and then check with applications’. The analysis method can illustrate whether a property method sequence exists in the application which is available on App Store. This may help us to check some malicious behavior property method sequence or specific behavior method sequence (ex. using deprecated api methods) in the applications. We have prepared some property method sequence as our system input pattern extracted from all the available iOS SDK methods fetching by our web crawler. We will check whether an application contains the prepared method sequence or not. If the sequence exists in the application, we would record the method sequence call included in the subroutine within the application. Then the results data will be aggregated in our database, and export as api service for visualizing and statistic uses. Finally, we construct a call sequence analysis system for the above checking functions and show the result in a web service form
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使用字串分析揭露iOS執行檔之動態載入類別 / Uncovering dynamically loaded classes of iOS executables with static string analysis林君翰, Lin, Jun Han Unknown Date (has links)
當今已有數以百萬計的行動應用程序在 Apple 的 App Store 中發布,並在iOS設備下載量超過150億次。為了保護iOS用戶免於惡意應用程式的傷害,Apple 對於上架之App 有相對嚴格的審查政策。通過審查的App才能在App Store中發布。在本文中,我們提出基於
iOS可執行檔的靜態字串分析技術用於檢驗App可能動態載入之類別 。為了檢查動態載入之類別是否符合Apple之規範,必須要能確定動態加載函數之可能字串參數值 。我們方法的第一步是使用現有工具擷取 iOS可執行檔的組合語言。然後自組合語言中建立整個程式的控制流程圖(CFGs) 。接著,在控制流程圖上識別動態加載類別的函數,並且對於該函數的每個參數,我們構造一個字串相依圖,用以顯示流向字串參數值的所有構成成分以及構成方式 。最後,我們對這些可能流向參數的字串進行字串分析,以確定這些參數值所有的可能值集合。透過把這些可能值與特徵值(從Apple 審查政策建構而來,例如私有/敏感性API),我們能夠檢測到App
潛在違背Apple政策之情形。我們分析了1300多種目前上架於App Store的App,並檢查他們是否違反蘋果關於使用私有API的政策以及
這些App的字符相依圖,分析結果顯示208個App透過字串操作構組合出對應的API名稱並且有潛在的IDFA違規濫用之可能。我們的分析還發現了372個可以使用字串構建私有類名稱的應用程序和236個可以使用路徑字符串加載私有框架的App,這些App可能違反Apple 禁止使用私有API使用政策。 / Millions of mobile apps have been published in Apple's AppStore with more than 15 billion downloads by iOS devices. In order to protect iOS users from malicious apps, Apple has strict policies which are used to eliminate apps before they can be published in the AppStore. In this paper we present a string analysis technique for iOS executables for statically checking policies that are related to dynamically loaded classes. In order to check that an app conforms to such a policy, it is necessary to determine the possible string values for the class name parameters of the functions that dynamically load classes. The first step of our approach is to construct the assembly for iOS executables using existing tools. We then extract flow information from the assembly code and construct control flow graphs (CFGs) of functions. We identify functions that dynamically load classes, and for each parameter that corresponds to a dynamically loaded class, we construct a dependency graph that shows the set of values that flow to that parameter. Finally, we conduct string analysis on these dependency graphs to determine all potential string values that these parameters can take, which identifies the set of dynamically loaded classes. Taking the intersection of these values with patterns that characterize Apple's app policies (such as private/sensitive APIs), we are able to detect potential policy violations. We analyzed more than 1300 popular apps from Apple's AppStore and checked them against Apple's policy about the use of private APIs and the identifier for Advertising (IDFA). Our tool extracted more than 37000 string dependency graphs from these applications and our analysis reported 208 apps that compose the corresponding API with strings and have potential IDFA violations. Our analysis also found 372 apps that could have compose the private class name with string and 236 apps that could have load the private framework with path string; and could violate the private API usage policy.
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乳児の泣き声への反応に関わる心理・生理学的検討平岡, 大樹 23 March 2020 (has links)
付記する学位プログラム名: デザイン学大学院連携プログラム / 京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(教育学) / 甲第22200号 / 教博第249号 / 新制||教||193(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院教育学研究科教育科学専攻 / (主査)准教授 野村 理朗, 教授 齊藤 智, 特定教授 吉川 左紀子, 教授 黒橋 禎夫 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Education) / Kyoto University / DGAM
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個別要素法型群集行動モデルの高度化による水中避難行動シミュレ-タの開発に関する研究川崎, 順二 24 September 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第23477号 / 工博第4889号 / 新制||工||1764(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科社会基盤工学専攻 / (主査)教授 後藤 仁志, 教授 戸田 圭一, 准教授 原田 英治 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
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農業環境政策の制度設計 -モデルと行動分析による接近-佐々木, 宏樹 25 November 2013 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(農学) / 乙第12793号 / 論農博第2789号 / 新制||農||1019(附属図書館) / 学位論文||H25||N4805(農学部図書室) / 30812 / (主査)教授 加賀爪 優, 教授 伊藤 順一, 教授 栗山 浩一 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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