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使用圖碼技術於行動商務平台 / Apply Picture Code to Commerce Application何駿逸, Ho, Chun Yi Unknown Date (has links)
從過去的公元2000年所強調網路Dot Com時代來臨,資訊商務發展一路從電子錢包、電子商務、B2B、B2C、第三方支付、C2C、O2O..到近期的「行動支付」發展的角度上來看,因為網路的發達,無線網路覆蓋面積的增大,網路速度也不斷的提升,智慧型手機及行動裝置使用廣泛,讓整體消費市場由過去所重視的企業消費市場已大幅轉向重視個人的消費市場。
短短的這二、三年,因智慧型手機使用的普及,各種APP應用程式蓬勃發展,已徹底改變了人們的生活習慣,當人們想要獲取與傳遞資訊時,只要動動手指頭,馬上就可達成;相對的,人們對於智慧型手機行動裝置也越來越依賴。面對這一新的「動動手指頭的時代」發展與趨勢,加上個人消費者的使用與消費習慣改變,造就了消費市場巨幅的變化;企業更為爭取個人消費者的市場,作為企業競爭力之指標。從企業為爭取個人消費者的市場之發展趨勢來看,O2O (Online to Offline)更成為現代重要的營銷模式。
本研究的貢獻希望在於以便利商店繳交信用卡帳款為例得到之啟發,打造一個行動商務平台,藉由現代圖碼(Picture Code),即利用目前所常見使用的條碼,如:堆疊式二維條碼以及矩陣式二維條碼,結合現行還在開發之新技術,組合出更新,圖形更複雜且資料儲存量更大之圖碼當作介質,透過網路之連結,以現代資訊商務發展活動的應用模式為基礎,套用本研究之應用模型,作為對於個人使用者的身分驗證,以及個人消費者於現代資訊商務發展活動之「電子錢包」及「電子商務」、「第三方支付」乃至「C2C」在使用信用卡的應用上,透過使用智慧型手機或行動裝置,作為現代另一新的「行動支付」方法。同時,在完成商務交易活動後,又能結合O2O營銷模式,為使用或消費者個人帶來共多利益,也為商家創造出更多商機。 / From "Dot Com" network generation coming in 2000, the IT Business Development Activities from "Electronic Wallet", "e-commerce", "B2B", "B2C", "Third-party payment," "C2C", "O2O" to the recent "Mobile Payment" development, because the network developed, wireless network coverage area increases, network speed has also been improved, smart phones and mobile devices are popular, overall business market is focus on the individual consumer market now.
In this three years, smart phones use a variety of APP applications, it really has completely changed people's habits. When people want to capture and transmit some information, it just need to “move your fingers” as soon as you can reach. Also, people become increasingly dependent on smart phones and mobile devices. Face with this new "move your fingers time” developments trends and consumers’ consumption habits change, enterprise all want to increase the individual consumers’ market share and also as a business Indicators competitiveness. O2O (Online to Offline, Offline to Online) business model is more and more important to enterprise in the future.
This thesis investigates from a case study on credit card payment for bill in the convenience store to get an idea. Hope build up a mobile commerce platform and use the modern “Picture Code” that the current use of bar codes, such as Stacked 2D bar codes and two-dimensional matrix bar code and combined with the existing new technology still in development. The combination of updates, graphics and more complex and larger data storage capacity of the bar code to be the new “interface”.
Based on all application connect within Internet, we try to implement for all application according to development and innovation from this paper that to be a customer’s ID verification and “mobile payment” new model. Meanwhile, after transaction successfully, integrate the O2O business model to create more benefit for customer and more business opportunity for enterprise.
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以產品循環理論探討企業產品切入時機之選擇-以行動終端機市場為例王士章, Wang, John S.C. Unknown Date (has links)
產品循環與國際貿易理論提出後, 有許多的相關報告與驗證, 但是甚少是以企業的觀點來切入探討分析。 台灣在過去數十年間快速的經濟發展, 由農業社會轉入工業社會, 對經濟的貢獻上, 也由勞力密集產業轉變為技術密集與資本密集的產業。 而這一切的改變是否有脈絡可循, 我們認為產品生命循環理論是一個非常重要的參考理論根據。 因而我們嚐試以企業的角度, 並由手機產業之實務資料與資訊的融合與分析, 套用產品生命循環的理論模型, 同時探討分析國際採購因素, 以相互對照並探討出其關聯性與脈動模式。
論文中, 我們先從行動通訊技術概論開始導入, 以了解行動通訊技術的演進概況。 並藉由全球行動終端機之產業產銷概況, 先了界該產業世界輪廓與局勢。 並對照亞洲主要手機生產國家, 如台灣、中國大陸、日本與韓國等之行動終端機產業與其產銷狀況, 及比較手機之技術領先國近年來在本產業生產的變化, 以該產業的生產國度轉移情況, 驗證產品生命循環理論與國際貿易關係, 同時探討平均國民所得因素對在手機產業之產品生命循環影響的關鍵程度。
同時, 我們也以台灣的手機相關企業為例, 探討其繼個人電腦產業之後, 成功的以技術模仿國的角色接替並取代了領先國的產品設計與生產的成功因素, 並分析技術模仿國的新產品導入時機與關鍵因素。 另外, 我們也企圖分析探討韓國及其相關的企業, 如何以技術模仿國的地位, 運用其所能掌握的優勢及不同的產品策略, 成功的開創出另類的“新產品”定位, 藉以擴大市場佔有並獲取利潤的極大化, 以探討技術模仿國的新產品導入的策略。
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理性重建與現代性發展-哈伯馬斯後形上學思想探究簡健育 Unknown Date (has links)
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行動政府 行?不行?-- 臺灣群眾對公部門Line公共服務類官方帳號 接受因素的調查分析 / Investigating Factors Affecting Adoption M-government in Taiwan: a Case Study of Public Service Line Official Account黃宇萱, Huang, Yu Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究構建並驗證影響臺灣群眾對Line公共服務類官方帳號採用之因果模型,當中各構面之間皆具顯著相關,因此,以TAM為基礎,並加入「資訊內容品質」 的擴增模型,在預測臺灣群眾對Line公共服務類官方帳號的採用上,具有顯著效果。 / The development of mobile access technologies and the rapid growth of mobile broadband along with explosion of the mobile application ecosystem have created a new communication channel between the public administration and citizens. With mobile devices being one of the main tools of communication, Taiwan government agencies are increasingly using Line, one of the most popular messaging Apps in Taiwan, in a bid to increase effective communication with their citizens. Therefore, the purpose of the paper is to (1)understand the behavioral and demographic attributes of the Public Service Line Official Account users; (2)propose an integrated model of Public Service Line Official Account acceptance by integrating perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use from Technology Acceptance Model(TAM), information quality theory and user satisfaction theory.
The model and relationships were tested and validated with the Structural Equation Modeling(SEM), using data gathered from 436 users of Public Service Line Official Account in Taiwan. The results suggest that user satisfaction is directly influenced by perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and information quality, whilst perceived usefulness is directly influenced by perceived ease of use and information quality. In addition, perceived usefulness to be a major influence on the adoption of Public Service Line Official Account in Taiwan.The implications of these findings are discussed.
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行動通訊運營商因應Android開放式平台之發展策略探討 / A study on strategies of mobile operators in response to Android open platform柯維新 Unknown Date (has links)
過去的行動通訊產業價值鏈一直是由運營商業者所主導,運營商業者以透過建立專屬開發平台的方式,逐漸形成以其為核心的封閉花園(Walled Garden)生態體系,並控制價值鏈中整體利潤的分配,而產業中包括手機製造商、內容供應商及軟體開發商等其他業者皆只能遵循其所制定之遊戲規則。
2007年11月由Google及開放式手機聯盟(OHA)所推出的Android開放式平台,更因此造成行動通訊產業生態環境產生重大的改變。從Google 把代表著網際網路自由與開放特性的Android平台及相關配套策略推入行動通訊產業之後,即吸引眾多廠商加入開發,產業中廠商之間的競合關係從此將更為複雜,運營商業者更是首當其衝面臨失去主導權的地位,甚至將淪為僅提供行動網路傳輸數據資料的笨重水管(dumb pipe)角色;然而,由Android所形成的產業開放生態環境一方面亦意味著許多新機會的產生,對於長期處於產業壟斷地位的運營商業者而言,如何因應Android平台並將之轉化為轉型的動力,將是其未來發展所面臨的最大挑戰課題。
本研究認為,運營商業者應以本身擁有的優勢(行動網路、終端用戶資訊、金流機制等)為基礎,並依各自發展利基與市場定位考量選擇利用Android平台發展不同之因應策略,可大致分為建立自有Android-based終端裝置、與Android相容的自有應用服務平台(service platform)以及與Android相容的自有作業系統等。而本研究藉由兩運營商業者之個案研究後發現,運營商業者建立與Android相容的自有應用服務平台及作業系統應為較佳之發展策略,除較能發揮本身的優勢之外,並得以掌握終端用戶使用體驗及開發社群,進而擴大用戶基礎,建立以運營商業者為核心的開放式生態系。 / In the past, mobile operators were predominant in the value chain of mobile communication industry. They created a so-called “Walled Garden” ecosystem in the industry through the development of proprietary platforms and controlled the overall allocation of profits in the value chain. Other players in the industry, including handset manufacturers, content providers and software developers had to comply with the rules set by the mobile operators.
However, with the advent of open in applications and contents, user devices, platforms to mobile networks, in the wake of 3G mobile internet value chains, the vendors which are capable of converging end-users and developers, are able to lead the value chain. In the meanwhile, operators who controlled the industry value chain through closed platforms would begin to face challenges from vendors everywhere.
In November of 2007, Google and Open Handset Alliance (OHA) introduced Android open platform, which exerted enormous influences in the ecosystem of mobile communication industry. When Google put Android, which stood for freedom and openness of the Internet, and other accompanying strategies into the industry, it attracted many vendors to participate in the development of Android platform. In the same time, collaborations among vendors in the industry became more complicated, and mobile operators were hit the hardest by losing the leader’s role or even relegated to the role of “Dump Pipe”, which only providing their mobile network for data traffic. However, the open industrial circumstances established by Android also created new opportunities, and in the future how mobile operators seize these opportunities and utilize Android platform would be the major challenge for themselves.
In this study, the author argued that mobile operators must set their own advantages (including mobile networks, informations of end-users, money flow…etc.) as a foundation to develop their own niche and market positioning. The response strategies stemming from the foundation can be categorized into establishing Android-based devices, Android-based service platforms and Android-based operating systems. And through conducting case studies on two mobile operators, this study found out that to establish Android-based service platoforms and Android-based operating systems would be more suitable for mobile operators to utilize their advantages. In addition, they are able to control the end-user experiences and developer’s communities by these two approaches to enlarge their user base and build open ecosystems that are centered on mobile operators.
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整建住宅住戶社會網絡結構與影響更新因素之研究─以臺北市整建住宅社區個案為例 / A study on social network of reconstruction and the impacts of renewal─Take the resettled tenement community of Taipei as a case許德和 Unknown Date (has links)
三、建立風險管控機制 / The Taipei Resettled Tenement Communities were formed in the early years, However; Resettled projects are stalled mostly by reasons of - over usage, increasing buildings and buildings constructed without licenses. Those reasons make resettled tenement communities become to be a new issue to a lot of researchers and scholars. Renewal and /or reconstruction are urgent needed in these communities nowadays.
According to academic researches of renewal issue, there are thinking points from public and private interests and bonus regulation, but there is no taking point from the social network of reconstruction. Not only the renewal elements of resettled tenement, but also the residents are the focus of my research. Through those elements deliberate the impacts of renewal.
The research takes 21 resettled tenement communities of Taipei city as a population. During the communities the second period of the resettled tenement community in Wu-Xing St as a research sample carries out a census. From those residential backgrounds, interaction of social network in communities and the impacts of renewal as the questionnaire and makes an in-depth interview from people of industry, economy and academy. The key of the questionnaire consists of residential background, interaction of social network in communities, the impacts of renewal and the interview of specialists in industry, economy and academy. Finally, we can understand the bottleneck of renewal and the strategy for solution.
It concluded in seven points: (1) the dilemma of collective actor. (2) the crisis from key actor. (3) the weak mechanism to uncertainly risk. (4) the unsatisfied willing of chosen house. (5) the debt in reconstructed finance. (6) the overtaking interests. (7) the passive attitude from government. It provided several suggestions that one is government should exclude irrational against in forced and positively to participate the process of renewal. The other is to build up connection in community, to purify the work of renewal, and to strive for support and identification in community. Thirdly is to build up mechanism to carry on risk.
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行動支付之探討-以電信運營商為例陳忠義 Unknown Date (has links)
由於智慧型手機與各種手持裝置日漸普及,4G行動上網速度與行動支付安全性、便利性與即時性的提升,行動支付(Mobile Payment)在這幾年已然成為電信、金融、手機軟硬體製造產業之間最熱門的話題之一,多樣化之支付型態因應而生。將個人行動裝置結合金融支付工具進行交易,讓使用者不需帶錢包出門即能輕鬆完成小額支付是未來趨勢,世界各國行動支付的比例逐漸提高,邁入無現金社會。
台灣電信運營商也積極在行動支付戰場爭取一席之地,陸續推出電信運營商帳單代付(Direct Carrier Billing,DCB)及近距離無線通訊(Near Field Communication,NFC)相關行動支付應用服務,以增加創新服務體驗及客戶黏著度,最終目標為提高客戶平均貢獻度(Average Revenue Per User,ARPU)。
本研究採用質性研究方法,透過次級資料蒐集、整理及分析,瞭解國外電信運營商之成功案例從中擷取鑑往知來的想法和做法,再深入觀察目前國內電信運營商在DCB的壞帳風險過高的問題及NFC電子錢包等行動支付之發展現況與窘境。最後提出建議,建議一為推動成立「電信聯合徵信中心」以共同降低壞帳風險,同時針對DCB用戶之消費項目進行分析以精準行銷並提升ARPU;建議二為推廣以「行動號碼」為數位身份認證(Mobile Connect)之行動支付平台,不僅可增加電信運營商之營收,更能夠滿足消費者追求快速、便利、安全性的需求。 / With the increasing popularity of smart phones and handheld devices, The 4G high mobility speeds and the security, convenience and real-time of mobile payment were improved. In recent years Mobile Payments have become a hot topic between the telecommunications, financial industry, mobile hardware and software manufacturing industry, diversified payment patterns in response. It is the future trend to combine personal mobile devices with financial payments tools so that users can easily make small payment no need to bring their wallet. The proportion of the Mobile Payment by countries in the world is gradually increasing and moving towards a cashless society.
Taiwan's telecom operators are also preparing to carve out a niche for themselves in the mobile payment battlefield by launching Direct Carrier Billing (DCB)and Near Field Communication(NFC)related mobile payment application service to increase innovative service experience and customer adhesion, The ultimate goal is to enhance their Average Revenue Per User(ARPU).
This research uses Qualitative Research Methods by collect, collate and analyze secondary data to understand the ideas and practices of observing the successful cases of foreign telecom operators to capture from the past to further understanding and solutions. And in-depth observation of the current domestic telecom operator’s highly bad debt risk in DCB and development situation and dilemma of the NFC related mobile payments. Finally, suggestion one is to facilitate the establishment of "Telecom’s Joint Credit Information Center" to reduce the risk of bad debts and then analyze the consumption items of DCB subscribers for precise marketing to enhance ARPU. Suggestion two is to promote “Mobile Connect” digital authentication solution with “Mobile Directory Number” in mobile payment’s platform. It not only increases the revenue of telecom operators, but also satisfy needs of consumer’s about seeking fast, convenient and safe.
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iBeacon微定位技術應用於視障者行動導航之研究 / Designing a Navigation App with iBeacon Technology for the Visually Impaired Smartphone Users林禕瑩, Lin, Yi Ying Unknown Date (has links)
手機的導航功能是一般人習以為常的生活工具,到陌生地點的路線規劃變成越來越簡單的事,不過目前多數的服務都以地圖方式呈現,資訊陳列和互動設計皆十分視覺導向,造成以聽覺操作手機的視障者覺得難以上手且不友善。統計發現,台灣國內的視障者幾乎天天都有外出需求,卻沒有一款針對他們所設計的導航服務,導致需要外出與獨立行動的視障族群必須透過更繁瑣的準備過程才得以安心的出門。再者,搭配現有導航服務的GPS定位並不夠準確,無法提供視障者所需的近身資訊,東南西北方位與百餘單位的公尺數對明眼人來說都可能是一項挑戰,視障者更是難以消化。因此,本研究透過情境訪查、隨身觀察與專家訪談等質化研究方式,深入探索視障者需求,並了解他們與一般人於行動上的異同。藉由新興的iBeacon微定位技術提供非視覺化的線索,將曲折的旅程分割成一段一段的路線,並在設計過程中融入視障者定向訓練的所知所學,讓他們能以原有技能在街道上安心行走,提升獨立出門的安全性。 / Using mobile apps to help route finding is very common for most of us. However, the visually impaired smartphone user does not benefit from this technology. A tremendous demand for independence and mobility remains unsolved. Unlike us, the visually impaired use their smartphone by auditory sense. But those apps with touch screen are not specially designed for their usage pattern. According to our preliminary study, current navigation service always comes with bad information display and unfriendly interaction design. All of these lead to a very frustrating navigation experience. Through the qualitative research methods like contextual inquiry, shadowing, and expert interview, we’d like to explore how different they are from us on the matter of traveling, and reveal the real need of the visually impaired for mobile navigation. Based on our research finding, we want to propose a navigation app specially made for the visually impaired smartphone user. In addition to GPS base service, we provide hyper-local, meaningful multi-sensory notifications to our user through micro location technology of iBeacon. And we integrate the knowledge they learned from Orientation and Mobility training in the navigation process to create a better walking experience and encourage them to live with independency. The app itself is not only a way finding tool but also an information and experience sharing platform for the visually impaired community. Combining the power of design and technology, we can enhance their cognition to the living environment, and improved the independence & mobility for our users as well. In the end, the visual impaired users will be motivated to explore the world on their own and enjoy the colorful world.
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梁漱溟的文化觀及其致用論吳雅文, WU,YA-WEN Unknown Date (has links)
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社論的論證結構分析 / The Analysis of Argument Structures in Editorials朱灼文, Chu, Chuo-wen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以兩篇結論對立的社論為個案,藉由形式語義學設計出將論說性篇章刻畫成一階謂詞邏輯符號的論述分析程序,使自然語言中對真實宣稱或正當宣稱的爭論還原成真值語義和論證形式有效性的判斷,從而具體地挽救被歧見所破壞的溝通行動。設計過程初擬了處理語篇命題結構、複合語句成分、回指關係、量號轄域歧義、因果語句、隱性前提推論、和引述結構的實用方案。 / By the means of formal semantics, this thesis used two opposite editorials as cases to design a discourse analysis procedure which translates expository-argumentative texts into formulae of first-order predicate logic. The procedure reduces disputes in natual language about truth or rightness claims into judgements on truth values and validities of argument forms, thus the communicative actions disabled by quarrels can be practically redempted. The designing drafted feasible treatments for propositional structures of discourses, compound sentential constituents, anaphoras, quantifier scope ambiguities, cause-and-effect statements, inferences for absent premises, and quotation structures.
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