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社論的論證結構分析 / The Analysis of Argument Structures in Editorials

朱灼文, Chu, Chuo-wen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以兩篇結論對立的社論為個案,藉由形式語義學設計出將論說性篇章刻畫成一階謂詞邏輯符號的論述分析程序,使自然語言中對真實宣稱或正當宣稱的爭論還原成真值語義和論證形式有效性的判斷,從而具體地挽救被歧見所破壞的溝通行動。設計過程初擬了處理語篇命題結構、複合語句成分、回指關係、量號轄域歧義、因果語句、隱性前提推論、和引述結構的實用方案。 / By the means of formal semantics, this thesis used two opposite editorials as cases to design a discourse analysis procedure which translates expository-argumentative texts into formulae of first-order predicate logic. The procedure reduces disputes in natual language about truth or rightness claims into judgements on truth values and validities of argument forms, thus the communicative actions disabled by quarrels can be practically redempted. The designing drafted feasible treatments for propositional structures of discourses, compound sentential constituents, anaphoras, quantifier scope ambiguities, cause-and-effect statements, inferences for absent premises, and quotation structures.


李素珍, Lee, Su-chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在瞭解學校人員對無障礙校園環境的認知,並探討臺北市國民中學無障礙校園設施的運用、設計與問題,同時研擬具體可行之「臺北市國民中學無障礙校園環境檢核表」,作為行政機關及學校的參考。 為達上述目的,本研究採文獻探討、問卷調查、專家座談及實地觀察訪談等四種研究方法。首先透過文獻分析,探討無障礙環境的基本理念與法令、規章的發展概況,及臺北市無障礙校園環境的執行過程;其次,以文獻探討的結果及專家座談的建議,研擬具體可行的「臺北市國民中學無障礙校園環境檢核表」及編製「臺北市國民中學無障礙校園環境調查問卷」,進行問卷調查研究,並輔以實地觀察訪談,以瞭解學校人員對無障礙環境的認知,及臺北市國民中學無障礙校園設施的運用、設計與問題。 本研究的調查對象為臺北市國民中學之校長、總務主任、特教組長、教師及家長會長(或代表),共57所學校,計發出問卷285份,總計收回53所學校260份問卷,回收率為91.2﹪,實得有效問卷260份,並以SPSS 10.0 For Windows軟體進行問卷資料之統計分析;實地觀察訪談對象,依學校規模分大、中、小型(60班以上為大校、59班至35班為中校、34班以下為小校)三組,每組再依建校歷史,以民國79年「殘障福利法」修正公布為準,分新、舊兩組,各抽取一所學校,以該校總務主任為訪談之對象,該校為實地觀察之地點,共6人。 根據文獻探討、問卷調查、專家座談及實地觀察訪談的結果,獲得以下結論: 一、臺北市國民中學認為無障礙校園環境很重要,認知狀況普遍良好,其中以特教組長對無障礙校園環境的認知狀況最好。 二、臺北市國民中學無障礙設施的使用情形尚可,維護情形良好。 三、臺北市國民中學規畫最好的無障礙設施是「坡道及扶手」、「廁所、盥洗室」、「昇降機(電梯)」,最難規劃的無障礙設施是「昇降機(電梯)」、「觀眾席(如視聽教室、禮堂、演藝廳等)」等,尚須改善的無障礙設施有「觀眾席(如視聽教室、禮堂、演藝廳等)」、「昇降機(電梯)」、「避難層出入口」。 四、臺北市國民中學無障礙設施規劃設計上比較困難的因素是原有建築或空間及經費的受限,故臺北市政府教育局應提供協助以建構完善的無障礙校園環境,其中檢核表對臺北市國民中學無障礙校園環境的推動深具價值。 根據研究發現與結論,提出建議如下: 一、臺北市國民中學的無障礙校園環境應整體性規劃,其中特教組長應積極扮演協同的角色,並為師生辦理無障礙校園環境體認等多元活動。 二、臺北市政府教育局應利用儲訓或相關研習加強學校主管的無障礙校園環境理念與實務,對經費補助的方式則應先檢核評估學校整體無障礙環境並以整體規畫、專案補助為主,其中「觀眾席」、「升降機」、「避難層出入口」等設施的新建或修繕補助應列為第一優先,並應提供無障礙校園環境相關諮詢管道與一份完善的無障礙校園環境檢核表以供協助,同時建立各校無障礙設施之基本資料與執行績效評量制度,並對總務人員任期的人事法令予以鬆綁以為配套。 三、其他建議如:各大學院校相關系所應開設無障礙校園環境的相關課程;我國建築技術規則等相關法規應儘速修正並儘速建立人體工學資料。 / The main purpose of this study was to provide an insight into the understanding of staffs in schools of the barrier-free campus environment and to investigate the implementation, design and problems related to the barrier-free campus facilities in junior high schools in Taipei City. In addition, the researcher proposed an applicable “Checklist for the Barrier-Free Campus Environment in Junior High Schools in Taipei City” for the reference of both the authorities and schools. To achieve the above-mentioned objectives, the researcher adopted the methods of literature analysis, questionnaires, seminars and field surveys in this study. First of all, through analysis, the researcher explored the basic ideals, the development of rules and regulations and the process of implementation of the barrier-free campus in Taipei City. Secondly, based on the results from the literature analysis and the suggestions from experts in various seminars, the researcher proposed an applicable “Checklist for the Barrier-Free Campus Environment in Junior High Schools in Taipei City,” designed a “Questionnaire on the Barrier-Free Campus Environment in Junior High Schools in Taipei City,” conducted questionnaire surveys and field surveys to get an insight into the understanding of staffs in schools of the barrier-free campus environment and the implementation, structure and problems related to the barrier-free campus facilities. The research subjects of this study were principals, directors of general affairs, chiefs of special education, teachers, and presidents (or representatives) of parent committee in junior high schools in Taipei. The researcher sent out 285 questionnaires to 57 schools. A total of 260 questionnaires from 53 schools were retrieved. The response rate was 91.2%. SPSS 10.0 For Windows was employed to analyze the 260 effective questionnaires; the subjects of field surveys were classified into three groups according to the size of school (schools of 60 classes or more are large schools, 35-59 medium schools, and 60 schools or less small schools). In each group, 1990, the year in which the Welfare Law for the Handicapped and Disabled was revised, was set as the point of demarcation to divide these schools into two subgroups: old schools and new schools. The researcher chose one school from each subgroup and interviewed the director of general affairs from the chosen schools which were the sites for field surveys. A total of 6 people were interviewed for this study. Based on literature analysis, questionnaires, seminars and field surveys, the researchers reached the following conclusions: A. Junior high schools in Taipei City consider the barrier-free campus environment important. In general, staff at school have good understanding of the barrier-free campus environment, especially chiefs of special education. B. The way in which barrier-free facilities are used is acceptable; the maintenance of barrier-free facilities is satisfactory. C. The best planned barrier-free facilities are “ramps and handrails,” “bathrooms and lavatories” and “hoists (elevators).” The greatest difficulty in planning barrier-free facilities is in “hoists (elevators),” “audience seats (such as those in audio-visual classrooms, auditoriums and performance halls).” Barrier-free facilities which require improvements are “audience seats (such as those in audio-visual classrooms, auditoriums and performance halls),” “hoists (elevators)” and “entrances and exits to refuge floors.” D. The difficult part in structuring barrier-free facilities lies in the limitations of original architecture, space and budget. Therefore, Taipei City’s Department of Education should provide assistance to build up a complete barrier-free campus environment in junior high schools in Taipei City. The checklists are valuable to the promotion of the barrier-free campus environment in junior high schools in Taipei City. Based on these findings, the researcher proposed the following suggestions: A. The barrier-free campus environment in junior high schools in Taipei City should be planned as a whole. Chiefs of special education should play roles of active coordinators, and hold various activities to help teachers and students understand the barrier-free campus environment. B. Taipei City’s Department of Education should make use of various training programs and seminars to enhance the understanding and performances of directors at school. The whole barrier-free campus environment in each school should be evaluated before issuing subsidy. Subsidy should be planned as a whole and issued on a case-by-case basis. Moreover, the installment and repair of “audience seats,” “hoists” and “entrances and exits to refuge floors” should make the top priority on the list of special funds. A complete checklist for the barrier-free campus environment should be provided as support. At the same time, basic data of all the junior high schools in Taipei City and the performance evaluation system in each school should be established. Lastly, terms of staff in general affairs should be more flexible as a supplementary measure. C. Other Suggestions: related departments in every college should provide courses about the barrier-free campus environment; building Code and Regulations in Taiwan should be revised as soon as possible; Ergonomics data should be updated and established as soon as possible.


陳嘉芳, Chen, Chia Fang Unknown Date (has links)
以前企業間一頭熱且評論人均看好的電子市集,如今不是選擇合併就是被迫結束經營。有鑒於目前電子市集的商業模式有待改善之處包括:(1)僅以價格作為主要考量,與真實買賣情況不符。也讓賣方多限於價格戰,無法差異其產品,讓不只考慮價格的買方無法買到真正想要的商品。(2)一對多機制的不公平缺陷,使買賣雙方的其中一方缺乏參與意願,也無法彰顯市場機能。(3)忽略電子交易時買賣雙方對協商的需要。針對上述的論點,以及目前對多對多協商機制的研究缺乏。本研究的目標在於利用行動代理人(Mobile Agent)的技術來發展出多個買方對應多個賣方的多屬性合作性協商模式,多屬性協商使得賣方不用遭受價格戰的廝殺,可以差異化其產品,買方也可以買到更適合自己需求的產品。在解決協商問題上,利用限制滿足問題(Constraint Satisfaction Problem)和集合式提案(Grouping Proposal)來提出一組候選提案,供對方選擇,以確保協商結果一定會落在效率前緣,以及我方的退讓一定能造成對方效益的增加。本研究並提出「多對多的退讓策略」以適合多對多的協商環境,讓多頭進行的協商能夠互相影響,也就是利用與其他人的協商成果當作己方的協商籌碼。 並將此協商模式套用於電子市集的商業模式中,本研究參考交易所模式和雙向競標的多對多電子市集商業模式,加上多對多協商功能,來設計系統架構,並運用行動代理人的技術Aglet與java來開發一實作雛型系統,並應用於旅行社與上遊旅館業者間訂房的商務活動。最後並以模擬實驗來驗證所提出的多對多讓步策略是否能有效提高買賣雙方效用。


陳香妃 Unknown Date (has links)
社區意識與管理制度是促成公寓大廈管理維護集體行動的兩種途徑,前者可提升鄰里情誼與環境認同,後者可促使居住品質維持一定水準,兩者對於管理維護表現也都有所影響。透過管理維護主、客觀表現之衡量,社區意識與管理制度對於住宅管理維護有何影響?結合主、客觀二者來看,真正好的管理維護其意涵為何?較佳的管理維護表現組合(主觀滿意度高、客觀績效表現亦好)會受到哪些因素影響?乃本文所關注之焦點。 實證結果發現,社區意識與委外管理程度對於管理維護的主、客觀表現皆有正面的影響,而委外程度的重要性又稍大於社區意識,顯示在促成公寓大廈管理維護的集體行動時,制度途徑(管理制度)的效果比社會途徑(社區意識)來得好一些。此隱含著公寓大廈管理維護不但需要社區內部凝聚共識,也需要建立適宜的管理制度,此可透過專業管理公司或廠商人員給予協助,促使公寓大廈管理維護能確保一定品質。 此外,真正好的管理維護應該是「住家環境非常安全、舒適,住戶也感到很滿意」,透過實證分析可知,社區戶數愈多、屋齡愈新、決議事項執行效率愈好、社區意識凝聚情形愈佳、委外程度愈高,管理維護表現出現「較佳組合」的機率會比「較差組合」來得大。

我國電信業者行動加值服務的新產品開發之研究-以行動音樂服務為例 / A Study on New Product Development of Mobile Services of Tele-operators: Mobile Music

王鈴惠 Unknown Date (has links)
從1G、2G到3G,行動通訊技術快速發展,以往單純的語音通訊服務,逐漸演變至資料傳輸、多媒體應用,行動服務日趨多元,「內容」在行動通訊服務中所扮演的角色愈加重要。是故,電信業者無不積極發展內容相關商品。然而,這類產品的開發往往牽涉到不同領域的專業(如美工、音樂、文化創意、科技、社會、政治等),因此,吾人可以預期這些廠商勢必需要藉用大量的外部資源才能適時地推出內容商品。 在目前的行動內容服務當中,由於手機鈴聲能彰顯與眾不同的個人特色,且越來越多手機支援播放數位音樂的功能,因此,行動音樂一直以來都是最受消費者歡迎的行動加值服務,也是各家電信業者除了語音通訊之外最大的營收來源之一。然而,過去的研究重點往往著重在電信產業相關業者發展策略、關鍵成功因素等策略層面的探討,對於行動加值服務新產品開發實務歷程的研究則較少著墨。故本研究針對我國電信業者行動加值服務的「新產品發展」進行研究,以行動音樂商品為例,試圖以較為整體性的架構,探討其新產品發展之相關議題,期能對於「外部導向的產品創新管理」方面,提供一些實務上與學理上的貢獻。 本研究之研究問題有四:1.我國電信業者發展行動加值服務的策略性資源為何?2.我國電信業者在行動加值服務發展過程當中的價值網絡為何?3.我國電信業者開發行動加值服務過程中,運用內外部資源的機制為何?4.我國電信業者行動加值服務的新產品策略與開發流程為何? 透過深度訪談電信業者,並配合相關次級資料蒐集與整理,進行彙整及分析之後,本研究獲得以下之主要結論:1.就策略性資源而言,電信業者掌握行動音樂服務之通路。2.電信業者建構之策略性資源與原有資源具有相關性。3.就新產品發展策略而言,行動音樂發展重點仍在於「強化現有行動用戶忠誠度」。4.電信業者委外動機與型態會影響其新產品發展。 / From 1G, 2G to 3G, the technology of telecommunication developed rapidly. The voice communication service gradually evolved towards the data transmission and the multimedia application and the mobile content services become much more important and diversified than before. Accordingly, tele-operators develop content products actively. However, the development of these products involves with many kinds of knowledge, such as fine art, music, programming, etc. Thus, we would expect that the enterprises have to utilize external resources to develop products timely. Because many cell phones provide functions of digital music and ring tones can show forth users’ characteristics, therefore, the mobile music becomes one of the most popular service product. However, most of the past studies focused on strategy rather than new product development. Thus, we focus on the new product development of mobile value-added services in the research. The study aims to investigate the questions: 1. What are the strategic resources for developing mobile value-added services? 2. What is the value network to develop mobile value-added services? 3. What is the mechanism of utilizing external resources in the process of new product development? 4. What are the new product strategy and process of developing mobile value-added services? The study takes mobile music as an example to explore how tele-operators can accumulate enterprise resources and better utilize external resources for developing value-added services. This study applies the deep interview method of qualitative research and secondary data analysis to study tele-operators in Taiwan. The preliminary research findings include: 1.The major marketing purpose of tele-operators’ developing mobile music is to reinforce the loyalty of existing customers. 2. What tele-operators dominate in the mobile music business is the channel. 3. The new strategic resources which the tele-operators build in the mobile music business is highly related to those existed before. 4. What motivates tele-operators to outsource will affect their ways of new product development.


曾繁庚, Tseng, Fan Ken Unknown Date (has links)
2006年第四季我國行動總用戶數已達2324萬戶,行動上網用戶則達914.7萬戶,其中PHS與3G數據用戶已達462萬戶,首度超過GPRS的用戶,佔整體行動網路用戶比率51%。目前我國行動上網用戶佔行動總用戶數之39.34%,但行動加值服務卻只佔行動通訊業者營收的5%~10%,相較於日本NTT DoCoMo 2006年行動數據服務營收占整體行動通訊營收的29%,我國行動加值服務仍有許多值得開發的市場潛能。 由於國內先前對於行動加值服務相關領域的研究主要集中在市場面與使用者面向的研究為主,較少電信服務業者角度出發,進行服務創新模式與價值網路的研究。因此引發本研究對此研究主題的興趣,希望能透過本研究探討行動加值服務產業的服務創新與價值網路,對電信服務業者提出產業策略建議,進而創造出良性循環的產業發展環境,提昇我國行動加值服務市場的發展。 本研究針對下列問題進行研究:行動加值服務產業是否存在創新模式,這些創新模式有幾種類型?行動加值服務創新模式的創新驅動因子有哪些,這些因子彼此的驅動形式又有哪些?行動加值服務創新驅動模式是否存在產業的價值網路,網路裡的價值交換有哪些形式?如何交換?從創新模式與價值分析的結論中,電信業者能否找到可以協助產業創新和產生良性循環的經營策略? 進而獲得下列研究結論: 1. 行動加值服務的三構面創新程度愈高,服務創新成果愈佳。 2. 組織調整、通路建置與行銷活動的配合有助於服務構面創新。 3. 行動加值服務創新驅動因子在創新過程中所扮演的角色不同,也影響了創新發展的形式。 4. 行動加值服務產業的價值網路包含電信業者本身、競爭電信業者、使用者、設備供應商、內容供應商、手機通路商、手機製造商等角色。 5. 行動加值服務產業具有良性循環的價值網路。 6. 行動加值服務的價值交換的形式包含經濟價值、整合價值與無性價值交換。 並進而對電信服務業者提出下列方向建議: 1. 電信服務業者與使用者之間。 2. 電信服務業者與服務供應商之間。 3. 電信服務業者與互補廠商之間。 4. 電信服務業者與其他電信服務業者之間。 5. 電信服務業者本身。 關鍵字:行動加值服務、服務創新、創新驅動因子、價值網路、價值交換 / According to the report by NCC (National Communication Commission of Taiwan), the number of mobile subscribers in Taiwan had reached 23.24 million at the end of 2006, and the amount of PHS and 3G subscribers was 4.62 million, which reached more than 51% of the total mobile internet users (9.147 million). As 39.34% mobile subscribers use mobile internet services, only 5~10% revenue of mobile operators came from mobile value-added services. Compared with NTT DoCoMo’s mobile service (which had) contributed 29% of the revenue in 2006, there is still a lot of room for mobile operators in Taiwan to improve their value-added services. Former researches in mobile value-added industry were mostly focused on the market and customer facets, and fewer on service innovation and value network from operator’s view. This research attempts to study service innovation model and value network of mobile value-added services industry, and tries to provide suggestions of industry strategy for telecom operators. In recent years, much research has been focused on customer demand of mobile value-added services industry; few have majored in service innovation and value network from operator’s view. Therefore this research attempts to study service innovation model and value network of mobile value-added services industry, and tries to provide suggestions of industry strategy for telecom operators. The focus of this study is to answer the following research questions: 1. Are there any innovation models in mobile value-added services industry? What patterns of service innovation are there? 2. What actors are there in those innovation patterns? And how about their roles in the innovation processes? 3. Are there any value networks of industry in the mobile value-added services innovation patterns? What categories of values being exchanged are there in the value network? And how do they be exchanged? 4. From the above results, Could telecom operator find out new strategies of services innovation and virtuous circle for mobile value-added services industry, which from results of above researches? The results are concluded as followings: 1. There are positive correlations between innovation degree of the four dimension model and service innovation results. The higher innovation degree of the four dimension model is, the better the service innovation results. The more innovative the four dimension model is, the better the service innovation results. 2. Coordination of organization development, distribution installation and marketing events serves for service innovation. 3. Innovation actors of mobile value-added services, who play different roles in innovation processes cause different innovation patterns. 4. Roles of the value network in mobile value-added services industry include telecom operators and their competitors, mobile users, telecom vendors, content providers, cellular phone distributors and cellular phone manufacturers, etc. 5. These are virtuous circles in the value network of mobile value-added services industry. 6. Exchange items in the value network of mobile value-added services are including economical value, integrated value and intangible value. The exchanges in the value network of mobile value-added services include economical value, integrated value and intangible value. Some further suggestions on strategies are proposed for telecom operator: 1. Telecom operator and mobile users. 2. Telecom operator and content providers. 3. Telecom operator and complementors. 4. Telecom operator and other telecom operators. 5. For telecom operator itself. Key words:Mobile value-added service, service innovation, innovation patterns, value network, value exchange

以情境分析法預測台灣行動電視產業之發展 / The Study of Mobile TV Industry Development Trend in Taiwan by Using Scenario Forecasting Methodology

林恆毅, Lin,Heng-I Unknown Date (has links)
全球主要國家正積極推展「行動電視」服務,手持式行動電視將整合無線電視台、手機、電信以及創意與內容產業,被視為新媒體藍海,電視業者與電信業者都有意搶攻行動電視這塊商機。手機結合電視將成為未來行動多媒體影音平台主流,但基於台灣在發展數位廣播技術與相關接收設備產品的時程,遠落後其他已開發國家及開發中國家,因此未來發展的不確定性仍高。本研究主要以SRI情境分析法,對未來五年內台灣行動電視產業的發展進行分析預測,亦進一步探討世界主要國家其行動電視市場發展成功的關鍵因素以及台灣行動電視產業的主要影響因素。針對上述研究問題,本研究之研究結論如下: 1. 在世界各國其行動電視市場發展成功的關鍵因素方面,包括終端設備的多樣性、政府對產業的整體態度、業者策略聯盟的效應、多元或專屬的內容、彈性的營運模式及市場內需需求量。 2. 在台灣行動電視產業發展主要影響因素方面,主要涵蓋政策、技術標準及市場環境等三大構面。 3. 在我國政府與業者在行動電視產業未來的發展策略方面,主要有四大重點策略包括重視軟體研發能力、成立獎勵投資方案、創造產品差異性以及強化進入障礙屏障。 / The world's major countries are actively promoting the "Mobile TV" service, handheld mobile TV will be integrated wireless television stations, cell phones, telecommunications, and the creativity and content industry, as new media’s BlueOcean, the television industry and the telecommunication operators have the intention to grab this business opportunities. Mobile TV will be a multimedia platform for future mainstream, but based on Taiwan in the development of broadcasting technology and related products, far behind other developed countries and developing countries, therefore the future development of the uncertainty is still high. This research is based on SRI scenario forecasting methodology to predict mobile TV industry development trend in Taiwan in the next coming 5 years period, also further explore the key success factors of major countries mobile TV market, and the main influence factors of Taiwan mobile TV industry. The following is the conclusion of this research. 1. The key success factors of major countries mobile TV market, inclusive of the diversity of terminal equipment, government’s attitude, the effects of strategic alliances, Diversity of content, Flexible business model and Market demand for domestic. 2. The main influence factors of Taiwan mobile TV industry, included policies, technical standards and market environment. 3. The future development strategy at mobile TV industry, inclusive of software development capacity, encourage investment program, create product differentiation and strengthen the barrier of entry barriers.


李昭安 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是以較常接觸、處理外籍配偶新聞報導的平面媒體記者為研究對象,並由「新聞組織」、「記者個人」和「消息來源」三大面向切入,透過與十四位不同採訪路線記者的深度訪談,深入探究記者在產製外籍配偶新聞報導的過程中,將如何受到其所屬媒體的組織文化、編輯政策、組織決策、採訪路線安排,以及記者個人的人口特質、族群態度、新聞專業意理,甚至是消息來源主觀態度與立場等因素的影響。   研究發現,影響記者報導外籍配偶新聞的重要因素包括:新聞組織的商業邏輯、上層長官喜好、採訪路線安排、消息來源立場,以及記者個人的認知與知識基模等,這些因素都是造成記者以特定新聞框架看待外籍配偶議題的結構性因素。   訪談發現,記者報導外籍配偶新聞時,多呈現以下幾種不同新聞框架,包括:「以商業邏輯為主」、「偏重衝突對立」、「同情弱勢受害者」、「社會光明面」、「翻轉刻板印象提供進步知識」以及「以本地人為優先」。而上述框架的出現,主要受到記者所屬「採訪路線」的影響。   整體來說,較少直接接觸外籍配偶個案,或多接觸負面個案的記者,較容易對外籍配偶抱持刻板印象,而且容易以偏概全。相反的,當記者透過中介團體轉介或個人人脈累積,而有較多機會直接接觸、採訪外籍配偶時,將有助於改變記者看待外籍配偶的族群態度,縮短彼此的族群距離,進而修正記者原本存有的刻板印象或偏見。由此可知,增加記者與外籍配偶間的「社會接觸」(social contact),的確有助於縮短兩者間的族群距離,並改善記者原本對於內外團體認知的藩籬。   本研究發現,把記者視為「行動者」進行研究,可深入瞭解組織、記者個人和消息來源因素如何交錯對記者的外籍配偶新聞產製造成影響。而此分析取徑也可提供「族群傳播研究」和「弱勢新聞再現研究」新的觀察視野,讓後續研究更加重視「記者個人刻板印象與意識形態」、「組織決策」及「消息來源傳播策略」等因素在族群新聞產製過程中的重要性,以及所可能帶來的影響。

英語教學做中學:合作敘事探究 / Learning to Teach English in situ: A Collaborative Narrative Inquiry

陳錦珊, Chen, Jin shan Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文重組並重現一個合作敘事探究的生命經驗。在這集體的生命故事中,研究者與四位女性英語實習教師,透過一個全校性的英語同儕輔導計畫,一同探究學習如何教英語。本研究包含兩個研究重點:(一)探索英語實習教師在教學實習過程中對英語教學的概念覺知與教學發展;(二)檢視機構與社會情境與英語實習教師之教學發展的互動關係。本研究提出三個研究問題核心,協助對於現象的分析與詮釋:(一)英語實習教師在實境教學中教學發展之轉化歷程;(二)驅動英語實習教師之教學發展轉化的支配力類型;(三)英語實習教師對於實境教學之生命經驗的理解與覺知。 本研究發現,英語實習教師的教學發展,呈現前進式的結構模式。教學行動系統中的內、外部矛盾,引發一連串的衝突與失序,直接衝擊英語實習教師的教學發展轉化。在問題解決的轉化過程中,有三種主要的驅動能量,對教學發展轉化形成支配:情境支配力、策略支配力、情意支配力。在故事的尾聲,英語實習教師對於英語教學有新的覺知:對於教學行為及身為英語教師本體的覺知、對於英語學習者的認知、對於英語學習的本質的理解。 本研究回應相關文獻,提出三點新發現。首先,學習如何教的過程,包含持續性的觀察、分析、評量和反思。其次,英語實習教師的教學發展,透過跨層次行動系統的比對與分析,發現並理解可能存在的失序、衝突與解決方案,進而從事教學改變與教學發展轉化。最後,本研究提出,有關教師學習、學習如何教的相關研究,應該採用一種全方位的研究方法、一種廣泛理解的觀點,用以分析詮釋實作教學中既存的知識斷層。 / This collaborative narrative inquiry reconfigures and represents the lived experiences of four female prospective TESOL teachers’ learning to teach through a campus-based tutoring program. The research foci of this inquiry-based study are twofold. Firstly, the research aims at exploring how prospective TESOL teachers learn to teach through practical teaching experiences, as they examine the definition of learning to teach itself and the understanding of the what and how of the learning process evolves. Secondly, the research investigates the role of the social and institutional context in prospective TESOL teachers’ learning to teach, in examining how activity setting shapes the process of learning to teach. Drawing on the research approach of narrative inquiry, prospective TESOL teachers’ stories are told in their own voices while the school’s stories, and the stories about the school are told by the supervisor of the structured program in this research, the researcher, for purpose of providing a context to the prospective TESOL teachers’ stories. Following such respects, research questions are generated with special emphasis on (a) the transformational process of the prospective TESOL teachers’ learning to teach in situ; (b) the driving forces for the transformation to take place; (c) how the prospective TESOL teachers make sense of the lived experiences of learning to teach. The prospective teachers’ collective story appeared to be a progressive mode of development. The transformational process was overwhelmingly influenced by the dissonance and conflicts emerging from the contradictions within and across the collective activity system of teaching, namely primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary contradictions. In order to solve the problems resulting from the contradictions, the prospective teachers undertook changes and transformation in their teaching. Three types of driving force appeared to be significant for the transformation in the process of the prospective teachers’ learning to teach, including contextual force, strategic force, and attitudinal force. During the process of engaging in the socially situated activity of teaching, the prospective teachers formulated new conceptualizations of teaching, inclusive of the understanding of their teaching and of themselves as English teachers, of the students as English learners, and of the nature of English learning. The findings of the research suggest that a campus-based tutoring EFL program could be an alternative form of practicum teaching. Corresponding to previous research into teachers’ learning and learning to teach in second and foreign languages, three notions are provided. Firstly, the process of learning to teach prospective teachers includes continuous observation, analysis, evaluation and reflection on the entirety of the teaching activity embedded within a specific context, rather than shifting their focus from one entity to another entity, such as focusing on themselves at early stage and then shifting their focus to either on students or instructional techniques. Secondly, the process of prospective teachers’ learning to teach includes changes and transformation following iterative analysis and interpretations of cross-level activity systems to determine possible dissonance and solutions with the help of structured resources. Thirdly, research into teachers’ learning should employ a holistic research approach with a comprehensive perspective in analyzing and interpreting existing gaps in teaching practice.


李長錦, Li,Chang Chin Unknown Date (has links)
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