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探討網絡化社運中社會網絡之形構- 以苗栗大埔事件為例 / The formation of social network in the networked social movement: A case study of Miao-li Da-pu鄭雅云, Cheng, Ya Yun Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年的大規模社會抗爭運動,不像過往傳統社運組織由上而下的動員,強調一致的意識形態和認同作為號召,而是透過網際網路與社交媒體的訊息擴散與中介動員,形成水平式的串連。面對這種新型態的網絡化社會運動,Bennett & Segerberg(2013)提出連結性行動(connective action)概念,強調個人化行動框架的重要性,以及組織在這些新型態社會運動中扮演的不同角色。本研究以2013年苗栗大埔農地徵收一案作為本地的連結性行動個案,觀察社交媒體上的浮現社群和既有的社運組織之連結,探討線上與線下參與者之串連如何使此案成為眾所關注的社會抗爭事件。
本研究採取複合式研究方法進行資料蒐集與分析,研究場域包括線上社交媒體與線下田野觀察,並訪談實際參與者。研究發現,在2013年苗栗大埔事件中,透過社交媒體的訊息擴散與動員參與,一波又一波的訊息擴散累積為下次的動員能量,號召更多的個別行動者參與;再者,社運組織作為一個連結平台,讓線上社交媒體的議題社群,有機會與在地抗爭者共同參與活動,並捲動不同社運組織之間的連結,形成社運組織「網絡的網絡」的協作圈。 / In the 2013, residents of Miao-li Da-pu fought for their living right against the government. They organized a series of protest by mobilizing people through social media. This was one of the several high-profile networked social movements in recent years.
Adopting “the logic of connective action” from Bennett & Segerberg (2013) as the conceptual framework, this study examines the online and offline social networks of activist organizations during the protest events of Miao-li Da-pu.
This analysis indicates that the protest’s information flows on the social media may recruit more individuals to participate the protest. Moreover, the organizations enabled “the network of networks”, which is linked to the networks belonging to different organizations. The role of organization in the protest is not only to mobilize the resources but also an enrolling platform to connect various individuals and local residents to work together.
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影響智慧型手機應用程式先進者優勢之因素 / Factors Affecting the First Mover Advantages of Smartphone Apps李振瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 市場的先佔及高轉換成本為App先進者主要優勢來源;而較低的成本、市場不穩定性及先進者可能失誤,則為App後進者主要優勢。
2. 較佳的產品功能與產品創新能力,或較能提供更多附加價值之App,對App先進者優勢的維持有正向之影響。
3. 不同種類的App在先進者優勢之維持上略有差異,簡要歸納如下
(1) 遊戲類:受先進者優勢、產品優勢及行銷策略影響甚鉅,快速先占市場,並擁有良好產品功能及完整行銷策略較易帶來成功。
(2) 工具類:透過較佳的產品功能、產品品質與產品創新來維持先進者優勢,才能保持長期競爭力。
(3) 娛樂類:先進者優勢與產品優勢同等重要,快速先占市場將有助於發展與競爭力維持。
(4) 社交類:深受網路外部性之影響,故快速先佔市場並持續滿足使用者需求,才能避免被後進者淘汰。 / As more people use smart phones, the number of mobile applications (Apps) is increasing rapidly. However, with so many similar Apps, how Apps can stand out from competing products is an important issue.
This study adopts theories related to First-Mover Advantages, Product Advantages and Marketing strategies to develop a general framework for analyzing factors that affect the success of first movers. We chose several well-known apps and used document analysis to analyze the secondary data collected from the Internet, newspapers, magazines, books, etc.
Our major findings are as following:
1. Market preemption and high user switching costs are the main source of advantages for first-movers. Lower development costs, risks and the chance to avoid failure are the main source of advantages for the follower to succeed.
2. Better product functions and innovative features have positive effects on keeping First-Mover Advantages. Meeting customer needs and providing more added values also help maintain the advantage.
3. Different factors exist for different types of apps. Product advantages and marketing strategies are keys for Games Apps; app functionality, product quality and innovative features are important for productivity tools; first-mover and product advantages are important for entertainment apps; while network externality is the most critical one for social networking apps.
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從創新擴散理論分階段探討國家寬頻發展影響因素 / Identifying Key Determinants of Broadband Diffusion by Stage Based on Innovation Diffusion Theory林茂雄, Lin, Mao Shong Unknown Date (has links)
寬頻擴散可促進國家之生產力、就業、經濟成長及國家競爭力等,若能精準找出促進寬頻擴散之關鍵影響因素,將有利於政府集中資源有效率地推動寬頻發展。本研究提出研究問題與假說,以Rogers (2003)及Hall (2006)所提出影響創新擴散速率之社經因素、採用成本、採用效益、網路效應、資訊及不確定性及產業環境等6大因素面向為基礎,蒐集OECD國家及台灣等31國家相關資料,挑選Gompertz模型進行固定寬頻擴散Panel資料迴歸分析,發現各因素在全期及不同擴散階段有不同之顯著性與影響程度,表示分階段分析有其必要性。擴散初期之關鍵影響因素為收入、教育水準、平台競爭程度、人口密度及實施LLU累積年度等5項,而擴散後期之關鍵影響因素為寬頻價格、網際網路內容、決定採用時固定寬頻用戶比例、撥接用戶比例及擁有PC家庭比例等5項,可作為政府及業者於不同擴散階段精準投入資源以有效推動寬頻擴散之參考。
總之,本研究不同於過去文獻,以創新擴散理論為基礎,以國家層級資料量化分析與探討寬頻擴散之關鍵影響因素,除分別提供政策及管理建議供政府及業者參考外,亦補強Rogers (2003)及Hall (2006)所提出創新擴散理論未釐清與比較創新擴散影響因素在不同擴散階段影響之不足。 / Broadband diffusion may enhance innovation, productivity, employment, economic growth, and, ultimately, national competitiveness. If key determinants for broadband diffusion are identified, governments can align its resources with them to effectively promote the diffusion. Based on the determinants of the diffusion rate identified by Rogers (2003) and Hall (2006), this research compiled data available about OECD countries as well as Taiwan to implement overall and staged panel regressions on fixed broadband diffusion by adopting Gompertz model. The findings indicate that the significance of the determinants varies between overall and staged analysis, which consequently justifies the necessity of a staged analysis. The key determinants in the early stage are income, education level, platform competition, population density, and the accumulated years of implementing LLU policy; however, in the late stage they are broadband price, Internet content, network effect, the penetration of dial-up users, and percentage of household with computer. Governments may more accurately promote broadband diffusion according to different key determinants in different stages.
This research further compared the real fixed broadband diffusion of Japan, South Korea, USA, Denmark, Switzerland, and Taiwan based on the previous analysis results. The findings generally justify the choice of key determinants in the previous analysis. In the early stage, Taiwan had the advantage of high population density. If the government could have promoted fixed broad banded services and market competition earlier, the penetration would have grown much faster. In the late stage, since the broadband price was too high in Taiwan, its international ranking of fixed broadband penetration declined. Therefore, in order to further promote the diffusion of fixed broadband, the government should have ensured that the price was low enough to convince the potential adoptors to purchase broadband services.
Finally, this research adopted the same approach as that of previous fixed broadband to analyze the diffusion of FTTX and mobile broadband, respectively. Education level, broadband price, network effect of FTTX, network effect of mobile broadband, Internet content, population density, percentage of household with computer, and the penetration of fixed VOIP users have significant effect on FTTX diffusion. However, income, broadband price, network effect of mobile broadband, Internet content, population density, and percentage of household with computer have significant effect on mobile broadband diffusion. Therefore, governments or operators should tailor their policies or strategies for specific services. The effects of broadband price, Internet content, network effect, and percentage of household with computer are similar in both FTTX and mobile broadband, and they are also similar to the key determinants of fixed broadband diffusion in the late stage. Therefore, even though a new service with better quality or function is introduced in an existing market, its key determinants are more similar to those of the existing service depending on its diffusion stage.
In conclusion, different from previous research, this one applied national-level data to quantatively analyzed and explore the key determinants of broadband diffusion based on innovation diffusion theory. The research findings not only propose policy and management suggestions to governments and service providers, but also supplement the the theory proposed by Rogers (2003) and Hall (2006), which did not identify and compare the determinants of innovation in different diffusion stages.
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策略性人才培育體系探討 / A Case Study on the Strategic People Development Systems陳俊吉 Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 策略性人才培育體系的架構與流程
(二) 策略性人才培育體系的成功關鍵因素
(三) 策略性人才培育體系之限制或障礙
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利用者の認知特性から見た病院の廊下・空間の構成に関する研究山下, 哲郎, 長澤, 泰, 小松, 尚, 木方, 十根 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:一般研究(B)(2) 課題番号:06452303 研究代表者:山下 哲郎 研究期間:1994-1996年度
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以使用性工程建構行動個人化數位攝影註釋系統 / Building a Mobile Personal Digital Photograph Annotation System Based on Usability Engineering陳柏諺, Chen, Po Yen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究藉由Kuo所發展出的PARIS (Personal Archiving and Retrieving Image System)作為來源系統架構,其系統解決了大部分個人數位影像語義標註的困難,也利用半自動註記方法減少使用者註釋負擔。但由於過去缺乏行動載具,PARIS並未開發一個現代化的行動註釋系統,來協助一般使用者進行個人影像註釋。
為了解決此問題,本研究利用使用性工程進行系統的建構,以設計及開發出一套現代化的行動影像註釋系統iPARIS (Integrated Personal Archiving and Retrieving Image System)。iPARIS擴展了PARIS設計出符合行動載具的後設資料結構與本體,包含將PARIS所定義的DDDC後設資料標準擴充為得以群眾註記之社群媒體地理標籤的iDDDC (Integrated Dozen Dimensional Digital Content),以及在既有的STO (Spatial and Temporal Based Ontology)的空間架構中加入更具彈性的地理標籤關聯方法GRO (Geotag Related Ontology)。iPARIS並利用工作流程設計、介面線稿設計、視覺設計、系統實作、使用者參與設計等步驟來設計及開發系統,再以迭代設計方法不斷地改善系統的使用者介面及使用者體驗。iPARIS在建置完成後利用參與啟發式評估量表、手勢次數、操作時間、操作路徑、錯誤次數進行使用性測試,而其測試結果也達預期的使用性目標。更進一步,透過分析使用者操作系統的實際行為來找出系統存在的使用性問題,並提出未來系統的改進方式。
透過完整的規劃與適切的設計系統介面,讓使用者在拍照、註釋、組織及管理照片都可以在行動應用程式上完成,並使此系統能滿足具有效率、具學習性、具記憶性、低錯誤率及高滿意度等Nielsen所提出的使用性標準,以降低個人影像註釋時的負擔,並增加使用者註釋個人照片的意願,以應付日益增長地個人數位影像資料的管理需求。 / With the widespread use of photograph recording products, such as digital camera and smartphone, people take photographs easily so that the number of personal photographs increases unceasingly. If photographs are lacking of annotation, searching and retrieving the large number of personal photographs become difficult. However, people are usually reluctant to the cumbersome and exhausted annotation work.
In 2004, Kuo et al. developed PARIS (Personal Archiving and Retrieving Image System) to solve these problems. Based on MPEG-7, PARIS resolved most difficulties of personal digital image semantic annotation and lightened users’ annotation burdens by semi-automatic annotation methods. However, because of the lack of mobile device at that time, PARIS did not develop a modern mobile annotation system to help ordinary people annotate personal photographs.
Therefore, this thesis builds a system with usability engineering as well as designs and develops a modern mobile image annotation system iPARIS (Integrated Personal Archiving and Retrieving Image System). iPARIS expands PARIS architecture to add the support for mobile. It expands PARIS DDDC metadata standard to iDDDC (Integrated Dozen Dimensional Digital Content) which is a crowdsourcing annotation enabled by third party social networking services, and provides STO’s spatial ontology a more flexible geo-information description methodology GRO (Geotag Related Ontology). iPARIS also takes the steps of workflow design, wireframe design, visual design, system implementation, participatory design to build the system; moreover, it keeps improving the user interface and user experience by iterative design. After implementing iPARIS, we conduct usability testing including participatory heuristic evaluation, gesture times, operation time, gesture path, error times, and interview. The test results reach the expected usability goals. Furthermore, the thesis finds some usability problems by analyzing users’ behaviors when they are using the application and brings future improvement for the system.
By integral planning and appropriate interface design, this system lets user take, annotate, organize, and mange personal photos in a mobile application. We hope that iPARIS can meet the usability index to lighten the burdens of personal photograph annotation, arousing users’ desire to annotate personal photographs, and meet the growing needs for the management of personal digital photograph information.
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政治抗議事件中的媒體創新使用與實踐:以太陽花運動為例 / Mediating the Sunflower Movement: Hybrid Media Networks in a Digital Age劉時君, Liu, Shih Chun June Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對 2014 年 3 月至 4 月期間的太陽花運動三大事件(佔領立法院、衝進行政院、以及凱達格蘭大道集結)作個案研究,採質性研究的深度訪談法和資料蒐集法取得研究資料,援引 Bruno Latour 的「行動者網絡理論」(Actor Network Theory)概念進行分析,探討大眾媒體與另類媒體在當代政治抗議場域裡,如何以現有傳播科技做創新使用與傳播實踐,而科技和人的互動又如何對訊息發布與呈現方式造成影響,勾勒出人人皆可參與的政治抗議情境之下,傳播行動者如何受新舊媒體模式交織影響。 / This paper traces the contemporary hybrid media network in a Taiwanese political protest context, focusing mainly on the 2014 Sunflower Movement (also known as “Occupy Parliament”) in Taiwan. The proliferation of digital media use in this protest, makes it a significant case study in regards to finding the complex media networks of tech-savvy activists and mainstream media at work in recent political protests. To answer the complex nature of this network, this paper employs Actor Network Theory (ANT) as a framework to depict the evolving media network of contemporary political protests in Taiwan through first-hand accounts of alternative media activists and mainstream journalists.
This research conducts a set of qualitative interviews with heterogenous actors who participated in the Sunflower Movement. Additional data is collected from online documents of the event. In the end, the research seeks to answer the following questions: How do new and old media form links through technology and digital tools in modern political protest? What is the nature of the associations formed and how do the associations impact the existing news ecology in political protests? Further providing an empirical account of transforming protest media networks in action in a political protest context.
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2G無線電頻譜回收之研究:以澳門「全城3G」為例 / A Study on 2G Spectrum Reallocation in Macau黃首豪, Wong, Sao Hou Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用文獻分析法,透過蒐集澳門「全城3G」計劃的相關資料,分析澳門「全城3G」計劃的得失,與此同時借鏡與澳門政治體制相似的香港政府的頻譜政策,檢視兩地政府在回收2G頻譜的成效。本研究綜合分析下發現澳門與香港回收2G頻譜最大的差異在於香港回收的是兩個閒置的CDMA及TDMA系統,對業者有一定的影響,但是影響民眾的範圍卻很小,而且給予3年緩衝的時間讓業者轉移用戶,而澳門則是停用一個在世界上仍算主流的GSM服務,而且要在半年內轉移十多萬用戶到3G,加上在過渡期間出現5宗電信故障,讓民眾質疑計劃的可行性,最終把技術問題變成社會問題。因此本研究建議政府未來要避免直接介入市場,以間接的方式例如徵收階梯式的頻譜使用費來推動行動通訊業發展,回收頻譜時要以平穩適度的方式進行,以及提高電信故障的罰款。 / In January 2012, the Telecommunications Regulation Bureau of Macau (DSRT) announced its decision to scrap the city’s 2G network and rely solely on 3G capabilities. Effective on July 8, 2012, the policy change left about 160,000 local users without 2G service, primarily affecting local tourists still on the 2G roaming network. DSRT stated that the objectives of its decision were to create more investment opportunities and to facilitate the adequate diversification of economic development. However, during this time, two mobile operators failed to provide stable and adequate network services and the Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) of Macau stated that DSRT’s decision deprived consumers of their right to choose their own cellular network and their right to fair treatment. This prompted the 2G service cancellation to be further postponed until June 4, 2023.
This study used literature analysis to review the termination of the 2G mobile network in Macau, and to examine the 2G spectrum reallocation in Hong Kong. This study found that Hong Kong terminated two unused mobile network services (CDMA and TDMA), while Macau is planning to scrap a GSM service which will affect about 150,000 users in Macau. Therefore, opposition to network terminations are greater in Macau than in Hong Kong. At the same time, the failure to provide adequate mobile services by two network operators in Macau led to public mistrust of the government. This study suggests that 1) the DSRT should not have used administrative means to force consumers into using a specific mobile system, and 2) the DSRT should have amended the penalties for mobile operators to closer reflect the current social situation.
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行動應用程式廣告之行為意圖-以Facebook為例 / Understanding the Behavioral Intention of Mobile Application Advertising: The Case of Facebook徐鈺婷, Hsu, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
新科技的變遷總是為傳播產業帶來新的變革,智慧型手機掀起全球通訊產業的熱潮,造就了行動應用程式新經濟,進而帶動行動應用程式廣告的發展。有鑑於過去研究缺乏以解構計畫行為理論的角度,來探討近年才趨於熱門的行動意用程式,更缺少應用在某特定行動應用程式類型之行為意圖。本研究將以Taylor & Todd(1995)解構計畫行為理論,聚焦於社群媒體廣告研究,並以在社交類型App的龍頭Facebook為研究對象,試圖釐清Facebook行動用程式廣告之行為意圖。
本研究採線上問卷調查法,以非隨機抽樣中的立意抽樣(purposive sample)為蒐集資料的方法,以結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)為資料的統計分析方法。問卷發放於Facebook以及台大批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)符合研究主題的討論區進行資料蒐集,問卷連結日期自二0一五年一月一日至一月十六日,為期十六天,有效問卷共計五百一十一份。研究結果發現:(1) Facebook App的知覺有用性、相容性和知覺娛樂性,與廣告整體態度無顯著關係。(2)廣告內容的「娛樂性」與「個人化」有助於廣告態度的影響;「資訊性」與廣告態度無顯著影響,「煩躁性」與廣告態度則呈現負相關。(3)人際影響、自我效能和廣告態度,與行為意圖皆呈現正相關。
本研究證實,對於使用者來說,相較於電腦版使用經驗與習慣,Facebook App仍有改善空間。此外,Facebook App的廣告內容是否具有完整的廣告資訊已不再首要因素,重要的是,該廣告是否具有娛樂性質和符合個人需求,在不讓使用者感到困擾的情況前提之下,吸引使用者的注意、滿足使用者的需求。同時,本研究證實人際影響、自我效能和廣告態度對行為意圖的正向影響性。 / Technology advancement has brought many new changes to the mass media communication industry. Smartphones revolutionized the communication industry by creating the mobile app economy, which lead to the development of mobile app advertisement. Past studies have not taken the decomposed theory of planned behavior into consideration when examining mobile applications that have gained popularity in recent years, let along behavioral intentions, which apply to certain types of mobile applications. Keeping that in mind, this study will focus on advertising within the current social networking industry leader, Facebook, using the above theory by Taylor & Todd (1995), in order to determine the behavioral intention behind Facebook’s mobile application advertisement.
Data used in this study was collected through online questionnaires using the purposive sampling method, and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The questionnaires were distributed on Facebook and sections within ptt.cc that fit the research purpose of this study. Online questionnaire was open from January 1st to January 16th of 2015, spanning a total of 16 days. A total of 511 valid questionnaires were collected. The results of this studies revealed that (1) the perceived usefulness, compatibility, and enjoyment of Facebook app are not related to attitude towards advertisement within the app. (2) Entertainment value and personalization of the content of the advertisement positively affects attitude toward advertisement. Informativeness has no significant impact, while irritation negatively affects attitude towards advertisement. (3) Social influence, self-efficacy and attitude towards advertisement all show positive relation with behavioral intention.
This research has proven that when examining user experience, Facebook app still has room for improvement in comparison with the computer version of Facebook. Also, whether Facebook app advertisement contains complete information is no longer the most important factor. Entertainment value and personalization, whether the advertisement can satisfy the above needs without troubling users, are now the most important points of consideration. Finally, this study has proven the positive effect social influence, self-efficacy and attitude towards advertisement have on behavioral intention.
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共用資源治理觀點下的美濃獅子頭水圳 / Governance Change of Shihtou Water Canal in Meinung:A Common-pool Resource Perspective游鎮維, Yu, Chen Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本文透過美濃獅子頭水圳為個案研究,運用伊利諾‧歐斯壯(E.Ostrom)之「共用資源永續發展治理八大原則」為水圳資源有效治理之理論背景,檢視早期美濃獅子頭水圳的集體行動組織(地方水利會-農民),如何成功地在自主治理的機制中運作,並探討在現代化發展過程中宏觀的外在結構環境,包含農業轉型、停徵會費、派系競爭、水患問題等變化,對既有的共用資源制度產生的衝擊與弱化。以及民主化後由愛鄉協進會透過反水庫社會運動帶動社區總體營造對於水圳治理的創新模式。本文認為早期獅子頭水圳在資源邊界、集體選擇、對組織權最低限度認可與多中心治理等面向建立起維持永續發展之基礎。制度本身雖遭受外在環境變遷而呈現鬆散,但由於觀光休閒農業的推廣,吸引農村漂鳥回流,對灌溉水資源的參與治理渴望達到穩定的力量。並且,透過給予掌水工與水利小組的正式與非正式制度性誘因,可以有效調節灌溉用水並做為提供移轉調撥其他產業用水的基礎。最後,在地方性非營利組織「愛鄉協進會」進入水圳系統的治理後,挑戰由半官僚水利會所掌控的政治經濟功能掛帥水圳系統,更融入生態、文化、公民參與等不同的元素形成一共同治理新模式,除了延續後農業時代水圳的灌溉功能之外,也強化其制度韌性。藉由這些發現,本文進而提出實務與理論的研究建議,以做為後農業時代水資源灌溉系統的永續發展之借鏡。 / The subject of this essay is to explore the reason why an irrigation canal, in the process of historical development, became an indispensable governance institution in the villages. Also, in the advent of urbanization and industrialization, the irrigation canal faces a situation of the renovation of facility as well as the predicament of governance, in which the institution itself changes and newly governance system influences the original organizations.
This study takes Shihtou Irrigation Canal in Meinung as the object. Using Elino Ostrom’s eight design principles of stable local common pool resource (CPR) management to review the successful self-governance mechanisms in operation performed by the early local collective action organization (mainly made by Taiwan Joint Irrigation Association and farmers). Also the paper explains the impacts of macro-environment, including the agricultural transformation, stop collecting fees, factional competition and flooding, on the existing system of CPR. And an innovational governance participated by a Meinung People's Association, a grass-roots organization from anti-reservoir activities to comprehensive community development in the era of post-democratization. Results of this study showed as follows: Firstly, early Shihtou irrigation canal maintain the basis for establishing sustainable development as result of clearly defined boundaries, collective-choice arrangement, minimal recognition of rights to organize, and nested enterprises. Besides, although it was weaken by the later change of external structure, the development of leisure agriculture attracted recurrent youth for agriculture, who was desired for reviving the power of appropriation in canal self-governance. Meanwhile, the institutional design of water-inspectors and water conservancy group arranged through formal and informal incentives can effectively regulate the right of water for irrigation and serve as providing the basis for the allocation of water for other industries. Finally, a local non-profit organization Meinung People's Association challenges the governance system originally controlled by a half-bureaucratic management of local Farm Irrigation Association. Compared with the mainly political and economic functions of water governance by the latter, the former emphasize the different elements of ecological, cultural, and civic participation. This formation of New model of shared governance in canal not only continue its irrigational function in post-agriculture, but also strengthen its institutional tenacity..With these findings, the paper puts forward practical and theoretical study suggests in order to learn as a sustainable development of water resources in the era of post-agricultural irrigation systems.
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