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中共對聯合國干預制度之政策 / China's policy toward UN's use of intervention許志吉, Hsiu, Chih-Ji Unknown Date (has links)
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中國大陸農民抗議與國家政治行動選擇:中央與地方差異性的探討 / Peasant protest and state actions:central-local relations in Mainland China周俊宏, Chou, Chun Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本文以政治機會結構理論及國家與社會互動理論作為研究理論,並在「中央—地方—農民」三分的分析框架下,提出中央與地方的差異作為研究面向。整理農民抗議的定義、特點、方式、類型及成因時,並討論與之相關的農民權益。在探究行動上的差異對農民抗議的影響以及面對農民抗議時中央與地方的各自行動時,本文從稅費問題及土地徵用來看行動差異對農民抗議的影響,而中央政府的回應行動包括國家重建、事件定調、策略防範以及守住底線。基層政權的回應行動則分別就「官方論調」、「力量對比」、「對上訪時幹部行動的參酌」、「秩序共識下的行動劇碼」,以及「角色扮演」等予以解讀。 / State action is regarded as the research target, intending for the influence on peasant protest by PRC’s action and the response to peasant protest by PRC. Focusing on these two topics, action discrepancy in central-local relations is what I’d like to discuss in this research. For one thing, action discrepancy is seen as the outer environmental factor that brings about the begin of peasant protest. For another, based on action discrepancy,while responding to peasant protest, what the central do and what the local do can be explored.
Based on the political opportunity structure theory and the state-society interaction theory, and analyzed on the framework of “central-local–peasant” tripartition, this research presents the discrepancy in central-local relations as main dimension. While definitions, characters, measures, types, and reasons concerning peasant protest are organized, peasant rights and interests are also discussed. The influence on peasant protest by action discrepancy and the actions separately by the central and the local when encountering peasant protest are then explored. This research examines the influence through tax-fee problem and land expropriation, and then concludes that the central actions include state-rebuilding, affair-identifying, strategy-guarding, and deadline-defending, and moreover, interprets the local regime’s actions in such ways like “official-like statement”, “power contrast”, “reference to local cadres’action toward peasant appealings to higher levels(shangfang)”, “act performance on the consensus of order”, and “role play”.
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我國股東提案權制度之研究 / A study on the shareholder proposals in Taiwan陳麗欵 Unknown Date (has links)
2004年後我國陸續爆發博達科技、訊碟等弊案,已重擊原已推動之公司治理成效,更突顯了公司治理除設置獨立董監事制度外,應另循其他管道之必要性。其中為強化企業內部機制, 2005年6月即修法引進「股東提案制度」,增訂公司法第172條之1之規定,以響應「股東行東主義」之潮流趨勢,建構並強化股東行使股東權之機制。此制度完成立法後迄今已近4年,歷經具體實務個案之洗鍊,已逐漸顯現適用上之爭議。基於此因素,本研究擬藉由對實務上具體案例所衍生爭議之觀察,重新檢討公司法第172條之1之立法是否存有疏漏或失當之處,進而歸納提供建言,冀望能建制符合我國國情之股東提案制度。本論文之研究架構安排如下:
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考慮資源運輸路徑之應急蜂巢式行動通訊網路建置排程 / Resource Delivery Path Dependent Deployment Scheduling for Contingency Cellular Network高采衣, Kao, Tsai I Unknown Date (has links)
當發生大規模的地震或強烈的颱風等重大天然災害時,通訊系統常常隨著電力與交通系統的損毀而癱瘓。由歷年大型災變中多數災區內之行動通訊系統全面中斷即可印證行動通訊系統其實是極為脆弱的,然而有效運作的通訊系統卻是災情傳遞、資源調度及救災是否順利的關鍵因素。本文所探討的應急通訊系統利用倖存的連通基地台和斷訊卻沒有損毀的基地台,以無線電連接起來建構一個臨時性的通訊系統,稱為應急蜂巢式行動通訊網路(Contingency Cellular Network,CCN)。由於各地災情狀況不完全相同,CCN的建構順序必須考慮災區的輕重緩急、時間的急迫等因素依序建構。因此當CCN拓樸規劃完成後,根據CCN拓樸、各地災情嚴重程度以及拓樸中基地台間的相對距離(運輸時間)進行基地台建構排程規劃,以達到最大的總救災效益。
本文考慮各基地台所能發揮的救災效益、所需建構時間、以及運輸工具從任一基地台到另一基地台所需運輸時間,提出兩個適合CCN拓樸樹狀結構的考慮資源運輸路徑之最佳化排程模型CCNDS-AC和CCNDS-UC。CCNDS-AC限制建構順序必須從連網台往下循序建構,但CCN-UC則否。因發生突發性大型天然災害時,可容許的計算時間相當短暫,因此提出了兩個快速的啟發式演算法DS-ACG與DS-UCB,可在短時間內求出一組相當逼近於最佳解的建構排程順序,與DS-UCB相互比較。本文以電腦模擬的方式進行小規模實驗與大規模實驗評估,並且用Genetic Algorithm來比較啟發式演算法的效能。結果顯示DS-UCB明顯優於DS-ACG及Genetic Algorithm。在小規模實驗中DS-UCB可求得與最佳解的總救災效益誤差平均約0.9%的近似最佳解建構順序。而在大規模實驗下, DS-UCB與十萬個解中的最佳解─pseudo optimal solution相較,總救災效益平均高出約16.7%,而總救災時間平均約少了19.4%。 / When stricken by a large-scale disaster, the efficiency of disaster response operation is very critical to life saving. However, cellular networks were usually crashed in earthquake, typhoons or other natural disasters due to power outage or backhaul breakage. Unfortunately, the efficiency of communication system is a critical factor to the success of disaster response operation. We designed a contingency cellular network (CCN) by connecting physically intact but service-disrupted base stations together with wireless links. Since the transportation capacity may be very limited, scheduling of CCN deployment order according to the demand of disaster operation and traveling time between base stations becomes an important issue. We propose two optimization models: CCN Deployment Scheduling Antecessor Constrained Problem (CCNDS-AC) and CCN Deployment Scheduling Unconstrained Problem (CCNDS-UC), aiming to maximize the efficiency of disaster response operation. Both problems are proven to be NP Hard. We also designed two rapid heuristic algorithms, DS-ASG and DS-UCB to solve the problems respectively when it is needed in urgent.
Finally, we evaluated the proposed algorithms against optimal solutions (in small cases only) as well as genetic algorithm by simulation. The experimental results show that DS-UCB outperforms all other algorithms. In small scale cases, the profit obtained by DS-UCB is only 0.9% smaller than what the optimum solution can get. In large scale cases, as compared to the pseudo optimum solution, which is the best solution among 100,000 solutions, DS-UCB outperforms pseudo optimum solutions in profit by 16.7%, and in traveling time by 19.4%, both in average.
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行動即時通訊軟體行銷策略之研究 ─以LINE為例 / The Marketing Strategy for Mobile Instant Message Software- An Empirical Case of LINE程柏元, Cheng, Po Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
根據創市際市場研究顧問2013年的調查報告,從台灣使用智慧型手機應用程式的到達率來看,國人最常用的APP前十名中,即時通訊類佔了四位,第一名是LINE、第四名是WhatsApp、第八名是Facebook Messenger與第十名的WeChat。資策會(2012)調查「台灣民眾行動裝置應用程式使用習慣行為與偏好調查」顯示,在使用智慧型手機的民眾當中,有50.8%較常下載的APP類型是即時通訊/傳訊服務,僅次於遊戲類55.4%,顯示台灣民眾即時通訊的需求。LINE在台灣的註冊用戶已經超過1,700萬人次,普及率相當高。
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Why So Serious?—LINE圖戰的溝通實踐分析 / The communicative practice of LINE stickers陳可嘉, Chen, Ke Chia Unknown Date (has links)
究竟貼圖圖戰為何讓圖戰玩家如此著迷?圖戰是如何鑲嵌在玩家的日常生活中?為何他們願意花費大量時間、金錢進行貼圖消費?本研究納入遊戲人(homo ludens)及de certeau的行人言談行動,研究者以LINE圖戰玩家為研究對象,採用深度訪談法、文本分析以及基本問卷來探究圖戰玩家如何玩貼圖,以及其圖戰的遊戲樣貌。
本研究的研究發現有三點,第一,圖戰玩家在圖戰的過程,完全就是「Just for fun」,LINE的使用情形與圖戰規則流動多變,對話框的切換以及不同情境都會有所改變,不同群組的圖戰風格也截然不同。第二,儘管多數玩家都喜歡諷刺、戲謔型的貼圖,但在貼圖使用、消費面貌上還是展現殊異特性。第三,圖戰的展演屬於一種關係性展演。LINE社群是奠基於現實世界的人際關係,,互動對象會影響貼圖的使用以及圖戰的樣貌,使用者透過互動形構出自我,已經不單單是反身性或是自戀的問題。
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國家、市場與人才之重構-以澳門旅遊博彩業的發展轉型為例 / The restructuring of state, market, and human resource-A Case Study of the development and transformation of Macau's gambling and tourism industry龍俊業 Unknown Date (has links)
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超競爭下之商業生態系統-以行動支付為例 / The Business Ecosystem under Hypercompetition: the Cases of Mobile Payment劉品佳 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣傳統金融服務與超商密集度高,客戶需求被高度重視及滿足,銀行、超商與第三方支付業者形成跨產業競合關係,發展出多元支付方式,因此建構使用單一裝置即可提供多元支付功能之行動支付平台,可做為台灣行動支付生態系統健全發展之解決方案。具體建議為尋求跨產業競合,金融監管持開放態度,培訓金融科技人才,加強資訊安全,以建構完善的行動支付生態系統。 / In the view of hyper-competition, sustainable competitive advantage does not exist, and only by constant innovation in order to obtain a series of short-term competitive advantage. However, business ecosystem could clarify the competition and cooperation relationship between businesses. In this study, qualitative research and case study methodologies are used to find the adoptable mobile payment ecosystem.
The third-party payment would fill the trust gap between the parties. Therefore, developing countries should adopt third party mobile payment ecosystem, in order to achieve financial inclusion. The non-third party payment would improve the security of cardholder transactions and reduce the risk of banking. Therefore, developed countries should adopt non-third party mobile payment ecosystem, in order to optimize financial services.
The above conclusions can be summarized as two management implications: First, low penetration of financial services tends to develop third-party payment, and high penetration of financial services tends to develop non-third party payment. Second, business co-opetition strategy has the nature of value creation and value capture to achieve win-win situation.
Taiwan’s financial service-intensive, customer needs are met, banks, stores can be formed with the third-party payment industry co-opetition relations, the development of a diverse payment methods, and therefore the construction using a single device to provide pluralistic payment function of mobile payment platform, will be suitable for robust development of Taiwan’s mobile payment ecosystem. Suggestions include cross-industry co-opetition, open-minded financial supervision, training financial technology professionals, and strengthen information security.
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無線通信產業標準形成與發展之研究 / Wireless Communications Industrial Standard Formation and Development洪一峰, Stephen Hung Unknown Date (has links)
四、第三代行動電話的應用以多媒體為主,這是相當革命性的嚐試,故能否找到消費者公認的殺手級應用服務(killer application)成為成敗關鍵要素之一。
六、標準形成在發酵期必須取得單一標準共識,在漸進變化期於境內快速建立成功經驗,並順利將成功複製於境外地區,這個模式較能成功成為主流標準。另在建立標準時需有明確的願景與目標、具國際化的規格設計,才可減少在對外擴展時之障礙。 / This thesis is intended to make explicit the roles played and functions provided by the various factors in the process of system development by means of an investigation of the process of the formation of a wireless communications standard and the mechanism that makes it a dominant. By studying the documents and cases on the factors affecting the establishment of a standard, we have come to recognize six fundamentals that make it stand out as a dominant. These six fundamentals are summarized as follows:
1. The policy made by the government plays an essential part in the further development of the formation of a given standard. If the government adopts an attitude of open competition, then lots of related resources will be wasted on the keen competition between vying forces in the local market, which is, in turn, detrimental to outward expansion. On the contrary, if the government integrates the related resources and helps form a unitary standard, the standard may succeed in opening other markets.
2. The Association is also an important positive contributor in the process of the formation of a unitary standard. The Association should do its best to mediate between each vying standard to reach an agreement and adopt a unitary standard, which is definitely instrumental in the further development.
3. For those who want to direct the formation of a standard and get the tremendous potential profits from it, they will do a lot of lobbying and form strategic alliances to attract more supports for the standard. When succeeding in doing so, the owners of the unitary standard can speed up the growth of its market by lowering the royalty and license limit, or even by opening its architecture with a free authorization.
4. The application of the third-generation cellular phones features multi-media, which is a considerably revolutionary attempt. Therefore, the success of it depends on whether the standard can come up with a killer application that appeals to consumers.
5. The local market from which the standard originates should be big enough to support it, so the standard can stand firm on the strong basis and reach out for other markets.
6. The formation of a standard should be based on an agreement of a unitary standard at the ferment stage. And at the transition stage, it should build up a successful experience as soon as possible in the local market and then successfully duplicate the model in the international ones. Besides, a definite goal and a clear vision as well as internationalized regulations and designs all contribute to lifting the barriers in its expanding outwards.
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「公共性」的考源、批判與重建-一個哈伯瑪斯觀點的探究 / The archaeology, critique and reconstruction of publicness: a Habermasian investigation吳豐維, Wu, Feng Wei Unknown Date (has links)
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