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台灣地區國家與勞工關係之分析陳慧敏, Chen, Hui-Min Unknown Date (has links)
本論文強調以國家中心論的觀點 並從新國家主義的研究途徑 分析臺灣地區國家與勞工之間關係 運用該新國家主義的兩個概念 國家自主性與國家能力 以之比較臺灣地區不同勞工政策在自主性及能力之高低演變本論文參考諾丁傑的國家自主性類型觀點 並約化為兩個重點 一國家偏好如何強化進而取代社會導向 導向公共政策 二當前述兩者偏好不一致時 國家如何轉化社會偏好?透過國家與勞工團體對事業單位關場歇業政策及引進外勞政策兩項勞工政策偏好做論證以取得國家自主性程度評估 並進而與國家能力做關連性比較 是否國家自主性高低與國家能力強弱有必然關係 而最主要不同於以往研究論點 在不能忽略國家中心論者的論點亦即必須觀察國家在政策上的自主性 以及其執行政策的能力 避免僅以社會中心論的單面向研究途徑 而獲致對研究議題更正確及深刻的了解
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後冷戰時期聯合國安全理事維持和平功能之研究—以波斯灣戰爭為例 / The Study on UN Security Council's Function of Maintaining Peace and Security in the Post Cold War Era ── the Case in Persian Gulf War戴妙如, Tai, Miao ju Unknown Date (has links)
段,節制衝突、積極合作,期達成和平和安全的理想世界。 冷戰時期
,安理會維持和平的功能乃日漸提昇。 波斯灣危機中,安理會的運作
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後冷戰時期聯合國維和任務與預防外交藍天虹 Unknown Date (has links)
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無線通訊終端新產品海外上市策略研究黃勝雄 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究架構先以學理基礎為背景,再配合國內外案例做深入個案探討,針對將新產品行銷至國外市場之廠商,先經由文獻探討、資料收集後,再藉由與負責個案產品上市之相關人員進行深度訪談,將結果加以分析、歸納與整理,讓理論架構與實際狀況做一印證並從中歸納出對廠商之新產品上市行銷策略建議,供國內無線通訊廠商在進行新產品海外上市時之參考。 / As facing the low-cost competition from China-made products, lots of manufacturers of low-to-middle tier products have moved their production basis to China. It's the trend and not be avoided based on the conclusion of reference. Therefore, to enhance the capability of Marketing and Research & Development are becoming a crucial point. Furthermore, the issue about how sucessfully launch a new product to overseas market in order to raise the total contribution is getting important. That's because the size of local market and high cost of development in Taiwan.
The Wireless Communication is one of the growing industries in the world. Based on the current resources what Taiwanese companies have as well as the owned expertise about technology standard and cost competance, the terminal products of wireless communication is most likely to be successfully penetrate to overseas markets comparing with other categories. Besides, lots of Taiwanese companies are lack of experience about launching new products in overseas markets. So, this study is trying to come up with a principle, which is based on the analysis of concept of lowest exchange cost, and to help Taiwanese companies set a proper launching strategy. This strategy will be a best fit from four aspects including of Products, Channels, Promotions and Prices.
The structure of this study is started from theory analysis referred to related thesis, then get involved into two practical cases which described how these two companies set their launching strategy, respectively. During the process, the interview with related persons provides a valueable collection of insight. After that, a conclusion is built up and confirmed it with facts from practical cases. This concluded principle could be a valueable reference for Taiwanese companies.
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從電子化政府到行動政府: 台北市里長使用市長信箱與1999市民熱線之研究 / From e-government to m-government: li-chiefs' usage of Taipei City mayor’s e-mail box and 1999 citizen hotline曾健銓, Tseng, Chien Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究根據研究發現,提出三點實務建議:(1)重視「管道問題適用性」之宣傳;(2)促進村里長與意見反映管道結合的服務綜效;(3)思考管道如何對市民產生「有用性」,以提昇公共接觸效果。 / Under the framework of E-government, e-mail is the most important response channel for citizens to interact with governments. However, many cities around the world start to build citizen hotline systems, allowing people reflect their ideas and suggestions via phone. This fact reveals the opportunities of Mobile Government. In Taiwan, Li-chiefs simultaneously reflect residents’ opinions and help delivery public services. The author tries to figure out (1) how Taipei City Mayor’s E-mail Box and 1999 Citizen Hotline affect the daily works of Li-chiefs; (2) their usage of these two response channels, and (3) what variables might affect Li-chiefs’ satisfaction toward e-mail and citizen hotlines.
The study uses Taipei City Mayor’s E-mail Box and Taipei 1999 Citizen Hotline as case examples, and collects both qualitative and quantitative empirical data. The author finds that: (1) The Li-chiefs in Taipei use Taipei 1999 Citizen Hotline more frequently than City Mayor’s E-mail. (2) Information literacy, timeliness and task complexity will affect Li-chiefs’ motives to reflect suggestions via e-mail or citizen hotline. (3) Li-chiefs can use these two channels to solve problems and enhance timeliness. On the other hand, the response channels allow citizens to complain to Li-chiefs more easily, and the positions of Li-chiefs might be replaced by the two channels; and (4) information reliability, problem solving ability, ease of use, the effect of solving citizens’ problems, and helping Li-chiefs’ jobs will positively affect the satisfaction of the channels.
Based on the finding, the author suggests the government should: (1) emphasize the “appropriate or right questions” when prompting the channels; (2) teach Li-chiefs how to use response channels well to create synergy; and (3) rethink how response channels produce usefulness for citizens.
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以雲端支援架構建置RFID為基礎之個人化無所不在學習系統 / A cloud-supported framework for implementing RFID-based personalized ubiquitous learning system林彥志, Lin, Yen Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究提出一項無所不在的學習系統架構改變傳統數位學習之教育傳遞的方式,讓學習者能在任何時間、任何地點透過行動裝置,連結雲端上的學習系統便能自動取得數位化的教學課程及輔助教材等教學資源,並結合RFID標籤之唯一性及無線辨識功能,除了可感測、讀取周遭環境物件資訊以外,更作為學習者個人辨識登入的方法,進而驗證以取得個人所屬的學習課程或學習進度規劃等功能,創造個人化無所不在學習,期許改善目前數位學習在散播教育資源這塊領域,仍有不足之處所造成的數位落差。系統架構本身採用雲端運算作為後端開發技術,將系統、數位學習課程與資料庫分散在各地,以減少單一系統之資源負載量過大及頻寬不足等問題,讓學習者接受即需的教學服務。 / This paper proposes a ubiquitous learning system framework, in order to improve traditional e-learning method for delivering education. Learners could connect to the learning system on the cloud by mobile devices at any time and any place. It could automatically access digital educational resources such as learning courses and supplementary materials. Using the RFID tag for uniqueness and radio frequency identification function. In addition to context-aware and reading the information of objects around the enviroment. It also can be a personalised identify for learners to login and access one’s own function of learning courses or learning scheduling to create personalized ubiquitous learning. There is lack of education due to digital divide which calls for improvement of distributing educational resources. The proposed system architecture incorporates cloud computing for back-end development technology. In order to reduce resource overload of the single system and lack of bandwidth, distributing the learning system, e-learning course and database to several places enable learners to take on-demand educational services.
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退出、呼籲、忠誠: 中國城市基層選舉參與的效能與行動 / Exit, voice, and loyalty: how grassroots elections reshape urban Chinese citizens' political efficacy and political actions蔡儀儂, Tsai, Yi Nung Unknown Date (has links)
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應急蜂巢式行動網路建構排程 / Scheduling of contingency cellular network deployment王彥嵩 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文所探討的應急通訊系統是利用僅存的連通基地台和斷訊卻沒有損毀的基地台建構一個臨時性的網路,稱為應急蜂巢式行動網路(contingency cellular network,CCN)。由於災區的交通系統可能癱瘓,因此CCN的建構需視各種運輸能力而規劃,而各個地方受災情況不盡相同,CCN的建構順序也須辨明輕重緩急依序建構,網路拓樸的規劃是本研究團隊的另一研究主題,本文主在探討如何在網路拓樸已知情況下進行CCN建構排程以達到最大的救災效益,因此我們提出一適合CCN樹狀結構的最佳化排程模型,以追求救災效益的最大化,這些模型可供使用者(救災指揮單位)系統化的解決CCN建構排程問題。
模型包含CCN樹狀拓樸、基地台數目、基地台建構時間、基地台重要度、拓樸連線集合和建構工作組數。在此模型下提出一個考慮各基地台的時效性以及重要性而進行快速排程的演算法,此演算法透過計算排程總救災效益決定優劣。分三階段實驗。三階段實驗皆可在數秒內得出接近最佳解的排程。 / When stricken by a large-scale disaster, the efficiency of disaster response operation is very critical to life saving. We propose to build a contingency cellular network to support emergency communication in large scale natural disasters by connecting disconnected base stations. This paper addresses the deployment scheduling problem. The advance of mobile communication technologies has brought great convenience to users. Cellular phone becomes the first communication tool most people would use in emergency. However, cellular networks were usually crashed due to earthquake, typhoons or other natural disasters due to power outage or backhaul broken. Unfortunately, the efficiency of communication system is a critical factor to the success of disaster response operation such as resource allocation as well as coordination of rescue and relief operations. We designed a contingency cellular network (CCN) by connecting physically intact but service-disrupted base stations together with wireless links. As the disaster area's transport system may be paralyzed, the construction of CCN may have to rely on air transportation such as helicopter or even airdrop. Since the transportation capacity may be very limited, scheduling of CCN deployment order according to the demand of disaster operation becomes an important issue. We model the CCN Deployment Scheduling Problem into a combinatorics optimization problem aiming to maximize disaster operation efficiency. The problem is proven NP Hard. Thus, we design an efficient heuristic algorithm to solve the problem when it is needed in urgent.
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第三代行動通信業者行動上網服務定價模式探討 / A study of 3G telecom operator mobile internet pricing models李挺彰 Unknown Date (has links)
行動上網技術的成熟,為行動上網市場提供了良好的發展環境,吾人認為第三代行動通信業者的行動上網定價模式也扮演了關鍵的催化劑角色。 本研究主要是探討台灣第三代行動通信業者在訂定行動上網服務定價模式時,對於內、外部因素的考量,並進一步了解其現有定價模式與內、外部考量因素的關聯性,以期能為行動上網服務定價模式找到新的方向。
1. 影響3G營運商行動上網服務定價模式之主要因素為何?
2. 3G營運商在訂定行動上網服務定價模式的主要考量因素為何?
3. 3G營運商行動上網服務現有定價模式的訂定與考量因素的關聯性為何?
本研究透過深度訪談與相關的次級資料蒐集與彙整分析後,獲得以下六個結論。 1.用戶數成長、營收成長、網路建設成本還有手機補貼是影響電信公司行動上網服務定價模式的內部因素。 2.寡占市場結構與回應競爭者是影響電信公司行動上網服務定價模式的外部因素。 3.用戶數成長還有營收成長是所有電信公司訂定定價模式時的主要的考量因素。 4.為了回應競爭者並與市場競爭,所有電信公司都是以單一費率定價模式搭配手機補貼來行銷行動上網。 5.兩段式與預付型定價模式是為了要達到提高用戶數成長的公司目標。 6.產品組合定價模式是為了要達成提高非語音營收成長的公司目標。
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對外華語文聽力理解訓練: 一對一同步遠距教學之行動研究 / Developing listening comprehension for Chinese learners over the internet: An action research on synchronous distance tutoring sessions關慧凌, Kwan, Hwee Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要研究對象為三位身在不同國家,華語為第二語言學習的初級學習者,並採用網路免費華語文教材「一千字說華語」和線上免費平台進行遠距一對一教學。研究方法先以發展聽 力理解教學:研究對象接受二十週的聽力理解課,每次一小時,共計二十堂課。接著透過行動研究法,應用訪談與問卷蒐集三位個案學習者的經驗與感受,佐以教師的教學省思,以深入了解此教學行動。所有聽力理解教學包括問卷調查、學習者回饋、教學省思、訪談資料等紀錄都用來分析本研究教學的實施情況,同時也參考學習者每堂課的前、後測成績做進一步的探究與結論依據。
研究結果顯示,透過一對一遠距教學情境與網路科技資源應用在華語文聽力理解教學中,遠距學習者對網路學習環境、一對一遠距教師之教學、以及網路華語文教材等方面,皆持正面看法與回饋。問卷及訪談結果顯示三位學習者都同意網路一對一教學可以彌補學習者週遭學習環境之不足與困難,同時可以提升學習者華語文學習能力的自信心,進而培養其日後華語文持久的學習動機。本研究能協助網路對外華語文教師了解藉由網路遠距第二語言初級學習者的需要,並提供教學設計參考,作為其開課前的準備,與提升其教學品質與成效。研究成果亦提供對外華語文數位學習教材編寫與製作之回饋與建議。 / In recent years, the phenomenon of the Chinese language learning has driven many overseas tertiary institutions and industries to invest in the construction of digital learning technologies. The trend of technological advancement and network functioning continues to improve as well as online Chinese language resources and language learning websites. This action research attempts to integrate technology into one-on-one tutoring sessions for Chinese listening comprehension through the internet. The first objective of this research is to explore the process of learning and the challenges and experiences the students face via online one-on-one distance learning. Secondly, it is to understand the process and the changes of teaching style toward the students via the internet. Lastly, it is to understand the important aspects of design and selection of Chinese teaching materials through the students' learning experience and the teachers' teaching process.
This study focuses on three beginning Chinese learners from different countries and cultural backgrounds and making use of free online teaching materials provided by "Speak Mandarin in One Thousand Words" via a free online platform for distant tutoring sessions. The methodology to develop listening comprehension is that all the students will have a total of twenty classes, with each class lasting for an hour. The research section is based on interviews and questionnaires observing the students' experiences and feelings combined with the teacher's reflections and to gain insight on the teaching actions. The students’ pre-test and post-test score in each class are referred in order to further explore the basis and conclusion. The interviews and records are used to analyze the implementation of the research through teaching.
The results of the study show positive opinions and feedback regarding one-on-one distance learning and the teaching methodology with the online Chinese language materials. The questionnaire and interview results show that the students agreed that one-on-one online teaching can compensate the shortcomings of students in a traditional learning environment. This study therefore concludes non-traditional methods of teaching can enhance the confidence in the learner with their ability. Even without a Chinese physical environment, distance teaching can still motivate students to learn Chinese. This research can help teachers to understand student needs via online one-on-one and it could help provide teachers designing the most effective ways of teaching. The research results also provide feedback and suggestions on the preparation and production of Chinese teaching materials.
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