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客家電視台核心觀眾之研究 / Study on Hakka TV's core audiences蔡志堅 Unknown Date (has links)
4. 週間假日觀眾收視差異:假日時段整體收視表現較週間高,平均假日收視率是週間兩倍。收視波段在週間呈現多段的收視高峰,而在假日則是明顯以早、中、晚三波段的收視高峰呈現。
5. 週間假日觀眾收視差異:假日早上高峰時段,皆較週間往後推移一個小時,週間晚間收視高峰可以持續到晚上11點,而假日收視高峰在9點以後急速下降。
8.在核心節目觀眾的教育程度,新聞類節目「非常短評」以大專以上人口收視為多,綜藝類「鬧熱打擂台」、戲劇節目「油桐花之戀」的觀眾以小學以下和國初中為主要收視群。 / In compliance with the ideal as to safeguard the broadcasting rights for the ethnic minorities in Taiwan, a Hakka TV station, the first of its kind in the world, was founded on July 1, 2003. Since its inception one and a half year ago, however, people know little about the majority of its audience and whether its programs have met the requirements of Hakka community. This study has, through analysis of rating and reception quality, come up with a profile of Hakka TV station’s core audience as well as its audience flow. Upon comparison with that of the target audience, the data has provided Hakka TV station a vaulable reference tool for improvement in its future program productions. This study has managed to :
1.Work out a profile of the core audience of Hakka TV station.
2.Define how the profile of core audience of Hakka TV station changes with viewing time (segments of the day, seasons of the year, etc.) Discussions on the difference between them and audience flow have also been held.
3.Analyze the profile of core audience of the most popular programs in each season. Explore their difference as well as audience flow.
Analysis was done through discussion on varied theories, documents and academic works , supplemented by data and information gathered from Hakka TV station itself. The secondary analysis was based on rating surveys by some broadcaster groups and on reception quality surveys conducted by market survey companies in their hometowns.
These survey shows that the core audience of Hakka TV station during the 1-1/2 year period following its establishment had a profile as follows: male over 50 years of age (54%); with primary educational level or lower (49%); retired or unemployed (36%); living in the counties of Taoyuan, Xinzhu and Miaoli (46%); ethnic group speaking Hakka dialect frequently (44%). The definition of audience ’ speaking Hakka dialect frequently’ can be interpreted as that Hakka dialect has been their mother tongue. In a sense, dialect the audience use is considered the most important contributory factor to the core audience of Hakka TV station.
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從非觀眾成為忠實觀眾之歷程研究-以屏風表演班為例 / The process from non-audience to loyal audience – A case of The Ping-Fong Acting Troupe蔡宜潔, Tsai, I Jie Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現,觀眾的初次觀賞理由主要是透過不同管道認識表演團體、對於表演團體產生興趣,再加上口碑宣傳,增加對於表演的信任,提升購票意願。初次觀賞時,如果能將表演與自身經驗連結,從中獲得共鳴與感動,會讓觀眾留下深刻的印象。此外,能夠加上愉快地整體觀賞體驗與表演團體主動提供下一次的節目資訊與優惠,會提升觀眾持續觀賞的意願。觀眾在受到表演藝術團體的獨特之處、表演內外與觀眾生活的連結,與好的服務品質所吸引,在累積多次滿意的觀賞經驗後,對於表演品質信賴,成為忠實觀眾;而觀眾加入表演團體的會員與志工後,對於團體會有更高的忠誠度。培養忠實觀眾不僅能維持既有觀眾,還能透過口碑吸引新的觀眾。本研究透過了解成為忠實觀眾的歷程,以提供表演藝術組織培養忠實觀眾做為參考。 / Recently, there are more and more performing activities and organizations, and there are also a growing number of people willing to participate in these activities. The importance of performance activities to people is increasing; however, in performing arts market, the organizations have to face not only the competitive market, but also the unstable income because performing arts consumption is frequently affected by social, economic or other determinants. Therefore, audience development, increasing preferences for performing arts and enhancing loyalty which makes audiences keep watching the performances have become crucial for performing arts organizations.
The purpose of this research is to understand the process from non-audience to loyal performing arts organization audience. This research uses The Ping-Fong Acting Troupe as a case, which was founded in 1980s and had established close relationship with its audiences. Through in-depth interviews, this research examines the internal and external factors to become the loyal audiences.
The research finds out that, the audiences notice the performing arts organization by different ways in the beginning. Next, they become interested and trust in the organization due to word of mouth. They decide to buy the performance tickets for the first try. During the performance, when they feel connected to the performance, they would be touched and impressed deeply. Furthermore, if the audience have nice overall watching experiences, and the organization offer the discount for the next show initiatively, the audience will be more likely to keep watching the performance played by the organization. In this stage, the audiences are attracted to the unique merits of the organization, the connection between the show and their experience, and high service quality. After they have several satisfying watching experiences, they become having confidence in the performance quality, and become loyal audiences. After the audience join the membership system and become the volunteer of the organization, they will be more loyal to the organization. Developing loyal audience not only maintain the audience, but also appeal to new audiences by word of mouth. To sum up, the research focus on realizing the process of becoming the loyal audience and it is expected to contribute to both practice and theory in arts management.
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棒球運動的觀眾參與及其行動意義--以台灣為例 / The participation and the action meaning of baseball spectators in Taiwan呂宇正 Unknown Date (has links)
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Transmedia Storytelling for Television in Taiwan: Do Audiences Want to Engage?潘偉力, Portwood, Mark Unknown Date (has links)
Transmedia Storytelling is an often-discussed buzz word in entertainment circles, but currently there are very few cases of it in Taiwan’s television market. Furthermore, there is very little literature or research done addressing this field in a way that would enable would-be producers to design a transmedia production to meet their targets successfully. The aim of this study was to gather empirical data on how likely consumers of television programs in Taiwan are to interact with transmedia content for their preferred TV programs.
This information should prove useful to producers to have a reference of what types of transmedia extensions to put time and money into and which platforms to target for maximum audience engagement. Additionally, any researchers that are interested in audience-side information on transmedia consumption and engagement in Taiwan should find this study of interest. This study employed the use of survey data and to generate some meaningful data about this topic. Now that the data has been gathered and analyzed, a clearer picture of audience engagement with possible transmedia productions in Taiwan has been shown.
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多頻道環境觀眾收視行為之研究:以有線電視新店經營區為例 / Viewer behavior research in multichannel environment鍾起惠, Chung Chi Huey Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對有線電視新店經營區的觀眾,進行收視前(before viewing)、收視中(during viewing)與收視後(after viewing)等行為層面的探討。研究資料採量化與質化兼具方式為之。在量化資料方面,以電話方式成功訪問十五歲及以上的672位受訪者;在質化資料方面,則進行二場焦點團體,包括中壯年組與青少年組的討論。
包括,對觀眾擁有「頻道數」(CR)的研究、多頻道情境(multichannel situation)、「頻道忠誠度」與節目類型忠誠度的問題、質化收視率(quantitative ratings)的嘗試等後續研究上的建議;以及對有線電視系統經營者有關頻道管理的問題;協助頻道商掌握小眾的特質;及廣告主對區域性觀眾特質的掌握等實務上的建議,皆提出應用上的說明。
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電視觀眾區隔與電視節目偏好研究馬濟華, Ma, Ji-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
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跟蹤客/砍殺電影中的觀看議題林揚, Lin, Yang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文分為四個章節。第一章介紹跟蹤客/砍殺電影如何誇張地呈現性別差異,以及之前的評論家如何詮釋此類電影中的刻板元素。第二章則探討莫薇如何批評好萊塢主流電影為傳播父權意識型態的機制,以及跟蹤客/砍殺電影如何成為此意識型態的傳聲筒。第三章則指出莫薇如何為了將批判父權體系為重心而在引用佛洛依德的理論時刻意忽略了女性在獲得視覺快感的能動性。更重要地,第四章引用「幻象」的概念,指出視覺快感不應該因觀眾的性別而有所不同;唯有在「幻象」的領域中,不管是男性或是女性都可以主動地獲得視覺快感,那怕是像跟蹤客/砍殺電影這種刻意凸顯性別差異的電影類型。最後,第五章為前述論點作個總結,指出「幻象」為現有的理論中最能詮釋觀眾在觀看跟蹤客/砍殺電影時所獲得的視覺快感。 / Horror films have been an important and popular form of mainstream Hollywood films. In the late seventies, a special type of horror films, stalker/slasher films, characterized by their demonstration of extreme violence and sex, immediately attracted a huge amount of spectators despite that males are always depicted as powerful agents whereas females the powerless and eroticized objects. Previous critics analyze stalker/slasher films by adopting Laura Mulvey’s concepts, indicating that only males can require visual pleasure through the films. However, the interpretation obviously fails to account for the fact that females comprise a significant amount of stalker/slasher films spectators. As a result, the thesis aims to indicate the defects of those critics and, moreover, to search for a theory that provides a better interpretation of spectators’ visual pleasure in viewing stalker/slasher films.
The thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter One introduces how stalker/slasher films dramatize gender differences and how the previous critics analyze their conventional elements. Chapter Two discusses how Mulvey criticizes mainstream Hollywood cinema as a mechanism that spreads patriarchal ideology and how stalker/slasher films manifest the patriarchal ideology. Chapter Three, on the other hand, points out how Mulvey selectively adopts Freud’s theory because of her political nature and how her theory fails to account for a spectatorship with which both men and women can acquire visual pleasure in viewing stalker/slasher films. Most importantly, Chapter Four, introduces the concept of fantasy, indicating that spectatorship should not be demarcated along biological gender lines; within the realm of fantasy both men and women are the active agents acquiring visual pleasure through adopting multiple and fluid spectating positions. Finally, Chapter Five concludes that fantasy may be a better perspective that accounts for not only males’ but also females’ visual pleasure in viewing stalker/slasher films.
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跨國電視,在地消費--論台灣青年觀眾之美國影集收視經驗林積慶 Unknown Date (has links)
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博物館行銷策略研究—以生活型態論推薦博物館之因素 / Study on museum marketing strategies -Life style as a factor of museum recommendation游冉琪, Yu, Jan Chi Unknown Date (has links)
最後根據研究發現,分別依據不同族群生活型態之屬性與博物館推薦意願之差異,提出不同的博物館行銷策略與方案,以提供博物館開發觀眾之參考。 / In this contemporary society where emphasis is placed on differentiation and diversified consumption, it is a test for contemporary museums to conduct audience lifestyle studies with multi-faceted resources, and to explore a lifestyle marketing strategy for ‘one museum, multi lifestyles’. Most museums usually have to conduct various marketing promotions and through different channels to cultivate target audiences and attract potential audiences. Various related studies indicates that word-of-mouth is usually the most effective marketing strategy. Therefore, through ‘word-of-mouth’ to analyze influential audiences could be an important way to explore potential audiences.
This study takes Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum, to understand the consumption behavior of museum audience, in order to assume the characteristics of potential museum audiences, and to explore the relationship between museum typology and audiences’ willingness to recommend. This will also serve as the basis for future marketing strategy, and to design various museum functions and contents.
Based on the findings, five typology elements were extracted through element analysis, namely artistic participation, brand consumption, work achievement, cultural education and family popularity; then through group analysis these five elements were segregated into different lifestyle typologies, namely ‘workaholics’, ‘popular leisure’, ‘students’, ‘cultural activity consumers’, and ‘family-oriented consumers’. The analysis will indicate that museum audiences can be grouped based on lifestyle. Audiences with different lifestyle backgrounds encompass different visiting patterns, and may differ in willingness to recommend museum services and facilities.
Finally, based on the findings of this study, we intend to propose different museum marketing strategies based on audience lifestyle, and their willingness to recommend the museum, to serve as future reference as museums targets potential audiences.
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