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對不同產品、不同廣告訴求方式效果之比較杜富漢, DU, FU-HAN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在探究說服性傳播的歷程,以Petty 與Cacioppo(1981) 推敲可能性模式
(Elaboration -LiKelihood model) 為經,探討不同類別的產品因購買時所知覺風險
本研究採2×2×2×2 多因子實驗設計,以455 名高職夜間部女生為受試;經變異數
get,time,context 上有差異(Fishbein 與Ajzen 1975) 。
路徑發生,根據Petty 與Cacioppo(1981) 的觀點,循中樞路徑處理訊息者,較注重訊
為探討此一觀點點的可行性,本研究以分層取樣法抽取454 名夜校女生為受試,再將
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兩岸廣告訴求及品牌個性比較-以網路廣告為例李吉明 Unknown Date (has links)
在廣告訴求方面,本研究呼符合Tse, Belk, and Zhou(1989)的研究結果,大陸偏實用主義,台灣偏享樂主義;品牌個性方面,兩岸的表現以「稱職」為最多,次為「刺激」,此呼應Aaker 的研究以此二構面為首的合理性,也說明了產品與人在個性上的差異,應證設計專屬於品牌之個性構面的必要性。
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營養補充品影片內容行銷研究以台灣亞培安素圓夢影片為例蔡佩瑾 Unknown Date (has links)
長壽世代來臨, 2026年台灣將成為「超高齡社會」,65歲以上人口佔總人口數20%,每5人中有1人是老人。2016年全台已有15個縣市老化指數達100.18,代表將近七成縣市老人已經比小孩還多。當人人都能活到100歲,體力將隨之減退,伴隨而來的衰弱、疾病自然影響生活品質,運動+營養是健康的不二法則,當人們開始意識到「健康老去」的重要性,可預見將帶動營養補充品市場蓬勃發展。
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廣告中動機訴求與說服路徑設計對廣告效果之影響 / The Advertising Effect of Motivate Appeal and ELM Route Design陳佩珊, Chen, Pei-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果分為兩大部分:主要自變項與依變項之因果關係假設檢驗、動機訴求類別與資訊路徑之關係討論。本研究主要探討動機訴求之廣告類別,在不同路徑之設計之下,所導致的廣告效果差異。統計方法上主要應用單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)與簡單線性迴歸分析(Simple Linear Regression)。檢定研究中主要自變項:中央、邊陲路徑訊息設計方式,在五個依變項:整體注意力、對主要訊息的理解度、對主要訊息的記憶度、對廣告的態度及對品牌的態度等的差異情況。
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海峽兩岸網路廣告中價值觀之比較研究王奕晴, Wang I-ching Unknown Date (has links)
研究樣本自兩岸最受歡迎的入口網站中收集文化意涵完整的網路廣告,共收集407則,其中台灣174則、大陸233則。採用Stern(1998)的文化價值觀量表,以及Hetsroni(2000)的訴求價值觀項目,再加上「兩人的情感」以及「異國風情」兩項,共計有27項訴求價值,由三位過錄員(含研究者)進行內容分析,評分者間信度為 .70至 .74。研究結果發現:(1)兩岸在網路廣告產品類別有差異,可能與兩岸的經濟水準有關;(2)文化價值觀整體分析中「社會正義感」、「財富」為台灣顯著較高,「影響力」、「敬重長者」、「多變化」、「刺激」為大陸較高;(3)訴求價值觀整體比較中,訴求「方便性」、「經濟」、「愉悅歡樂」、「個人主義」、「休閒放鬆」、「助人」、及「財物豐富」等價值為台灣顯著較高,而訴求「聰明智慧」則為大陸較高;(4)「網路產品」類別在文化價值觀與訴求價值觀皆未達到顯著差異;(5)在文化價值觀與訴求價值觀都有「歪曲鏡」的現象;。研究最後提出實務上的建議、研究限制以及未來研究方向的建議。 / In past decades, Mainland China(China) has made large improvement in economic power. The amount of business interaction between China and Taiwan has made the commercial industry become booming, and the new growing media—‘web ads’ are no exception. But even thought the people in two regions speak similar language and have shared a part of traditional culture, there are still many misunderstanding between them. Historically, Taiwan and China have separated over 50 years from 1949, leaders in two countries take the different policies to manage and structure people’s life and ideology. Comprehending the different of values will be helpful to cross-strait business interaction, cultural exchange, personal friendship, and so on.
The main of this research attempts to get understanding the cultural values and appeal values on Web ads in Taiwan and China, and contrasts values between the two countries. A content analysis was conducted on a total of 407 Web ads with completed cultural meaning selected from the two countries. The cultural values sheet is from Stern’s(1998)study, and appeal values sheet is from Chien Yu-Fen’s(2003) study.
Results of the content analysis on Web ads show that there are different productions and frequencies in production categories between Taiwan and China. And there are some important differences of cultural values and appeal values are significant. The most worth to mention is that there are no any significant on values comparison in ‘Web production’ category, and this category seems be possible a production with universal values.
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評估俄羅斯菸盒警示圖文之警示效果研究 / Evaluation of Graphical Warnings on Cigarette Packs in Russia安恩雅, Anna Tamurova Unknown Date (has links)
評估俄羅斯菸盒警示圖文之警示效果研究 / Nowadays tobacco use leads to one of the most common reasons of preventable deaths. According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey, in 2012 Russia has moved to the first place as a most smoking country in the world. Since 2013 Russian government has implemented a variety of methods to reduce smoking in the country. There is not much research done to analyze one of these methods, graphic warning labels on cigarette packs, which were implemented in Russia more than one year ago. Therefore current study aims to evaluate how college students in Russia react on these warning labels. Using fear appeal theory and Witte’s Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM), this research explains the advantages and disadvantages of graphic warning labels in Russia. Focus group was conducted to evaluate each of 12 graphic warnings. According to the focus group participants, the paradontosis, stillbirth, oncological diseases, and prematurity were the labels that made them feel concerned. The participants felt that these topics were very important, as the pictures were unpleasant, scary, or disgusting. However, topics, such as impotence, suffering, and emphysema were evaluated as indifferent, irrelevant, and not impressive. Also it has been noted that there is lack of knowledge among Russian college students about the harmful consequences of smoking. Topics, such as early aging and impotence were evaluated as they make no sense and irrelevant to smoking.
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廣告體驗訴求對第三代行動通訊採用意願之影響黃瀅潔 Unknown Date (has links)
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香菸警示圖文面積佔比、廣告訴求及涉入對香菸消費者之廣告效果 / Advertising effectiveness on area of cigarette warning labels, advertising appeals and involvement李宗祐, Lee, Tsung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
經實證研究後發現以下結果,(一)單純香菸警示圖文面積佔比的改變,對消費者的廣告效果並無顯著的影響,且台灣現行警示圖文已失去該有的警示效果,(二)考慮干擾效果之後可以發現,不同的廣告訴求確實會對香菸警示圖文面積佔比的廣告效果,對態度上有顯著的影響,對理性訴求來說,警示圖文的放大仍然會有影響力,但總體效果並不如感性訴求的警示圖文(三)不同涉入程度水準,也會對香菸警示圖文面積佔比的廣告效果,對購買意願有顯著的影響,對涉入程度較低的香菸使用者而言,警示圖文確實能造成其未來對香菸購買行為的改變,而對香菸涉入程度高的消費者而言,警示圖文可產生的廣告效果並不會對其行為有太大影響。 / The anti-smoking campaign and relative policies is growing around the world in these years. However, there were not much related researches in Taiwan. In addition, our anti-smoking policy really fallen behind which compared to other developed countries. It’s became the motivation of this study. This thesis focuses on cigarette warning label issues, and measure advertising effectiveness of warning label area. In addition, it also considers the disturbance variables, including involvement and advertising appeals.
This study conducted experiment method. According to literature review, the Independent variable based on current world warning label policy, we define three levels of different warning label area. This study take the smoker in Taiwan as research objects in order to distribute 180 questionnaires, 177 of which are retrieved and the valid ratio is 98%. As the result of experiment, we found that the advertising effectiveness of cigarette warning area wasn’t distinct, but that would be affected by involvement and advertising appeals.
The result of research supported part of fundamental hypothesis. The effectiveness of attitude could be higher when the warning label was emotional appeals. The smoker with lower involvement would have higher effectiveness of purchase intension. Beside of that, this study also found that the current cigarette warning label isn’t work anymore.
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網路媒體報導式廣告內容分析:內容、表現形式與訴求 / A comparative research of the advertorial in the online media: content, format and appeal謝子萱, Hsieh, Tzu Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
故本研究欲探討平網整合媒體模式之網路媒體,以及原生內容網站中的報導式廣告,在廣告訊息內容、表現形式,與廣告訴求之間的差異情形。本研究聚焦於專營女性題材之網路媒體,平網整合媒體模式之網路媒體選定「VOGUE」作為代表,而原生內容網站中選定「妞新聞」(Nius News)作為代表,並以內容分析法探討其在不同媒體類別、不同商品類別中之報導式廣告差異。
商品特性之差異,也會影響報導式廣告的廣告策略,如偏「感性」層面的美妝類產品,偏好使用大量的圖像,並帶有強烈的行動呼籲,而偏「理性」層面的保養類產品,偏好多次強調產品名稱,相對直接、平實的呈現廣告內容,而生活用品類則視其產品類別而定,若偏向理性的一般類商品,通常是採「解決問題」導向,若是感性類的商品,則更偏好採取「情感共鳴」導向。 / With the popularity of Internet technology, the dissemination of technology updates, more consumers prefer to access the media through the Internet, resulting in many traditional media try to expand the network platform, and actively transform to the Print-Online integration model. At the same time, there are many "Digital native" content websites join the competition.
Many scholars have studied the “Advertorial”, but they only focus on the characteristics, design, or degree of identification in the print media. There is little analysis of the contents, expressions and advertising appeal in the online media.
The results of the study found that –
Different media websites have significant differences in the advertorial. The VOGUE, which is operated by the Print-Online integration model, has more "direct", "general", "commercial". The Nius News, which is the content website of the "Digital native", relatively more "indirect", "special", "daily ".
Differences in product property also affect the advertising strategies of the advertorial. Such as the beauty products have the property of "Emotional", preferring to use many images, and with a strong call action; the skin care products have the property of "Rational", preferring to repeatedly emphasize the product name, relatively straightforward presentation of advertising content. The category of daily commodies is determined by the type of product. The product classified as "Rational", is usually taken to "solve the problem" strategy, but the product classified as "Emotional" is preferred to take "emotional resonance" strategy.
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台灣、德國品牌個性、廣告訴求與消費者價值信念之跨文化比較 / The Intercultural Comparison between Taiwan and Germany in Brand Personality, Advertising Appeals and Consumer Value-Beliefs鍾韶庭, Chung, Shao-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
自從歐盟成立後,歐洲市場對於台灣經濟的重要性與日俱增,目前為台灣主要貿易國家 (地區) 中出口成長率最高的地區,而德國又為台灣在歐洲進出口貿易額中最高的國家,然而國內學術界對於德國乃至於歐洲地區的消費者研究卻屈指可數,大多著重於中國大陸、美國與日本的研究,造成此現象的原因除了是過去歐洲市場在台灣的經濟地位不比中、美、日之外,也與台灣留學國外少以歐洲為主有關,造成與消費者相關的初次級資料取得不易、研究成本過高等因素,但隨著國內研究生赴歐洲交換學生的趨勢漸增,將提供國內學術界與實務界暸解歐洲消費者的機會。
廠商可依據本研究結果針對台灣消費者的「他人導向」、「簡約習性」、「保障需求」與「價格敏感」等信念,以及德國消費者的「享樂主義」、「價格敏感」與「簡約習性」等信念設計行銷活動,也可以藉由塑造品牌個性來增加消費者的品牌偏好度,對於學術而言,本研究不僅增加國內學術界對於歐洲市場的瞭解,更得到品牌個性、廣告訴求與消費者價值信念皆能影響品牌偏好度的結果,其中品牌個性又能明顯影響品牌偏好度,本研究成果可供後續相關研究作為深入探討的基礎。 / Since the establishment of the EU, the importance of the European market to Taiwan has been steadily increasing. Among Taiwan’s major trading countries (areas), the European market has the highest export growth rate, with the highest volume of trade happening between Germany and Taiwan. Despite this fact, researches about German or European consumers are still rare in the domestic academia, where the focus is mostly on China, USA, and Japan. There are some reasons causing this. First, Europe’s economic status of was lower than the previously mentioned countries. Also, there were fewer scholars from Europe, which may lead to higher research costs and difficulty in collecting data among others. Nevertheless, with the increasing number of exchange students going to Europe, this would offer domestic academia and businesses an opportunity to better understand European consumers.
This research starts with an examination of previous culture-related literatures to discover the differences in all cultural dimensions between Taiwan and Germany. From this, the research infers that there would also be differences in brand personality, advertising appeals, and consumer value-beliefs. Moreover, the research discussed the relationship between brand preferences and brand personality/advertising appeals/consumer value-beliefs. Two well-known brands were selected, Mercedes-Benz and Acer, and questionnaires for each brand were developed and distributed randomly in Taiwan and Germany. Four hundred ninety five valid questionnaires were collected, among which 247 were collected in Taiwan and 248 were in Germany.
The results revealed that there were significant differences in one brand’s brand personality and advertising appeals. Furthermore, consumers had more positive attitudes toward their home country’s brand. The research also found that consumer value beliefs affected by the culture were different between Taiwan and Germany in “Brand Favor,” “Conformance Orientation,” “Face Influence,” “Hedonic,” “Frugality Intention,” and “Security Needs.” In addition, it was proved that brand personality was significantly related to consumers’ brand preferences. However, advertising appeals and consumer value-belief had relatively lower influence on the brand preferences.
Businesses could utilize the results of this study to devise marketing initiatives depending on consumer value-beliefs, such as Taiwan’s “Conformity-orientation,” “Frugality intention,” “Security Needs,” and “Price Sensitivity” and Germany’s “Hedonic,” “Price Sensitivity,” and “Frugality Intention.” Moreover, businesses could also build favorable brand personality to influence brand preferences. As for the academia, this research not only broadens the understanding of the European market, it also finds the relationship influence between brand personality, advertising appeals, consumer value-beliefs, and brand preferences, especially that in which brand personality significantly influences brand preference, which could be the base of further investigation.
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