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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


許文傑 Unknown Date (has links)
有關「公民參與」的研究,過去多半集中於「政治」方面的討論,此不僅造成對民主政治本意的誤解,也同時侷限了公民參與應該發揮的功能。本論文的目的在於強調公共行政中的公民參與行動,更趨近於民主政治的真諦,同時也從參與式民主、公民資格及民主行政等理論的論述中,試圖為公民參與公共事務鋪陳一個理論安排與分析架構,使其行動獲得一個合法性的地位及堅實的著力點。而更進一步的,在這個理論建構的基礎上也可以逐漸浮現一個「公民性政府」的圖像,為「政府再造」的作為提供一個新方向。 在即將邁入二十一世紀之際,帶領國家朝向一個新的時代,需要有一個更具效能與競爭力的全新政府組織,而建立在公民參與行動的基礎上,並且結合參與式民主、公民資格、民主行政等三個主要理論的整合與鋪陳,所形成的「公民性政府」正是符合未來新世紀環境的一個新的組合與行政模式。這個「公民性政府」的組成是以「公民」取代行政官僚主導的組織結構,以「公民參與」過程取代官僚行政的控制與管理手段,以「民主行政」取代效率行政的目標。 為了能落實「公民性政府」的理想,必須從培養「積極的公民」及建立「參與的制度」二方面著手,前者透過公民教育的加強、社區總體營造的深化、非營利組織的發展,所形成的公民社會普遍培育去私從公的公民;後者則是強化草根性的社區基層組織,以及建構完整的公民參與法制,提供無礙而有保障的參與環境。

憲法共同体と構成員資格 -外国人の政治的権利を中心に

魏, 培軒 23 March 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(法学) / 甲第19452号 / 法博第186号 / 新制||法||154(附属図書館) / 32488 / 京都大学大学院法学研究科法政理論専攻 / (主査)教授 毛利 透, 教授 土井 真一, 教授 曽我部 真裕 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Laws / Kyoto University / DFAM


陳庚金, Chen, Geng-Jin Unknown Date (has links)
語云「為政之要,莫若得人,百官稱職,則萬務咸治」,又云「徒善不足以為政,徒 法不足以自行」,意在健全之法制有賴勝任之人員以執行之,始能達成目的,恢宏功 能。公務人員之任用乃人事行政之大門,如何使「朝無倖進之徒,野無抑鬱之士」, 斯為施政致治之要務。現行公務人員任用制度,作始於廣州,大備於遷渝之際,行憲 後可記之革新措施殊多,迨行政院成立人事行政局,任用制度復向前邁進一步,此種 演進事實可供吾人探討之處誠多,不無研究價值。 全文凡七章,約十六萬字。 第一章緒論。係自任用之廣狹二義中說明拙文以狹義之任用配備過程為限。並就諸多 不同之公務人員涵義□,確定以公務人員任用法及分類職位公務人員任用法所規範之 公務人員為研究對象。 第二章任用制度之演進。首敘歷代與北京政府時代之任用制度,自秦以迄民初擇要歷 述,以明梗概。再就國民政府時期所建立之任用制度,予以分析介紹,並將行憲以來 任用法規之立法精神作一扼要說明,冀對現行制度之瞭解與研究有所助益。 第三章任用機關與銓敘機關。除於任用機關之任用權限及銓敘機關之組織與職權作一 探討外,並對時起爭議之任用權作一簡單分析,而以任用權之制度化為依歸。 第四章任用等級與任用資格。本章將公務人員依適用法規之不同分成普通任用法上之 公務人員、特種任用法上之公務人員及分類職位法上之公務人員三類,分別詳述任用 等級與任用資格,並各類公務人員之職等比照與轉任資格作一綜合說明。 第五章任用限制。分別就積極條件之能力要件、任用要素,及消極限制之消極條件、 迴避任用、兼代限制、年齡限制、指名商調等一一予以分析研討。 第六章任用程序。此與任用資格同係任用制度之骨幹,自考試分發甄審、派代、送審 、銓敘、複審、試用、學習至請簡呈荐委任、動態登記、改正降免與銓審互核等,分 別就作業程序與作業要點詳加敘述。同時將分類職位公務人員之任用程序另節說明。

團體壽險暨相關法律問題研究 / A study on Group life insurance and related legal issues

李琬鈴, Lee, Wan Ling Unknown Date (has links)
團體壽險是員工福利思潮下之產物,至今已成為分散、轉嫁企業人身及責任風險不可或缺之風險管理工具。而團體壽險以一張保險單承保多數被保險人,此項「團體」之特性使其在核保、保險費、部分有效性及契約條款之設計上,有別於一般之人壽保險。目前,各家保險公司之團體壽險保險單悉以主管機關制訂之「團體一年定期人壽保險單示範條款」為依據。此示範條款以團體為要保人、團體成員為被保險人,將團體壽險定位為由第三人訂立之人壽保險契約,使團體壽險契約受到欠缺保險利益而無效、有無保險法第一○五條之適用及指定、變更受益人之權利人為誰之質疑。其次,團體壽險契約條款中的保險契約構成部分條款、被保險人資格條款、保險契約終止條款、契約轉換權條款、免責條款及不可抗爭條款等亦存在諸多問題,實有檢討予以修正之必要。 因此,本文乃以探討示範條款所涉法律爭議問題為中心,參酌國內學說見解並比較美國判例及美國保險監理官協會所制訂之「團體壽險定義及標準條款模範法案」,對團體壽險契約條款之增訂及修正提出七項建議,包括重新定位團體壽險契約當事人、重視逆選擇防範及被保險人權益保障、明訂兩年不可抗爭期間及團體信用壽險不適用契約轉換權條款及受益人條款、修正個別被保險人保險契約終止之時點及保險人免責事由等,希冀本文之淺見能使示範條款更為完善。 / Group life insurance arises from the thought that employers have the responsibilities to take care of their employees. Until now, group life insurance has become an important part of industries’ risk management plans for distributing and transferring industries’ life and liability risk. Group life insurance insures more than five persons in one policy, and this “group” characteristic makes group life insurance different from general life insurance in many aspects: underwriting, premiums, partly effective and contract clauses. Presently, provisions of group life policies are based on“Model Provisions for Group Yearly Term life Policies”promulgated by competent authority. According to Article 2 of the model provisions, the policyholder is the “group”, and the members of the group are insureds. In other words, group life insurance is entered into by third party. This causes three problems needed to be solved: (1) If the policyholder has no insurable interest in the insured, shall group life insurance be void? (2) Is Article 105 of Insurance Act applicable to group life insurance? (3) Who has the right to designate or change the beneficiary? In addition, there are still some problems in other model provisions including the entire-contract provision, eligibility requirements provision, termination provision, conversion provision, exception clause and incontestability provision. It is necessary to review and revise the model provisions. Therefore, this study focuses on related legal issues of the model provisions. Referring to scholars’ opinions and comparing American verdicts and “Group Life Insurance Definition and Group Life Insurance Standard Provisions Model Act” issued by The National Association of Insurance Commissioners, this study concludes by providing several suggestions in revising the model provisions: (1) The policyholder and the insured should be referred to as members of the group, not “group”. (2) Emphasize on preventing adverse-selection and protecting the insured’s right. (3) Augment incontestable period of two years and a clause which provides that conversion provision and beneficiary provision are not applicable to credit group life insurance. (4) Revise the termination provision and exception clause. Hope these suggestions will make the model provisions more perfect.

大學入學考試制度之研究:以台灣與法國為例 / A Study of College Admission: The Case of Taiwan and France

白美恩, Marion Baudry Unknown Date (has links)
隨著高等教育的大眾化發展,臺灣與法國的大學招生制度經過幾次變革,以期滿足招生需求。大學學位不僅是學歷的一紙證明,更是臺灣與法國高等教育標準化歷程的體現。從高中過渡到大學,是每個學生學術生涯中關鍵且費神的階段,並與未來的成功息息相關。因此,無論在臺灣或法國,學生高中階段的學術能力測驗至關重要,可謂從青春期過渡到成年期的重要指標。學術能力測驗成績影響著絕大多數畢業生的大學申請和錄取機會。雖然臺灣和法國有不少關於兩國大學教育的研究,但對於高中學生進入大學前的學術能力測驗甚少探討。本研究旨在探討臺、法國大學申請的入學先決條件和要求,以期進一步瞭解大學入學機制。本研究透過對臺灣和法國大學系統中錄取要求,如臺灣的先修課程測驗和法國的一般入學要求等規定進行對比分析,找出各自的優缺點。研究方法包括文獻綜述,以及對兩國高中生進行問卷調查和深度訪談。研究發現,目前兩國的大學入學系統的主要難題之一是缺乏相應的學術指導機制。臺灣方面在於過分強調大學入學考試測驗,法國則與之相反,學生因為過高的升學率而缺乏學習動機。本研究建議,今後臺法兩國如何面對高教入學機會中重新出現的不公與文憑貶值等新挑戰,是雙方大學入學體系需要解決的共同問題。 / With the massification of their higher education systems, Taiwan and France have experienced several changes in their college admission processes in order to meet the increasing demand of enrollment into higher education. A university degree has become more than just a certificate of academic achievement but a normalized process in Taiwan and France. The transition from high school to university has become a pivotal yet nerve-racking period in a student’s academic career and is considered as one of the most crucial factor of the student’s future success. In Taiwan and France, the academic abilities of students tested during the senior high school are the most important and significant indicators of students’ transition from adolescence to adulthood. It leads a vast majority of graduates to apply to university and to undertake college admission process. Although several studies have been done in Taiwan and France, only few have previously analyzed a student’s journey through the college admission process in the two countries. The current study intends to investigate the prerequisites and requirements that college applicants in Taiwan and France are required to meet in order to access the college and university systems. By comparing and analyzing the massification of the two systems, as well as Taiwan and France college admission’s requirements such as the Scholastic Ability Test and the Advanced Subjects Test in Taiwan, and the French General Baccalaureate; the study seeks to identify the crucial pro and cons that arise in each system in order to give recommendations on improvements that can be made. Data has been collected through literature reviews, in-depth interviews as well as surveys among former senior high school students in both countries. The results of the present study show that one of the main dilemmas of today’s education systems is the lack of academic guidance. While one of the main problems of Taiwanese education is its emphasis on testing, France education, on the contrary, is facing issues due to its excessive accessibility of universities which leads students to enroll in degrees without real motivations behind their choice. The shift of inequalities in educational opportunities is also one of the new concerns that Taiwanese and French education systems are facing as well as the depreciation of diplomas.

轉變中的臺灣公民社會與公民教育-有關學校公民教育問題面向及其發展趨勢之研究 / Civil Society and Civic Education in Changing Taiwan:Concerning the Analysis of School Civic Educational Problem Dimensions and Developmental Tendencies

莊富源 Unknown Date (has links)
自一九八Ο年代威權體制開始解體以來,臺灣的公民教育已然進入另一個新的蛻變階段,而其所賦予的積極意義,乃在於反映並凸顯出對以往整體公民教育的價值取向、概念論述、典範遞移、課程內涵、以及課程決定等有關問題面向所作的一種審視與反思,從而標舉一個能以「公民社會」理念作為建構總體教育目標時代的正式來臨。影響所及,值此一轉變關鍵的時刻,國人如何循由對「政治民主化、經濟自由化、社會多元化、文化本土化、以及意識主體化」等五大價值取向的認知與涵養,結合民主教育、法治教育、倫理道德教育、以及生活教育等四大核心課程內涵的深化與落實,並在致力於涵蘊「公民社會」為其學科典範遞移最高指標的同時,能進一步以強調「差異的(或多元的)公民資格觀」的概念論述及推動「公民參與」的課程決定方式,藉以充實及強化公民教育的運作機制和功能,業已成為今後公民教育責無旁貸的重要發展趨勢所在。 關鍵詞:公民教育、公民社會、價值取向、課程內涵、概念論述、典範遞移、 課程決定、公民資格、科際整合、顯著課程。 / Since the authoritarian system was began to fall apart during 1980’s in R.O.C.(Taiwan), civic education at school has gone into an another new transformation stage and bestowed a progressive meaning too, it is so necessary as to make a review and self-examination that reflect or manifest the totality of problem dimensions about value orientation, conceptual discourse, paradigm shift, curriculum content, and curriculum decision-making for the past. Thus much to construct and mark a period of “civil society” concept of the macro educational goal is coming formally. Due to the impact, especially it happened just changing time, we need how to recognize and nourish the five value orientations of “democratization to politics, freedom to economics, plural to societies, localization to culture, and subjectivity to conscious”. Combine with the four codes of curriculum content about democracy of education, law-related education, ethics and moral education, and experiential education that must be deepened and practiced for the citizens. At the same time, it also devoted to cherish the conceptual of “civil society” to be the highest characteristic of a paradigm shift of the civic education course. Moreover, it is obliged to emphasize the “differential or plural citizenship” and push the curriculum decision-making model of the “civic participation” that its operational machinery and functions could be fulfilled and competent. In summary, there is no passing buck to these important developmental tendencies of civic education in the changing future. Key Words: civic education, civil society, value orientation, curriculum content,conceptual discourse, paradigm shift, curriculum decision-making,citizenship, interdisciplinary integration, evident curriculum.

以國際比較檢視我國醫師團體在執業管制中之定位與功能 / Positions and Functions of Taiwan Physician Groups in Practicing Regulation-An International Comparison

徐世平, Hsu, Shih Ping Unknown Date (has links)
醫療保險與服務是維護個人生存,增進民族健康,保障國民基本權之重要國家任務。而除了藥品、醫材、設備、醫院外,接受專業訓練、符合專業知識、技術與道德要求的醫療專業人員,包括醫師,也是醫療系統中不可或缺的要角。但相較之下,關於我國醫師團體在醫療行政法制中的角色尚缺乏完整論述,而本文即在檢視我國醫師團體(包括職業團體與學術團體)在執業管制中的定位與功能。 為了突顯我國醫師團體的特殊性,考量大陸法/英美法、醫療保險體系、醫療水準、與歷史社會等因素,本文選擇了德國、日本、美國、英國與中國大陸作為參照對比。從「醫療服務與醫療行政系統」到「醫師團體發展歷史與現況」,由大縮小、鑑古知今,將各國家地區之醫師團體的背景事實先做系統化整理、分析、並比較,以理解其在各自國家社會體系中的定位。另外,就其在醫師職業管制中管「入」的「執業資格授予」與管「出」的「執業資格廢止」的作用亦做系統化整理、分析、與比較,以認識各該團體在其中的功能。 基於以上的背景事實,再以「公私協力」與「職業自律」深入檢視,我國醫師團體(特別是職業團體之醫師公會) 在醫師職業管制中與國家政府之相對關係和定位,與其在執業資格授予與廢止作用上的功能。 關於我國醫師公會在執業管制法制中地位與功能的調整,本文建議:相較於仿德國例全面肯認醫師公會為「公法人」與政府分工,或仿日美英例鬆綁醫師公會為真正的「私法人」與政府制衡,依我國現實條件可由立法者直接立法或授權行政機關以授權命令賦予醫師公會行政受託人地位,並對稱移轉關於醫師執業資格授予與廢止之特定具體權限給公會,則在此委託範圍內公會即可被視為行政機關,即可對應要求其內部章程、組織、與程序須符合行政法法規與法理。 / Medical insurance and services are national tasks essentially for maintaining personal survival, improving people health, and protecting fundamental civil rights. Along with medicines, medical materials, equipment, and hospitals, medical professionals, including physicians, who have received professional training and met the requirements of expertise, technology and ethics, are indispensable for a working medical system. However, discussions about the roles of physician groups in medical administrative law systems in Taiwan are few. Thus, the present work is to examine positions and functions of physicians groups (including professional groups and academic groups) in the medical practicing regulation in Taiwan. In order to highlight the particularities of Taiwan physician groups and to take account of the differences in the continental law/Common law, medical insurance systems, medical service levels, and historical and social factors, Germany, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom were selected for reference and comparison. From the "medical service and medical administrative systems" to "development history and present situation of the groups", the background facts of representative physicians groups were systematically collected, analyzed, and compared for comprehension of their positions in the social systems in their respective countries. Besides, regulatory functions of the groups in approving and revoking medical practicing qualifications were also systematically collected, analyzed, and compared for acknowledgement. Based on the above background facts and the concepts of "public-private partnership" and "professional autonomy", we further inspected Taiwan physician groups, especially the professional groups of physicians, to review their relationship with the government in professional regulation, and functions in practicing licensure. Regarding the positions and functions of the professional groups of physicians in medical practicing regulation in Taiwan, the following adjustment is proposed: Rather than adopting the “public legal entity” model for fulfilling national duties as in Germany, or “fully private corporation” model for balancing national regulation as in Japan, the United States, and the United Kingdom, our legislatives and administrative authorities could authorize by law the professional groups of physicians to exercise the powers specifically for medical practicing licensure, and thus the groups, as commissioned administrative agencies, should be required to amend their own bylaws, organizations, and procedures about the above authorized areas in concordance with administrative laws.

韓國政府採購廠商停權制度之研究 / Reach of refused to The Korea State Contract

李怡芳, Lee,Yi Fang Unknown Date (has links)

英國校長專業資格檢定制度(NPQH)在我國國中小學校長培育制度建構之研究 / A Study of National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) for Construction of Elementary and Secondary School Principal Preparation Systems in Taiwan

陳宏彰, Chen, Hung-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究英國校長專業資格檢定制度在我國國中小學校長培育制度的建構,以及探討校長專業培育課程與校長專業能力指標間的關係。本研究方法為文獻分析、問卷調查及後置訪談法,問卷調查樣本為台北縣、台北市、基隆市與宜蘭縣四縣市之學校行政人員,含校長、主任、組長等共800人,樣本回收524份,回收率達65.5%。訪談樣本為辦理國家級中小學校長職前培訓工作的教育行政人員,包含國民中學與國民小學部分共兩名。研究工具包含自編之「我國國中小學校長培育制度調查問卷」、採用之「校長專業培育課程問卷」、採用之「校長專業能力指標問卷」與自編之「我國國中小學校長培育制度訪談大綱」。本研究統計方法為描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、t考驗、皮爾森積差相關分析、結構方程模式(SEM)分析等方法分析。本章乃根據研究結果與分析,歸納獲致成主要結論如下: 壹、英國校長專業資格檢定制度之內涵與現況 一、 校長培育課程係根據校長國家標準; 二、 校長培育由國家籌設之專責機構辦理; 三、 校長培育制度為長時間的實務訓練以及彈性分散式的時間規劃; 四、 校長培育課程應重視個別差異,依照學員的需求評估提供合適培育路徑與學習課程模組; 五、 校長認證課程採成人式學習原理及資訊與通訊科技(ICT)應用; 六、 校長培育制度經費採行個人支付而國家補助的方式; 七、 校長培育制度應重視實務實習並落實於學校改善之中; 八、 校長培育制度重視師傅教導的教學方式; 九、 校長培育制度可進一步採行校長專業資格檢定認證模式; 貳、我國國中小學校長培育制度之建構 一、 校長培育制度規劃可採本研究建構之三向度模式規劃; 二、 校長培育機構之設立應由國家設立專責機構統籌辦理; 三、 校長培育時程規劃應為半年至一年,並採行分段辦理; 四、 進入校長培育課程前進行學員需求評估據以規劃課程; 五、 培育課程講座以兼具理論與實務經驗的大學教授為先; 六、 學員學習成效由原培育單位與專責評鑑中心共同評鑑; 七、 培育過程中的經費可由學員自行支付且國家予以補助; 八、 校長實務實習時程規劃可於中期開始並採分散式規劃; 九、 校長實務實習學校應在不同類型學校實習並落實實做; 十、 師傅學員的配對可為多對一的形式學習更豐富的經驗; 十一、師傅校長的甄選來源多元化並建立審查機制遴選良師; 十二、師傅校長與培訓課程應同時開始且每週皆有師傅校長; 參、校長專業課程與校長專業能力 一、學校行政人員對於校長專業培育課程之知覺為相當重要程度。 二、校長專業培育課程以教學領導課程得分最高。 三、學校行政人員對於校長專業能力指標之知覺為相當重要程度。 四、學校行政人員對於校長專業能力指標之知覺,以「行政管理」最為重要。 五、整體校長專業培育課程對於整體校長專業能力指標具有顯著的影響力。 最後,本研究依研究結果分別提出以下建議: 壹、英國校長專業資格定制度值得作為我國校長培育制度規劃之借鏡與參考。 貳、校長培育制度之規劃應先訂立校長國家標準。 參、我國校長培育可採本研究建構之校長培育三向度模式。 肆、校長培育制度中需要更多的校長積極地投入與參與。 伍、對未來進一步研究的建議。 關鍵字:英國校長專業資格檢定制度(NPQH)、校長培育制度、校長儲訓制度、校長專業培育制度、校長實務實習制度、師傅校長校長制度、校長專業培育課程、校長專業能力指標 / Abstract The main purpose of this study was to construct the elementary and secondary school principal preparation systems in Taiwan by (1) Analyzing the documents and literature of the NPQH in England; (2) Investigating the opinions of different members on the ideal elementary and secondary school principal preparation systems in Taiwan; (3) Analyzing the relationships between principal professional preparation curriculum and principal professional competency standards; (4) Explore the influential power of principal professional preparation curriculum on the part of principal professional competency standards. The method of this study was adopted literature review, questionnaires investigation and interviews. There were 800 questionnaire total issued and 524 effective samples were acquired. The sample included school principals and main administrators. There were 2 interview samples who were the core educational administrators conducting the work of he elementary and secondary school principal preparation. The instrument were ”Questionnaire for constructing the principal preparation systems of elementary and secondary school in Taiwan” and “Interview conspectus for constructing the principal preparation systems of elementary and secondary school in Taiwan.” The data gathered from questionnaires were analyzed by description statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson-moment correlation analysis, Scheff’e posteriori comparison, and SEM through the use of LISREL 8.71. The conclusion drawn from the study results were as follows: 1. The constructing systems for the elementary and secondary school principal preparation in Taiwan are “three dimension model.” 2. The institution of the elementary and secondary school principal preparation is the one of national level. 3. The time of the elementary and secondary school principal preparation is half to one year, and is a distributed formation. 4. The need assessment for students of the elementary and secondary school principal preparation was conducted before accepting the preparation curriculum. 5. The fist order teacher of principal preparation curriculum was the professor who was experienced in practice and theoretical in colleges. 6. The learning and performance assessment to students was conducted by original preparation center and other professional assessment center. 7. The pay of principal preparation was paid by students’ himself /herself and national government. 8. The practical internship was conducted form the middle of the principal preparation, and was conducted by a distributed formation. 9. The ideal internship school of the principal preparation was multiple-type. 10. The best pair of mentor and trainne was several to one 11. The resources of mentors were multiple and accepted selecting. 12. The mentor participated in the principal preparation, and directed the principals weekly. In the last part, the researcher, based on the findings, proposes some suggestions for the design unit of principal preparation system, hoping to benefit the development of construction of the elementary and secondary school principal preparation systems in future. Key words: National Professional Qualification for Headship, NPQH, principal preparation systems, principal professional preparation curriculum, principal professional competency standards


劉宜靜, Liu, Yi-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本論文採文獻分析,亦於理論中釐清組織層面的核心能力與個人層面的核心能力。多數學者認為組織的核心能力為替組織創造競爭優勢的特殊技能或科技,創造利益,也塑造企業文化與價值觀。核心能力的確為具體化組織願景的工具,其運用乃將具備適當技能的適當的人,置其於適當的職位。而落實至個人層次則涵括了個人的基本特質,包括知識、態度、技能和價值,於其工作情境中的超卓表現。而且有效工作表現的模型必須是個人能力、工作需求與組織環境三者的交集區間。然應用在公部高階行政人員的甄補與訓練中,則以美、加、英、澳、紐五國的實施作為探討的對象,依高階行政人員、實施背景、甄補過程、與核心能力內容等四個主要面向作介紹,於最後一章歸結為數種相同的能力,以及給予我國的啟示與建議。 / Fist part of this thesis is separated into two dimensions--organizational core competency and individual core competency. we have to clarify the difference between two, though core competency does realize the vision of organization. The significance of core competency is arrange the right person with right competencies on the right position. Only those in the range of individual competencies, job needs, and organizational environment are core competencies, and do make superior performance. And then introduce the application in the recruitment and training in senior service in 5 countries-United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. In these two chapters, we discuss them from the definitions, backgrounds, recruitment procedures, and contents. And the final of this thesis sum up those profiles, suggests to our government.

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