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會計師事務所人力資源規劃之研究石世賢, Shi, Shi-Xian Unknown Date (has links)
節為學習理論之 。第三節為職員之績效評估,第四節為本章結論。
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軟體產業導入供應鏈分工合作之機制探討--以企業資源規劃系統水平整合為例黃繼弘 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:軟體元件供應鏈、水平整合、企業資源規劃、ebXML、Web Service
本研究即是針對國內軟體產業,實行軟體元件供應鏈(Software Component Supply Chain)的相關合作機制做一個探討,試圖去思考如何參考國內資訊硬體廠商的專業分工模式及供應鏈管理推動成功的經驗,而達成國內軟體產業供應鏈管理的推行。
本研究以企業資源規劃(Enterprise ReSource Planning)系統的套裝軟體業者為例,提出一個水平整合(Horizontal Integration)各模組的方法論,並設計出相對應的解決方案,再加以實作驗證。本研究於技術上使用類似於ebXML的流程整合技術,並利用XML及網路服務(Web Service)等方式來達到元件之間鬆散耦合的目的。
若不同之企業資源規劃系統套裝軟體中的各個模組,可以依照需求而方便的進行某個程度的水平整合,則軟體元件供應鏈的藍圖已然勾勒出來,也勢必將帶給軟體業者一個勢力重分配的機會。本研究除了希望能解決模組問水平整合相關的技術瓶頸外,軟體產業未來的元件分工模式,也是本研究所要探討的主題。 / Keywords: Software Component Supply Chain, Horizontal Integration, Enterprise Resource Planning, ebXML, Web Service
In recent years, the computer hardware industry contributes a splendid performance in Taiwan. In addition to the export to foreign country, some even have a well-known brand. With no doubt, we can see the whole picture of the intact-division of labor in the hardware industry, and the outstanding performance of its carrying out supply chain management. Although the definition of division between upstream and downstream is not so clear in the software industry, there do exist a division of labor to some degree. As the popularity and progress of the concepts and technologies of the software component, the possibility of specialization in division of labor will get increasing in the software industry. There is an interesting research topic, which form of division of labor will exist in the software industry after all.
The focus of this study is on the collaborative mechanism of software component supply chain in the software industry. We try to figure out how to refer to the successful experience of hardware industry implementing supply chain management to drive the supply chain management of the software component in domestic software industry.
This study will takes the ERP package vendors as the study object to propose a methodology of horizontal integration of different software packages and to do further implementation for verification. Technically, this study applies an ebXML-like process-oriented integration technology, and facilitates the purpose of low coupling between components by using XML and web service technology.
If the integration among the modules of different ERP packages could be made to some extent, the picture of division of labor in the software industry could be outlined, and it also will brings the software vendors some chance to re-allocate. In addition to solve the bottlenecks of technical problems of software horizontal integration, the future model of division of labor in software industry will be also a subject to address in this study.
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晶圓製程設備產業智慧資源規劃之研究 / The Research of Intelligence Resources Planning of Wafer Fabrication Equipment Industry沈志祥, Shian, Shen Unknown Date (has links)
晶圓製程設備商必須充分利用全球化智慧資源規劃,發展企業策略,才能創造企業競爭力和成長動能。經過多次的景氣循環,晶圓設備產業已經成為少數廠商全球激烈競爭的環境,特別是仍有兩家設備供應商以上的產品線。對於客戶而言,購買設備的主要因素來自於廠商製程能力和成本的優勢。除了少數關鍵製程由一家壟斷外,客戶都可以在每一個新製程世代(Technology node)找到兩家廠商評估設備和技術需求。在贏者全拿的壓力與吸引力下,在每一個新製程世代的銷售週期中,晶圓設備商都必須要充分利用智慧資本化的效益,掌握客戶的技術、量產時程,才能確保銷售空間。在發展策略上,為面對高技術競爭但是低成長的產業環境,晶圓設備商必須要透過併購和整合其核心技術相關新事業才能同時整合既有智慧資源和創造成長。
本研究目的希望以智慧資源規劃為研究方法,進行晶圓製程設備產業的實證研究。先就市場特性分析晶圓製程設備產業概況,接著探討廠商如何運用智慧資源規劃的資本化和產業結構化切入市場,最後在實證研究上以分析主要晶圓製程設備廠商的專利能量和最新奈米技術High-k/Metal Metal Gate探討產業的技術發展趨勢與廠商智慧資源規劃的運用和佈署。期望從綜合上述論點,做為台灣是否適合發展晶圓製程設備和又該如何準備智慧資源規劃的參考。 / Global intellectual resource planning (IRP) is cruicial in industrial strategy for wafer fabrication equipment vendors to develop competence and growth momentums. After several business cycles during the past few decades, this industry has become a very competitive market of a few players. For their customers, the key decision factors are the technology capability and cost of the vendors. Except for some critical process equipments dominated by only one vendor, the customers can identify 2 vendors to evaluate their equipment and cost performance. That Winner takes all become the pressure and attraction of the industry. The vendors must fully apply the value of intellectual property and overhaul their customer’s technology and production roadmap to ensure their share in the market. To cope with the market challenges of low growth and highly competitiveness, the vendors must incoporate and integrate other new companies of their core technology to consolidate given intellectual resource and create better achievements.
Either from the perspective of market size and industry value chain, Taiwan has played the most important role in semiconductor manufacturing industry worldwide. To extend their market share and keep in the lead, the foundry and DRAM companies have aggressively invested in the production of 300mm fabs. The vast investments and its production demands have made Taiwan the most competitive place in semiconductor equipment markets. According to the SEMI most update, the business volume of Taiwan semiconductor equipments market reached to US$10.65 billion in 2007, with an impressive growth of 45.2% more than 2006. Taiwan has overtaken Japan and become the largest semiconductor equipment markets in the world. In the industry value chain, the wafer fabrication equipments not only accounted for the greatest capital expenditure of fibs but also the foundation for the process technology development. It is a pity that the equipments industry in Taiwan did not flourish as along with the great market here. All the key technologies, people, materials and components are manipulated by foreign vendors. This situation resulted in an un-balanced development in domestic semiconductor industry as well as the bargain power and self-owned technology. The related developed intellectual rights can not show the real value and effect. With the high entry barriers of transfer cost, patents, professionals and investments of wafer fabrication equipments markets, Taiwan vendors take less than 5% in the market share, except for some progress in automation equipments of lower IP, capital and transfer cost barriers. The Taiwan vendors have not demonstrated capability in process technology to penetrate the markets. The wafer fabrication equipment market growth was a result of o the outsource investment from Europe, US and Japan fabs. It turns out that the technology, IP and people are still possessed by foreign vendors. Without the synergy and integration of government, academia and industry and intangible resource planning, it is not surprising that our production localization ratio is relatively low.
Thus, the thesis will elaborate the case study in the way of intellectual resource planning. First, the research will analyze the industrial characteristics of wafer fabrication equipment market. In the followings, this research will discuss how vendors can apply IRP to penetrate the market. Finally, this research will analyze the patents of major vendors and High-k/Metal Gate process technology to elaborate the industry technology cycles and new technology development strategy. As a result, the thesis will try to discuss if it is suitable for Taiwan to develop the wafer fabrication equipment market and also serve for reference how to prepare the intellectual resource planning.
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教科書產業有效導入ERP的成功因素及成效探討--以K公司為例蔡其修 Unknown Date (has links)
K公司因營運範疇急速擴增,事業版圖擴及大陸,卻面臨原來所使用的AS400系統,已無法快速且精確的揭露財務報表,及面臨嚴峻之經營挑戰。為解決此一問題,該公司透過經營管理委員會之投資審議機制,形成導入企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP)之決策。ERP系統係將企業內部各事業體、各部門,以資訊科技,企業內部大小系統,整合在一起,將所有的資訊能在線上即時揭露,由於資訊的透明化、即時化,使K公司能達成立即反應規劃的目標,並將所有的營運資訊納為決策資訊。
為了與使用單位主管溝通,專案經理及關鍵使用者(Key User),對主管簡報與分享經驗,讓主管能感受到系統的預期效益。
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組織慣性與管理變革探討:以ERP導入為例 / A Case Study on the Organizational Inertia and Transformation鄭永洸 Unknown Date (has links)
組織慣性通常是組織對外在變化的適應與變革的阻礙。特別是在目前外在商業環境變化劇烈的時代,如何有效化解組織慣性以適應現況,變成一個重要的策略與管理課題;而企業資源規劃(ERP)的導入過程中,由於對組織的流程反思與再造,對企業會產生管理變革。本研究透過Godkin與Allcorn (2008) 以組織學習的觀點所發展的三構面組織慣性(思想、行動、心理)與化解方式模型,對於海峽兩岸的九個企業個案在導入ERP過程中所發生過管理變革的抗拒與化解的手法,辨識出其在管理模型中的組織慣性與化解的類型。在個案的研討之下發現,思想慣性是發生最普遍的一種組織慣性,心理慣性則發生在較為成立較久、地處偏僻或管理方式特殊的企業,行動慣性則較易發生在具科技背景的公司。而化解的手法中,思想慣性的反映實踐因為與ERP的導入方式相近因此較為常見,而雙回路學習則是要將管理變革的影響範圍擴大到高層。化解行動慣性的跨功能小組以及系統性問題解法與前提控制會同時採用,且需要高階主管的強勢領導。領導/組織容忍與過渡空間與時間是化解心理慣性的主要方式,也都有個案使用,但都需要考量組織所處的環境與成員特性來進行,以符合實際環境的狀況與需求。
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企業導入供應鏈管理系統之個案研究 / Case study to identify appropriate process to adopt supply chain management system宋清國, Sung, Ching-Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
彈性與速度是企業進入二十一世紀賴以生存的命脈,特別是在以製造業聞名的台灣,更感受到全球運籌與彈性應變的壓力,從近來國內企業資源規劃(Enteprise Resources Planning;ERP)與供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management; SCM)軟體的蓬勃發展,便可以知曉企業以資訊夥伴關係,建置商業快速回應系統(Quick Response;QR)提升顧客滿意度的企圖心。
最後則提出了有關供應鏈成員關係等未來研究方向:如供應鏈管理推動後所產生的效益(有形與無形效益)如何與供應鏈成員分享(主導者、上下游及最終顧客)。此外,供應鏈管理成功與否,上下游供應鏈成員間的互動、「信任」、「合作」往往扮演著關鍵性的地位,因此,應可進一步應用社會學中有關「信任」(trust)方面的領域、理論到供應鏈管理成員信任關係,及該信任關係對供應鏈管理績效的影響。 / "Supply chain management system; SCM" has been deemed as one of the useful tools for businesses to promote their competitiveness, and to build up their trust relationship with up and down stream businesses. According to the evolved business operation modes, such as precise collaboration and BTO (build to order) systems, businesses need to reconsider whether it is necessary to allocate massive resources to improve the function of their supply chains.
Traditionally, the key factors, including the necessity, effectiveness, process and appropriate timing for SCM adoption, always lack valid criteria for evaluation. This research, therefore, aims to explore the key factors that are required to achieve successful adoption of supply chains to manufacturing industry, and to provide specific references for management policy making. This research begins with elaborating the outcomes of the supply chain literatures published by international scholars. One company each from information hardware and car industries will then be chosen to conduct field study and in-depth research in order to identify the key factors for adopting SCM, and to derive conclusions helpful to optimize business operation. The
aforementioned conclusions include:
1.Exogenous factors analysis (external driving factors of SCM adoption):
(1)How does advanced information technology, which overcomes the difficulties of information transferring, processing, and analysis that help promote the adoption of SCM.
(2)How do marketing paradigm and consuming concept shifts put SCM under the spotlight.
(3)How does globalization trend urge domestic industries to adopt SCM.
(4)How does severe competition, between international and domestic businesses, makes SCM become businesses competition forces.
(5)How do information sharing and communication needs reinforce the importance of SCM.
(6)How do government incentives help impose and promote SCM.
2.Intra –business SCM:
(1)Introduce and integrate SCM based on overall business development condition.
(2)Introduce business process reengineering as the key factor to adopt SCM.
3.Inter-business SCM: To adopt integration of intra- and inter-businesses, and resource sharing as KSF.
4.Procedures to introduce SCM:
(1)Identify business strategic goal, role and purpose
(2)Forge reform vision, strategic plan and feasible resolutions.
(3)Review and design the mechanism that controls the business activities process and responsibility sharing.
(4)Establish a SCM committee, and designate a top management as its chairman.
(5)Build up trust relationship among supply chain member business.
(6)Propose an integration plan to integrate suppliers (up stream) and clients (down stream).
(7)Implement outcome-oriented approach.
(8)Provide necessary personnel training to supply chain member businesses.
(9)Incorporate the reengineering spirit into business culture.
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國內企業導入ERP系統之模式探討-以IC製造業為例 / The Research on Developing a Model of Implementing ERP Systems for the IC Manufacturing Industry in Taiwan朱麗芬, Chu, Li-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
由於全球化營運的趨勢,許多企業皆邁向跨國的經營模式,組織的層級與規模隨業務需要逐漸擴大,導致對於整合與控制企業資源、企業流程和資訊系統的需求日益增強。不但必須了解國內外企業的所有資源與營運狀況,還需將所有資源加以整合,並整合上下游成為一個完整的供應鏈模式,以能即時提供對企業有利的資訊供決策之用。而企業經營面對的競爭也是全球性的,更快速地反應市場及客戶需求,或是更流暢地與上、下游廠商溝通,都是企業必備的條件,但這樣的理想便需要透過作好組織內部的企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP)來達成;亦即良好的企業資源規劃為供應鏈有效運作之基礎。
有鑑於此,本研究透過文獻探討蒐集彙整的方式,以瞭解成功導入企業資源規劃系統之方法;接著,利用模式推導方式,提出一適合國內企業導入企業資源規劃系統的參考模式及建議;再者,本研究將以半導體產業之IC製造業為例,對事先選定的個案公司透過深入訪談、實際觀察、文件及檔案資料收集等方式,輔以非結構化問卷進行個案研究;最後,藉由個案研究所得之結論,針對之前所提之參考模式加以修正,以供國內半導體產業之IC製造業的借鏡,並作為未來導入企業資源規劃系統之參考。 / For the trend towards global operations, the business models of many enterprises become in international style, and the organizational hierarchies and sizes of these enterprises are also becoming expanded. Therefore it extraordinarily needs to integrate and to control the business resources, processes and information systems of an enterprise to overcome these changes. To reach this goal, an enterprise must draw up the right enterprise resource planning (ERP). And also, a right enterprise resource plan is the basis to integrate its upstream and downstream as to be an efficient and effective supply chain.
To face the worldwide competition and new information technologies striking, many enterprises in Taiwan are growing to realize the importance of implementing ERP systems to enhance their competition capabilities. Although the demand of implementing ERP systems is becoming great, it lacks a model of implementing ERP systems for the enterprises in Taiwan. Therefore, to provide a suitable model for the Taiwan’s enterprises is a task of the urgency at present.
In this research, firstly we survey the existing models for the implementation of information technology applications and ERP systems. Secondly, we study the operating characteristics of the enterprises in Taiwan, and propose a preliminary model of implementing ERP systems for the enterprises in Taiwan. Finally we analyze the properties of IC manufacturing industry and visit an IC manufacturing enterprise as to be our real study case to get its implementation experience, and use this information to revise our preliminary model. The model proposed in this thesis could be used as a reference model for the IC manufacturing enterprises to implement their ERP systems.
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智慧資源規劃—以TFT LCD之背光模組產業為例 / Study on intelligence resources planning─a case of backlight module in the TFT LCD industry黃怡君, Huang, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
台灣最早投入TFT LCD是在1991年。發展早期只有兩家小公司,且受困於日本的技術屏障以及經營規模,一直無法有大格局的突破。直到1998年起,由於經濟開始衰退,日本方才開始陸續釋出TFT LCD相關技術,以授權或技轉方式讓技術開始擴散,此時方有多家台灣廠商開始陸續投入TFT LCD這個行業。
經過多年的努力,政府也漸漸開始重視TFT LCD產業,並且在2003年提出「兩兆雙星」五年國家經濟發展計畫,提供各種資源,全力扶植IC與TFT LCD兩項產業,其中TFT LCD被看好是台灣下一個產值破兆的產業,繼晶元代工之後下一個延續國家科技命脈的蓬勃生機。
從早期多數人連什麼是LCD都沒聽過,迄今八年時間,台灣LCD產業已經蓬勃發展,不僅擁有多家世界級大廠,亦成為全球平面顯示器重鎮。2007年也是台灣TFT LCD面板廠自成立以來最賺錢的一年,台灣整體平面顯示器產值首次超越韓國,整體產值並首度破兆,達到1兆2,849億台幣,其中台灣TFT LCD的產值就佔1兆2,149億台幣,佔全球TFT LCD總產值的44.5%。截至2007年為止,台灣本土TFT LCD上下游產業相關廠商共超過九十家,貢獻台灣GDP超過13%。
本文希望以TFT LCD上游材料行業背光模組為例,進行智慧財產與產業調查之工作,試著審視台灣TFT LCD關鍵零組件「背光模組」主要參與者之專利,藉由連結傳統專利分析與產業分析,從中找到能結合產業事實、專利品質和重要性的研究方法與結果,期能為台灣的背光模組行業,甚至是廣義的TFT LCD零組件行業提出一點意見與貢獻。 / Taiwan first engaged in TFT LCD industry in 1991. Only two small companies involved in the early stage; because of technical barriers established by Japan and insufficient economic scale of operation, there had been no breakthrough. Until 1998, the recession began, so that Japanese began to release the TFT LCD-related technologies by licensing or technology transfer, and resulting in the spread of technology. At this stage there are several Taiwanese manufacturers began to actively engage in TFT LCD industry.
After years of efforts, the government has gradually begun to pay attention to TFT LCD industry. In 2003 the government put forward the "Two Trillion, Twin Stars" five-year national economic development plan, said plan provides resources to fully support both IC and TFT LCD industry, wherein TFT LCD is deemed next trillion industry, like Foundry, and may continue the lifeline of national science and technology.
In the beginning, most people never heard of LCD. After eight years, Taiwan's LCD industry has flourished, not only has a number of world-class factories, but also has become a global center for flat panel displays. 2007 is also the most profitable year for Taiwan TFT LCD panel makers since their establishment. Taiwan's overall output value of flat panel displays exceed Korea for the first time; the overall revenue is about one trillion 2,849 billion Taiwan dollars, wherein Taiwan's TFT LCD accounted for 1 trillion 2,149 million Taiwan dollars, which also accounts for 44.5% share of the global TFT LCD output value. As of 2007, there are over 90 Taiwan companies related to TFT LCD industries, said companies contribute over 13% of GDP in Taiwan.
This author wishes to take TFT LCD backlight industry as an example, performing investigation of intellectual property and industrial work, and try to examine the key patents of key players in the industry. The author looks forward to finding a new way to combine traditional patent analysis and industry analysis method, and make some contribution to the industry.
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營運績效導向之企業資源規劃系統供應商選擇與導入研究-以某金控業為例 / The study of business performance-oriented ERP selection and implementation - a financial holding example林智 Unknown Date (has links)
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以流程分析的方法探討企業導入ERP之關鍵成功因素蘇昱行 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著市場競爭環境大大改變後,從以往的規模經濟生產型態轉為降低成本、提升品質、縮短時間、增加彈性的大量客製化(Mass Customization)的生產型態,組織的層級與規模隨業務需要逐漸擴大,導致對於整合企業資源、企業流程和資訊系統的需求日益增強。不但必須了解企業的所有資源與營運狀況,還需將所有資源加以整合,以能即時提供對企業有利的資訊供決策之用。而企業經營面對的競爭也是全球性的,更快速地反應市場及客戶需求,或是更流暢地與上、下游廠商溝通,都是企業必備的條件,但這樣的理想便需要透過作好組織內部的企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP)來達成。
ERP系統的導入對於企業而言是一種新的風險,企業應分階段導入。在導入的過程中,影響成功的關鍵因素又有許多項,在各階段所要注意的因素是哪些,影響企業在分配資源時的策略規劃。本研究將導入ERP 系統的過程整理為五個階段,以及十六項導入ERP 系統的關鍵成功因素(Key Success Factors) 。希望探討在各階段所需重視的關鍵成功因素,能協助企業更清楚地掌握這些因素,使得導入的過程較為順利。
(1) 探索企業在導入ERP 系統的過程中,各階段所重視的關鍵成功因素為何? (2) 上述的關鍵成功因素的在各個階段的實務作法為何? (3) 導入ERP 系統的過程,以流程分析的方法建立模型,並了解在各階段中關鍵成功因素所影響的導入活動為何?透過文獻探討本研究將初步整理出各階段之關鍵成功因素,並採用個案研究方法進行資料蒐集及分析。
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