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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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一場遊戲一場夢:再思考電視新聞頻道競爭邏輯 / A Game or a Dream: Rethinking Competition Logic of TV-News

施伯燁, Shih, po-yeh Unknown Date (has links)
過去以競爭為主的相關研究,大多透過產業經濟學及數理分析探討競合過程與報酬。而本研究立旨於解構電視新聞產製過程中非理性的競爭行為、無意義的競爭目的,以及品質不佳的競爭結果,故採不同於以往的批判分析取徑,以及迴遞式的質性分析方法進行研究,並透過田野觀察、深度訪談取得研究資料,了解電視新聞工作者與電視新聞組織於新聞產製過程中的競爭與合作,最後將文獻及實證資料進行紮根性實驗,具體化研究成果及研究問題,認知電視新聞生產結構與現象,以提供理論解釋與建議。 本研究發現競爭背後所蘊藏的邏輯,是收視率排名的勝負,更深一層的是被商業力量及政治力量所制約媒體活動,新聞工作上的互動關係也由競爭取代合作,由分享轉變為獨佔。因此,國內的電視新聞產業處在一個近乎「完全競爭」的市場之中,理性的分析已經無法解釋失衡的供需關係,只有透過「收視率」調查機制來提供一個「相對客觀」的參考依據。然而,這個參考依據卻反過來制約了賽局中的參與者,以「它」為指標與目標。但是如果這個競局是如此混亂而缺乏規範的,這種指標亦無法完全理性去呈現真實的面貌,更遑論透過這個機制達到「營利」的目的,反而落入「工具主義」的迷思之中。 此外,在本研究中也觀察到「合作式競爭」的現象,電視新聞產業及生產過程中,為了達到競爭的目的,而採取「互利性」的「策略同盟」或「置入性行銷」,但這種互利同盟結果,往往破壞或削弱了新聞產品或新聞工作上的「自主性」及「專業性」。因為在電視新聞組織間除了追求自身目的的競爭之外,這種以「合作」之名,行「競爭」之實的互利性策略聯盟,雖然暫且超越了囚徒困境思維,但這種策略性合作,在大餅有限,競爭者無限的情況下,媒體組織不得不向外拓展更多「錢脈與權脈」,利用「符號空間」來換取「經濟資源」及「政治資源」,這種交換機制,對「新聞媒體」而言,往往瓦解了各個場域間原有的原則與堅持,使新聞工作者的立場逐漸動搖或專業倫理日漸解組。


陳韻竹 Unknown Date (has links)

論垂直相關市場中之整併策略:以互補要素模型分析 / Merger Decisions in Vertically Related Market with Complementary Inputs

謝宜庭 Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用互補要素模型分析垂直相關市場中之整併策略,並討論在不同談判力下之各種均衡市場結構。當下游廠商所需生產要素之一為獨賣要素,另一由寡占廠商生產時,下游廠商與上游非獨賣要素廠商將視整併後談判力保存程度大小與獨占要素廠商進行補貼與否而決定是否進行垂直整併,上游獨賣要素廠商則會經由比較整併一家下游廠商和任由其他廠商垂直整併所能獲得之利潤,決定在下游廠商談判力較大的情況下併購下游廠商。而當上游非獨賣要素廠商談判力極小或極大時,上游獨賣要素廠商與下游廠商整併亦較為有利。 / This research investigates merger decisions in a vertically-related market with two complementary intermediate inputs by using the Nash bargaining model. The production of final good involves two complementary inputs, exclusive inputs and commonly available inputs. The downstream firms and the oligopolistic upstream firms would merge if the preservation of bargaining power after merger is large enough or the monopolistic input supplier subsidizes them to do so. The monopolistic input supplier compares the gains of merging a downstream firm and the profit of letting other firms integrate. The monopolistic supplier would merge a downstream firm when the bargaining power of the downstream firms is large. Also, merging with a downstream firm becomes more profitable for the monopolistic supplier if the bargaining power of oligopolistic upstream firms is extremely small or extremely large.

代理商與原廠的競合關係-以工業分析儀表產業為例 / Co-opetition relationship between agent and principal: Case study of industrial analyzer in Taiwan

吳成湖, Wu, Chen Hu Unknown Date (has links)
代理與代工雖然本質上都難逃為人作嫁的宿命,但其與品牌原廠間的關係卻是大相逕庭;尤其在工業儀表產業,代理商與原廠間除了代理人與主理人的代理合作關係外,還會因各自是否具備系統整合能力而有著另一種微妙的競爭關係。 所以,本研究是藉由探討一家具有系統整合能力的代理商,在其面對不同原廠時的各種策略邏輯,以深入了解其經營模式與成功因素,及探討代理商要如何經營與原廠的關係、如何依靠原廠資源來茁壯、如何避免辛苦耕耘的市場被原廠過河拆橋、及被終止代理權後如何繼續生存⋯⋯等,代理商與原廠間的各種經營問題,並藉由賽局理論來分析「原廠」與「代理」的各自優勢策略:  代理商的優勢策略思維-”以競促合,合中有競”: 1. 在銷售產品的同時,搭售自行創價的產品及服務,提昇代理商的不可取代性。 2. 對於銷售重心品牌/產品一定要有備案選擇。 3. 要有自知之明,最好/最強的產品不一定最適合,「門當戶對」的代理關係才能長久。  原廠的優勢策略思維-”以戰止競,順昌逆亡”: 不斷強化自身產品、技術層次為目標,使其成為市場上不論是規格、技術、價格、⋯⋯⋯等各方面都是最佳選擇,則代理商只是各種通路的選項之一,絕不會發生”尾巴搖狗”的不合理現象。 而依本研究的實際個案分析結論,發現個案中原廠與代理商的關係並非單純的”合作”或是”競爭”甚或是”雙贏“等靜態關係,其關係應是”競中有合、合中有競”的動態共生關係,而”競”與”合”的存在比例則是隨著時間、賽局、環境等因素的不同而隨時在變化。 / Generally speaking, the fate of the sales agent and the OEM agent are similar in someway, however their relationships with the principals are quite different from each other, especially when it refers to the industrial analyzer business. It will be a kind of co-opetition relationship between agent and principal while the agent or the principal has the capacity of system integration. This study, taking a local Taiwanese company which represents multi foreigner analyzer brands and is capable of system integration, as an example, attempts to figure out the relationship between agent and principal and then develops the dominant strategies of each parties through the case study and the game theory analyzing.  The dominant strategy of agent: enforcing the principal to cooperate by competition, therefore the cooperation contains competing. 1. To strengthen the agent’s corporate image to the customers by bundling the value-added products while selling principals’ products. This is to prevent the principal to replace the agent easily while they want to change the agent or set up the local branch. 2. Agent must always have alternative products as back up, especially for the major income products. 3. A compatible principal is the optima choice, not the best one.  The dominant strategy of the principal: inhibiting the competition by empowering themselves, therefore threating the agent to obey or die. Never allow tail wagging the dog. From this study, it shows the relationship between agent and principal is sort of dynamic “co-opetition” relationship and the existing percentages of “cooperation” and “competition” are varied in time, games, environment, …etc., instead of static one.


胡漢之 Unknown Date (has links)
本文透過特定之賽局設計,欲觀察廠商在相互整合之現象與原因。內文中之賽局有以下玩家:上游有一獨佔之中間財供應商,而下游有兩種不同類型共三家之最終財生產廠商,而其中一間下游廠商之技術優於其他兩家,其生產最終財之邊際成本較低。賽局之設計為一動態賽局,上游先決定是否進行垂直整合,下游將會觀察到上游垂直整合之意願,並將水平整合視為對上游釋放之友善信號,接著上游廠商將對水平整合之廠商,進一步進行垂直整合;若下游未因上游之意願而進行水平整合,則上游廠商將隨機選擇一間下游廠商進行垂直整合。 廠商於互動時,我們加入不確定性並加以計算並分析;首先是廠商間整合時存在不確定性,由於下游廠商之技術水準為一不透明資訊,換言之,無論是上游觀察下游,或者下游廠商間,皆不了解對方之技術水準,僅知技術水準佳與較差的下游廠商之比例與數量,因此在廠商整合時將面臨整合綜效與技術衰退之風險性;另外,在模型中,加入一整合失敗之懲罰額,當技術較差之兩間下游廠商相互水平整合時,將面臨整合失敗之風險。 經試算後發現,根據這樣的模型設定,若下游未水平整合,或者水平整合之雙方生產技術相異,將會排擠技術較差之下游廠商進行生產;此外,我們亦發現,若進一步分析均衡結果,我們發現,不同技術類型之下游廠商,水平整合之成功(失敗)率,以及兩間技術較差之下游廠商整合後之懲罰金額,皆將影響下游廠商水平整合之意願,若下游廠商不願意進行水平整合,上游廠商經衡量後,將不對下游釋放垂直整合之意願信號,此時廠商間之結構將維持原狀。 本文欲透過加入不確定性,試圖找出與前人研究之異同處;而透過本文之模型設定,我們發現了與前人相似之結論,亦即存在上下游之廠商結構中,將有可能出現廠商間完全分離(沒有任何水平或垂直整合發生)之現象。 / This thesis tries to find out the interaction between firms, especially when these firms face the decision of merging. We also try to figure out the reason why these firms try to merge than stay separation. Here we design a game with some specific conditions for firms to observe the process they merge and the outcomes. In this dynamic game, we design 2 layers, 3 kinds, total 4 firms to be the players of the game. Upstream firm has to make decision whether to merge the downstream firms. Then downstream firms try to merge horizontally after they receive the signal that they knows that upstream firm’s willingness to vertical merge. Here we have to kinds of downstream firms, the one who has better technology has lower marginal cost, in this thesis we assume the marginal cost to be zero. The game have 3 downstream firms totally, so the other 2 downstream firms have the same technology and have the marginal cost above zero. While the downstream firms merge horizontally, they face the uncertainty of the marginal cost changes and the rise of fixed cost, recognized as the failure of integrations. Then the upstream stick to its promise to vertical merge, it will tend to merge the downstream firm which had horizontal merge previously. The result is far beyond the expectation we had before we run this model. The inferior downstream firms will not join the game, even they won’t produce any when the superior downstream firms is vertically merge by upstream firm, no matter the downstream firms merge each other. More, the probability of success in horizontal merge will affect upstream firm to make the decision of vertical merge. The game has only two equilibriums in the end, one is all firms stay separately, and the other outcome is one inferior downstream firm will rule out from the game, and other firms will be merge to one firm and become the monopoly firm in the entire market.


洪維廷 Unknown Date (has links)
以往有關公共設施保留地制度的相關研究,往往著重於問題解決的導向,而較少立法及制度執行互動過程,因此有關於立法互動過程與立法結果的關係,以及制度未被完全執行的原因,並未被釐清。賽局理論考慮到行為人間的互動行為對立法行為及制度執行的影響,因此本研究基於制度變遷理論,以賽局理論的分析方法,建立行政及立法部門互動的理論模式,以及制度執行的理論模式,提供分析相關問題的理論架構。其次,本研究將前述所建立之理論模式,應用於探討公共設施保留地制度的立法及執行問題,獲得以下幾點結論: 一、從保留地立法過程分析可以瞭解,而在民國六十二年及民國七十七年兩次立法過程中,因立法部門的生態結構以及行政部門對議程的掌控,使得行政部門在強制力及訊息充分程度上具有優勢,大體掌握了雙方互動上的優勢。然隨政治生態的改變,行政部門對立法部門的控制能力降低,而使行政部門對聲譽之考量以及懲罰成本改變,且亦影響到立法部門對行政部門修法意向的認知,而使得民國六十二年及民國七十七年兩次的立法結果有所差異。 二、由公共設施保留地制度的執行受到中央政府、地方政府及地方優勢選民間的共有代理關係影響。就民國六十二年至民國七十七年間的情況而言,中央政府取得地方政府執行保留地制度成效的相關訊息,受到本身財力及人力上的諸多限制,監督成本相對較高;而地方政府提供不涉及保留地徵收的公共設施,因有較具成效而能討好地方選民,有利於地方選舉,因此具有較佳的生產力。在前述兩個原因下,造成當時公共設施保留地制度趨向未被完全執行的路徑。 三、隨著行政部門所可動用懲罰資源的減少、行政部門與立法部門相對結構的改變,以及立法部門與地方選民間的關係愈趨緊密,未來公共設施保留地制度若再度修法時,在目前政治生態下,極可能出現立法僵局或協商時程上的延遲,甚至產生立法部門主導的現象;而若在執行方式上及執行機制上未有重大改變,則公共設施保留地制度仍將繼續趨向於未能被完全執行的路徑。

吹哨者保護制度對外部審計影響之賽局分析 / The effect of Whistleblower protection system on external auditors using game theoretic analysis

林邑軒, Lin, I Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討吹哨者保護制度對公司、員工與會計師產生之影響。模型結果顯示,完善的吹哨者保護制度可以提升員工的吹哨意願,進而使公司傾向誠實表達;完善的吹哨者保護制度可能增加或減少會計師的審計成本,會計師若預期公司因員工吹哨意願提高而傾向誠實表達,可降低審計成本,惟公司若不實表達且會計師並未經由查核發現時,會因為員工吹哨而產生商譽等重大損失。因此會計師於不同資本規模、客戶數量、事務所文化、員工素質等狀況下,會產生相異之審計成本變化。 / This study discusses the effect of Whistleblower protection system on firms, employees, and external auditors. Results of the models show that, a perfect Whistleblower protection system can motivate employees to blow the whistle and thus make the firm present honestly. A perfect Whistleblower protection system may increase or decrease external auditors’ audit costs. External auditors may decrease audit costs if they expect the firm will present honestly due to the enthusiasm of employees to blow the whistle, while external auditors may increase audit costs if they can’t afford the loss of goodwill when they couldn’t find the misstatement and the employee blowed the whistle. Therefore, external auditors have different changes in audit costs under different conditions, such as capital scale, number of clients, office culture and staff quality.


鄧介偉, DENG, JIE-WEI Unknown Date (has links)
隨著世界經貿交通的日益頻繁,國際社會相互依存程度日益增高,各國間任何政策的 推行,往往會牽一髮而動全耳地波及於其他各國造成彼此經濟利益的衝突。於是在各 國規劃及制定財經政策上就必須考慮到此種多元多層面總體經濟體系的干擾。 本論文之目的即在於考慮到目標衝突下的總體經濟政策計畫之有效性,尤其是在有金 融相互依存性下,運用賽局理論(THEORY OF GAME)以及連結賽局理論和最適控制理 論(OPTIMAL OCNTROL THEORY)的動態賽局理論(DYNAMIC GAME THEORY )結合國際 經濟學理論尋求能建立出國際多元總體經濟的模型以作為下列四種方面的應用: (1)國際多元經貿連結理論之分析。 (2)國際經貿組織及區域組織集團中彼此間策略行為之分析比較。 (3)國際政策協調方法的效果分析比較。 (4)國際多元化總體經濟模型之模擬及評估。 以上分析與前賢之不同在於嘗試建立並模擬出有多重元的國際總體經貿賽局模型。換 言之,即是考慮到一國可加入國際經貿組織及區域組織集團中和另外的國際經貿組織 及區域組織集團進行賽局後,再在國際經貿組織或區域組織集團中彼此間進行賽局。 更進一步的話還可以再考慮到一國自己國內各個不同利益團體彼此間再進行賽局。這 即是所謂的層級式多元賽局(此為三重多元賽局)。此種模型可提供作開放經濟體系 在國際間多元經貿關係的簡單模擬,用於解釋並分析該國在國鄉際多元經濟貿易體系 上適當可行的政策方法和效果評估。進而分析該國受到外國經貿政策波及後的影響程 度以及在追求最大或不損及國家利益上協調國際經貿失衡問題的地位和能力。

To "Make" or to "Buy"?Innovation and Vertical Integration in Vertically-related Markets

李文傑, Lee, Wen-chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本文以一個簡單賽局理論模型為分析依據,探討企業間的自製或是外包策略對整體社會福利的影響。 傳統經濟理論分析告訴我們自製策略可以解決雙重邊際化的問題。但在本文我們舉出一個反例,亦即當存在研發的可能及上下遊市場的研發外溢效果時,垂直整合可能會造成廠商過度研發的情形,最終產生整體社會福利不效益情形。 / In this paper, we set up a game-theoretic model, in which the whole industry is composed of a downstream monopolist and two upstream firms. This paper discusses the major debate in a firm’s market strategy: to make or to buy the components it needs. Traditionally, economic theories told us that vertical integration strategy (make strategy) can solve the problem of double marginalization and hence increase profits as well as social welfare. Nevertheless, this result does not necessarily hold when R&D possibility is introduced. We show that when there is downstream to upstream R&D spillover, vertical integration may result in an over-investment in R&D from the social standpoint. This result may shed some light on the rationale behind recent antitrust rulings.


簡龍鳳 Unknown Date (has links)
「促進民間參與公共建設法」賦予民間機構從事開發交通建設所需用地,藉以提高交通建設之財務自償能力。回顧目前國內所推動之高速鐵路及捷運建設BOT案,均藉由土地開發收入以挹注建設成本,誠然所引發公共論壇的焦點環繞在土地開發利益議題上。惟土地開發收入取決於開發規模及代理人努力效果等因素,在政府與民間機構存在對土地市場價值資訊不對稱下,恐衍生委託代理問題與權力宰制。 審視現行法令賦予私有土地參與捷運場站開發制度,包括政府和所有權人合作開發、政府徵收開發、所有權人申請開發等多樣性之土地開發方式。面對具提高不動產價值之捷運場站土地開發,研究思維理應從單向滿足民間機構對土地開發需求外,亦需同時考量維護所有權人參與之權益,各方最佳的策略與報酬,並非獨立於他人的行動之外,其間之策略組合報酬主要涉及土地開發方式之權益分配率及開發回饋金,捷運場站開發制度存在策略賽局關係。 因此,如何建構兼具代理規範、參與決策及均衡結果為導向的制度經濟分析模型,已成為推動民間參與捷運場站土地開發之關鍵所在。本研究首先,嘗試以代理理論、權力面向及賽局理論分析方法,作為民間參與捷運場站土地開發制度之立論基礎;其次,深入分析土地開發之代理與權力交互效果,重新詮釋資源配置效率問題;其三,研擬民間參與之代理與賽局整合模型,經由制度賽局均衡結果以達成各方自由選擇下之同意;最後,進行案例模擬分析。 本研究所獲致之結論包括:(1)民間參與捷運場站土地開發制度得以代理理論、權力面向及賽局理論一窺全貌;(2)制度的賽局均衡觀得以降低因徵收土地開發之代理與權力交互關係對資源配置效率之衝擊;(3)模擬分析民間參與之代理與賽局整合模型具可操作性並可運用於實務界。再者,本研究所提出之建議包括:(1)建構政府與民間機構之代理模型俾以降低委託代理問題;(2)建構政府與所有權人之制度賽局模型俾以達成自願交易;(3)建構代理規範與制度賽局之整合模型以維護所有權人參與土地開發之權益。 / “Law for Promotion of Private Participation in Public Infrastructure Projects” provides a mechanism for the private sector to develop the land for any public infrastructure project so that the financial self-liquidating ratio may be increased. The financial concept of BOT projects in Taiwan, such as HSR and MRT, is to recoup the cost of the infrastructure project by land development revenues. Indeed, the public concerns focus on the revenues, which depend on the institution and scale of development. However, the revenues depend on the scale of development and effect of the agent’s efforts. While the information asymmetry exists, there may arise the issues of agency and power control. The institution of the MRT station development provides a diversity of land development, including cooperation development, expropriation development and application development. The development issue has switched from government-led development approaches to the interaction between the government and landowners. As for the payoff function of their strategy combination, it depends on the right distribution rate and feedback payment. In the MRT station development institution exists a form of strategic game. Therefore, how to establish an institutional economic analysis model takes agency norm, and involves decision-making and equilibrium, which forms the criterion, serving as a key to promote the private participation in MRT station development. This study attempts: First, to analyze the private participation in MRT station development based on the agency theory, power dimension, and game theory. Second, to explore the allocation efficiency of resources under the interaction effect of agent and power. Third, to establish an integrated model of both the agent and the game, which by equilibrium-of–the-game view of institutions reach a mutual agreement among the government, private sector, and landowners. Finally, case simulation. It is concluded that, (1) the institution of the private participation MRT station development may be fully reviewed by agency theory, power dimension, and game theory. (2) the equilibrium-of–the-game view of institutions may reduce the impact on the allocation efficiency of resources under the interaction effect of agent and power. (3) by case simulation found that the integrated model of both agent and game is available. It is suggested that, (1) to establish an agency model for both the government and private sector serves to solve agency issues. (2) to establish an institutional game model for both the government and landowner functions as voluntary exchanges. (3) to establish an integrated model of both agent and game helps to keep landowner on the rights of participation in MRT station development.

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