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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

退休公務人員休閒生活、生涯規劃與生活適應之研究-以考試院暨所屬機關為例 / A Study on Retired Civil Servants’ Leisure Life, Plan for Life, and Accommodation of Life-An example of the Examination Yuan and its subordinate agencies

祝康玲 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣社會隨著醫療及衛生水準提升,平均餘命亦逐年提高,人口高齡化趨勢日益顯著。又伴隨退休觀念的轉變,及退休年齡的提前,退休者步入退休生活,身處現今的休閒時代,除有大量的休閒時間外,並將面臨20年至30年以上的老年生活。爰退休人員休閒生活、生活規劃與生活適應情形所關乎其退休生活的良寙,並如何於高齡化社會中,啟開退休黃金歲月的新頁益顯重要,此課題值得深究。 本研究採取深入訪談法,以考試院暨所屬機關退休公務人員為研究對象,依退休人員性別及退休時所具之官職等,邀請12名退休公務人員為訪談對象。旨在瞭解退休公務人員休閒生活的情況、探究其生涯規劃的情形及分析生活適應的情況,本研究有以下發現: 一、休閒多元化、心境樂活遊:退休公務人員於卸除壓力及空閒增加後,多依興趣多元選擇休閒,心境隨性樂活。 二、隨科技進步、休閒種類新:上網、騎自行車、學習進修、旅遊等休閒活動,成為退休生活中較新及普及的活動項目。 三、揪團結伴行、休閒新模式:利用淡季或平日揪團結伴同行,成為退休公務人員省錢、享受高品質休閒的新模式。 四、休閒幾滿檔、生活多色彩:休閒成為多數退休人員生活的重心,讓生活充滿色彩,並藉不斷提高休閒動能,防止衰老。 五、退休觀念轉、黃金歲月啟:生命是動態,是學習、工作、休息、退休,不斷循環的圓形人生;退休為另一黃金歲月的開啟。 六、獲親友支持、退休助益大:獲得親密的家人及親友支持力量,更能享有美好的退休生活。 七、年齡漸老化、憂醫療開支:退休金為主要經濟來源;又隨著年齡漸長,通常未能預期的醫療開支,是較擔心的經濟負擔。 八、退休有規劃、生活滿意高:退休生活有規劃者,有較高滿意度。 九、照護的政策、瞭解真有限:對相關照護政策,有瞭解的渴望。 十、身段未放下、生活適應難:退休後未適時轉換角色、心境,以及學得生活基本技能,易面臨退休後生活適應的困擾。 十一、體認終須老、期活出意義:“死是生的開始"要善待自己,生能盡歡,死亦無悔,以活出尊嚴及意義;能以正面、健康與坦然,對退休生活適應有所助益。 最後,根據本研究發現提出下列建議,予退休人員及相關單位參考: 一、退休人員在退休前即應培養興趣,增加退休生活調劑、改變退休心態,學著放下昔日頭銜官職位、作好退休準備及規劃,增加退休生活適應。 二、相關機關及單位可依退休人員需求、增進休閒設施普及性,並安排退休相關講習、提高退休人員退休生活概念。 三、建造退休人員樂齡村、提供退休人員再就業、志工、學習進修等優質環境。 四、建立退休人員專屬網站平臺、提供食、衣、住、行、育樂等資訊,並暢通退休照護訊息。 五、建立退休人力資料庫,以期借重退休人員長才及經驗、增進機關與退休人員互動機制,多加關懷退休人員。 / Since the quality of medical and health care in Taiwan has being improved, life expectancy has gradually risen and population aging is getting serious. Furthermore, because of the concept of early retirement, retirees have longer life of leisure and 20-30 years of aged life. Therefore, the life of Civil Servants’ leisure, life plan and accommodation of life will influence the quality of retirement life. Facing rapidly aging society, initiating a golden retirement life becomes even more important and is worth to be studied. This study adopted the method of In-depth interview. The objects of study are all retired from The Examination Yuan and its subordinate agencies. Invited 12 interviewees who were retired civil servants with different genders and job positions to understand their life of leisure, life plan and l accommodation of ife . This study has the following findings. 1.Diversified leisure and LOHAS (lifestyles of health and sustainability): After releasing the pressure as well as getting more leisure time, most of retired civil servants participate in diversified leisure activities by interest, and live a LOHAS life. 2.Scientific and technological progress, as well as new leisure activities: Surfing the internet, biking, extension education, and traveling become the most popular activities after retirement. 3.Traveling together and new leisure style: Traveling together during low seasons or on weekdays to save money and enjoy higher quality tourism becomes a new lifestyle. 4.Leisure activities and colorful life: Leisure activities become the life focus of most retirees, and engage them frequently in leisure activities to delay aging. 5.Changing concept and initiating a golden life: Life is dynamic and is a circulative circle which consists of learning, working, leisure and retirement. Retirement is the origin of another golden life. 6.Benefit from the family support: Getting support from family and friends can enrich one’s retirement life. 7.High medical expenses due to aging: Retirement pension is the major income. Therefore, unexpected medical expenses become an economic burden. 8.A good retirement plan can make a satisfactory life: Retiree who has a good retirement plan has higher satisfaction. 9.Limited understanding of care policy: Retirees are keen to understand the care policy. 10.Difficult to adjust oneself to new conditions because of not coming down off one’s high horse: Easy to worry about retirement life because retirees have not changed mind and learned the basic living skills. 11. Recognize aging and live with meaning: “Death is the beginning of another birth”. Be nice to yourself. With positive thinking, healthy lifestyle, and composed mind, retirees can accommodate themselves easily to retirement life. Enjoy oneself thoroughly even in death without regret to live with dignity and meaning. In light of above findings, this study propounds the following to retirees and the authorities concerned for references. 1. Before retirement, retirees shall cultivate hobbies to enliven spice to retirement life, change attitude and forget the last job positions and titles, make a good retirement plan and prepare for retirement to adapt quickly to the retirement life. 2. Catering to the need of retirees, the proper authorities shall promote the opportunities for them to participate in leisure activities, and arrange seminars to enhance their comprehension. 3. Build senior villages for retirees. Offer the opportunities for re-employment, volunteer work, and extension education. 4. Set up the internet platform to provide the information regarding the basic necessities of life (food, clothing, housing and transportation) for retirees, and circulate the information of retirement care. 5. Build the data bank of human resource to utilize retirees’ abilities and experience, build up the interaction mechanism between organs and retirees, and show more concern for retirees.

從個人年金保險的消費行為探討企業年金中個人相對提撥 / A Study on Consumption Behavior of Annuity Insurance: Lessons for Employee's Contribution of Enterprise Annuity

陳貞慧 Unknown Date (has links)
民國94年7月1日開始施行的勞工退休金條例,是政府近年來對勞工退休規劃的重要施政政策,依據此條例規定,員工超過二百人以上的企業,多了企業年金保險的選項可供選擇。而依據第14條第三款規定,勞工得在其每月工資百分之六範圍內,自願另行提繳退休金。勞工自願提繳部份,得自當年度個人綜合所得稅總額中全數扣除。本研究開始之時適逢勞退新制實施之初,並無企業年金中個人相對提撥之實際資料,因此藉分析個人年金保險保戶之屬性及對年金保險消費型態之探討,推論企業年金中選擇自願提繳之個人因素,供各界參考。 本研究整理與回顧國內外相關之職業退休金制度,並探討OECD各國企業年金的運作方式,以及國內年金市場的結構與產品。在實証模型上,則利用線性迴歸模型(OLS),分析影響年金保險保額的原因,並利用間斷性機率模型Probit Model 探討影響傳統型年金保險或投資型年金保險的因素。 / The Labor Pension Act, one of the major policies for the labor retirement planning of the R.O.C. government, was officially put into practice on July 1st, 2005. Based on the regulation of the Act, companies with more than 200 employees will have the Annuity Insurance as alternatives. According to the Article 14 -3 of the Act, a worker may voluntarily contribute per month, up to 6% of his/her monthly wages to his/her pension fund account. The full amount of the voluntary pension contribution made by a worker may be deducted from the worker's taxable income in the year concerned. Therefore, this research intends to analysis between the attributions and consumption behaviors of the employees joining in the policy of the Annuity Insurance, and then generalizes the factors why the workers choose the voluntary pension contribution policy. In this research, I would compare the pension policies used in different countries, look into the ways that the OECD are running their Enterprise Annuity policies, and evaluate the various pension policies. By using the real diagnosis Model, I would use the OLS to analysis the influences over Annuity Insurance Insured value and then use the Probit Model to explore the influences over traditional Annuity Insurance and the Investment Annuity Insurance.


蔡牧岐 Unknown Date (has links)
『勞工退休金條例』於民國94年7月1日施行後,我國的勞工退休金經營管理模式有了根本上的變化。原來舊的制度下,退休金是以確定給付的方式經營,而在新制下則是以確定提撥的模式營運。新制由於不必考慮負債面,其資產配置的自由度相對來說大幅提高。然而,為了滿足法規『投資報酬率不得低於兩年期定存利率』之限制、以及達成高所得替代率的理想,退休基金的管理者將面臨追求短期穩定、以及長期高報酬兩項互為抵換目標的困難抉擇。 如何用一套較為實務上可行的方法,為新制下的退休基金擬定一套合乎其投資目標的長期策略性資產配置,是本研究所關心的課題。本文採用的方法是以多元蒙地卡羅模擬法(Monte Carlo Simulation),依據實際的資本市場假設來模擬整個投資組合期望報酬率的機率分配,並根據結果分析各種配置的優劣、提供決策者做參考。 本研究建議新制下退休基金的理想資產配置區間為:美國股票30%~40%、國際股票20%~30%、固定收益證券20%~30%、不動產5%~15%、以及私募股權0%~10%。其中,由於退休基金在成立前期的流動性需求較低,可以配置較高的比重於股票和不動產;後期則為了定期支付退休金、可以提高固定收益證券的比重。然而,本研究發現:『提高固定收益證券比重所帶來的短期穩定之加分、將不如其所犧牲的長期高報酬之減分』,因此不建議退休基金的管理人太早提高固定收益證券的投資比重。 此外,透過情境分析與敏感性分析,本研究認為長期而言,不動產是最為穩定、且又能同時達成長期高報酬目標的最佳投資標的。至於在戰略性配置上,如果基金管理者預期未來市場可能會出現長期動盪,則應該降低私募股權的比重。

工作餘命的變遷──兼論教育擴張與退休制度的效應 / The Transformation of Working Life- Concurrently Discussing the Effect of Educational Expansion and Retirement System

張巧旻, Chang, Chiao Min Unknown Date (has links)
工作在現代社會中為個人生活不可或缺的一部分,也因此,參與勞動市場是大多數人所共有的經驗,但勞動參與的行為在今日卻顯得益加複雜。一方面,各種社會因素的交互作用,影響人們的勞動參與行為,一個人可能經歷多次的「進入」與「退出」勞動市場,在「勞動力」與「非勞動力」之間轉移;另一方面,臺灣在歷經數十年來快速且劇烈的社會變遷後,不同出生世代的人們,也都各自擁有相異的勞動參與經驗,而終其一生投入勞動市場的歲月,可能也會呈現相當不同的樣貌。其中,勞動者的勞動參與歷程,深受教育制度與退休制度之影響,因此當我們在檢視臺灣歷年來勞動者的勞動參與歷程變遷時,也必須了解教育制度與退休制度是如何影響其中的改變。 本研究企圖以鉅視模擬(macrosimulation)之途徑,在生命表方法的基礎上建立「工作生命表」(working life table),並以此探究臺灣歷年來工作餘命的變遷。工作生命表在方法論上係屬「多重遞增遞減生命表」(multiple increment-decrement life table),除了死亡的情形,所有成員皆可以在不同狀態間自由進出而改變其身份。在多重遞增遞減生命表中,由於事件轉移率的數據獲得不易,因此以古典之Sullivan盛行率法最廣泛被使用;但由於盛行率法所建構之生命表,可能不足以呈現現實中複雜且變化劇烈的勞動參與歷程實際樣貌,故本研究將使用1979年到2009年之人力資源調查資料,嘗試以間接估計事件轉移率之方法,以瞭解三十年間臺灣在勞動參與歷程的動態變遷過程,期望能找出在既有資料的限制之下,最能夠確實反應勞動者實際勞動參與歷程之變化情形的一套方式。最終,透過工作生命表的建立,並加入教育擴張與退休制度的效應分析,期能對歷年臺灣勞動者工作餘命的變遷,有更深入的了解。

保險「飽」了沒?商業年金保險在我國老年經濟安全體系中可扮演的角色與功能 / The Function and Commercial Pension Insurance and the Elderly Economic Security System in Taiwan

鄭為謙, Cheng, Wei Chien Unknown Date (has links)
國人人口結構逐漸老齡化、提早退休、平均餘命延後、長壽風險等多重趨勢下,國人愈重視相關金融理財保險概念以及相關退休規劃等。而國內目前主要勞工保險體系則包含勞工保險、勞保退休金制度、國民年金保險等,而本研究主要欲探討商業保險能否補充勞工保險體系可能給付內容不足地方,以強化台灣勞工老年經濟安全。具體之研究目的包括探討現行台灣勞工相關保險與商業年金保險在制度及內容本質有哪些主要的差異性。其次,分析現行台灣勞工保險體制有哪些可能缺漏。最後,探討商業保險業在因應現行台灣勞工保險體制下之未來發展方向及趨勢為何。在研究方法方面,本研究主要擬針對不同資產層級一般大眾進行實地訪談,搭配文獻資料分析法,結論如下: 1、 勞工保險體制未臻完整得加強活絡現行保險運作機制加以解決 2、 現行勞保體制下,商業保險成為重要補充性保險,並隨著收入情形有不同層面之考量 3、 社會保險制度未來可考量依不同收入階層發展相關配套措施 4、 勞退新制修法草案中的勞工自選平台應有相關配套做法 5、 聯合政府、企業、及民間法人力量等共同推動民眾投入退休生活規劃之完整性 / Facing multiple trends of gradually aging population structure, early retirement, the average life delayed, and longevity risk, more people pay attention to the concept of insurance and related financial plan related to retirement planning. There are labor insurance, labor pension, the national pension insurance, as well as national health insurance that provide social protection for occupation injuries/diseases, old age, health care needs, to name a few. But current social protection may be inadequate to guard against all kinds of life risks. Therefore this study is to investigate the general public perception and expectations toward the current social insurance system. The main objectives of the thesis are as follows: 1. What is the difference between domestic labor insurance and commercial insurance? 2. Analyze the deficiencies of the labor insurance, labor pension, national pension insurance. 3. How does the commercial insurance address the deficiencies of the domestic labor insurance system? 4. Explore the future development or the trend of commercial insurance under the current labor insurance system? The study takes in-depth interviews with the general public of different assets levels. Literature reviews are conducted to explore the proper role that the commercial insurance can play and function given the domestic labor insurance system. Conclusions are as follows: 1. The labor insurance system was not complete and needs to further strengthen and activate the current insurance operation mechanism 2. The commercial insurance has become an important supplementary insurance under the current labor system, and its function differs to people with different levels of income. 3. The social insurance could be reconsidered according to different income groups to develop schemes to meet their needs. 4. Labor pension scheme offers voluntary options that need more policy attention and support.. 5. The collaboration of government, business, and foundations to make retirement planning as priority in people’s life.


張乃懿, Chang, Nai Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究中以隨機模擬的方法應用於退休金最佳控制理論中,並將下跌風險(Downside Risks)加入二次最佳化函數中作為最適化準則,再以英國與美加地區不同提撥率模型做為研究對象,觀察不同情境下之結果。Haberman(1994)首先提出以最適化方法應用於固定給付制退休金基金上,並具體建立二次最適化準則,以提撥與資產的變異作為控制因子。Chang(2003)以下跌風險的觀念,指出退休金基金經營時管理人常較注意提撥過多與資產不足風險,若經營時考慮下跌風險,則會產生與原來考量不同之結果。本文以Chang(2003)之研究為基礎,將其建議之最佳化函數做為考量下跌風險之依據,並提出改良英國與美加地區之提撥率模型,採模擬的方式進行最佳化,探討其對不同提撥率模型之影響。研究結果發現若以隨機模擬作為最佳控制方法,在不同人口假設及精算模型下,會產生相同之結果,且發現下跌風險對於不同提撥率模型有不同之影響,其中建議的英式模型有效降低風險,而美式提撥率模型對於提撥率比例與資產負債比例在最佳化下有較理想之結果。最重要的,退休金基金管理人可利用隨機模擬的方式進行最佳化控制,以提供決策之參考依據。


周正山 Unknown Date (has links)
本文乃企圖建立一種具有層次性的觀察方法,來瞭解公務人員老年經濟安全保障制度的歷史源由與價值。先由宏觀面著手,對西方老年經濟安全保障制度的之歷史源流及其基本理念解釋理論進行文獻探討;再將討論範圍限縮於世界銀行對於當今世界各國年金制度所提出問題與建議的理想模型;最後再將研究聚焦於我國公務人員老年經濟安全保障制度的歷史沿革、制度內涵、遭遇困境與改革策略的價值取捨,並經由對制度情境的模擬,將現制的問題與對備選方案的疑慮具體呈現出來。 在公務人員老年經濟安全保障制度財務制度分類當中,最為關鍵者即為給付類型之分類。在確定給付制下,公務人員與政府共同負擔財源責任,但財務風險全由政府承擔,其基本價值為對公務人員的承諾,其施行原則乃建立在政府之公共政策目的(包括人事與社會);至於在確定提撥制下,提撥財源之責任可能由公務人員個人或可與政府共同負擔,但財務風險則全由公務人員個人承擔,是以,其基本價值在於財務資源的運作效率,其運作原則即建立在市場經濟原則上。 我國公務人員退休制度及公保制度所面臨的問題,就是在給付確定的情形下,現行公務人員退撫基金與公保提撥費率的精算假設獲利率分別為10%及6%,就目前之經濟情勢而言,應為高估,相對地,現行費率則為低估。為探求現行公務人員老年經濟安全保障制度對於公務人員之權利義務關係與保障程度之實況,爰採用情境模擬法,模擬其退休經濟保障及提撥累計之間的關係,及其制度安排之特點與正負功能。 由本文之研究結論分析,並參照世界銀行之年金三柱模式,在我國國民年金制度尚未實施之前,公保養老給付則負有給與退休公務人員最基本經濟所需之責任,應定位為第一柱基礎年金,其給付應維持確定給付制,以社會保險方式辦理尚屬適當。至於公務人員退休制度部分,則屬於第二柱職業年金,而應採確定提撥制。 就制度之改革方式,則建議下列兩種不同之改革途徑 一、修正途徑。在維持確定給付制之前題下,採取開源及結流兩方面之手段: (一)在開源方面,應提高基金或準備金投資效率外,並對現行法定提撥費率上限應予修正提高。 (二)在節流方面,則應配合檢討現行退休金給付之適當性,修正退休要件與給與方式,即從其月退休金給付額度標準及其年齡條件兩方面著手。 (三)一次退休金之所得替代率偏低,宜將之適用對象予以限縮,作為針對彈性提前退休人員之退休金給付方式。 (四)至於公保養老給付,則應予年金化,並至少應提供所得替代率10%之養老給付。 二、改制途徑。若將公務人員老年經濟安全保障制度必須改採行確定提撥制,本文仍建議不宜將投資風險全部轉移給公務人員個人承擔,而仍應搭配確定給付制以保障基本之退休生活水準。

以「雇主退休金慷慨度的改變」分析美國退休金計畫制度改變趨勢對於員工退休所得的影響 / Are employers more generous now?: an analysis of pension generosity and employers' characters

楊凌玉, Yang, Ling-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來有很多關於退休金計畫的研究主要在探討從確定給付計畫(defined benefit plan)轉向確定提撥計畫(defined contribution plan)趨勢的影響。而這些早期的研究(Clark and McDermed(1990 and 1993), Gustman and Steinmeier(1992), Ippolito(1985, 1986, 1993, and 1997), and Kruse (1995); Papke(1994, 1996)and Papke, Petersen and Poterba(1996)主要是利用計畫個數的改變或者是計畫參與者人數的增減來作為衡量此一趨勢影響力的指標。然而,這兩項指標從退休收入多寡的觀點來看,卻無法反應此一趨勢對於員工福利的影響程度。Wang andVanDerhei(2000)利用了「雇主退休金成本」的新概念,探討此一趨勢的影響。而本篇論文將要延續Wang and VanDerhei(2000)的研究,藉由衡量雇主慷慨程度的改變,進一步分析此一趨勢對於員工未來退休收入的影響程度。為了檢視雇主退休金慷慨度是否有隨著時間以及環境變化而有所不同,我們利用OLS迴歸模型來分析在兩段期問中(1985年與1996年)雇主退休金慷慨度的變化。結果發現在確定給付計畫及401(k)計畫之下,退休金計畫存在的時間愈長以及工會的支持對於雇主慷慨程度都有正面的影響。在財務變數方面,我們則是發現不論哪一種型態的退休金計畫,稅前收入金額的多寡對於雇主慷慨程度均具有正面的影響。此外,利用Chow Test,我們發現確定給付計畫在1985年和1996年的確具有結構上的改變,進一步分析之後,發現退休金計畫存在時間愈長、工會的支持、金融相關產業、固定資產佔總資產的比例以及稅前收入金額的多寡對於1996年確定給付計畫下之雇主退休金慷凱度的正向影響遠大其對於1985年的確定給付計畫。在員工退休福利上,我們則是發現401(k)計畫的雇主相對提撥率在過去20年有明顯地成長,這意味著401(k)計畫下的員工在過去20年裡的退休福利有明顯的增加。 關鍵字:退休金趨勢、雇主退休金慷慨度、確定給付計畫、確定提撥計畫、401(k)計畫 / Much debate has devoted in recent pension literature to discuss the impacts of current pension trend toward defined contribution(DC) plans, especially the substitution effect between 401(k) and other pension plans. However, the“generosity”of the employer pension plan deserves little attention. This paper analyzes the impacts of the effects of this trend on workers' future retirement income by measuring the changes of employers' pension generosity. We construct a panel data of firms that sponsor at least one pension plan in 1985 and compare the changes of their pension generosity for DB, DC and 401(k) plans between 1985 and 1996. OLS Regression Models are adopted to analyze the generosity of employers' primary plan and supplemental plan and Chow test is conducted to test the structural changes between 1985 and 1996. Our results find that plan age and union status have positive impacts on employers' generosity ofDB and 401(k) plans. For financial variables, pretax income is an important consideration to employers' generosity disregarding the type of plan. In addition, we find that there was a structure change ofDB plans between 1985 and 1996 and that union status,plan age, financial etc. industry, proportion of fixed assets and pretax income have greater positive impacts on employers' generosity ofDB plans in 1996 than in 1985. For employees' retirement income, the matching rates have grown over the last two decades and this stands for that employees covered by 401(k) plans have received better retirement benefit over the last two decades. Key words: Pension trends; Employers' generosity; Defined benefit plan; Defined contribution plan; 401(k) plan

參數模型與取樣差異於退休金財務評價之研究 / Parametric Statistical Model and Selection Bias in Pension Valuation : The Case of Taiwan Public Employees Retirement System

陳宏仁, Chen, Hung-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
確定給付制的退休金計畫,退休金成本提存的適當與否,關係到基金長期的財務健全及未來員工權益的保障,而我國公務人員退撫基金關係到廣大公務人員的權益,也影響到政府的財政支出,所以對公務人員退撫基金更有精算的必要,以確保提撥率之適當而不至於對政府財政增加額外負擔。 本論文從人口面的角度出發,以我國公務人員退休撫卹基金為實證分析之研究對象,探討人口面的假設對於公務人員退撫基金提撥率,未來各項給付支出的影響,包括從經驗資料中取樣,探討大小不同的樣本建立之服職表,於計算提撥率的差異,並利用混成模型建立新進成員假設,以開放團體模擬基金成員結構,在某些固定假設之下,模擬未來五十年的基金資產與現金流量情況。 根據本研究結果指出,利用不同取樣所建構的服職表,計算出之提撥率差異甚大,顯示小型的退休金計畫並不適宜以自身的經驗資料作為精算評價的基礎。另外,以常態分佈的混成模型建立公務人員新進假設,在人數設限成員群體的假設下作開放團體模擬的結果,顯示公務人員年齡結構在未來有逐漸老化的趨勢,在本文所採的假設下,基金資產將先增後減而於民國121年破產。在現行的公務人員退休撫卹制度下,要避免基金破產之情況發生,唯有提高提撥率、提高基金資產報酬率、或壓低薪資成長率。 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 第二節 研究範圍與限制 第三節 研究架構與內容 第二章 退休金精算考慮之因素 第一節 退休基金精算系統的概念及文獻回顧 第二節 精算假設 第三節 精算成本法 第三章 基金成員結構分析的理論基礎 第一節 服職表的編製 壹、 模型建立 貳、 修勻方法 參、 程式演算過程 第二節 混成參數模型的建構 第三節 基金成員新進參數模型的建立 第四節 基金成員新進、脫退隨機過程 第四章 公務人員退撫基金精算模擬 第一節 公務人員退撫基金給付規定 第二節 公務人員退撫基金精算評價系統簡介 第三節 公務人員退撫基金精算評價之實證 壹、 取樣差異對於提撥率的影響 貳、 開放團體模擬基金成員結構和財務預估 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 第二節 對後續研究的建議 附錄A:估計粗脫率之程式 附錄B:修勻程式(Whittaker法) 附錄C:估計常態混成模型參數之程式 附錄D:公務人員新進成員年齡、職等分佈模擬之程式 附錄E-1:服職表1 附錄E-2:服職表2 附錄E-3:服職表3 附錄E-4:服職表4 附錄E-5:服職表5 附錄E-6:服職表6 附錄E-7:服職表7 / The adequacy of the plan contribution for a defined benefit pension scheme is directly related to its financial soundness and the plan member’s benefits. Due to uncertainty of the plan’s turnover, the service table plays an important role in actuarial valuation and cash flow projection. In this study, Taiwan public employees retirement system is studied to monitor the solvency issue due to bias in selecting the service tables. Tai-PERS is designed to provide retirement and ancillary benefits to 271,215 government employees. Its financial soundness is especially vital to the government annual balance. The plan contribution and projected cash flows of Tai-PERS are investigated using various sampling results. The distribution of the new entrants is assumed to follow the mixture model to describe the recruiting results. Then dynamic simulations under the open group assumption are performed to predict the future fund assets and cash flows. The results show significant differences in employing various service tables. Hence selecting proper demographic assumptions is particular important in pension valuation. Under our approach, the workforce of Tai-PERS is aging given the current plan population. Based on the given scenario, the projected plan assets increase and then decrease to be insolvent in 2032. Some interesting results are also discussed.

勞退新制下企業年金保險法制之研究---兼論美國ERISA制度 / A Study of Annuity Insurance Scheme under Taiwan Labor Pension Act---with Special Reference to ERISA

高安淇 Unknown Date (has links)
本文係在我國勞退新制改以個人帳戶制及年金保險制中併行下,針對其中年金保險制度之爭議、規範缺失做一整理研究,並參酌美國ERISA對於企業退休計畫之相關法制提出相關建議。 自立法機關確定勞退新制將揚棄過去確定給付制之設計,改以確定提撥制作為企業退休制度之主軸起,勞動法學者即針對確定提撥制對勞工之保障不足,新舊制轉換等爭議提出諸多質疑與討論,但對於其中年金保險制之規劃多僅止於條列介紹而未多加著墨。本研究以敘述性、回顧性之方式將我國與美國之退休金制度作歸納探討,針對目前年金保險制中較有疑義之部分,以比較法之方式進一步檢討,最後提出若干建議。 本研究共分為四個部分,第一部份為我國勞工退休制度之變革。針對我國由確定給付制發展為確定提撥制之風險轉換作一分析,次介紹新制之規範內容。第二部分以美國ERISA法案為中心,對美國企業退休計畫之發展及基本實質規範進一步整理探討,以為後續我國年金保險規範分析之參考。第三部份探討我國企業年金保險之法制爭議,以現行之勞工退休金條例年金保險實施辦法及企業年金保險保單示範條款為基礎,剖析其與保險法及相關子法間之互動。並針對其中有關最低保證收益、非退休給付及退休金運用管理人之忠誠義務等議題,參酌美國之規定進行深入探討。第四部份為結論及相關立法建議。 / This thesis analyzes and examines various issues regarding the anuuity insurance scheme under the modified Taiwan Labor Pension Act (hereinafter the “Act”), which together with the individual account scheme forms the keynote of the retirement scheme under the Act. Moreover, this thesis also provides several suggestions on the Act and relevant regulations with special reference to the Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. Beginning with the announcement that the prevailing defined benefit retirement program previously in effect under the Act would be discarded and replaced by a new retirement program adopting the spirit of the defined contribution program, scholars specializing in labor law ceaselessly questioned and discussed the inherent deficiency of the proposed defined contribution program as well as various issues regarding transitional measures. Most articles pertaining to the newly presented annuity insurance scheme, however, merely introduced its operation mechanism and provided little commentary. This thesis descriptively and retrospectively studies the pension system of Taiwan and the United States and reviews the discrepancy and other issues in a comparative way. Finally, this thesis will provide several suggestions for relevant issues. This thesis is organized into four parts. First is the reformation of the labor retirement scheme in Taiwan. This section begins with a risk analysis between a defined benefit and defined contribution program and further elaborates on the related content of the Act. The second part introduces the development of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) in the U.S. and discusses the fundamental regulations of the plan. The third portion of this thesis probes into the legal issues arising from the current annuity insurance scheme, mainly the Enforcement Rules of the Annuity Insurance Scheme under the Labor Pension Act and the Example of the Annuity Insurance Clauses, both being promulgated by the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan, and how those regulations coordinate with the Insurance Law and its ancillary regulations. Issues arising from guaranteed minimum returns, non-retirement benefits and fiduciary duty were analyzed through comparative research with special reference to the similar provisions under ERISA. The final portion of this thesis contains concluding statements on the above analyses and offers several suggestions with respect to the current regulations of the annuity insurance scheme.

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